IRC log for #devuan on 20200903

00:09.07*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
00:18.20*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
00:35.28*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
00:49.58*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
01:19.20*** join/#devuan danuan (
01:24.07*** join/#devuan Oksana (~Wikiwide@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
01:24.49*** part/#devuan danuan (
01:28.14*** join/#devuan danuan (
01:28.38*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (
01:33.48danuangnarface thanx for help the other day with slow apt repos, even though i still get sent down to europe majority of the time, i guess its deb.devuan.orgs way of throttling me.
01:35.09gnarfaceno problem
01:35.20gnarfacecheck out apt-cacher-ng, it might help a little
01:35.50danuansetting apt-cacher was great , now most updates go at lan speed, and for the oddball time it needs new files now i might , start  rednsing to fast servers as not to mess with  the  local mirror that all points to it now
01:37.52*** join/#devuan tomtastic (~tomtastic@
01:39.54danuanand here is ROOT on zfs HOWTO for two thirds done but enough to get going devuan
01:41.18golinuxDid you fill it in?  When I saw it, it was placeholders which was a bit strange
01:41.49danuanye just did not want posts in the middle
01:42.27danuanlast part i will add tomorrow ,  will deal will optimising things, making it faster, other options
01:44.47danuanbut now that i check something happened to part 2 , need to edit again
01:44.53*** join/#devuan alexandros_c_ (~quassel@unaffiliated/alexandros-c/x-1684531)
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01:49.04danuanmultiple windows must have submited wrong one , ehh
01:49.43*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~HumanG33k@
01:52.07danuanok found it in closed tabs and resubmited
01:52.22danuanpart 1 and 2 there
02:00.12golinuxI deleted my comment.  Formatting still seems inconsistent
02:02.00danuanpart3 is temp, otherwise anything specific ?
02:09.19danuanor another howto with a better formatting for ref?
02:13.12*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
02:20.00*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@
02:31.38golinuxTerminal output in code tags is a good rule.  I see you added some of them.
03:10.22*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
03:19.39*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
04:13.47*** join/#devuan bgustav (
04:14.43*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:28.48*** join/#devuan Cgliz (~CLD@
04:29.55CglizIs this where I can ask questions related to Devuan?
04:32.50CglizGreat just a small question: I was wondering why -by default when using the netinstall method of installation and only selecting to install base components- it installs adwaita icons?
04:34.04gnarfaceCgliz: i don't actually know, but it might be because there needs to be some icon theme so someone chose that to be the default
04:34.27gnarfaceCgliz: (as in, merely an aesthetic choice)
04:34.48gnarfacelike i said though, i don't actually know
04:35.22Cglizah, okay thanks for the help!
04:39.43*** part/#devuan Cgliz (~CLD@
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04:53.26*** join/#devuan Garb0 (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
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05:03.45*** join/#devuan thegoat7 (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger)
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05:34.01*** join/#devuan xinomilo (~xinomilo@gateway/tor-sasl/xinomilo)
05:57.44rwpI see Cgliz has already left but I think they must have installed Xfce desktop, and adwaita-icon-theme is in the dependency chain of it.  Seems to be for me anyway.
05:59.08rwpIt's too bad that dependencies are so messy these days that apt-cache dotty generates such large plots.  Too big for my large monitors!
05:59.33rwpMakes me wish I had an easy to use dependency explorer tool.  Just to answer these types of questions.
06:01.18rwpBut actually "apt-get purge -s adwaita-icon-theme" works pretty well to identify if something is actually Depends: or just Recommends: .
06:26.10*** join/#devuan Joril (
06:40.33xinomiloapt install $package --no-install-recommends
06:49.06*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:179d:1cc6:8854:4d5c)
06:49.40*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
06:53.53rwpxinomilo, If that was in response to Cgliz's question asking why adwaita-icon-theme had been installed on a default Devuan installation then I think it doesn't work since the adwaita-icon-theme package is already installed upon the first login.
06:55.50rwpFor my tastes I always install a minimal installation first.  And then configure the system to my liking with APT::Install-Recommends "0"; and then install what I want from there.
06:57.27xinomilook, i didn't see the "default installation" part...
07:06.59*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
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07:47.13*** join/#devuan luser978 (~resuuser@
07:48.54gnarfacewell he said only "base components" which i assumed he meant base system utilities, as opposed to just checking nothing at all.  maybe i should have mentioned that he could have checked nothing at all.  maybe i should have clarified if he meant that he actually picked a desktop...
