IRC log for #devuan on 20200825

00:00.53*** join/#devuan tomtastic (~tomtastic@
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00:36.42pav5088are there any chimaera test images to try yet?
00:40.21gnarfacepav5088: you could upgrade from a beowulf install to test.  dunno if anyone has built installers yet.
00:42.31pav5088Might give a minimal net install a go
00:45.33golinuxfsmithred might have some live chimaera isos for testing on the refracta site
00:48.22*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
00:52.59*** join/#devuan Wafficus (~Wafficus@
00:54.19Wafficushi there, can anyone help me figure out why my sound doesn't work after doing 'sudo rmmod pcspkr'?
00:54.32WafficusI have all the volume up on all the relevant sections on alsamixer
00:55.59gnarfacehmm, weird
00:56.17gnarfacechange of default device order screwing with alsa config perhaps?
00:57.46*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
00:58.45Wafficusno idea to be honest
01:00.39*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
01:01.30gnarfaceWafficus: if you leave it blacklisted and then reboot, does it still not work after the reboot?
01:03.17gnarfaceWafficus: i mean, you said it was a laptop though?  it could be possible it actually needs the pcspkr driver to work
01:03.59WafficusI got it to stop working by doing the following
01:04.26Wafficus'/set trigger.trigger.beep.enabled off'
01:04.28Wafficusin Weechat
01:04.42gnarfaceoh, well that'll disable the beep in irc anyway
01:04.42Wafficushowever, now I just want my sound back :/
01:05.01gnarfacedoesn't start working again if you just modprobe pcspkr?
01:05.24Wafficusping me again
01:05.29gnarfaceWafficus: .
01:05.30Wafficus* on this IRC channel
01:05.32Wafficusyeah no pc speaker
01:05.34Wafficusthank God
01:05.36Wafficusthat was so annoying
01:05.39Wafficusbeyond annoying
01:05.44Wafficusway too loud too
01:05.50Wafficusanyway, but yeah idk about the general sound though now
01:06.15gnarfacesome laptops have a "beep" volume in alsamixer even, you said yours doesn't?
01:06.48Wafficusgot it
01:06.56Wafficusit was "PCM" that was all the way down
01:07.00Wafficusdumb on my part
01:07.03Wafficussorry about that
01:07.17gnarfaceah, PCM is important
01:07.34gnarfacethat's kinda like the main one, though some devices also have a "main" somewhat redundantly
01:07.43Wafficusyeah that's what threw me off ha
01:38.53*** join/#devuan pardis (
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03:20.30*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
04:36.27*** join/#devuan infobot (
04:36.27*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Beowulf 3.0 stable, ASCII 2.1 old-stable) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #devuan-offtopic
04:36.41*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
04:57.43*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
05:01.58*** join/#devuan no_9 (~no_9@2600:100b:b124:3cc4:4eed:deff:fe9e:e899)
05:02.24no_9avast devuanistas! :)
05:03.41no_9Devuan Jessie   <----no longer supported? no updates, repositories no longer online?
05:13.37*** join/#devuan silentjet (
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05:22.21lastebilerm, last I looked there were still repos?
05:22.54lastebilyeah, I'm seeing the jessie things in the repo
05:23.44lastebiland the mirrors definately hvae the install media. Not sure where you got the idea that they were removed.
05:24.04no_9so---i must change my sources-list?
05:24.10lastebilas for updates, I can't speak to that.
05:24.23lastebilwell if you are using a mirror that dropped them, yes.
05:25.01lastebilleaseweb at least shows them. but you should look at the mirrorlist and see. maybe there's something ELSE going on in your case.
05:25.40lastebil  < mirrorlists here.
05:26.45lastebilupdating to ascii shouldn't be that painful, however.  But it's been some time since I did that. I'm using Beowulf now.
05:27.02lastebilmust run
05:32.01no_9that was working til recently
05:49.11gnarfaceno_9: it's been deprecated for a really long time
05:50.10gnarfaceno_9: (the old hostnames i assume are in your sources.list, that is)
05:50.11no_9gnarface, so, it cant be updaTED?
05:50.32gnarfaceno_9: no i mean the hostnames are deprecated
05:51.08no_9did you look at that pastebin?
