IRC log for #devuan on 20200907

00:01.16HumanG33kbut my warning may come from the debian rescue.
00:04.07*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
00:04.56gnarfaceHumanG33k: hmm.  that bug report suggests something about bind mounting /run/udev/ in your chrooted system to make it work?
00:06.05HumanG33kfor my warning yes. but i think it s not why the server not boot
00:09.01*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
00:09.13gnarfaceHumanG33k: what version of devuan?
00:09.44gnarfaceHumanG33k: i haven't seen this problem here but it is unlikely to only be affecting you
00:10.17HumanG33kmy sourcelist says beowulf
00:11.57*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
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00:15.55gnarfaceHumanG33k: was it fully updated, do you recall?  or was it an update that caused this?
00:17.47HumanG33kyes i update it when its needed but i not restart it at each time.
00:18.36HumanG33ki want to install wireguard and i have some error about not load module but it was list in load
00:19.47HumanG33kso i check list of kernel to be sure linux-image-amd64 is the only install and reboot
00:20.16HumanG33kit install linux-image-4.19.0-10-amd64
00:20.49gnarfacedo you remember if the module used dkms?
00:21.02gnarfaceany error about dkms?
00:21.30gnarfacei wonder if you also needed linux-headers-4.19.*
00:21.42HumanG33kthere is a -dkms package yes, let me check is or not install
00:21.46gnarface(the one pointed to by linux-headers-amd64)
00:22.09gnarfacethat may not be related to the failure to boot
00:22.22gnarfacebut it might
00:25.03HumanG33klinux-headers-4.19.0-10-all-amd64 not install and that strange because i m pretty sure i apt install it
00:25.29HumanG33klets loop it again
00:25.46gnarfacewell if you didn't have it installed before the dkms trigger, it would have caused the linux-image package to fail to complete installing
00:25.50gnarfacei think
00:26.02gnarfaceat least it would have failed to build the module
00:26.12gnarfacemight have also failed to complete the apt command
00:27.17gnarfaceor maybe exited with a non-successful status, leaving the new kernel not marked installed and therefore not cataloged by grub... which would have left the system unbootable if you'd first removed all other kernels as you had said...
00:27.21gnarface(just a hypothesis)
00:28.07HumanG33kthat for why i ask (hypothesis)
00:29.12HumanG33ksometimes i feel that server have strange behavior
00:29.16*** join/#devuan fylgje (fylgje@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/fylgje)
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00:50.00HumanG33kgnarface, boot again
00:51.37HumanG33kand the wg0 iface is gone
01:01.14gnarfaceHumanG33k: well i'm glad you got it booting again.  was wg0 something you needed though?
01:02.38HumanG33kyes wg0 and so are wireguard network interfaces. It s the new openvpn.
01:03.05gnarfaceoh right, wireguard, for some reason i read wireshark
01:03.22gnarfacei don't have any experience with it though
01:03.34gnarfaceis the debian kernel 4.19 even supposed to have support for it already?
01:03.47gnarfaceor that's what you were trying to add?
01:04.05gnarfaceyou might want to try the beowulf-backports kernel instead
01:08.23*** part/#devuan adhoc (
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04:38.08*** join/#devuan wikan (~wikan@2a02:a31d:853e:3000:215:c5ff:fe42:f530)
04:38.11wikanhi ;)
04:38.16wikanI have tricky question
04:38.19*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
04:38.26wikanprobably you can;'t help me ;)
04:38.58wikanI created alternative XTerm class for different colorscheme. But I can't turn 256 colors for it :|
04:39.10wikananybody experienced with xterm?
04:39.11*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
04:49.28golinuxwikan: You probably need to use 8 or 16 bit colors.
04:49.59rwpwikan, Set TERM=xterm-color or TERM=xterm+256color or whichever variation you like best.
04:50.13wikani figured out
04:50.53wikancustom class's termName doesn't set XTERM variable to xterm-256color
04:51.27wikanI have XTermAlternate*termName: xterm-256color
04:51.46wikanand it doesn't work for all classes that are not just xterm ;)
04:51.58wikandid it via bash as you said: export XTERM ;)
04:53.21rwpI probably should have suggested TERM=xterm-256color as the normal 256 color TERM setting.