07:57.30rwpIt's impossible to think of everything that a petitioner may not have said when they ask a partially specified question.
08:07.17*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
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09:00.10*** part/#devuan harrydus[m] (harrydusma@gateway/shell/
09:39.46*** join/#devuan HalfWord (
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10:57.33*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
11:06.47*** join/#devuan fonky (
11:07.10fonkyhi, for the lazy can somebody paste ceres repos if possible and not to much
11:08.32fonkyusing deb-src ceres main
11:08.32fonkydeb ceres main
11:08.49fonkybut when apt-update i get pkgmaster.something
11:08.59fonkyare any new ones or any link to where i can check
11:09.58fonkyty in advance
11:12.13debdogtry instead
11:13.10*** join/#devuan finsternis (~Y@
11:13.11debdogat least that's what Beowulf's release notes says
11:13.17*** join/#devuan zama (~zama@unaffiliated/stryx/x-3871776)
11:13.41debdogthough I am not familiar with ceres
11:16.09xinomilodeb ceres main contrib non-free
11:20.01*** join/#devuan diogenes_ (~diogenes_@
11:47.18fonkyoh i have not been looking at new releases very much or checking out any feeds or souch as happy camper, without updating for around 3-4 months now
11:47.37fonkyrock stable, not sure how many people hacked the pc as i dont care to check anymore
11:48.13fonkywill do that after fresh install though
12:04.26fonkyanyways thank you all for the data
12:05.03fonkyhave a nice day
12:19.21*** join/#devuan Oksana_ (~Wikiwide@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
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13:07.59*** join/#devuan epony (epony@unaffiliated/epony)
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15:49.48*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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16:16.58*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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18:32.09*** join/#devuan yae7nae4 (
18:49.17Xelraawhat happened with the partimage package for devuan?
18:49.23Xelraawhy is only the docs available
18:51.50fsmithredit's in jessie, stretch, bullseye and sid, according to So it's not in buster/beowulf. I don't know the reason.
18:52.09*** join/#devuan KnoP (~KnoP@
18:52.36golinuxI was just about to say, ask Debian
18:55.51Xelraanot even in the contrib and non-free :(
19:00.08fsmithredafter reading the changelog, I still don't know the reason.
19:00.43fsmithredand checking the bug list for partimage and partimage-server doesn't tell me any more. Most of the bugs are old, newest is 3 years.
19:02.08*** join/#devuan onefang (
19:02.09*** join/#devuan onefang (~onefang@devuan/developer/onefang)
19:03.04*** join/#devuan yae7nae4 (~yae7nae4@2001:19f0:9002:1608:b134:e2cb:ed74:bbf0)
19:08.03XelraaLooks like an RC bug was reported and they didn't have time to fix it before the release: ... =%23915987
19:08.08Xelraathats just great...
19:12.43fsmithredyou could try backporting it
19:17.26fsmithredok, that was easy. It build, it installs. I can't try it to see if it actually works, but it probably does.
19:25.38fsmithredXelraa, do you know how to do that?
19:29.55XelraaIm just doing it but its breaking Broken partimage-build-deps:i386 Depends on libssl1.0-dev:i386 < none @un H >
19:30.08Xelraagood old libssl1.0-dev
19:30.11fsmithredoh, I did it on amd64
19:30.42Xelraaits an old 32bit only box
19:44.13fsmithredXelraa, it builds ok here
19:58.38*** part/#devuan onefang (~onefang@devuan/developer/onefang)
20:04.05*** join/#devuan KnoP (~KnoP@
20:04.56*** join/#devuan user11 (
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20:13.23fsmithredXelraa, did you get it?
20:29.39user11hi i found a message from 2018-11 in the logs by katolaz mentioning initial mini.iso in the works for openpower/power9...was this effort halted? i don't recall seeing any ppc64le isos
20:30.09fsmithredyes, there is ppc64le mini.iso
20:31.41fsmithreduser11, mini.iso is in netboot dir
20:32.52user11oh nice since 3.0 huh
20:33.00user11i saw it thnks
20:47.09*** join/#devuan ham5urg (~ham5urg@2a04:4540:6808:a600:68b7:7a31:6c34:6e85)
20:47.50ham5urgIs a simple Intel NUC + Devuan + Kodi a good choice for my TV?
20:49.07user11do they actually manage to fit ME into the NUC, really?
