IRC log for #devuan on 20200821

00:00.02*** join/#devuan robmyers (sid14471@gnu/social/robmyers)
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00:21.28*** join/#devuan Birubiru (c09ac61e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
00:22.10BirubiruHi everyone, I'm trying to enjoy and know devuan better
00:23.37BirubiruI'm trying to see my display resolution in larger size but it only gives me three low resolutions: 720x480,720x400 and 640x480
00:26.21*** join/#devuan Birubiru (c09ac61e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
00:27.10BirubiruHow can I have a larger and common size like 1280x800?
00:27.45gnarfaceBirubiru: assuming the hardware can handle it, you might need to change video drivers, or just specify some stuff in the xorg.conf
00:28.17gnarfaceBirubiru: it's possible it could be a limitation of the display itself too
00:29.40gnarfaceBirubiru: for starters, what are the makes & models of the video card and the display?
00:30.04BirubiruThank you for the hint, dear gnarface. I've already used other OS's with this hardware and it had most common display sizes before. I'll try what you said
00:30.05*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
00:57.57golinuxHurgotron said "aww, don't get jaded"
00:58.08golinuxToo late for that!
01:07.53*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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02:10.40masonBetter jaded than chromed.
02:17.57*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
02:31.01systemdleteCups problem:  CreateDevice failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
02:31.20systemdleteNo kidding.  There are no .service files on devuan.   Shocking, really...
02:31.38systemdleteMy print jobs start and get to 24% of processing, then they hang
02:31.54systemdletechecking the cups error_log gives me this pretty message
02:32.27rgh[m]Have you checked the available space on /var?
02:32.48systemdleteabout 500MB ?
02:33.12systemdleteIt's one page -- a UPS shipping label.
02:34.06systemdleteIs half a gig enough for cups?
02:35.34systemdleteI restarted the job and it says "connected to printer" but nothing has happened for several minutes.
02:35.41systemdleteTHere is nothing else in the queue.
02:35.53*** join/#devuan sb35 (~sb35@
02:36.29systemdleteI'm using the "Epson WorkForce 630, Epson Inkjet Printer Driver (ESC/P-R) for Linux (color)" driver
02:36.38systemdleteShould I be using Gutenprint?
02:38.19systemdleteI've also tried turning off and on the printer and restarting cups
02:40.05systemdleteI'm not running avahi-daemon, but the client libs are installed.
02:41.19systemdleteNow it says the printer did not respond
02:42.00systemdleteIt is up; I can ping the printer.
02:43.52gnarfacehmmm, you sure the printer is supported, right?
02:44.27systemdleteOh yeah, I've used this printer for years, and even when I was running cups on CentOS 6
02:44.58systemdletebtw, I am on Ascii, so it is cups 2.2.1
02:46.20systemdleteI wonder if a newer cups version might be better, if we have one that is.
02:47.00gnarfacei'm still not sure it's not some sort of configuration error though... a quick search online suggests that exact error has reappeared for at least the past 5 years, probably not for the same cause
02:47.27gnarfaceacross multiple distros
02:47.33systemdletewhere are you looking?  I googled the error also, but didn't find much
02:47.47gnarface"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files"
02:47.49gnarfacesearch that
02:47.50gnarfaceuse quotes
02:48.11gnarfacecorrection, 7 years...
02:48.15gnarfaceprobably more
02:48.33gnarfacewondering if something went wrong adding the printer, some configuration corruption error?
02:48.48gnarfacei dunno, but it seems like it could be a red herring
02:50.12gnarfacesystemdlete: do you have the cups-filters and cpus-filters-core-drivers packages?
02:50.27gnarfacesystemdlete: sorry i mean cups-filters-core-drivers, obviously
02:50.35systemdleteI'll check, but shouldn't those be caught by the dependency checker?
02:50.43gnarfaceno idea
02:50.55gnarfacejust a hunch based on a gentoo post about needing to re-emerge that package
02:51.38systemdleteyeah, it's installed.
02:52.29gnarfaceif you surf to the configuration url, the printer shows up as configured?
02:52.32systemdleteSeems to me that every time I go to print something, which is very rarely, I have to go through a whole procedure like this.  It happened even with CentOS, and it usually turned out to be something like I needed to upgrade
02:52.46gnarfacewell have you got it working yet on this install?
