IRC log for #devuan on 20200622

00:06.54*** join/#devuan james1138 (~James1138@
00:14.57*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
00:19.20*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
00:35.59*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (~Hoshpak@2001:16b8:1c9d:fa00:8dcf:cb08:4151:4642)
00:48.44*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
00:57.00*** part/#devuan james1138 (~James1138@
01:02.58*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
01:05.32*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
01:51.45*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
01:52.41*** join/#devuan frabbit (~frabbit@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
01:52.57frabbitwhat luks version comes with beowulf?
01:53.07frabbit1 or 2
01:53.32frabbitfsmithred: thank u =)
01:53.57*** part/#devuan frabbit (~frabbit@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
02:14.36*** join/#devuan frabbit (~frabbit@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
02:14.47frabbithow to acces initramfs?
02:15.28frabbiti can only find problems people have with unwanted boot into it or something...
02:15.42frabbitrescue mode it cant be
02:16.58fsmithredaccess how?
02:17.35frabbiti mean taht (initramfs) prompt or whatever (i never used that thing)
02:17.50frabbiti need to downgrade luks
02:17.51fsmithredis that where you are?
02:17.59fsmithreddid you do full-disk encryption?
02:18.04frabbitbut i wanna go there ^_^
02:18.34frabbityeah i will install beowulf now and make fde again like i did on ascii
02:18.35fsmithredif /boot is part of the encrypted volume, you must use type 1 for the root partition
02:18.50frabbiterr... what?
02:19.03frabbittype 1?
02:19.28frabbitand yes boot wil be part of the root partition
02:19.37fsmithredgrub can't deal with luks type 2
02:19.43frabbityes i know
02:19.55frabbitthats why i want to downgrade
02:20.09frabbitand i need to do that in or on (initramfs)
02:20.27fsmithredcryptsetup luksFormat --type luks1 <device>
02:20.33*** join/#devuan doubledutch (
02:21.12frabbit[...] so you’ll need reboot into a live CD or an initramfs shell[..]
02:21.22*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@
02:22.03frabbitfsmithred: yes i need to run that command
02:22.09frabbitfrom intramfs
02:22.16frabbitelse it will fail
02:22.25fsmithredI would do it from a live-usb
02:22.59fsmithredinitramfs shell is pretty limited
02:23.23fsmithredalso, I don't know how to get there except by having problems
02:23.31frabbitlive usb contains packages that arent up to date maybe, also it seems easy on initramfs
02:23.56frabbitwhy theres no information how to get there?
02:23.56fsmithredhow do you access the initramfs shell?
02:24.14frabbitthat was my first question! D=
02:24.19fsmithredI know
02:24.31frabbitso why do u ask me?
02:24.43fsmithredI can't think of any time anyone has gotten there because they wanted to be there
02:24.56*** join/#devuan doubledutch (~narrag@unaffiliated/doubledutch)
02:24.58frabbitthats.. weird...
02:25.58frabbitthere must be a way...
02:29.35fsmithreddevuan live-isos are three weeks old, refracta isos are a couple days old
02:29.55fsmithredif you have a netinstall iso you can boot that to rescue mode
02:30.00fsmithredor any of the installer isos
02:30.26doubledutchWhat are you having an issue booting?
02:30.41doubledutchHave you tried Super Grub Disk 2        ?  ;D
02:30.49fsmithredanything other than the luks volume he wants to change
02:30.53frabbityeah but there where updates, also for some ssl stuf i think (not sure, i forgot) so i wouldnt use live sticks for network stuff like installing packages
02:31.14fsmithredchroot if you want to install into the system
02:31.26frabbitthats not https i think
02:32.08doubledutchFrom what little I've heard - the nuke-it-from-space first take success option may be to get persistent USB distro...
02:32.09fsmithredyou just need the right version of cryptsetup, and it's already installed
02:32.16doubledutchso you're running the OS from USB just looking at your system
02:32.23doubledutchOh I see about packaging carry on
02:32.40doubledutchI got kicked from the internet because I idled too long at another place ":(
02:32.56fsmithredapt-transport-https is not installed in the live isos, so you'd have to get that over http
02:32.59frabbitfsmithred: man... sure i can just use asci 2.1 live stick
02:33.19fsmithredisn't that an older version of cryptsetup?
02:33.47frabbiti always have the newest version of apt-transport-https openssl and ca-certificates in my local repo
02:33.48fsmithredwell,that shouldn't matter if you chroot
02:34.12frabbiti have still ascii 2.1 here and there is luks 1
02:34.35frabbitand im sure i didnt downgrade that
02:34.51frabbit(i would remember that procedere)
02:34.56fsmithredyeah, I would not operate on the beowufl with that
02:35.12frabbitoperate with what?
02:35.21fsmithredwith ascii cyptsetup
02:35.33frabbithuh? but i need that
02:35.36fsmithredit probably can't even do it
02:35.49fsmithredhow can the old cryptsetup handle the new format?
02:36.41frabbiti dont understand that
02:36.57frabbitin beowulf theres luks 2 u said right?
02:37.13frabbitbut for grub + fde i need version 1
02:37.22frabbitin ascii is version 1
02:37.30fsmithredyeah, and you said you used luks2 format in your system and you want to downgrade it
02:37.42fsmithredno, you don't need the old version
02:37.49fsmithredyou need to use the old format
02:37.50*** join/#devuan sedrosken (~sedrosken@
02:37.56fsmithredI gave you the command
02:38.24frabbiti didnt used anything since now, cause i want to do the install of beowulf soon, didnt do it already cause i need to figure this luks issue out first
02:39.09fsmithredif you want xfce, just install from the desktop-live and put everything in one partition.