20:49.55ham5urgYes, the BIOS
20:50.16ham5urgor EFI I must say is a fully OS and who knows what it is doing
21:08.53user11ham5urg: i just searched the channel log for kodi...i didnt see nuc mentioned, but kodi likely works fine on devuan, and the nuc is popular with kodi users (on other distros) iirc
21:18.01*** join/#devuan systemdlete2 (
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21:20.44systemdlete2perf: interrupt took too long (2503 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 79750.
21:21.22systemdlete2That happened last night, apparently, and was the last message in the log prior to reboot; I had to reboot my system.
21:21.52*** join/#devuan pieroproietti (~androirc@
21:21.55systemdlete2The system was alive, as I could telnet/ssh to it, but it was not responsive.
21:22.42systemdlete2Note that I just rebooted the system a few minutes ago; apparently, the ssystem became lame sometime since last night when that message appeared.
21:22.56*** join/#devuan KnoP (~KnoP@
21:25.04ham5urguser11, yes, I used NUC for improvising server installation at emergency situations. small and robust.
21:25.06gnarfaceham5urg: i remember someone having a string of problems with one due to (iirc) apparent refusal to patch the kernel or install via ethernet, but that might have been back during jessie or ascii
21:25.14systemdlete2Searches on the web tell me it is intermittent, or that it is an advisory warning.  Yet others indicate it freezes their system, such as happened to mine.
21:26.07systemdlete2btw, I have not toyed at all with the performance subsystem, or the kernel.
21:26.36gnarfacesystemdlete2: i see them sometimes under load when there is high I/O wait, usually with writing big images to cheap shitty usb flash keys
21:26.53systemdlete2However, I do have syslog-ng installed now, and I am wondering if that is related.  I haven't had this prior to installing syslog-ng
21:27.12systemdlete2gnarface:  Hmmm.
21:27.37systemdlete2I don't remember writing any large files to USB flash drive yesterday.   I did do that, but on the other machine.
21:27.38gnarfacesystemdlete2: if it precedes destabilization for you, check into hardware devices potentially hanging or just being too slow (i think the default threshold for this warning is 120 seconds of "where you at dawg?")
21:28.14systemdlete2There had been absolutely no messages for hours before that final message.
21:28.30gnarfacesystemdlete2: i thought i would see this usually with slow flash but it might be possible that any hardware device can trigger it if it doesn't respond in time
21:28.57systemdlete2In fact, it looks like nearly 13 hours.  But I am not sure if the switch to syslog-ng was within that period or not.
21:30.03systemdlete2Let's see...
21:30.14systemdlete2I installed syslog-ng at 11:00am yesterday.
21:30.55gnarfacesystemdlete2: also maybe i'm conflating this with another error, but if you were running ffmpeg at the time, try turning up the thread queue size
21:31.11systemdlete2The last message before the final message prior to the freeze was at 10:29am yesterday.
21:31.42systemdlete2I was running ffmpeg (vlc?) but -- again -- on the other machine.
21:32.08systemdlete2So I have been doing the sorts of operations you say could lead to a freeze, but not on the machine that froze.
21:32.36systemdlete2And no, I am not forwarding syslog-ng messages... at least, not yet.
21:33.46systemdlete2(that could certainly cause a delay, esp. if the syslog-ng server were overloaded, e.g.   But I don't have it configured that way... yet)
21:34.38systemdlete2So it looks like I was running the default syslogger until 11:00am, according to the history.log when I installed syslog-ng.
21:36.04systemdlete2Then there were no messages in the kern.log until 11:23 last night, when the perf error occurred.  And there were no further messages after that in the kern.log until after the reboot.
21:36.16systemdlete2I should look at some other logfiles...
21:37.52systemdlete2Looks like there were successful messages from cron about half an hour before I rebooted.
21:38.13systemdlete2So, maybe the freeze was very recent to the time I tried to scp from the other machine.
21:38.33systemdlete2That perf: error might just be a fluke?
21:48.28gnarfacehmmm, or a red herring
21:48.31gnarfacenot sure
21:48.45gnarfacei think i even get those messages from my soundcard sometimes while using wine
21:49.08systemdlete2But that still doesn't say much about the freeze-up.
21:49.53systemdlete2Before this investigation began today, I was working on the other machine and wanted to scp a file to the frozen up one.  That's when I realized I needed to investigate.
21:50.05gnarfaceno, it doesn't.  they may or may not be related.  my guess is chances are though it's a symptom of the same cause rather than the cause itself.
21:50.09systemdlete2I suppose that could cause a freeze-up
21:50.42gnarfaceanything in the logs about a cpu "soft lockup" ?
21:51.57systemdlete2I checked kern.log for that one.
