IRC log for #devuan on 20201125

00:02.33IanJwhy on earth would installing mpv fetch down modemmanager?
00:04.41fsmithredit's not a dependency or even a recommends
00:05.09fsmithredtry with --no-install-recommends
00:05.37fsmithredor if it's already installed, 'aptitude why modemmanager'
00:15.10IanJThere's a lot of irrelavent stuff in there it wants to install.
00:16.12IanJSame when I try to install firefox-esr.
00:16.16IanJThe following NEW packages will be installed:
00:17.10IanJIs it my adding non-free on my sources list?
00:17.20fsmithredreally, try without recommends
00:17.33fsmithredI don't believe that only one package is a rec
00:17.52fsmithredand no, it should not add non-free or contrib if they aren't already there
00:18.05fsmithredcheck sources.list
00:18.26fsmithredyou did a new install. If firmware is needed, it usually adds it. So non-free might be there.
00:18.37fsmithredbut I don't think that would account for all those packages
00:19.14miskatonicbut entries in the apt sourve list can be disabled after the base installation
00:19.39IanJthat --no-install-recommends slims things down considerably. Now I get two packages for firefox-esr not 38, most of which seem totally unrelated.
00:20.27fsmithredthat sounds right
00:22.38IanJI'd added the non-free as I needed firmware for my radeon.
00:23.10IanJBut taking those out I still have the same amount of packages going to be installed.
00:23.59fsmithredyeah, you'll get more cruft from excessive recommends than you will from non-free
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05:11.24xenial64-user2anybody have luck on a chomebook?
05:13.08clortlinus says he won't bother trying to get linux running on apple m1
05:23.01xenial64-user2i want a touch screen, then what?
05:25.55xenial64-user2i also want to run midiox. for a synthesizer
05:35.26clortthe thinkpad x-series tablets had touchscreens
05:35.50clortpossibly less sick than google products
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06:46.22systemdleteI have a system sporting a nvidia geforce gt710.  The problem is that it is freezing up the entire system now.  I see occasional errors in the kernel log about some nvidia error.  I'll try to get them over to this system so I can paste them
07:01.04systemdleteI also (sometimes) see that CSHW ERROR upon login to the console.
07:04.56systemdlete (I forgot to use the -a flag on grep; I pulled out all of the nouveau driver messages)
07:08.44gnarfacesystemdlete: try the kernel & mesa from backports
07:09.43gnarfacesystemdlete: they might be able to help in #nouveau but they'll want you to try a newer kernel too
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07:20.01clortsystemdlete: using xfce?
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07:59.50systemdleteclort:  No, actually mate.
08:00.12systemdletegnarface:  Were you able to make out any clues from the log?
08:00.43systemdletethose messages must have been nasty too because I had to use grep -a to pull out all of the nouveau errors.
08:02.22systemdleteIt didn't work in my other machine either, and when I removed it, it was very hot!
08:02.30systemdletethere is no fan on this model.
08:03.54clorti don't use fans.  i tie small birds to my heatsinks and frighten them with pictures of rachael maddow
08:03.55systemdletegnarface:  OK, I'll try a newer kernel.
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08:13.19systemdleteclort:  That probably works very well.  She *is* frightening (but this is, again, OT)
08:13.44clortfanless is great though. even if you must enslave small birds
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08:14.10systemdletegnarface:  I upgraded the kernel, but I don't see a newer nouveau driver in backports for beowulf.
08:15.10systemdlete(clort:  What about all the bird doo?  I mean there's no moving parts to cause a problem, true, but still, it could rot the card)
08:22.41systemdlete(What I am saying, clort, is that we don't have to worry about the s--- hitting the fan, because there is no fan, right?   :)  )
08:25.09clortthat's a good point :)
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08:35.46systemdletebtw, you were right.  It is xfce.  I've got a lot of systems here... I forget what has what.
