IRC log for #devuan on 20201205

00:00.48flrn_fsmithred: it seems to be lightdm, as returning to 1.26.0-4 fixes the issue.
00:01.15fsmithredlightdm in your configuration. Not in mine.
00:01.21fsmithredxfce here
00:11.12*** join/#devuan menace__ (~deknos@unaffiliated/menace)
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01:21.30*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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08:27.58*** join/#devuan GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
08:53.12*** join/#devuan user___ (
08:53.55user___I've upgraded firefox these days using the beowulf apt upgrade mechanism. What should I see in firefox: Help: About: for version?
08:54.13user___I see 78.5.0esr
08:55.04user___The actual problem I see is, on startup ff connects to 10 (!) servers and does something with them. Most of them are google related. I do not have a google registered account or sync or anything like that.
08:55.22user___What are these things? How does one turn them off? They also seem to delay startup significantly.
08:56.19user___ looks like this
08:56.53user___what are these things? search engine updates? I have that off, auto search engine updates. Extension updates is unlikely, I do not have that many extensions.
08:57.13user___Do you also see such unexplained activity on browser startup on devuan?
08:57.55xrogaan78 is the current ESR
08:58.15user___aptitude etc say I have 78.5.0esr-1~deb10u1
08:58.48user___so do you also see such activity on startup?
08:59.20xrogaanit's WAD
09:00.41xrogaanDNS, update local database for the integrated blockers, other stuff related to mozilla
09:03.29user___The integrated blockers are all off, adblock extension updates it's db from elsewhere.
09:03.42user___Note that a lot of the ip's in the list are Google's.
09:04.09user___I'll set another default search engine and try a restart of the browser. See if then it also visits the mothership.
09:04.24user___How much funding does firefox get from Google, again?...
09:05.08xrogaanwell, this isn't mozilla's support channel.
09:05.31xrogaanYou might want to get into contact with mozilla people if you have concerns.
09:05.45user___no, but it is devuan's, whose purported firefox-from-debian package should be "cleaned" - at least I was told so by others here.
09:06.21xrogaanDevuan's mission is to provide a systemd free alternative to debian, nothing more.
09:06.35clortwell put
09:07.01user___After changing default search engine and restart I get the same thing, lots of googleplex addresses.
09:07.56user___In what respect, exactly, does the debian .deb suplied firefox-esr differ from the upstream installer? On devuan specifically, or in general on debian.
09:09.00user___about:config google brings up oodles of stuff
09:16.16user___Later I'll start ff with network completely down and see how it goes
09:17.24clortthere are issues with firefox configuration and privacy.
09:17.40clortsome users prefer Pale Moon browser, or Brave user___
09:18.05user___they are not issues, they are elephants. I could almost understand it calling home to . 7 out of 10 ip's are google's.
09:18.38xrogaandebian disable some stuff
09:18.46user___I mean, wtf, let's use Chrome instead, it may have *fewer*
09:18.55xrogaancheck /etc/firefox-esr/firefox-esr.js
09:19.03user___xrogaan: no hint of that in the README supplied with the .deb ff
09:19.15clortif you oh thanks xrogaan
09:19.40*** join/#devuan hooway (~quassel@
09:19.48xrogaannothing much really
09:20.24clortyes.  i'd like to prevent browser js reporting my screen resolution and bit depth to the remote site
09:20.31clorthaven't found where to patch that out yet
09:21.01*** join/#devuan landley (
09:21.14clortrunning in a uniquely sized xephyr x session will give me a unique screensize and ID due to this design flaw
09:23.35*** join/#devuan landley_ (
09:30.24user___Thanks. I don't see anything special related to my problem.
09:31.25clorti'll try to confirm this user___
09:31.29user___Another: on xfce wm ff has the wrong ideas about screen size, off by 70-80%. Is this a known problem? The symptom is, at 0 zoom level (1:1) which is default, pages do not render entirely in the browser window, edges are clipped. Zoom 0.8 or so fixes the size.
09:31.43user___I assume xfce reports the wrong dpi to the ff. Has anyone seen this?
09:31.45clortwhat's a good way to check what servers firefox is connecting to
09:31.57user___netstat -tuan
09:32.27clortcan i limit it to the firefox process
09:32.50user___not easily.
09:33.07user___there's also fuser and lsof but it gets more complex.
