IRC log for #devuan on 20200704

00:41.50*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (~Hoshpak@2001:16b8:1c27:c600:e05f:580d:9e02:e51f)
00:44.06*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
00:55.56*** join/#devuan Bjornn- (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:3ac:0:c88f:100b:6448)
01:01.50*** join/#devuan cayenne (
01:11.55*** join/#devuan Bjornn- (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:3ac:0:c88f:100b:6448)
01:13.13*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (
02:03.41*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@
02:08.34*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
02:27.54*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
02:36.34kreyrenMy tty is showing only blinking `_` how do i get getty there?
02:51.31*** join/#devuan Bjornn (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:3ac:787d:f43f:53fe:3429)
03:09.16*** join/#devuan bleb (~cm@unaffiliated/bleb)
03:23.32gnarfacekreyren: did you delete your /etc/inittab and then recreate it from memory or something?
03:23.57gnarfacethat's not something a stock system should have difficulty with launching, maybe something else has gone wrong?
03:25.18kreyrenkreyren@leonid:~$ cat /etc/inittab | ix
03:25.23kreyrengnarface, seems sane to me
03:25.56kreyrengnarface, note this being system build from source in sandbox
03:26.42kreyrenSo by default this barelly runs apt and bash without any standard configuration where the required software was installed on it afterwards
03:30.18gnarfacekreyren: first of all, not clicking on that, so it is not proof your /etc/inittab is sane to me, but it's up to you to verify that getty is called in there still.  the stock one should be fine.  so what else did you change?
03:31.15kreyrengnarface, here is
03:31.40kreyrengnarface, to me it seems that the service is missing
03:31.44kreyrenassuming that it should be there
03:32.35gnarfacethe service?
03:32.52gnarfacewhich service?
03:33.05gnarfacethat file looks normal to me
03:33.09kreyrengnarface, i would think that getty, tty, or something alike?
03:33.21gnarfaceit's in there, you don't see it?
03:33.29gnarfacelines 54 through 59
03:33.58kreyrenls /etc/init.d
03:34.02gnarfacei've seen this blinking _ caused by other symptoms too though.  you're seeing that before grub, or after grub?
03:34.12kreyrengnarface, after grub and init
03:34.23kreyrenlike i am on that system atm and i am in userland
03:34.29gnarfacedid you make sure to remove "quiet" from your default kernel command-line parameters?
03:34.34kreyrenseems that the init doesn't call the getty
03:34.55kreyrengnarface, `quiet` is present
03:35.09gnarfacewell until you remove that you don't actually know what it's telling you
03:35.15gnarfacethe blinking _ might be a red herring
03:35.53gnarfaceyou made sure /sbin/getty is present and executable right?
03:35.57kreyrenremoving it atm
03:36.06kreyrengnarface, yes, present and executable
03:36.30gnarfaceon this system here it's a symlink to /sbin/agetty, do you have that too?
03:37.13kreyrenkreyren@leonid:~$ command -v getty
03:37.25kreyrenlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Jun 22 18:23 /sbin/getty -> agetty
03:37.55gnarfaceuh, ok, though i'm not sure if that verifies that agetty is present
03:38.06gnarfaceit is indeed also a symlink for you
03:38.15gnarface"ls -l /sbin/agetty"
03:38.17gnarfaceas a sanity check
03:38.27kreyrenlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Jun 22 18:23 /sbin/getty -> agetty
03:38.44gnarfaceno, that's "ls -l /sbin/getty"
03:38.55kreyrenah sorry
03:38.59kreyrenkreyren@leonid:~$ ls -l /sbin/agetty
03:38.59kreyren-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 64936 Jun 22 18:23 /sbin/agetty
03:39.03gnarfaceok, good
03:39.11gnarfacesame size as mine too, so that's not the problem
03:39.31gnarfacetry a reboot now that "quiet" is no longer in your kernel command-line
03:39.35gnarfacehopefully it will give you more information
03:39.47gnarfaceright now we have no conclusions
03:39.57kreyrenis rebooting
03:49.43*** join/#devuan kreyren[m] (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
03:49.54kreyren[m]Cant start X now
03:50.18kreyren[m]And TTY is not present so that is pita to debug from android ssh
03:50.32gnarfaceoh, so you can get in to it over ssh just not at the local console??
