IRC log for #devuan on 20200827

02:38.46*** join/#devuan infobot (
02:38.46*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Beowulf 3.0 stable, ASCII 2.1 old-stable) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #devuan-offtopic
02:38.46*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
02:39.04*** join/#devuan parazyd (~parazyd@devuan/developer/parazyd)
02:50.07*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
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03:17.19*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
03:32.00*** join/#devuan mirda (~mirdaf@
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04:13.57*** join/#devuan djph_ (~dpurgert@devuan/community/dpurgert)
04:23.06*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:45.26*** join/#devuan tomtastic (~tomtastic@
04:45.53*** join/#devuan Inepu (~Mithrandi@
05:11.46*** join/#devuan humpty_dumpty (
05:12.37humpty_dumptyHi, where can I find the fingerprints for the PGP keys, which are used to sign the Devuan release SHA256SUMS file?
05:13.29humpty_dumptyI'm currently stuck with the following command "gpg2 --recv-keys [...] --keyserver".
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05:38.36*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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05:46.29*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
06:00.01*** join/#devuan user____ (~user@
06:00.35user____re: polkit and .policy files: the time has come to find a solution to make them devuan compatible or "gone"
06:01.28user____I did this: locate -r '\.policy$' on my beowulf new system and found about 39 of them in total.
06:01.42user____Not too many to bulk patch/edit using sed for example.
06:02.32user____The edit goal is to enable all permissions hoping that then the system scripts contaminated with polkit and systemd "rules" will revert to honoring the already set group and user permissions and mount options. I will try this and report.
06:03.07user____Is there an interest at devuan project level to implement this as a package/patch? Neutering polkit and causing the system to revert to "default" expected *nix operation?
06:04.39user____another: related: when installing java 11 openjdk, it brings in it's own policy files, these need to be excluded, i.e. the above locate -r also locates extra files which are not polkit related
06:05.38user____so we're actually only interested in files under /usr/share/polkit-1/
06:06.05user____locate -r '/usr/share/polkit-1/.*\.policy$' -- these
06:08.55user____the second part is to bulk edit the files in place using sed, after backing them up using tar
06:08.59user____sed command:
06:10.14user____sed -i -e 's/<allow_any>\([^<]\+\)<\/allow_any>/<allow_any>yes<\/allow_any>/g'
06:10.26user____and the same for allow_interactive and allow_active
06:10.31user____trying this now
06:23.52*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
06:26.05user____script verified: sed -ie 's/<\(allow_\(any\|active\|inactive\)\)>\([^<]\+\)<\/[^>]\+>/<\1>yes<\/\1>/g' $policy_files
06:26.18user____warning this edits files in place with no backup, use a tar backup 1st
06:26.31user____anyone else up / in Europe following this?
06:38.31*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
06:42.55*** join/#devuan Joril (
06:51.29user____confirmed all permissions granted with test script
06:51.30user____pasting it
06:55.35user____When you nice people wake up, do opinate on this "hack".
06:55.51user____Seems to work, all usual things are do-able without UAC after running it
06:56.04*** part/#devuan user____ (~user@
07:15.31*** join/#devuan KnoP (
07:39.29*** join/#devuan silentjet (
07:47.06*** join/#devuan silentjet (
07:47.09DPAuser____: To me, this is about as good an idea as adding "%users ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" to the sudoers file.
07:47.09DPAThere are probably already enough holes in policykit policies that allow programs to escalate to full root without allowing everything to do basically everything, don't make it worse!
07:47.09DPAI think which things should just work with no confirmation, or at all really, should be considered on a case-by-case basis, for each rule individually.
07:47.35*** join/#devuan lyubov (
07:56.00*** join/#devuan silentjet (
08:01.33*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
08:02.25DPAFor example, if you did this, I bet you could use org.dpkg.pkexec.update-alternatives.policy to add a symlink in /etc/profile.d/* or /etc/init.d/* or /bin/* pointing to a script in your control,
08:02.25DPAand then trick something that has root into executing it, for example by rebooting the system, or maybe even by just waiting for getty/login to restart, and thus to execute anything as root that way.
