IRC log for #devuan on 20200824

00:00.01fsmithredsystemdlete, how did you install the ascii?
00:00.43fsmithredlook in /var/log
00:01.44fsmithredor maybe just installer if you used d-i
00:01.46systemdleteI think it was a netinstall, though
00:02.07systemdleteI see I have 2 devuan ISOs where I normally keep them
00:02.18systemdleteboth are netinstall, one for ascii and one for beowulf
00:03.40systemdleteI found the installer subdir
00:04.11fsmithredis the VM used for any real work?
00:04.44systemdleteoh yeah.  It's my "main" VM, where I do my personal accounting, job searches, church stuff, etc
00:05.06systemdleteit's not a test VM, but I have tons of those
00:05.09*** join/#devuan user1 (~user@
00:05.10fsmithredmake another one, about 12G and install beowulf to look at it
00:05.20fsmithredtry it, you'll like it
00:05.32systemdleteI have a beowulf vm already!
00:05.59systemdleteI use it for testing, and I have poked around in it a bit
00:07.31systemdleteIf/when I run into issues with beowulf, will the solution be to upgrade to Chimaera?   :D
00:07.58fsmithrednot for another year, at least
00:08.14systemdlete(was j/k there, fsmithred)
00:08.36systemdleteI searched the forum for policykit-1-gnome ascii xfce and got 4 hits
00:08.43systemdletenone look related to my issue
00:09.23fsmithreddid gparted work or not?
00:09.51fsmithreddid you try starting it from a root terminal?
00:10.14systemdleteit gives me a popup telling me that only root can do this, and then I click a control and it goes away, never to be seen again
00:10.23systemdlete(until I try it again, that is)
00:10.34systemdleteI can make you a movie.
00:11.01fsmithredwhat command are you using?
00:11.19systemdleteI tried it from the menu; nothing happens, as I said before.
00:11.26systemdleteI tried it from user command line --
00:11.48systemdletethat's where it gives the popup telling me mere plebes like me are not permitted to run gparted
00:11.57fsmithredgparted-pkexec as user should give you a text dialog that asks for password
00:12.03fsmithredwhich command?
00:12.09systemdlete(I'd like to remind linux that it is MY computer...)
00:12.21systemdleteI ran gparted
00:12.24fsmithredgive root password
00:12.30fsmithredit should start
00:12.44systemdleteI can run any of them as root, setting the DISPLAY to :0.  yeah, then it works.
00:12.53systemdletebut that's a rather finicky workaround
00:13.11fsmithredin ascii, that should just work
00:13.17fsmithredno display messing
00:13.30fsmithredin beowulf, su is different
00:13.40systemdleteI didn't try it without.  I just assumed that root would not have access to the DISPLAY
00:14.02systemdletewait, you mean just plain "su" -- I always use "su -" to get a root env
00:14.12fsmithredyes, just 'su'
00:14.19fsmithredand you can use user's X
00:14.23systemdletesure, if I ran just plain su I wouldn't need the DISPLAY variable set
00:14.30systemdletebut that's minor.
00:14.41systemdletethe point is, I have to su to run a GUI program.
00:14.57systemdleteSounds like I need to plan a couple of upgrades here...
00:14.59fsmithredeither that or make a working pkexec file
00:15.38*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
00:15.38systemdletewhere are those kept?
00:17.07fsmithredin /usr/share/polkit-1/actions
00:17.37fsmithredgood luck
00:18.21systemdlete; it's the stock file that came with ascii
00:19.08fsmithredthat looks vaguely familiar
00:23.31systemdlete  is an excerpt from the auth.log
00:24.00systemdleteI think that's several tries.
00:24.09fsmithredwhat display manager?
00:26.07systemdleteis that it?
00:26.28systemdleteistr there was a mismatch between dm's and window managers
00:27.34fsmithredI really don't know
00:27.48fsmithredyou can try the fix for lightdm that's in the beowulf release notes
00:28.17fsmithredthat's specifically for the shutdown buttons on the login screen, but it might help with the session overall
00:28.26systemdletehmmm. ok
00:28.30fsmithredthis is a guess. I don't understand policykit at all.
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00:28.56fsmithredI understand that it's a major pain in the ass for me and a lot of other people.
00:29.22systemdleteAlong with SELinux, ACL's, and a zillion other bits of security tossed into the mix
00:30.12systemdleteSELinux doesn't bite as much these days.  They seem to have gotten the karma for various files just right.
00:30.27systemdleteBut every once in a while, I find that SELinux has to be addressed.
00:31.04systemdleteI'll try the Beowulf release notes
00:31.12systemdletethanks again for your patience.
00:32.06fsmithredgood luck
00:41.42systemdleteconsole-kit and elogind are both running.   If they are mutually exclusive, why doesn't apt handle that?
00:42.10systemdletethe release notes say to run "xprop --root --remove AT_SPI_BUS" but that throws an error.
00:42.22systemdleteof course, I am on ascii, not beowulf.
00:42.33systemdleteI did make the suggested change for the greeter though.
00:47.06fsmithrednot that
00:47.19fsmithredin /etc/pam.d/lightdm
00:47.34systemdletewell, the problem is gone, thanks!
00:47.38pablocastellanosTried for hours without success. It is possible to add nfs shares in /etc/fstab? With debian 6, debian 7, it worked. Tried in beowulf, and strange things happens at boot time.
00:47.54systemdleteI completely obliterated console kit from my system, rebooted, and voila!
00:48.06systemdleteI can successfully invoke gparted, etc.
00:48.12systemdleteyeah, oh.
00:48.24fsmithredyeah, elogind or consolekit, not both
00:48.39systemdleteapt really should enforce that
00:50.50systemdleteI know I am pretty effusive with thanks, but thanks again.  These little things pile up and turn into major annoyances.  It is good to know I can come here to get some answers.
00:50.59systemdleteI'll still plan on a beowulf upgrade soon.
00:51.33pablocastellanosLooking at /etc/rcS.d/ supposedly mountall must not try to mount network filesystem, only local ones. then only after networking and nfs-common, mountnfs must mount nfs shares, but that's not happening. mountall tries to mount nfs shares, but rpcbind is not running, and errors appears at boot, and nfs shares are never mounted.
00:51.41fsmithreddo read the upgrade guide
00:53.30pablocastellanosThis is a brand new installation of beowulf, It is possible a bug on initscripts package?