03:50.36gnarfacewtf did you do....
03:50.44kreyren[m]Dunno T-T
03:51.01gnarfacethis evidence is strongly pointing towards relatively simple matter of a missing package or config file
03:51.15gnarfaceand there's not a lot of them it could be but i'm still at a loss...
03:51.18kreyren[m]And most likely
03:51.34gnarfacesee this symlink?
03:51.44gnarfaceit was in one of your pastes so i know you have it
03:51.47kreyren[m]Removing quiet allows me to start X
03:51.56kreyren[m]Edit adding quiet
03:52.05gnarface... ok, that is really weird
03:52.11gnarfacegetty bug?
03:52.16gnarfacewhat version are you using, beowulf?
03:52.25gnarfaceno wait
03:52.27*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
03:52.36gnarfacemake sure you have/lib/init/rcS
03:52.50kreyrenyes mergeless-chimaera with bullseye
03:53.01gnarfacecould be just broken then
03:53.05gnarfacetesting sometimes breaks...
03:53.17gnarfacecheck to make sure you have sysv-rc package too
03:53.26kreyrenrather seems that openrc doesn't start agetty
03:53.36gnarfaceOH and it's not sysvinit?!
03:53.41gnarfacewell that could be an issue too
03:53.42kreyrensysv-rc not present
03:53.46gnarfacewhich openrc are you using?
03:53.55gnarfacesee, this whole time i assumed you were using sysvinit too
03:54.00kreyrenopenrc/testing,now 0.42-1+b1 amd64 [installed]
03:54.12gnarfacehmmm, i'm not sure if that has the right changes or not
03:54.18kreyrenwait no
03:54.22kreyrendevuan doesn't have the package
03:54.32kreyrenwait what
03:54.34gnarfacesee, the issue is that the older openrc from debian requires sysvinit
03:54.59gnarfaceif you get the gentoo one (which they're supposedly merging, which might be ironically why this is broken now) then it doesn't
03:55.13gnarfacesomeone has already done this work unofficially
03:55.19gnarfacei don't know what the official status is
03:55.30kreyrengetting gentoo is posibility and my OS can use the init from gentoo to boot devuan
03:55.40kreyrenbut i rather have this configured on devuan to make it independant
03:55.48kreyrenis trying to pin openrc
03:55.49gnarfacewell it's already been built and packaged for devuan somewhere
03:55.53*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
03:55.55gnarfacemaybe check beowulf-proposed-updates
03:58.27gnarfacesomeone had a personal repo they were sharing too, i forget where and who though, but it's been mentioned in this channel before
03:58.50kreyren0 results for "openrc" in chimaera (in 5.903332ms)
03:59.02gnarfaceit might be easier to just let it use sysvinit the way it wants to, you still get to use openrc for daemon management, sysvinit just handles startup and shutdown
03:59.03kreyrendevuan doesn't have openrc in chimaera? o.o
03:59.35gnarfacesince it's testing, if they were working on it, it would be expected during that timeframe for it to disappear and reappear as a normal course of development
04:00.31gnarfaceif it's not there now it could mean it will never have it, but since chimera is so young, it probably means it was just deleted temporarily because it was broken
04:01.33kreyrengnarface, what version of openrc is expected?
04:01.49gnarfaceuh, i dunno
04:02.05gnarfacei'm not acutally using it, it would also be easier if someone who is helped you
04:02.15kreyrenSo let me get sysv-init it's being used on my exherbo as well and it works nicely it seems
04:02.16gnarfacethere are a few of them around
04:02.20*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
04:02.51gnarfacelooks like it's gone, you're right
04:03.03gnarfacegotta ask the package maintainer for it what is up
04:03.08kreyrenSo using openrc from debian for now?
04:03.15kreyrenor maybe openrc from devuan has been merged debian?
