IRC log for #devuan on 20200701

00:01.46*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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00:08.03*** part/#devuan frabbit (~frabbit@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
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01:11.16*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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04:56.01*** join/#devuan Garb0 (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
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11:39.23aitorfsmithred: *what's the equivalent of 'init 1' command for runit?*
11:39.48Guest67410runit only has runit-init 0 and runit-init 6 (shutdown)
11:41.24Guest67410if you want to start in single user mode probably you'll need to add a grub entry for that, reading it from /etc/runit/2 (or 1):
11:41.31Guest67410if grep -q -w -i 'single' /proc/cmdline
11:42.06Guest67410adding something like this afterwards:
11:42.31Guest67410chpst -P /sbin/sulogin -p /dev/tty1
11:43.33Guest67410mmm... 07:49 in boston
11:44.44fsmithredadd that where?
11:45.25fsmithredwhat I really wanted to do was drop to runlevel 1 just to restart everything wihtout rebooting
11:45.30Guest67410better said: read it from /proc/cmdline, and adding it to /etc/runit/2
11:45.49fsmithredah, ok
11:46.10fsmithredwhat I was actually trying to accomplish was console autologin in a live session
11:46.17Guest67410then, you might write your own script for that, i guess
11:46.18fsmithredand I did figure that out
11:46.53fsmithredgetty -a user
11:48.33Guest67410fsmithred: time to eat, be back later
11:49.06Guest67410have a nice day
11:49.18fsmithredyou too, thanks
11:52.28*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
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16:41.05tuxd3vMinceR, xyzw
16:41.24MinceRweird layout :>
16:42.02tuxd3vits the best layout a papyrus one =D
16:44.42*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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17:00.19systemdletepastebinit only returns server but not the page of the pasted item
17:01.18*** join/#devuan amesser (
17:01.54systemdleteAh, exceeds max len
17:02.08systemdleteWould be nice to see a message from command line tool...
17:05.47*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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18:03.55brocashelmhow do i increase speed of pointer in devuan? xinput is not making a difference. something about udev?
18:08.41fsmithredbrocashelm, check the forum. Someone posted something about messing with evdev and/or libinput config files
18:28.02*** join/#devuan Kohlrabi (
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18:48.20brocashelmfsmithred: i think i got it now. looks like it was xinput with libinput (i restarted xorg to confirm)
18:54.38*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
19:09.44*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
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19:24.26*** join/#devuan Devu33 (5b848964@
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20:04.20Devu33after I install beowulf and I wish to use the cdrom "sr0" as my apt source, apt-get asks me to use apt-cdrom add
20:04.49Devu33after I do apt-cdrom add, apt-get update complains about the Release file not being signed
20:04.52fsmithredisn't there a line for cdrom in /etc/apt/sources.list?
20:05.01Devu33yes sir!
20:06.18fsmithredwhich iso?
20:06.19Devu33with the cdrom: mode I get "does not have a release file"
20:06.55fsmithreddesktop? server? arch?
20:08.00Devu33so when I remove the cdrom: entry and mount the cdrom and use file: instead I get a different message
20:08.16fsmithredso that would be a beta or RC?
20:08.25Devu33it finds the Release, but then it complains is not signed
20:08.32fsmithredthe final isos have June 1 date
20:08.42Devu33hmm :/
20:09.03Devu33I thought 3.0 was final
20:09.22fsmithredyeah, it is
20:09.27Devu33how can I check on the cdrom fs?
20:09.41fsmithredsha256sum <file>
20:09.50fsmithredtell me the full name of the iso
20:12.10*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:12.51Devu33I renamed the file, this not it
20:13.17fsmithredhow big is the file?
20:15.28fsmithredyeah, that's the desktop iso
20:15.29Devu33sha256 ends with 42d7
20:15.52Devu33I manually checked and indeed the Release does not have a sig
20:16.12Devu33but during the debian installer process it does not complain about that at all
20:16.15Devu33devuan sorry
20:17.54*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
20:18.28Devu33E: The repository "file:/media/cdrom beowulf Release" is not signed.
