IRC log for #devuan on 20200724

00:05.15rrqthinks it's a bit early in the day for metaphysial reflections
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00:39.54bgstack15Wafficus: the first rule of irc is the first rule of irc
00:39.59bgstack15The second rule is, don't ask to ask. Just ask.
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00:42.50WafficusI'm trying to figure out how to host a Gitweb instance on port 80 on Nginx, and have been through like 4 different guides in doing so
00:43.07Wafficusthe closest I got was to run it on a different port, like 4321, which is OK I guess but not desired
00:43.25Wafficusmy goal: be able to run the gitweb instance when I visit '' or ''
00:43.44Wafficushowever when I go to either of these sites, I get the 'Welcome to Nginx' page
00:53.10Unit193Wafficus: I don't mean to misdirect, but have you looked into cgit?  I believe it to have a nicer UI, and it is faster.
00:55.20rrqWafficus: look up "Search Results
00:55.20rrqWeb results
00:55.27rrqNGINX Reverse Proxy
00:55.46rrq.. that's copy-paste :)
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00:56.49Wafficusso I have to use a proxy?
00:56.55Wafficusyou mean this right?
00:57.12rrqif you want an nginx front-end, yes
00:57.51rrqthe second example should work for you
00:58.55rrqand then you can firewall that "gitweb port" if you want to avoid people gpoing directly
01:04.11bgstack15Wafficus: it sounds like nginx is using the default settings and showing you the generic welcome page. You probably need to set a Location or document-root value. Those are the Apache httpd (apache2) terms.
01:04.23bgstack15Hopefully that will get you researching the right direction.
01:04.59bgstack15But frankly it'll probably be easier to set up rather than, but of course anything is possible. I'm just supposing that it'd be easier just to add it as a virtual subdirectory
01:05.26WafficusI gotcha, appreciate the ideas
01:05.31Wafficusthanks I'll see
01:09.05WafficusI think I figured out the issue
01:09.14WafficusI have both an ipv4 and ipv6 address enabled for those sites
01:09.25Wafficushowever I don't have the ipv6 referenced in the nginx based configs
01:09.45WafficusI have no idea how to add this, but at least I found the root cause of why I'm not able to see the site
01:13.07*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (
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07:21.08roo^yi started my Mele PCG35 Apo with Beowulf 24hrs ago, after I'd installed updates & shutdown. After idling, it went to the black screensaver I'd previously set. I couldn't "wake it up" from this state, & killed X. I turned off the screensaver altogether, which has fixed this teething problem. I'm not having any issues turning the screen off with command 'xset dpms force off' & waking it again
07:25.00roo^yLike ASCII, I won't be surprised if in the future, some process will barely let the screen "sleep/hibernate", randomly/constantly "waking it up"
07:38.23gnarfaceroo^y: which screensaver are you using, exactly?  is it the "just blank screen" feature of xscreensaver, or something else?
07:39.05gnarfaceroo^y: dpms should function normally without needing a screensaver at all, but xscreensaver can tie into it, possibly causing some bad interaction if the video driver does something unexpected
07:40.17gnarfaceroo^y: but xscreensaver can also i believe black the screen without dpms, just simulating it visually but not actually activating any power saving feature of the display at all.   it's important to know exactly the distinction
07:41.28gnarfaceroo^y: the fact dpms is working fine when you engage it manually does strongly suggest either that dpms is a red herring here, or that there's an untracked 3rd variable still
07:42.35roo^yjust checked. I believe it was 'Blank Screen Only' ..I didn't think I'd need a PW, but perhaps toggling to this makes it wanting to be woken with PW
07:43.07gnarfaceroo^y: well, the xscreensaver preferences panel should actually have a checkbox somewhere for that too, for whether to lock the screen too
07:43.31gnarfaceroo^y: if it's actually xscreensaver you're working with, that is.  if it's something else i don't know.
07:44.01gnarfaceroo^y: (it would be "xscreensaver-command --prefs" or something like that
07:44.10gnarface... xscreensaver-control maybe?)