04:03.22kreyrenbecause it seems to work quite nicely..
04:03.30kreyrenexcluding the tty
04:03.35gnarfacecertainly this issue is in debian too...
04:03.45gnarfacedid you check that?
04:03.45kreyrengnarface, how do i get the sysv-init ?
04:03.50kreyrenin debian?
04:03.57kreyrenye but they don't like me with my franken
04:04.01gnarfaceyea, did you check if it's even in debian right now
04:04.09gnarfaceusually these types of problems are actually inherited from them, but not always
04:04.13kreyrenyes i am using debian's openrc atm
04:04.34gnarfaceso you already have a frankendebian?
04:04.49kreyrenlike it's devuan/chimaera with debian/bullseye
04:04.53kreyrenbut debian calls it franken
04:06.11kreyrenis installing sysv-rc
04:06.41kreyrenis trying reboot
04:08.28kreyren[m]broke the init
04:08.43kreyren[m]is using openrc from exherbo now to boot
04:11.37*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
04:11.58furrywolfif you broke init and can't boot, give the kernel init=/bin/sh and it'll just give you a shell instead of trying to run your init system
04:12.09furrywolfso you can fix things
04:13.07kreyren[m]I can boot through init manager from custom init manager
04:13.17kreyren[m]So its using init from exherbo ATM
04:14.11furrywolfah, ok.  when you said you broke init, I figured you meant you couldn't boot.  nevermind.
04:14.37kreyren[m]I cant boot through devuan yes
04:18.19kreyren[m]And my exherbo is barelly working T-T
04:18.50kreyren[m]Ah it uninstalled openrc
04:20.17kreyren[m]hugged up the whole system now
04:22.29gnarfacekreyren[m]: i think your best solution should be to compare the installed package list to a regular sysvinit install and add the missing packages
04:23.00gnarfacekreyren[m]: also, don't use anything from the debian repo directly
04:23.26gnarfacekreyren[m]: (just doing that could cause the need for a reinstall, due to systemd dependencies sneaking in)
04:23.47kreyren[m]Systemd is pinned out
04:24.29kreyren[m]Installing sysv-rc removes openrc
04:24.30gnarfacewell but then upgrades get blocked later and you still end up having to reinstall if you can't manually unroot all the debian packages
04:25.02gnarfaceyea, let it remove openrc
04:25.06kreyren[m]I am pinning devuan packages to debian its doing the same thing in merged no?
04:25.09gnarfacejust make sure you get all the rest of the packages too
04:25.27gnarfaceno, i think merged works via http redirects
04:25.30golinux<kreyren> said . . . yes mergeless-chimaera with bullseye
04:25.34gnarfacei don't understand it
04:25.47golinuxAre you using packages directly from bullseye?
04:26.06kreyren[m]golinux yes if they are not present on devuan repo
04:26.08golinuxThat would be a big no-no
04:26.31gnarfacekelsoo1: yea, that, will hose stuff all on it's own, could be you have 2 problems now
04:26.37golinuxIf they are not in the devuan repo there is a reason why.
04:26.38gnarfacekreyren[m]:  yea, that, will hose stuff all on it's own, could be you have 2 problems now
04:26.39kreyren[m]See Leonid branch
04:26.42gnarfacekelsoo1: (ignore me, sorry)
04:26.52kreyren[m]Using merged then
04:26.57gnarfacekreyren[m]: you should instead get that openrc package i talked about that someone else had made here
04:27.09gnarfacekreyren[m]: find and build that
04:27.14gnarfacekreyren[m]: or find a build of it
04:27.34golinuxIf debian has it and it won't hose devuan it will be available through devuan
04:27.41kreyren[m]gnarface master branch of openrc can be provided by exherbo on my system
04:28.09kreyren[m]I am rebuilding the sandbox then
04:38.42*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:15.43*** join/#devuan Igor2 (
05:16.29Igor2hi all; I am a happy user of devuan on many systems; I have it installed on an armhf (orange PI); it's not loading the right dtb file; what's the mechanism for this, where do I set the dtb file name?