04:53.31rwpAlso there is TERM=screen-256color too.
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12:39.38*** join/#devuan brocashelm (~brocashel@unaffiliated/brocashelm)
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13:10.54*** join/#devuan esse (
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13:45.07essehi, i have some problem with apt on devuan
13:45.30esseall mirror gave me this error: Hashes of expected file
13:47.33fsmithredesse, are you using
13:49.54esseyes, and i also try other mirrors
13:50.02essesame problem
13:51.26fsmithredhm, update is working ok here
13:51.34essefailed to fetch mirror and "Hash Sum mismatch"
13:54.15fsmithredtried ?
13:54.31fsmithredthat's the one all the mirrors copy
13:54.51fsmithredare you running beowulf?
13:57.29esse<fsmithred> tried ?
13:57.36essealready tried
13:57.57fsmithredand internet works otherwise?
13:58.49esseno im using chimaera
13:59.05esseinternet is working well, already tried also change dns
13:59.16fsmithredoh, can you post the one line in sources.list that you are using?
13:59.26essealready tried apt clean and rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists
14:00.06fsmithreddeb chimaera main
14:00.10fsmithredis what it should be
14:00.43essedeb chimaera main contrib non-free
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14:00.51fsmithredyup, that's good
14:00.55essethe first line
14:01.20fsmithredshouldn't be any other lines unless you want the deb-src line
14:01.40*** join/#devuan ottavio (~m0ttv@unaffiliated/m0ttv)
14:01.51fsmithredI'm out of ideas
14:02.41ottavioHi, if I compile packages from sources in a Devuan Ascii chroot, will they work on a Debian Stretch host?
14:06.23fsmithredottavio, generally, yes
14:06.51fsmithredwe only change a few packages. The rest are pure debian.
14:07.34ottaviofsmithred: thanks. I haven't used Devuan for a while. Is there a guide to making a minimal Ascii install in a chroot under Debian ?
14:08.08ottavioI suppose something like debootstrap but it must be really stripped down.
14:08.09fsmithredI don't know of one
14:08.21fsmithredI've only used devuan debootstrap
14:08.33fsmithredwhich is available on the devuan live isos
14:08.42fsmithredalso on refracta live isos
14:09.17ottavioCan I just dump the devuan debootsrap onto my Stretch?
14:09.17fsmithredpretty sure others have used debian debootstrap
14:09.32ottavioAlright thanks.
14:09.36*** join/#devuan kizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:92ff:fe86:b66e)
14:10.23fsmithredwatch out for Recommends - devuan-keyring is listed
14:11.15fsmithredmight not be a bad idea to get that while you're at it
14:12.17fsmithredget 2017
14:13.47ottavioDo I need the keyring in the chroot or on the host, or both?
14:16.27fsmithredin the chroot only, I think
14:16.34fsmithredbut that's a guess
14:17.18fsmithredoh, maybe in the host to run debootstrap
14:17.57esseyes fsmithred i already installed it, same error
14:19.01fsmithredesse, how long has this been a problem?
14:19.22esseat least 1 week ago
14:19.33essebefore it i never had this problem
14:19.41*** join/#devuan brocashelm (~brocashel@
14:21.13fsmithredsearch hits say to use https. If you do, you must select a specific mirror that supports it.
14:21.23*** join/#devuan brocashelm (~brocashel@unaffiliated/brocashelm)
14:22.06fsmithredI think there were some dns changes made in the last week or two.
14:22.51fsmithredI don't know if that is affecting you in some way.
14:23.18essei use http
14:31.12*** join/#devuan brocashelm (~brocashel@unaffiliated/brocashelm)
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15:49.06*** join/#devuan Soltis (
15:50.32SoltisSans rose-coloured glasses: what's the current state/trajectory of this distro? I.e. I'm really interested in using it for production purposes; not so interested in being stuck in a tech dead-end if the project is resource starved i.e. stagnating.
15:53.04*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
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17:20.39sixwheeledbeasti don't see how it will be stuck or you have issues for production, it's pretty much debian without systemd
17:24.35*** join/#devuan Akuli (
17:32.10masonSoltis: I left my crystal ball at home, but I'd suggest "pretty good" based on things like how many upstream projects ship sysvinit scripts despite Debian's posture.