05:51.22gnarfaceno_9: no, and i'm not going to, but if it's not using it's probably not going to work
05:51.41gnarfaceno_9: there's info somewhere on the forum about the update
05:51.57no_9deb jessie-security main contrib non-free
05:52.05no_91st line
05:52.09gnarfacewhat did i just tell you?
05:52.55gnarfaceyou should be able to upgrade jessie->ascii->beowulf but you have to use the right hostname
05:53.10no_9that irc is a hideous hellpit of grouchy wankers? :)
05:53.39gnarfacejessie-security and jessie-updates are down i think though, i think only jessie-main is up still
05:53.48*** join/#devuan bgustav (~bgustav@
05:53.53gnarfacewell "main" i mean, obviously there is no actual "jessie-main"
05:54.15gnarfacethat's not the error that's preventing you from upgrading though
05:54.54no_9i dont want to upgrade this install
05:55.17gnarfaceoh, i thought that's what this was about
05:55.23no_9i have ascii 64 bit on another partition but right now it wont boot
05:55.30gnarfaceif you just wanted to get the last updates from jessie-security, sorry you're too late
05:55.41no_9ok ty
05:56.23gnarfacebut really, use, that hostname you're using has been deprecated for a long while now
05:56.43no_9it worked 2 weeks ago
05:56.52no_9maybe 3
05:56.55gnarfaceit really didn't, it only seemed like that
05:57.04gnarfacebut there was a more recent change that cut it off compeltely
05:57.12no_9well stuff downloaded
05:57.25gnarfacethe old hostname pointed to some stale mirrors that partially worked sometimes.  you probably were still missing updates
06:00.12*** join/#devuan skipshooter (markie@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/skipshooter)
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14:01.04*** join/#devuan fremen2001 (~fremen200@2a02:121e:2c6d:0:6933:a13b:2df8:f461)
14:11.07Junicchiwhat is the equivalent of command "systemctl disable" on sysvinit?
14:11.12Junicchihow can i disable a service
14:11.28masonJunicchi: update-rc.d <service> disable
14:11.45masonand then service <service> stop to stop the running service
14:14.34Junicchithanks a lot
14:18.08fremen2001why on earth did ppl create sytemd? -_-‘
14:18.43r3bootfremen2001: #devuan-offtopic, plz
14:19.59r3bootJunicchi: sysvinit works with init scripts under /etc/init.d, and symlinks to these scripts under /etc/rc?.d/. Links are prefixed with S???, where S means 'start' and ??? is a sequence number
14:20.40r3bootEg, find /etc/rc?.d -name 'S*<yourscript>' -exec rm -vf {} \; should also fix it
14:22.27*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
14:22.37masonand then "env -i /etc/init.d/service stop" to max out the convolution
14:23.27*** join/#devuan cronolio (~alex@unaffiliated/cronolio)
14:25.45*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
14:25.55brocashelmfremen2001: so devuan could exist, obviously
14:33.44*** join/#devuan ham5urg (~ham5urg@2a04:4540:6804:7300:84b1:e6ae:5442:eae3)
14:40.23openbsdtai123fremen2001: is fremen from dune I, sega cd?
14:41.24*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
14:41.53fremen2001is from dune yes...from the book
14:43.27Junicchir3boot: just realized that
14:44.43*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
14:49.57ham5urgI'm running a Devuan LXC container inside a Devuan host. When I start or stop the container my syslog is pumped up with some Apparmor error. I've found this with the same problem: and there is said that something inside the container trys to remount something which Apparmor prohibits. What could it
14:50.22*** join/#devuan bgustav (~bgustav@
14:52.32r3bootsomething inside your lxc container tries to do mount; Find that, and disable it -> done :)
14:54.52ham5urgr3boot, how? It's a plain devuan container with nothing installed in it. Even fstab is empty
14:55.43ham5urgCould I set a trigger when mount is called?
14:56.35fsmithredput a wrapper around it?
15:02.02r3bootham5urg: grep -R 'mount' /etc/* <-- would be a good start imho
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15:09.24ham5urgThanks for that
15:09.51ham5urgHow could a mount inside the container trigger some error outside of it?
15:10.52r3bootbecause the mount command calls the mount() syscall, which in turn triggers an apparmor event, which in turn denies the mount() syscall
15:11.36ham5urgSo this is not a bug, neither in LXC nor in Devuan.