00:55.09systemdleteI have an ascii install where I have an nfs mount in the /etc/fstab.  It works.
00:56.32*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
00:57.21pablocastellanossystemdlete: I'll try to configure my nfs mounts in ascii then, upgrade to beowulf to see what happens.
00:58.38systemdleteso you have an nfs entry in /etc/fstab and you have problems with this?
00:58.48fsmithredI use autofs with my nfs
00:58.48systemdleteon beowulf, I mean.
00:58.58pablocastellanossystemdlete: Yes, it never mounts.
00:59.13pablocastellanossystemdlete: A race condition occurs
00:59.32systemdleteI'm not recommending you install ascii then upgrade to solve this.  I doubt that would solve the problem.
00:59.49fsmithredpablocastellanos, did you see if there's a bug report either in devuan or debian?
00:59.53systemdletewhich init are you using on beowulf?
01:00.42pablocastellanosfsmithred: sysvinit
01:01.05pablocastellanosfsmithred: Tried to install openrc, it happens too
01:01.25pablocastellanosfsmithred: I'll check if there is any bug report
01:01.56rrqpablocastellanos: perhaps adding a "_netdev" option to the nfs entries in fstab make some difference?
01:02.01fsmithredare server and client both beowulf? mounting avoids those
01:03.37rrq(and i'm not sure about the underscore)
01:03.54pablocastellanosrrq: OK, I'll try
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01:05.24pablocastellanosfsmithred: Nope, server is debian jessie, client beowulf, but a manual mount -t nfs -o vers=3 jessie_ip:/path beowulf-path works. It's a problem with the mountall script of initscripts
01:05.51fsmithredok, you solved the problem I was expecting
01:06.29pablocastellanosfsmithred: Probably fstab syntax changed as rrq suggests
01:06.45fsmithred_netdev is correct
01:06.50fsmithredI'm looking at man mount
01:08.12*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
01:08.12adhocmorning folks
01:08.28adhoccan someone point me in the right direction?
01:08.59adhocapt-get -yu dist-upgrade is throwing the following;
01:08.59adhocE: Repository ' beowulf InRelease' changed its 'Suite' value from 'testing' to 'stable'
01:09.02adhocN: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.
01:09.05adhocthanks fsmithred
01:09.12fsmithredapt update
01:09.20fsmithredthen say 'yes' when it asks
01:09.56adhocok, that is new to me
01:10.07fsmithredbecause it is new
01:10.22adhocfeature || bug
01:10.25pablocastellanosadhoc: If you prefer apt-get, then apt-get --allow-releaseinfo-change update
01:10.48fsmithredcheck the upgrade guide for the tricky parts
01:11.23adhocthanks fsmithred
01:11.43adhocpablocastellanos: that will save me a whole lot of hassle across my VM build farm ;)
01:12.14pablocastellanosadhoc: :D
01:14.55adhochad not thought that installing beowulf, and it flipping from testing to stable would be an issue.
01:17.23fsmithredthe isos got made right before the repo was switched, so yeah, it's a bug
01:17.34adhocsuch is life =)
01:17.40adhocglad there is a work around
01:17.47adhocand you folks are helpful
01:17.54fsmithredapt needing you to allow it is the new feature
01:18.03fsmithredwe didn't do that part
01:18.21adhocdid that come from upstream?
01:18.44fsmithredshould only run into it if you were running beowulf before it went stable
01:19.34adhocI had to upgrade to get access to various language libraries
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03:09.17golinuxDoesn't anyone read documentation to solve upgrade/ install issues anymore?
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03:33.53furrywolfI think most people are now used to software distributions where, rather than errata, a new build would be released with a workaround already in it.
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04:02.20markizano<golinux> Doesn't anyone read documentation to solve upgrade/ install issues anymore? <- LoL - no... :'(
04:04.45golinuxWell . . . newsflash . . . it's annoying to have to answer the same question dozens of times when the answer is available on all devuan channels.
04:17.53adhocgolinux: If you are refering to my question above, I did search for about half an hour last week when I hit this problem last week
04:17.59adhocI didn't find anything.
04:18.19adhocI had another search this morning to see if htere wasn an update.
04:18.31adhocSo I asked here, as I assumed I was doing something wrong.
04:21.49adhoc"--allow-releaseinfo-change" is not in the man page either
04:24.22adhocFrom the error message, apt-secure talks about insecure repositories but not the mechanism required to move from testing to stable.
04:25.11adhocgolinux: perhaps it is on the channels because it is not sufficiently well described on the web yet.
04:25.42adhocHopefully in time this documentation will be created and you will see a drop in folks confused about what happened ...
04:27.09*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:28.54golinuxadhoc: Not referring to anyone in particular.  I don't even remember your question.  I am old an grumpy . . .
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04:33.53adhocgolinux: so what is IRC for it not asking questions?
04:43.13golinuxThat is true. But questions that are well documented and discussed else are . . . well.
04:44.18golinuxNot saying that was your case btw.
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07:05.10*** join/#devuan systemdlete (
07:14.40systemdletewhew!  That was nasty.  Entire ascii host (and VMs) froze up.
07:15.42systemdleteNote that before this part of the log, there were many dozens of those USB errors ("xhci_hcd 0000:02:00.0: WARN Event TRB for slot 2 ep 4 with no TDs queued?")
07:16.26systemdleteI switched my two USB3 devices to USB2 ports to see if this alleviates that problem.  They are only warnings apparently, but I'm wondering if they might reflect some kind of instability.
07:16.59systemdleteSeveral of the VMs do use USB devices, including those 2 USB3 devices.
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07:43.50kreyrenwhen we will get emacs-27 in devuan!
07:44.19kreyren what
07:45.13kreyrennot even ceres has it yet :c
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11:41.32Junicchiupgraded to devuan bullseye
11:41.42Junicchipulseaudio doesnt start automatically
11:41.53Junicchii have to start it manuall using pulseaudio --start
11:42.04Junicchii can use xinitrc to do it manually but
11:42.16Junicchianyone has an idea why it broke?
11:45.30zatumilautospawn disabled?
11:48.50Junicchiits enabled
12:00.31Junicchiok i did that manually, didn't see the one in client.conf.d
12:00.38Junicchinow no prob
12:05.24ShorTienever heard of 'devuan bullseye' .. :/~
12:18.59fsmithredchimaera=bullseye   Junicchi be sure to use codenames in sources.list (chimaera)
12:25.05*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
12:29.17crashoverrideany standard place to put the env vars to be set at shell invokation time?
