IRC log for #devuan on 20201124

00:05.08*** join/#devuan floofywolf (
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00:43.22phidouxfinaly worked it out
00:43.24phidoux - - ln -s to create /usr/share/alsa-card-profile/mixer/ using profile-sets directly from /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/profile-sets
00:43.40phidouxi had to manualy create the new directory
00:43.48phidouxbut the custom profile is working correctly
00:45.30phidouxthanks for your help the other day fsmithred and n4dir
01:12.45*** join/#devuan IanJ (
01:44.33*** join/#devuan n4dir (
02:10.07*** join/#devuan blizzow (
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02:29.27*** join/#devuan n4dir (~n4dir@
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03:12.27*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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04:02.41*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
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08:30.54*** join/#devuan Soo_Slow (Soo_Slow@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/sooslow/x-31376162)
08:47.10*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
08:58.20*** join/#devuan aldebaran (
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09:22.29*** join/#devuan Fudge (
09:23.43*** join/#devuan cynicfm (
09:26.14Fudgehi, is it known what appened to the blind friendly spin that was at
09:35.16*** join/#devuan KnoP (
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10:37.53*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
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11:41.50*** join/#devuan xinomilo (~xinomilo@gateway/tor-sasl/xinomilo)
11:51.25fsmithredFudge, that would probably be the devuan minimal-live iso. Try
12:01.56*** join/#devuan Debluk (
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12:40.05*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
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16:45.29*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
16:47.36*** part/#devuan Joril (
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17:05.30APicHi. I am trying to build esound-0.2.41 and get „/usr/bin/ld: esd.o: undefined reference to symbol 'sin@@GLIBC_2.2.5'“ under chimaera/ceres
17:05.34APicWhat can i do?
17:05.35*** join/#devuan Linuxoid85 (~Linuxoid8@
17:08.07APic says i probably need -lm
17:08.17GyrosGeiersounds right
17:08.28GyrosGeiersin would also live in -lm
17:08.57APic„sin“ just sounds more sinful 😉
17:09.17APicLDFLAGS='-lm' ./configure did the Trick ☺
17:09.38GyrosGeierit's just the sine function, which most CPUs have as a builtin
17:10.08GyrosGeierso people often don't notice the missing -lm because the only functions they used were inlined
17:11.05GyrosGeierexcept pedantic compilers will not inline without -ffast-math
17:11.23GyrosGeierbecause fsin is not IEEE conformant
17:11.51GyrosGeiersorry, obligatory rant about *real* CPUs :)
17:12.22APicWhoah, long Time no esd
17:12.25APicHow do i start it?
17:12.58APic„esd“ in a Shell just sits there and my Terminal shows a blinking Cursor
17:14.02APic„esd -bind localhost“ at least shows „- accepting connections on port 16001“ 🙌
17:14.36APicSad that 16001 is not in my /etc/services though 😉
17:17.25APicxarchon in my Debian-Etch-Chroot still has no Sound though
17:17.36APicLooks like i have to try some simpler EsounD-Clients first 😸
17:19.46*** join/#devuan seb95 (
17:21.36*** join/#devuan amesser (
17:27.15APicInside esound-0.2.41: zsh: ./test-script: bad interpreter: /bin/tcsh: no such file or directory
17:27.32APicAt last a Reason to install csh ☺
17:28.30APicOkay, csh installs bsd-csh, so i actually need to install tcsh too ☺
17:31.33APicBut the test-script works, yay 🙌
17:31.40miskatonicis there a reason for using both csh and tcsh?
17:33.49IanJI guess, if you have scripts in something that are written to use a certain shell type that's not compatible.
17:35.05*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
17:37.16miskatonici used tcsh 25 years ago on an SGI Indigo workstation.
17:38.24IanJI still own an indigo2...
17:45.13miskatonicespecially netbsd fans often revive unix workstations from the last millennium
17:46.03r3bootnot just netbsd fans. It's also fun to go on OS archaological expeditions :)
17:47.34*** join/#devuan Guest92 (442a443f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:47.50Guest92can i install debian testing packages on devuan?
