IRC log for #devuan on 20200828

00:04.56*** join/#devuan absinthe (~absinthe@unaffiliated/absinthe)
00:18.16*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
00:25.39*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
00:30.18*** join/#devuan Anasko (cb8119f7@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
00:32.17*** join/#devuan thijso (
01:01.54*** join/#devuan skipshooter (markie@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/skipshooter)
01:04.18*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
01:09.59*** join/#devuan skipshooter (markie@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/skipshooter)
01:19.11*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
01:45.36*** join/#devuan golinux (
01:45.37*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@devuan/developer/golinux)
01:59.10*** join/#devuan fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
02:07.29*** join/#devuan Garb0_ (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
02:14.17*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
02:15.50flingHow do I get icecat?
02:18.36*** join/#devuan Garb0 (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
02:20.41masonfling: If you don't want to build it, there's an option noted here:
02:23.12*** join/#devuan Garb0_ (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
02:26.00*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@
02:31.25*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
02:34.15flingmason: how to build stuff on devuan?
02:34.24flingI only built things on gentoo
02:35.04masonfling: apt install build-essential and you'll have most of what you need
02:35.30masonfling: If you want to control packaging without getting too complex, also apt install stow
02:35.52masonIf you want to read about Stow:
02:40.14*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
02:54.20flingwhat is the latest repo/branch/tag?
02:55.06masonfling: For what software?
02:57.27flingwrong channel :D
02:57.31golinuxFor Devuan? Beowulf is stable release
02:57.46flingshould I upgrade my ascii?
02:58.09golinuxEventually I suppose.  I'm still on Jessie
02:58.35golinuxDragging my feet into ascii
02:59.02masongolinux: Will we point Amprolla at the LTS repositories?
02:59.22masonFor that matter, do we already?
02:59.27golinuxAlready does
03:00.08masonJessie LTS ended a couple months ago. Strech/ASCII should go to 2022.
03:01.26golinuxYes, in June
03:01.44golinuxThere were some updates after that.
03:01.56golinuxBut now very quiet
03:02.15golinuxThose repos are archived
03:02.59golinuxThat happened while you couldn't make the meets.  Probably was discussed on the ML
03:04.04masonYeah, there was a good gap in there.
03:16.44*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
03:26.43*** join/#devuan Garb0__ (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
03:41.11*** join/#devuan Garb0_ (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
03:47.50golinuxmason: Still here?
03:48.43*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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03:50.02*** join/#devuan hufdufhv (~Thunderbi@
03:51.23*** join/#devuan Garb0 (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
03:51.58masonAh, thank you.
04:05.47*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
04:19.15*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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04:40.44*** join/#devuan ham5urg (
05:11.21*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
05:11.28*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
05:34.37*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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05:58.25*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
05:59.01flinggolinux: why still jessie?
06:12.22*** join/#devuan ServiceRobot (
06:15.18*** join/#devuan Garb0_ (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
06:22.22*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
06:24.09*** join/#devuan Joril (
06:25.19*** join/#devuan Garb0 (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
06:30.53*** join/#devuan humpty_dumpty (
06:31.29*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
06:39.18*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
06:49.46*** join/#devuan KnoP (
07:01.04*** join/#devuan silentjet (
07:02.50*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
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07:31.36*** join/#devuan dsp17_ (~dsp17@2a02:a18:9155:5101:6267:20ff:feb6:e7cc)
08:14.46*** join/#devuan Garb0 (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
08:19.17*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:179d:1cc6:8854:4d5c)
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08:44.31*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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08:53.55*** join/#devuan psarria (~psarria@
08:56.42openbsdtai123is it possible to have xlockmore or a deb to install it on a raspberry rpi3b ?
09:20.33*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:179d:1cc6:8854:4d5c)
09:24.59JorilI fear you have to compile it yourself, xlockmore has been removed from Debian in 2012
09:37.08*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
09:42.16*** join/#devuan gnu_srs1 (
09:56.28*** join/#devuan ham5urg (
09:58.06*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
10:12.46systemdleteWhich is more recent, rsyslog 8.24.0 (ascii) or rsyslog 8.1901.0 (beowulf)?