02:52.55gnarfaceyou have to go to http://localhost:631/ to configure it i think
02:53.01systemdleteOh of course.  Way past that.  I mean, I can see the queues, start and cancel jobs, etc.
02:53.16gnarfaceso you definitely see the printer configured, driver selected, etc?
02:53.18systemdleteIt WAS working, several months ago
02:53.44systemdleteI'm telling you.  It's like CUPS just can't wait for me to use it so it can tell me that it won't work.
02:54.07systemdleteI'll use it, say, half a dozen times for a day or so, then I don't need to print anything for months at a time.
02:54.08*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (
02:54.31gnarfaceprinter modes/
02:54.34systemdleteIn between, *something* happens and I have to go through a whole bunch of investigation and the like.
02:54.42systemdletewhat sort of modes?
02:54.49systemdletelike color vs b&W
02:54.54systemdleteor ?
02:55.15systemdleteThis printer is an old Epson Workforce 630 connected over my LAN
02:55.24gnarfacei was thinking network modes and tray modes
02:55.30systemdletebehind at least 3 firewalls
02:57.19systemdleteI tried your search pattern on duckduckgo, and got about the same as I did before.  Did you mean google?  (I try to avoid using google)
02:59.16gnarfaceyou said you had just used google, so of course yes i meant google
02:59.32*** join/#devuan me_ (~me@2600:6c4a:700b:400:4884:26fd:aa43:2efb)
02:59.57gnarfacehello me_
03:00.00systemdleteI tried google also, actually.
03:00.19golinuxEeeeewwwwww . . .
03:00.20gnarfaceyou're saying you get zero results, systemdlete?
03:00.35systemdleteJust not all the interesting hits you seem to be seeing.
03:00.54me_Is it true that you can not configure Devuan Beowulf to start without a name and password?
03:02.02gnarfaceme_: i'm pretty sure there are multiple ways to do it, but maybe not from the installer itself, and maybe not easily either
03:02.58me_I am asking for someone else.  What do you recommend?
03:03.52gnarfaceme_: i recommend using a password
03:03.53systemdleteAh, gnarface.  Finally:  In the first link that google hits (gentoo?) -- possible hint:  "Error comes from "colorman.c", talking on dbus, expecting an answer from colord."
03:04.19systemdleteAnd guesso-whato?
03:04.24systemdleteI'm not running colord.
03:04.39systemdleteNot sure why or if I was supposed to for xfce, but that could be it.
03:04.48systemdleteI'll try installing it and see if it helps.
03:04.49gnarfacesystemdlete: colord is contrib or non-free i think
03:05.20gnarfacesystemdlete: well, i know it's either contrib or non-free.  i know it's not in main
03:05.33systemdleteit wants to install libsane, sane-utils, libsane-extras, the whole kitchen sink
03:05.44*** part/#devuan me_ (~me@2600:6c4a:700b:400:4884:26fd:aa43:2efb)
03:05.46systemdletewhich I think is INsane
03:06.36systemdleteI hope it doesn't expect me to actually run sane just to do a print...
03:06.49gnarfacewell is it also a scanner?
03:07.01systemdleteYes, but I do not have it configured for that.
03:07.12gnarfacedid you install official drivers for the printer?
03:07.20systemdleteIn fact, of all the features it has, I only use the print function.
03:07.34gnarfacenvidia binary drivers like colord for example
03:07.42gnarfaceit's a thing that the free stuff doesn't depend on
03:07.54gnarfaceas far as i know, anyway,
03:08.11systemdletewhat are you saying?  Was I supposed to install "official drivers?"
03:08.12Jjp137eh colord is in main:
03:08.18systemdleteFrom the manufacturer?
03:08.18gnarfacesystemdlete: no, i'm asking if you did
03:08.30systemdleteI don't recall doing so, no.
03:08.43systemdleteJjp137:  Just beware that this is Ascii, not Beowulf
03:08.44gnarfacesystemdlete: it probably won't make you actually use sane
03:09.17systemdleteIn fact, when it finishes the install, which took about 5 minutes, it even says that it has sane disabled.
03:09.37systemdleteIt started colord automatically.