17:48.57gnarfaceyou can but you shouldn't
17:49.04gnarfaceyou should use the devuan testing packages instead
17:49.13gnarfacethe ones that are the same are the same
17:49.25gnarfaceand the ones that are different will probably break your install so you don't want them anyway
17:49.38gnarface(most of them are the same, luckily)
17:50.02Guest92i can't find the devuan testing packages on the site so i was curious
17:50.17miskatonicmixing stable and testing is generally problematic
17:50.44Guest92to reword my question, how would install devuan testing
17:50.48*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
17:50.54Guest92*how would i install devuan testing
17:52.07gnarfaceGuest92: the process isn't different from upgrading to debian testing, except it's called "chimera" instead of "bullseye"
17:53.37Guest92ok so i just replace beowulf in sources with chimera
17:53.49gnarfaceno problem
17:53.51gnarfacegood luck
18:01.52*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:a69c:dc6e:df01:d357)
18:06.57IanJI found a link the other day about migrating debian buster to devuan beowulf, I can't seem to find it again...
18:07.35IanJI got it!
18:08.05IanJthanks fsmithred :)
18:08.52IanJAre there significant differences other than the default init system?
18:09.14fsmithredno. 99% of the packages in the repo are unchanged from debian
18:09.45*** join/#devuan izh_ (~izh_@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
18:09.56gnarfaceIanJ: just that one is enough to be a headache if you've never learned how to manage unix filesystem permissions though
18:10.23gnarfaceIanJ: (at least, if you never learned to and really didn't want to, anyway)
18:12.17gnarfaceIanJ: the primary difference other than init behavior itself (which desktop users mostly shouldn't have to touch with either system) is that systemd bypasses all security defaults to give the local physical console user access to everything by default.
18:13.06gnarfaceIanJ: (with all other init systems, you have to grant yourself access to protected stuff)
18:13.22IanJI used slackware for a number of years and then debian long before it jumped to systemd.
18:13.23fsmithredisn't that a desktop environment thing anyway, even without systemd?
18:13.36gnarfaceIanJ: oh, you should be fine then.  it'll be just like debian wheezy
18:13.47IanJgnarface: neat!
18:14.16fsmithredjust be aware of the tricky points in the migration. They are in the guide.
18:14.29gnarfacefsmithred: no actually, but if you're running NVidia drivers in Xorg in suid-root mode, they'll do it for the core keyboard on the dl
18:14.30fsmithredyeah, welcome home
18:15.05gnarfacefsmithred: (so when i switched to amdgpu just recently, i thought my keyboard batteries had died for a panicked moment)
18:15.43gnarfacefsmithred: (they were fresh batteries)
18:16.10IanJI'll follow the instructions to the word. I would ideally jump to runit, it sounds like the best balance. But I'll save that shot in the foot for later :)
18:16.23gnarfacefsmithred: (basically, that cleared up a long-standing confusion i had about why i didn't seem to need to be in the "input" group)
18:16.52fsmithredIanJ, there are a couple of devatives that have runit isos to play with
18:17.13fsmithredwow, that's kind of an obscure thing
18:17.18IanJfsmithred: but probably no documented path from debian buster. I'll stick with the instructions :)
18:17.30fsmithredyeah, migrate first
18:17.51fsmithredswitching to runit is not difficult. Do it later.
18:18.00IanJcool, will do :)
18:18.18fsmithredthere are instructions for that on the forum
18:19.22fsmithredoh, had to re-read what you said. The derviatives have live-isos with runit. There is no migration path to those from anywhere.
18:21.54IanJThat's fine. I'm happy enough to go buster -> beowulf and then look at runit later.
18:28.58brocashelmi've had runit on my systems since july and have had no issues, even if it's not a "complete" implementation (compared to artix or void)
18:32.57IanJbrocashelm: good to hear that :)
18:33.13IanJI've changed my sources list and going through the steps one at a time.
