IRC log for #devuan on 20200731

00:17.06*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
00:36.40*** join/#devuan bpmedley (~bpm@2601:246:8201:8e0:e98e:6437:218c:a3eb)
00:46.43*** join/#devuan proteusguy (
01:09.46*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
01:20.49*** join/#devuan Anasko (cb8119f7@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
01:21.19*** join/#devuan bpmedley (~bpm@2601:246:8201:8e0:d087:20ac:f6ce:5c05)
01:57.26*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (
02:03.14*** part/#devuan nbm (~nbm@
02:32.46*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@
02:37.56*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
02:49.10*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
02:50.09*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
02:54.00*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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03:42.56*** join/#devuan JTechno (
03:58.36*** join/#devuan dagelf (
04:00.41*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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04:06.16*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:10.17*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
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06:34.02*** join/#devuan Joril (
06:52.56*** join/#devuan silentjet (
06:59.58*** join/#devuan antenagora (~antenagor@
07:05.56*** join/#devuan Inepu (~Mithrandi@
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10:23.43*** join/#devuan proteus-guy (~proteus-l@2001:44c8:4602:46eb:8598:d244:f1ab:2f47)
10:36.00*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:179d:1cc6:8854:4d5c)
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11:08.20*** join/#devuan nick_of-martin (~Thunderbi@
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11:44.49*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
11:56.48*** join/#devuan gnu_srs2 (~srs@devuan/developer/srs)
11:59.24*** join/#devuan klaus (
12:11.35*** join/#devuan KnoP (
12:56.01*** join/#devuan ham5urg (
12:56.35ham5urgIs it possible to log into a machine via serial+ssh?
12:57.54*** join/#devuan klaus (
12:59.36*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
13:09.13yetissh is via networl. plain serial is text.
13:09.37yetiyou could run slip or ppp on a serial and then ssh over that.
13:12.16Weeezythe days of serial port communications is long gone
13:13.39yetidoes that help to answer ham5urg?
13:14.26yetiI even keep a plip cable as srcret weapon!
13:15.32hemimaniacand a roll of twine and 2 soup cans?
13:16.02yetinaaaa... we do modem over that now...
13:16.15fsmithredright. Weeezy is relatively new here and probably doesn't know that people around here will use old stuff if they have it.
13:17.18hemimaniacI still have a telephony modem going for signals over HAM
13:17.39masonham5urg: The closest you'll get to combining serial and ssh is if you have a serial aggregator you can ssh into.
13:17.52yetiI finally found a real moden with USB...
13:17.56masonMost I've used were telnet-only, but that was decades ago.
13:18.24yetiafter 2 softmodems which dont work in penguinland...
13:18.26fsmithredI want to see text-to-speech directed to a transducer connected to the wire that goes to the tin can on the receiving end
13:19.21yetiif they use a stiff cable, they should be able to do bandwidths good enough for lowend videophones
13:20.08fsmithredyou're talking about tranmitting the video signal in vibrations?
13:20.38hemimaniacI'd like to see text to speech anything, seems for reasons of licensing and what not TtS is fairly behind in Linux in general
13:20.41yetiyou should be able to get higher frequencies thru steel cable
13:47.29*** join/#devuan jobbautista9 (~jobbautis@
13:48.18*** part/#devuan Weeezy (~Weeezy@2604:6000:1503:3ac:3ea8:2aff:fec0:d826)
14:02.24ham5urgI started to look into socat.
14:22.35*** join/#devuan proteus-guy (~proteus-l@2001:44c8:4602:21bd:8598:d244:f1ab:2f47)
14:25.50*** join/#devuan sacioz (~sacioz@
14:28.04*** part/#devuan sacioz (~sacioz@
14:34.48*** join/#devuan paynode (
14:35.42*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
14:54.15golinuxAre we bored yet?
14:55.25*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~HumanG33k@
14:57.26fsmithredI got my excitement for the day - did laundry and emptied the mouse hotel.
15:03.09*** join/#devuan rsx (
15:11.27paynodedoes this channel +q +m +r during spam waves? i have a hard time convincing ops on other channels to allow unreg
15:11.58paynodeand how bad does the spam get? sometimes there isnt an op that can react 24/7, maybe thats why they dont like it
15:20.41*** join/#devuan Weeezy (~Weeezy@2604:6000:1503:3ac:3ea8:2aff:fec0:d826)
15:21.47*** part/#devuan Weeezy (~Weeezy@2604:6000:1503:3ac:3ea8:2aff:fec0:d826)
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15:33.03*** join/#devuan tradar (~tradar@gateway/tor-sasl/tradar)
15:33.56*** part/#devuan Joril (
15:39.25MinceRwe used to have +q $~a
15:39.31MinceRwhich mutes unregistered users
15:42.58*** join/#devuan klaus (
16:00.11*** join/#devuan ymasson (
16:07.47paynodeMinceR: what prompted the change? unreg users asking nicely to remove it?