17:55.20SoltisOkay, I'll assume it's workable for now. Next question: how hard is it to get this working on modern AWS instances? The only community AMIs I see are the cloux ones and those aren't compatible with m6.
18:02.37masonDon't know - I don't use Amazon.
18:02.51masonAsking on the mailing lists is probably your best bet.
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18:46.22golinuxThere used to be an image for AWS but I'm guessing it hasn't been maintained/upgraded.
18:47.16*** join/#devuan brocashelm (~brocashel@
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19:08.06rwpSince Devuan supports conversion from stock Debian to stock Devuan it should always be possible to install Debian and then convert it to Devuan.
19:09.25masonrwp: There's always the possibility that a cloud service will inject some sort of systemd-dependant glue, but I don't know what AMI does differently, if anything.
19:09.36rwpMy crystal ball predicts slow increase in Devuan activity over time as people become more comfortable with leaving Debian for it.
19:09.55masonSounds right.
19:10.05rwpmason, I don't see how a cloud provider could do it.  Nor why they would do it.  They don't really want to be that involved in client images.
19:10.22*** part/#devuan diogenes_ (~diogenes_@
19:10.23rwpThey have a base level of caring that client images do not become compromised and part of a botnet.
19:10.27masonrwp: I'm thinking of Rackspace as one example, with Nova.
19:10.35rwpBut beyond that I think they really don't like interacting with client images.
19:11.25rwpI have no experience with Rackspace cloud VMs.  For me: Linode, Digital Ocean, Amazon, are the places I have spent most of my cloud provider time.
19:12.10rwpI should see how hard it is to create a cloud VM installation image.  I haven't done that yet.
19:12.52rwpAnd lately on bare metal systems, for various reasons, I have been doing debootstrap installations.  And actually liking that method very much.
19:13.52fsmithredDebian to Devuan migration instructions:
19:14.45masonMm, debootstrap is my preferred method as well, although a ZFS installer module might send me back to the installer.
19:15.01masonIt's down a couple notches on my list since deboostrap works well enough.
19:18.41rwpFor bare metal I pretty much only ever install RAID1 storage.
19:18.44rwpIt's just too much hassle otherwise dealing with random disk failures and needing to recover from backup and the associated downtime.
19:18.47rwpSo much less stress to just replace the one failed device and re-sync.
19:18.50rwpAll usually live while the system is running.
19:19.12rwpAnd so I like to set that up first and then debootstrap on top of it and make the installation that way.
19:19.57rwpCan do all of that in the classic installers and have done it many times.  But it just seems simpler doing it "manually".
19:43.29*** join/#devuan danuan (
19:44.20danuanattr -l /bin/ping returns Attribute "capability" has a 20 byte value for /bin/ping
19:44.46danuanany reason a single fine in a base install would have that set? it causes errors in rsync to nfs
19:45.02danuanfine - file
19:47.28brocashelmand that's the great thing about devuan. it's just debian without systemd (and its importance is increased when other debian-based distros include systemd in some form, including mx). anything beyond that is up in the sky
19:54.53rwpdanuan, Interesting...  Looking in the iputils-ping.postinst script it says "If we have setcap is installed, try setting cap_net_raw+ep, which allows us to install our binaries without the setuid bit."
19:54.55masondanuan: you mean lsattr, yes?
19:55.24rwpdanuan, Looking at I see discussion in the area with arping.
19:56.07rwpLooking at /usr/share/doc/iputils-ping/changelog.Debian.gz there are various mentions of setting capabilities.
19:56.32fsmithredThere's an explanation at the end of man ping.
19:56.47rwpIn particular: * Enable the CAP_NET_RAW capability and strip the setuid bit on ping and ping6 binaries if possible. -- Noah Meyerhans <>  Sun, 08 Dec 2013 17:47:52 -0800
19:59.08danuanso if have root on nfs  ping wont work right without xattr ?
19:59.43rwpwishes I had my NFS diskless test system running so I could test this...
20:00.04masonrwp: You can netboot vms.
20:01.43rwpmason, Recipe reference?  I would love to know more about this!
20:02.35masonRecipe... I don't know. Last time I set up a Devuan netboot environment, I set up a Debian miniroot and replaced things with Devuan bits. I didn't write anything down, but Debian should have some docs. Looking.