15:12.27ham5urgMaybe I can live with that, the container is a long running one. It won't pump the logs up in production mode.
15:24.58*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
15:25.00*** join/#devuan suavedandy (
15:25.39suavedandyGuys. Can you use flatpaks/snaps/third-parties or is that ILLEGAL?
15:26.51djphsuavedandy: why would it be "illegal" ?
15:26.52fsmithredI think the first two require systemd and the third depends on which one you're talking about
15:27.27suavedandyRequire systemd? But I have flatpak installed.
15:27.48fsmithredinstalled in what? beowulf?
15:28.09fsmithredwhat's the actual package name? I can't find it.
15:28.27suavedandyDo you guys use ASCII because it's like CentOS or something?
15:28.30fsmithrednm, found it
15:28.45suavedandyLTS, I mean.
15:28.48fsmithredwe use ASCII (the name) because it's the name of a minor planet
15:29.09fsmithredthe OS is debian stretch without systemd
15:29.18fsmithredcurrently oldstable
15:29.27suavedandyDo people use oldstable for long-term support?
15:29.35suavedandyAs in on servers?
15:29.51fsmithredyeah, but not because they install oldstable
15:30.00fsmithredmore like they don't really want to upgrade
15:30.04suavedandyThey don't?
15:30.14suavedandyI get it.
15:30.22fsmithredyou're talking to someone who has a wheezy server
15:30.42suavedandyHow cumbersome is it for sysadmins to upgrade oldstable?
15:30.44fsmithredbecause it runs some software that can't be upgraded to a newer debian or devuan
15:30.58brocashelmi understand stable/old stable/etc. for servers and niche computing in general, because doing major upgrades can be a major annoyance
15:31.18fsmithredstuff can break
15:31.43suavedandyAnd I'm on Beowulf instead of Chimaera.
15:31.44fsmithredand I'm sure plenty of IT teams are under-staffed
15:31.52fsmithredbeowulf is current stable
15:32.04fsmithredchimaera is working surprisingly well for devuan testing
15:32.07suavedandyIs it good for desktop?
15:32.17fsmithredsomeone got a head start on forking packages
15:32.30brocashelmi'm using ceres on my desktop, though
15:32.33fsmithredyeah, I've got it on a laptop and it's working
15:32.50fsmithrednot much difference between chimaera and ceres right now
15:32.53brocashelmlittle to no problems; very stable in my experience
15:32.56suavedandyTalking about Beowulf. Maybe I made a wrong choise.
15:33.17suavedandyBecause I don't run it on a server.
15:33.28fsmithredI don't understand
15:33.49suavedandyIsn't testing more suitable for desktop?
15:33.51brocashelmi don't mind getting closer to upstream
15:33.53suavedandyOr nah?
15:33.58fsmithredtesting is suitable for testing
15:34.03fsmithrednot for actual use
15:34.10suavedandyFair enough.
15:34.21fsmithredif it's working brilliantly today, you can rest assured that it will break soon
15:34.26fsmithredand then get fixed again
15:34.30suavedandyIs testing rolling?
15:34.36fsmithredtesting is testing
15:34.44fsmithredit's not an official release
15:35.02fsmithrednew packages/versions go int ceres/sid/unstable
15:35.10fsmithredand then after a week or two they move to testing
15:35.28fsmithredat some point, testing freezes and no new versions move into it. Only fixes.
15:35.53fsmithredAnd then after some months of that, testing is moved to stable. That happens in Debian long before Devuan catches up.
15:35.53brocashelmit's still nice to have choice
15:36.19suavedandyAlright, I'll stay on stable. Too lazy to upgrade every week.
15:36.28fsmithredgood choice
15:36.36fsmithredbeowulf works well
15:36.38brocashelmi love upgrades :)
15:36.58suavedandyAnd I don't. I prefer working and being productive.
15:37.09brocashelmand i also do those
15:37.29suavedandyOnce a month is reasonable to me.
15:39.07suavedandyDoes flatpak really require Systemd tho? It installed just fine.
15:40.24suavedandyCan't find snapcraft tho.
15:41.24fsmithredI haven't tried it, so I don't really know. I seem to recall that something is missing.
15:41.41*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
15:42.02ShorTieare all nic's suppost to come up either ethX and/or wlanX  ??