16:08.45*** join/#devuan systemdlete (
16:09.53*** join/#devuan proteus-guy (~proteus-l@2001:44c8:4605:8b9a:99f:f476:5869:35f3)
16:11.55MinceRnot sure, but the spamming seems to have subsided
16:15.12paynodei agree
16:16.05*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
16:23.39*** join/#devuan systemdlete2 (
16:47.21*** join/#devuan james1138 (~James1138@
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17:44.09*** join/#devuan fylgje (
17:59.36*** join/#devuan KnoP (
18:05.22*** join/#devuan conifer (~conifer@gateway/tor-sasl/conifer)
18:19.22*** join/#devuan user282069 (
18:31.14*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
18:39.14*** join/#devuan KnoP (
18:45.02*** join/#devuan filipdevuan_ (
19:13.16*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
19:15.51nemobrocashelm: hey, you around today?
19:28.35*** join/#devuan sonjah (~aaa@unaffiliated/sonjah)
19:34.58*** join/#devuan sogitek (
19:38.37brocashelmnemo: maybe
19:40.23*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
19:42.47*** join/#devuan Akuli (
19:44.26nemobrocashelm: was curious if you have same AMD card more or less as I
19:44.37nemobrocashelm: and if you have a more elegant solution to getting AMD running than mine
19:44.42nemo'cause it seemed we were in a similar situation
19:48.33brocashelmnemo: ah i see. i use rx 480 and rx 540 cards. i mostly just updated my configs in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ to tweak their performances and use the non-free firmware-amd-graphics
19:49.43brocashelmi also have some legacy hd (6450 and 7450) cards and they run just fine for me
19:50.40*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
19:50.44brocashelmwhat issues are you having with your amd?
19:53.16nemobrocashelm: well, the thing detailed in the link I sent you
19:53.25nemobrocashelm: but... sounds like your card is actually supported
19:53.32nemoso different situation
20:01.13brocashelmyeah, amd drivers still have a way to go before it's fully foss and updates can be made quicker on linux
20:01.21brocashelm*long way
20:03.16*** join/#devuan kreyren_ (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
20:03.35nemobrocashelm: well in this case it seems to just be new hardware and debian being slow as usual
20:03.46nemobrocashelm: combined with AMD being kinda crappy at packaging/maintaining their own
20:05.21brocashelmprobably better to use a different distro (especially rolling release) if you want to utilize that card
20:11.59nemobrocashelm: I 'spose. I just figure devuan will eventually catch up
20:12.36nemobrocashelm: and, for living room machine wanted a relatively low-surprise distro with a lot of documentation that I still was fairly familiar with
20:13.01nemobrocashelm: the pinning is irritating, but not too much of a deviation, and I'm hoping AMD will fix their ABI level soon
20:15.17brocashelmi try to avoid pinning as much as i can. i agree that it creates a web of problems
20:15.59nemobrocashelm: I have to do it on work machines for kernel due to the malware they force us to install
20:16.04nemoI should see if that situation has changed too
20:16.07brocashelmdo you have another amd card that could work with the driver?
20:18.47brocashelmthis is the rx 550 i have that works (although my lga 775 mobo doesn't like it when i try to go into setup):
20:21.08gnarfacenemo: did you try out the beowulf-backports kernel and firmware?