20:03.41rwpIn Wheezy, Lenny, Stretch timeframe I used to have a working PXE-NFS boot system working.  But it has fallen into bitrot and disrepair since then.
20:03.51danuani am redoing my install now for this reason , as i did not keep good instructions last time , and guess i did cp -a and not rsync , so i never noticed this error till now
20:03.51masonIn essence I was running an debootstrap install out of it, so it'd only be running for that.
20:04.47rwpmason, Right on PXEBootInstall.  That's the standard method.  But my installation has fallen into disrepair.  I should spend some time refreshing it.  It was useful.
20:05.50masonSame. Last time I really heavily made use of netbooting was before PXE, using rarpd and such. (Sun era.)
20:06.06danuanand i am booting initrd off usb sticks to avoid the whole tftp dhcp  thing ,  then i can just plug same usb stick to start the boot and take it out once initrd is loaded and move on to next comp
20:06.47danuanand works on any comp without pxe or any other issues  , as long as it can boot usb
20:06.47rwpWhen the hardware supports USB boot it can really be a beautiful thing!  Unfortunately some of my available victim testing hardware does not boot from USB. :-(
20:07.32danuaneven setting usb as hard drive and not floppy or something in bios ?
20:07.34rwpFor me it seems that PXE booting has been available in hardware longer than USB booting.  At least with my random eclectic systems here.
20:08.18rwpEvery BIOS is uniquely different.  And also uniquely capable or incapable.  Some feature USB booting.  Some do not.
20:08.33masonHear, hear.
20:09.03rwpAnd I always forget which ones support USB keyboards!  There I am banging away on keys...  And then I realize that one for the BIOS needs a PS/2 keyboard!  D'Oh!
20:09.34masonAh, attr is an XFS thing. Interesting. Never encountered it before.
20:10.16masonAnd yet, it's returning data from my ZFS root.
20:10.29rwpAnd also returns data for ext4 root too.
20:17.33danuanmason , how are you booting root on zfs ?
20:18.54masondanuan: I've done it a couple ways. For UEFI systems, I either use the Linux stub loader, or I use grub (ugh) and an ext4 /boot to hold the initramfs. Other options include elilo, which is flexible enough to make finding a kernel and initramfs inside your ESP easy. Either way, it boils down to not having the bootloader have to know anything about ZFS and pushing that off until the initramfs can just set
20:19.00masoneverything up.
20:19.22masonLegacy systems, same - ext4 /boot to hold kernel and initramfs, and everything else is on ZFS.
20:20.24masonCaveat: The system does some things badly, and you can get a race for /var/log or /tmp, so on Debian-type systems I have those set to legacy mount and I just include them in /etc/fstab. Race won.
20:22.57danuanany luck having grub find  other installations besides the one currently mounted for /
20:25.03fsmithreddanuan, make sure os-prober is installed
20:25.27fsmithredand don't expect grub to find any other installations that are encrypted
20:25.27danuanyes but its non mounted zfs  installs
20:25.48fsmithredoh, I'm not sure if it will find those
20:25.54fsmithredmason? ^^^
20:27.51masondanuan: Hm, lately grub is pretty good about finding ZFS and setting the right root - e.g. root=ZFS=tank/foo/bar or what have you
20:28.27danuanyes for current system it has no problems , but for clones or other installs
20:29.18danuanother installs under rpool/ROOT which would not be mounted at the time and if they are they would not be mounted to current / as its occupied
20:29.21masonI've not yet used a boot environment manager, but folks are working on that stuff. I don't do anything at all fancy beyond snapshotting.
20:30.46masondanuan: example:  (haven't tried it, but it's there)
20:45.41danuananother question, any reason apt-cacher  would clean itself without clean_cache = 1 being set , my mirror went from gig and a half  to under 200 meg in last day or so
20:49.47Soltisnot really devuan specific, but why tf does vim has _alsa_ as a dependency?
20:50.54*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
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20:55.46gnarfaceSoltis: seems odd.  my first guess would be that you got them both from a shared metapackage dependency somewhere (like desktop suite stuff) but maybe try with --no-install-recommends
20:56.07Soltisgnarface: it's pulled in via a dependency on libcanberra, it seems
20:56.34Soltisgnarface: looks like debian package maintainers crapped the bed. again.