09:33.27clortoh, this works
09:33.41user___ok, good for you
09:33.43clortand -c for continuous
09:33.45user___note that misses DNS
09:35.48*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
09:36.37xrogaanlsof -p $(pgrep firefox) | grep IPv (or something)
09:37.20clorti can confirm, on start without loading anything, firefox opens connections to and other google servers
09:37.37xrogaanyeah, geoip is a google service
09:38.20clortit also conacts amazon without me opening a page
09:39.48xrogaannevermind my lsof, it's bogus
09:39.52clorthow can i prevent this
09:42.37*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
09:42.45xrogaanyou can't
09:47.09clortpale moon doesn't do these shenanigans
09:47.44xrogaan`lsof -p $(pgrep -d, -f firefox-esr) | grep IPv` list all active connections
09:47.48xrogaanor should
09:48.44clortnice copied to notes
09:50.13xrogaanI'd recommend reading the manpage
09:50.15clortok after a minute or two idle, palemoon started opening connections
09:50.49clorti've read the lsof manpage
09:50.55clorti don't remember it
09:51.10clortsome of us don't have good memory
09:52.36clortif i could remember what i read, I would be a completely different being
09:57.13*** join/#devuan rsx (
10:11.14*** join/#devuan user___ (
10:12.04user___Just for laughs, installed vivaldi .deb from - after disabling all google related things in menus, still connects to google (one thread) and opens 2 pcs mDNS udp server sockets on the machine it is run on.
10:12.47user___Oh and they are open on the multicast ip range not on the normal ip
10:12.55user___224.0.0.251 etc
10:14.29user___So at least one can try to firewall it out.
10:24.54*** join/#devuan clort (clort@gateway/shell/ircnow/x-iyazisspqoayoqse)
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10:43.56xrogaanif you block ipv4 for chromium, it'll fail to load regular websites but still connects to google through ipv6 (if available)
10:44.26user___I wonder how much effort it takes to make ff tor trained.
10:44.54user___Probably a lot. And every time there's a new release out there'll be a busy period neutering it for tor compliance.
10:45.08user___I do not normally use tor but I am interested in the technical aspects.
10:46.08user___Sort of punny that one needs a properly set up openwrt box as firewall in front of any "secure" modern browser. Just saying.
10:53.04*** join/#devuan qaluH (
10:55.27onefangIs that a support meow, or an off topic meow?  B-)
10:56.30user___a meow is a polite roar
11:27.49*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
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14:28.31user___Is there an android emulator able to run APKs somewhere in beowulf?
14:29.14clortthere's anbox
14:29.26*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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14:38.18user___anbox requires kvm right?
14:39.03clorti don't know it
14:40.47*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
14:46.13user___it's not so simple, requires a lot of post install work -- but eventually it should work.
14:49.03clortthanks for the link
14:50.24clortif you have some non-malware apk to test with, maybe one that even does something useful, let us know how it goes user___
14:51.22user___I won't spend time on it now, this system has no room for that. Old machine. Some day.
15:02.14*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
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16:05.54user___Vivaldi's Chrome plays nice with a lot of web assembler I just tried out online vs firefox which sometimes displays a jumbled screen. Since Vivaldi is not open source, I assume there is no hope for it to be spliced into a debian package stream, right? I mean, they provide a .deb, which I installed, but it's not "reachable" with the usual package managers?
16:09.55*** join/#devuan RedAcor (~RedAcor@gateway/tor-sasl/redacor)
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18:19.44user___ubuntu 20 would be compatible with what debian version? Don't know where to look
18:20.51enycuser___: ubuntu 20.04 LTS is newer than debian buster 10 / Devuan Beowulf
18:21.14enycuser___: ubuntu 20.10 is newer again but not lts
18:21.27golinuxIt would be our chimaera.  No there are no isos yet.
18:21.50enycuser___: debian *usually* comes about around half-way between ubuntu-LTS releases, seemingly
18:23.18fsmithredcheck linux and libc6 versions at distowatch
18:24.34enycuser___: also depends what you MEAN by ''compatible''
18:24.52*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
18:28.16user___"will run a random .deb meant for 20.10" - answer is no
18:28.58enycuser___: sometimes a tool "alien" can help
18:29.23systemdleteGenerating grub configuration file ...
