IRC log for #devuan on 20200624

00:05.17*** join/#devuan jobgg (~jobgg@2a02:2450:1020:8283:33fd:d0f2:3969:57c3)
00:33.49*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (~Hoshpak@2001:16b8:1c30:db00:24fa:b8c1:bdd8:18c9)
00:56.09*** join/#devuan jobgg (~jobgg@
01:13.57*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (
01:14.53*** join/#devuan yeti (
01:47.53*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
01:56.49*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
02:10.43*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
02:14.50*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a00:79c0:600:9500:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
02:15.06*** join/#devuan Gnhugo (~yaaic@2806:2f0:90e0:6abc:a487:d823:200e:152b)
02:34.26*** join/#devuan MinceR (mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
02:34.45*** join/#devuan APic (
03:09.02*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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04:10.51*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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05:07.32*** join/#devuan Inepu (~Mithrandi@
05:10.07*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
05:15.46*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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05:28.54*** join/#devuan Garb0__ (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
05:50.06*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
06:02.24*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
06:03.41*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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06:38.37*** join/#devuan Joril (
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07:25.14*** join/#devuan RhineDevil (~RhineDevi@gateway/tor-sasl/rhinedevil)
07:26.36*** join/#devuan Leander (~Leander@
07:29.56RhineDevilrrq, I would like to register on devuan git and push my projects online, should I register on How's the migration from devuan gitlab going?
07:31.38*** join/#devuan tierce (~raoulzeca@2a02:578:857c:c01:ca7f:fd8c:e7b9:b99e)
07:39.44*** join/#devuan Hurgotron (
08:33.15rrqyes you should register and then use the + to migrate from gitlab. All "devuan" projects have been migrated and some (most?) users have migrated their packages.
08:34.26rrqwe hope everyone will have completed their migration by 5 July
08:35.31rrqthe gitlab server wil be shutdown but we'll keep it as is for a while just in case someone suddenly realizes they forgot something
08:47.00*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
08:47.35RhineDevilrrq, I haven't any project in gitlab, but thx
08:48.45*** join/#devuan belta55 (
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08:58.22*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:179d:1cc6:8854:4d5c)
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11:32.24*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
11:49.53*** part/#devuan tnut (~tnut@
12:03.25*** join/#devuan silentjet (
12:07.22*** join/#devuan HumanGeek (~HumanG33k@
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13:36.15*** join/#devuan cynicfm (~filipdevu@gateway/tor-sasl/filipdevuan/x-84149061)
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14:28.01*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@2001:d08:1a80:e8a7:d676:b9d3:a351:e5da)
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14:54.57*** join/#devuan KnoP (
15:08.34*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
15:12.00*** join/#devuan tedious (
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15:26.44*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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15:34.31parazydJust in case anyone's wondering what I'm up to :p
15:35.10lifestronautHow much support is there for OpenRC in devuan? For example - does every package that needs a service have one for openrc as well as sysvinit?
15:40.08fsmithredlifestronaut, I'm pretty sure the answer is no. The default setup is for openrc to use sysvinit scripts
15:40.21*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:41.13MinceRthis time it took not 6 but 9 clicks of "Try Again", and it still has a bar at the bottom saying "Your account may not be allowed to perform this action" (i'm not logged in)
15:41.16MinceRtwatter is a ruin
15:41.18fsmithredcheck the forum for community support. There are people using openrc and writing about it.
15:41.20brocashelmit's amazing how versatile devuan is with init choices. so glad this distro exists. it keeps getting better and better in the 2 years i've followed it
15:42.38MinceRnice to see pinephone support is progressing
15:45.26*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
15:46.44*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
15:49.11parazydlifestronaut: It works with existing sysv initscripts transparently. So you can use both.
15:56.06tediousparazyd: So can you just do an apt-get install openrc and it just works?
15:56.34parazydtedious: Yes, and after that you must reboot. apt will tell you the command after you install.
15:57.04tediousI'm having a problem with booting up and I thought I could fix it with openrc but now the system is trashed.
15:57.31tediousI can't even get it to boot single user.
15:57.33parazydWell you can always fix it with init=/bin/bash
15:57.59parazydOr just boot a Devuan Livecd and work from there.
15:58.06tediousI have no idea how to fix it tho.
15:58.29fsmithredwhat does it do? How far do you get?
15:58.34tediousIt's a zfs root system and it hangs after bringing up the network and doesn't tell me what's wrong.
15:58.36parazydAny errors you see are a good pointer :)
15:58.45tediousNo errors.
15:58.57tediousIt just hangs forever.
15:59.04fsmithredafter bringing up network or during bringing up network?
15:59.15fsmithredand did you try ctrl-c at that point?
15:59.19tediousI thought maybe it was a /dev/random problem so I let it wait over night.
15:59.29tediousYeah none of those things work.