15:42.26ShorTiein /sys/class/net that tis
15:42.27*** part/#devuan Joril (
15:43.34suavedandyMy laptop is fairly recent and Buster/Beowulf seem to be working excellent. Amazing.
15:43.54*** join/#devuan tim_ (
15:44.09suavedandyWhy is stable called Beowulf tho?
15:44.16fsmithredShorTie, usb dongle wireless will come up as wl<mac-address>
15:44.18brocashelmbeowulf is current stable
15:44.25*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:44.31fsmithredbecause it's a minor planet that begins with B
15:44.35fsmithredand we liked the name
15:44.49suavedandyI see.
15:44.57brocashelmalphabetical order, too
15:45.12fsmithredyes, so it's a little bit predictable
15:45.38suavedandyB uster, B eowulf.
15:46.01fsmithredno, buster is irrelevant
15:46.16fsmithredjessie was jessie in both debian and devuan
15:46.21suavedandyWhat was before ASCII tho?
15:46.40fsmithredthen ascii, beowulf chimaera daedalus, then I don't know
15:47.17suavedandyCalling releases after planets? Now that's romantic.
15:49.10brocashelmskimming through e, esther sounds good to me
15:50.09suavedandyShould have called Jessie… Zodiac or… something.
15:50.27suavedandyAre there planets starting with Z?
15:54.00fsmithredlist is linked on that page I posted
15:54.14brocashelmyeah, all the info is there
15:55.30fsmithredwe might get to Z
15:55.56fsmithredif we use a letter every 2 years, we'll get to the end before the end of unix time.
15:56.41fsmithredthat's backward
15:56.50fsmithredwe won't even make it to M
16:04.45suavedandyLol, Christian planet exists. Now we can have a truly Christian distro.
16:05.03crashoverrideTemple OS is doomed.
16:05.07crashoverrideThe creator is dead.
16:05.29suavedandyTemple OS isn't a distro tho.
16:05.43crashoverridewell technically, an OS is a distro too.
16:05.44suavedandyI believe it's made from ground up.
16:05.49djphquick someone fork it and call it ruin
16:06.01crashoverrideohai djph
16:06.04crashoverridedid you see my invite?
16:06.23crashoverridenot trying to ruin #networked but I could use the new chan more :P
16:06.38crashoverrideesp since I'm always in need of offtopic-ing and debugging at the same time.
16:08.08suavedandyHmm. Android is technically a Linux distro. Makes you think…
16:08.30DonkeyHoteilinux, yes. gnu/linux, no.
16:08.49specingmakes me smile when people say they'd never run linux all the while waving an android phone around
16:09.03DonkeyHoteibut actually, android is a linux OS, not a distro
16:09.08specingI guess what they don't know can't hurt them
16:12.27crashoverridesuavedandy: there is a difference between distro and linux distro.
16:12.31suavedandyDonkeyHotei: Of course. I'm not saying.
16:12.33crashoverridedistro just means "software distribution"
16:12.38crashoverrideit does not necessarily include linux.
16:13.15DonkeyHoteianyway, this discussion is for #debianfork and not this channel
16:13.24suavedandyI mean, yes but that's a very vague term when used with no context.
16:13.52suavedandyWe're done anyway, Donkey.
16:14.17suavedandyExcuse us for… a slight derailing.
16:16.16*** join/#devuan gnarface (
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16:37.03golinuxSilliness like the above makes me want to stop coming to this channel.  Some behavioral restraint would be appreciated
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17:57.36linux_nDevuan for installation is asking me me to load wifi firmware from romovable media. So i added iwlwifi firmware with deb extension but devuan does not seem to be able to read it. Firmware can't be read with .deb extension?
17:57.44devuoomhello, I have been experiencing Firefox ESR closing down (crashing) every time I approach running out of free memory
18:01.02*** join/#devuan devuoom (aa8207b3@
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18:03.11suavedandyDo you guys have root using the same shell as your account or does it use bash/sh/ash?
18:04.02yanmaaniyou can use any shell
18:04.05suavedandyAlso, do you think it's a good idea to set root to use a POSIX-compliant shell?
18:04.21suavedandyOr nah?
18:05.15r3booton laptops, I use the same; On servers, root always has bash as a shell, with the option to sudo <wantedshell> for something else
18:05.17yanmaaniit doesn't matter
18:05.37fsmithredlinux_n, ignore that question. You'll get to add it later if you choose expert install, and you should get it automatically with regular install.