18:29.36enycuser___: you can proabbly/often install an ubuntu chroot atop devuan, and not be running systemd init....
18:30.15enycuser___: if you have the deb src package it can be not too troublesome to dpkg-buildpackage the package on debian/devuan
18:30.16systemdlete(I do have lvm2, but there is no "pv1" on my system)
18:30.39systemdletewtf... missed a post here..
18:30.55systemdletethe error is "Generating grub configuration file ...
18:31.28systemdleteoh... it's the leading slash
18:31.41systemdletelet me paste this...
18:35.03systemdleteI AM using lvm, but I don't have any physical volume named "pv1" so I am not sure if this is going to essentially destroy my system upon reboot.  I am concerned because I do use encryption, and I don't know if this might be an issue during boot (it asks for crypt pass phrase)
18:36.23user___enyc: do not have the src. It is a nonfree package from sourceforge. I installed the win64 version under wine on beowulf, runs.
18:36.27*** join/#devuan TheCreeper (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)
18:36.54user___I am wrong, it is GPL2
18:37.25user___note that thing sims various mcu boards and bare mcu's not just pics, the name is a misnomer
18:39.12*** join/#devuan Inepu (~Mithrandi@
18:40.24enycuser___: I can understand developmental software only being tested on latest, or so
19:02.54*** join/#devuan dzhigit (
19:04.34*** join/#devuan Burek (~Burek@unaffiliated/burekzfinezt)
19:04.44dzhigitlibgnome-desktop-3-dev has a dependency on libsystemd-dev instead of libelogind-dev
19:05.32clortanybody feel like making a devuan image for the khadas vim3?  (Aarch64)
19:06.00systemdleteI was able to reboot, but that is a frightening message.
19:06.40*** join/#devuan jotaxpe (jotaxpe@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/jotaxpe)
19:09.07*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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19:38.59user___idly notes firefox when not logged into google provides by default "safe" search results, i.e. you're missing out. Switch to duckduck...
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20:48.14enycOooOooOOoo debian 10.7 released
20:48.20enyc5.9 kernel backported
20:48.32enycsee how this filters into devuan
20:48.50user___expects mayhem and systemd dependent led front panel lights
20:51.51tuxd3venyc, the next LTS is 5.10.x will be out this month
20:54.21enyctuxd3v: hrrm, in kernel-land or debian-land ?
20:54.22tuxd3vI don't know about the next next LTS but maybe the scheme will change
20:54.31enycscheme change? howso?
20:54.47tuxd3vthe linux kernel decided that 5.10.x is the next LTS
20:55.21tuxd3vpeople were thinking that 5.9.x would be the next LTS due to the previous scheme used, but scheme maybe changed..
20:56.13enyctuxd3v: what was the scheme?
20:56.32tuxd3venyc, well I believe Greg Kroah-Hartman what the one who took the decision
20:56.46tuxd3vpreviously you had a LTS at each 5 releases
20:57.07tuxd3vso current LTS is 5.4, next would be 5.9
20:57.18enyctuxd3v: i see
20:57.20tuxd3vbut he decided next will be 5.10
20:57.47*** join/#devuan thomascovenant[m (thomasco1@gateway/shell/
20:57.48enycI recall reading the story about why  2.6.32  became LTS/used in so many distros at once
20:58.02*** join/#devuan cerna (cernamatri@gateway/shell/
20:58.48tuxd3vso maybe the scheme will change to 6 releases between LTS, but I don't know..
20:59.32tuxd3venyc, you it were yet in the time were kernels had a x.y.z versioning :)
21:02.19enyctuxd3v: i started with slackware 7 and k 2.2.13
21:02.56gnarfaceprobably time for someone to make some safety forks
21:03.10gnarfacei recommend backing up some of those older kernels
21:03.31enycgnarface: what do you mean?
21:03.39gnarface*these older kernels (i'm more referring to the recent 4.x and 5.x builds)
21:03.55gnarfaceactually i request that all of you can, do
21:04.02gnarfaceone day i may ask you for that backup
21:04.12gnarfaceget the source too
21:04.57*** join/#devuan LucasRamage[m] (oxr463matr@gateway/shell/
21:04.59gnarfaceenyc: maybe i'm just an old man but i got a cold chill when i heard the first linux releases without linus were coming out
21:05.14*** join/#devuan humpelstilzchen[ (erikmailus@gateway/shell/
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21:07.05golinuxgnarface: Yes, the ship is sinking . . .