10:13.22systemdleteif beowulf's version is newer, then why is the version number... uh... ???
10:13.57JorilBullseye has 8.2006
10:14.13JorilMaybe they switched to YYMM ?
10:14.22systemdleteand bullseye corresponds to... ?
10:15.01JorilDevuan 4 Chimaera
10:15.29systemdleteright, which I heard was Daedalus?
10:15.42systemdleteoh no
10:15.46systemdleteyou're right
10:15.56JorilI guess Daedalus is for Devuan 5 :D
10:16.01systemdleteyeah. sid
10:16.19fsmithredno, sid=ceres
10:16.43systemdleteI thought ceres was the dev version
10:17.07systemdleteceres is whatever the current dev version is
10:17.16systemdleteit won't always be sid.
10:18.05fsmithredyeah, when bullseye goes stable, there will be a new testing suite. I don't know the name that debian will use.
10:18.27systemdleteOh, I don't know that.
10:18.35fsmithredyeah, thanks. I was one of the people to proofread that page.
10:18.50systemdleteAnyway, it sounds like rsyslog is going sort of to yymm releases
10:19.19systemdleteI just wish they'd drop the 8.x part though.  It just creates more confusion.
10:20.31systemdleteThanks Joril.  I suspected it might be that, but with the 8. part in front it is kind of... half-done
10:21.36systemdleteThe good part is that I hear the new rsyslog (8.1901) has new syntax -- maybe a type that actually works.  I've been hacking at it for a day now in ascii and it seems like 1/2 of the syntax does not work or only a little bit.
10:21.59systemdletethe web pages are incomplete or a bit misleading.
10:24.04systemdleteSo I removed the multi-bay rack that was creating all sorts of fun on the one PC and moved the drives into internal bays.  All of the drives work normal and get speeds of 3.0gbps.
10:24.54systemdleteget this -- I hooked up the rack to my other PC here, externally because the box is not large enough for the rack, and all those old 500GB disks which I thought had died months ago...
10:25.03systemdleteum.  They are all working inside the rack!
10:25.36systemdleteSo, gnarface's theory about the controller on the mobo of the 1st machine may have been spot on.
10:25.54systemdleteI didn't believe it because, nominally, some of the disks were working.
10:26.19systemdleteAnd, strangely, the new disks are all working connected directly to the mobo sata sockets
10:27.20*** join/#devuan pav5088_ (~pav5088@
10:27.33systemdleteI have assembled several raid arrays with 3 of the older drives which appeared to not work in the rack on the 1st machine. They failover properly as they are supposed to when I remove a drive or force a failure with mdadm.
10:27.55systemdleteI am thinking that gnarface was right on the money from the get-go.
10:28.20fsmithredthat's not a rare occurrance
10:28.57systemdleteI wonder... I am thinking of ordering a pci sata controller, sticking it the box, reconnecting the raid and see if the thing works right
10:29.23crashoverrideunless you're talking about eyes that got really rancid.
10:29.33fsmithredhuh, I thought this thing had spell-check
10:29.56systemdletefsmithred is an independant thinker, that's why
10:30.52fsmithredtoo many years since my last spelling bee
10:32.40systemdleteI've given up my own role as spelling and grammar nazi.  It's a losing battle, especially as newcomers increasingly start writing and speaking English.  I think we just make it more difficult for them to nitpick all of this.
10:33.16systemdleteBesides, I would not mind at all if English were a bit more orthogonal.
10:33.35systemdletesee, I don't even know
10:34.46systemdleteI have a brand new ASRock mobo here I could install and replace the asus board.  Best part of that is it supports SATA III (6.0mbps)
10:34.47crashoverrideon imgur there's a photo of a covenant baptist church sign saying: "Thou shalt no covid thy neighbor's life"
10:35.11systemdlete(appropriate, crashoverride)
10:35.29crashoverridesorry for the offtopic :D
10:35.31fsmithredyou think the asrock will be better than the asus?