07:44.11roo^y(I definitely didn't check the box for 'Lock Screen After' x minutes
07:44.22gnarfaceit shouldn't be locking then
07:44.42gnarfacethat you are even able to kill x means the whole thing didn't I/O lock, too
07:45.00gnarfaceso this seems to be something specifically related to Xorg
07:45.31gnarfaceand dpms seems a strong suspect, but the evidence is pointing to it not being the issue
07:45.37roo^ycan confirm was using stock XScreenSaver
07:45.51gnarfacemaybe try a different screensaver
07:46.53gnarfacethe "space" one never locked my shit up
07:47.14gnarface"just blank screen" seems like it should be pretty safe but we're running out of other things to try
07:47.26roo^ybefore installing updates, as I've mentioned sort of, stock settings had the screensaver running 'random', all sorts of built-in "screensavers"
07:47.42gnarfaceah, yea don't do that.  they're not all safe with all video drivers, as i've previously mentioned
07:47.56gnarfacesadly you have to test each one individually for performance profile and stability
07:48.14gnarfacewhat is "heavy" or "unstable" to some hardware/driver combinations may not be to others
07:48.39gnarface(in general just avoiding the opengl ones like i said before is a pretty good start)
07:49.59roo^yi see
07:50.01roo^yan obvious experiment would be to use 'Blank Screen Only' again, to see if I can repeat the fail, or if it was a once off (i'll wait to a convenient time)
07:50.08gnarfacethere's even some 2d ones that show of some early 2d acceleration features like rotoscoping and stuff that can be curiously heavy for stuff like cpu use and battery drain on some more modern hardware due to driver inefficiencies or just lack of native support for older APIs and falling back to software emulation
07:50.24gnarface*that show off
07:51.15gnarfaceyea, that would be a good test too, you always need at least more than one data point to draw a straight line
07:52.20gnarfacei feel like the city of Melbourne needs to donate some money to fixing these ancient screensavers as some sort of apology for allowing their name to be used by those domain hijackers for years
07:52.55gnarfaceit's sad that we've got the same screensaver problems in the same exact screensavers as we have had for decades but that is just the state of the world
07:54.15roo^yMelbourne AU or US?
07:57.03gnarfacethere's been a company impersonating a domain registrar named after their city that's been spearphishing domain holders for years with fake expiration notices
07:57.55gnarfaceit's got nothing to do with them, but if they have the money to throw at shit like the art project "Priate Baby's Cabanna Battle" then i think they could also maybe stop some international crimes being perpetrated under their name
07:58.55gnarfacethey hit me up every few years to try to catch me off guard but i guess they don't expect me to read email headers
08:00.07*** join/#devuan xcm (
08:02.10roo^yif it's the popular domain register, i send them a bunch of money to hold onto domains i have yet to use recently expired, & i missed the emails. I'm afk for a while
08:02.39gnarfacesigh... yea it's those guys.  they're not a real registrar.
08:02.55gnarfacethey're just an international crime gang
08:03.03gnarface(they might also be actually incorporated though)
08:08.04*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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12:31.56ham5urgIs this a gnome3 without systemd3 as it should be?
12:34.31*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (
12:34.58buZzham5urg: all devuan apps dont depend on systemd
12:35.09ham5urgthank god
12:35.59ham5urgI believed gnome was so deeply dependend on systemd that no human being could use it anymore.
12:36.19buZzwell we arent human
12:36.33buZzwe're aliens trying to save the human race from lennard
12:36.56gnarfacebarely even counts as a life form
12:37.04ham5urgand 40 billions trying to destroy foss
12:37.22ham5urgand from*
12:38.03ham5urgI'm sorry, 34 billion
12:38.06*** join/#devuan Inepu (~Mithrandi@
12:38.07onefangI was gonna say we ain't gods, but you can thank us mere mortals anyway.
12:42.46ham5urgAs virt-manager is not willing to squeeze all performance out from qcow2 (no support of l2-cache-size), has anyone here a best practice to use disk-images with nearly baremetall speed?