08:34.35*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
08:37.32*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
08:43.04*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
08:55.50*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:179d:1cc6:8854:4d5c)
09:10.17*** join/#devuan silentjet (
09:16.56*** join/#devuan FatPhil (~phil@devuan/community/FatPhil)
09:19.09*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
09:43.49*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
09:59.28*** join/#devuan ham5urg (
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11:02.40ham5urgI just installed dnsmasq and got a config file destination like /etc/dbus-1/system.d/dnsmasq.conf and at last it is a XML file
11:03.07ham5urgWhat has dnsmasq been guilty of to desire such a sentence?
11:12.03*** join/#devuan dabc_ (~dabc@
11:13.05ShorTiei don't see devuan building dnsmasq, so it is a debian package
11:14.25ham5urgYes, I assumed that. Is there any other small dns cache I could use?
11:14.44ham5urgLooks like pdnsd is long gone.
11:14.54ShorTieSorry, got me on that
11:15.06gnarfaceit's really not that bad
11:15.11gnarfaceyou might be overreacting
11:15.40r3bootham5urg: you could have a look at unbound
11:16.06r3bootthat does a bit more then dnsmasq (which is perfectly fine as well)
11:17.28r3bootAlso, you can just feed dnsmasq it's own configuration; The xml file you posted are DBUS permissions, not dnsmasq configuration
11:26.10DPAI've replaced dnsmasq with bind9 everywhere.
11:26.11DPABut for the final local caching, you could try nscd.
11:30.28r3bootbind is way too much overkill for just a recursor (plus, lots of legacy code, and lots of vulnerabilities in the last couple of years)
11:30.34*** join/#devuan bilbo_b (~quassel@2a02:908:17a:dd80:20d:b9ff:fe35:b114)
11:40.28*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
11:41.48*** join/#devuan Centurion-Dan2 (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
11:45.08DPAThe bugs that get found tend to get fixed rather quickly, and it usually works really well and reliably. Most of the internets' important DNS stuff uses it, as far as I know.
11:51.07r3bootthere have been quite some migrations to nsd in the last couple of years
11:51.23r3boot(from nlnetlabs)
12:07.39*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:2fb4:a690:631f:be9:63f5:ee48)
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13:36.11*** join/#devuan Bjornn (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:3ac:50bc:9191:764e:e864)
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13:49.11ham5urgThanks guys, I switched to unbound as dnsmasq is to heavy for me.
13:55.01*** join/#devuan Wafficus (4b735614@
13:55.10WafficusHello there, I'm trying to install Anbox through the Ubuntu PPA
13:55.22Wafficusis this possible, or do I have to install it through another route?
13:56.13Death_SynI'd recommend dqcache for a dns cache
13:56.36Death_Synit's a fork of the djb dnscache
13:57.32*** part/#devuan Wafficus (4b735614@
14:00.31*** join/#devuan Uberius (uberius@gateway/vpn/mullvad/uberius)
14:04.22*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
14:04.29*** join/#devuan dabc (~dabc@
14:06.45*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
14:08.38JorilWafficus: it's not recommended to use Ubuntu PPAs with Debian/Devuan
14:08.43Jorilehr too late I guess
14:11.01fsmithredMaybe we'll learn the answer to his question when he returns.
14:12.40*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
14:22.49DHEare there pre-built devuan packages for openstack or other cloud sources? the only ones I found were really old (like 2017)
14:24.39fsmithredDHE, check at
14:29.57DHEI shouldn't have used package, I should have used "image". it wouldn't be a package. it would likely be its own private download like install media.
14:31.27fsmithredwhere did you find old images?
14:32.46fsmithredone of our virtual images?
14:34.18DHEnow I'm having trouble finding what I found. maybe I found the package for making images and confused it
14:35.15fsmithredI just found it
14:35.42fsmithredone jessie image created by Centurion_Dan
14:37.57*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
14:38.16fsmithred <- This might go with that jessie image.