10:35.43crashoverridestatistically, better only for RMA
10:35.51fsmithredah, yeah
10:35.55systemdletenot necessarily.  But I'd think the sata ports would be in better order.
10:36.03systemdleteASRock not good?
10:36.18systemdleteSo, maybe better to order that pci card then?
10:36.19fsmithredmy "no" is based on a single data point
10:36.34fsmithredtry it before you spend money
10:36.46systemdletefsmithred:  One customer experience data point is all it takes.
10:37.02systemdletehow about you crashoverride?
10:37.33systemdleteThing is, being as lazy as I am, I really don't want to do all the work of replacing the board, recabling, etc.
10:37.44systemdletePopping in a cheap card seems easier
10:38.07fsmithredoh, you would need enough spare parts to hook up the board without putting it in the box
10:39.04systemdleteBesides, if I'm gonna replace the mobo, I want to get one of those nice cable management power supplies.  They're pricey, but I hate having to try to hide extra cables I'll never use.
10:39.18systemdletesees his credit card balance increasing. Oh well.
10:39.25systemdletespare parts?
10:39.41systemdleteIt has a video card built in, sound, etc.
10:39.53fsmithredspare power supply
10:40.03systemdleteOh, I get you.
10:40.24fsmithredborrow the peripherals just to test it
10:40.56fsmithredthen you can decide if you want to go through replacing mobo
10:42.40systemdleteI wonder if I have a working spare PS around here though.
10:43.05systemdleteYeah, it could be fun.  I'd just have to find a place to assemble it all.
10:45.48fsmithredneed ram, too
10:50.42systemdleteI actually have the 16gb ddr3 from the main box
10:53.21systemdleteyou know, I really SHOULD have splurged and gone 64gb even if the board couldn't do it -- this asrock can.
10:53.46systemdleteI've hit the 32gb mem limit already.  Funny how that happens.
10:54.07systemdleteRunning lots of VMs to test with.
10:54.15r3bootGet an old hypervisor ;)
10:54.56systemdletethat will teach me for being cheap.
10:55.01r3bootram is cheap in those things, plus you get all kinds of nice enterprisey features
10:55.04systemdlete(I can't help myself)
11:02.35systemdleter3boot:  Suggestions?
11:03.33systemdleteI just realized, fsmithred.  Not only do I have spare ddr3 memory, I actually have a spare x6 CPU that used to be in my main box.
11:03.40systemdleteI just need the power supply.
11:04.35r3bootfor a hypervisor? Check with (small) hosting companies. The average economical lifespan for a server is 5~7 years. Find one of those, and you can get them for the price of iron or free
11:05.05r3bootI picked up a dell r620 last christmas for free, with 2 x 6core xeon @ 2.2GHz + 256GB ram
11:05.07systemdleteyou are talking about some sort of hardware box?
11:05.15r3bootyes, physical servers
11:05.29systemdleteHow much will my power bill go up?
11:05.48systemdleteWill I be leaving the neighborhood in the dark?
11:05.51r3bootthis box does 130W or so, idle
11:06.02r3bootso not that much tbh, atleast not for this configuration
11:06.13systemdleteI'll think about that.
11:06.45r3bootin .nl we also have companies like, that allow you to buy ex enterprise stuff for consumer prices
11:06.45systemdletewhere did you come across them?  Craigslist?  or some industry magazine?
11:06.50*** join/#devuan detha (~detha@unaffiliated/detha)
11:06.55systemdleteah, ok
11:07.30systemdletewhat is the generic term I would search on?   "Hypervisor" gets a lot of hits for Hyper-V and similar products (software)
11:08.19r3bootI have a bunch of servers iig; I got a dell r710 from (2 x 6core, 96GB ram, 6T storage, ~1000 euros), and @ home I've got the dell r620 and a supermicro chassis ( 2 x 6core, 32gb ram, 16x2T hw raid) for free (company I worked for wanted to get rid of them)
11:08.21systemdleteThat could be a lot of fun.