20:18.29*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:19.07fsmithreddid you use a network mirror to install?
20:19.30Devu33N: Update from such repository cannot be done securely, and is therefore is disabled by default
20:19.45Devu33did not, im airgapped on that system
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20:20.05fsmithredso apt was ok with it during install but not after?
20:20.10fsmithredthat's weird.
20:20.33fsmithredfor a no-mirror install, cdrom line should be active in sources.list, and it should not have asked you to run apt-cdrom
20:20.42fsmithredit should just ask you to insert the disk
20:21.53Devu33if i do [allow_insecure=yes] then it tells me is dangerous
20:23.59Devu33and then it prints yet another message saying: "Invalid 'Date' entry on release file /var/lib/apt/lists/_media_cdrom_dists_beowulf_Release"
20:25.02Devu33fsmithred: Is apt-get expectation that the Release file is accompanied by a Release.sig?
20:25.14fsmithredI don't think so
20:25.20*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
20:25.25fsmithredI'm looking at a debian iso now, and I don't see that
20:26.30Devu33apt (amd64)
20:27.06fsmithredsame here
20:28.59Devu33if you are on a vm and you can attach the iso as a cdrom or otherwise mount the cdrom as a loop and try both sources with apt-get update
20:29.13Devu33I might be missing something, or might have broken something
20:29.24fsmithredI'm looking for a vm to recycle
20:33.12*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
20:34.24Devu33is there a way to clean apt index altogether and start fresh
20:34.31Devu33apt-get clean only seems to clear .deb
20:35.05fsmithredyeah, there are other files that can be deleted
20:35.15Devu33if I comment out all repositories and leave only the original cdrom: source... it tells me I am being sneaky and trying to add a cdrom using apt-get which is not the way !
20:35.54Devu33use apt-cdrom, which simply adds a duplicate line
20:37.30fsmithredgo down to around line 75 for apt files that you can delete. They will regenerate with 'apt update' or similar
20:38.49Devu33omg, this is so cool
20:38.59Devu33I was looking for this, I have to try it
20:39.09fsmithredtry what?
20:39.26Devu33I did not know of its existence
20:39.35fsmithredyes, it is very cool. (but I'm biased)
20:40.29*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
20:41.04Devu33so, from 75 to 81
20:41.21Devu33should I stop using apt-get and use apt instead?
20:41.53*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:42.14brocashelmapt is fine for basic usage
20:44.36Devu33does it conflict or complements, neutral upon 'update' with apt-get?
20:45.22fsmithredI don't know
20:45.26fsmithredapt is recomended now
20:45.50fsmithredapt is NOT recommended for use in scripts, because they haven't really decided what it's going to do (i.e. it'll change)
20:46.13*** join/#devuan tom_ (
20:46.29tom_Are there any IPv6 repo mirrors?
20:46.32fsmithredI'm gradually switching over to using apt, and from what I can see, it's like apt-get
20:46.45brocashelmlol, i'm used to apt-get -f install for broken packages, even though apt check is the same thing
20:46.48tom_Some of my servers are not provisioned with legacy IPv4 addresses, only IPv6
20:47.02tom_W: Failed to fetch  Temporary failure resolving ''
20:47.33Devu33tom_: I have hardcoded that on my /etc/hosts
20:47.56tom_can you query an AAAA record from the round robin?