20:57.23gnarfaceSoltis: well, still, verify it's a hard dependency or just a recommendation (recommends are on by default but that's a slightly less critical problem)
20:57.46fsmithredI'm not seeing it as a dep or even a recommends
20:58.09fsmithredaptitude why libcanberra
20:58.37*** join/#devuan tierce (~raoulzeca@2a02:578:85c9:e12::1e6b)
20:59.01Soltisgnarface: looks like it's not a suggestion. this is ceres btw
20:59.09Soltisfsmithred: ^^^
20:59.43Soltisgnarface: I could be mistaken, though. already fried enough today
21:00.32brocashelmi'm also on ceres and seeing that "vim Depends libcanberra0 (>= 0.2)"
21:01.12gnarfaceSoltis, brocashelm: you're both right.  i'm seeing it too.
21:01.30danuansame with openssh-server  pulls in things like icon-themes and xwindow-common  etc... 30 40 packages unleess –no-install-recommends
21:01.33fsmithredssh nomad
21:03.12SoltisWhen did these package maintainers all get replaced by epileptic monkeys?
21:03.35fsmithredslowly over the last 4-6 years
21:04.47gnarfaceseems annoying
21:04.58brocashelmit's fine. maybe next year gnu/linux will be the superior desktop to windows or mac :)
21:05.43*** join/#devuan dagelf (
21:06.22danuanyes , like i saw someone recently doing apt-get update on scientific linux , and it listed 2.5k packages to update not counting the ones it was not updating. and that was just a simple desktop
21:10.55golinuxbrocashelm: I hope not.  Then Linux as we have known it will be lost
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21:19.42Soltisgolinux: I think, frankly, that has already happened.
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21:20.46danuani did get my hands on lenovo ThinkCentre M92p with 16 gigs of ram and a 300 gig ssd that someone threw out, and it had LTSB version of windows 10 installed  , i have never seen anything boot so fast
21:21.15danuanbut i am not sure if i can keep using that LSTB version as it is probably tied to someones corp account
21:23.16fsmithredtry a live usb to see if linux works on it
21:24.13danuansure does , its a monster of a machine for that size , but it had that nasty second managment system in bios i had to turn off
21:27.36danuanThinkCentre M92p 3238
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21:37.35brocashelmi see linux 5.8 is already installable on ceres
21:38.27golinuxSoltis: We won't go down without a fight.
21:52.50*** join/#devuan gigawatt (~gigawatt@unaffiliated/gigawatt)
21:59.16brocashelmso is the ceres kernel 5.8.7 or 5.8.0 right now?
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22:03.02brocashelmok, it was kinda confusing me as to which one it actually was
22:07.06fsmithredapt-cache search linux-image-5
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22:14.42gnarfacebrocashelm: most likely you can exclude the *-dbg ones and the *-unsigned ones
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22:18.08gnarfacebrocashelm: and the *-pae ones are only for 32-bit boards that can handle more than 4GB of ram, which is far more rare than the incidents of people installing this kernel
22:19.03xrogaanIt's not so much being replaced, projects have a natural turnover.
22:19.24xrogaanThe systemd thing accelerated people leaving IIUC
22:19.28gnarfacebrocashelm: (though if you really want to boot 32-bit linux on a amd64 board, the *-pae* ones may actually have a good use case.
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22:30.48SoltisOkay so ... that doesn't solve the immediate problem: vim without full throttle stupidity.
22:32.28gnarfaceSoltis: can the package be rebuilt without canberra?  or maybe there's another package that doesn't have the graphical dependencies?  for example there is emacs-nox
22:33.03fsmithredvim-tiny needs less
22:33.10Soltisvim-nox also depends on it
22:33.25Soltis... holy god, have these guys been drinking mercury since birth?
22:33.46SoltisI saw someone offer the tissue paper thin argument that it was fine because alsa isn't x.
22:33.55fsmithreduh, vim-tiny does not need libcanberra is what I meant
22:34.24gnarfaceSoltis: probably something worse and far more sinister; they're probably completely competent and consciously committing evil.  i just noticed who the libcanberra maintainer is.