11:08.54r3bootthe keyword is hypervisor-class servers; You can recognize those by the huge amount of ram that is in here by default
11:09.17r3bootplus things like sr-iov
11:09.23systemdleteok, thanks again.  I will consider it.
11:14.03dethais it just me, or is rather slow?
11:15.29*** join/#devuan luser978 (~resuuser@
11:25.34dethadjph helpful as always ;)
11:25.45djph*yes, it is
11:26.09djphI still haven't had enough coffee to be actively unhelpful :P
11:27.33detharight. So I can ask for help with $random plastic wifi router and a repeater?
11:28.59djphyou can, but #networking is where you'll get the most abuse for it :D
11:29.06r3bootyeah, indeed
11:31.22*** join/#devuan mn3m (~mn3m@unaffiliated/mn3m)
11:42.05mn3mHi All. Quick question. Is there any issues with Looks connection refused from several sources...
11:50.06*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
11:56.16mn3mIt looks moved to . All is working there. Thanks ;)
12:16.23*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (
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15:27.32*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
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15:34.41*** part/#devuan Joril (
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16:04.25*** join/#devuan kreyren[m] (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
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17:01.23*** join/#devuan bytor1990 (
17:01.40*** join/#devuan user__ (~user@
17:02.18user__Annoyances: new: user can't use ping, only with sudo. Even after neutering all policy files with my script from yesterday. Will check each script again in case there is a missed one.
17:02.47user__New2: rtkitd causes high system load for no reason. Uninstalled package. Reference: -- package author: Lennart P.
17:03.00user__No effect on system so far.
17:03.25*** part/#devuan SpikeHeron (~DutchIngr@unaffiliated/dutchingraham)
17:03.56user__And yes rtkitd is usually bumping pulseaudio thread priority so sound is "much more responsive" than under ALSA/OSS. Yes, yes. NO.
17:04.08user__Anyone got ideas on how to tame ping? If it's not a policy?
17:05.17nemouser__: I know I can't ping without root on the freebsd server I have an account on. I assumed they were doing it at the device level
17:07.01user__Right. That is wrong. There are two possible solutions: "secure" rate limited ping (one usually) wrapper, seen on Suns and elsewhere, and simply using ping the old way, where only root could use the fast ping options.
17:07.15user__NO need to "improve" it. Me will now dis-improve it.
17:08.43fsmithreduser__, dpkg-reconfigure iputils-ping
17:08.59fsmithredor possibly dpkg-reconfigure -u ...
17:10.30user__fsmithred: does not solve the problem
17:11.26nemouser__: I suppose if you like living dangerously you could make your own suid rate limited ping wrapper ☺
17:11.52user__There is no need since the usual linux ping already has rate limit for users. One per second
17:13.55user__And now, mysteriously, it started workiong
17:14.06user__I think someone is messing with my system
17:14.40user__this is really going too far
17:16.42user__ this talks about filecap but filecap is not installed here
17:18.15user__at this point I want a clear explanation why it did not work till now and now it does
17:19.03user__so there is no filecap but there is getcap on beowulf
17:19.28user__and this has for /bin/ping; /bin/ping = cap_net_raw+ep -- which is correct to permit ping as user
17:19.35user__but why did it not work before this?
17:20.04user__this system is very suspect of interference now
17:20.05*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
17:20.41DPAPing used to be a suid binary, I think nowadays has a capabillity for the stuff it needs, but not sure which one.
17:20.41DPABoth is probably fine. For the latter, the fs needs to support attributes, and they have to be (and usually are) enabled.
17:20.41DPACapabilities are a kernel feature, they don't need userspace programs to work.
17:20.41DPAI can't tell why it didn't work initially, something must have changed. You didn't remount the rootfs or anything like that?
17:22.10user__no did nothing of the sort. googled meanwhile and kept trying ping.
17:24.36DPAThat is very strange indeed...
17:24.37DPADo you maybe have automatic updates enabled?