12:32.13crashoverridethere's /etc/environment, but that seems to be a PAM thing only.
12:32.14fsmithredcrashoverride, maybe /etc/environment.d/
12:32.42fsmithredI have two files ending in .conf
12:32.58crashoverridefsmithred: sure, but I was hoping for a HOME dotfile.
12:33.13debdogusually .bashrc
12:33.19crashoverrideterrible idea.
12:33.25crashoverrideI was only looking at /etc/environment to see if there was a per-user definition.
12:33.45fsmithredyeah, .bashrc should work
12:33.48crashoverridebashrc would never work.
12:33.48debdogor .bash_profile, depending on the env var
12:33.54crashoverride1. I do not, ever, use bash
12:33.57crashoverride2. bash isn't even installed.
12:34.18debdogthere must be something similar for your shell, too?
12:34.27crashoverrideyeah, but I am trying to clean my .zshrc
12:34.46crashoverrideand besides, I don't always use zsh, so I'd like something more portable.
12:34.51crashoverridebut no, not .profile
12:35.00debdogyou can source any file from withtin .zshrc
12:35.23crashoverrideI was searching for a place to specifically, preferrably defined in a standard, declare env vars.
12:35.33crashoverrideI know I can source files from my shell RC.
12:35.44crashoverrideI'm already doing this for aliases and functions.
12:36.00crashoverrideah well
12:36.02debdogscratches head "not entirey certain I do understand you"
12:37.39crashoverrideokay, you see how .profile is defined as a standard file to execute when the shell is starting?
12:37.50crashoverridewell, I was hoping there were other places for different things
12:37.56crashoverridebut apparently, just profile.
12:39.25debdogAFAIK the root is /etc/profile. everything is getting sourced from there
12:39.48debdogAKA, anything there is 'standard'
12:39.51crashoverrideWell, no.
12:40.05crashoverridePOSIX clearly defines the existence of a .profile file.
12:40.29crashoverrideat least it mentions it, I'm currently searching for the exact specification; but I'm using a terrible search engine so... it will take some time.
12:40.56debdoghehe. if you find something, I'll appreciate a link
12:41.53debdog# /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for the Bourne shell (sh(1))
12:41.53debdog# and Bourne compatible shells (bash(1), ksh(1), ash(1), ...).
12:42.09debdogI have no clue how zsh handles things.
12:42.49crashoverrideWell, for now, I have in which is said: ENV: [...] The file referred to by ENV differs from $HOME/.profile in that .profile is typically executed at session start-up, whereas the ENV file is executed at the beginning of each shell invocation.
12:43.08crashoverridezsh isn't very different and it also tries to be POSIX
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12:43.30crashoverridebut again, I want my setup to work everywhere, not just in zsh
12:43.41fsmithredThe /etc/security/pam_env.conf file specifies the environment variables to be set, unset or modified by pam_env(8). When
12:43.45crashoverrideI'll try setting ENV to ~/.envvars
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12:44.05crashoverridefsmithred: indeed, but that requires PAM.
12:44.31crashoverridewhich I try very hard not to use; so end up usually not using.
12:44.41debdogI think I'll try that tonight. waiting for a chance to have a closer look at zsh for some time now.
12:44.52crashoverridezsh is great.
12:45.02crashoverrideso many great productivity tweaks
12:45.02fsmithredthen maybe use /etc/login.defs
12:45.10crashoverridefsmithred: I'll look at it, thanks.
12:45.12debdogI know. but there is another factor: /me is lazy
12:45.17crashoverridedebdog: honestly
12:45.31crashoverridedebdog: install zsh, clone oh-my-zsh and install it
12:45.39crashoverridedebdog: and use the theme "agnoster"
12:45.44crashoverridestart from there.
12:45.58crashoverrideyou'll see, instantly better.
12:46.56debdogreads up on that on
12:47.22ShorTie'instantly' ??
12:47.35ShorTiesounds like alot of work to me
12:52.33fsmithredI use zsh to start a build with live-sdk and I haven't noticed any benefits.
12:52.54fsmithredbut I only use a few commands. I know there are some nice features for scripting.
12:58.57crashoverrideShorTie: it's literally "apt get install zsh && git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh && sed 's,export ZSH=.*$,export ZSH='"$HOME"'/.oh-my-zsh,' .oh-my-zsh/templates/zshrc.zsh-template >> .zshrc
12:59.31crashoverridemeh, I should have prefixed the two last files with ~/ to make it foolproof
12:59.46crashoverridefsmithred: not for scripting no.
12:59.55crashoverridefsmithred: for scripting I use ash, dash, ksh and such
13:00.07crashoverridefsmithred: the WHOLE benefit of zsh is interactive use.
13:00.12crashoverrideexecuting folders to cd
13:00.17crashoverrideadvanced globbing
13:00.28crashoverrideinteractive completion and selection
13:00.37crashoverridefilename expansion
13:00.50crashoverridefuzzy matching
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14:38.45suavedandyHello, guys.
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14:40.16suavedandyDoes lid switch suspend the system on SysVinit or I have nothing to worry about?
14:40.24suavedandyComing from Debian.
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14:50.41fsmithredsuavedandy, it's not working by default in ascii or beowulf, but it does work in chimaera (current testing suite)
14:51.08suavedandyAnd that's good for me.
14:51.23fsmithredwell, you can set it to suspend or not in the power manager
14:51.45fsmithredbut that setting works only in chimaera
14:51.55fsmithredand I'm talking about xfce - I don't know about the other desktops
14:52.03suavedandyI don't have a GUI anyway.
14:52.22crashoverridePOSIX is hella confusing IMO
14:52.24fsmithredI think you're safe
14:53.07suavedandyDoes Devuan have a documentation or something?
14:53.23fsmithredyeah some. What do you want to know about?
14:54.00crashoverridehow to refine kerosen.
14:54.13crashoverrideusing only household equipment and items.
14:54.24suavedandyAh, nothing. I forgot that the repos are listed on the site.
14:54.58suavedandyWanted to find the package repos.
14:55.59fsmithredexample lines for sources.list are at, if you want to poke around the actual files, they're at (or any package mirror)
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14:57.34suavedandyEh, I know how to edit my sources file. I have Nano ready.
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14:59.03masonsuavedandy: You can have the lid switch working with a modicum of configuration.
