IRC log for #devuan on 20201031

00:26.31*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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01:07.24*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
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01:54.33*** join/#devuan Bjornn (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:3ac:61cf:2f51:714f:18db)
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02:55.04*** join/#devuan Oksana_ (~Wikiwide@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
03:20.42*** join/#devuan Bjornn- (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:3ac:61cf:2f51:714f:18db)
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03:25.31*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
03:29.51*** join/#devuan Bjornn (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:3ac:61cf:2f51:714f:18db)
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05:44.21*** join/#devuan Bjornn- (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:3ac:61cf:2f51:714f:18db)
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08:38.25*** join/#devuan clort (clort@gateway/shell/ircnow/x-iujknsauxumdzeyo)
09:22.04*** join/#devuan Bjornn- (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:3ac:61cf:2f51:714f:18db)
09:43.05*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
09:55.49*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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10:15.19*** join/#devuan phillipsjk (
10:16.53phillipsjkI recently upgrade my "white elephant" machine to beowulf, and noticed that a swap file is created in start-up. Is there a way to disable that behavior (RAM exceeds disk space by a factor of 2)
10:19.11phillipsjkbased on df -h, it appears to be a dynamic swapfile, thankfully.
10:21.13phillipsjkAccording to free -h, the swapfile is currently 0B.
10:25.14phillipsjkthis page says disable it in /etc/fstab, but my machine does not have a swap entry there. Are the start-up messages wrong?
10:27.09phillipsjkthe swapon manpages says I can check /proc/swaps, which has headings but not entries.
10:40.29*** join/#devuan rsx (
11:04.53*** join/#devuan michaelfassbende (339e9020@
11:07.17michaelfassbendehey, Im trying to run devuan 32bit in virtualbox, what do I select in OS version? do i need to select 64 bit even if the iso im using is 32 bit like in debian?
11:14.28michaelfassbendeis anybody here???
11:15.15michaelfassbendeIll just use the forum then
11:15.26*** part/#devuan michaelfassbende (339e9020@
11:37.13*** join/#devuan aitor_ (
12:03.02*** join/#devuan Bjornn (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:3ac:61cf:2f51:714f:18db)
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17:59.52*** join/#devuan rkta (~kt@
18:00.06*** join/#devuan Bjornn- (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:3ac:61cf:2f51:714f:18db)
18:02.29rktaHi! Where do I find the iwlwifi packages to download?
18:02.40*** join/#devuan enyc (
18:03.10enycHrrm...... My devuan-beowulf desktop -- microphone select function not working in sound-preferences in MATE desktop
18:03.32enycwondering if some pulseaudio/dbus/udev/etc difference from debian/systemd/etc  at play
18:12.28clorthi rkta
18:13.30clortfrom devuan repo - firmware-iwlwifi
18:13.33clorthomepage: i have a nested x server (xephyr) and annoyingly not shared clipboard
18:13.45clorthomepage is in linux kernel linux-firmware.git
18:13.55clortthere was a little networking app to share x11 clipboards - you remember the name?
18:15.18rktaclort: I don't have a running install, I need to provide them to the installer.
18:16.36clortso you want to download the .deb package
18:16.45*** join/#devuan Bjornn (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:3ac:61cf:2f51:714f:18db)
18:18.17clortyou can download the package with apt-get -d or aptitude download <package_name>
18:18.35clortyou can extract files with dpkg -X <package.deb> .
18:22.21rktaclort: I need iwlwifi~5000-[1-5].ucode. I can't download them from installer as I don't have wifi at this point. I need to use another machine and put them on a thumb drive.
18:23.24clorti'm bad at remembering exactly where on the repo to wget .debs, sorry
18:23.49clortbut you can extract them from the .deb with dpkg -X once you have it
18:23.56clortperhaps that will help
18:24.32clortotherwise they can be sourced from under linux-firmware.git
18:26.52rktaclort: Are debian packages compatible?