03:09.57Jjp137systemdlete, it's also in main in ascii (but eh I'm being noisy now)
03:10.27systemdleteI appreciate the help
03:11.15systemdleteHmmm.  So I canceled the other jobs.  Submtted a print test page -- now the job indicates that the printer did not respond.
03:11.48systemdleteI wonder if I can log onto this printer and inspect its spool?
03:12.08masonsystemdlete: Local CUPS?
03:12.34masonsystemdlete: If it is, try http://localhost:631/
03:12.53systemdleteCups is running on my host PC (Ascii, as I said).  I'm talking about the printer's internal crap.
03:13.03systemdleteTo see what it is "thinking" if anything.
03:14.47systemdleteThis is interesting.  I Released the job twice but it still says it has been held for the last 4 minutes.
03:15.14masonWhat are you using for this? lpadmin?
03:15.27masonWeb control panel's the most droolproof.
03:15.51systemdleteThat's what we are talking about, yes.
03:16.29masonThere's also lpadmin, but I can't use it without consulting the man page.
03:17.13masonI've got a co-worker who's a wizard with CUPS, so I pester him whenever things go badly here - like, I'm double-filtering stuff destined for the printer, or letting Avahi assert itself.
03:17.30systemdletethere is no avahi running here
03:17.38masonYeah, single system.
03:17.47masonSo that eliminates many pitfalls in one go.
03:20.14systemdleteI'm trying something:  Turn off browsed
03:21.15systemdlete"Spooling job, 24% complete."  And just hangs at that point.
03:22.20masonsystemdlete: how's your printer show up in lpinfo -v ?
03:22.30masonAnd what's the model, out of curiosity?
03:22.49systemdleteEpson Workforce 630
03:22.56systemdlete(ancient I know)
03:23.14systemdleteprinter does not show up in lpinfo
03:23.31masonhrm, that's odd
03:24.23systemdleteI see a process that seems to be handling the print job.
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03:25.28systemdleteIt is sleeping
03:27.04masonsystemdlete: Logs say anything? Should be /var/log/cups/*
03:27.20systemdleteYeah, I've looked at logs.
03:27.36systemdleteHere is interesting:  lpr -Pprinter just hangs
03:28.55masonI was hoping lpinfo would show a path you could use with lpadmin and friends.
03:29.46systemdleteIt is connected over the LAN, not via USB.
03:29.47masonOn my wife's system, which acts as our print server, for instance, lpinfo -v shows "direct usb://" and "direct hp://" devices.
03:30.13masonOh, not a single-system... Does the printer have its own print server built in or something?
03:30.21systemdleteMust have
03:30.51systemdleteWell, that's enough for tonight.  Thanks to all who made suggestions; always appreciated.
03:31.05masonHope you work it out. Printers are gawdawful to configure nowadays.
03:31.25systemdleteI have been threatening to buy a more recent model, preferably a laser.
03:36.09*** join/#devuan tocsa (~csaba@2601:204:0:16::527)
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03:37.02tocsaWhat's the repo server for ceres right now? times out
03:37.21tocsaApprox for a week now
03:39.36tocsaHold on, I'm took a peek now at sources.list and it refers to
03:39.59tocsaSo I have to figure out where this comes from
03:42.19*** join/#devuan Xenguy_ (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
03:43.00tocsaI haven't found out yet where the "roundr" domain part comes from. There's no such thing in the /etc/apt file contents
03:50.30golinuxDoesn't anyone read the website these days?
04:06.25*** join/#devuan freemangordon (~ivo@
04:20.04tocsa@golinux so in my sources.list instead of `deb ceres main contrib non-free` it should be `deb ceres main contrib non-free`?
04:20.46tocsaApprox two weeks ago I did a dist upgrade and it was working like how it is for a week or so
04:22.59tocsaOk, worked.
04:24.46*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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07:27.44*** join/#devuan urseesru (~ruseuser@
07:29.43urseesruHi. Yesterday I tried to boot an older Athlon 64 dual core with beowulf amd64 iso live, it boots slowly (delay on start, more like a minute or so) with the failsafe image, and gets stuck with the default image (non failsafe). Is this the famous NetworkManager problem? The network connection is cabled RJ45 ether and works once booted. The machine normally runs Wheezy (don't ask how old it really is) and boots to slim login screen in 10-20 seconds (xfce4 wm
07:29.55urseesruWheezy amd64 of course.