14:59.35masonsuavedandy: I don't use it myself, as I like to control sleep state manually, but half a sec and I'll give you the files you want to edit.
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15:00.49suavedandyThe problem is that the system might go to sleep when a script is rolling.
15:01.17suavedandyYou can imagine what a disaster it would be to stop a script halfway through.
15:01.36masonsuavedandy: Oh, do you NOT want it to sleep?
15:01.45suavedandyOf course.
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15:02.12suavedandyNo way in my life. I have Windows PTSD from that.
15:02.32ShorTieThinkz, He wants to give it a No-Doze before shutting the lid
15:02.48masonsuavedandy: Generally sleep will not cause problems for scripts, but you can make sure it doesn't happen. The common way to support sleep is the acpi-support package. If you have that installed, look at /etc/default/acpi-support. If you need to edit it, do so and restart acpid.
15:04.02suavedandyAlso, I have a habbit of closing the lid to have a coffee break or something while APT's rolling.
15:04.30masonYeah, you don't want to sleep then. I set up the same way, where lid close is just that, and I have to tell the system to pm-suspend manually.
15:05.01masonsuavedandy: If you observe sleep and it's not acpi-support doing it, grep -r acpi will probably turn up what's doing it.
15:05.46*** join/#devuan luna_is_here_ (
15:06.03masonfsmithred: ^ in case the discussion is useful. Just re-verified that it works in Beowulf.
15:06.25masonNow I'm turning it off again.
15:06.37fsmithredmason, thanks. I'll re-test. Are you in xfce?
15:06.47masonfsmithred: No, xdm/openbox.
15:06.54masonfsmithred: acpi-support is DE-agnostic
15:07.02fsmithredoh, ok
15:07.28fsmithredI think that works in ascii, too
15:07.29masonAh, were you talking explicitly about XFCE not doing its thing out of the box? Sorry for the confusion if so.
15:07.38fsmithredyeah, just a gui setting
15:07.43masonAh, hrm.
15:08.05masonWell. Hm. One of my kids has Beowulf and XFCE, but it's not a laptop. I can maybe test a bit.
15:08.11*** join/#devuan morruth (~quassel@
15:08.16suavedandyIf sleep doesn't cause issues then I guess it would be nifty in wireless mode.
15:08.23*** join/#devuan Demosthenex (
15:08.25fsmithredI only have ascii and chimaera on the laptop
15:08.33fsmithredbut I can boot a usb and try beowulf
15:08.35masonsuavedandy: It doesn't cause issues in that scripts tend to pick up right where they left off.
15:08.37*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
15:08.52suavedandyAlso, hibernation option would help a ton with power saving.
15:09.47suavedandyThe one that uses the hard drive.
15:10.04suavedandyThat option I find quite useful.
15:14.30*** join/#devuan user282069 (
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15:39.04debdogcrashoverride: in case you have not found anything yet: section "3.2: In which startup file do I put...?"
15:39.23crashoverridedebdog: thanks!
15:41.01crashoverrideinteresting read.
15:42.32debdogit's an extensive FAQ, have just had a quick glance but some things make me think I am probably not a zsh-guy :/
15:44.16*** join/#devuan suavedandy (
15:45.20suavedandyI like how the repo for security updates is beowulf-security instead of beowulf/updates.
15:46.22debdogI am not a developer, no clue about C and stuff
15:46.41suavedandyTho I wonder why the URL addresses before the repos end with "merged."
15:46.53fsmithredbecause they are merged
15:47.08fsmithredwe merge the /devuan packages with those from debian
15:47.20fsmithredwe don't keep a full repo
15:47.43crashoverridefool repo*
15:47.51crashoverrideas in "confoozed"
15:48.08fsmithredamprolla pulls the un-forked packages from debian, filters out the banned packages and merges those with the forked (devuan) packages
15:49.06fsmithredI didn't say that exactly right, but you probably understand what I mean
15:50.38*** part/#devuan Joril (
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16:29.58suavedandyBanned packages?
16:36.35golinuxsuavedandy: ^^^
16:40.36nemowait. tomcat9 is a banned package??
16:40.45nemoit's just a java based application server!
16:40.50nemodid someone break its init packaging?
16:41.19nemothat's problematic for future of devuan on about 10 machines at work
16:41.36golinuxSo fork and fix it
16:41.59golinuxIt's been on the list for quite a while
16:42.12nemothat's kinda linux response to everything, and fair, but  there's only so many things I can submit code to
16:42.24nemoguess I should look into what the problem is and how hard it is to fix
16:42.29golinuxSet your priorities
16:42.32nemogolinux: does devuan have a bug server for this?
16:42.52nemogolinux: yeah. and I'm going to guess priority for this one is pretty low. easier to just give up on devuan.
16:43.01nemook. lemme see if there's a discussion of the tomcat thing
16:43.11golinuxEverything i life is a choice
16:43.25nemohm... no tomcat bug
16:44.17nemohm. no discussion anywhere it seems
16:44.24golinuxSearch the devuan channels
16:44.46golinuxI know it's been discussed.
16:47.31nemohmmm no systemd dependency in gentoo tomcat9. that's optimistic
16:47.35nemoso it's probably just debian packaging
16:47.37fsmithredwhat tomcat package is missing? I thought someone was working on tomcat, but I don't see any tomcat with +devuan in the version
16:47.39golinuxnemo: Here you go:
16:47.59nemoheh. just missing init script. lol
16:48.03fsmithredI suspect there's no systemd dep in the tomcat9 in devuan, either
16:48.13nemoit's even in the package source 😃
16:48.27nemo"However, in bullseye, the initscript has been
16:48.28nemoremoved from the package source already. "
16:48.36nemoI thought debian voted to not do crap like that
16:48.40golinuxBitch to debian
16:48.45fsmithredremoved by debian or removed upstream?
16:48.57nemooh. good point
16:49.05nemochecks website
16:49.20fsmithredand the vote basically says that they can support sysvinit if they want to
16:49.24golinuxAnyway not our doing
16:49.50fsmithredand should accept patches when offered
16:49.59nemofsmithred: hm
16:50.07fsmithredyeah, it's not mandatory
16:50.30fsmithredI think this was one of those times when it was better not to ask
16:50.32nemofsmithred: *should accept* - so if I passed this dude's build on to upstream debian, that would possibly cause it to be accepted?