18:06.20fsmithredsuavedandy, I think it's a good idea to leave defaults as they are unless there's a good reason to change it.
18:06.44suavedandyr3boot: Thanks.
18:07.15r3bootOh, and it's not bash-perse (on servers), but whatever is the distro standard
18:09.41suavedandyWhy do you use Bash for root on servers? Do you use Bash for your account here as well or something else?
18:09.57suavedandyIs there a specific reason?
18:10.46fsmithredI use bash because it's been the default for the past 20 years that I've been using linux.
18:11.08fsmithredI don't have to spend time learning something else.
18:11.55fsmithredlinux_n, are you using wireless for the install or ethernet cable?
18:12.16linux_nwireless fsmithred
18:12.27fsmithredok, let me know if you have trouble with it
18:13.37linux_nok thanks fsmithred.
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18:20.20devuoomis it normal for firefox-esr on devuan to close upon OOM even if there is still free swao?
18:21.18fsmithredmy whole system locks up if I get near the end of ram because of firefox
18:21.31fsmithredesr or otherwise
18:22.05devuoomcrap, that is bad news... what would a wise man do?
18:22.16fsmithreduse lynx
18:22.25fsmithredbuy more ram
18:22.35fsmithreduse a lighter desktop if possible
18:23.06devuoomthe issue is, any page/tab at any time could allocate a unholy amount of memory
18:23.42fsmithreddo you use noscript?
18:23.54fsmithredI know that will save cpu, not sure about memory
18:24.32devuoomon windows and macos the browser will trash the pagefile and even freeze while it swaps but it wont stone cold crash
18:24.42r3bootusing surf can be a way out
18:24.54r3bootbut that wont render a lot of websites that well
18:25.19fsmithredlinks2 is pretty nice, too. Makes it look like 1995
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18:28.43fsmithreddevuoom, how much ram do you have, and what desktop are you using?
18:29.09devuoomwell, I have seen this behavior on xfce and kde under devuan
18:29.23devuoomI am pretty sure it has nothing to do with the desktop environment or the distribution
18:29.26devuoomI am probably missing something
18:29.43fsmithredwell, kde, gnome and cinnamon use huge amounts of ram
18:29.52fsmithredbut I've seen the problem with xfce
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18:30.08fsmithredoften when I had 2G ram, occasionally now that I have 6
18:30.15devuoombut a browser eating up all the memory of a system is something pretty normal, that is bound to a happend if you have 2GB or 8GB.... I just expected the browser memory management to be able to deal with it
18:32.44fsmithredYou can reduce the number of content processes if your computer is running out of memory.
18:33.41fsmithredun-check "Use recommended perfomance settings." to expose that
18:34.23fsmithredthere might be more in about:config
18:39.02devuoomthis is interesting:
18:40.30devuoomdoesnt match top or ps tho
18:47.55fsmithredmy cache is currently using 455KiB but says browser is using about 800MB
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20:26.34luser977update to ff 78.0.2esr from
20:26.55luser977fsmithred: ^
20:28.38luser977re: ff tweaks an hour ago
20:29.24luser977beowulf has ff68.x, is bad. ff 78.0.2 esr is current
20:30.37fsmithredwhere is that version?
20:31.09masonDebian ships 68.
20:34.11golinuxluser977: Get it directly from mozilla if you must have the latest and shiniest
20:35.04fsmithred68.11.0esr-1 in chimaera/ceres and 79.0-1 plain ff in ceres
20:35.17golinuxYeah I'm still on 68.9.0esr
20:35.43fsmithredum, I remember when you were still on 48
20:36.07*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:37.02Jjp137according to this, 68.12 would probably be the last 68.x ESR version:
20:37.15Jjp137so really just wait a month and Debian will probably get 78.x-esr
20:37.32Jjp137and then Devuan will get it too of course
20:40.11luser977i got 78 from
20:40.50luser97768 trashes my disks on low ram machines
20:42.32luser97778.0.0 went to .1 then .2 in 25 days. .2 today. security update.
