IRC log for #devuan on 20200924

00:14.59*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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01:02.31*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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02:34.07*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
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02:53.24*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@
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04:37.23*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a00:79c0:611:4d00:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
04:47.05*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:28.55*** join/#devuan psarria (~psarria@
05:47.50systemdletedevuan's apt gives me many choices!
05:47.56systemdletePackage gvim is a virtual package provided by:
05:47.56systemdleteYou should explicitly select one to install.
05:48.18systemdleteSoooooo... how does a smart fella solve this riddle?
05:49.21systemdleteI mean, if all three are compatible with my setup, then I'd think that they only differ by either how many open issues they have, or by some esoteric features.
05:49.37man_in_shackyou probably want gtk3
05:49.45systemdlete"probably" -- OK.  Why?
05:49.51gnarfaceseems like personal choice but gtk3 is the one that will have the most distro-level attention on it from upstream...
05:50.07gnarfacebecause that's the one with corporate backing :(
05:50.11systemdlete(that's what I figured)
05:50.18systemdleteOh, well.
05:50.33gnarfaceso i would say use the gtk3 one unless it causes you driver issues, then use the gtk one
05:50.37systemdleteif it has CORPORATE backing, I definitely want it.  To whom do I mail the check? i guess
05:51.10systemdleteI hate what this has all become...
05:51.29gnarfaceno in all seriousness they probably have a direct link somewhere at, i don't actually know
05:51.54man_in_shackgtk2 is essentially being phased out these days
05:51.55gnarfacebut it's the latest one from the GNOME project so yea, that's where the various corporate investors seem to have placed their bets over the years
05:52.06systemdletegtk == gtk2?
05:52.12gnarfacegtk is actually gtk1
05:52.31gnarfacemost gtk2 stuff is being replaced by gtk3 stuff but i assume gtk1 is still being kept around for legacy compatibility
05:52.33man_in_shackthere's no gtk1 anymore :P
05:52.43man_in_shackapt show vim-gtk
05:52.47man_in_shackdepends on libgtk2
05:52.50systemdleteso there is no cool stuff for gtk2 fanboys?
05:53.07man_in_shackthere is xfce :P
05:53.21gnarfacevim-gtk just has one dependency; vim-gtk3
05:53.29gnarfaceso i guess that train has left the station, yea
05:53.37man_in_shackbut yeah, gnome is pretty gross, and gnome backporting gross gnomeisms to gtk is grosser
05:53.39gnarfacetoo bad
05:53.44man_in_shackgnarface: which distro you on?
05:53.51gnarfacei'm on devuan
05:53.57systemdlete(of course...)
05:54.00man_in_shackyah but which one? :P
05:54.02gnarfacei'm just not using vim so i'm not paying attention to this
05:54.24gnarfacei've got machines around here running ascii, beowulf and ceres
05:54.29gnarfacei forget if i replaced the last jessie vm or not
05:54.50systemdleteI like the syntax highlighting -- it is useful in MOST cases... though I've encountered situations where perl refused to tell me, out and out, where my error was.
05:54.53*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
05:55.59systemdleteI'm using vim on mate on beowulf but I notice that there seems to be a lack of coordination with the system clipboard.
05:56.14systemdleteI can't seem to copy anything while in vim.  (vi works though)
05:56.19man_in_shackok so debian stable/buster still has gtk2 vim but testing/bullseye only has gtk3 vim
05:56.55man_in_shacksystemdlete: yah probably cos vim takes over the mouse control
05:56.58systemdleteI went into the terminal settings and enabled "copy selection to clipboard" but it doesn't seem to make a diff
05:57.08systemdleteright, man_in_shack
05:57.18systemdleteq is:  How to un-disable it?
05:57.43systemdleteI wonder if using a different term program might solve this.
05:57.47gnarfacehmmm, does the athena one still work?
05:58.25gnarfacesystemdlete: did you try the athena one?  it looks lightweight...