05:24.46onefangDevuans merged package repos, when serving stuff that is identical in Debian, will MOSTLY do HTTP redirects to Debian package servers.  The exceptions are where that particular Devuan package mirror is also a Debian package mirror, and can satisfy all requests directly.  We have some of those.
05:30.06onefangIgor2: I think #devuan-arm might be helpful to you.
05:34.06Igor2thanks, will try
05:34.25Igor2ahh, it requires registration
05:44.33Igor2ok whatever, worked it around with symlinks
05:59.36gnarfaceIgor2: i believe it's defined by a kernel build time option
06:09.00kreyren[m]is still compiling devuan~
06:12.32kreyren[m]is slowly loosing his mind too
06:15.27*** join/#devuan silentjet (
06:16.58Igor2gnarface, thanks, I did a quick search in kernel .config but didn't find anything relevant
06:17.16Igor2I suspect it's ironed into uboot
06:17.28Igor2and for some reason uEnv.txt doesn't overwrite it
06:30.28*** part/#devuan nila (
06:47.05gnarfaceIgor2: u-boot needs it too, maybe they don't both need it
06:47.26Igor2u-boot passes it on to the kernel
06:47.34Igor2the problem is not that I don't fully understand the process
06:48.00Igor2the problem is that I don't find a doc that tells which file names the standard devuan compliation of uboot
06:48.02Igor2will load
06:48.11Igor2seemingly it ugnores uEnv.txt
06:48.34Igor2so, is there any documentation on this?
06:48.42gnarfacei haven't touched it, i'll admit, i built my own
06:48.42Igor2if not, I'm fine with my symlink hack
06:49.10Igor2this way uboot thinks it's loading the dtb for orange pi zero, but because of the symlinks it's really loading the dtb I want it to load
06:49.34Igor2yeah, I have my own kernel and own dtb too, but I don't want to build my own uboot too
06:49.51gnarfacecould there be a kernel command-line option for the dtb?
06:50.02gnarfacethink it can also be built into the kernel directly?
06:50.44gnarface(it might load faster that way)
06:54.56*** join/#devuan tomtastic (~tomtastic@
06:55.05onefangDevuan ARM support is all community driven, the community hands us ISOs for various ARM devices, we host them.  We don't have the man power to do otherwise I'm afraid.
06:57.14gnarfaceyea, and i think the default dtb file path is unique per device...
06:57.26gnarfacenot sure about that
06:57.27Igor2gnarface, no, uboot loads the file into a memory address
06:58.03gnarfacewell, what i mean is that i think the kernel configs will default to something different depending on what defconfig you load
06:58.06Igor2these are dedicated 'load' lines in the boot script
06:58.12gnarfacekernel and u-boot*
06:58.18Igor2yup, the u-boot
06:58.21Igor2anyway, all I need is a doc
06:58.27Igor2does devuan have a doc about this anywhere?
06:58.44gnarfaceother than the readmes that were in the directories with them?  you saw that, right?
06:58.50gnarfacei think there's also a page for the arm images
06:58.51Igor2(about how devuan configures the uboot, what file names they like to use, etc) or something like that?
06:59.08gnarfacenot sure there's much if anything yet
06:59.09Igor2I did do a lot fo searches
06:59.11Igor2but didn't find a proper doc
06:59.20Igor2only forums and bugrepotts about specific problems and hacks
06:59.39Igor2not a doc that tells "our uboot loads /boot/foo and uses variable $fdtfile", etc
06:59.59gnarfacedid you see this?