08:36.08clortxcfe has triggered bizarre gpu problems for me - it may be fixed in latest
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08:38.55systemdlete2logged in from my test box here
08:39.20systemdlete2the error I get when I launch a VM now is "libvirt.libvirtError: Operation not supported: operation 'setCpusetMemoryMigrate' not supported"
08:39.33systemdlete2Not too many hits about this.
08:42.57systemdlete2this seems to have some solution I could try:
08:43.14systemdlete2only came up with google search.  ddg only got  a few hits
08:45.07systemdlete2yep.  that worked.  cgroups
08:47.42systemdleteclort:  ANy of those problems when running VM's?
08:50.03systemdletemy beowulf vm in graphical mode gets a blank screen
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09:05.21gnarfacesystemdlete: the nouveau driver is part of the kernel
09:05.32gnarfacesystemdlete: it's not packaged separately like the official one
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09:06.04gnarfacesystemdlete: make sure you get mesa from backports too if you get the kernel from there though.... they're usually tested as a set
09:06.24IanJStrange thing. I installed nginx, managed to mess up the config so I decided to reinstall it to put the files back but nothing gets written back to /etc/nginx upon reinstalling the nginx package?
09:07.00gnarfaceIanJ: by default it won't overwrite the old config
09:07.10IanJgnarface: I removed the entire directory...
09:07.27gnarfaceIanJ: try removing nginx with --purge
09:07.32IanJDid that.
09:07.54gnarfaceok, maybe the config is in a separate package?
09:08.00gnarfacedpkg -l |grep nginx
09:09.24systemdlete2gnarface:  I have about 8 mesa packages installed -- upgrade all from backports?
09:09.51gnarfacesystemdlete2: yes
09:10.17IanJsays installed, but nothing much else.
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09:11.35IanJlet me find a pastebin
09:13.12gnarfaceuse please?
09:13.23gnarfacejust purge them all
09:13.31gnarfacepurge every nginx* package
09:13.58gnarfacei see 8 in the repos for ceres
09:14.41gnarfaceshouldn't be anything you can't re-download from the repo unless it came from someone else's repo
09:15.01gnarfacebug nginx shouldn't have to
09:15.20IanJI've only got nginx installed and I'm using a fresh install of devuan beowulf
09:15.54IanJI've tried purging it and reinstalling several times and had no success with the missing files.
09:16.03systemdlete2gnarface:  Seems they are all up to date?
09:16.17gnarfaceIanJ: try "dpkg -S nginx"
09:16.33gnarfacesystemdlete2: apt-get -t beowulf-backports install [package name] ?
09:17.37gnarfacealready got it previously?
09:17.54gnarfacemaybe there isn't a new one for beowulf but i could have sworn there was...
09:18.19systemdlete2apt install -t beowulf-backports libegl-mesa0 libegl1-mesa libgl1-mesa-dri libglapi-mesa libglu1-mesa libglx-mesa0 mesa-va-drivers mesa-vdpau-drivers
09:18.53gnarfacethe man page says -t has to come before install
09:19.00gnarfaceit might be ignoring it
09:19.21gnarface(there might be a warning about it in the output you didn't notice)
09:19.44systemdlete2No.  It tells me each one is already the newest
09:19.55systemdlete2no warning, no errors
09:21.19gnarfacewell, the only real further you can go is compiling it
09:21.23gnarfaceand the kernel
09:21.42gnarfacehas it froze again since upgrading to the backports kernel?
09:21.58gnarfaceif it hasn't maybe just wait and see
09:22.20systemdlete2so far, so good.
09:22.33systemdlete2but the blank screen in the VM...
09:23.05gnarfaceah right
09:23.07gnarfacedunno about that
09:23.08systemdlete2normally, at least in vbox, if that happens (and it does a lot lately), I can switch to a console and back to vt7 and that fixes it
09:23.15systemdlete2(until the next reboot)
09:23.35gnarfaceis there a package for it in backports too?
09:23.36systemdlete2but I am not running a login manager
09:23.39IanJok, I've got it back now. Uninstalling the nginx meta package doesn't uninstall everything, nginx-full / nginx-light
09:23.52gnarfaceIanJ: good to hear you got it worked out
09:24.17IanJIt was driving me slightly crazy.
