IRC log for #devuan on 20200908

00:02.15*** join/#devuan aaro (aaro@gateway/shell/xshellz/x-vlvgqbkewfnejhnx)
00:06.35sunshaviemacs-nox does need dbus
00:51.36rwpsunshavi, What does it need it for?  Or are you simply confirming the Depends upon it?
00:57.44*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
01:07.14rennjit needs that sweet sweet machine-id
01:07.44*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
01:07.52rennjyou know /var/lib/dbus/machine-id /etc/machine-id  chrome,firefox,openoffice all check
01:10.52*** join/#devuan alexandros_tab (~quassel@unaffiliated/alexandros-c/x-1684531)
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01:22.24sunshavirwp: emacs-nox does NOT need dbus
01:25.22sunshavirwp: Perhaps a question on the mailing list (emacs-devel). Could solve the question ' what it is required dbus for emacs-nox
01:28.29sunshavirwp: on the tty or Xterm. It could be used for notifications with the var DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS
01:28.55*** join/#devuan onefang (~onefang@devuan/developer/onefang)
01:30.45sunshavirwp: also on emacs-nox you could configure emacs with '--without-dbus'
01:32.56*** join/#devuan pablocastellanos (
01:34.42*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@2001:d08:1830:2f20:39dd:7eea:67b3:d239)
01:35.31kreyren_How do i get all the dependencies required to build emacs on devuan?
01:35.48kreyren_remembers there being a cool command to install all required packages~
01:36.18fsmithredapt-get build-dep emacs
01:36.24kreyren_fsmithred, thanku!
01:47.40*** join/#devuan danyspin97_ (
01:49.43*** join/#devuan Nukien (~Nukien@
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01:59.40rwprennj, Right.  That machine-id that I just learned existed a few days ago.
02:00.18rwpsunshavi, I don't think it should hard Depend upon dbus either.  But emacs-nox Depends: libdbus-1-3 and so it is now.
02:01.05rwpI could rebuild the package for myself.  But dbus just sitting there not being used is less of a problem than other things that must be more actively avoided.
02:02.06*** join/#devuan bpmedley (~bpm@2601:246:8201:8e0:c805:714e:12d7:dbcb)
02:15.40sunshavirwp: '... actively avoided'. Like which ones?
02:16.33*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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03:23.15*** join/#devuan linux_n (~guest@2605:e000:8b03:4800:223:14ff:fe80:b340)
03:24.52linux_nMy devuan time was correct but when dual booted to windows and back to devuan now my devuan time is incorrect. Anyway to fix devuan time?
03:27.13yanmaanilinux_n: Oh yeah, it's the hardware clock setting wrongly
03:27.27yanmaaniLinux and Windows use different systems
03:40.21linux_nI get this error: timedatectl: command not found
03:44.51linux_nMaybe those instructions are for os that uses systemd like debian but devuan uses a different one.
03:45.03*** join/#devuan aaro (aaro@gateway/shell/xshellz/x-oddhrxrneqdxgguo)
03:46.58yanmaaniyeah, it seems like it's harder to do in systemd. You can change it in Windows too. Or you can just use ntp to set the time on boot
03:49.06*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
03:49.41linux_nI read this: timedatectl is part of systemd package.
03:50.04linux_nso wont work on devuan only debian i think
03:50.28yanmaanioh yeah, I mean outside of systemd
03:51.06yanmaanimaybe you can just run ntp on boot
03:52.39linux_ndevuan uses sysvinit instead of systemd.
03:52.47linux_nok thaks
03:53.50*** join/#devuan aaro (aaro@gateway/shell/xshellz/x-xskzanyibxawoxgo)
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04:37.30systemdlete2xfce weather widget was working until... about a week ago maybe?  At least, that's when I started noticing.  There was an API update for -- did xfce devs update the weather applet?
04:38.14systemdlete2(I'm getting so tired of these API changes... why don't they just make everything upgradeable, but backwards compatible?)
04:38.40systemdlete2Oh, yeah.  This is xfce on ascii, not beowulf.
04:39.45systemdlete2also, on another ascii, the isc-dhcp-client does not send the host-name parameter it seems.
04:40.32systemdlete2Originally, the line in the dhclient.conf file read:  "send host-name = gethostbyname()"
04:41.45systemdlete2The docs for the version (4.3.5) indicate that the syntax does not indicate an equals sign.  I removed it, just to see what would happen.  No change.  The dhcp server does not record the host-name for the client, but does for other clients.