18:27.01clortshould be
18:45.40gnarfacerkta: iwlwifi should have been included on the netinstall iso, i was pretty sure....
18:46.53rktagnarface: Computer says no ;) But the debian .deb seems to work
18:55.07*** join/#devuan Bjornn- (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:3ac:0:db01:be7a:1c9a)
18:59.41*** join/#devuan izh_ (~izh_@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
19:22.48golinuxrkta: All Debian packages are avail via devuan repos.
19:23.27golinuxAt least those that are banned because they would break devuan.
19:23.44golinuxBest not to use debian repos directly
19:34.55*** join/#devuan p3tzi (
19:38.08rktagolinux: I don't use the repos, Ij
19:38.38rktaI just downloaded the deb from Debian, as I could not find a devuan provided*
19:46.09masonrkta: iwlwifi is in non-free. I'm betting you don't have contrib or non-free enabled.
19:46.48masonrkta: On Beowulf, I see: Package: firmware-iwlwifi
19:46.50rktamason: I did not have a chance to enable it. Installer just said it is missing.
19:47.05masonrkta: Oh, during install it was missing? fsmithred might be able to speak to that.
19:47.27masonrkta: If I remember correctly, it says it's missing but then loads it anyway.
19:47.42fsmithrednormally the installer will install non-free firmware if hardware needs it
19:47.49masonI'm not familiar enough with the background to go beyond that though.
19:47.51rktamason: Yes, during install with minimal netinstall iso
19:47.54fsmithredand you have to do some special things to avoid getting non-free
19:48.09fsmithredwhich iso?
19:48.57fsmithredthere should be packages in /firmware on the iso.
19:50.07rktadevuan_beowulf_3.0.0_amd64-netinstall.iso from this mirror
19:50.37rktafsmithred: ^
19:50.40fsmithredI see it
19:52.10fsmithredI'm downloading that one in case it's different from the one I have.
19:52.22fsmithredyou checked the sha256sum?
19:52.59fsmithredfirmware is all there
19:54.36rktasha256sum says OK
19:55.28fsmithredyou chose regular install or expert?
19:55.57fsmithredweird. I can't explain it.
19:56.21fsmithredwhat kind of hardware/computer?
19:56.30rktaThinkpad X200
19:56.44fsmithredlol, I knew you were going to say thinkpad
19:57.15fsmithredT420 here. The firmware installs.
19:58.36fsmithredyou're not the first one who didn't get the firmware automatically installed.
19:58.45fsmithredif that's any comfort
19:59.08fsmithredIt's all working now, right?
19:59.24rktaI can reinstall tomorrow and see if it happens again - if this is helpful. If you tell how to, I can provide more info then.
19:59.48rktaInstall went fine, after reboot, no interfaces were configured.
20:00.26rktaCan I log an install somehow?
20:00.32fsmithredyou installed just a base system, or a desktop?
20:00.46rktaBase system with ssh
20:01.08fsmithredalt-f4 shows you the log, or alt-f2 and look at /var/log/syslog
20:01.19fsmithredor save it somehow
20:01.34fsmithredin the installed system it's in /var/log/installer
20:01.55fsmithredI don't want you to go through the install again
20:02.15fsmithredsave your juice to test the 3.1 isos when we make them.
20:02.26rktaI have another x200 laying around ;)
20:15.21*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
20:18.24rktafsmithred: Do you want my installer logs?
20:19.03fsmithredsure. Either or me at gmail
20:21.25rktafsmithred: All: or
20:22.54rktaI'll stick around here for a few days if you need more info
20:24.29fsmithredI see it tried to load the right firmware but failed. Not sure why.
20:25.26gnarfacerkta: just curious, got the latest bios?