07:30.32urseesruSo is there anything I should do to avoid this delay on boot? Boot was from USB stick written iso, iso downloaded from devuan mirrors less than 48 hrs ago.
07:31.18urseesruAnother: I notice several things are still broken by pulseaudio, among others, audacity. Does anyone have audacity working with audio io (not files) on beowulf with pulseaudio?
07:31.59urseesruNote audacity was already broken on wheezy due to pulseaudio, and that does not even have systemd as an option I think. It's on sysvinit.
07:32.05urseesru- tia
07:33.21urseesruAlso: no error messages at all from booting the beowulf, the stuck one or the other one. I'll try Ctrl-Alt-F2 with the failsafe in a while to see where it gets stuck, perhaps. I assume the boot log is on vt 2, as usual?
07:33.35urseesruSuggest boot cli options to work around the getting stuck problem?
07:34.24jobbautista9For pulseaudio, see the release notes of Beowulf. Edit the /etc/pulse/client.conf.d/00-disable-autospawn.conf and comment the autospawn=no line
07:34.34jobbautista9Or you could replace pulseaudio with ALSA after installing
07:35.10jobbautista9I'm not sure about the NM problem, I haven't used a Devuan live ISO
07:43.07gnarfaceurseesru: you might have better luck with a netinstall image instead of a live one
07:44.41gnarfaceurseesru: the delay could be a lot of things
07:49.36gnarfaceurseesru: upgrading from wheezy might work though... it used to anyway
07:50.12gnarfaceurseesru: (not directly to beowulf, but wheezy->jessie->ascii->beowulf)
07:53.23urseesrugnarface: I will wipe a partition and install clean but I need to know if the boot will be that slow afterwards too...
07:54.02urseesrugnarface: suggest any boot cli options I might try to find out more? How do I avoid the graphical splash hiding the boot log from start?
07:54.25urseesruthe non failsafe image gets stuck after "loading initrd.gz"
07:54.44urseesruthe one which works also appears to get stuck there but then boots after a long delay
07:55.18gnarfacewell you can't expect the desktop live image to boot off usb anywhere near as fast as a regular install booting off the internal harddrive
07:55.30gnarfaceit's not a fair comparison to begin with
07:56.29gnarfacethere's a mini live image too that doesn't start a graphical interface to begin with, but that might not be your issue
07:56.49gnarfacefor all i know it could be a dhcp timeout
07:57.24urseesruThe USB speed is about on par with the internal HDD's speed(s).
07:57.38urseesruAt most 2:1 difference, and the delay is enormous.
07:57.50urseesruI'll try to boot to runlevel s and see.
07:58.03gnarfacedoesn't matter really if the bios can't boot flash in DMA mode
07:58.17urseesruAny idea if audacity works with pulseaudio input devices on beowulf?
07:58.23*** join/#devuan jobbautista9 (~chatzilla@
07:58.33gnarfaceit's working here
07:58.48gnarfacei think it might have required that fix jobbautista9 mentioned
07:58.53gnarfacedid you try it?
07:58.57urseesrugnarface: ok, that is a good point, but once it boots, i.e. the boot log scrolls by after the flash, it is at least as fast as the hdd. It gets stuck in one particular place, is not slow.
07:59.16urseesrugnarface: I tried on the live image but inconclusive, had other trouble and had to stop the experiment yesterday.
07:59.35urseesruwhat jobbautista9 mention?
07:59.36gnarfacewell what does the line it's stuck on SAY?
07:59.57jobbautista9urseesru: For pulseaudio, see the release notes of Beowulf. Edit the /etc/pulse/client.conf.d/00-disable-autospawn.conf and comment the autospawn=no line
08:00.06jobbautista9Or you could replace pulseaudio with ALSA after installing
08:00.13urseesruIt is stuck at the splash no text, just uncompressing initrd.gz. Then when it works it flies by, the log.
08:00.47jobbautista9What does the log say?
08:00.53urseesrujobbautista9: is that enough to make it work? the autospawn=no ? I saw that online some time ago as a solution, did not try it. I will try this when I get around to it next time.