21:52.43systemdlete2I've been noticing these cpu soft lockups though, esp in my virtual machines on the other box.  But I wasn't running any VMs on the box in question.
21:53.04systemdlete2In fact, the only thing I'm doing on my testbox atm is syslog-ng
21:53.11systemdlete2working on it, I mean.
21:53.47gnarfacewhen this all coincided with predictable lockups for me, the ultimate culprit turned out to be a bios setting called "C1E power saving" or something like that
21:54.00gnarfaceas well as temperature sensors that didn't respond on time all the time
21:54.22systemdlete2I am wondering if syslog-ng itself could be the source of the problem.  This could make sense given that syslog-ng does have gearing for managing remote queues, which might be invoked even if those are not configured
21:54.29gnarfacebut the combination of the two would cause soft lockups that would occasionally freeze the system entirely if there was disk load at the moment (like if i was scping something to it)
21:54.40systemdlete2Yeah, I keep forgetting about that C1E biz.  I need to look at it, on both my boxes.
21:55.03gnarfacei thought it was a AMD feature so it may not be relevant to you, but Intel might have something similar just named differently
21:55.13systemdlete2Both of these are AMD.
21:55.24gnarfaceoh this isn't the Intel NUC
21:55.33gnarfacei'm getting two conversations confused in my head right now
21:55.45systemdlete2(btw, an aside:  I'm still having issues with the Intel 2-in-1, but we can deal with that later)
21:55.54gnarfaceyea look into that C1E thing, take temperature polling out of all your monitoring jobs, and set the cpu frequency governor to anything static
21:55.57*** join/#devuan brocashelm (~brocashel@
21:55.58systemdlete2people lean on you for a lot of info, gnarface.
21:56.01*** join/#devuan brocashelm (~brocashel@unaffiliated/brocashelm)
21:56.35systemdlete2I wonder if I should wait until/if this happens again.  I mean, it might be one of those total freaks.
21:57.10gnarfacefor me, it could go weeks without causing trouble
21:57.24systemdlete2I hate these kinds of bugs the most.
21:57.33gnarfacethe second time in a row it froze while i was actively scping something to the drive though i started to get suspicious
21:57.34systemdlete2But I guess everyone does.
21:58.06systemdlete2what I was trying to do when this occurred.  I wonder... maybe  should just try it again...
21:58.36systemdlete2If I can replicate it, maybe then remove syslog-ng on the testbox and see if it still can be replicated.
21:58.42systemdlete2that's an easy experiment.
21:58.52gnarfaceit was often during disk i/o that the freeze up would occur, but it was hard to trace because it needed to be during the conjunction of a cpu soft-lockup and an unlucky delayed temperature sensor response
21:59.08systemdlete2this connection may go south, but I'm still on as systemdlete on the main box.
22:00.16systemdlete2Noop.  That time it worked.
22:00.27systemdlete2Let me check c1e, bbs.
22:07.22*** join/#devuan systemdlete2 (
22:08.13systemdlete2OK, so I disabled C1e on the testbox.  I see that sensors is installed, but afaik, there is no monitoring going on.
22:08.24systemdlete2At least, I don't see anything that calls out.
22:09.03systemdlete2Oh... almost forgot.  I do have xen installed on this system.  But I'm not actively running any VMs with it.
22:09.10systemdlete2(this is beowulf btw)
22:09.39systemdlete2kernel is 5.4.0
22:10.17systemdlete2gnarface:  Let's see if/what happens next.
22:13.55*** join/#devuan KnoP (~KnoP@
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23:02.28Xelraagave up after 2 hrs trying to compile old libssl and just installed wheezy in 20 mins, those were the good times when debian didnt suck
23:04.30fsmithredyeah, I liked wheezy
23:06.02fsmithredXelraa, I have to go out for a few minutes, but I'll be back. I don't understand why you had to compile libssl. I built partimage with no problems, both amd64 and i386. Be back soon..
23:06.33*** join/#devuan kreyren[m] (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
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23:13.27user11roughly what % of users are against sytemd because they're older/used to sysvinit and what % are against it for other reasons...doing all the things, centralized control by redhat/ibm, binary logs, perhaps privacy or security issues
23:13.47djphuser11: 100
23:13.52user11i feel like the avg user here is older/"veteran" linux user, compared to other irc rooms
23:13.58systemdlete48.73% favor biden
23:14.25systemdleteabout 33.3% recommend trident sugarless gum for their patients.