16:51.37fsmithredyeah, if you have a fix to make something work with sysvinit, you can submit it and it might get accepted
16:51.58nemoah. the upstream tomcat binary release for linux doesn't seem to include any init stuff at all.  so this must be all debian's doing
16:52.01fsmithredwhich is a better solution than devuan having to fork another package
16:52.11nemofsmithred: well, the message golinux linked to indicates someone made a fix already
16:52.25nemofsmithred: so I could literally just link to theirs (and maybe make a patch file)  and ask upstream to accept it
16:52.32nemomaybe just need to plug tab A into slot B
16:52.42nemobonus indicates people still care
16:54.38ShorTiegonna be virually imposible to get them to include it
16:54.51ShorTiehow are they gonna test it ??
16:56.25fsmithredthat thread also says that the devuanized version was moved to beowulf, but I don't see it
16:56.41fsmithredso it must have been updated by debian and not re-devuanized
16:56.52*** join/#devuan daniel-molina (~daniel@
16:57.10nemofsmithred: huh... I thought you guys applied overlay patches to debian stuff. so those patches need bitrot fixes?
16:57.16daniel-molinahello, is it possible to browse the packages with a web browser?
16:57.19nemofsmithred: you'd think adding init scripts would have low rot
16:57.27nemojust due to no overlap w/ the systemd stuff
16:57.59fsmithreddaniel-molina, there's to see what packages are available
16:58.18suavedandygolinux: Lol, systemd blocked. (≧◡≦)
16:58.18fsmithredand there's to see the devuan packages we forked from debian
16:58.41daniel-molinathanks fsmithred
16:58.48nemoShorTie: I would rather hope they wouldn't reject init script patches just due to inability to test in debian - that would make a mockery of that vote
16:59.09fsmithrednemo, any time a new version goes into debian repo, we need to fix that package again
16:59.44nemofsmithred: that makes sense, I just thought maybe the process was automated - pull debian source package, attempt to apply .diff - if it succeeds with no errors, package and proceed to testing
16:59.50fsmithredI think it was stated that it's up to the patch submitter to make sure it works
16:59.53nemobut I don't know much about it obv
17:01.42nemofsmithred: ok. but each new upstream version requires a new patch resubmission with devuan?
17:02.31daniel-molinado you know where I can find documentation about writing sysvinit init scripts?
17:02.40nemoanyway. at least it looks like problems w/ tomcat9 re not insurmountable, and we are ok on 8 for short-term. will just tuck this away as a "filing bugs w/ devuan/debian on a quiet day" todo item
17:06.28daniel-molinathanks, nemo
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17:35.53openbsdtai123do you know maybe if thre is an emulator for "Sega Model 2" arcade?
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18:36.17linux_nDevuan didn't detect my wifi. Is there something that needs to be done for it to detect wifi?
18:37.10*** join/#devuan suavedandy (
18:37.42suavedandyBTW, guys. Where's all the audio. Isn't ALSA, like, built into the kernel?
18:38.17masonlinux_n: You might need firmware, depending on what wifi it is.
18:38.55masonsuavedandy: apt install alsa-utils and use alsamixer to make sure you're not muted
18:39.14masonsuavedandy: And yes, ALSA is there out of the box, and Firefox at least will use it.
18:39.23suavedandyAlso, where's ACPI config again?
18:40.21linux_nok thanks
18:41.20masonsuavedandy: acpi-support, and the file I mentioned was /etc/default/acpi-support
18:41.35suavedandyAlso, why's my encrypted root busy when SysVinit tries to unmount it on shutdown?
18:41.44*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
18:42.02masonsuavedandy: Ah, that's a bug we haven't fixed. Easily fixed.
18:42.51suavedandyThe amount of stuff you did for SysVinit support is staggering regardless.
18:42.57fsmithredadd beowulf-proposed-updates and install cryptsetup-modified-functions
18:43.09suavedandyThat's a very good job. Am impressed.
18:43.09fsmithredsuavedandy, ^^^
18:43.12masonOh, ignore what I said. fsmithred's answer will be easier.
18:44.26*** part/#devuan linux_n (~guest@2605:e000:8b03:4800:4ca0:3692:74b5:de1b)
18:44.36fsmithredor download the .deb and install with dpkg
18:44.46fsmithredit's for beowulf only
18:45.11masonI've got the ASCII version of the patch if anyone needs it.
18:45.27fsmithredoh, good
18:45.42masonThe one I posted was Beowulf, though. For completeness.
18:47.09suavedandyAnd why when I choose "Console productivity" when installing Devuan the installer can't finish installing packages
18:47.45fsmithredalt-f4 to read some messages
18:48.12suavedandyIs it because console productivity tools are not included with the DVD ISO?
18:48.17fsmithredif package installation fails, repeat that step
18:48.26fsmithredpossibly. You didn't select a mirror?
18:49.05fsmithredun-check that one item and add what you can after the initial install
18:49.56suavedandyLinux distros act funny with my Wi-Fi, soft-blocking it so I have to unblock it. That's why I install from the USB directly.
18:49.59fsmithredapt show task-console-productivity   (for a list of the deps)
18:50.44fsmithrednot deps - Recommends
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20:32.36suavedandyGuys. How do I change the hostname?
20:33.34user1sed -i 's/oldhostname/newhostname/g' /etc/host{s,name}
20:35.18*** join/#devuan suavedandy (
20:35.30suavedandyGuys. How do I change the hostname?
20:36.15user1user1 | sed -i 's/oldhostname/newhostname/g' /etc/host{s,name}
20:37.57user1{} not ()
20:39.35suavedandyI have localhost as my hostname. I did an offline installation so I wasn't prompted for a host name.
20:39.54user1localhost is a cool hostname
20:41.42user1you'll probably also need to restart the network
20:42.43user1or executing /etc/init.d/ might be enough
20:42.57user1i guess that's it. the sed stuff, and
20:48.26*** part/#devuan user1041 (~user1041@
20:59.04suavedandyuser1: Does "user1 |" mean anything?
21:01.02gnarfacesuavedandy: i'm guessing he meant to flag you but flagged himself instead.  "user1 |" couldn't be part of the command unless the binary "user1" is on your system in your path somewhere, which it's not unless you put it there yourself
21:01.28user1no, i copy pasted what i said earlier
21:01.35user1indeed that's not part of the command
21:02.08gnarfaceah, i see.  most clients i've seen copy& paste names like this: <user1>
21:04.00suavedandyAre you sure it was a good idea to replace localhost with a new hostname, User1
21:06.45user1sorry ?