04:44.04*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
04:51.11gnarfacesystemdlete2: try it like this: send host-name "";
04:51.21gnarfacesystemdlete2: no =
04:51.50gnarfacesystemdlete2: and with a hardcoded string first (test the gethostbyname call separately)
04:51.52systemdlete2As I said, above, I tried that and no luck.  I also tried it with a static string like you suggest, and that did not work either.
04:52.05systemdlete2Yeah.  hmmmm.
04:52.06gnarfacesure it's the right file?
04:52.32systemdlete2That's the only conf file there, and it is the one containing the send command.
04:52.43gnarfacei vaguely recall this coming up a long time ago and there needing to be some command-line flag too
04:52.51systemdlete2oh great.
04:53.17systemdlete2I thought computers were supposed to make things simpler?
04:53.39systemdlete2OK, I'll take a look at that.  thanks.
04:54.48gnarfaceso some of this information may be inaccurate because the memory is dusty but it had to do with some protocol, standard, RFC, or something like that being disabled by default in isc-dhcp-client, and that being the part that included clients specifying their own hostname to the dhcp server (some microsoft concoction)
04:55.20Jjp137systemdlete2, I use the xfce weather widget on beowulf and it's also broken there; here's an issue about it:
04:55.24Jjp137nothing we can do I guess
04:56.18systemdlete2Jjp137:  This happens EVERY time that chaanges the API.
04:56.19gnarfacesystemdlete2: (maybe one of those RFCs mentioned at the bottom of the dhclient.conf manpage)
04:56.46systemdlete2gnarface:  RFC2132, RFC2131
04:57.04gnarfacesystemdlete2: yes, one of those perhaps
04:57.29systemdlete2I don't understand why can't just leave the standing API in place, and just add new functions as needed.   That way they'd be compatible forwards and back.
05:08.59rwpsunshavi, Why systemd of course!
05:12.20*** join/#devuan kreyren[m] (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
05:12.49systemdlete2gnarface:  On beowulf, which uses 4.4.1, the same exact send command works.
05:13.05systemdlete2send host-name = gethostbyname()
05:13.39systemdlete2btw, now the weather applet is working again.
05:14.33systemdlete2but the UI is not working.  There is missing info in the forecast data, I can't switch between tabs, and I can't close it either.
05:16.15systemdlete2Had to brute-force kill the weather app.
05:16.30systemdlete2Restarted; waiting for data update.
05:19.52systemdlete2Actually, more vexing than either of these problems, making a system unusable:  On my laptop (Cherry Trail) when the screen is rotated to landscape, the screen is leaving artifacts which do not clean up even if I move some windows around, trying to sort of "erase" the artifacts.  They appear on the portion of the screen that would not be there in portrait mode, that is, the right hand section (about 1/3) of the screen.
05:20.07systemdlete2That's with beowulf.  Ascii did not have this issue.
05:23.32systemdlete2I should also mention that xfce seems to work ok on beowulf (no artifacts), but mate has problem.
05:24.11systemdlete2And I still can't get multi-tap functions to work, which kind of puts the kabosh on using the machine as a tablet, practically speaking.
05:27.26systemdlete2nvm.  On xfce, the double-tap does appear as an option I can change after all.
05:27.38systemdlete2I guess I'll just use xfce instead.
05:28.16systemdlete2It's OK, all I do with the tablet is read, and as long as I can do that much, I don't care too much about the other functions and issues.
05:45.05*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@
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06:04.52gnarfacesystemdlete2: hmmm, i wonder if it's possible you're just missing the package for gethostbyname()?
06:05.06gnarfacesystemdlete2: that might be implemented by a separate package
06:05.42systemdlete2wouldn't dhclient catch an error since it is launched with -v?
06:05.48systemdlete2but I'll look, thanks
06:06.39gnarfacei'm not sure, i just thought i recall that being in a separate package
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06:10.52gnarfacesystemdlete2: you wouldn't be missing the "hostname" package on that system, would you?
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06:27.42danuansystemdlete2: if we are talking about hostname not setting from dhcp , on my netboot systems for some reason /etc/hostname  wants a #oldhostname as second line after localhost in first
06:28.12danuani have no idea why though
06:32.02*** join/#devuan Joril (
06:35.30*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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11:15.15ottavioIs this article still valid
11:16.57*** join/#devuan rennj (
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11:52.48sammi`bon jo
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12:49.01SuaveDandyIs there such branch as contrib in Devuan?
12:49.21SuaveDandyExamples only show that there are only main and non-free.
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15:37.39*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Beowulf 3.0 stable, ASCII 2.1 old-stable) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #devuan-offtopic
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18:45.51ottavioHas anybody converted LMDE3 (based on Stretch) to Beowulf?