20:25.40rktagnarface: no
20:26.01rktaWell, I didn't check, but I doubt it
20:26.12gnarfacecould be related
20:26.51*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@2a01:e0a:5b9:7840:6600:6aff:fe5f:9d6)
20:27.09rktaI'll give it a try if I find time to do so
20:28.15gnarfacemight not matter
20:28.24gnarfacechange log might mention something though
20:31.27fsmithredlooks like it did get installed:
20:31.28fsmithredOct 31 19:11:02 in-target: Unpacking firmware-iwlwifi (20200918-1) ...
20:31.29fsmithredOct 31 19:11:08 in-target: Setting up firmware-iwlwifi (20200918-1) ...
20:32.10rktaI had the debian .deb on a thumb drive
20:34.57rktaBut my whole network config is messed up, had to configure the interfaces, wpa_supplicant and even a default route.
20:35.46fsmithredyeah, I don't think you get configured network with just a cli system.
20:35.54rrqrkta: looks like the installer CD is found as /dev/sdb1 but it cannot be mounted
20:35.59fsmithredThe desktops all rely on some network manager to do the connections
20:36.11rktaOk, then nvm
20:36.12fsmithredyou used a CD?
20:36.22rktaNo, usb stick
20:36.36rkta/dev/sdb1 is the installer
20:38.39fsmithredOct 31 18:32:14 cdrom-detect: CD-ROM mount succeeded: device=/dev/sdb1 fstype=iso9660
20:39.09fsmithredthere are mount errors before and after that. Not sure what to make of that.
20:39.31rktaI just downloaded the iso and dd'd it to a stick
20:39.45fsmithredthat's what you're supposed to do.
20:40.12fsmithredI'll have to share this with someone who knows the installer better.
20:40.29*** join/#devuan suavedandy (uid468325@gateway/web/
20:40.48suavedandySomething funny just happened when I rebooted.
20:40.56fsmithredwe should be making new isos any week now. If you could come around and test those, it would be great.
20:41.12suavedandy"Trying to stop anachronistic cron: anacron"
20:41.34rrqrkta: maybe try again and dd it to /dev/sdb rather
20:41.44suavedandy"The action 'stop' is meaningless for this init script"
20:41.50suavedandyI use OpenRC.
20:42.56rktaSure, can do. Will the new installer be announced on devuan-announce?
20:43.39fsmithrednot until we're done testing it
20:44.09rktaSo, devuan-dev it is?
20:44.10fsmithredmaybe come back here a week from now and ask
20:44.18fsmithredor devuan-dev
20:44.30suavedandySo yeah, that happens every time I reboot. Except the init doesn't even try to stop anacron anymore.
20:44.39suavedandyKinda weird.
20:45.03rktaOk, will have a look then
20:46.32suavedandyAnd AppArmor failed to stop.
20:46.36suavedandyYa kno.
20:46.47suavedandyI better install SysVinit.
20:46.54suavedandyIt looks fishy.
20:47.21suavedandyThe daemons fail to stop with OpenRC.
20:47.30suavedandyGuess it's still unstable.
20:49.46suavedandyAlso, on boot OpenRC finds, and I cite, "dependency loops."
20:51.43*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (~Besnik@2a02:587:de0f:6b00:22b2:cca:ddf3:74c1)
20:54.37*** join/#devuan user____ (~user@
20:54.47user____I sense darkness:
20:55.16user____Beowulf uses xorg server(s). What will the future be like? Please don't say Wayland.
20:55.47suavedandyI dunno.
20:57.48user____Now I am stumped. Ubuntu backpedaled from Wayland due to feature creep and lack of bug fixing, now xorg drops xserver?! HUH?
20:58.03rktarrq: Sorry, missed your reply. I did dd it to /dev/sdb, not to /dev/sdb1
20:58.32suavedandyRegarding Wayland, the only compositor for it is Sway. Which is manual tiling and still in development.
20:58.54suavedandyAnd wlroots, the basis of compositors, is still in development too.
20:59.10suavedandyAh, there's also GNOME.