17:24.55*** join/#devuan disillusion (~disillusi@unaffiliated/disillusion)
17:24.57user__grep setcap /etc/init.d/* -> nada
17:25.07user__where ARE the scripts which set up things at boot time?
17:25.40user__I am so fed up of people breaking things left and right.
17:26.39user__disabled all xfce4 terminal keyboard shortcuts, still switches tabs with Alt-Number -- can't use multi tab window with irssi. Used to work in wheezy and ascii.
17:27.25DPAuser__: Those caps are applied by the kernel based on file system attributes. File system attributes are just as persistant as the file they are on.
17:27.25DPAThey don't need to be reapplied after a reboot.
17:27.40buZzuser__: just use xterm then
17:27.44user__Ah. And where are these flags stored in the fs?
17:27.46buZzits a better terminal anyway
17:27.50user__buZz: :)
17:27.54buZzless memory, less cpu
17:27.57buZzfaster rendering
17:28.00user__rxvt or bust
17:28.00buZzbetter in all accounts
17:28.09buZzxterm does 24bit colors and unicode
17:28.11buZzrxvt doesnt
17:28.23user__true but I seldomly need colors and unicode
17:28.31buZzor features :D
17:29.36user__Interesting I tried ping and that worked 1st then ping localhost worked after that but ALSO ping router worked, did not work before that. Numeric ip router address in all cases. Trying to backtrace my steps to understand what turned it on.
17:31.08user__So beowulf uses polkit, getcap / libcap, apparmor. Anything else? No chastity belts, nothing? Why did they stop so soon. I assume these things are grandfathered in from debian but ?!
17:31.52*** join/#devuan FlibberTGibbet (~david@unaffiliated/flibbertgibbet)
17:32.42user__DPA: I had polkit and libcap change on me after beowulf install from live iso using refracta, it worked fine for 2-3 days when I then installed a lot of things using aptitude and apt, and then it started behaving strangely, polkit policy files were probably modified, and so on. I suspected an intrusion and / or a trojaned package or two or three.
17:33.07user__worked fine for 2-3 days means over 2-3 reboots at least too.
17:34.00user__why is this whole security circus going on anyway? group and user permission based security works on huge systems, why are all these new toys needed?
17:35.02user__I am beginning to sound like I'm going to go back to NetBSD for simple and works things.
17:37.17user__ping -i for users used to be settable to 1 second or longer, now 0.2 sec. Why?
17:39.09user__yet another way to block ping and other things: -- see message from ncopa about net.ipv4.* in systcl.config
17:40.26user__this is so crazy. There used to be the story about the cathedral and the bazaar but this is going too far.
17:41.04fsmithreduser__, did consolekit get installed along the way?
17:41.16user__I don't know. Looking.
17:43.26fsmithredwhat stuff is no longer working?
17:43.38DPAuser__: Do you have a link to the exact iso? Maybe I can take a look at it.
17:43.38DPAuser__: I mostly agree that supplementary groups would in most case be sufficent and nicer for permission control, if tools and kernel interfaces
17:43.38DPAwould have been written with them in mind.
17:43.38DPAThe only limitation I don't like about unix permissions is how they can restrict program permissions or a users permission, but not
17:43.38DPAboth at the same time.
17:44.05*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
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18:04.57gnarfacesystemdlete: it's not 100% conclusive; there's a chance that a weakened aging power supply - one that's only barely too weak, but almost still pulls it's weight - might cause similar failure behaviors, but in that case i'd expect that total drive count would affect stability in the same way
18:06.00gnarfacesystemdlete: (like, in those cases you usually also sometimes get intermittent booting, and removing one optical drive seems to fix it, so at first you think it's the optical drive's fault)
18:06.12gnarfacesystemdlete: (for example)
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18:59.59systemdleteThere's one other thing I forgot to mention.  The box that the array rack is connected to is not only a different (MSI) mainboard from the original machine (ASUS mobo), but the MSI system is running beowulf as opposed to ascii.
