IRC log for #devuan on 20200916

00:14.35*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@2001:d08:1029:bb46:2e9e:e0bd:888c:1a5e)
00:16.56*** join/#devuan n4dir (~n4dir@
00:17.06*** join/#devuan absinthe_ (~absinthe@unaffiliated/absinthe)
00:42.37*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
00:49.53*** join/#devuan crhylove (
01:05.11*** join/#devuan \0xc0ffee (~chuck@freebsd/user/-0xc0ffee)
01:36.03*** join/#devuan golinux_ (
01:36.04*** join/#devuan golinux_ (~golinux@devuan/developer/golinux)
01:39.37*** join/#devuan n4dir (
01:39.58*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
01:46.47crhyloveWhat's the easiest/best way to roll your own devuan these days?
01:48.42*** join/#devuan kreyren__ (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
01:49.54masoncrhylove: Do you mean forking the distribution, or doing a deboostrap install?
01:50.10masoncrhylove: If the latter, grab one of the live images and you'll have everything you need.
01:55.14gnarfacecrhylove: (for the former, there are build scripts in the gitlab you can check out)
01:59.36*** join/#devuan n4dir (
02:03.03*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
02:14.58golinuxcrhylove: You mean take a snapshot of your current setup?  If yes, refractasnapshot.  It's in the repos
02:15.00*** join/#devuan n4dir (
02:52.23crhyloveCool!  Thanks.  Gonna have to build a good image first...
02:57.27*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:674:fd00:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
03:05.10*** join/#devuan gnu_srs1 (
03:37.42*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
03:53.11*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
04:10.46*** join/#devuan absinthe (~absinthe@unaffiliated/absinthe)
04:29.09*** join/#devuan meep_____ (
04:29.37meep_____Is this the freedumb channel?
04:39.38*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
04:56.39*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:09.13*** join/#devuan lava2 (
05:11.59*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
05:30.41*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
06:16.35*** join/#devuan antenagora (~antenagor@
06:22.21*** join/#devuan antenagora (~antenagor@
06:32.57*** join/#devuan robin (
06:33.14robinhello everybody hope youre all fine
06:33.37robini have a quick question regarding minimal install and devuan
06:34.21robinon debian i usually take the unofficial nonfree firmware netinstall, but here in devuan its only the netinstall? i will not have any wifi then cause of drivers i think
06:34.35robinwhat would you guys suggest? :)
06:36.25robinis it best to make a debian netinstall unofficial firmware and then just go over to devuan from that way maybe?
06:37.30gnarfacerobin: the devuan official netinstall includes the non-free wifi drivers, ironically so you wouldn't have to ask this
06:38.06gnarfaceit should just work
06:38.08robinbut i couldnt find my wifi from tty there
06:38.14gnarfaceoh, hmmm
06:38.27gnarfacei guess some might be missing, which hardware?
06:38.30robinin debian i make /etc/network/interfaces and so on
06:38.36gnarfaceyes, that should work
06:38.44robinthinkpad t430 is the laptop
06:39.04gnarfacedpkg -l |grep firmware
06:39.55robinii  firmware-iwlwifi                     20190114-2                          all          Binary firmware for Intel Wireless cardsii  firmware-linux-free                  3.4                                 all          Binary firmware for various drivers in the Linux kernelii  intel-microcode                      3.20200616.1~deb10u1
06:39.56robinamd64        Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs
06:40.07gnarfacethat's probably the right one
06:40.16gnarfaceunless your hardware is just too new
06:40.23gnarfacebut if it worked in debian it would work here
06:40.30robinweird stuff
06:40.37robini was thinking the same
06:40.50gnarface"ifconfig -a" doesn't show it?
06:41.02gnarfaceperhaps you're just not expecting the old style "eth0" network names?
06:41.23robini can try again today and see =)
06:41.28robinthank you gnarface
06:41.40gnarfacealright, good luck
06:42.25gnarfaceand no problem, robin
06:42.39gnarfaceit might be called wlan0 or eth0 i'm not sure
06:42.56gnarfacebut it won't have the new style names by default
06:43.31robinyes its all good, will check =)
06:43.39robinsee u maybe later :)
06:51.45*** join/#devuan KnoP (
06:55.08*** join/#devuan n4dir (
06:56.32n4dirtrying to run startx as user fails. Xorglog says: drmset Master failed for driver 0
06:57.58n4dirhmm. I created another user and he can startx.
