IRC log for #devuan on 20201128

00:00.28*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
00:56.27*** join/#devuan pixtum (
00:58.15*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
00:58.20pixtumHello, I recently installed devaun using the netinstall version of Beowulf and after the installer finished it didn't enable sudo, I tried running visudo but that didn't seem to work (says it's missing)
01:04.51gnarfacepixtum: it's maybe not in your path by default
01:05.02gnarfacepixtum: dpkg -S visudo
01:05.53gnarfaceyou will need to add users to the sudo group
01:06.34gnarfacepixtum: i think you might have to uncomment the sudoers line in the config too, i forget
01:07.07gnarfacepixtum: note that the default behavior of "su" also no longer inherits root's path so you should use "su -" to get the behavior you expect in that case
01:10.06*** join/#devuan p3tzi (
01:10.50gnarfacepixtum: and root's default path may no longer have /sbin or /usr/sbin in it either, sadly enough
01:12.56gnarfacepixtum: check /etc/login.defs around about line 102 i think?
01:27.42*** join/#devuan n4dir (~n4dir@
01:34.48*** join/#devuan mirda_ (
01:36.18*** join/#devuan petzi (
01:39.30*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
01:57.10systemdleteSo I start with a brand-new VM.  Clear out .mozilla directory.  start firefox.  Configure it to restore previous session.  go to a static page I created.  quit firefox
01:58.06systemdleteopen firefox.  There is just one tab open, to my static page.  tcpdump, meanwhile is yacking away with packets to and from amazon, verizon, akamai, and some others.
01:58.19systemdleteI am going to guess this is normal, but... but...
01:58.51systemdletewhy all of this noise, with only one open tab in firefox on a static page???
01:59.00systemdletewhat am I missing here?
01:59.07gnarfacedisable all those features on the "blank" tab
01:59.18gnarfacethe suggestions, the search box, "Pocket"
01:59.28systemdletebut I don't even have that "blank tab" open!!!
02:00.04systemdleteWhen I say, "a static page", it is the one you get for free when you install lighttpd.
02:00.19*** join/#devuan meandrain (~meandrain@
02:00.27systemdleteI modified it slightly to indicate the local server.  This way, I can be certain it is really my local server web page.
02:01.03systemdleteOK, I'll try getting rid of pocket, but does this mean it is "preloading" all that $#1+ ?
02:01.26systemdlete(so it will be ready to annoy me when I *DO* open a new tab?)
02:02.08gnarfacei can't be sure
02:02.26gnarfacei think also something about the search bar preferences might phone home
02:02.49gnarfaceand maybe a password manager, depending on your settings?
02:02.59systemdleteWhat are "snippets?"  (Updates from mozilla and firefox)
02:03.21gnarfaceupdates that bypass distro package management, i assume
02:03.27systemdleteI'd hope ddg would shut the %*&k up
02:03.34gnarfacethey might also be sneaking in telemetry with those, or accidentally turning it back on
02:03.46systemdleteI'm going to disable pocket AND snippets
02:03.48gnarfacein theory anyway
02:03.53gnarfacei would
02:04.09gnarfacesnippets i thought should have been disabled by default in the repo pacakge
02:04.51gnarfacei would probably set the default home page to about:blank too
02:05.26gnarfacea local static html page should be about the same as long as it doesn't have any remote http calls itself
02:06.23systemdleteWell, that quiets it down a little maybe.  But I still get clownfront traffic
02:06.56systemdlete(I checked.  No js, no xhr calls)
02:07.14gnarfacethere's something else
02:07.16systemdleteok, I'll try your idea (about:blank)
02:07.24gnarfacei'm forgetting something else i think
02:07.58gnarfacedns over https?  is that enabled by default now too?
02:08.34systemdletestill getting aws crap
02:09.07gnarfacedo you have it backing up bookmarks somewhere?
02:09.20systemdletea little birdie is telling me I probably dont' need all that damn traffic on my network.  Esp when I am not asking for it!
02:09.24gnarfaceor fetching them for offline use or something?
02:09.40systemdletethis is a brand new system.  And I had cleared the .mozilla dirctory
02:09.48systemdlete(forgot that one)
02:11.08gnarfacehmm, the cache is connecing to akami?
02:11.19eponywhy is #centos such a fag IRC channel.. I can't stand thoese people
02:13.19systemdleteno, I meant, I forgot to clear the .cache directory when I cleared the .mozilla directory
02:13.30systemdletedid not help though
02:14.23systemdletegnarface:  Any ideas on a browser that doesn't accumulate so much ***** either by the user or by itself?
02:15.13systemdleteI'm thinking that some of that traffic might be preloading for that input predcition thingy (it types for you as you input a site)
02:15.28*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
02:16.33systemdleteso far, I've seen verizon, cloudfront, cloudflare, aws, google, and some others.
02:16.44systemdleteI guess this is "useful" (Is that the correct term?)
02:18.35systemdleteI suppose that's why it's called fireFOX -- it IS quick.
02:19.05systemdletethe problem arises when I'm trying to debug a webserver (or even browser) problem and I have to filter all this other nonsense.
02:24.46*** join/#devuan n4dir (
02:27.31*** join/#devuan floofywolf (
02:31.49*** join/#devuan gnarface (
02:32.48gnarfacesystemdlete: not sure what's hip these days... palemoon?
02:33.57gnarfacesystemdlete: there is speculative link pre-caching, i believe, yes
02:40.16clort#devuan-offtopic pls
02:41.59systemdleteyes.  good idea, clort
03:18.38*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (~Besnik@2a02:587:de13:7a00:f9b3:ff5c:1d7:63db)
03:19.26*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
03:42.30*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
03:56.21*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:658:2900:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
04:27.44*** join/#devuan TheCreeper (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)
04:56.02*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
05:03.21*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:23.55*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:29.38*** join/#devuan jotaxpe (~jotaxpe@
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05:41.44*** join/#devuan jotaxpe (jotaxpe@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/jotaxpe)
05:48.11systemdletegnarface:  I figured out a workaround!  :D
05:48.24systemdlete(or curl)
05:48.47systemdletefor my testing purposes, that is sufficient.  And the browser noise goes away.
05:52.58*** join/#devuan n4dir (
05:54.56*** join/#devuan aperifons (
05:55.08gnarfaceah, well that's better then
06:00.28*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
06:02.33systemdleteso I am still shopping for a video card.  I forgot now which ones would work best with devuan beowulf.
06:02.48systemdlete(sorry, I know there are no ideal answers to this)
06:03.07systemdletedidn't you say the amd based ones might be ok?
06:04.57gnarfacesystemdlete: yes, their street cred is good lately
06:05.17systemdleteso does that mean only recent amd models?
06:05.59gnarfacesystemdlete: nah, the older ones should be pretty good too
06:06.12systemdleteok, I see at least one on newegg
06:06.28gnarfacesystemdlete: their linux support is solid, the older cards just aren't very fast
06:07.00onefangFor Beowulf it might be best to not get recent generations of AMD graphics, though the same likely applies to recent generations of nVidia as well.
06:07.22systemdleteonefang:  Right on!