20:49.26tom_oh actually
20:49.51tom_Looks like I just had another script setting the wrong resolver in resolv.conf
20:50.11Devu33networkd or nm? lol
20:50.17*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:51.04brocashelmnetworkmanager = gnome's secret way of making everyone hate linux
20:52.43fsmithredDevu33, I'm getting the same error messages as you when I try 'apt update' but that's with the cdrom NOT mounted
20:52.57fsmithredwhen I figure out how to mount it, I'll try to install something
20:54.22brocashelmi remember when i switched back to upstart init on mint 18.3 and had to manually mount my cd/dvd drive every time i wanted to rip stuff. i remembered it was systemdee that automatically mounted that stuff without extra effort on my part
20:55.04fsmithredwell, if this was a real system with a real optical disk, I could mount it in a couple seconds
20:55.26fsmithredbut it's fucking qemu, so I have to search (again) how to do this
20:55.28Devu33echo "/root/beowulf.iso /media/cdrom iso9660 loop 0 0" >> /etc/fstab; mount /media/cdrom
20:56.19fsmithredI don't think I can do that
20:56.30fsmithredthe iso is bigger than the ram
20:56.55Devu33it will losetup bind to a loop0, not load it on ram
20:57.18Devu33unless you are running systemd, then you better not be using anything but .mount or something
20:57.26*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
21:00.11fsmithredyeah, I was thinking that I was running a live iso, but I have virtual disk space for the iso
21:01.06Devu33cool, just do "losetup /dev/loop0 /my/beowulf.iso"
21:01.17Devu33unless you using loop0 already
21:01.32Devu33afaik should not use any memory
21:01.41fsmithredI shouldn't need to use losetup to mount the iso
21:01.59fsmithreddon't even need to use -o loop
21:04.45fsmithredmounted it at /media/cdrom and proceeded to install openssh-server without recommmends
21:04.47fsmithredno error
21:04.58fsmithredapt update gives error
21:05.15fsmithredthat actually makes sense - you can't update what's on the read-only media
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21:08.00Devu33fsmithered, I dont understand the last bit
21:08.11Devu33cant update what's on the read-only media
21:08.21Devu33what error did you get?
21:09.47fsmithredcan't use apt to add a cdrom, does not have Rlease file, Please use apt-cdrom
21:09.51Devu33E: The repository 'cdrom://[Devuan GNU/Linux 3.0 (beowulf) amd64 - desktop 20200526] beowulf Release' does not have a Release file.N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.
21:10.27fsmithredhow can you update the repository on the cdrom?
21:10.37fsmithredyou can't change what's on it
21:11.32Devu33but neither it can update on http
21:11.52Devu33it updates on your own /var/lib/apt/ and /var/cache/apt
21:12.15Devu33it updates "from" file: cdrom: or http:
21:12.44fsmithredif you have http sources, it will go check the sources and update the cache
21:13.04Devu33and if you have a cdrom: source?
21:13.14fsmithredI guess if you have cdrom source, it checks for the same cd and installs from that
21:13.17fsmithredbut can't update it
21:13.57fsmithredonly way to update that is to make new isos
21:14.06Devu33but what If you removed cdrom: and enabled http:
21:14.20fsmithredthen it should update with the online sources
21:14.22Devu33then at a later date, without a internet connection you disable http and reenable the cdrom:
21:14.44fsmithredif you do the correct steps, you should be able to change back and forth
21:14.45Devu33how are you gonna tell the system to refresh its index of available packages from the cd?
21:14.56fsmithredapt-cdrom add
21:15.17Devu33understood, let me try again
21:20.02Devu33your were right
21:20.07Devu33sorry for wasting your time :(
21:20.20Devu33just had to follow the correct sequence...
21:20.33Devu33and no "update"
21:20.41Devu33muscle memory...
21:20.45fsmithredyeah, I learned something
21:22.51*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
21:30.30tom_git this has no AAAA record
21:30.55tom_*M$ management
21:40.58djphdid they ever?
21:41.37brocashelmmore projects should move over to something like gitlab if they care about freedom
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23:01.36yetiisnt gitlab flirting with google?
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23:27.33golinuxyeti: It already flirted with microsoft
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23:32.51yetiso with both... dirty dancing... :-P
23:49.28*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
23:55.58golinuxLOL!  More like partners in crime . . .
23:58.04*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@

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