05:58.28systemdleteI like being able to launch vim from the command line... gvim seems a bit strange
05:58.33man_in_shacksystemdlete: :help mouse
05:58.37man_in_shackyou can set the mode as you like
06:02.41man_in_shacke.g. if you :set mouse=nvh, then you can select text with your terminal app in insert mode
06:04.43systemdleteI tried :se +xterm_clipboard, but I prob don't have the syntax right
06:06.16systemdletenvm.  I see now
06:06.42man_in_shackalso for gvim, you can use the + or * buffers
06:06.56man_in_shack"*yy   << copy current line to clipboard
06:08.14man_in_shackgotta learn you some keyboard shortcutties
06:08.28man_in_shack"yank" and "put" and all that stuff
06:10.13systemdleteguess what?  Enable the use of the mouse.  Only works for certain terminals
06:10.13systemdlete(xterm, MS-DOS, Win32 |win32-mouse|, QNX pterm, *BSD console with
06:10.13systemdletesysmouse and Linux console with gpm).
06:10.48systemdleteThat msg may be out of date, but even with :se mouse=a, it still does not do copy
06:11.04systemdlete(the context menu item for copy is disabled)
06:11.45gnarfaceoh, are you not in X?
06:11.50man_in_shackyah if you want terminal to select-and-copy, you need to disable a mouse mode
06:12.09systemdleteI know the yank and put cmds, man_in_shack.  I just didn't realize that '*' would use the system clipboard as a buffer
06:12.30man_in_shacke.g. :set mouse=h, only let vim take over mouse for help files
06:12.33gnarfacesystemdlete: my guess is you could either just install gpm or set TERM=xterm
06:12.49systemdletegnarface:  I AM running mate desktop.  The problemseems to be with the term program
06:13.02systemdletegpm sounds nice.  I'll try that.
06:13.18gnarfacesystemdlete: yea, wait though, you should only need gpm if you don't have X... if it's just with your term, check $TERM
06:13.41man_in_shackgnarface: sounds like he's running vim in gnome-terminal to me
06:13.42systemdletegpm already installed.  drat!
06:14.47systemdletemate terminal 1.20.2
06:15.01gnarfacexterm compatible linux terminals frequently default to something other than literally "xterm" but sometimes it causes problems
06:15.05gnarfaceyou can override that at whim
06:15.10systemdleteI wonder if switching to xfce might make more sense
06:15.22gnarfaceno you could literally just run: TERM=xterm vim
06:16.22gnarfaceor change it in your .bashrc
06:16.24systemdletethat doesn't help either
06:16.37gnarfacemaybe it has to be in the .bashrc so the parent shell is launched with it
06:16.54man_in_shackinside vim, :set mouse=a  means vim takes over mouse control from the terminal
06:16.58systemdleteEh... launching it TERM=xterm vim should be fine
06:17.01man_in_shackso you want :set mouse=<something else>
06:17.11systemdletesuch as?
06:17.13man_in_shackto allow the terminal to keep mouse control for select-and-copy
06:17.17gnarfacesystemdlete: i would think so but i don't really know for sure, is the point
06:17.28man_in_shack:set mouse=h  for only in help system
06:17.45systemdletecan I :set mouse= ?
06:17.48man_in_shack:set mouse=nvh   for everything except insert mode
06:17.51systemdleteor is that a fail
06:18.00systemdletenvh does not work, tried it
06:18.06man_in_shack:set mouse-=a   came up in my googling
06:20.59systemdleteI did both :se mouse-=a and :se mouse=   and neither solved it, sorry.
06:21.35systemdleteI really think this has something to do with the mate terminal.  There are a few other issues with MATE also, though I forget offhand now.
06:22.11golinuxgtk3 sucks
06:22.12systemdleteI was enjoying mate on my ascii laptop install.  However, beowulf's mate does not seem to work well with the laptop for some reason.
06:22.38golinuxand is fugly
06:22.47systemdletedoes it suck before/after tearing out systemd dependencies?
06:23.10systemdlete(I'm guessing it has some, like everything else these days)
06:23.44gnarfacesystemdlete: i like rxvt-unicode-256color
06:24.43gnarfaceas a bonus it mostly displays unicode correctly, (unlike gnome-terminal, last i checked)
06:25.36gnarfacebut the ~/.bashrc i inherited from whatever install this started as sets TERM to xterm
06:25.57gnarfaceat least i thought it did... hmm, somthing is....
06:26.03systemdleteInstalling that now.
06:26.07systemdlete(thanks again)
06:26.39gnarfaceanyway double check TERM because i thought it didn't default to xterm either, but it's definitely xterm now
06:26.46gnarfaceand no problem
06:28.46*** join/#devuan Joril (
06:36.41systemdleteok so now it works.