06:07.34onefangI got an AMD RX 5600 XT, had to hack around a bit to get it to work perfectly with Beowulf.
06:07.37gnarfaceit isn't until you get to the very late radeonsi generations and early amdgpu stuff that the performance starts holding it's own against the equivalent nvidia hardware
06:07.45systemdleteI tend to stay away from recent hardware altogether.  I am still on Athlon and FX series processors here.
06:08.30onefangI recently upgraded to a full bleeding edge AMD system.
06:08.34gnarfacewell even nvidia's 1000 series cards, which they already consider old, are too new to run on the stock beowulf kernel & drivers, but the ones in backports work
06:08.42systemdletebe careful you don't cut yourself!
06:09.10onefanglooks at the healing wounds on my fingers. Um, too late. lol
06:09.17gnarfacesystemdlete: the other one i suggested was matrox if you could find one
06:09.33systemdletethere is one there.  $64 Corn I think?
06:09.39systemdleteor was it korn
06:09.43gnarfacesystemdlete: too much
06:09.59gnarfaceyou want like a matrox g200 for $9
06:10.45gnarfacenot sure about korn or corn
06:11.12gnarfaceoh, never heard of them
06:11.20systemdletecheapest hdmi for radeon is $43
06:13.41gnarfacewill need firmware, will work with the radeon driver
06:14.05gnarfaceaccording to google anyway
06:14.13gnarfacelooks like it should do it
06:14.32gnarfacei'm not sure maybe the radeon firmware is open source now though
06:14.37gnarfaceyou'll have to check though
06:14.45gnarfacethis looks new enough it's probably not
06:14.53gnarfacebut not new enough to use the amdgpu driver, it's still using the radeon driver
06:15.12systemdleteWe're still talking about the Corn?
06:15.17gnarfacethis i think suggests you can get a very stark performance boost by rebuilding the kernel with the radeonsi scheduler btw
06:15.43gnarfacethe only thing is it looks like a budget card with cheap ram and i've never heard of that brand so i can't be sure it's any good
06:15.46systemdletethis is for a test box, but I get your meaning.
06:16.42systemdletegood is the key word here.  Good enough to work is all I need.
06:19.32onefangLook at when the kernel you are using got released, look at the graphics cards supported by that kernel, back up one generation from then.
06:20.51clorti got the ryzen2700u and gpu didn't work at all due to a bad BIOS implementation by Acer
06:24.17systemdleteIt's only $40 with shipping
06:25.58onefang$40 with shipping from Amazon?  That's be a photo of a graphics card in a huge box.
06:26.59systemdletesorry, having difficulty understanding what you are saying.
06:27.23onefangThat in my experience Amazon shipping is sometimes over the top expensive.  lol
06:27.56systemdleteyou know, I am tempted to go back to my plan A:  Order a dvi-hdmi adapter and go back to doing other things that I care about a lot more.
06:28.23onefangSounds much simpler.
06:28.30systemdletevery simple
06:28.45hook54321does anyone know if a machine like this would work well with devuan?
06:29.02systemdleteand there's little that can go wrong.  I have one already.  It would be fine for what I'm doing.
06:29.10hook54321meant to post this, but that one too.
06:29.53systemdlete(Is this off-topic at this point?  i'm really not sure.  Seems like support to me, but others may feel differently.)
06:30.35systemdleteand onefang, I've been shopping on newegg lately because I don't want Jeff to get too much more of our money.  He has enough of it already I think.
06:31.45onefangNewegg is where I bought my bleeding edge AMD parts.
06:31.55onefangNow we are off topic.  lol
06:34.11*** join/#devuan absinthe (~absinthe@unaffiliated/absinthe)
06:35.59systemdleteDone.  Adapter/converter on its way.
06:36.42systemdleteMeanwhile, I am still trying to figure out why my devuan install on my test box somehow rendered the other partitions unbootable.
06:37.20systemdleteI've tried using grub, grubrescuecd, bootrescue, and a few others.  The gpt is still there, but nothing boots as before.
06:37.32systemdleteeven the ascii partition that was on it is kaputt.
06:37.45systemdleteit is only a testbox after all.  I just wonder why this would happen.
06:38.36systemdleteFor me, I can easily afford to torpedo the whole damn disk and repartition it from scratch.  I don't care.  But this is a bit unnerving.  I am thinking of what could happen with the box I use regularly.
06:38.46systemdletewhen I upgrade to beowulf I mean.
06:40.09systemdleteDo we (devuan/debian) have some handy-dandy tool to analyze the entire disk for partitioning, partion boundaries, etc?
06:41.26clortwell hardware compatibility with linux kernel affects devuan, though it's not devuan-specific
06:42.38systemdleteso that video card that rots might have something to do with it?  It seems far-fetched, but at this point, I'd buy into that theory.
06:43.51n4dirfdisk, parted, gparted, probably more
06:44.07systemdleteThe only other thing I can think of... and this is probably just as far-fetched, is that I was playing with kvm VMs (virt-manager) and I am wondering if maybe there is some bug somewhere that might have nicked my gpt somehow.
06:45.06systemdleten4dir, see above.  I've tried them all at this point.  None of them indicate any problem with the partioning, though.  It's just that none of them will boot properly.  The nearest I got was landing in a grub rescue shell or a initramfs env
06:45.18systemdleteI guess I should have mentoned this also.
06:45.39systemdlete: FINGERS!
06:46.25onefangTry booting from an external thingy that has rEFInd on it, that'll scan for EFI bootable things and give you a menu.  Might help figure out what's wrong.
06:46.42systemdletehmm.  Good idea!  thanks
06:52.28*** join/#devuan system32 (~system32@unaffiliated/system16)
06:58.17systemdletewell, that didn't work.  At all.  After selecting the thumb drive at the hardware boot menu, it just hangs in darkness.
06:58.26systemdleteI wonder if the drive...
06:58.55systemdletethat drive is only about a year and a half since I installed it.
07:05.09systemdlete(the thumb drive?  That seems to work ok though)
07:09.51*** join/#devuan system16 (~system32@unaffiliated/system16)
07:11.48onefangMight be a BIOS / EFI issue rather than a GPT issue then.
07:17.31*** join/#devuan system32 (~system32@unaffiliated/system16)
07:29.59*** join/#devuan freemangordon (~ivo@
07:40.05*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
07:44.11*** join/#devuan rsx (
08:03.19*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
08:24.43*** join/#devuan Nili (~ni120878@
08:24.43*** join/#devuan Nili (~ni120878@unaffiliated/nili)
08:54.54systemdletebad archive mirror during install (beowulf x86_64 netinstall)
08:55.04systemdleteyet if I ping, it is fine
08:56.21systemdleteI take that back
08:56.44systemdleteLooks like my local network has sprung a problem.   Funny how it is flakey this way.
08:56.56systemdleteI think it might be the nic in the test box.
09:19.48*** join/#devuan Debluk (
09:52.03*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc12:3300:64d4:daa7:8b14:7753)
10:28.05systemdletedebian/devuan lovers might hate this, idk.   On my testbox, with the video card that doesn't work so hot (blank screens, e.g. and possibly other unstable behavior), the ONLY OS I've been able to boot so far (all my partitions came back?  Even when the devuan installer said it only found 1 OS?) that would boot was not devuan.