18:35.33IanJThe following packages have unmet dependencies:
18:38.12IanJwish me luck, reboot time
18:39.50*** join/#devuan unixman_home (
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18:39.51*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
18:41.51*** join/#devuan IanJ (
18:42.11IanJStill hangin in there :)
18:42.36IanJI have /sbin/init as pid1
18:44.51IanJI have an alert screen warning me of it trying to uninstall the same version of the kernel as I'm meant to be running.
18:45.24IanJIt doesn't mention anything about this in the howto..
18:51.29IanJwhich linux image should I be on for x86 64 bit?
18:57.35IanJHoping it's this one  linux-image-4.19.0-12-amd64
18:58.06ErRandirending in amd64 is good
19:01.28IanJI'll try rebooting, that should complete the migration.
19:01.35IanJbrb, I hope :)
19:01.38*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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19:16.05fsmithredhe's migrating from buster, so it's the same kernel
19:16.33*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc01:200:655e:ef87:f909:8731)
19:16.57SoltisSidegraded Debian 10 to Ceres; no special config aside from that - cron is not emailing root or anywhere else when jobs fail.
19:17.20SoltisWhy would something as fundamental as cron be completely hosed by default?
19:17.43miskatonicsidegraded ... what a word
19:18.22Soltismiskatonic: Got a better one?
19:23.04*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
19:25.13fsmithredwe usually say 'migrated'
19:25.28fsmithredor upgraded, which is more what you did
19:26.51SoltisAnyway, I followed the steps on the Devuan site for this process & didn't apparently end up with a fully working system.
19:27.18fsmithredI seem to be getting no system mail in chimaera.
19:27.43fsmithredThis is the first time I checked. There are no directories in /var/mail or /var/spool/mail
19:28.24fsmithredI have an exim4 init script and exim4 is running
19:32.24fsmithredif I change the hostname, then the FQDN for exim should also be changed, shouldn't it?
19:32.50SoltisI'd expect so, but I'm less familiar with exim.
19:32.51fsmithredI'm running 'dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config' and it has the old hostname.
19:33.09fsmithredoh, they call it the mail name
19:33.26*** join/#devuan Burek (~Burek@unaffiliated/burekzfinezt)
19:37.04fsmithredI thought that would ask me who should receive system mail, but it didn't
19:49.37*** join/#devuan gnu_srs2 (~srs@devuan/developer/srs)
19:51.05Soltissystem mail should IIRC go to 'root'
19:51.10*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
19:51.15SoltisI.e. no hostname, just the user
19:53.01fsmithredthe debconf config used to ask who should receive the system mail. In the past, it was usually the primary user. (In the long ago past, root used to get it, but I think that was when I was on suse or redhat.)
19:53.44fsmithredin beowulf it is going to root. Actually to /var/mail/mail which only root can read.
19:53.54*** join/#devuan n4dir (~n4dir@
19:54.24miskatonicwould it be possible to forward system mail to everyone in the wheel group?
19:55.03fsmithred2014 bug report says edit /etc/aliases. The question only gets asked if that file does not exist.
20:01.58*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
20:02.15fsmithredmiskatonic, I don't know. I haven't come across anything like that. I think you would have to list them all.
20:44.30*** join/#devuan macondo123 (~bobo@
20:45.35macondo123hi all, i tried to install dev1 on my other box, server down, anybody knows if it is up now?
20:46.17fsmithredmacondo123, when did you try?
20:46.47*** join/#devuan Sigyn (sigyn@freenode/utility-bot/sigyn)
20:46.47*** mode/#devuan [+o Sigyn] by ChanServ
20:47.08macondo123befor noon EST
20:47.11fsmithredit was down a few days ago for maintenance, but ony for a short time
20:47.25fsmithredoh, maybe a mirror was syncing. Try again.