06:37.20systemdleteWhat I did was, in the terminal profile, I unchecked "copy selection to keyboard" (I did the same thing in xfce with success) and also set the mouse= like that
06:37.36systemdleteNow I get the "copy" items in the context menu, and yes, it copies to the clipboard.
06:37.51gnarfacewith gnome-terminal?
06:37.53systemdleteThanks for the assistance gnarface and man_in-shack
06:37.56gnarfaceor with urxvt?
06:38.11systemdleteOh, either the xfce-terminal or the mate-terminal.
06:39.05systemdleteSo it was the combination of the two options:  :set mouse= and unchecking the (auto) copy to clipboard feature in either terminal program.
06:41.15*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
06:42.18systemdletegnarface:  For whatever reason, mouse=a in beowulf by default, whereas in ascii, it is clear
06:42.32gnarfacehmmm, odd
06:53.09man_in_shackgtk3 is kinda nice for development from what i've seen
06:53.19man_in_shackproblem is it's got too much gnome in it
06:53.29man_in_shack"developer should decide how title bar functions" is shit
06:58.16*** join/#devuan KnoP (
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07:45.13systemdleteI have decided to install a set of syslog-ng packages that are up to date (3.29) from an unofficial build repo that is linked from syslog-ng's website.
07:45.30systemdleteI'm OK with this because the VM I am installing it on is only a dev box anyway.
07:46.00systemdleteI'm confused:  Does it want to upgrade?  Does it want to downgrade?  Am I in the right city?
07:46.31systemdleteIs this MY apartment?
07:46.40systemdleteWho am I anyway?
07:47.00systemdlete(This must be the most confusing message I've seen yet coming from apt*)
07:47.51systemdletebtw, I had to kinda "force" the install because initially it would only upgrade a couple of packages.
07:48.23systemdleteI did this by going back and "apt install syslog-ng" which set off the whole cascade of install deps and looked like it did it successfully.
07:48.31systemdleteExcept for one package.
07:51.13gnarfacesystemdlete: try it with --no-install-recommends maybe?
07:52.31gnarfacesystemdlete: i'm not sure though, but the dependencies may be broken, i'm not sure if ">= 3.19.1-5" but "< 3.19.1-5.1~" is even possible
07:52.45systemdleteI doubt it.
07:52.56systemdleteand --no-install-recommends did not help, sorry
07:53.09gnarfacehmm, does that at least remove the warning about systemd from the error?
07:53.54gnarfacemaybe you can just change the ./debian/rules file or whatever it is that contains that dependency list
07:53.55systemdletebut it still can't decide if it wants to be an elephant or a fish
07:54.17systemdletewhat about --force?
07:54.33gnarfacewell, if you're building it anyway, which is what i assumed, just change the dependencies to be something that works
07:54.42systemdleteno I am not building it
07:55.01systemdleteJust using an unofficial repo, that's all.  A repo linked to from their community site
07:55.05gnarfacewell you might have to in order to get the versions to match up anyway
07:55.24systemdletemight have to build it?
07:55.27gnarfacei'm not sure what force would do in this context, if anything
07:56.21gnarfaceis syslog-ng-core even in the repo? what version?
07:56.32gnarfaceyou might have to rebuild it so that it requests the right version
07:56.40gnarfaceor you might have to build the right version of that too
07:57.40systemdleteno, all the packages were built.  The maintainer even posts the build logs!
07:57.50systemdleteno errors I could see, gnarface
07:57.55systemdletebut, look at this
07:58.07systemdlete  (I tried upgrade on a lark...)
07:58.50systemdleteI could be breaking armf.  Which is not really possible, is it?
07:58.57gnarfaceis this a package for debian?
07:59.07systemdlete*.deb packages, yes
07:59.23systemdletenot for devuan specifically, no
07:59.23gnarfaceit seems to be for the wrong version of debian
07:59.31gnarfaceto match the version of devuan you were using
07:59.56gnarfaceso you'll have to correct that one way or another first, to find out if anything else about the systemd dependency needs to be removed
07:59.59systemdletecrap you are right
08:00.11systemdleteI keep getting all these versions mixed up
08:00.28systemdleteI should be looking at 10/buster for beowulf, not 9
08:00.47systemdletesheepishly wanders off to fix the situation...