10:28.26systemdleteIt was my adelie.  And that's a very old install, btw.  I don't think that is even RC2.
10:29.53systemdleteIt booted right up into sddm.  No hesitation, no flashing, no stuttering, no nothing.  Just some old-fashioned desktop goodness.
10:30.44systemdleteAdelie *is* running with a much newer kernel.  It is 5.4.5 iirc with some backports for 64 bit time (I think).
10:31.23systemdleteSo maybe it has newer video drivers for the nouveau (adelie doesn't support proprietary software as much as possible)
10:32.02systemdletebut that grub business really makes my head spin.  I do not get that at all.
10:33.17systemdleteWhen I tried to boot the justnow-installed beowulf, it started out OK, but when it got to the graphical phase, the screen went dark and that was the last I heard from it.  I even waited a couple of minutes, since maybe it was testing various video modes.
10:33.52systemdletesame for the ascii partition, which has been there forever just about.  I haven't done much with that one for many months now.
10:34.21onefangPart of what I needed to do to get my bleeding edge graphics to work well was to upgrade to the Beowulf backports 5.8.0 kernel.
10:35.23onefangwanders back to the kitchen for more cooking stuff.
10:38.18systemdletereally scratching head very, very hard now...
10:38.35systemdleteSo I boot kernel, passing 3 to it (console mode?) and now...
10:38.47systemdleteNOW, now I get a login prompt in graphical mode.
10:39.24onefanglends your more fingernails for head scratching.
10:39.47systemdletePlease be honest with me:  Am I just having too much fun with my testbox?  Or have I accidentally admitted daemons to my lair?
10:40.09systemdlete(thank you onefang.  It feels good to be "loved" that way...)
10:40.10onefangYou can't have both?
10:41.13systemdleteIs passing "3" the kernel command line at boot not the way to get console?  (I thought it was "1" not "3")
10:43.49systemdleteoh... is that for systemd maybe (I didn't notice that the 1st time I read that link)
10:44.33onefangIf you are talking sysv init run levels, 1 might be correct off the top of my head.
10:44.53fsmithred3 will get you to multi-user console on some distros that are set up for that.
10:45.15fsmithredrefracta is one, sidux was one, I think others might be like that.
10:45.17systemdleteright.  Seems like the old standard has morphed and diverged considerably.
10:45.33fsmithredwhat old standard?
10:45.44systemdleteSo, basically, for us non-systemd folk, 1 single (console) and 3 for graphical
10:45.57fsmithredredhat and suse have 5 as default runlevel.
10:46.11fsmithredin debian, 2-5 are all the same
10:46.21fsmithredand 2 is default
10:46.25onefangThe old "standard" of which sysv init runlevels mean what.  Not sure it ever was standardised outside of actual System-V.
10:46.26fsmithredwell, not anymore...
10:46.31systemdletefsmithred:  I don't remember clearly now.  But it seems like years ago, 1 or S was single user and would get you a console.  5 would get graphical on most systems (Sun or Amdahl)
10:46.52fsmithred1 is single user everywhere, I think
10:46.56systemdleteand for a while, 6 was reboot
10:47.04fsmithredstill is, isn't it?
10:47.09systemdleteexcept in systemd land, apparently
10:47.12systemdlete(see link)
10:47.40fsmithredyeah, not instead of a single digit, you get to type a whole bunch of words
10:47.58systemdletehow convenient.  (not)
10:48.15systemdleteglad I'm in THIS channel
10:48.27onefang"Dear Mr P, please let me reboot."
10:48.42*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:a69c:dc6e:df01:d357)
10:49.19fsmithredthat would be easier to remember
10:49.25systemdletefsmithred, by default, beowulf (without me touching ANYTHING) booted to a blank screen.
10:49.28*** join/#devuan fifihyperbola (
10:49.53fsmithredI don't think that's a new feature, systemdlete
10:50.10fsmithredbeen hearing about that for about as long as I've been using linux
10:50.40systemdleteI don't know.  I've seen it here and there with this or that distro/release, but generally, new installs worked OK for me.
10:50.53fsmithrednew vid card?
10:51.16fsmithredhave fun
10:51.20systemdletenvidia GT710
10:51.30systemdletewhy, is this SuSE?
10:51.48systemdletewhat do you mean?  You can't just walk away!   No, wait!  Come back here!!!!
10:52.08fsmithredueaj. O meeed tp fomosj ,u forst cpi[ pf cpffee
10:52.27systemdleteI hear you.  I know that well.
10:52.48systemdleteOne thing I will not do is stand between a person and their first cup of coffee.
10:52.52systemdleteOr their second.
10:53.22fsmithredhave you tried chimaera/ceres with it yet?
10:56.51systemdleteIn fact, I've never tried those ever
10:57.49systemdleteI tried "1" and I get a maintenance prompt.  "3" got me to the sddm login (once at least).
10:57.50fsmithredit was beowulf that gave you graphical login with 3?
10:58.11systemdleteLet me try that again and see if it is consistent.  Gimme a sec
10:58.15fsmithredthat shouldn't make any difference
11:02.47systemdletethis time, "3" just hangs in darkness.  I don't know, maybe it will come up at some point... some day
11:03.00fsmithredoh, I've seen that
11:03.13fsmithredin beowulf, before we released it
11:03.17systemdleteI mean, like more than a minute
11:03.34systemdletehmmm.  OK, I'll check every few moments or so
11:03.41fsmithredsudo go make a sandwich
11:03.58systemdlete"OK, I will make you a sandwich."
11:04.06onefangI'm cooking a proper meal now, no mere sandwiches.
11:04.44onefangThough it does include some root vegies.  B-)
11:05.18systemdletefsmithred:  The first time, when "3" got me to the gui, I shelled out to tty2 and got a login prompt.  Pretty normal.
11:05.43fsmithreddid you try booting with 'nomodeset'?
11:06.02systemdleteThen I tried to switch back to tty7 and nogo.  Also tried tty1 (though normally it is on tty7, but console x startup can end up in tty1 also)
11:06.22fsmithredthose are all good things to try
11:06.27systemdleteyes.  I've tried that in the past.  It does work, but... uh.  It looks like a Commodore 64.
11:06.43fsmithredlol, wasn't so bad for me.
11:07.07systemdletefsmithred:  :p
11:07.20systemdletehappy you are having better results
11:07.25fsmithredI had an old nvidia card and got black screen without nomodeset. Then I replaced it with a newer nvidia card and got a black screen with nomodeset.
11:07.27*** join/#devuan GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
11:07.28onefangLooking like a Commodore Amiga would be much preferable.
11:08.13fsmithredI use nouveau now. Mostly because it gets refreshed on a warm reboot. The nvidia was holding stuff from the last boot.
11:08.53fsmithredno kidding. Whatever video I watched last would show up on the login screen.
11:08.54systemdletehey, just tried the shelling out trick.  Was able to see all 6 consoles.  But could not switch back to the black screen of tty7
11:09.15fsmithredanything in .xsession-errors?