20:59.14user____I am not sure if the naming of that project is related to one Susan Wayland whose self chosen nick is sway...
20:59.24suavedandyNot everyone wants to use GNOME tho.
20:59.28user____And yes, gnome is not something I want to see in devuan.
20:59.47suavedandyWell, it's there.
20:59.50rrqrkta: ok. hmm
21:00.09suavedandyAnd Phosh is actually quite impressive.
21:00.27suavedandySo GNOME has its uses… on touch devices.
21:01.01user____elsewhere... (off topic but crazy)
21:01.03suavedandyAlso, #devuan-offtopic
21:01.24suavedandyThis is the support channel.
21:01.49user____Well the 1st topic was dvuan affected by xorg going dark soon(?)
21:02.00user____The second topic belongs on #offtopic.
21:02.12suavedandyNo, both do.
21:02.23suavedandyWe go off-topic sometimes.
21:02.26suavedandyMe too.
21:02.38rrqrkta: do you have a second drive that you could use to hold firmware?
21:02.38user____is old enough to call it rambling
21:02.53suavedandyThen golinux comes in and says it's off-topic.
21:03.35rktarrq: I did so, the install went through fine. We were just looking why it didn't work as expected.
21:04.26rrqah, ok.
21:04.41user____some relevant tidbits in the comments may indicate a way for devuan to follow after xorg turns "off". This is on topic.
21:06.40clorthas a sad
21:07.49user____this is why I worry:
21:08.33suavedandyThe problem with Wayland is not Wayland itself. The thing is, wlroots and the compositors aren't ready yet, 99% haven't even left the prototype stage.
21:09.46user____The way I read it, a LOT more than compositors is not ready.
21:10.17suavedandyHow many compositors do you know that actually work?
21:11.17user____I have a vague idea of compositors as a user but the one I presume does compositing in the current Beowulf desktop in front of me seems to work fine.
21:11.27user____And it uses xorg
21:12.43suavedandyThe compositor, the window manager and the display manager in Xorg are merged.
21:12.56suavedandySo it's an entirely different beast.
21:13.28suavedandyYou, like, have to develop everything. From the ground up. There's no xinput even.
21:13.43suavedandyYou have to develop xinput. From the ground up.
21:13.45user____Hm? You mean in Wayland?
21:14.02suavedandyThat's why wlroots is here.
21:14.03user____Sure, I see what you mean. I know this tangently.
21:14.18suavedandyBy itself Wayland provides essentially nothing.
21:14.20fsmithredhas debian stated when they will drop xorg?
21:14.23suavedandyIt's a protocol.
21:14.32suavedandyUnlike Xorg.
21:14.40suavedandyWhich is a window system.
21:14.42user____I do not want to deal with the programming side of wayland at all. Or know about it. In the early 2000s I wrote a few X11 programs, small ones, study/proof of concept etc.
21:15.17user____Well strictly X11 is a protocol too, but Xlib etc hide the ugly parts, creating new ugly exposed parts.
21:15.32suavedandySo yeah, Wayland essentially asks: "Why don't you do it yourself?"
21:15.37user____fsmithred: I have not seen anything about anyone dropping xorg yet.
21:15.57user____fsmithred: only Rat Sh*t noise about this being the "future" (nobody is surprized)
21:16.06fsmithredso we probably have a few years
21:16.07suavedandyHave no idea how ready wlroots is tho.
21:16.15*** join/#devuan Weeezy (~Weazzy@2604:6000:1503:3ac:2851:83dd:613d:e521)
21:16.45user____Well xorg is so central to several open source *nixes that it will likely be commuynity maintained for at least a decade.
21:17.05user____Especially if the waylaid people continue to have the attitude they have had for ten years now.
21:17.10user____Which is the most likely outcome.
21:17.38user____I am actually amazed it was managed by a single person for 3 decades.
21:17.50user____They don't make programmers like that anymore.