20:21.23gnarfacenemo: it might also be worth trying out ceres
20:21.51*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
20:22.38nemognarface: um... detailed the backports tested in there
20:23.15nemoI did not try ceres, but that seemed riskier than just using an old Xorg
20:23.49nemoI did test latest bleeding edge firmware as noted that rolfie said I should try
20:24.03brocashelmi'm using ceres myself and not having any problems, but i know that it's not meant for everyday/normal use
20:24.05nemognarface: I'd linked you to  mostly in hopes you were trying similar things on a similar card ☺
20:24.24nemobrocashelm: yeah, this is the machine everyone in family uses for play, and I was loath to be too experimental with it
20:24.58brocashelmnemo: fair enough, lol
20:26.05nemohm. I should see if there's a new AMDGPU PRO
20:26.10nemomaybe they fixed the ABI thing
20:26.24brocashelmi'm also using vulkan drivers
20:27.58brocashelmfor what it's worth, it could have been worse with nvidia
20:29.27gnarfacenemo: oh sorry.  i wouldn't have clicked on a unfamiliar domain but i'm not using any recent amd cards here anyway
20:30.11gnarfacenemo: i wouldn't recommend replacing your main install with ceres, but i thought it would be a worthwhile test if you have a spare drive and some spare time
20:30.25*** join/#devuan ham5urg (
20:31.06gnarfacenemo: (the operating hypothesis being that maybe backports kernel&firmware alone isn't enough and maybe you need newer mesa, libc, xorg, and who knows what else)
20:31.09nemognarface: oh. I tab completed you by mistake. I meant to say brocashelm
20:31.19nemobut. thanks for responding to the highlight anyway ☺
20:31.37gnarfaceno worries, i'm still curious about support status of these cards
20:31.58nemoI'm hunting around on AMD website to try and find what the heck the latest version of their AMD GPUPRO package is anyway...
20:32.05nemoit's not something that I'm finding easy to locate
20:32.18nemowhich seems to be par for course with graphics cards, drivers, and linux. or even windows.
20:32.31brocashelmsorry, i actually didn't notice the link the first time around. i appreciate bringing it up again
20:32.38nemoI keep getting release notes and not the download page
20:33.16nemobrocashelm: well we veered off into a long discussion of general AMD and systemd fail so it may have gotten lost in noise, I tried highlighting you one more time after, but you may have gone to bed or something
20:33.57nemo  this page for example. where are the download links?
20:35.15nemoPackages:Maintainer: Advenced Micro Devices (AMD) <>
20:35.20nemowell at least I know who to email
20:35.28nemoalthough the typos do not inspire confidence
20:35.41brocashelmgotta get your voice heard, lol
20:35.53nemoeh. shouldn't be mean. looks like russian name. maybe that's how he mentally pronounces advanced
20:36.09nemoI have all kinds of mental transcription issues when I type
20:36.40nemolooks like they made a dropbox at some point Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) <>
20:39.23nemook. they are up to 20.30
20:39.28nemoso maybe I should try updating
20:39.58nemo"Introducing full support for Ubuntu 20.04.1"
20:40.06nemo"oups we forgot our Xorg ABI support"
20:40.11nemomy speculation 😉
20:41.05nemohmmm they have 20.04 ubuntu and 18.04 ubuntu
20:41.10nemoI wonder which one is closest to beowulf
20:41.18nemoprobably kernel is most critical concern
20:41.47nemodoes anyone here happen to know which ubuntu is most likely to have a compatible kernel when installing .deb binaries?
20:42.04nemostarts researching
20:42.17nemolooks like I used 18.04 last time actually. guess I should just keep doing that
20:42.21nemosince it worked once...
20:42.27nemodownside is the abi problem might still be there
20:59.59nemooooh one cool change in their installer
20:59.59nemoWARNING: This package was intended to be installed on Ubuntu 18.04 and may not work as expected on Devuan GNU/Linux 3.
21:00.08nemono more force fix
21:01.39gnarfacei would have recommended against it...
21:01.49nemognarface: you think 20.04 is better?
21:02.01gnarfacei would have recommended against using ubuntu packages
21:02.04gnarfacebut it might work
21:02.04nemoah 😃
21:02.09nemognarface: well it did last time
21:02.14gnarfaceyou didn't connect to their repo, did you?
21:02.17nemognarface: it's more what AMD "officially" supports
21:02.28gnarfacemake sure not to get extra packages from their repo
21:02.33nemognarface: this is just the AMD driver. it sets up a file:/// repo with the packages they deliver
21:02.33gnarfacemake sure you didn't*
21:02.49nemognarface: if it effs up, their uninstaller backs them out and removes the file:///
21:03.00gnarfaceprobably safer then
21:03.02nemoin the closed source world support for linux, this is downright polite
21:03.04gnarfacebut still might make a mess
21:03.17nemognarface: yeah, the mess nvidia made when I used their installer I still have not fully cleaned up
21:03.28nemoI suspect I will only fully clean it up when I do a devuan reinstall
21:03.40nemobut the amd one I've backed out 3 times now without problems
21:04.40nemowelp. time to remove the pin
21:04.46nemoif it fails to launch X, back it goes!