11:09.26fsmithredor Xorg.O.log?
11:09.33systemdletehaven't tried logging in actually.
11:09.40systemdletejust testing to see if it was alive.
11:09.45fsmithredbtw, I suck at this video troubleshooting
11:09.50systemdleteI'll have to reboot I think.  It is pretty locked up now
11:10.03systemdleteI'd be hacking away the same way
11:10.15fsmithredHere's a refracta iso with bpo kernel if you want to try:
11:10.39systemdlete2020/06/25 -- nothing newer, eh?
11:10.52fsmithredthere's a chimaera iso in the same directory, but no X installed in that one.
11:11.00systemdleteThat might make things a tad easier I suppose.
11:11.21systemdletewell, I can always add x later can't I?
11:11.38systemdleteOK, I'll try that.
11:11.52systemdletesee ya in a day or two...
11:12.11fsmithredyou going away?
11:12.20systemdleteif I install it, yes.
11:12.21fsmithredno travel is allowed!!!
11:12.37fsmithredjust put it on a usb stick and boot it
11:12.44systemdleteIt takes me forever to install these.  That's because I ponder over every last step in expert mode.
11:12.53systemdleteI thought you mean install
11:13.07fsmithredwhy install if you don't know if it works?
11:13.09systemdleteYou just want to see if the graphics card works with it.
11:13.27systemdleteBecause it's 3am here and I've been up since about 7am yesterday
11:14.11fsmithredI don't want to see anything.
11:14.43fsmithredoh wait, the chimaera iso does have X. Just no login manager.
11:15.15fsmithredand 5.9 kernel
11:15.36systemdleteI'll try that in the... well, whenever I get up, OK?  Then I'll report back what I found out.
11:15.51systemdleteI think I'm too tired to drive now.
11:15.51fsmithredsure. Have a good sleep.
11:15.57systemdletethanks for all you help.
11:33.50*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
11:49.30*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
12:01.01kreyrenWhat was the way to make audio jack working on devuan? x.x
12:01.20kreyrenhas new install
12:20.06IanJkreyren: are you trying to get sound working?
12:20.15kreyrenIanJ, yes >.>
12:20.35kreyreni got it to work like 5 days ago here installing some package and running `something init` O.o
12:20.41kreyrenbut i don't have log >.>
12:21.14IanJlet me see what I have installed
12:21.19kreyrenoke o.o
12:21.26kreyrenthanku ^-^
12:21.43IanJyou probably want pulseaudio
12:21.50kreyrenis trying to fix this for hour and half and is depressed over his failure to do that
12:21.53kreyrenIanJ, ideally yes
12:22.06IanJso apt-get install pulseaudio
12:22.20kreyrenalready installed
12:23.00IanJI also have alsa-utils and alsa-tools installed
12:23.22IanJah, there was one thing I forgot
12:23.27kreyrenalsa-utils already installed, alsa-tools installing now
12:24.43IanJIn my user directory I put pulseaudio --start in ~/.xsessionrc
12:24.58IanJOtherwise the pulseaudio sound deamon isn't started it seems.
12:25.07IanJnot sure if that's the correct fix, but that was my fix.
12:25.20kreyrenpulseaudio daemon running already
12:26.07IanJOk, well you installed some other stuff now, so I would either reboot or restart it.
12:26.37IanJI had something funky going on where pulseaudio was running but I had no sound and pavaumixer couldn't see my soundcard.
12:26.48IanJbut after I restarted the daemon it could.
12:26.54IanJand now everything is working ok.
12:28.30IanJTry running pavucontrol and adjusting the sound settings, check your card is listed and selected.
12:28.36IanJsometimes they are muted.
12:31.19kreyrenI think i found the issue i am running it in qubesOS and the sound driver is not relayed correctly and that it needs `alsactl init` to work O.o So i will resolve that part with them
12:31.27kreyrenthanks IanJ ^-^
12:32.23IanJNo problem
12:32.58IanJI recently installed devuan and had an issue getting the sound working too.
12:33.55kreyrenfsmithred, eh?
12:34.00fsmithredand /etc/pulse/somenthing...
12:34.12fsmithredpavucontrol installed?
12:34.20kreyrenfsmithred, yes pavucontrol is installed
12:34.33kreyrenthe userland seems configured, but i am not getting the driver in /dev/../cards x.x
12:34.39fsmithredand you did the edit for autospawn?
12:35.04kreyrenno i am deploying pulseaudio through xinitrc using `pulseaudio -D` O.o
12:35.36fsmithredI think last time I told you 'aplay -l'
12:35.42fsmithredand you figured out something from that
12:35.59kreyrenuser@personal:~$ aplay -l
12:35.59kreyrenaplay: device_list:274: no soundcards found..
12:36.06kreyrenchecking qubesOS docs atm x.x
12:36.46IanJfsmithred: why on a non systemd system does it have a file with that default telling you to comment out for a non systemd system?
12:37.03kreyrenthinks to found the issue, has to take devuan qube down
12:37.23fsmithredbecause debian favors systemd and we don't fork pulseaudio to change one line.
12:38.01IanJis that documented anywhere?
12:38.06IanJIt caught me out :/
12:38.12fsmithredin the release notes
12:38.21fsmithredit catches just about everyone
12:38.25IanJYeah :(
12:38.36fsmithredin the desktop-live, it's already done
12:38.56IanJI worked around it by adding a line to my .xsessionrc, I didn't know what the propper fix was.
12:39.14fsmithredproper fix is in the comments in that file
12:39.30IanJYep, I didn't know it existed as I didn't read the release notes :)
12:40.03fsmithredmaybe the release notes could be the desktop background image
12:40.16onefanggolinux would scream.
12:40.28fsmithredwe'll let her color it
12:40.40onefangPhew, crisis averted.
12:42.13IanJfsmithred: desktop background wouldn't have helped me, I still have no desktop background as I didn't install a desktop. Just i3wm.
12:42.30buZzxsetroot -solid black
12:42.35buZzthats my background usually ;)
12:42.51IanJheh, Yeah that's how mine is right now :)
12:43.15*** join/#devuan n4dir (
12:43.50onefangfeh --bg-scale '/etc/xdg/openbox/PureBlack.png'
12:44.19onefangThen I run a custom almost full screen conky on top of that.
12:45.24buZzi have the vague idea that not drawing a image as wallpaper saves a tiny bit of cpu and ram
12:46.00IanJI'm sure you're right buZz.
12:46.20onefangI just built a Threadripper 64 core with 256 GB RAM desktop.  Don't think I'll notice the load.
12:46.42IanJI have a far more modest system :)
12:47.19IanJAs a secondary benefit I bet it keeps you warm :)
12:47.20onefangPlus, I didn't know about xsetroot -solid.  Now I do.
12:47.37buZz\o welcome
12:47.57onefangIn a heatwave right now, ask again about keeping warm in six months time.
12:48.11IanJhaha, it's bloody freezing here.
12:48.42buZz3C outside iirc
12:48.51buZzoh 4.5
12:56.25*** join/#devuan KREYREEN (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
12:57.21KREYREENfsmithred, do you remember what command did you recommend me to use that initialized the alsa btw? i remember `somethingctrl init`? alsactl init?