08:01.08urseesrujobbautista9: it's too fast to read, early kernel log is not stored?
08:01.37jobbautista9If the boot log says something about pci, try using pci=nomsi as a kernel parameter
08:01.56urseesruIs there a kernel boot option to cause eraly kernel logs to be stored and written to "disk" later?
08:02.05urseesruI will try that too jobbautista9
08:02.16gnarfaceurseesru: just run dmesg after it finishes booting
08:02.31gnarfaceurseesru:  you can redirect it to a file like this: dmesg > file
08:03.00urseesrudoes dmesg cover *early* kernel log? I think not?
08:04.05jobbautista9Yes, in my dmesg it covers from 0.013202 seconds until it finishes the boot process
08:04.37urseesruI know systemd cretin options make the kernel log buffer overflow early on any error, repeated messages. I hope there will be something useful in dmesg with beowulf, unlike the case of systemd running systems.
08:05.02urseesruare there options to enlarge the kernel log buffer on the kernel cli? I think not, asking anyway?
08:06.03gnarfacei'm sure there's gotta be a way
08:06.17gnarfacethere's a kernel doc package that covers all of this
08:06.33urseesru\you seem to be right the dmesg goes back to [000...] on this wheezy oldtimer. I'll try that on the beowulf.
08:06.47gnarfacethe metapackage linux-doc should point to the one for the currently installed kernel
08:06.54urseesrugnarface: iirc the log buffer size is compiled in. or was, in 1997-1998...
08:07.48gnarfacewell ther entire list of kernel command-line options is in there somewhere so you can check
08:08.35urseesrusome dmesg magic
08:08.51urseesruthe kernel cli options are online of course, no need to look in a package.
08:08.58urseesruespecially not on a live boot system.
08:09.36urseesruis the 1.1GB partition which is "empty" on the USB writable beowulf iso image usable for the "clever" refracta (2usb) live system?
08:11.24urseesruso yes the dmesg buffer length can be adjusted on cli using log_buf_len=5M or such
08:12.43urseesruwhen is fsmithred in usually? USA evening hours I assume?
08:14.54urseesruhow does one check if a BIOS supports DMA mode USB memory sticks? I assume BIOS support for the USB disk is different from system support which is measurable after booting with hdparm -tT et al. Or not?
08:15.33urseesruI don't suppose the BIOS makers are bothered to apply DMA acceleration to boot time USB stick hdd emulation, would require some extra code in the already full BIOS, no?
08:17.24urseesruTrying to guess by BIOS maker and chipset is not getting anywhere. It's a good chipset but old, the BIOS is dodgy alas. It's just an old machine I am trying to insuflate some fresh life into.
08:18.20urseesruAnyway I doubt it is the USB speed, ONE point gets stuck. Will try to set a huuge ring buffer size and look at dmesg while booting into s runlevel with splash turned off using more kernel cli options.
08:19.42gnarfacemake sure you don't have silent or quiet or whatever it is called in the kernel command-line
08:20.24urseesrusome research shows I should try about these options (not necessarily all at once):
08:20.40urseesrupci=nomsi noapic noacpi irqpoll nosplash
08:20.49urseesruand obviously no quiet.
08:20.54gnarfacethey recently changed the default initrd.img compression type to xz i think, which might slow decompression down a lot actually - you can change that but i think it might require a kernel recompile
08:20.57urseesruany suggestions on how to improve the list?
08:21.14urseesrusigh i press :w in every terminal already. vim virus.
08:21.40gnarfaceno suggestions really, none of those are for dealing with this type of stall while booting
08:21.52gnarfaceit usually turns out to just be a DHCP timeout
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08:22.13gnarfaceor a MTA timeout because of DHCP
08:22.18urseesruwhy would there be a dhcp timeout?
08:22.29urseesrumta is running? at early boot time?!
08:22.53gnarfaceto be clear, what you're describing sounded like a distinctly LATE boot time stall
08:23.09urseesruwe are talking about a minute delay between when the message uncompressing initrd.gz appears and freezes and when the boot text log scrolls by (fast).
08:23.27urseesruso that would be a very early boot stall in my book but we will see.