15:59.43tediousAll I can do is hit enter and make the screen scroll.
15:59.54*** join/#devuan amesser (
16:00.03tedious^C just shows up on the terminal.
16:00.47*** join/#devuan Garb0 (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
16:02.32parazydSo probably your ttys aren't spawning for some reason
16:02.56parazydBoot a livecd, and check /etc/inittab, and maybe disable stuff in /etc/network
16:03.40fsmithreddoes the livecd need to have some zfs stuff installed?
16:04.18parazydSurely they can apt-get it
16:05.02fsmithredzfsutils-linux I guess
16:05.25fsmithredI know it's not in the desktop-live. Would have to check minimal-live.
16:05.42tediousI'm using other live cds that have zfs and I can chroot into /mnt.
16:06.23tediousI edited all the init scripts and put set -x into them so I can see that the boot hangs in the network script.
16:06.28*** join/#devuan Alpi (
16:06.33fsmithredit's not in the minimal-live
16:06.46fsmithredshould I change that?
16:06.48tediousIt runs ifup -a and brings up eth0 with dhcp but then it just hangs.
16:07.14tediousfsmithred: If you could put zfs in the live stuff and the installer it would be amazing. :)
16:07.14fsmithredcan you ssh in?
16:07.35tediousNo it hangs before finishing the network script so nothing else starts.
16:08.21tediousThat's why I wanted to install openrc and was hoping that would at least let me run parallel mode and get other services running.
16:13.54fsmithredI don't have any other ideas. Very little experience with openrc and none with zfs.
16:15.44parazydJust have a look at the inittab
16:16.05parazydMaybe you're not spawning ttys
16:19.13tediousI didn't touch inittab so it's still stock.
16:19.53tediousI think there's a bug in the network scripts.
16:20.57*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
16:23.36*** join/#devuan bgustav (~bgustav@
16:23.44fsmithredyou have 'allow-hotplug' in /etc/network/interfaces?
16:24.22fsmithredif so, try changing it to 'auto'
16:24.39fsmithredor manual if you prefer
16:28.12fsmithredor take a look at this:
16:28.13tediousNo it's just auto.
16:28.49fsmithredok, so that patch won't help
16:32.08tediousI just don't understand why that script would hang after it brings up the interface.
16:32.40fsmithredare you sure it
16:32.48fsmithredit's not the next script not starting?
16:33.16tediousNope I put "starting $0" at the top of every init script.
16:33.29tediousRight before set -x.
16:34.19tediousAnd it gives me the output for accepting the dhcp address on console.
16:35.02tediousWhat does ifup -a do?
16:35.23fsmithredstarts all interfaces configured in the interfaces file, I think
16:35.48tediousCould it be seeing my wifi card even tho I don't have anything besides eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces.d?
16:36.46fsmithredno, but a network manager might try
16:36.59fsmithredn-m, wicd, connman...
16:38.11*** join/#devuan mith_ (~Mithrandi@
16:40.50*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
16:43.18tediousI don't think I installed any of those.
16:43.30tediousDoes xfce install one?
16:44.32tediousI wonder if it's running the nfs script in /etc/network/if-up.d/.
16:45.09fsmithredyeah, xfce installs wicd
16:47.45fsmithredmaybe set -x that script to see if it's getting confused reading fstab
16:51.11tediousI just tried to install openrc and apt wanted to remove zfs-initramfs zfsutils-linux zfs-zed and sysv-rc.
16:51.32tediousSo I think devuan is just broken with zfs.
16:52.22tediousI'm going to get rid of the nsf script and see if that fixes anything.
17:00.59*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
17:03.41*** join/#devuan fylgje (
17:06.03*** join/#devuan bodematt (
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17:09.59*** join/#devuan openbsdtai123 (openbsdtai@gateway/shell/ircnow/x-sxectuvhuhhhgeqp)
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17:26.35*** join/#devuan zyliwax (~zyliwax@unaffiliated/zyliwax)
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17:58.08*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
17:58.27*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
18:01.06*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
18:02.16engideadevuan 3.0 is very good: one small issue, when using KDE is that pulseaudio --start is missing in some statup script
18:02.39engideaonce the command is given, audio works flawlessly, beautiful
18:05.13*** join/#devuan xcm (
18:11.29fsmithredengidea, did you set PA to autospawn in the config file?
18:19.52*** join/#devuan Akuli (
18:27.33engideaAhhhh, thanks fsmithred !!!!
18:36.42*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
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18:47.50*** part/#devuan scaniatrucker (
18:54.24tediousfsmithred: Getting rid of the nfs mount script fixed the boot problem.
18:54.53tediousNow it boots but it doesn't mount /root or some of the other zfs filesystems.
18:55.25fsmithredtedious, can you tell if any kernel modules did not get loaded?
18:55.35fsmithredlsmod | wc -l
18:55.40tediousI didn't check.