12:58.04fsmithredalsactl init
12:58.19KREYREENthanks ^-^
13:00.54*** join/#devuan Dantalion (
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14:30.57unixbsdon mirro fra10 de leaseweb, can you add "stable" oldstable and sidß
14:32.15unixbsdcan you use img.gz and remove all those .xz? this is pointless and senseless to use xz. it brings nothing i.e. <5%.
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15:12.43*** join/#devuan Psykukumber (~Psykukumb@
15:15.29PsykukumberHi, everyone, recently installed dev1 on my netbook and can't figure out why xfce4-power-manager not working. It's just not going to suspend after lid is closed
15:17.20*** join/#devuan TheCreeper (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)
15:17.39unixbsdyou may first test with dmesg/proc is the lid is seen, to be closed
15:17.58unixbsdfind /proc -iname  "*batter*" will show where the infos are located about bat.
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15:21.34unixbsdfind /sys/devices -iname  "*capacity*" will show where the infos are located about bat.
15:23.38*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
15:24.15Psykukumberhere's what i got
15:24.17Psykukumbersudo find /sys/devices -iname "*capacity*"
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15:43.02Psykukumberwell, i tried acpi_listen and it looks like that events logged correctly
15:44.30Atari-FroschIs jitsi-meet planned as devuan packet? When installed from the official source it comes only with systemd start scripts :-( (or did I miss something?)
15:45.09Atari-FroschI mean the server, of course.
15:47.03*** join/#devuan Inepu (
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17:01.06bruHello. I just looked on the Devuan package list of testing, and it's very well updated with Debian testing's one. How does it work, actually? Are the packages automated so it receives the latest update from Debian repos? (Whatever the answer this, congrats on having such a good package mainteinance from everyone who contributes)
17:03.19*** join/#devuan lfloofywof (
17:09.21fsmithredbru, the magic is in amprolla. We host the forked packages and amprolla merges the debian repos, filters out the banned packages, and makes it look like we host all of debian packages.
17:10.58fsmithredwe match codename in devuan to codename in debian. Using 'testing' and 'stable' and 'unstable' will be out of sync when the next debian goes stable. We're always behind them on releases.
17:12.50*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc12:3300:64d4:daa7:8b14:7753)
17:13.57onefangAnd the package mirrors either server forked Devuan packages directly, or redirect to Debian package mirrors for the unforked packages.  Amprolla creates the apt metadata so all of this happens transparently.
17:17.46bruAmazing! I just looked a bit on Amprolla, and found the Devuan talk about it last year, gonna watch it so I learn more about it!
17:18.54*** join/#devuan Digitteknohippie (~user@fsf/member/digit)
17:19.52brocashelmyeah, indeed amprolla. it's why the devs recommend not mixing repos so that package dependencies aren't fudged. as long as you only get your packages from, the chances of something going wrong are almost nonexistent
17:21.27*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
17:26.11golinuxAtari-Frosch: Don't understand your question about Devuan jitsi
17:27.52Atari-Froschgolinux: Jitsi-Meet is not available in Devuan – or did I miss something?
17:28.18golinuxIf jitsi is in Debian we would provide it in the repos.
17:28.38golinuxIt is third party app
17:28.56Atari-FroschYes, but it comes with systemd start scripts only.
17:29.09golinuxSo afaik we will not be providing it
17:29.46golinuxWe do have an instance running on Devuan infra so it is possible
17:31.38Atari-FroschToday I tried the fourth time or so, and always got stuck at some point. Today I even couldn't get the start page.
17:33.37Atari-FroschWell … fortunately it is only for me, not really important ;-)
17:33.40golinuxTried what?  To install it? or use it as a guest?
17:33.46Atari-FroschTo install it.
17:47.03*** join/#devuan KREYREEN (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
17:50.54golinuxGuess you'll need to find a way to remove that dependency then.
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17:57.25systemdletefsmithred:  I booted your experimental ISO image from a thumb drive.  I can get consoles and even switch between what should by tty7 and back to the consoles (which I could not do with the standard issue beowulf).  But I cannot get graphics when (I think) I am in tty7
17:58.11fsmithredshould bring up openbox
17:58.13systemdleteoh, so it doesn't start X on its own, ok
17:58.21fsmithreduh, live should
17:58.25fsmithredwhich iso?
17:59.05systemdleteooh, ooh, ooh
17:59.09systemdletethat works!  :D
17:59.31systemdleteit's that ISO from I think june
17:59.58fsmithredoh, ok
18:00.04fsmithredthat's beowulf with backports kernel
18:00.42fsmithredI think bpo is on 5.8 or 5.9 now
18:00.58onefang5.8, the one I said before.
18:01.04systemdletewould those be better?  any drawbacks?
18:01.18fsmithredyou could install from that iso with refractainstaller
18:01.29systemdleteYes, I could...
18:01.46fsmithredor use it to debootstrap an install to get the right kernel
18:01.52systemdleteBut I am also thinking in terms of upgrading my main desktop that I use everyday
18:02.11fsmithredascii to beowulf?
18:02.27systemdleteI mean, a fresh install of beowulf though
18:02.31onefangOh, 5.9 is available recently, I haven't updated to it yet.
18:02.33fsmithredsee the upgrade guides at
18:02.35systemdletenot an upgrade per se
18:03.12systemdleteyeah, fsmithred, I like to keep my existing installs around for a while until I am certain that the new install is stable enough etc etc
18:03.19systemdletefallback, just in case
18:03.38systemdleteI got bitten a few times with, I think, either CentOS or SuSE, idr now
18:03.38fsmithredI usually do that, too
18:03.40onefang5.8.10-1~bpo10+1 is what I got now from beowulf packports, 5.9.6-1~bpo10+1 is now available.
18:04.23onefangEr *backports*
18:04.53systemdleteMy DVI-HDMI adapter should be here in a couple weeks.  I also ordered a new HDMI card.  (early xmas for systemdlete!)
18:05.18systemdleteSo, at that point, I'll have lots of options.
18:05.40systemdleteSomething ought to work with my desktop!
18:05.46systemdletesome combo
18:07.37systemdletefsmithred:  I don't have any qualms about running your refracta spin on my hardware.  I am already using several StarLinux VMs.  (Star seems to be a different installer; the rest is just beowulf)
18:08.20fsmithredStar and Crows and Gnuinos all use debian-installer (devuan-installer)
18:08.29fsmithredsame as the installer isos
18:08.32systemdleteMy concern is only that if I am using a more recent (backports) kernel, and I have a problem with my hardware (or some other unrelated issue), what kind of support I would get.
18:08.44systemdlete(yeah, I am figuring that out!)
18:08.50fsmithredkernels are all unchanged from debian
18:09.37systemdleteI found the star installer pretty good.  I liked that it installed a basic system and I could add what I wanted.  But I guess any of them will do that.
18:09.43fsmithredpretty sure star and crows use only devuan repos. Refracta also does. Gnuinos also has guinos repo, but that's just for a few forked packages. Rest is devuan.