20:44.11*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
20:44.12luser97779.x on mobile seems to break a lot of things, and no downgrade patg
20:44.54luser977such as adblock extensions
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20:51.05luser977to make ff less greedy, nice it +5, and use ulimits. it will then use it's own disk cache and trash disks but not freeze
20:52.04*** join/#devuan aitor (
20:52.24Guest37785are you talking about web browsers?
20:52.42fsmithredyeah, web hogs.
20:53.39Guest37785hi fsmithred
20:54.44Guest37785i'm packaging iceweasel-uxp:
20:55.22Guest37785the git repo is here:
20:56.36Guest37785it's based on basilisk, by the same developers of Palemoon
20:58.04fsmithredwow, that sounds good
20:58.31fsmithredwhat about extensions/add-ons
21:00.21systemdleteI removed ssmtp (after experimenting with it, and then reinstalling postfix), and it also removed logwatch along with it!
21:00.24Guest37785here you are the list of addons:
21:00.40systemdleteI noticed this morning I did not get my normal logwatch report, so I looked at history.
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21:02.35fsmithrednice. Just unpack the latest tarball?
21:03.39systemdleteI can understand maybe removing the logwatch subsidiary scripts for cron when removing ssmtp, but not the script
21:04.23systemdletethe history indicates that removing ssmtp tried to remove logwatch (and mailutils, ok), although some of logwatch is still around.
21:05.09Guest37785*Just unpack the latest tarball?* No, fsmithred. I'm building the .deb packages using git-buildpackage.
21:05.18fsmithredoh, cool
21:05.42Guest37785systemdelete: are you familiar with iceweasel-uxp?
21:05.51fsmithredbut I am download the latest tarball. Is it possible to run it?
21:06.13golinuxGuest37785: Will be wonderful to have iceweasel back!  Hugs to aitor!
21:06.29Guest37785it's depeloped by the people of hyperbola, and i so your name in the irc channel
21:07.23Guest37785fsmithred: git-buildpacke worked, but i need to do some improvements; surely the packages will be available tomorrow
21:08.47systemdleteThis is confusing.  "apt list --installed logwatch" spits out nothing other than a warning that apt's UI may change in the future, but dpkg-query -l | grep logwatch shows it listed (first two columns are "rc")
21:11.36systemdleteGuest37785:  I think I have installed iceweasel on one or two distros.  Isn't that another variation of firefox, like waterfox, pale moon, sea monkey, and ice cat?
21:12.01systemdleteGuest37785:  Not sure why my nick would be mentioned in that channel.  More info, please?
21:13.01Guest37785systemdlete: not mentioned, but it appeared in the list
21:13.26golinuxMaybe there are two of them!
21:14.02systemdleteNo, I see that I have my hexchat open on hyperbola, that's why.
21:14.03Guest37785and yes, it's a mozilla variation, but it uses goanna instead of gecko
21:14.38fsmithredafk, bbl
21:14.59Guest37785and kelsoo...
21:20.14Guest37785i built it in gtk2, here you are a screenshoot:
21:20.23Guest37785it's very nice
21:23.20*** join/#devuan maggotbrain (
21:25.15Guest37785time to dinner, bye :)
21:30.04devuoomfsmithered: what would be the best way to install 78 and keep my systems updated with apt... I am trying to avoid manual install on several systems
21:30.14devuoomis there a repo?
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21:58.07mcrmy install of Android Studio on Devuan, seems to be lacking entries for App->NEW. Specifically, adding a new activity. I can't figure out of this is some environmental screw up (some subtle java version issue...), or if studio has just changed.
21:58.23mcrNot my first time using Android Studio, but it has been two years or so.
22:05.38fsmithreddevuoom, there's no 78 in the repo yet.
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22:40.43suavedandyGuys. I have elogind installed but for some reason ACPI events aren't handled. Do I also need acpi-support?
22:48.37suavedandyAlso, how do I see init's logs? I noticed something red while SysVinit was rolling.
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22:55.40devuoomsuavedandy: bootlodg for pre-rsyslogd boot logs
22:57.29devuoomthe actual log file show the actual color if you cat or vim it... maybe someone knows how to parse the color in a playback fashion
22:58.42suavedandybootlogd? Is that a file? Is that a service?
22:58.55suavedandySounds like a service.
23:00.07suavedandybootlogd is not running.
23:00.30suavedandyMISSION FAILED
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23:05.03suavedandyHow do I start bootlogd… on startup?
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