12:43.31ham5urgneither libvirt supports l2-chache-size
12:43.32buZzlvm thinpool is cute
12:43.46ham5urgI will take a look
12:43.53buZzstorage doesnt really get faster from a bigger l2 cache though
12:44.15buZzbcache is cool for increasing speed of spinning rust storage
12:44.32gnarfacei still recommend shell scripts
12:44.33buZzrun a bcache for your raidpool on a raid0 of NVMe's :P
12:44.51onefangI gave up on virt-manager and just write qemu shell scripts.
12:45.13gnarfaceyea, it's really better at a certain point
12:45.33brocashelmis it normal if you switched to chimaera, but inxi is telling you you're using chimaera/ceres hybrid?
12:45.36gnarfaceyou just outgrow virt-manager at the point that fixing it is harder than writing the commands by hand
12:45.36bgstack15I thought virt-manager was "deprecated" because of web-frontends now?
12:45.46brocashelmmy sources.list only points to chimaera repos
12:45.47bgstack15I'm sure it's the fdo people responsible...
12:45.56ham5urgonefang, gnarface, I just started the same, scripting qemu.
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12:46.19gnarfacebrocashelm: testing is sorta peeled off unstable after the previous testing goes stable; yes that's expected behavior
12:46.59brocashelmgnarface: nice, just wanted to be reassured i followed the dist-upgrade steps correctly
12:47.29brocashelmso far, it's stable as expected, only now with xfce 4.14 8-)
12:49.03brocashelmmy sources.list includes chimaera, chimaera-updates, and chimaera-proposed-updates repos only
12:49.47gnarfacehmm, i'm not sure you want chimaera-proposed-updates, and i'm pretty sure chimaera-updates should be empty or not present
12:50.38gnarfacefor testing you should typically only need the first one
12:50.48gnarfacesame goes for unstable actually
12:51.22ham5urgI have to handle some shitty windows application, which stores its stuff into a local file (some DB I don't know). I'm never sure if the file is opened or closed, at the moment I start rsync which connects to the windows-machine and syncs the data. Because of this, I thinking of using a VM with this software and backuping snapshots. Due to this I need qcow2 AFAIK. How would you guys handle such win-software?
12:51.54onefangChimaera-proposed-updates and chimaera-updates are basically empty at the moment.
12:52.15gnarfaceham5urg: i'm not sure a vm is gonna actually help the problem you're having
12:52.54gnarfaceham5urg: the program doesn't provide it's own db access?  does it have any way to force triggering the synching of the data to disk without exiting?
12:53.34brocashelmonefang: i'll disable those repos
12:53.54gnarfaceham5urg: i wouldn't be using such a program in the first place, probably, but for the problem of databases needing to be backed up in general, what i'd do is use the database's own backup mechanism separate from the filesystem backups
12:54.11ham5urggnarface, AFAIK it does not have a way to synch to disk. It's some 25 year old piece of software.
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12:54.40gnarfaceham5urg: (sometimes i'd bundle THAT serialized dump into the filesystem backup itself but i wouldn't bother trying to capture the raw database image)
12:55.07ham5urgA the moment I sync at night time in the 'hope' that no IO is happening
12:55.47gnarfaceso you just wait a long time, basically
12:56.08gnarfaceeh, qemu disk image file might work then
12:56.27gnarfacerunning "sync" on the host might even help trigger the flush (long shot but i don't know)
12:56.45gnarfacedon't forget to xz your disk images
12:56.56gnarfacethe backups i mean
12:57.00ham5urgI see, xz is good.
12:57.06ham5urgYes, the backups.
12:58.28gnarfacethe only other thing i could think of is trying to snapshot the ram contents directly while it's running but that seems like a pain and a messy hack
12:59.40gnarfacehmm, maybe if it will run in a VM with very low ram allocated, you can make it write to disk more often
12:59.54gnarfacethat's a less messy hack, if it works
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13:01.16gnarfaceif there's less free ram available than it takes to cache a database query, then it has to go back to the disk every time, in theory...
13:02.18buZzyou can do snapshots with a -lot- of different filesystems
13:02.52buZzbtrfs and ocfs2 are two
13:03.05buZzoh you're using msdos, yeah no clue then
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14:01.59hevydevy1hello, just testing if i set up weechat right?
14:03.45hevydevy1looks to be good, not used irc for a long time.
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18:10.16supercharizardhi everybody
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