IRC log for #devuan on 20200801

01:10.52*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
01:42.22*** join/#devuan systemdlete (
01:51.38*** join/#devuan systemdlete2 (
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01:57.04*** join/#devuan systemdlete2 (
02:17.28*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
02:27.38*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:65b:cc00:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
02:33.46*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
03:01.22*** join/#devuan proteus-guy (~proteus-l@2001:44c8:4603:b5f2:d0e8:390c:efd2:2cdf)
03:08.45*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
03:10.03*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
03:18.16*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
03:18.54*** join/#devuan proteus-guy (~proteus-l@2001:44c8:4603:b5f2:61fc:a470:4f91:ca9b)
03:41.00*** join/#devuan proteus-guy (~proteus-l@2001:44c8:4603:b5f2:44d5:5739:8311:3255)
03:45.36*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
03:57.24*** join/#devuan paynode (
03:59.05*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
04:05.01*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:37.00*** join/#devuan jobbautista9 (~jobbautis@
04:50.04*** join/#devuan proteus-guy (~proteus-l@2001:44c8:460c:4d01:44d5:5739:8311:3255)
06:48.13*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
07:03.59*** join/#devuan helios21 (
08:22.32*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:179d:1cc6:8854:4d5c)
08:24.00*** join/#devuan Tashtari (~tashtari@unaffiliated/tashtari)
08:29.17*** join/#devuan silentjet (
08:45.12*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@2001:d08:1202:7dd:6f0d:298e:803b:9d76)
08:50.07*** join/#devuan xcm (
09:06.42*** join/#devuan dagelf (
09:16.31*** join/#devuan rsx (
09:19.55*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (
09:46.11*** join/#devuan zatumil (
10:07.04ShorTiehow can i get a 70-persistent-net.rules file to be made ??
10:09.07ShorTiei need to know if eudev changes the nic name
10:09.53*** join/#devuan cyteen (
10:16.59*** join/#devuan klaus (
10:26.09rrqtry: udevadm test /sys/class/net/eth0
10:29.23ShorTieok, see lots of info
10:30.23*** join/#devuan filipdevuan_ (
10:30.50ShorTienot sure what now though
10:31.28*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@
10:34.37ShorTiesee, the way it works now i basically take 70-persistent-net.rules and copy/rename it to 70-Smoothwall-custom-NIC.rules
10:35.07ShorTieand all works fine
10:36.28ShorTienow if the nics change at all, it makes a new 70-persistent-net.rules because 70-Smoothwall-custom-NIC.rules is invalid
10:36.52ShorTieon boot
10:38.32ShorTieso i use the presents of 70-persistent-net.rules to kick off a setup so the nics can be redefined
10:47.12ShorTieyou don't want eudev switching eth0 and eth1 interfaces without your knowing
10:52.20*** join/#devuan xinomilo (~xinomilo@gateway/tor-sasl/xinomilo)
11:04.17ShorTiehmmm, /run/udev/tmp-rules--70-persistent-net.rules
11:08.13*** join/#devuan tomtastic (~tomtastic@
11:28.12*** join/#devuan xcm (
11:31.51*** join/#devuan filipdevuan_ (
11:34.14*** join/#devuan tom_work (
11:34.24tom_workI can't update to beowulf
11:34.34tom_workno idea what this error means
11:34.46tom_worklibruby2.6 isn't installed
11:35.04tom_workthere are no held packages
11:35.14ShorTie2662 packages can be upgraded, oh my
11:35.26xinomiloyou have debian unstable repo enabled?
11:35.46ShorTiethinkin fresh install....
11:35.47xinomiloHit:1 unstable InRelease
11:35.54tom_workonly beowulf and beowulf security
11:36.37tom_workxinomilo, that's not in my source.lst
11:36.47tom_workwhere is that coming from?
11:37.29tom_workoh nvm
11:37.34tom_workhow did that get in there
11:38.11ShorTiemight be some where else in /etc/apt other then sources.list
11:38.36xinomilolook in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
11:38.57ShorTiei'd like 'grep /etc/apt'
11:38.59tom_workstill the error though
11:40.45*** join/#devuan scaniatrucker (
11:41.07ShorTieoops,  grep /etc/apt/*
11:42.12tom_worknothing ShorTie
11:42.29xinomilofix sources.list, then maybe try `apt upgrade` first
11:42.48Unit193If you have inxi, then `inxi -r` too.
11:42.53tom_worki did fix it
11:46.06tom_workRepos:     Active apt sources in file: /etc/apt/sources.list
11:46.38tom_worki put it back to ascii to get inxi
11:47.40*** join/#devuan amesser (
11:49.57*** join/#devuan amesser_ (
11:50.15ShorTieyou good a backup ??
11:51.51tom_workthat bad huh?
11:52.06tom_workShould I just reinstall from scratch?