06:58.55n4dirprobably a typo in xinitrc.  rm 'ed it and now it works. sorry for the noise, been a long night.
07:47.33*** join/#devuan epony (epony@unaffiliated/epony)
08:31.28*** join/#devuan rsx (
08:40.46*** join/#devuan dagelf (
08:42.37*** join/#devuan Joril (
08:49.20*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
08:55.11*** join/#devuan maggotbrain (
08:58.03*** join/#devuan rennj (
09:25.36*** join/#devuan yanmaani (~yanmaani@gateway/tor-sasl/yanmaani)
09:28.26*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
10:05.11*** join/#devuan HalfWord (
10:08.24*** join/#devuan GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
10:28.39*** join/#devuan maggotbrain (
10:46.58*** join/#devuan aqu4bot (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
11:19.29*** join/#devuan n4dir (
11:42.44psarriahi guys, i'm in devuan beowulf and i would like install monit but this package is not available, what can i do ? use buster-backports ?
11:45.17fsmithredpsarria, use beowulf-backports
11:48.47psarriafsmithred, thanks a lot
11:51.04n4dirfsmithred: this is the right way to pin: ? File is /etc/apt/preferences.d/00librazika
11:52.10fsmithredn4dir, I think so. There should be an example that looks like yours in man apt_preferences
11:53.07n4dirIt *seems* to work, but later i disabled the repo. But on the very old laptop it went horribly south (completely without pinning though). I could repair it, but am not too keen to run in it again
11:53.38n4dirhence i ask. I think i never pinned in my life :-)
11:58.34fsmithredyeah, without pinning you could run into trouble with wrong versions of libraries getting pulled in
11:59.12fsmithredand repairing a situation like that could be tricky, depending on how difficult it is to find the packages from that repo.
12:00.11n4dirpretty much anything i need is in the repos.
12:00.57n4diri will probably keep the pinning, install what i think i need, then disable the repo again. This is hardly high-security operation, no need for instant upgrades
12:02.16n4dir3 installations in 3 days, in general all worked well.
12:03.41*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
12:04.49*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
12:15.11n4dirthe bad news: On this installation qjackctl freezes the screen, using a window manager, and i have to pkill it from the TTY
12:15.36n4diri installed cadence, so not really a problem. But still weird
12:18.12*** join/#devuan yanmaani (~yanmaani@gateway/tor-sasl/yanmaani)
12:22.33fsmithredare you running out of ram?
12:24.11fsmithredtime for food. back in a few.
12:24.37n4dirnot even close to running out of RAM
12:29.07n4dirinstalled xfce4, started it, no problems with qjack there.
12:30.47*** join/#devuan Peregrinus_ (~peregrinu@
12:45.19fsmithredn4dir, how do you start a terminal in fluxbox?
12:45.35*** join/#devuan Akuli (
12:45.42n4diri think alt+F1, while alt + F2 will give you a command prompt
12:46.04n4dironly know the former as i missed the F2 key a couple of times last night.
12:46.41fsmithredyeah, that works.
12:46.57fsmithredno lockup with qjackctl. I tried in icewm and fluxbox
12:46.58n4dirand was wondering why i don't use fluxbox in general. It does everything exactly the way i want it
12:47.08n4dirsysv or openrc, i got openrc
12:47.17n4dirbut i am pretty lost as to why that might happen
12:47.22*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
12:47.26fsmithredsysvinit here
12:48.18n4diri had it with old-stable, but not with stable. I had it in AVLinux, thats why i switched to Ubuntustudio (where you don't use qjack anyway, but ubuntustudio-controls)
12:48.45n4dirand the biggest fun is that it works perfectly fine for xfce (no matter which of the distros i used)
12:48.48fsmithredI just tested on chimaera
12:49.39n4dirlet me detach from screen, log out of e16 and try in fluxbox.
12:51.20n4dirhappens in fluxbox too. Probably i miss a package somewhere.
12:52.30n4dirAnyway. No need to investigate this any further now. I will use cadence. And as it doesn't seem to be a general bug, lets leave it as the usual voodoo
12:52.57*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
12:57.09*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:92ff:fe86:b66e)
13:13.52*** join/#devuan climbingturtle (
13:34.40*** join/#devuan ShorTie (
13:34.40*** join/#devuan ShorTie (~Idiot@unaffiliated/shortie)
14:08.06*** join/#devuan Robin (
14:09.37RobinAnyone else here that have very slow shutdown when you have encrypted disks?