21:17.34*** part/#devuan mason (~mason@redhat/mason)
21:20.56*** join/#devuan gordonDrogon (
21:25.57*** join/#devuan paynode (
21:28.31*** join/#devuan tinfoil-hat (~tinfoil-h@unaffiliated/tinfoil-hat)
21:31.58*** join/#devuan paynode (
22:01.24nemothe answer is... pin still required with latest version
22:01.39nemopresumably ubuntu 18.04 was on an older X and they are pretty serious about what they support
22:12.11*** join/#devuan conifer (~conifer@gateway/tor-sasl/conifer)
22:26.45paynodeare some amd gpu cards "just working" or is it mostly intel cards that work great on devuan/other?
22:28.30gnarfacemight be true
22:28.55gnarfacealthough the newer nvidia cards do actually work pretty well for the most part if you get the backports or newer driver & kernel for them
22:29.04gnarface... unless you care about sleep
22:29.10gnarfacethey seem to really suck with sleep
22:29.29gnarfacecorrupted buffers on resume and such
22:29.34gnarfacethe windows driver doesn't have that problem
22:29.56gnarfaceso does that count as "just working" or not?
22:30.18gnarfacethe gaming experience is on par with windows for many games at least
22:31.02gnarfaceeven all the intel hardware doesn't "just work" if you're counting everything like video decoding
22:31.21gnarfacebut you have to be less careful about which models you buy with intel yea probably
22:31.47gnarfacebut at best the performance will be marginal
22:38.48paynodeyou mean s/sleep/suspend/?
22:39.14gnarfaceyea i guess
22:40.14*** join/#devuan ham5urg (
22:40.24paynodeamd seems slower to provide drivers (for the kernel as well) took 2-4 years before suspend and brightness worked on an all-in-one
22:40.40paynodeand im not even sure those were blobless drivers...
22:41.05paynodeunlike intel which seems to stay pretty blobless, i think, other than microcode/fsp and such
22:44.48gnarfacewell... kinda
22:45.01gnarfaceintel stuff has blobs too, it's just that they gave a license to the kernel so they can be distributed with it
22:45.13gnarfaceamd and nvidia won't change their licenses to do that
22:45.25gnarfacebut at least what amd does is make a driver that will give you basic functionality without the firmware
22:45.38gnarfaceso if you don't care about performance you can still use one to get work done with all free software
22:45.49gnarfacenvidia doesn't do that
22:46.38gnarfacethe open source driver for nvidia cards (nouveau) is entirely 3rd party... and their developers all by policy tell people don't even buy nvidia cards
22:48.27gnarfaceand they don't have full power management support for any card either
22:49.55paynode"developers all by policy tell people don't even buy nvidia cards" could u rephrase?
22:51.06gnarfacei mean if you ask them which nvidia card to buy, they have a policy of telling you not to buy one at all
22:51.37gnarfacethe nouveau developers themselves would be the first people to advise you to never put yourself in a position where you depend on nouveau
22:52.42gnarfacethat's another thing intel and amd aren't doing so far; obsoleting cards
22:52.53gnarfacenvidia obsoleted everything older than the 600 series
22:53.05gnarfacewhich probably itself doesn't have long left
22:54.22gnarfaceso it's actually still possible to game on steam with some games on a really old intel or amd card, like something from the 90's
22:54.48gnarfacewhereas you can't even run the steam client if you have too old of a nvidia card
22:55.55gnarfaceblizzard games in particular also seem to be in lock-step with nvidia's planned obsolescence schedule
22:56.09gnarfacesomething shady is going on there
22:56.34gnarfaceso yea, it seems like you have to choose between performance or support, and the more performance you get the more evil you have to stomach with it
23:03.58*** part/#devuan conifer (~conifer@gateway/tor-sasl/conifer)
23:04.18paynodewell the stock prices go up faster the more blobby/evil the company is...between those 3 at least
23:04.50gnarfaceyea nvidia's at $429 today i think
23:04.56gnarfacethat's just ridiculous
23:05.53gnarfacei would say just pick a amd card carefully... something real popular and mostly working already and hope they fix the rest
23:06.07gnarfaceof the 3 companies amd deserves it the most
23:06.17gnarfacewhat we really need is a open source gpu though
23:06.20gnarfacesomething that doesn't suck
23:06.52gnarfaceanyway, enough of my off-topic soapboxing
23:07.18*** join/#devuan sgage (
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23:14.05paynodetheres talk of oshw gpu's on talos-workstation, but i dont think its anything very concrete/wellfunded
23:21.46*** part/#devuan james1138 (~James1138@

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