11:52.17tom_workI originally installed from the devuan ascii beta cd
11:52.19ShorTiei would
11:52.31ShorTie2662 packages can be upgraded, oh my
11:52.44tom_workyeah that number seems way off
11:52.51tom_workno idea where that's coming from
11:53.12tom_workI originally installed xfce default but moved to i3 because no mouse needed
11:53.24tom_workno way i'm using 2000 packages
11:54.24tom_workI'll just copy my data over somewhere tomorrow then reinstall my whole os and recompile my programs tommarrow
11:54.26tom_workthank you
12:10.23*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
12:14.37*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
12:20.03*** join/#devuan kreyren[m] (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
13:05.17*** join/#devuan scaniatrucker (
13:31.59brocashelmtom_work: are you the same person who wrote the guide on how to use sysvinit+upstart init on ubuntu and mint (xenial)? because i was the one who told you about the without-systemd article
13:46.40DonkeyHoteibrocashelm: tom_work != tomg
13:48.43brocashelmok, just making sure
13:52.54*** join/#devuan halbeno_ (
14:07.05*** join/#devuan proteus-guy (~proteus-l@2001:44c8:4607:c921:c03d:ddd6:ddef:69a6)
14:15.00*** join/#devuan ErRandir (~mhabets@
14:19.03*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
14:30.39*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
14:44.48*** join/#devuan xcm (
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14:49.16*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
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14:51.23*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
14:55.09*** join/#devuan james1138 (~James1138@
14:57.29*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
14:58.28*** join/#devuan james1138 (~James1138@
14:58.46*** join/#devuan james1138 (~James1138@
15:29.30*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
15:37.11*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
15:43.40*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
15:55.43*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
15:58.51*** join/#devuan filipdevuan_ (
16:09.05*** join/#devuan xinomilo (~xinomilo@gateway/tor-sasl/xinomilo)
16:10.00*** join/#devuan xinomilo (~xinomilo@gateway/tor-sasl/xinomilo)
16:18.13*** join/#devuan bgstack15 (
16:26.54*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
16:30.36*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
16:44.32*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~HumanG33k@
16:44.55*** join/#devuan dagelf (
17:22.28*** join/#devuan proteus-guy (~proteus-l@2001:44c8:4608:15aa:c03d:ddd6:ddef:69a6)
17:27.01*** join/#devuan bgstack15 (
18:05.36*** join/#devuan Defender1031 (
18:52.51*** join/#devuan absinthe (~absinthe@unaffiliated/absinthe)
19:56.32nemopolkit suddenly stopped working on my devuan
19:56.38nemoany idea what I might do to reset it?
19:56.51nemotrying to run synaptic-pkgexec
19:56.55nemopolkit-agent-helper-1: error response to PolicyKit daemon: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: No session for cookie
20:00.38*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
20:04.20nemopolkit-agent-helper-1: error response to PolicyKit daemon: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: No session for cookie
20:04.26nemooups sorry
20:05.28nemoanyway yeah, can't seem to run synaptic anymore
20:05.40nemoeven if I ssh -Y privileged@localhost
20:06.38nemosudo synaptic doesn't work either anymore
20:06.57nemoxclock works
20:07.02nemoX11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
20:07.02nemoUnable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
20:07.06MinceRmaybe gksudo synaptic works better?
20:07.11nemohm. maybe
20:12.28*** join/#devuan ephemer0l (~ephemer0l@pentoo/user/ephemer0l)
20:24.19*** join/#devuan Tiggez (
20:26.17Tiggezhi. my grub f#!ed up.. i chrooted into the system and tried to upgrade and reinstall grub.. are we still using the broken version?
20:30.57gnarfacethe version in beowulf worked last i checked...
20:31.04gnarfacewhat broken version?
20:31.09gnarfacedid it break recently?
20:32.04gnarfacenemo: you can't restart it with the script in /etc/init.d?
20:37.12nemosorry conference. will totally follow up in a bit
20:38.40*** join/#devuan proteus-guy (
20:44.13Tiggezsth with this boothole fix was wrong..
20:44.23gnarfaceTiggez: you can check versions at
20:44.47Tiggezthis just hit legacy bios users..
20:46.40gnarfaceheh, ouch
20:47.02gnarfacethat's an ubuntu bug though... would that be relevant to beowulf, or chimera?
20:47.26fsmithredthere's current discussion about a new grub2 bug on forum
20:47.32fsmithredgetting link...
20:48.07fsmithredit's marked as Solved
20:50.00Tiggeznice thx .. i will look into it
20:51.05*** join/#devuan luna_is_here (
21:17.40brocashelmany tips for using lynis? is unattended-upgrades useless for security?