08:23.34gnarfaceyea, that means the kernel is already loaded and running
08:23.40urseesrusorry if I was not clear before.
08:23.59urseesruis the idiotic dns/dhcp thing from systemd in the beowulf kernel?
08:24.17urseesruto "facilitate" nfs mounts and such? is there some option which turns that crap off?
08:24.55gnarfacei don't know, i don't think you have to worry about it
08:25.17gnarfacea userspace one is usually the one that you need to disable manually if you're not using it
08:25.38urseesruyeah there's always a 1st time. I would expect it not to stall though, there's a ipv4 dhcp serving openwrt router directly in front of the machine, 1m cable between them.
08:25.58urseesru seems like the non-"competition" is using kernel early networking a lot.
08:26.12urseesrui wonder if that rot did not seep into beowulf somehow.
08:26.37urseesrudracut ring a bell in beowulf?
08:26.38*** join/#devuan jobbautista9 (~chatzilla@
08:26.54gnarfaceyou can check for packages here:
08:27.03urseesrudoes that cover the live image?
08:27.20gnarfaceit covers the repos, and everything on the live image is in the repos
08:27.44urseesrudracut package exists but I do not know if it is on the live iso. is it?
08:27.59gnarfacei wouldn't know something like that by memory
08:28.20gnarfacethere's tons of stuff in the desktop live images
08:28.38gnarfacebut you could install anything after booting that you have enough ram for
08:28.42urseesruand yes the RH page suggests the default setting on compilation is auto/ any which usually means it will try ipv6 1st then ipv4 and that would give us a nice long delay.
08:28.51gnarfacethe live images can still use the repos just like a regular install
08:29.07urseesrui need to know what is in it at boot time to determine the reason for the delay.
08:31.08urseesrudracut seems to generate a custom initrd which then uses the above kernel cli options.
08:31.52urseesruand it may conflict with makeinitcpio which is iirc what was used to make the initrd at least on ascii
08:37.00urseesruand indeed default kernel options seems to be autoconf=ipv6
08:42.41urseesrui'll look in dmesg at boot time later today. gtg now.
08:42.46urseesruthanks for the ideas will be back
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11:47.12jobbautista9Wait, why did iwd in Chimaera suddenly reverted back to 1.8-1? I didn't receive a notification of this
11:47.35jobbautista9It's supposed to be 1.8-1+devuan1
12:06.34*** join/#devuan jobbautista9 (~chatzilla@
12:10.48ShorTieapt install inetutils-syslogd  removes rsyslog, will that break current logging ??
12:10.58ShorTielike log_warning_msg
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13:30.16rrq_jobbautista9: 1.8-1+devuan1 is in unstable
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13:51.09jobbautista9rrq_: But not in testing though. dak said in August 14 that chimaera had 1.8-1+devuan1, but for some reason now it reverted back to 1.8-1
13:52.26fsmithredjobbautista9, I don't think your iwd has made it to chimaera yet. I see it in ceres only.
13:55.10fsmithredI think it takes a week before packages move from unstable to testing
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14:11.26jobbautista9fsmithred: Well that's weird, since dak sent me an email on August 14 saying that the version in chimaera changed, "as instructed by britney".
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15:48.33luser978can one manually create a refracta2usb like imagd
15:49.45luser978e on a usb stick with beowulf already on it? edit the 1.1gb empty 1st partition?
15:51.06luser978link to instructions would be nice
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16:53.22pablocastellanosluser978: You don't need anything special, there is a liveCD of devuan you can put on usb
16:59.39pablocastellanosluser978: (with dd you can put whatever ISO image on usb, or use refracta's tools)
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18:28.52systemdleteI'm not sure how to describe this, but here goes:  When I insert a new hard disk drive into one of two available bays, one of the other drive's activity light comes on and stays on for very, very long periods of time.   I've looked at the logs, and other than the usual SError I see anytime I put (even a known to be good) drive in one of the empty bays.
18:29.29systemdletealso, the whole system slows way down (I've got an 8-core FX cpu here with 32GB ram)
18:29.56systemdleteNormally, this ascii host(not VM) system operates fast and smooth; no problems to report.
18:30.14systemdleteI know something is messed up, but I don't know what.