19:00.39systemdleteToday, I will install an ascii partition on the MSI system and see if I can at least partially reproduce the problems I was seeing on the ASUS system.
19:01.06gnarfacefor science!
19:03.12systemdleteI mean, rather than speculating.
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19:39.50F_SauceHelllo all!
19:42.21user__fsmithred: here?
19:42.46*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
19:43.02user__I looked at what changed. One thing that changed is the mixer used to be the xfce4 supplied one and now it is the pulseaudio one. The xfce supplied mixer/volume control controlled pulseaudio before too.
19:47.57gnarfaceF_Sauce: if you have questions just ask, don't wait for permission
19:48.25user__I assume at least one of the packages pulled in something bad.\
19:48.47user__Suggest an antivirus / etc one can run from the live system? I do not expect it to catch state trojans but it is a try.
19:49.01user__State trojan = Germany's Bundestrojaner.
19:53.30gnarfaceclamav is easy enough to use
19:53.45gnarfacewill probably catch windows mail viruses at least
20:00.13*** join/#devuan suavedandy (
20:00.27suavedandyGuys. How do I install Wayland?
20:01.52gnarfacehmm, good question
20:03.46gnarfacesuavedandy: the debian wiki page may still be accurate enough for this
20:03.55gnarfacesuavedandy: dunno though, haven't tried wayland myself
20:06.10fsmithreduser__, xfce4-mixer no longer exists
20:06.51fsmithredI guess someone decided it was no longer needed since everyone uses pulseaudio. (not me!)
20:06.59*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:07.26fsmithredvolumeicon-alsa is a reasonable substitute if you want volume control on the panel.
20:08.45suavedandyThere's no Wayland.
20:08.50fsmithredapt install xwayland (maybe?)  If you try it, let us know if it works.
20:09.11suavedandyIt's a compatibility layer for Xorg.
20:09.23suavedandySway isn't here either.
20:09.39fsmithredthere are 161 packages with wayland in the name
20:10.00fsmithredthat's not accurate - maybe half that many
20:10.05suavedandySo basically, there are no Wayland compositors other than, say, GNOME or KDE.
20:10.16brocashelmthere's also enlightenment desktop
20:10.20brocashelmwhich uses wayland optionally
20:10.25suavedandyI guess.
20:10.35gnarfacei see sway in ceres
20:10.43suavedandyNo tiling WMs at all.
20:11.10suavedandyLet me check the Backports.
20:11.12gnarfaceweston is present in beowulf too
20:11.25*** part/#devuan detha (~detha@unaffiliated/detha)
20:11.36gnarfaceinitial checks suggest this should all be identical to debian
20:11.54gnarfaceif it works there it *should* work here too
20:12.00gnarfaceand in the same way
20:12.25brocashelmdebian's wiki speaks very fondly of wayland...
20:13.19suavedandyNo Sway in the Backports either.
20:13.36suavedandyAnd I was planning to use a tiling WM.
20:14.34gnarfacedebian's wiki also lists enlightenment, which is present
20:14.58suavedandyWell, MAYBE you can set up KDE to behave like that but that's a lot of extra work and KDE is still mouse-focused.
20:15.26suavedandyNot only do I want to use keybinds more but also my touchpad sucks.
20:15.59brocashelmi only used enlightenment briefly when i was testing a gentoo install. i found it bloated
20:15.59gnarfacewell, the relevant part is that it should be working, according to all accounts, just none of us have tested it
20:16.21suavedandyIs there a Wayland package tho?
20:16.47suavedandyHave you tried Enlightment, guys?
20:16.48gnarfacethat is not a measurement of whether it is working or not, apparently
20:17.03gnarfacei'm using enlightenment right now, just not with wayland
20:17.06suavedandyThat's a wordy word.
20:17.17brocashelmi only like xfce of all desktop environments and shilland isn't supported. i hope xfce will end up being the based and redpilled de not to use it, but who knows what their devs think
20:18.16crashoverridebrocashelm: debian has embraced "new stuff" way too easily in the last decade
20:18.46crashoverridewayland might not be as bad as systemd, but it certainly isn't the graal either.
