IRC log for #devuan on 20201021

00:08.40*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@2001:d08:1830:2f52:1438:82c8:e286:dc5b)
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01:28.34icemoddinghi ppl
01:35.28danuanthey will not respond until you ask a question, then everyone jumps in :)
01:38.38*** join/#devuan Xenguy_ (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
01:43.34tuxd3vicemodding, hi
01:43.50icemoddingwzup tuxd3v
01:44.33onefangThis is a support channel, not a chat general channel.
01:46.42icemoddingok, sorry
01:47.53*** join/#devuan GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
01:56.00clortreading up on ccache, it says it is 'not for multiple file compilation?  what does that mean
01:56.46clorti wouldn't mind smarter/faster recompiles of scummvm and other larger projects
01:56.58clortbut i see how this isn't trivial to do
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03:09.21gnarfaceclort: never used it, but the documentation says it's about "multiple source files in one go" which i would suspect is fairly common...
03:09.51gnarfacebut it also just says unsupported so that isn't always a guarantee it won't work
03:10.13clortccache -s shows me stuff, with a hit rate and stuff
03:10.36gnarfaceoh, so maybe it'll just ignore those parts of the build
03:10.48gnarfaceand only cache stuff it can
03:11.11gnarfacegot multiple machines handy?  you could try distcc instead
03:11.35clortyeah i have a bunch sitting here doing nothing. would be fun to have them working for me
03:12.09gnarfacei've heard that distcc can break parallel builds, but if you have enough machines then having distcc kinda obviates the need for parallel builds anyway
03:12.15clortbut over usb-networking, not wlan
03:12.33gnarfacethat's fine, usb is faster actually
03:12.50gnarfaceby wlan you mean wireless, right?
03:13.08clorti can get one d4 talking on usb0, but not two or more
03:13.18gnarfaceusb2 should be anywhere from 3 to 40 times faster
03:13.42gnarfacedepending on the type of wifi
03:26.59clorti think i'll waste less time faffing by cross compiling on the khadas vim3
03:29.58clortah it's important to prepend the /usr/lib/ccache to your $PATH
03:33.25clortyup ccache is puppies and birthday cake, rebuild went from 15-16min to 39 seconds
04:05.36*** join/#devuan DonkeyHotei (LEISUyCm@april-fools/2014/runnerup/danielg4)
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09:59.39*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Beowulf 3.0 stable, ASCII 2.1 old-stable) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #devuan-offtopic
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13:02.10crashoverridemz`: what's up with your uplink?
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13:46.03GyrosGeieris anyone working on an updated kernel in beowulf-security?
13:46.39gnarfaceif there is one in debian that's not in devuan yet it's probably the build cluster that's working on it
13:47.02xinomiloit's already there :
13:47.03gnarfaceafaik those packages shouldn't be changed but some of the related packages might
13:47.21gnarfacethe mirrors might take some time to relay out
13:47.29GyrosGeierah okay
13:47.35GyrosGeierso that'll happen
13:47.54GyrosGeiermoves maintenance window for the docker box to the evening
13:52.19catch21hello. when I try to view the files in a different partition, all the files are executables, even PDFs. Meanwhile, the files on a flash drive are normal. The devices appear on the left hand side of Thunar. I click and they get mounted.
13:54.14catch21mount gives
13:55.43fsmithredcatch21, don't post a bunch of lines at once.
13:56.33gnarfacecatch21: (also, that's usually expected behavior if you're copying files from windows)
13:57.06catch21it's normal? can't I make it behave like the flash drive?
13:57.18fsmithrednp, you didn't do anything. Maybe your post started with / and did not show up. I was just warning you about the security bot that might kick you out.
13:57.20gnarfacecatch21: just use a different filesystem
13:57.54catch21so it goes with ntfs?