18:30.43yanmaaniDo you have any weird file systems or RAID set up?
18:30.44systemdleteThe bays are part of a 4 slot kingwin unit.  All 3 drives are running at 3.0Gbps
18:31.04systemdleteYes, I have lvm and the partitions are all RAID1
18:31.20systemdleteno "weird" file systems I know of.  I think they are all ext4
18:31.46yanmaaniIt's not trying to mirror the data to the other drive or anything like that?
18:32.25systemdletewhich what is which in your sentence?
18:32.45systemdleteI have a 2-drive RAID, and all I am doing is inserting a new (3rd) drive.  I hope that explains it better.
18:33.16systemdleteThe new drive is completely unformatted, and has no gpt or dos table
18:33.27systemdleteIt is literally just out of the box it came in.
18:34.40systemdleteSorry, just not sure how to answer your question.
18:35.03systemdleteBy "it" do you mean the new drive?  If so, then no.  It is not doing ANYTHING yet.
18:35.52systemdleteAlso, the RAID is mdadm, not LVM raid (which I don't use)
18:42.05systemdleteyanmaani:  I'm a bit frustrated with this.  This is about the 3rd new hard disk I've had to deal with in the past month (home PC).  I have had to RMA 2 more or less new disks (a couple of them are actually from 2015).  So if I am sharp, sorry.  Did not mean to snap at you.
18:42.37systemdleteI am hoping this disk will not suffer the same fate, given it is a replacement disk from one of the 2 RMA's!!!
18:43.59systemdleteAnother thing:  Last night, the new drive started making ping noises intermittently.  I moved the new drive from the bay it was in to the other empty bay.  It has been quiet, but that disk activity on the other drive is making me nervous.
18:45.03*** part/#devuan user1041 (~user1041@
18:45.44systemdleteNow the activity lights are quiet.  strange.
18:45.55systemdletesystem is responding nicely again.
18:48.59buZzsystemdlete: try 'cat /proc/mdstat'
18:49.29systemdletenothing looks serious
18:49.40systemdlete(no errors or warnings)
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18:51.32systemdleteI did have a stuck CPU in one of my VMs a while ago; had to restart it.  But that sometimes happens outside of this situation.
18:51.39Wizzuphey guys. I've been having trouble with for two days now
18:51.43WizzupIs this a known problem?
18:52.31WizzupFrom many machines in europe, I just cannot fetch any packages.
18:53.29yanmaaniWizzup: yes, you should use
18:54.08Wizzupparazyd: ^^ guess it changed again
18:54.14Wizzupyanmaani: thanks.
18:54.36buZzi dont think 'again'
18:54.47buZzafaik has been >2 years around now?
18:54.56Wizzuppretty sure we had to rebuild the maemo leste jenkins maybe half a year ago because the urls changed
18:55.00Wizzupmaybe we just picked the wrong ones :)
18:55.16buZzor maybe just got lucky, some old dns cache still had them :P
19:07.23systemdleteI wonder... maybe popping the drive in and out half a dozen times sort of "cleaned" the connector?
19:08.27systemdlete(got rid of some static oxidation or the like)
19:09.05systemdleteIf so, then there is hope for the other bay.
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19:25.21gnarfacesystemdlete: i would examine the enclosures and connectors as well
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19:26.24gnarfacesystemdlete: also check the fans; i've had problems in the past with older drive enclosures overheating newer drives, especially if the fan clogs up or seizes
19:27.35gnarfacesystemdlete: but then on the other hand i've also noted distinct signs of rage or at least severe negligence in package handling as the quarantine has progressed
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19:28.10gnarfacesystemdlete: (so it also wouldn't be too much of a shock to me to find out you RMA'd a drive only to get another busted drive)
19:29.54gnarfacesystemdlete: the thing about it causing the OTHER drives some sort of long access when it spins up seems like normal behavior for a hardware raid controller, but that doesn't fit your description of the setup
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19:31.18gnarfacesystemdlete: (are you sure you didn't have mdadm set up to try to use the 3rd drive for parity?)
19:31.34gnarfacesystemdlete: (or additional striping? or something like that?)
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23:46.08yanmaaniWhy did you take it down? It should be very fast to CNAME the old domain to
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