20:19.02suavedandyI don't think it's necessarily a bad thing.
20:19.06brocashelmcrashoverride: it does not surprise me. ubuntu, red hat, and microsoft employees are maintaining debian packages
20:19.09suavedandyOr a good thing.
20:19.20crashoverrideas an alternative it is a good thing
20:19.21brocashelmwayland is not a problem as long as it's still a choice
20:19.23gnarfaceenlightenment isn't as bloated as the output of "free -m" makes it seem; it caches aggressively to scale up well but scales down almost as well
20:19.28crashoverridebut so is Xorg
20:20.02crashoverridebrocashelm: exactly
20:20.09brocashelmxorg might not be perfect (no software is), but i don't see a real reason to scrap it entirely for some meme compositor
20:20.50suavedandyIs Google involved in Debian?
20:20.52crashoverridewell, the reason is "debian used to be old as fuck, so let's blame it on how complicated software is"
20:21.09crashoverridein what isn't google involved?
20:21.33suavedandyGoogle bad.
20:22.12suavedandyAlways pokes its dirty hands into everything.
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20:23.21brocashelmthe less influence from poetteringshit (systemd, pulseaudio), gnome, red hat, fedora, wayland, etc., the better
20:23.31gnarfacesuavedandy: they make rust and chromium, notably
20:23.39gnarfacesuavedandy: and obviously firefox
20:23.48gnarfacesuavedandy: (well, less firefox these days)
20:23.55suavedandyThat's obv not a good thing.
20:23.58brocashelmthose things will only continue to stifle gnu/linux on the desktop because they aren't meant for stability
20:24.28brocashelmi guess yet another reason i use devuan over debian, aside from not using shitstemd. don't fix what isn't broken and keep it that way
20:24.35gnarfacesuavedandy: also there's nodejs a bunch of packges with "google* in the name for various web tool protocols and such but it's not clear how much of that is contributed by 3rd parties just to support google's products or by google themselves
20:24.36suavedandyMozilla is also shaydaaay.
20:24.40brocashelmi hate mozilla
20:24.49suavedandyI heard all kinds of things about them.
20:24.53brocashelmbut i can't get into chromeshit one bit
20:24.56brocashelmso i'm screwed
20:25.13brocashelmbest case scenario is finding a fork i like
20:25.49gnarfacealright, i'm as guilty of drifting off-topic as anyone, but let's try to keep the editorializing in -offtopic
20:26.01brocashelmend scene
20:26.35suavedandybrokashelm: Fix what isn't broken as long as you don't break anything.
20:27.07suavedandyLetter rong. Oof.
20:27.12suavedandyOh, well.
20:28.02suavedandyI tend to avoid extremes. Not always. I either jump to extremes or not depending on the situation, really.
20:29.05suavedandyLike, I did indeed abandon YouTube seeing where it was going to. So I do make brash decisions sometimes.
20:29.11suavedandyIt's complicated.
20:29.52brocashelmindeed. feel free to join #devuan-offtopic to continue the convo :)
20:32.27suavedandyThat's rather sad that there are no tiling Wayland WMs.
20:33.13suavedandyAnd still no Greetd.
20:33.17gnarfacewell, but there is one it's just not in stable yet
20:33.34gnarfaceand there's two if you count enlightenment which can be put into tiling mode
20:33.47gnarfaceyes, and this is the 3rd time you've been told, read more carefully
20:34.19gnarfaceit's even ON that debian wiki page, which as far as i can tell is still completely systemd-agnostic for facts related to wayland/weston/xwayland/etc
20:34.19suavedandyYou're talking about Weston, right?
20:34.56gnarfaceno i'm not talking about weston i'm talking about sway
20:35.53gnarfacehah oh well... somewhat complicating the matter is that it was just taken out of the repo between now and the last time i said it
20:36.13gnarfacei still have it here in my proxy even, but it just stopped showing up in moments ago
20:36.21gnarfacei swear to you it used to be in testing and unstable though
20:36.24suavedandyHmmmm. I checked the backports for Sway before. Looks like it isn't backported yet then.