21:18.09suavedandyI don't think Wayland and Sway/wlroots are connected.
21:18.26suavedandySway/wlroots have seperated devs.
21:19.08suavedandyMost of the meat is wlroots.
21:19.14suavedandyAs I remember.
21:19.43suavedandyOf course before wlroots the compositors were made from the ground up.
21:20.04suavedandyBut the Sway dev kinda got annoyed with it.
21:21.19suavedandyBut other than Sway I don't know who else uses wlroots.
21:22.15user____I think the general problem shining through the various bit rots like systemd, wayland, gnome feature creep and others, is strongly connected to the fact that most "development" comes from RH employees? At least that is what I see? More or less? So we have unelected, unvetted developers calling the shots and proclaiming that deletion of 30 years of features is "progress"? THIS is the real problem.
21:22.55user____So it's a political / acceptance problem first and foremost.
21:23.02rrqrkta: that /syslog seems to be from a succesful install run though; I must have missed what the problem is/was
21:23.14suavedandyYou seem to be very critical of RedHat.
21:23.18user____Similar to google declaring it's app store is secure and "other source" (like f-droid) are not.
21:23.44suavedandyGoogle's just greedy.
21:23.54suavedandyOf course they'll say that.
21:24.11user____I am not critical of RH, I am critical of "leakage" from private project authors who happen to all be employees of RH at the moment.
21:24.28rktarrq: Problem was, that I had to provide the iwlwifi firmware files from a thumb drive, because they were not found be the installer.
21:24.29user____*other sources - sigh
21:24.56suavedandyWell, technically, they're correct.
21:25.26suavedandySites with lots of malicious ads about JoyCasino are not very trustworthy.
21:25.28user____The comments thread I linked above has a key post about some employees relying on remote X sessions to continue working during lockdown. This would not have worked without Xorg.
21:25.54suavedandyUnfortunately, F-Droid is "other" too.
21:25.56user____suavedandy: I don't see ads on
21:26.14suavedandyNot talking about F-Droid.
21:26.26user____And it's not the only one. F.ex. sshelper I always install as apk from it's author's site... not google.
21:26.47suavedandyIt would be a sin for an Android enthousiast to not know what F-Droid is.
21:27.19user____Far FAR from the only one. I maintain one google free phone and it's amazing how much c**p is in the app store, with periodic security scares when they discover like a hundred apps were key loggers.
21:27.44suavedandyYou can always set F-Droid as the trusted source.
21:27.47clortswitch to devuan + maemo leste phone then
21:27.56clortwe have cookies
21:27.58user____I can't root all phones I have.
21:28.17clortyou can sell them
21:28.24user____It's not that :)
21:28.25suavedandyBy an /e/ phone then.
21:28.41suavedandyIt comes with F-Droid.
21:29.12suavedandyI would still choose Librem but oh, well.
21:29.16suavedandyYour choise.
21:31.50suavedandyAndroid is kind of Windows of phones.
21:35.09user____to the extent to which Apple desktop os is the windows of freebsd :)
21:35.43suavedandyIs any NTP daemon like Chrony pre-installed on Devuan? I planned to install Chrony.
21:36.19rrqrkta: would be useful with a /syslog where it fails .. maybe too late :)
21:36.25user____windows itself is pobably the wrong turn m$ took when they divorced from sco unix which was briefly able to run both nix and windows apps way back when. The rest is sad history.
21:36.33user____<off topic done/>
21:36.38suavedandyI wouldn't compare Mac OS X to FreeBSD.
21:36.53user____Well it was sort of built on top of it.
21:37.01suavedandyI mean, Mac OS X is… kiiiiiiiinda based on Unix but nah.
21:37.08suavedandyIt's Darwin.
21:37.30user____There are other FreBSD clones which are err closer to the oem :) (ScreenOS!)
21:37.30rktarrq: I can try it on a another machine, which is a similar model. If needed i reinstall - being distro hopping anyways.