21:07.23user1if it didn't work, you'll have to manually edit the /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname files to apply the changes
21:07.35*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
21:08.31suavedandyEh, it's okay. I just inversed the hostnames in your command and deleted brackets and ",name"
21:10.26suavedandyThat should work, I guess.
21:14.25suavedandyIt's actually this.
21:14.31suavedandyThere we go.
21:20.33*** join/#devuan gattuso (
21:27.38gnarfacesuavedandy: you should read the /etc/hosts man page, it's not hard to handle customization.  in most cases you want to define a hostname *and* localhost (ideally not pointing to the same address)
21:30.13suavedandyShould have just searched for it before
21:30.49gnarfaceyes, that's a very effective approach
21:31.39gnarfacein most cases where debian has replaced something with systemd, the old wheezy documentation still applies to devuan
21:31.46gnarfacejust fyi
21:32.18*** join/#devuan Wafficus (~Wafficus@
21:32.32WafficusHi there, how do I change my date timezone on Devuan?
21:32.38Wafficus* from Central to EDT
21:32.49Wafficusi've done this on systemd based distros before, but not on this to be honest
21:33.24gnarfaceWafficus: should be the same as debian still, but i guess i don't know for sure:  apt-get install tzdata && dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
21:33.34Wafficusok thanks
21:34.05gnarfaceif they really replaced that with some systemd-specific garbage, that would be infuriating
21:34.56Wafficussam@samdevuan ~ $ dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
21:34.58Wafficus-bash: dpkg-reconfigure: command not found
21:35.12suavedandygnarface: Yeah, the manpage basically stated the same as that Linux Handbook article but also suggested changing one digit in the IP address just like ArchWiki.
21:35.13WafficusI did make sure I had "tzdata" installed"
21:35.50gnarfaceWafficus: WTF did you do!?!?!
21:36.26HurgotronWafficus: be root for dpkg-reconfigure
21:36.30gnarfaceWafficus: just kidding.  still though, that's alarming that you're missing that.  could be a bad sign.  it's in the debconf package though.  try installing that
21:36.47gnarfacedebconf: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure
21:37.18Hurgotrongnarface: notice his prompt :)
21:37.34Wafficusdebconf is already installed
21:38.00Wafficusyeah now with root I'm getting the ncurses menu for tzdata
21:38.02gnarfaceoh, right
21:38.04Wafficuswill changei t from here
21:38.08Wafficusthanks for the headsup
21:38.36Wafficusthanks that worked
21:38.40Wafficusthanks a ton gnarface Hurgotron
21:39.00gnarfaceWafficus: no problem.  you probably should know you can dpkg-reconfigure a lot of packages very helpfully
21:39.38gnarfaceWafficus: (notably, if you didn't know about this, you probably should try it on the "exim4-config" and "locales" packges, too)
21:40.10suavedandyHow is the console productivity metapackage called again?
21:40.34gnarfacesuavedandy: not sure but guessing "task-console-productivity"
21:40.41Jjp137that's correct
21:41.03gnarfacethere's a bunch of them called task-*
21:41.11gnarfacethey will show up in the searches
21:41.23gnarfaceuseful stuff like presets for laptops and such
21:42.14suavedandyfbi package…
21:42.33gnarfacefbi - Linux frame buffer image viewer
21:42.42gnarfaceFrame Buffer Image
21:42.53gnarfacesomeone thinks they're clever or just wasn't from the US
21:42.55gnarfacei don't know
21:43.34suavedandyMan, there's so much bloat in this metapackage.
21:44.10gnarfacewell, that's kinda what they're for
21:44.27user1there's the kgb package as well
21:44.30gnarfaceyou could try adding "--no-install-recommends" to the command-line options, might slim it down, might not
21:44.36suavedandyWhy use parted instead of… I dunno, fdisk?
21:45.00gnarfacefdisk has no GPT support
21:45.19suavedandyuser1: Heh.
21:45.25gnarfaceactually i think fdisk only technically partially supports the MSDOS partition table format even, but well enough to make MS operating systems happy with it
21:46.30gnarfacethere are other partitioning tools that also support GPT but they're even more arcane than parted
21:46.53suavedandyIf I'll install parted, can I delete fdisk or some packages and scripts depend on it?
21:47.23gnarfacenot sure honestly.  i would suspect that nothing depends on fdisk but if something does it will sure tell you
21:47.50gnarfacewhat i am sure of is that fdisk takes up almost no space so your time is better spent culling elsewhere (texlive packages installed still?  you probably don't need those)
21:48.32suavedandyThere's also libfdiskl.
21:49.27gnarfacehmmm, a surprising amount of things might actually need it now that i look
21:49.35gnarfacetry this: apt-cache rdepends fdisk
21:49.38\0xc0ffeeThere is a build of fdisk that supports GPT, it is at least true on Fedora/CentOS systems, unsure about debian-based though (and that's a whole other point of frustration)
21:50.28gnarface\0xc0ffee: to be honest my information on that could be up to 5 years old (last time i struggled with converting an old GPT drive that had some disturbingly resistant windows7 cruft left over in the boot sectors)
21:50.54\0xc0ffeeA small pity the authors of 'parted' never included a means to specify the end of a partition by specifying how large of a partition you want, rather than making you break out the calculator
21:51.22gnarfaceyea but i don't think sfdisk or cfdisk are any more helpful in that regard, are they?
21:52.05\0xc0ffeefdisk let you specify the end of a partition by specifing a size, e.g. 50GB
21:52.55gnarfacewell, now it does.  within my professional career it could still only do block counts
21:53.08gnarfacei still run across versions like that here and there
21:53.48\0xc0ffeeparted is one such tool, it's something that frustrates me somewhat, as we could have both
21:54.46gnarfacewell, you know what they say... if you dislike it enough, then fork it.   if it's not upsetting enough to fork then maybe it's not a big deal.
21:55.28\0xc0ffeeAs for 'disturbingly resistant cruft' - RAID metadata left over on drives salvaved from an old LSI Logic array were a considerable pain for me
21:56.17\0xc0ffeegnarface: Unfortunately, forking it to fix it requires knowledge of programming; to assume that Linux users are fluent in C is perhaps unfair
21:56.42*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
21:56.51gnarface\0xc0ffee: well, it might be considered unfair but it might also be considered tough love
21:56.58suavedandyDo I put kernel module blacklists to /etc/modprobe.d/ as usual? The Almighty Beep has returned. And my parents are, like, sleeping… Jesus.