21:07.32golinuxtelmich: Nice to have you hanging around here
21:09.18*** join/#devuan aperifons_ (
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21:11.41clortwe could really use a new kernel for jetson nano.  the 4.9.140 still has the horrible dirty buffers problem when doing large block file copies
21:11.59*** join/#devuan aperifons__ (
21:12.16gnarfacethat one you might have to build yourself
21:13.01gnarfaceunless you're gonna donate a jetson nano to the dev team
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21:39.01tuxd3vclort, uboot has support for the motherboard of jetson nano 'p3450-0000_defconfig'
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21:40.34tuxd3v'p3450-0000_defconfig'  is the carrier board for the tetson nano module :)
21:42.12tuxd3vlinux mainline also has a dts file for it :)
21:42.39*** join/#devuan helios21 (
21:43.12tuxd3vI don't know if the Graphics driver comes in a separated package, or if comes embeded inside the l4t nvidia linux..
21:44.08tuxd3vit needs to have a userspace driver too, for sure there should exist, a nvidia installation package for the graphics driver
21:44.32tuxd3verr. tetson -> jetson :D
21:45.01tuxd3vits freezing here, even with active thermal equipment its not soft :)
21:48.46*** join/#devuan gnu_srs1 (
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21:55.59tuxd3vgnarface is right, without a board is very dificult to do things.. if it was very trivial, and we knew 100% of support were already in mainline projects, we could just compile them but there seems to be always gotchas here and there, so we need to test :(
21:57.03XenguyI should unmount a USB drive before I dd an ISO to it, right?
21:57.38XenguyThanks, I must write that down, as for some reason I can never remember
21:59.03tuxd3vthe nice thing of devuan Chanel's is that you find somewhere. sooner or later. someone that knows about something.. :)
22:00.09tuxd3vyou should unmount, because that garanteed that nothing is writing to that partition or disk, or have some locks in some files..
22:00.09Xenguy2 heads are better than 1, I've heard : -)
22:00.17tuxd3vcorrect :)
22:00.43XenguyActually I find that about IRC in general these days...
22:01.25XenguyAt least on the tech IRC channels, everyone seems to have left IRC except the smartest tech folk...
22:01.45enycXenguy: also be very careful with dd =)
22:01.52enycXenguy: can easily overwrite/destroy wrong device!
22:01.52XenguyWhich is great really, it's like the reverse of Usenet's "eternal September"  8 -)
22:02.13tuxd3vIRC is still the best place for support by far
22:02.27enycnot uncommon to see matrix used, bridged to IRC
22:02.27Xenguyenyc: For sure, caution is your friend when messing with partitions, hah
22:02.30tuxd3vsee the advice of enyc above :)
22:03.21XenguyI'm keeping one eye on Matrix
22:03.34XenguyHaven't dipped my toe in yet though
22:04.47enycXenguy: no me neither, have "Signal" working....
22:05.04XenguyThat's a good one too I think
22:05.40enycXenguy: Foss but central directory and USA-ownership, BUT good team and properties *at the moment*
22:06.07enycSeems to be easiest to get others into compared to many
22:06.26XenguyFair point
22:10.49enycbut I too should dip into matrix!
22:16.19golinuxI couldn't figure out matrix.  No surprise there.
22:17.24onefangAlas I can no longer use Signal on the desktop.  With my new desktop and Beowulf install, it wants to relink to the phone, but the phone camera is out of focus so it never sees the QR code.  Wish there was another way to link.  Never got an answer from Signal support.
22:19.15user___how can the phone camera be out of focus all the time. Grab a magnifier of a short sighted person's glasses and hold one lens in front of the phone's camera.
22:20.57onefangDunno, it's been out of focus for a while.  Might be a scratch on the lens or something.  When using camera apps, I see it trying to focus, going into focus, then going out of focus and staying that way.
22:21.50onefangI'm short sighted, I'll try that sometime later.  Though for now, the only important person on SIgnal has been moved to my own XMPP server.
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23:22.50Xenguy.oO(Windows10, your days are numbered, on this laptop, mwuhahaha ...)
23:23.15Xenguysharpens the knife...
23:23.55Xenguy.oO(A glint, a glance of steel...)
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