09:25.35systemdlete2the vm is running beowulf, but it is on a vbox .vdi disk image.  I haven't converted it.
09:25.45systemdlete2Not sure if/why that would matter
09:26.53systemdlete2lxqt... maybe that is the problem
09:28.31gnarfacedunno anything about it, sorry
09:28.50gnarfacesomething could still be mismatched though
09:32.27systemdlete2well both my vms just crashed, along with virt-manager
09:33.09gnarfacethere's no libvirt in backports?
09:33.12gnarfaceor the related stuff?
09:33.54gnarfacethere isn't a libvirt but there is a virt-manager
09:34.15systemdlete2correction.  The VMs did not crash
09:34.16gnarfacealso, it's not much but there's glx-alternative-mesa
09:34.32systemdlete2I upgraded virt-manager
09:34.36gnarfacewhich is weird that it's there alone, but maybe important
09:34.44gnarface(glx-alternative-mesa, that is)
09:36.52systemdlete2should I install glx-alternative-mesa
09:37.30gnarfacesince it's in backports and you installed the backports kernel, yes, but like i said, it seems weird that it's there alone
09:37.52systemdlete2do I need to uninstall mesa first?
09:38.01gnarfaceno, normally there'd be a dozen or so other mesa packages, as you well know
09:38.07gnarfaceyou'd see them
09:38.18gnarfacemaybe "coming soon"
09:39.12systemdlete2it wants to install nvidia-installer-cleanup and update-glx.  This sounds promising
09:39.46gnarfacedid you have official binary drivers on there before?
09:39.48systemdlete2I'm wondering if I need to update or change anything in the guest also
09:39.58gnarfacei'm not sure it'd need nvidia-installer-cleanup if you didn't have the official drivers before
09:40.02systemdlete2gnarface:  I just inserted this card about 3 days ago
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09:40.39systemdlete2before that, it was using another nvidia card, which I stole because my other box was having problems with its onboard hdmi
09:40.45gnarfacehave you intended to use the official drivers for it?  you know the open source nouveau driver will have significantly limited functionality, and depend on mesa, right?
09:40.59systemdlete2no.  I'm no expert on that
09:41.14gnarfaceoh i see, so you didn't use nouveau on purpose?
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09:41.34gnarfaceyou might might want to switch then, unless you have some ethical or security concern
09:41.34systemdlete2I forget what's on the board on this machine
09:41.53systemdlete2well, actually...
09:42.10systemdlete2I'm trying hard to keep my systems free of f-ware
09:43.17systemdlete2so I finished the alternative install... shut down VMs
09:43.25systemdlete2should I logout or even reboot?
09:44.09systemdlete2just to make sure all the parts load, etc.
09:44.40systemdlete2ctl-alt-backspace:  Would that suffice?
09:46.07gnarfaceyou should reboot for this stuff just to be sure
09:46.24gnarfaceglx no, video drivers yes
09:46.32gnarfacesometimes hard to separate the two though
09:47.07systemdlete2back soon...
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09:51.03gnarfaceany difference?
09:51.18systemdlete2eh... yeah.  This time, the entire desktop (xorg) crashed.
09:51.33systemdlete2when I went to launch a VM
09:51.48gnarfacewell, go back to the previous version then, probably
09:51.48systemdlete2wish I could get the log for that...
09:52.01systemdlete2previous version of which?
09:52.17gnarfaceprevious version of glx-alternative-mesa... uninstall those other two, nvidia-installer-cleanup and update-glx
09:52.19systemdlete2I've upgraded the kernel, libvirt, and mesa
09:52.35gnarfacekeep the updated virt-manager
09:53.07gnarfaceunless it still fails after rolling the other stuff back, then roll virt-manager back too
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11:07.27systemdleteleave messages for me (not systemdlete2).  2 is open on the test box, which might crash again
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