14:09.53Robini have read about it and its a common issue
14:10.18Robinand you can edit this and that file but im abit afraid to do so in the case i will blow up my system lol..
14:10.36Robinits stuck on the crypt, cant remember excactly message
14:11.34HurgotronI have encrypted root on RAID-1, and yes, it's somehow stuck and seems to be terminated the hard way after a timeout, AFAIR
14:11.46Robinyeah okey : p
14:11.50Robinyou just live with it?
14:12.06HurgotronSo far I have ignored the issue since I rarely reboot :P
14:13.04Robini understand haha = )
14:13.35Robinthink its same issue for both seems like anyway :P
14:15.30Hurgotronmy wild guess is that it's something with the handover from the initrc do the real root... it would be fun to look into it, if I had the time. It's  on the pile of my todos, but not very high up
14:18.43*** join/#devuan xinomilo (~xinomilo@gateway/tor-sasl/xinomilo)
14:35.13fsmithredToo bad Robin left. In beowulf-proposed-updates is a package to fix the slow shutdown with encryption. Install cryptsetup-modified-functions.
14:35.43fsmithredHurgotron ^^^
14:40.01*** join/#devuan epony (epony@unaffiliated/epony)
14:43.01*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
14:48.41*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
15:06.42*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
15:08.35Hurgotronfsmithred: Ah nice! I'll try that on my laptop(s).
15:21.23*** join/#devuan epony (epony@unaffiliated/epony)
15:43.04*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
16:04.39*** join/#devuan KnoP (
16:30.51*** join/#devuan luser978 (~resuuser@
16:31.14*** join/#devuan xinomilo (~xinomilo@gateway/tor-sasl/xinomilo)
16:33.37*** join/#devuan fatalerrors (~fatalerro@
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17:00.10*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
18:02.09*** join/#devuan phegor (
18:04.56*** join/#devuan luser978 (~resuuser@
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18:34.40*** join/#devuan Marrek (
18:41.44meep_____It's not
18:42.36meep_____It's that you can't 'unload' your root device from /dev/dm/ if it's your root device
18:42.47meep_____Without encryption your not going through dm-mapper
18:43.11meep_____You can just remount root as read-only, park the heads and kill the power
18:43.23meep_____(modern drives seem to park heads for you)
18:43.56meep_____But with luks/dm-crypt there's another layer
18:44.34meep_____There is no way to gracefully umount an encrypted root
18:45.18meep_____There just needs to be an adjustment made to the bash script that controls that to not care about fully gracefully bringing down the rootfs
18:45.18fsmithredactually, there are a couple ways
18:45.27fsmithredone would be to run systemd instead of sysvinit
18:45.33meep_____Mount ro, then maybe run sync
18:45.48fsmithredthe other is to make some changes in /lib/cryptsetup/cryptdisks-functions
18:46.06meep_____Already ahead of you fsmithred
18:55.41*** join/#devuan gnu_srs (
19:03.34*** join/#devuan yanmaani (~yanmaani@gateway/tor-sasl/yanmaani)
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19:17.35*** join/#devuan kreyren_ (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
19:25.52*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:92ff:fe86:b66e)
19:31.46*** join/#devuan tomtastic (~tomtastic@
19:41.10*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
20:08.36*** join/#devuan luser978 (~resuuser@
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20:55.30*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
21:19.58*** join/#devuan infobot (
21:19.58*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Beowulf 3.0 stable, ASCII 2.1 old-stable) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #devuan-offtopic
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21:47.51*** join/#devuan luser978 (~resuuser@
21:51.58*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
22:01.45*** join/#devuan alexandros_tab (~quassel@unaffiliated/alexandros-c/x-1684531)
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22:34.40*** join/#devuan daniel (~daniel@
22:52.58*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
22:54.30Xenguyread today the sad story of a Debian Developer who removed the SysV init script from his network-manager package for no reason. Pretty sad to see.
22:54.58XenguyNot sure if that is OT here though.
22:55.57masonYeah, that'd be #devuan-offtopic
22:59.26*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
23:02.45*** join/#devuan hkuj (hkujmatrix@gateway/shell/
23:05.54*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
23:06.44*** join/#devuan GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
23:55.02*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)

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