21:23.16gnarfacei definitely would advise against it
21:23.42gnarfacekinda a practical matter that's dependent on your user base though a bit
21:25.04gnarfacein some situations where you have trustworthy (non-hostile) but low experience users and the installs aren't mission critical it might make sense to use
21:25.59gnarfaceit's best to never do system upgrades in an unplanned fashion
21:32.25brocashelmi do have apparmor, fail2ban, debsecan, and puppet installed
21:33.19brocashelmyeah, better to manually update shit
21:34.20brocashelmi see unattended-upgrades utilizes systemdung strings *vomit*
21:43.23*** join/#devuan DarkUranium (
21:59.11*** join/#devuan helios21 (
22:04.03*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
22:05.39*** join/#devuan silentjet (
22:07.47*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
22:10.44*** join/#devuan gattuso (
22:27.24nemognarface: is gksudo still a thing?
22:27.28nemognarface: can't seem to find it anymore
22:29.08brocashelmnemo: i have it installed and it works
22:30.39gnarfacenemo: i think it got removed from the repos but i recall people using the jessie one successfully in ascii i think...
22:30.51gnarfacenemo: maybe there's a github repo you can build a current version from
22:30.51nemobrocashelm: how'd you install it?
22:31.15nemodo wonder why pkgexec is suddenly choking ☹
22:31.17MinceRif it isn't in the repo, i doubt it's worth bothering with
22:31.21gnarfacenemo: there might also be an alternative or the regular sudo package has it now or something...
22:31.46*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
22:37.54brocashelmnemo: never mind. i didn't install it. just checked and i have a file in /usr/local/bin titled gksudo that calls pkexec
22:38.30brocashelmi remember doing that for certain programs to launch correctly if they called gksudo
22:42.20*** join/#devuan luna_is_here (
22:46.49*** join/#devuan paynode (
22:48.43nemocommit 2 weeks ago
22:48.52nemomaybe I installed a bad polkit
22:49.05nemooff backports or in a recent update
22:49.57nemothose 2 seem very very different
22:51.09paynodeare financials on topic here?
22:51.18nemolibpolkit-agent-1-0/stable,now 0.105-25+devuan8 mate-polkit/stable,now 1.20.2-1
22:51.24paynodethe 2018 fin report showed 8k raised that year
22:52.08paynodecalyxos/calyx institute based in ny raised 1mil with roughly 2000 members paying 4-600usd each
22:52.36nemofsmithred: ^^
22:52.52paynodethey essentially give "free" 4g internet to members but they get it subsidized or cheap somehow
22:53.46paynodethe person in charge said it was something "only" available in the us, but maybe they didnt check well enough for NL/other countries, maybe in europe?
22:55.45paynodenemo...are you alerting him to your msg or mine?
22:58.46paynodefor size comparison, this yearly budget is larger than debian and arch (combined) and a tad smaller than freebsd...other bsds, and other distros I came across other than the big 3 commercial ones have smaller budgets too, from what ive come across...
22:59.12paynodei want this project to succeed/survive and i think money matters in the long run
23:00.21golinuxHow is this a devuan support issue?
23:00.24paynodethe other solution might be to sell devices preinstalled with devuan (and marketed as such, not just tell us what to install and well do it), which i havent seen yet (but do inform if it does)
23:00.34paynodewhich channel is better?
23:00.58paynodebut thats not logged
23:01.01paynodeor i it
23:02.29fsmithreddebianfork is logged
23:02.54fsmithrednemo, are you confused about the apparent mis-matched versions?
23:03.25fsmithredthose two packages come from different source packages. libpolkit-agent is part of policykit, and mate-polkit is part of mate
23:03.40nemofsmithred: naw. thought a bad version had gotten in recently
23:03.42nemonow not so sure
23:03.48nemotrying to find the package history
23:03.52nemosorry for highlight
23:03.57nemohighlight first ask questions later
23:04.59MinceRhighlight first, ask Christian Slater
23:05.13golinuxWhere is #debianfork logged?  I've never found it.
23:05.25golinuxfsmithred: ^^^
23:05.46nemolegit highlight!
23:05.59golinuxIt's not an official devuan channel
23:06.06fsmithredsorry, it isn't. I was thinking of devuan-dev and devuan
23:07.01fsmithredit is logged in ~/.config/hexchat (or xchat) if you use one of those
23:08.19nemomany channels are filled with unofficial logs ☺
23:08.31nemoI can't be bothered
23:15.26nemorebooting seems to have fixed everything.
23:15.34nemoI have no idea why, but maybe due to switching X versions
23:15.42nemoI hate doing windows solutions but... oh well.
23:16.18nemo(related to that AMDGPU pro thing, had tested unpinned X with 20.30 but when it failed, switched back to old one.  figured reinstalling and restarting X should be sufficient, but maybe it effed up polkit)
23:18.45paynodefsmithred that is local logging, but im still not znc'ed...i imagine offtopic is not ideal for logging, but perhaps there can be another channel for such talk? unless you want to take it in offtopic...
23:23.04*** join/#devuan kreyren[m] (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
23:28.37*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
23:47.50*** part/#devuan james1138 (~James1138@
23:54.08*** join/#devuan sacioz (~sacioz@
23:54.59*** part/#devuan sacioz (~sacioz@

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