14:38.27fsmithredgo to master branch
14:44.54DHEthis is for making images. I was hoping there were some pre-builts. but if not then I can take this route
14:58.34*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
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15:29.54*** join/#devuan Akuli (
15:53.53*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:54.09*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
16:01.21*** join/#devuan Uberius (uberius@gateway/vpn/mullvad/uberius)
16:13.16*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
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16:48.57luser977did people react to my polkit neutering script from today?
16:53.04nemohuh. I'm unfamiliar
16:53.21nemobut just noticed it now
16:56.36fsmithredwhat is the point of that script?
17:02.50*** join/#devuan silentjet (
17:04.46*** join/#devuan fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
17:17.41nemofsmithred:  tomcat9?? \o/  you guys have it now?
17:20.22nemohuh. it's still in
17:21.19*** join/#devuan fncapkle (~fncapkle@
17:23.34*** join/#devuan athidhep (~sb35@
17:37.04*** join/#devuan fncapkle (~sb35@
17:37.37nemo"thanks to amesser"
17:37.52nemodon't see them here. but thanks
17:38.13*** join/#devuan fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
17:39.21luser977the point of that script is to revert behavior of the system to pre polkit annoyance (password requests).
17:39.36flingHow do I install icecat?
17:44.05fsmithredluser977, you can then start synaptic and gparted without a password?
17:45.03luser977after running the script the local and or remote user(s) can mount/umount volumes they are allowed to (unix group based) shutdown/reboot works w/o password reques, power button does initiate shutdown as configured. all standard as xfce4 was before polkit contamination.
17:45.45luser977yes if permissions are sufficient.
17:46.10luser977i.e. sudo configured for user/group
17:47.32luser977polkit is crap adding limits on top of existing limits. it can't enable something which is blocked at user/group permission level.
17:55.01luser977the unbelievable stupidity of the idea emanates out of the 1st paragraph. let's re-auth the authed user in case he is no longer himself.
17:55.39furrywolfI know nothing about tomcat, but reading makes me wonder if the dep on systemd is now a bug.
17:56.28luser977probably polkit related dep :-)
17:57.42furrywolfthat bug was closed with a patch to make tomcat install and work on non-systemd systems...  it was uploaded to experimental, which should have been moved to stable given when it was done...
17:57.58*** join/#devuan fncapkle (~sb35@
18:02.48furrywolflooks like it might have never made it into the main repository
18:03.06furrywolfalso, every single post by anyone supporting systemd makes me want to strangle the author, just because of the way they present their arguments.
18:03.20*** join/#devuan captainfixerpc14 (~captain@unaffiliated/captainfixerpc14)
18:12.42*** join/#devuan Garb0 (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
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18:48.07fsmithredluser977, power buttons in xfce should work without messing with policykit
18:48.44fsmithrednot sure about mounting internal drives, but I can mount removables as user.
18:57.22*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
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20:08.44xrogaanwait, the password thing is WAD?
20:09.01xrogaanAnd yeah, I can't powerdown without password request.
20:09.13xrogaanmounting requires password
20:10.51*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
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21:13.26*** join/#devuan yanmaani (~yanmaani@gateway/tor-sasl/yanmaani)
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21:25.13luser977fsmithred: after beo install mount and shut/power w/o password worked, after installing many more packages, started asking pwd. i
21:26.33luser977one can compare the policy files i got as backup on disk with the live ones.
21:30.04luser977some package updates the policy files, unwantedly
21:31.46*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
21:49.42*** join/#devuan disillusion (~disillusi@unaffiliated/disillusion)
21:54.00yanmaanigetting 404s when running dist-upgrade
21:55.02yanmaanianyone else?
21:56.10markizanoyanmaani: what's the first non-comment line of `/etc/apt/sources.list` say ?
21:56.25gnarfaceyanmaani: leading cause is using deprecated hostnames for your sources.list
21:56.38markizano^ +1
21:56.42markizanofound that out the hard way myself.
21:56.47gnarfaceyanmaani: (some hostnames that were deprecated years ago finally stopped working) is no more - use to get the latest on jessie if you are trying to upgrade from Jessie
21:57.07markizanouse for anything ascii and later.
21:57.37yanmaanideb beowulf main contrib non-free
21:57.57markizanotrailing slash is necessary, right?