07:00.43Igor2yes, thanks, it does not have any info about this
07:00.54Igor2it has a lot of info about how you install an image
07:01.01Igor2but not how the boot process works starting from uboot
07:01.37gnarfacehmmm, seems to contain a dead link
07:03.39Igor2anyway, if there's no readily available developer doc on this, then I just go with the symlinks
07:04.03Igor2my focus is getting my server up and running, don't want to waste a whole day on trying to figure this one detail from source code
07:04.40gnarfacewell, you should really join #devuan-arm too
07:04.54gnarfacebut i agree if you don't care it's not important
07:05.29gnarfacethere is a gitlab
07:05.45gnarfaceany further documentation on the build of these would be in there
07:05.55Igor2sorry, not important enough to get me register the nickname to be able to join that chan
07:06.00gnarface(if nothing else, in the form of build scripts)
07:06.11Igor2so I'm going with the symlinks, thanks
07:07.21Igor2(now doing the shutdown for the hardware replacement)
07:07.27gnarfaceIgor2: here, in #devuan-arm i got the updated link for you just in case you wanted to see it:
07:07.31gnarfacedamn, too fast
07:07.35gnarfaceoh well
07:13.31*** join/#devuan silentjet (
07:35.37kreyren[m]What should I be using for internet assuming that network-manager depends on libpam-systemd ?
07:45.32kreyren[m]connman probably
07:45.57*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
07:47.40*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
07:48.12kreyrenye connman seems to be perfect ^-^
07:52.40Unit193Ensure to look at cmst?
07:52.41*** join/#devuan fylgje (
08:01.11onefangWicd is available as well, you either hate it, or it works for you.
08:11.52kreyrenonefang, why would i hate it?
08:12.00kreyrenseems to be too kind~
08:12.07kreyrenand smells of canada
08:12.13onefangSome people do, ask them.
08:12.31onefangI'm in the "works for me" camp.
08:13.00kreyreni see o.o
08:15.34kreyrenI broke my system again~
08:16.20*** join/#devuan ruenoak (
08:17.50kreyrenfixed the issue by borrowing ldconfig from exherbo~
08:19.28*** join/#devuan gordonDrogon (
08:21.03kreyrenprobably just made it worse
08:22.05kreyrennwm it works
08:22.09kreyreni surprice even meself
08:22.48onefangSometimes you get lucky.
08:50.43*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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13:39.40brocashelmugh, i still can't figure out this wine32 dependencies bullshit
13:39.56brocashelmi'll probably just start a thread on the forums
13:51.59fsmithredsomeone stuggles with that just about every week. There should be a good howto somewhere.
13:53.59gnarfacebrocashelm: fyi the 5.11 one worked here for me today
13:54.07gnarfacebrocashelm: (on both beowulf and ceres)
13:57.07gnarfacebrocashelm: did you make sure you uninstalled all the distro native wine packages before installing the winehq one?
13:58.54brocashelmgnarface: i have done that, but it still requires that i install the distro-native wine packages
13:59.09brocashelmi will show a short log
13:59.26*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
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14:03.00brocashelmgnarface: first log:
14:03.17brocashelmgnarface: second log:
14:03.42brocashelmgnarface: i am pretty much stumped on the package conflicts because i don't want to risk a frankendebian
14:04.37*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
14:04.56brocashelmgnarface: even when i type dpkg --print-architecture, it ONLY says amd64
14:05.52gnarfacebut you never tested dpkg --print-foreign-architectures like i asked
14:06.40brocashelmi just typed that and got i386
14:07.21gnarfacethere's very little possibility that this package conflict is not self-inflicted, i'm sorry to say
14:07.25gnarfacewhat did you do?
14:07.55gnarfacemy guess is that if you uninstall the versions of those libraries in the way, it will work
14:08.23brocashelmi have uninstalled all wine packages and still get these errors
14:09.06brocashelmor do you mean stuff like libpulse:i386 and libpcap0.8:i386?
14:09.26gnarfaceyes, maybe those are from debian, or backports, or some other conflicting version/origin
14:10.13brocashelmi checked libpulse0 and it would be removing packages like ffmpeg, mpv, xsane, etc.
14:10.59brocashelm(apt says libpulse0:i386 wasn't installed)
14:11.14gnarfaceyes, that would be expected behavior
14:11.33gnarfaceobviously you would have to install them again too
14:11.36brocashelmshould i attempt to install libpulse0:i386?