18:10.16systemdletegood to know.  ty.  I'll keep that in mind.  (Until I forget, that is... )
18:10.19fsmithredrefractainstaller just installs what's in the running live-iso
18:11.09systemdleteBut are backports OFFICIALLY supported?  Or just sorta kinda but but but?
18:11.15systemdleteThat's my concern.
18:11.33systemdleteIf the backports are fully supported by debian, then why aren't they part of the official release?
18:11.48systemdleteI worry about this kind of thing.
18:12.27systemdleteIf something breaks my system, I own both parts.  But that isn't much comfort when spending 2 days restoring files... been there a few times already.
18:13.17systemdleteOne possibility is to force a sync to a 3rd raid drive and save that separately.  Do the install and use the sync'd disk in case of a serious problem.
18:13.47systemdletebut I already have one bad disk (just bought it 3 months ago and it is failing, and that's after an RMA)
18:15.35systemdletePart of it is that I don't fully understand the difference in support between the official release and things like backports.  Is the level of support guaranteed to be more or less the same?  Sorry for all these questions and troubles.
18:16.06fsmithredwhat does "fully supported" mean?
18:16.38fsmithredI guess if you want to see what patches are applied to kernel, you can look at the debian security site
18:16.44*** join/#devuan user____1 (
18:17.23user____1Hi. I updated firefox on beowulf. I see ESR 75.5.0esr -- is this what I should see?
18:17.27fsmithredprtty sure they don't apply patches to bpo kernels. They get applied to the main repo kernels and then whatver gets fixed in unstable eventually gets into backports
18:18.26user____1You see that, where? In running ff -> About or in package version?
18:18.32fsmithredin beowulf
18:18.41user____1In what tool/package manager?
18:18.43fsmithredapt policy firefox-esr
18:19.01fsmithredafter recemt apt update
18:20.12user____1correct. Strange I was already oin 75.5.0-esr but from or whatever they call themselves now
18:20.18user____1*was on
18:21.12fsmithredI didn't know that mozilla offered -esr
18:23.52user____1they do
18:24.07user____1all versions are downloadable. Need to search a bit to find the archive.
18:24.12*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
18:25.36user____1single instance firefox launcher for linux, tested. Prevents multiple browsers opening, opens one with links opened later in tabs. By me.
18:25.58*** join/#devuan TheCreeper (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)
18:26.44systemdlete"fully supported" -- I suppose that just means "as supported as" the official release.
18:26.54user____1I'll never understand why firescrew are unable to handle very basic requirements such as launch new instance / no new instance and also open new tab vs new instance -- they don't seem to be on the ball wrt startups
18:27.03user____1systemdlete: ?
18:27.18systemdlete(in response to fsmithred, not you, sorry)
18:27.32user____1ok reading backlog, joined late
18:27.47systemdleteuser____1:  You missed one of my rants about firefox
18:27.57user____1hey hey hey, post logs :)
18:28.07user____1wait I think I'm on on another device. Looking.
18:28.40systemdleteI opened firefox to a static web page (no javascript or other activity) but yet tcpdump was showing ff chugging away, hitting every website on earth and beyond
18:28.42*** join/#devuan luser977 (
18:29.09systemdleteeven turning off pocket and some other crap
18:29.33systemdleteI think we figured out its part of that speculative url stuff.
18:29.36user____1sure. You need to turn off a bunch of stuff such as speculative preloading of "likely" links
18:30.04user____1speaking of, today's "upgrade" from 75.5.0-esr to 75.5.0-esr deleted noscript. Just like that.
18:30.09user____1Had to reinstall it.
18:30.12systemdlete"likely" links.  IOW, links likely to take you to places where very wealthy people can make lots of money from us
18:30.58systemdletealmost all of the traffic I was seeing was for aws, verizon, google, etc
18:31.17systemdletebut anyway, user____1, good luck with your project!
18:31.24systemdlete(I am clueless)
18:31.30user____1which one?
18:34.21user____1and ff removed adblock for youtube too. Not nice.
18:36.23fsmithredI had my search box removed and the default search engine switched from ddg to google on an upgrade.
18:36.43user____1I ALWAYS have update search engines off.
18:36.46user____1checking now
18:37.58fsmithredI don't see that switch
18:38.20user____1indeed. about:config it is
18:38.38user____1where one also turns off "automatically install updates"
18:39.13user____1ff is unable / won't invoke apt to do this anyway, it gets the upstream update instead
18:41.14user____1also turn off check sites and safe browsing in Settings is the search engine updater
18:42.50user____1extensions.systemAddon.update.enabled auto updates extensions, you may want it off for manual ops
18:43.30user____1extensions.update.enabled is true etc etc. #firefox is a better resource than I am.
18:47.10*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
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18:52.01systemdletesounds like s/t I ought to do as well...
18:52.11systemdlete(thanks for the tip)
18:58.15*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
19:02.09systemdleteno patreon account for devuan?
19:02.44systemdleteI'd like to send some money (in lieu of being helpful in other ways)
19:04.23gnarfacei'm sure there's a way to donate, i don't know what exactly it is
19:08.43systemdleteI don't see it on patreon.  Maybe gofundme?   Rockfin?
19:12.57fsmithredcheck website
19:13.42fsmithredor maybe click on the "Donate now" button on
19:14.46fsmithredLooks like the choices are paypal or bank transfer
19:21.29*** join/#devuan retired (
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20:03.56golinuxsystemdlete: Donate instructions found @ just clicki the big green button in the nav bar the big green button
20:04.06golinuxThere is no patreon option.
20:04.41golinuxSorry about that gibberish
20:05.04golinuxBut I think you'll be able to understand it/
20:08.44*** join/#devuan izh_ (~izh_@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
20:10.24rrqAtari-Frosch: jitsi-videobridge2 comes with init.d/ script
20:11.58rrqAtari-Frosch: latest version 2.1-376-g9f12bfe2-1 at stable/
20:17.07*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
20:33.43*** join/#devuan telmich (nicounglei@gateway/shell/
20:41.05user____1is jitsi fully open source? can one set it up on non public servers etc or is it "always their servers"?
20:42.35rrqafaik it's open source and you certainly can install service on your own
20:42.45telmichGood evening
20:43.31rrquser____1: doesn't take much grunt though as a java process it likes RAM
20:44.49onefangJitsi uses Prosody for some things, which is written in Lua.
20:45.12onefangProsody is a XMPP server.
20:45.17user____1Thanks, I'll look into it.
20:52.24fsmithredtelmich, hi!
20:56.08*** part/#devuan cronolio (~alex@unaffiliated/cronolio)
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21:07.39brocashelmi still need to get my devuan t-shirt and coffee mug
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21:11.11golinuxtelmich: Haven't seen you in loooong time
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21:43.27telmichgolinux: that's true - so many things to do and so little time!
21:43.36telmichI hope everyone is doing great
21:43.41telmichwaving to fsmithred :-)
21:49.18*** join/#devuan gnu_srs2 (
21:51.28bbucciantiwe are storing coredumps in any ways?
21:51.33bbucciantior how?
21:51.51fsmithredhi again, telmich
21:52.29fsmithreddoing well here.