21:58.06yanmaaniIt's worked fine for other packages
21:58.10markizano(at least they had one in the docs)
21:58.13gnarfaceuh, i don't think trailing slash is required
21:58.29*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
21:58.44Jjp137it's not
21:58.45gnarfaceno, not required here but my old notes suggest that it at least used to be for debian
21:58.58yanmaaniWhen I go to the URL, they have packages there
21:59.02yanmaanibut not the version it's complaining about
21:59.16markizanohrmm... isn't `dist-upgrade` as an apt function also deprecated? isn't the new function `apt full-upgrade` in place of `apt-get dist-upgrade` ?
21:59.50yanmaanimarkizano: That doesn't work either
22:00.01yanmaaniIs there a specific mirror you guys know to be good that I can try?
22:00.14gnarfacestand by yanmaani i'll answer the question in a second, afk
22:00.42gnarfaceshort version is situation probably normal
22:00.50markizanoyanmaani: can you do a pastebin of what you're trying to do?
22:01.08yanmaanimarkizano: I'm trying to update as normal
22:01.28yanmaaniIt says it lacks a bunch of packages ending in deb10u2. It has packages ending in deb10u1 in the list.
22:01.37yanmaaniso I think my mirror is just out of sync
22:01.38Jjp137yanmaani, what's the specific package(s) that 404'd
22:02.09yanmaaniJjp137: a whole bunch, but among others dnsutils bind9-host libbind9-161 libisccfg163
22:02.40yanmaani <- it fails to fetch this one
22:02.43gnarfaceyanmaani: note that most devuan packages are actually unaltered debian packages served by redirect, and will not actually show up on the devuan mirrors if you surf to them directly with a browser (expected behavior)
22:04.47Jjp137ah seems like the bind9 source package was updated very recently
22:05.04gnarfaceyanmaani: yea, and there's a build delay
22:05.24markizanonote to self: don't upgrade to beowulf in the next few hours :D
22:05.29gnarfaceyanmaani: and the *-security and *-updates are in a different place
22:05.36Jjp137to the point that even Debian's own packages website is still showing deb10u1 for libisccc-export161
22:06.21gnarfacedo we have a mirror-status page of any sort yet?
22:06.37gnarfacedebian has a mirror status page where you can actually see which ones are behind at any given time
22:07.06Jjp137I think onefang has one but I don't remember it at all
22:07.35*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
22:08.40Jjp137not sure if this is the latest or whatever but found this looking through the devuan-dev mailing list:
22:08.53Jjp137but I don't know if it actually tests for package versions
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22:46.35fsmithredbind9 1:9.11.5.P4+dfsg-5.1+deb10u2 is in beowulf-security
22:47.06fsmithredmaybe update and try again after a couple hours Jjp137
22:47.36Jjp137also yanmaani ^
22:47.56fsmithredyeah, thanks
22:48.36fsmithreduse not auto.mirror and not
22:48.48*** join/#devuan _I3^RELATIVISM_ (alexissamp@gateway/shell/
22:49.34Jjp137yeah I did hit a 404 with libisc-export1100 about an hour ago but I tried again and it worked
22:49.55Jjp137probably some Debian mirrors lag behind and one might get redirected to one? idk how it all works
22:50.09fsmithredit wil probably get fixed with a re-direct
22:50.54fsmithredI mean packages.devuan (auto.mirror.devuan) will get re-direct to deb.devuan which is the current roundrobin
22:51.25fsmithredall the mirrors are copying and there is some delay
22:51.31*** join/#devuan fncapkle (~sb35@
22:52.19Jjp137oh I've been on for quite a while now
22:54.55Jjp137but if a package was very recently uploaded to Debian (and Devuan doesn't need to fork it), is it possible for a short time that amprolla tries to get the updated package from a Debian package mirror that still has the previous version of the package?
22:55.28yanmaaniJjp137: just waiting fixed it, thank
22:58.28fsmithredJjp137, I think that kind of delay is possible, but the main repo updates every couple of minutes.
22:58.48fsmithredthe devuan mirrors update slower than that
22:58.57fsmithred2-4 hours, I think
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23:46.57*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)

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