14:11.39brocashelmlet me show what it's saying
14:12.00gnarfaceyou could alternately try to force over-installing a specific version of libpulse (the one in the current repo)
14:12.04gnarfaceeither should work
14:13.36gnarfaceall those other packages, ffmpeg, mpv, xsane... they could all be from the wrong repos too.  the right ones should install again afterwards no problem
14:15.22gnarfacei honestly doubt looking at that is going to change my advice
14:15.27gnarfacebut please use
14:16.37gnarfacethe point is that if you've already made a mess, there's no way out but through
14:17.40brocashelmalright, how would i force over-installing a specific version of a package?
14:18.00gnarfaceyou can specify a particular version or release, check the man page for apt-get
14:18.34gnarfaceit's something like "apt-get install package/release" or "apt-get install package=version"
14:23.05gnarfaceoh, but if you haven't tried aptitude yet, maybe that's worth it too.  it can often come up with solutions for stuff like this.  i forget if you said you'd tried it or not
14:23.44brocashelmi have tried aptitude why-not package
14:24.04brocashelmi also just came across this same problem:
14:24.36gnarfacebut what did aptitude say?  and why didn't you ask it to propose a solution?
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17:34.14brocashelmgnarface: i report success in installing libwine:i386 and wine32. what i did was carefully upgrade each dependency within libwine:i386, such as libcap0.8:i386, libsdl2-2.0-0:i386, libpulse0:i386, libfaudio0:i386, and libzstdl:i386 (the actual culprit; it installed, but some important packages had to be reinstalled right back in). i had to let celluloid and virtualbox go for now
17:35.26brocashelmgnarface: i installed winehq-devel and other recommends with success
17:35.36brocashelmgnarface: thanks for the help earlier
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17:48.54gnarfacebrocashelm: hey no problem, glad you got it working
17:49.02gnarfacebrocashelm: you mean winehq-staging right?
17:50.09brocashelmgnarface: actually, i installed winehq-devel and it worked
17:50.52gnarfaceoh, cool, but just fyi to be clear, i assumed you were trying winehq-staging
17:50.57brocashelmgnarface: the programs are running normally with this version
17:51.12brocashelmoh. nah, i just thought that was the only one that could actually be installed
17:51.16gnarfacewell that's what counts
17:52.09brocashelmso it was that culprit package (libzstdl:i386) that needed to be reinstalled correctly, thus affecting some essential packages, but i could reinstall said essential packages right after without issues
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17:52.47gnarfaceit most likely snuck in from some previous mistake you made
17:53.02brocashelmmost likely. i did have experimental turned on out of curiosity
17:53.09gnarfaceoh yea that'll do it
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17:53.35brocashelmi tried ceres and "noped" at my xfce panel breaking
17:53.59brocashelmand then i heard networkmanager has problems right now on the testing/unstable version. i'll stick with beowulf/stable
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20:34.50fsmithredbrocashelm, what problems with the unstable network-manager?
20:35.03fsmithredI tried it this morning and it seems fine.
20:37.17brocashelmi think it was this one saying not to upgrade
20:40.23fsmithred1.25.91-1+devuan1 10
20:40.37fsmithred^^^ it's fixed
20:40.52fsmithredI installed the ceres version in chimaera
20:47.45brocashelmi will give it another shot one of these days. i remember my xfce panel glitching and functions such as sensors and free space (on the xfce panel) not being permitted
20:48.13brocashelmit might have been due to essential xfce packages being held back when i did the test upgrade
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23:33.13kreyrenWhy is `gamemode` package doesn't install the expected packages ?
23:33.21kreyrenit should provide `gamemoderun` but it doesn't
23:33.28kreyrenwhich doesn't seem to be an issue on debian
23:38.35debdogaccording to there is no file gamemoderun in that package
23:39.35debdogin fact, that file is not found anywhere
23:39.47debdogis it created via script during the installation?
23:40.01kreyrenah the version is outdated
23:43.33kreyrendebdog, thanks for help ^-^
23:43.36kreyrenis fixing pinning now
23:49.15kreyren> gamemode-daemon : Depends: libsystemd0 (>= 243)
23:58.31kreyreni guess that this is a bug?

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