21:38.11user____To the point where Juniper never supplies FreeBSD manpages so Junos users get them from FreeBSD online...
21:38.23user____<off topic done, this time for good/>
21:38.54suavedandyAlso, I do appreciate some of the stuff Mac devs are doing for those that use the mouse as an input device. Tho if I wanted to give a mouse-driven interface to my friend or mom, I would opt for Elementary.
21:39.14suavedandy'Cause less of a walled garden.
21:39.45user____Tbh as a gui, I was most impressed by Squeak. That was in the 1990s.
21:39.52suavedandyActually, comparing Android to iPhone is also appropriate in that context. Both are user jails.
21:40.23user____Squeak as a WM/compositor would be an interesting beast. I am sure it can do it. Not fast, but it can.
21:41.01user____ this squeak fwiw
21:42.38suavedandyBut Android is, like, half-iOS, half-Windows, stealing design elements and restrictiveness and close ecosystem from the first and stealing light costumization, bloatedness and complete incompetence of the second.
21:43.34suavedandyLike, it took the worst from both. Except for light costumization. Tho changing a messenger app isn't what I call an achievement.
21:43.36user____I am not complaining too much. Android Studio is horrible to use but it works eventually, much worse than the MIDLET development IDE which preceded it.
21:45.07suavedandyThe worst part is that with every version there's even less stuff you can do. Including with root.
21:45.19user____Pretty close to a distributed desktop (!) in Smalltalk. I can only hope someone will pick up the gauntlet and try it in that context.
21:45.40user____suavedandy: of course, herding the sheeple towards the cash register at the checkout counter requires this.
21:45.46suavedandyLet's go to #devuan-offtopic
21:45.52user____But think of the stock owners! :)
21:45.57user____Yes no more of this here.
21:46.04golinuxIt's about time.
21:46.24suavedandyI KNEW you would join!
21:46.24golinuxI go out to wash the car and come back to find this.
21:46.45user____golinux: do you have any info on debian dropping/replacing xorg in any timeframe?
21:46.47suavedandyTold him that the sheriff's coming.
21:47.22suavedandyOh, sorry.
21:47.30suavedandyIs that an actual word?
21:47.51user____Aren't all sheriffs SHEriffs? /me ducks
21:47.55golinuxPlease just go there.
21:48.17golinuxAnd consider growing up on your way.
21:49.18golinuxuser____: I have enough real time things to deal with.  No time for speculation on what might happen.
21:50.06user____is fascinated by Croquet and would like to try it perhaps with others from devuan, on devuan machines. Going to offtopic with this
21:51.59*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
22:45.51enycwondering if some pulseaudio/dbus/udev/etc difference from debian/systemd/etc  at play
22:46.07enycI might to test/compare-with  mxlinux  debian-not-booted-systemd  on same hardware
22:48.48*** join/#devuan manopola (~manopola@gateway/tor-sasl/manopola)
22:51.56enyc^^ any ideas about the sort of issue i minoin,d not able to get microphone / selection of microphone  going  in devuan ?
23:06.22*** join/#devuan early (
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23:17.14*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
23:18.59gnarfaceenyc: not sure but try checking both pavucontrol and alsamixer
23:20.01gnarfaceenyc: make sure you're in the audio group too but it might be a issue with a missing package or a wrong option
23:21.00enycgnarface: already checked in audio group
23:25.05gnarfacethere was one issue that might affect something like this that i had
23:26.44gnarfaceit had chosen the wrong one of a choice of several mutually exclusive packages that was a dependency of the graphical login
23:26.55gnarfacesomething to do with the permissions backend
23:27.06gnarfacepolkit or consolekit or something like that
23:27.08gnarfacemaybe elogind
23:27.57gnarfacemaybe not relevant though, this was with lightdm and kde
23:42.24*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
23:47.31*** join/#devuan bsd4me (

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