18:55.42fsmithredlsmod |grep snd
18:55.51tediousHalf of the zfs filesystems do get mounted.
18:56.10fsmithredis fstab correct?
18:56.29tediousYes because it only contains /boot.
18:56.43fsmithredok, I'm lost
18:56.49tediousThe system is supposed to do zfs mount -a when it comes up.
18:57.35tediousEvery filesystem that has a mountpoint=/something and isn't set canmount=off or canmount=noauto is supposed to get mounted.
18:58.07tediousSo I was right about devuan hates zfs. :)
18:58.42tediousOr is just broken I think is what I said.
19:00.16fsmithredpretty sure we don't do anything with zfs packages
19:10.37tediousI guess that's why I can't install openrc without it uninstalling a bunch of zfs packages.
19:11.46tediousIf I can figure out what's causing all this mess how hard is it for you to fix it?
19:12.25tediousCan you push a tiny script change into beowulf-backports or do you have to go thru upstream?
19:14.06fsmithredwe can change packages that we fork. We don't fork any zfs packages.
19:15.03tediousOk I guess I'll have to either come up with my own fixes or just abandon devuan.
19:15.50*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
19:19.12tediousI guess maybe I can make my own script for zfs mount -a and put it at /etc/rcS.d/S05mount_my_damn_filesystems.
19:20.26openbsdtai123Hi, would you know a small fbdev desktop for retropie, that would run on FBDEV only?
19:20.37openbsdtai123like amiga workbend on fbdev?
19:22.09*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
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19:42.42*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
19:48.11*** join/#devuan openbsdtai123 (openbsdtai@gateway/shell/ircnow/x-jwwqmijjeneewdkz)
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20:15.27tediousfsmithred: I think I fixed the boot problem.
20:16.10fsmithredcan you document it somewhere in case someone else has the same problem?
20:16.23tediousThe S02zfs-mount script was missing from rcS.d and rc1.d for some reason.
20:16.48tediousI can't do jack until I get this system working better lol. :)
20:19.36*** join/#devuan OldMoss (
20:38.11*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
20:38.49*** join/#devuan RhineDevil (~RhineDevi@gateway/tor-sasl/rhinedevil)
20:40.20RhineDevilrrq, Just registered, however my gravatar profile doesn't get synced with devuan, is this the default behaviour?
20:43.03RhineDevil*devuan gitea
20:46.38*** join/#devuan openbsdtai123 (openbsdtai@gateway/shell/ircnow/x-rzrvqhsspbdxlzhl)
20:47.44tediousfsmithred: Tiny update .. something writes to /root/.cache after /root gets unmounted during shutdown.
20:48.18tediousSo zfs refuses to remount /root later because it's not empty.
20:48.45*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:49.07tediousI'm just killing it and mounting it by hand right now but maybe I'll figure it out later and make a proper solution.
20:53.31*** join/#devuan brocashelm (~brocashel@
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21:23.51*** join/#devuan RhineDevil (~RhineDevi@gateway/tor-sasl/rhinedevil)
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21:27.05RhineDevilWhere should I ask for approvation about a devuan team?
21:27.40*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
21:32.45*** join/#devuan tom_ (
21:32.56tom_Does Beowulf support NTtables? or only IPtables?
21:37.45buZz> nftables is the default and recommended firewalling framework in Debian, and it replaces the old iptables (and related) tools.
21:38.27buZzyou can just use iptables tool though, there's a iptables-nft layer that translates it
21:39.40tom_is there any difference for writing firewall rules for aliased interfaces?
21:39.44golinuxRhineDevil: om
21:39.51RhineDevilgolinux, henlo
21:39.55tom_alias interfaces vs physical interfaces
21:39.57buZzi dont think so tom_
21:40.03buZzshould be the same as iptables
21:40.12golinuxLet's do a pm
21:40.18tom_do I need to specify eth0:1 or just eth0
21:40.21golinuxI have a channel open
21:41.04golinuxSorry for the typo above.
21:41.09buZztom_: for eth0:1 specify eth0:1
21:41.28golinuxRhineDevil: Can you join me there please?
21:41.35buZzthe traffic for eth0:1 doesnt appear on eth0, unless its in the same subnet, i -think-
21:41.57RhineDevilgolinux, where
21:45.23tom_ok thanks
21:51.20tom_what replaces ip sets in nftables?
21:51.51tom_say I have a set up trusted_remotes, and a list of internal cluster nodes and a list of bad guys
21:51.58tom_how would I use that in the new nftables?
21:54.38tom_Does IST and SST use UDP or TCP?
21:55.32buZztom_: you can just keep using iptables
21:55.37buZzit will use nftables underwater
21:56.06tom_I'm writing rules now for a new distributed database cluster so might as well upgrade now
22:01.36*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
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22:54.07*** join/#devuan Unit193 (ukikie@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.unit193)
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