21:57.33\0xc0ffeegnarface: So the question then becomes: Do you want Linux to be adopted and used by ordinary (non programmer) users, or do you feel it should be the exclusive domain of developers?
21:57.46suavedandyThat damn beep. I'll get a heart attack from it faster then I become a senior.
21:57.55\0xc0ffeeThe latter is the path adopted wholesale by OpenBSD which makes no bones about that point and explicitly states that fact
21:57.59gnarface\0xc0ffee: (a means by which to encourage more people to familiarize themselves with C... mind you i'm not putting any effort into adding GPT support to fdisk either, so i'm just as guilty of apathy and laziness here)
21:58.25gnarfacesuavedandy: yes, /etc/modprobe.d/  ... the file just has to end with .conf
21:58.28\0xc0ffeeWell, on that note, I do have my copy of K&R I should dust off and get back to reading
21:59.37suavedandyIt's not the first time I ripped the beep of a kernel. I always create nobeep.conf for every system.
22:02.23suavedandyIt's a bit annoying that the > operator does not work on system files if you're not root.
22:02.33suavedandyIt's such a nifty operator.
22:02.41gnarfacehmm.  i think that is probably for security
22:02.59gnarfaceyou can chain commands with su though
22:03.06gnarfaceor sudo
22:03.26gnarface(i try to use su first and avoid sudo if possible)
22:03.56suavedandyAvoid sudo?
22:04.42gnarfaceyea, for a machine that only you access, sudo is entirely functionally redundant to su, and therefore a unnecessary security risk
22:04.53suavedandyBTW, guys. Have you thought about adding doas?
22:05.27gnarfaceeverything in devuan is there because debian put it there
22:05.41gnarfacedevuan does not add to debian, only removes
22:05.49gnarfacethat defines devuan
22:05.55masonor swaps
22:06.09gnarfacewell, yes my statement is a vast oversimplification
22:06.43suavedandyAlso. How do you shutdown without a password without sudo? I mean, on systemd systems you could systemctl poweroff with polkit but…
22:06.47gnarfacein practice, most the packages are identical to debian, a few are patched, and a few others are removed
22:07.16masonsuavedandy: Don't shut down without a password!
22:07.43suavedandyBut I want to shutdown without a password.
22:08.02gnarfacesuavedandy: (see here for removed packages:
22:08.14suavedandyAlso, if sudo is redundant, can you, like, delete it?
22:08.50gnarfacesuavedandy: well, yes but uninstall it, don't just delete the files, that leaves makes a mess
22:09.04gnarfacesuavedandy: apt-get --purge remove sudo
22:09.15masonsuavedandy: sudo has a purpose even on single-user systems - it'll give you a time buffer where you can do things as root without having to type your password more than once
22:09.16gnarfacesuavedandy: or apt-get purge sudo (newer syntax)
22:09.28suavedandyWill aptitude purge -y sudo also work?
22:09.43masonshorter still, sudo apt purge sudo
22:10.01gnarfacesuavedandy: i'm not as familiar with aptitude, but use whatever you're comfortable with.  if you purge, it's supposed to also remove config files.  if you just remove, it would leave them behind.
22:10.42suavedandyAlso, I don't have a seperate root account.
22:11.25suavedandyShould I also create a root password and delete myself from sudoers?
22:12.19suavedandyOr does the %sudo group disappear after purging?
22:14.02gnarfacesudo isn't AS dangerous if you configure it right
22:14.33gnarfaceit's much worse if you use NOPASSWD
22:15.11suavedandySo. I just purge sudo, reboot and that's it?
22:15.39gnarfaceas your regular user, type this first:  su -
22:15.42gnarfacewhat does it give you?
22:15.55gnarfacea password prompt, right?
22:15.57gnarfaceor an error?
22:16.20gnarfacei don't want to actually cripple your system and i've literally never put myself in the position you're in
22:16.29suavedandyA password promt.
22:16.33gnarfaceit honestly might be better for now for you to just keep sudo and read the sudoers manpage
22:16.35suavedandyThen an error.
22:16.55gnarfacea password declined error, because you entered your user's password?
22:16.59gnarfaceor some other error?
22:17.42gnarfacei don't remember the error, i need you to tell me what it says
22:18.00gnarfaceif it's just a password declined error, run this first: sudo passwd
22:18.27suavedandyIdentity check error.
22:18.42suavedandyI don't have a root password.
22:19.13gnarfaceif you run "sudo passwd" does it ask you for the root password to set a root password, or does it just ask you what you want to set the root password to?
22:19.50suavedandyIt asks me for my password.
22:20.05gnarfacesorry, i mean after that
22:20.18gnarfaceafter sudo asks you for your password, what does passwd ask you for?
22:20.38suavedandyA new password.
22:20.38gnarfacea new root password, right?
22:21.15gnarfaceideally it should be something different from the user's password, but doing so would make it no less secure than what you have now
22:21.20suavedandyIt just says "New password:"
22:21.31suavedandyI have a localization so I dunno.
22:22.02gnarfacealright, if you want to be sure, ctrl+c that out, and instead start over as your user with this command:  sudo su -
22:22.11gnarfacethen, at the prompt that comes up just run "passwd"
22:22.48suavedandyIs - necessary?
22:22.50gnarfacei mean, i'm assuming that prompt will obviously be a root prompt
22:22.56gnarfaceyes, the "-" was there intentionally
22:23.31gnarface("-" in this context tells it to inherit root's environment too)
22:23.33suavedandyShould the password be something different?
22:24.14gnarfaceyes, like i said, the root password should be something different for security, but if you make it the same as your regular user it would be no less secure than the way you had it
22:24.49gnarfaceand if multiple people use this machine, telling everyone both passwords also makes it no more secure
22:25.09suavedandyI also have an encryption key.
22:25.36gnarfacehaving a separate root password is only useful for security of a shared machine if the root password is a secret
22:25.51gnarfaceotherwise you might as well just use sudo
22:26.00suavedandyThat's a personal computer, obv.
22:26.25gnarfacei'm assuming the encryption key is only relevant to network connections, be aware that physical access is much less well defended
22:27.58suavedandyAnd you said that sudo is redundant for a single-user PC.