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20:51.30gnarfacethanks for the update systemdlete2
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21:46.12systemdlete2gnarface:  Yvw, actually.  You are a huge help around here, as are many of the others.
21:48.26yanmaaniAny way to automatically start zram on boot without systemd?
21:51.14buZzsure, the normal way, with a init script
21:51.55buZzlacking the knowledge to do so, you could just plonk the commands to start it in rc.local
21:52.35rennjthe goodstuff 4 lines for me
21:52.43rennj# 400MB swap on zram
21:52.43rennjmodprobe zram
21:52.44rennjecho 419430400 > /sys/block/zram0/disksize
21:52.44rennjmkswap /dev/zram0  > /dev/null 2>&1
21:52.44rennjswapon /dev/zram0 -p 10  > /dev/null 2>&1
21:53.10rennjbeen using in vm for couple of months now seems to work
21:53.18buZzzram frw :)
21:53.19rennjembedded fu
21:54.10rennjthis vmware vm run in ram, so never really hits disk unless i fdisk/mkfs vmware.vmdk
21:54.23gnarfacenice, rennj
21:55.58rennj5 year old ssd 17TB of writes to 500MB sdd
21:56.11rennjmy win10 gaming vm is the pig
21:56.18buZzanother of my fav blockdev modules in kernel is 'bcache'
21:56.42buZzjust -amazing- what performance you get caching a LVM pool on spinning rust with a NVMe :D
21:59.21rennjyeah looks nice, like zil/arc of zfs
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22:01.10rennjBcache patches for the Linux kernel allow one to use SSDs to cache other block devices. It's analogous to L2Arc for ZFS, but Bcache also does writeback caching (besides just write through caching), and it's filesystem agnostic.
22:01.36yanmaanibuZz: Is there any package that does it for me?
22:02.06buZzdont think so
22:02.12buZzrennj: they arent patches anymore
22:02.18buZzbeen mainline since ~forever
22:03.35rennjyeah well ive i was doing lvm/ some fs bcache would be nice...or you know just go openzfs
22:05.40rennj the future
22:06.09rennjBcachefs is not yet upstream - you'll have to build a kernel to use it.
22:06.19rennjmeh..let buZz test it
22:06.36buZzyeah i didnt try bcachefs yet
22:06.51rennjcopy that sun tech
22:06.56rennjreinvent the wheel
22:07.18buZzquite sure bcache is older than zfs
22:07.19DHEi'd like to point out that people give zfs' l2arc and slog features far too much credit
22:07.21buZzbut who knows
22:08.15buZzi remember when LVM was new, and ppl were falling over each other to adopt it
22:08.23buZzleading to a lot of dataloss
22:08.40rennjyour merkel tree
22:09.20rennjlinux lvm is from hp-ux lvm which is like ibm lvm
22:12.12rennjpull 100drives from array cabinets once cause of bad bios
22:12.59buZzor correlation
22:13.03buZzthey arent often both
22:13.21buZzLVM on linux in any way has no interest in whatever firmware you run
22:13.43rennjlvm is just the volume have choice on fs
22:13.53rennjlvm and veritas vxvm where almost identical
22:14.03buZzi dno, i dont enterprise
22:14.19rennjits just 1 part of the raid pieces..but with zfs you get in all in 1
22:14.30rennjthe volume manager and fs..and crc integrity
22:14.48buZzfor me , all-in-one solutions just break tiny parts which then pulls everything off
22:14.48rennjanyway im sure linux copy of that tech will eventually be production ready
22:15.09buZzi dont even like phones with cameras
22:15.13buZzi like cameras
22:15.34buZzmodern phone takes like 1 minute to boot, my camera boots in 1-2 seconds
22:18.38rennjread those car camera with embedded linux boot in ms
22:18.57rennjlike backup rear view display
22:20.06rennj spin of devuan version
22:22.29rennjprobably totally against the spirit of devuan
22:22.47rennjinclude the binary no source in the final build
22:25.00rennji only use my phone to make phone calls, with bmc being worthless for computing
22:27.03golinuxMaybe OT would be a better place for car/phone chat?
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22:30.11buZzrennj: yeah one of my point&shoots is a gopro clone
22:30.17buZzthats a full linux computer
22:31.02buZzeither way, i use bcache cause i can sprinkle it onto any fs
22:31.12buZzsimilar to how zram can work for 'any system'
22:31.19buZzi have no doubt that camera uses zram aswell
22:31.27buZzshould check some day i guess :P
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