22:35.03danuanwhy would a commented out line after localhost in /etc/hostname  actually help in setting the hostname from dhcp repply and not set it if there is no commented out line
22:35.16gnarfacefsmithred: you're right, though the fact that vim-nox does is pretty counter intuitive
22:35.37fsmithredyou're being polite
22:35.47gnarfaceand i just noticed emacs-nox depends on libasound2 directly :-/
22:36.12Soltisgnarface: Well, yes, just between us chickens the odds this is accidental stupidity is effectively zero.
22:36.12gnarfaceat least in ceres, anyway
22:36.12fsmithredso your editor can make sounds. Oh goody.
22:38.33SoltisSo I do have vim-tiny installed, but it doesn't create a 'vim' command, just 'vi'. Let's see if it'll accept (and correctly handle) my .vimrc ....
22:39.50*** join/#devuan DPA (
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22:40.24gnarfaceSoltis: there might still be some difference between vim and vi, but there might also be something about the binary just behaving differently depending on what it is named
22:44.02*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
22:49.09Soltisgnarface: Yeah, I'm used to that, but in this case it doesn't look like it works correctly.
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22:49.50djphSoltis: so, install vim?
22:50.28Soltisdjph: I'm not putting alsa on a damned server. That's slovenly administration.
22:50.52djphSoltis: O-o ALSA for _vim_ ?
22:51.33Soltisdjph: Yes! Even vim-nox has it as a dep now
22:52.05djphwell, that's annoying and stupid
22:52.12Soltisdjph: Welcome to the modern world of Linux. If you don't have a whiskey bottle at your desk, you're either an idiot or a better man than I.
22:52.34djphSoltis: I mean, I know at least enough to not run systemd ...
22:52.42Soltisdjph: Hahaha
22:53.21SoltisYou know, I used to have _fun_ administering Linux systems.
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23:05.07rrqspeech interface is quite useful for anyone with reduced eyesight
23:17.11Soltisrrq: That's true, but it's also irrelevant. While non-zero, the number of blind server administrators is quite low - much too low to justify contaminating a dep tree like that.
23:18.07Soltisrrq: Especially since the correct place to handle that would be in the desktop environment they're using
23:18.38fsmithredor make it optional
23:24.56masonHrm, I'm not seeing vim-nox depending on ALSA. What's the chain?
23:25.08masonAnd which ALSA package?
23:26.23fsmithredlibcanberra - libasound - alsa-utils
23:26.53masonBut, that's not a dependency.
23:27.22fsmithredin ceres
23:27.40masonAh, I don't run that anywhere.
23:29.28masonI guess I should spin up a test box.
23:29.37mason(No pun intended.)
23:32.34rwpOMG!  Am I reading this right?  vim depends upon ALSA?  WAT?!
23:37.53rwpI think I never noticed this before because I am not a vim user.  I install nvi everywhere.  [ That's right, and keep way off my lawn! :-) ]
23:38.46rwpAlso I am typing this in Emacs.  For which I am complaining about the hard dbus dependency even in emacs-nox.
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23:41.22gnarfacerwp: though most stuff that depends on dbus will work fine without it if you uninstall dbus later
23:41.45rwpEmacs then emits a warning message.  It works.  But the warning message is annoying.
23:42.26rwpA friend of mine found a way to disable that warning message.  But I have didn't fight long enough and have dbus installed now.
23:45.05masonupstream and stow can fix that for you :)
23:46.06*** join/#devuan aaro (aaro@gateway/shell/xshellz/x-khkxxjchxtmoidsl)
23:51.28rwpmason, Yes.  I can do the "Linux From Scratch" thing.  Again.  But I have been enjoying timely security upgrades appearing in the queue without my panic to get them created.
23:51.57masonThat's fair. Welcome to dbus. :P
23:51.58rwpIt's just so nice to be able to apt-get upgrade and avoid most security vulnerabilities.
23:52.24rwpBy the time I read about some vulnerability most of the time when I look I find that I already have the mitigation patch installed.  That's just so nice.
23:53.23rwpWhen I tried to figure out why Emacs wanted dbus about the only thing I found was that someone could change a font globally and it would ripple into Emacs too.
23:53.53rwpThat is not compelling for me.  Running emacs-nox inside an XTerm.  I mean...  How does that work there?

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