08:01.11man_in_shacksystemdlete: it looks to me like that syslog-ng-mod-journal is too old for the repo's syslog-ng-core
08:01.33man_in_shack-journal depends on an older version of -core than you have installed
08:01.42man_in_shackso it's possible that the -journal stuff got rolled in to -core
08:05.49systemdletenah.  I kafuffled.  I was pointing to repos for deb9, instead of deb10.  my bad
08:06.46systemdleteAnd it is much happier, everyone.  I now have syslog-ng 3.29, which I think is their latest official release, even if it is coming from an UNofficial repo.
08:07.32systemdleteApparently one CAN build 3.29 for beowulf (buster)... The install didn't even burp about u-no-wott
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14:07.06user282069ahoy o/ i have some unmet dependencies for wine32:i386
14:08.21user282069the non devuan repos are gitlab, nginx, nodesource, yarn
14:09.28user282069i guess they are all suspect. trying to install with only pure devuan repos gives the same result though
14:10.08user282069thank you for your time and any thoughts. i've had trouble with wine before
14:10.40debdogit's been a while but IIRC following this guide helped. Esp. the the bold lines on the top.
14:12.19user282069ye thank you dd o/ that leads to pulling in something randomly hosted by opensuse
14:12.34user282069and ye i think has worked for me before
14:14.42debdogpulling in, how? just fetch the packages manually and install them with dpkg -i
14:16.13user282069ok thank you very much yes. i did not understand. will try
14:17.31debdogyou might have to install one or more dependencies from the devuan repo. dpkg will point out which one(s)
14:17.46debdogwell, IIRC, that is
14:26.59user282069yes of course. no worries and thank you for sharing. in the highlighted bits of your first link it's dpkg -i libfaudio0;;; this is failing on libsdl2-2 which fails on libpulse0 all :i386
14:27.38user282069depends: libdbus-1-3:i386
14:28.25user282069and so i strongly suspect;;;; i dunno. it's a pretty fresh install... i thought i hadn't mucked around so much yet
14:29.06debdogwell, install them
14:30.10user282069ah ye look at that; one more step
14:30.23user282069if i ask it to install that dbus it will
14:39.34*** join/#devuan Akuli (
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15:16.58wikanhola :)
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15:17.09wikanjust came to read in silence ;)
15:20.10wikanis watching you
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16:30.12willowanyone here using a raspberry pi4? at the forums ShorTie posted up a script to install devuan, has anyone tried it out?
16:30.40ranixI'm still on B+
16:32.00willowi'll have a look at 3b+ builds, is it working ok?
16:32.18ranixno problems so far for both debian and devuan
16:32.31ranixI only have one devuan raspi though
16:32.45ranixand all it does is show a feed of 6 security cameras
16:32.59willowwow, that's pretty good for a pi
16:33.28willowlow res i take it
16:35.13*** join/#devuan ham5urg (~ham5urg@2a04:4540:6808:6f00:1ddb:c371:f36:3b4)
16:35.19ranixI think it's 640x480
16:35.34ham5urgWould it be possible to compile Devuan for this: ?
16:35.35ranixit works great because 1080/3=640
16:35.44ranixvlc won't do it because too much ram
16:35.46ranixso used omxplayer
16:35.52ham5urgI would like to have a Devuan-Arm-Router.
16:35.58willowefficiet : )
16:36.03ham5urgMaybe someone has already done so.
16:38.15ranixdo you even have to compile it ham5urg
16:39.44ham5urgranix, I don't know, I'm just checking if a Devuan-Arm user is here to ask for his experience
16:40.26willowthe banana pi A20 is listed as supported hardware
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16:42.42willowdid the rpi 3b+ build come with xfce or any other gui?
16:43.10ranixyeah there was some kind of gui, I don't recall if it was xfce
16:43.29ranixham5urg: you might find that it's so well supported it's hard to find information about it because nobody has problems with it
16:54.16ham5urgranix, I will look at it but will take a look at lattepanda boards too.
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21:47.47ham5urgI've installed GOS beta (Android 11). Is it possible to randomize the MAC of Bluetooth
21:48.01ham5urgand Randomize the MAC of Wifi
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