20:36.27gnarfaceit'll probably come back in a few hours
20:36.34gnarfacei'd say just wait
20:36.39gnarfacethis is bleeding-edge stuff
20:36.54suavedandyOof, edgy.
20:37.06gnarfaceyou can keep an eye on package presence here:
20:37.08suavedandyBetter not cut yourself.
20:37.39gnarfacewell, like i said, i'm still using x11 (for this reason, though i haven't said it today that's not a secret)
20:37.55user__fsmithred: what volume control is on the live beowulf iso panel? That's what I had on before pulseaudio mixer replaced it
20:38.08gnarfacemost of us here are still using x11 for reliability
20:38.18suavedandyI also remember Sway being in alpha. Tho I could be wrong.
20:39.32suavedandyIs Wayland still in alpha?
20:43.43user__Didn't ubuntu drop wayland recently ?
20:44.05suavedandyBig oof.
20:44.08user__Or someone else. Too many new features with bugs too many old required features neglected
20:44.28user__mint? just a second
20:45.09user__ 2018
20:46.14user__it all started in 2011 apparently
20:46.36user__so in 7 years they did not manage to make it usable to the point where early adopters dropped it
20:50.45user__fsmithred: pavucontrol is what I have on now
20:50.50user__Before it was something else.
20:50.57user__Not important.
20:51.00user__bye for 2day
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22:12.22danuanwhere is the celebration?
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22:19.53danuananyone ever talk here ?
22:23.21danuanohh , first time on irc in maybe 15 years
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22:23.56gnarfaceif you have support questions just ask, but please read /topic
22:26.22danuanwell , no real questions yet , just wondered the right place to go for contributing a howto
22:27.38danuanbeen playing with zfs on devuan for a while , and  just got  it installed on root with legacy boot ,  scrabbled together from various other howtos , wonder if its worth a new howto of mine come out simpler
22:28.04danuanof = if
22:28.48fsmithredthe forum would be a good place for a howto
22:29.13fsmithredmailing list is ok, but some posts dissapear due to a problem with the server
22:29.42fsmithredthey don't go immediately
22:30.15brocashelmfsmithred: i'm starting to get random errors on the server when i check/apply upgrades (such as "cannot be found"). if i try again immediately, usually works fine
22:31.43danuanapt update right before upgrade , and making sure system time is correct . those two are the reasons i ever see errors with upgrades and installs
22:32.48brocashelmi always apt update and apt upgrade (if any results)
22:32.56brocashelmsystem time is correct
22:34.23danuanin testing branch i see this stuff when they move upgrade files on server
22:34.43brocashelmyeah, i'm using chimaera/ceres. i also have ntp installed
22:35.08brocashelmi was only wondering why that was the case
22:35.22brocashelmbut if it's normal, i won't think much of it
22:35.32danuanhence testing and unstable
22:35.49danuanjust got to try again or wait a bit for them to finish
22:37.05golinuxdanuan: Do not use suite name in Devuan for sources.list.  Use the codename
22:38.01danuansorry i do not , just as a long time debian user  i still call em that
22:38.01brocashelmthat is true. the planet names are pretty cool, anyway
22:38.01golinuxIf you use "testing" or "stable", you could find yourself in a world of hurt
22:38.42golinuxFactoid . . . one of Devuan's creators was an astronomer
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22:55.55danuanjust out of curiosity what would happened if one did use stable testing and unstable in sources ?
22:57.12gnarfaceheh, that, apparently
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23:55.11danuani was just wondering what would happened , and would it only happened when the branch gets moved up from unstable to testing ? and it would seem as you did dist-upgrade  next time you messes with apt ?
23:56.32golinuxBulleye will be stable long before chimaera is stable
23:58.22golinuxIf you are on stable (Beowulf) and Bullseye goes "stable" you will land on Chimaera which will not yet be stable.

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