22:28.22gnarfaceyea, because it's primarily for not having to remember two passwords
22:28.38gnarfacebut you could just set both passwords to the same thing and you still don't have to remember two passwords
22:28.44gnarfaceso it's stupid
22:28.57suavedandyYou're right.
22:29.33\0xc0ffeegnarface: NOPASSWD is useful in a small number of cases where it behaves approximately analogous to Windows UAC, that is, 'sudo su - ' drops you to a root shell without having to enter a password, let alone reusing the same password as your non-root account.
22:30.23suavedandyOkay, "su -" works now.
22:30.25\0xc0ffeeBut I only use that configuration on VMs I spin up for testing this or that, and they're not on the internet
22:30.44gnarfacesuavedandy: should be safe to purge sudo then now
22:31.54gnarface\0xc0ffee: to be fair, you're right; what i'm glossing over is my own personal policy of considering that a banned configuration
22:31.56suavedandyHow do I use commands with root privs now?
22:31.58\0xc0ffeeApropos to the folks behind Devuan, making it possible and useable - a hefty thank you, because I do use it and it neatly lets me avoid touching CentOS
22:32.48suavedandyIs it like "su command?"
22:32.48gnarfacesuavedandy: if you just use "su -" you get a root prompt
22:33.00gnarfacesuavedandy: su -c '[command]'
22:33.02\0xc0ffeegnarface: And you wouldn't be alone in that position, it's a sane position to take
22:33.03gnarfacesuavedandy: i think
22:33.29gnarfacesuavedandy: also you can pick users other than root if you know their passwords, i think it's: su -u [user] or su -l [user]  something like that.  check the man page
22:34.09fsmithredeven su user works
22:34.11gnarfacesuavedandy: it can be used to run commands one at a time like sudo, but the default action is to just give you the root prompt
22:35.47suavedandysudo group still exists. And I'm still in %sudo. sudo is purged.
22:37.06gnarfaceharmless, but you can remove it manually from /etc/group if you like
22:37.48suavedandyWill it remove that group from every user as well?
22:37.49gnarfaceor check the deluser man page for syntax on how to use tools for it
22:38.03gnarfaceif you look at the /etc/group file you'll see it has a very obvious plain syntax
22:38.27gnarfaceit's frankly easier to edit by hand than it is to learn to use the tools but maybe read it and the deluser man page both first before you decide
22:38.40gnarfaceif you make a mistake you can mess up the system obviously
22:40.01suavedandySo. I just delete the line starting with "sudo?"
22:40.18suavedandyChill, mate. I survived editing fstab.
22:40.37gnarfaceyes, and delete the "sudo" from the line that starts with your own user name
22:40.43gnarfaceand any other lines actually
22:40.50gnarfacebut i'm assuming that's the only two it appears on
22:40.53\0xc0ffeeEditing fstab without killing your system - rite of passage
22:41.47gnarfaceand obviously any redundant or trailing commas in there, delete them too
22:42.02gnarfacethere's a man page for that file as well
22:42.31gnarfacenot a long read
22:43.41gnarfacelog out for changes to take effect
22:44.48*** join/#devuan ham5urg (
22:45.42suavedandyActually, there's only one line with sudo as the keyword search says.
22:47.34suavedandyAre you referring to the commas which end every line that doesn't end with my username?
22:47.49*** join/#devuan yanmaani (~yanmaani@gateway/tor-sasl/yanmaani)
22:47.52suavedandyOh, wait, those are semicolons.
22:47.56suavedandySilly me.
22:48.04suavedandyI need some sleep.
22:49.14suavedandyLovely. The sudo group gone.
22:55.26suavedandyCan you write "aptitude install -y -R" like "aptitude install -yR?"
22:55.48suavedandyI know it's not pacman but I thought…
22:56.22gnarfacei dunno, check the man page for that type of thing
22:56.27gnarfaceit varies from program to program
22:56.50gnarfacesome of them use a common library for command-line parsing and some of them roll their own
22:58.48Wafficus'sudo dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config' seems cool. Is this used to setup email from the looks of it right? Like to retrieve IMAP based mail locally?
23:00.27gnarfaceWafficus: it's for setting up the main mail daemon for most typical configurations
23:00.46WafficusI had the same thing happen earlier with the "Beep" noise for my comp
23:00.54WafficusI didn't enable it in the alsamixer
23:01.01Wafficuswould this be because of a recent Devuan update
23:01.05Wafficusjust checking
23:01.07Wafficusif not, no worries
23:01.18gnarfacecould be, usually a kernel update i think
23:01.38WafficusI ask because I did "sudo rmmod pcspkr" which removed it thankfully
23:01.40gnarfacethe beep might or might not be coming from the default alsa device, it varies for different hardware
23:02.00gnarfaceusually not actually except for laptops i think
23:04.55Wafficusi'm on a laptop, might be why
23:05.48*** part/#devuan Wafficus (~Wafficus@
23:13.12suavedandySo I've tested "sudo -c [command]"
23:13.42suavedandyIt works only with a hyphem at the end. Don't know why.
23:14.21suavedandyLike this: "su -c [command] -"
23:18.07gnarfacei'm guessing whatever command you're running requires not just root permission, but also some part of the root environment, which the "-" is a shorthand version of the syntax for inheriting
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23:18.51gnarfacemaybe it's just the path though, which could be embedded into [command] instead
23:19.08gnarfacedepends on what you run
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23:23.05suavedandySo adding a hyphem is the safest option?
23:24.17gnarfaceit can be before the "-c" can't it?
23:24.38gnarfaceotherwise you might want to make sure to put [command] within delimiters like ' or something
23:25.23suavedandyYou don't have to put your command in delimiters?
23:26.32gnarfacenot strictly speaking, no, but it is a good idea
23:26.34suavedandyI thought you have to put them in delimiters anyway. Unless it's a one-word command.
23:26.53gnarfacewell if you put the "-" before the "-c" then maybe you don't at all
23:27.03gnarfacelike this: su - -c passwd
23:27.27suavedandyThat's a lot of hyphems.
23:27.31gnarfacenot sure, honestly, i forget what happened last time i was messing with it too, but that's the type of thing where it has enough ambiguity that behavior could change from place to place too
23:28.21gnarfaceah, yea "-" is the short version of "--login"
23:28.34gnarfaceyou should really read that man page
23:35.42suavedandyI did. Not much info.
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23:43.45gnarfacewell there's not much to know
23:44.20gnarfacebut maybe some of it lacks the context you need
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