23:14.34systemdlete(last I heard, that is)
23:15.04user11i mean...jokes aside, maybe debianfork is better channel for this, but Im often seeing ppl with decades experience here
23:15.06systemdleteThe rest favor outlawing the law of gravity.
23:15.51rrquser11: there's no "maybe
23:15.55systemdleteHave you tried googling for this info?
23:15.58yanmaaniI'm the latter
23:16.04yanmaanisystemdlete: I don't think there's polling on this lol
23:16.20brocashelmnot true. i'm still pretty new to gnu/linux (using mint three years ago) and hate systemd. i don't like bloat/security loopholes
23:16.40systemdleteI just ***LOOOOOVE*** bloat and security holes
23:16.53systemdleteAnd poorly written code.
23:17.00systemdleteLove it, love it, love it!
23:17.11brocashelmrms also loves it because it's """"free software"""" anyway
23:17.47yanmaaniThe security is at least OK I think. I just don't trust Lennart Poettering.
23:17.47user11its also to see if were gaining younger/newer users/devs...
23:18.11djphI believe he stated he's not familiar enough with the code to comment on it, but "yep, it's free software"
23:18.17fsmithreduser11, for the first couple years we had people who did not want systemd right from the start.
23:18.54fsmithredthe last couple years we've gotten a bunch of people who were fine with using systemd until they used for some time, then they came running here.
23:19.07brocashelmi never understood why devuan shipped with pulseaudio if systemd/poetteringshit is to be avoided
23:19.19systemdleteme either.  Or avahi daemon
23:19.22brocashelmpulseaudio is simply broken, unstable shit
23:19.44fsmithredtask-whatever-desktop packages promote bloat with all the deps
23:19.45brocashelmit can easily be replaced. avahi is harder because of so many dependencies
23:19.53fsmithredso you get a FULL desktop experience
23:20.08yanmaanibrocashelm: because the goal is just to make it possible to avoid systemd
23:20.13yanmaaniand that needs a distro
23:20.15brocashelmi understand that
23:20.16yanmaaniwith patches and stuff
23:20.30yanmaaniyou can remove pulseaudio, no? You don't need any special patches to anything or so
23:20.35fsmithredavoiding pulseaudio and avahi are easy - just don't install them
23:20.39fsmithredor remove, yeah
23:20.45brocashelmyou can. i was just wondering why they come as defaults
23:21.02fsmithredinherited defaults from debian
23:21.17systemdleteFor a while, there was that nasty browsers dependency, but I think the natives got so restless that mozilla et al gave in.
23:21.48fsmithredff-esr doesn't need PA, but I think regular ff does
23:22.02systemdleteapulse solved that... mostly.
23:22.13brocashelmyeah, apulse is good
23:22.22fsmithredyeah, apulse works with tor-browser
23:22.22brocashelmi stick with alsa and never had any problems
23:22.46user11fsmithred: even future ff-esr's like 78 ? still no PA dep?
23:23.10systemdleteWasn't there some huge, enormous, gargantuan software company that dominated every market space that decided to braze their browser onto their operating system kernel?    It was such a great idea, that Redhat did the same.
23:23.30user11firefox is annoying me more and more...they're discussing removing user.js, or perhaps requiring a mention in prefs.js to specifically allow it
23:23.52fsmithredI'm not sure about 78
23:24.01systemdleteI can no longer order wings at my favorite restaurant because of js
23:24.28systemdleteLast count they had at least 29 javascripts running on the checkout page -- it no longer accepts the same credit card I've been using there for ages.
23:24.42user11my govt is sending my medical/citizen data to big tech cloud against my will
23:24.44brocashelmwhat would be interesting is a debian- or devuan-based distro that not only excluded systemd, but also gnome, pulseaudio, etc. packages
23:24.55brocashelmi know slackware doesn't provide gnome packages
23:24.58fsmithredguys... OT
23:25.11systemdleteI was told to stop blocking their javascripts.   Somehow, I need to give google and Mark Zuckerberg my personal info.
23:25.17user11brocashelm: theres hyperbola thats real strict about no-poeterring, its arch
23:25.36yanmaanibrocashelm: To what end? Just don't install them
23:26.50systemdleteWe'd better shut it before u-no-hoo comes and makes us shut it.
23:27.21fsmithredI already did that
23:27.40systemdleteWell, you must say it LOUDER, fsmithred!
23:27.52brocashelmthe OT wasn't loud enough?
23:28.06systemdleteseems not...
23:28.27systemdletesome of us are obedience challenged, sorry.
23:30.23fsmithredXelraa, are you around?
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