21:52.32telmichHow are you doing fsmithred? I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy
21:52.50fsmithredyeah, people are being careful here in the northeast US
21:53.22fsmithredI was outside practicing sword moves
21:54.13fsmithredgetting ready for zombie apocalypse
21:54.39telmichHere in Switzerland temperature is dropping strongly, so zombie would just freeze :-)
21:55.04fsmithredgood. You're safe.
21:55.23fsmithredWe're still above freezing most of the time here.
21:55.34fsmithredbut that won't last much longer.
21:56.57onefang  The Zombie Apocalypse has started, but that's off topic.
21:57.33onefangAnd I'm off to bed.
21:58.24user____1I keep forgetting how far South USA is. I'm in *South* Eastern Europe and I'm as high up North as Toronto.
21:58.43user____1With associated weather "fun". Been nice so far, next week it gets white.
21:58.43fsmithredonefang, The Guardian had a pic of the trench.
21:59.33user____1Just for laughs, lots of Scots moved to Canada in the past, they found the weather nice...
21:59.49fsmithredlol, yeah I've met a few
22:00.38user____1preps for $bed.
22:00.54*** join/#devuan jotaxpe (jotaxpe@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/jotaxpe)
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22:02.37rrqbbuccianti: "man core"  .. or with gdb: generate-core-file
22:06.06bbucciantithanks rrq
22:16.45Xenguybrocashelm: Is there Devuan T's and coffee mugs?
22:19.49clort'staying safe and healthy' is code language for 'obeying illegal orders'
22:20.34clorti hope you are all going about your life normally and enjoying it to its fullest.
22:20.54clort  appropriate ascii
22:21.43user____1hah I liked Violet Victory when I watched it.
22:48.29*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
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22:54.51PlotVitalNPCFrom a fresh install, what package would you expect to let a devuan machine make use of an ethernet cable?
22:55.25PlotVitalNPCBecause one just got here, and I'm starting to have to confront the fact that my laptop somehow lost not just its wireless connection manager, but possibly also whatever lets it use wired connections
22:56.40PlotVitalNPC(when I say 'one just got here', I mean an ethernet cable)
22:57.01PlotVitalNPCand I can see in synaptic that network-manager isn't installed
22:57.24PlotVitalNPCand I'm definitely no more connected to the internet than before I got this ethernet plugged in
22:58.03IanJfsmithred: I particularly like there's an apron :P
23:01.07gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: wireless ethernet?  could be few things...
23:01.23gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: physical ethernet cable should work out of the box
23:01.35gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: what distro were you using before?
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23:01.57PlotVitalNPCI did a full reinstall to devuan after fucking up a debian to devuan migration
23:02.11gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: was it debian stable?
23:02.48PlotVitalNPCI had updated from Jessie to Buster just prior, but this is after a FULL reinstall, formatted drive and all
23:03.01PlotVitalNPCor rather
23:03.03PlotVitalNPCstretch to buster
23:03.03gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: so it did work on buster?
23:03.38gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: because a kernel version change would be the primary suspect typically, but for something like this going from older to newer should be safe
23:03.52IanJPlotVitalNPC: wellcome to the failed debian to devuan club :)
23:03.59gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: there could be a configuration mistake though... debian might have granted you free permissin to ... something
23:04.23gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: do you see the correct ethernet driver in the output of "lsmod" ?
23:04.54gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: also verify the ethernet configuration in /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf
23:06.11PlotVitalNPCWhy would the failed debian to devuan migration matter after I've already done a full reinstall from an installation media? Anyways, this thing had working wifi up until I tried to switch from XFCE as a DE (not what I specified during installation) to Mate (what I specified during installation).
23:06.21PlotVitalNPCAs for lsmod, I'm not sure what row would be the ethernet driver
23:06.39IanJPlotVitalNPC: Did you happen to follow the buster -> beowulf migration howto on the website?
23:06.43fsmithredwhat about the device name?
23:06.52fsmithredeudev uses the old names
23:07.39gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: in this case the only reason it matters is so that i can gather a history of the working status of this;  it was clear you successfully upgraded once, but not clear if the ethernet still worked AFTER the upgrade (you didn't specify, and while that's normally a safe bet, you would normally not be in this situation if it was for you)
23:07.54gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: oh, yea and also it's called eth0 like in the old days here
23:08.20IanJgnarface: that's a good point and caught me out too. :)
23:09.36PlotVitalNPCI don't think I see eth0 on any row or column of lsmod's list
23:09.54gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: you can determine the name of the ethernet device from the output of lspci and that should lead you to the right module name.  sorry the network device name will be called eth0 not the physical hardware or driver.  sorry for the confusion
23:10.01PlotVitalNPCI did follow the website's guide in the original upgrade
23:10.23gnarfaceyou're not under attack here, it doesn't matter.  we're trying to help, just answer the questions
23:10.48gnarfacei know it's tedious but as of this moment you're the primary source of information
23:11.02gnarfacethis isn't speculation
23:11.06gnarfacethis is a deductive processs
23:11.37gnarfacethere's too many weird possibilities and we need information to narrow it down
23:12.09IanJPlotVitalNPC: do you have netcat installed?
23:12.22gnarfacei could start piling on more anecdotes but there's no clear value yet
23:12.34PlotVitalNPCand /etc/resolv.conf doesn't seem to exist
23:12.52gnarfaceyou probably need that.... are you using dhcp?
23:13.16IanJPlotVitalNPC: lspci | nc 9999
23:14.05IanJYou can do that for other things too so we can see what you see.
23:14.32IanJjust provide the link you get back so we can have a look.
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23:15.24rrqthinks of horses and wagons
23:15.29gnarfaceethernet should be generally very well supported at the driver level, but the graphical network configuration utilities are in general not of any higher quality than they were in the 90s' when redhat first threw networkmanager over the wall
23:15.37PlotVitalNPCI'm connecting to this IRC from a completely different computer to the one I'm trying to fix, on account of the laptop having nonfunctional networking. The LSPCI | nc 999 did nothing.
23:15.47PlotVitalNPC9999, even
23:16.03gnarfacelspci would have to be lower-cased
23:16.13IanJoh yeah, sorry, forgot you got no network on that machine :(
23:16.33gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: try this one: lspci |grep net -i
23:16.53gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: should spit out just one line, which you can safely paste here
23:17.01gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: (spam bot will kick at 3 or 4 lines, i think)
23:17.28rrq.. or maybe "ls /sys/class/net"
23:18.01gnarfacerrq: that just has links to the raw devices i think
23:18.19gnarfacenot sure if you can get the model name from that
23:18.49PlotVitalNPCEthernet controller is.... Intel Corp 82567LM Gigabit Network Connection (with rev 03 at the back of the line), and network controller is Qualcom Atheros AR9285 (with rev 01 at the back of the line)
23:19.13IanJBoth should be well supported.
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23:19.28gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: to be clear, it's probably just something whack with the gui network tool you used, but first i wanted to make sure you do have the driver loaded, because auto-loading issues are one of the few things that the change from systemd can effect directly
23:19.51gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: (everything else is permissions related)
23:20.02gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: (... but, one thing at a time...)