20:47.58macondo123ok, thank you
20:48.50*** part/#devuan macondo123 (~bobo@
21:13.49*** join/#devuan TheCreeper (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)
21:33.19*** join/#devuan sb35 (~sb35@
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23:38.11*** join/#devuan Unit193 (ukikie@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.unit193)
23:42.25*** join/#devuan IanJ (
23:42.34IanJThat really didn't go well...
23:43.22IanJI think I'd avoid following that migration until someone can verify it works for them. It certainly didn't work for me.
23:43.58fsmithredIanJ, I haven't done it lately, but I've done it a few times and it worked.
23:44.00masonIanJ: I've gone through it a few times. You should document what broke and we can work you through it.
23:44.06fsmithredwhere did you have trouble?
23:44.38IanJWell, I managed to reboot ok after switching the packages and installing sysvinit.
23:44.54IanJSo I had sysvinit as pid1
23:45.07clortpopcorns at people spending time with 'os issues'
23:45.28IanJWhen I tried to remove the packages systemd and libnss-systemd it wouldn't remove them.
23:45.35masonclot: Take unhelpful/antagonistic stuff to #devuan-offtopic.
23:45.55tuxd3vmason +1
23:46.19masonIanJ: Did you capture output such that you can pastebin it?
23:46.45masonIanJ: Dinner now, but between everyone here we can likely help you complete the migration.
23:46.50masonI'll check in soon.
23:47.03IanJUnfortunately it had all gone pretty wrong by then. I copied the bits of data I needed to the home partition to save them and did a fresh install.
23:47.41IanJSo I'm on devuan now, but the migration didn't go too well.
23:48.44clorti had one hairy migration too
23:48.53IanJIt was like an rpm dependancy hell, I couldn't install stuff because it said other packages conflicted and I couldn't remove packages because they were required by other packages...
23:48.56clortended up making a big list of packages to dpkg-i
23:49.55clortafter some renormalization cycles, it got straightened out
23:49.55fsmithredit's possible the guide needs to be upgraded or it's possible your configuration has a significant difference from what was tested
23:50.08floofywolfIanJ:  apt-get -f install sometimes fixes that, apt-get dist-upgrade often fixes that, aptitude occasionally fixes that.  changing distros isn't always trivial.
23:51.24IanJfloofywolf: I did try -f and updates, upgrades etc. But it was in some kind of gridlock. It did at one point ask me to run apt --fix-install or something but then complained about a user not being present.
23:51.32fsmithredIanJ, what desktop were you using in buster?
23:51.40miskatonicI avoid these migration turmoils and prefer to install from anew
23:51.52IanJmiskatonic: that's what I did in the end.
23:52.40IanJfsmithred: I was using i3wm.
23:53.13fsmithredok, that should work, but there must be some trick.
23:53.24IanJAfter fighting with it the reboot started, gave me three kernel module errors and then failed to mount the drive partitions.
23:53.34fsmithredand I'm gonna guess that it had to do with elogind and libpam-elogind
23:53.52fsmithredand maybe libelogind0
23:53.53IanJIt got to the press ctrl-d to repair system, but the keyboard was unresponsive.
23:54.06IanJAt that point I figured I was pretty hosed.
23:54.25fsmithredsometimes you have to install those specifically
23:54.52IanJinitramfs: couldn't load /aesni-intel.ko
23:55.22IanJpadlockaes.ko, crc32c-intel.ko
23:55.50IanJthat's all the notes I made unfortunately.
23:55.58*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
23:56.29IanJAnyway, much work to do now to get me back to where I was :)
23:56.58fsmithredthanks for reporting, and sorry it didn't go so well
23:57.15IanJNo problem, I forgot to start irc in tmux. brb
23:58.12*** join/#devuan IanJ (
23:58.29IanJThere's a lot to be said for having a separate /home partition at times like this :)
23:59.29fsmithredwhen you get around to upgrading to chimaera, it should go a lot better.
23:59.30*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
23:59.46*** join/#devuan cynicfm (

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