13:58.17gnarfacecatch21: fat32 doesn't support permissions, it's weird and unsafe that the default is rwxr-xr-x, and you can override it with a mount option but you can't make it support permissions
13:58.20fsmithredyeah, I've seen windows make all kinds of stupid stuff executable
13:58.32gnarfacecatch21: ntfs is the same situation, but if it's a sd card or usb flash i would have assumed fat32
13:59.47gnarfacethere are windows drivers for some linux filesystems if you need to trade files between the two though
14:00.03gnarfacenot that i'd recommend it
14:00.06catch21it's all rwx for all, though for the ntfs partition
14:00.32catch21the usb drive has fmask=0022,dmask=0022
14:00.58gnarfacethe filesystem has to support the mount options
14:01.09gnarfacei don't know what ntfs supports
14:01.16gnarfacethe man page should say
14:01.17catch21meanwhile, the ntfs partition has no mask thingie and the user_id=0
14:01.25catch21is that the kernel?
14:01.43gnarfacethe filesystems should have their own man pages
14:02.33gnarfaceif not try the mount command for it
14:02.52catch21i even used su chmod and no changes
14:02.57catch21sudo i mean
14:03.21gnarfacehmmm, although... i see the mount.ntfs man page here says umask and dmask are supposed to be supported, at least for ntfs-3g
14:03.37gnarfacehmm, for general too
14:04.48gnarfacei can't say i use it much, but i recall that it was marked experimental in the kernel for a long time, and write capabilities were disabled by default... i'm not sure that's not still the case, did you check for that?
14:07.56gnarfaceif write protect was enabled at the kernel drier level, chmod wouldn't do anything
14:08.03gnarface*driver level
14:08.30catch21sorry that's over my head
14:08.45fsmithredI think ntfs-3g write was fixed a few years ago
14:08.52catch21just a regular user
14:09.01fsmithredthat's what I recall. I don't use it.
14:09.06gnarfacecatch21: you're using beowulf, right?
14:09.23gnarfacehmm, that's a much older kernel
14:09.35gnarfaceyou should try a beowulf live image
14:09.44gnarfacesee if it works, if so consider upgrading
14:18.14catch21i tried setting umask to 0022 with mount.ntfs-3g and there has been a change.
14:18.32gnarfaceas a mount option?
14:18.38gnarfacewell that's good
14:18.50gnarfacethat's something anyway
14:19.03catch21at least the write permissions
14:19.03catch21thanks for the tip
14:19.27catch21yes as mount option
14:19.42gnarfaceit would be best to just use a different filesystem really, but i know it's not always allowed
14:20.09catch21i have windows on another partition and I need to see my notes and stuff
14:20.15catch21from there
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16:01.16wikandid anyone try hurd kernel?
16:02.49n4dirway back. and not on devuan.
16:03.40wikani wonder what would happen if I install it
16:04.20n4diras i never heard anyone say it would be possible to simply install a hurd kernel on a stock debian, i doubt that would work
16:04.47wikanwell dunno. I see a package
16:05.32wikanbut I use some functionality like luks
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16:22.35masonwikan: poke through things like to get a notion of what's involved
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16:25.31n4dirgetting it run command line only was do-able. Gui was the hard part, and i had to give up. iirc i did get a gui, but no mouse or keyboard.
16:26.05n4dirkFreeBSD was pretty easy compared with hurd. You hardly recognized it you weren't running Linux kernel
16:26.27n4dirbut as said: back then, ages ago, all that might well have changed.
16:28.11wikani always try to install as tiny os as it is possible
16:28.46wikanfor workspace I like it is about 110MB
16:29.29wikanmaybe it is time to replace a kernel :)
16:29.54wikanor... try freebsd on one machine
16:30.43wikani am a person for whom even kernel size may be important ;)
16:35.21n4dirwaits for the reasoning behind that approach ...
16:41.12n4diras good a reason as any other :-)
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17:15.41brocashelmis it just me, or is kernel 5.9 really screwy?
17:16.14brocashelm5.8 was working fine, but now newsboat takes forever to open an article (i use mpv as "browser")
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18:00.41tuxd3vmesa 20.3 will be huge with their OpenCL Clover Driver now in OpenCL v1.2
18:00.59tuxd3vit seems to ve already working well for nvidia cards..
18:01.30tuxd3vfor AMD cards still lacks Image Support..
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