23:20.16IanJdoes /sbin/ifconfig show any devices?
23:20.36gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: fyi Qualcom/Atheros stuff sounds like your wireless, and that DOES need non-free firmware that wouldn't have been included by default in all cases
23:21.03gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: the intel ethernet device should be supported but make sure the driver even loaded - i do seem to recall at some point having to manually load e1000 in the past
23:21.26PlotVitalNPCHow do I manually load the driver?
23:21.33gnarfacemodprobe [name]
23:21.35fsmithredoh, I have that atheros wireless. It should work without firmware.
23:21.45gnarfaceshould it?  didnt' know, fsmithred
23:21.53fsmithreddouble checking...
23:22.51PlotVitalNPCthe modprobe command doesn't seem to exist, though that might be because I'm in the /etc/network/interfaces directory right now
23:23.05fsmithredyeah, no firmware-atheros here, and I've used it before.
23:23.19gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: it exists, it's just not in your path anymore by default
23:23.28gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: (debian did that, not us)
23:23.44gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: you do need to run it as root, or using sudo
23:24.08PlotVitalNPCSo would I be doing sudo /sbin/modprobe e1000 or something else?
23:24.55gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: yes, as root.  but feel free to put /sbin/ and /usr/sbin/ back in root's path at your leisure
23:25.11fsmithredor else use 'su - ' to become root
23:25.13gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: and that's assuming "e1000" is the right driver for this which i'm only 75% sure of
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23:26.28PlotVitalNPCnothing seems to happen after I run that command
23:26.47fsmithredno error
23:26.53PlotVitalNPCNo error, but also no result
23:27.02PlotVitalNPCAnd trying to do things that'd require internet still doesn't work
23:27.08fsmithredlsmod |grep e1000 should return something
23:27.17IanJPlotVitalNPC: try /sbin/ifconfig see if eth0 exist
23:27.52PlotVitalNPCe1000 and e1000e both come up if I use lsmod |grep e1000
23:27.58fsmithredor 'ip a'
23:28.17PlotVitalNPCas for /sbin/ifconfig, I don't se eth0 anywhere in the results, but it does show results.
23:28.33fsmithredother than lo?
23:28.40rrqmay need -a
23:28.59gnarfacePlotVitalNPC: what results, other than lo?
23:29.16PlotVitalNPCThere were none without -a, but with -a I can see eth0
23:29.29gnarfaceok that's good
23:29.34gnarfaceconclusively a configuration issue then
23:29.42gnarfacethe driver is present, and loaded and so is the device
23:29.46gnarfaceit's just not "up"
23:29.48gnarfaceso make it "up
23:29.58gnarfacetry just "ifup eth0" if your configuration is right
23:30.03gnarface(but i sadly assume it is not)
23:30.16PlotVitalNPCIs ifup in any particular place?
23:30.27gnarfaceprobably the same place as modprobe
23:31.00PlotVitalNPCifup says: "unknown interface eth0"
23:31.10gnarfacethat means there's NO configuration
23:31.18gnarfacewhich would explain why it's not working :)
23:31.21bruMaybe try with enp1s0?
23:31.28IanJPlotVitalNPC: what's listed in /etc/network/interfaces
23:32.24gnarfacebru: nah, we've confirmed it's eth0
23:32.36gnarfacebru: fresh debian install would default to old style names
23:32.41gnarfacebru: devuan* install.
23:33.05fsmithredip link set eth0 up
23:33.57IanJI have the line 'iface eth0 inet dhcp' in my /etc/network/interfaces
23:34.12fsmithreddid you put it there?
23:34.34IanJfsmithred: the installation process put it there.
23:34.44PlotVitalNPCIn my case, dhcp is replaced with loopback in that spot
23:35.03IanJPlotVitalNPC: there is more than one entry, there will be lo too.
23:35.24IanJPlotVitalNPC: add that line under the lo line.
23:35.45ShorTiei'd say, if 'ls /sys/class/net' shows the nics, then it has to be in configuring of the net
23:36.01IanJthen /etc/init.d/networking restart
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23:36.25IanJthat should give you a working eth0 if you have cat5 plugged in.
23:36.56fsmithredauto eth0
23:37.04fsmithredalso that line
23:37.55PlotVitalNPCfsmithred: my /etc/network/interfaces consists of just this (barring commented out stuff, with the ?s I've written here representing line breaks): source /etc/network/interfaces.d/* ? auto lo ? iface lo inet loopback
23:38.09PlotVitalNPCSo I add iface eth0 inet dhcp below that?
23:38.31fsmithredyeah, leave some space to make your eyes happy
23:38.38fsmithredalso add a line that says
23:38.41fsmithredauto eth0
23:38.54IanJThen you should be good to go :)
23:39.15IanJAt least then you'll have wired ethernet and fixing the wifi will be easier.
23:40.24PlotVitalNPCOkay, I get something from ifup eth0 now
23:40.41IanJtry ping
23:40.46PlotVitalNPCapt-get update works again
23:40.58IanJLooks like you have network :)
23:41.19PlotVitalNPCThanks, all
23:41.51IanJNo problem :)
23:42.29PlotVitalNPCIn terms of restoring wireless, should I be installing wicd or something?
23:42.57gnarfaceyou only need wpa_supplicant to get wireless working
23:43.08gnarfaceyou can do the rest with the /etc/network/interfaces file
23:43.17gnarfaceit can go in there like another network device
23:43.43gnarfaceuse wicd or whatever if you find it makes it easier but in general graphical configuration utilities will conflict with the hand-made config you just started
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23:44.14PlotVitalNPCIncluding WPAgui?
23:44.57PlotVitalNPCAlso, if wpa_supplicant is a package, I'm not seeing it
23:45.25fsmithredalso need wireless-tools
23:45.39PlotVitalNPCOkay, wpasupplicant is already installed
23:45.52PlotVitalNPCas is wireless-tools
23:46.04fsmithredif you install wicd and want to let it manage the connection, comment out the lines you added to /etc/network/interfaces
23:47.07PlotVitalNPCSo if I've got wpasupplicant and wireless-tools, and I'm going back into /etc/network/interfaces, what do I do in there exactly?
23:47.29fsmithredyou want an entry for wlan0?
23:47.51PlotVitalNPCSo iface wlan0 inet dhcp?
23:49.04fsmithredyeah, if there's no encryption or password
23:49.16fsmithredif there is, look at the example at the bottom of this page:
23:49.38fsmithredand instead of address, netmask and gateway, put the dhcp line you just posted.
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23:55.06PlotVitalNPCIs ssid the name of the network?
23:56.18fsmithredthis is a stationary device?
23:56.30PlotVitalNPCIt's a laptop
23:56.33fsmithredif it's a laptop that's li
23:56.51fsmithredyou might want wicd instead if you need to use other networks.
23:57.06fsmithredalthough it's possible to configure them in the interfaces file
23:57.21fsmithredset up wlan0-home and wlan0-work or something like that
23:57.25fsmithredsee debian manual
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23:59.55PlotVitalNPCI think I'll opt for WICD in this case

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