02:39.18frabbitnah the cryptsetup webpage gave me that command ;) and they say that this will fail when running it in an open luks container
02:39.23fsmithredthen you don't have to screw with those instructions
02:39.35frabbitwhat? hell no i dont want xfce
02:39.43fsmithredlol, ok
02:39.46frabbiti didnt use any de for years
02:40.10frabbit(except configure that thing for others)
02:40.14fsmithredanyway, the live installer knows how to do full-disk encryptiong
02:40.32fsmithredbut you'd need to make your own live-iso that has what you want
02:40.44frabbitnah i will use the desktop iso and the fde libreboot offers
02:40.50fsmithredby the time you do that, you could already have what you want
02:41.14frabbiti never install over network
02:42.14frabbitfsmithred: but u confused me now, u said that luks 1 maybe wont work
02:42.27fsmithredno I did not say that
02:42.43frabbitso why libreboot and cryptsetup write that u need to downgrade when using fde?
02:42.44fsmithredfor full-disk encryption, you must use luks type 1 format
02:43.08fsmithredI guess they assume that you will create a luks type2 when you do the initial install
02:43.26fsmithreddoes the debian installer not let you select the luks format type?
02:43.33frabbityes and i will when using luks via beowulf installer?
02:43.40frabbiti dont know
02:44.06frabbitive never looked for something like that before
02:44.13fsmithredyou going to be installing a system like this more than once?
02:44.31fsmithredmake your own live iso
02:44.37frabbitbut i just used the default luks that is offered by the installer
02:45.05fsmithredok, then you get to convert it afterward
02:45.09fsmithredevery fucking time
02:45.17fsmithredinstall what you want in a VM
02:45.27fsmithredinstall refractasnapshot and refractainstaller
02:45.31frabbitvm on what monster pc?
02:45.38fsmithredrun refractasnaptshot
02:45.48fsmithredput the iso on a usb stick
02:46.15fsmithredrun refractainstaller to install it to hard drive (all into one encrypted partition)
02:46.34frabbito_0 man all that is a mess, i can just do the downgrade on the initramfs (if i would know how to access that thing...)
02:47.02frabbit6 commands!
02:47.18onefangDo you mean "access the initramfs shell at boot time", or "change stuff an the initramfs file system"?
02:47.32fsmithredaccess the shell to use it
02:47.46fsmithredto change the luks header
02:47.46frabbitonefang: boottime probably, cause the encrypted disk should not be open
02:48.20fsmithredjust use the rescue shell from the installer
02:48.40frabbitand there i get an initramfs shell?
02:48.41fsmithreda beowulf installer
02:49.06fsmithredash or dash, but you can get bash if you want
02:49.13frabbitwhy didnt u tell me that before?!
02:49.21fsmithredI did tell you
02:49.33frabbit35 minutes for the answer?
02:50.11frabbitu said i should use a live stick, or make bootstrap, or create my own refractar foobar and so on....
02:50.32fsmithred<fsmithred> if you have a netinstall iso you can boot that to rescue mode
02:50.33fsmithred<fsmithred> or any of the installer isos
02:50.34frabbitthx anyway... i will try that now
02:50.41fsmithredtwenty minutes ago
02:52.04*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
02:52.06frabbitif i use the offline iso, it will downgrade it luks using the pool inside the iso correct?
02:53.01fsmithredyeah, use a beowulf iso
02:53.11frabbitok thank u! =)
02:53.41frabbitbaby will be born soon hopefully x)
02:53.48fsmithredif you're connected to the internet, it might pull stuff in
02:53.50frabbithealthy baby of course
02:54.39frabbitok will install now beowulf and try that downgrade from iso
02:54.41frabbitoh wait!
02:55.00frabbitcan i already downgrade it rigth after installing grub?
02:55.07fsmithredset up the encryption manually and you can probably select the format
02:55.20frabbitfsmithred: yeah i will first look for that
02:55.26frabbitbut if not
03:01.40*** join/#devuan cp- (
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03:02.07*** part/#devuan chillfan (4e9dd3ed@
03:02.59*** join/#devuan Oksana (~Wikiwide@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
03:19.19golinuxJessie Smith's Beowulf review:
03:31.30*** join/#devuan o01eg (~o01eg@2a02:2698:82b:1cef:5d22:ea1d:1106:9dc7)
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03:57.10yetiwill I regret looking at it?
04:01.31beanyI've gone by the name yeti before and never seen anyone else do so so this is surrela
04:02.12hemimaniacwell he wears it well, cuter and fluffier
04:04.01yetiis named yeti since the mid 70s in RL long before I entered the nets
04:04.34yetisome in RL dont even know my legal name
04:04.54yetiso meanwhile it isnt just a nick any more
04:13.10*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:36.15*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
04:43.45*** join/#devuan GoatAvenger (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger)
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06:38.39*** join/#devuan Joril (
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07:35.18*** part/#devuan retak (
07:40.59*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
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08:13.39*** join/#devuan fylgje (
08:32.21systemdletesomeone should update the description of devuan on distrowatch -- it does not mention beowulf
08:48.46*** join/#devuan tierce (~raoulzeca@
08:52.59*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
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09:48.20*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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12:29.00kreyrenHow do i fix this on devuan?
12:30.03gnarfaceuse and i'll look at it
12:32.07kreyrengnarface, ^
12:33.06gnarfacekreyren: basic version mismatch, this is on beowulf?
12:33.13kreyrengnarface, chimaera
12:33.18gnarfacekreyren: i think version mismatch, maybe missing package
12:33.44gnarfacekreyren: is that the steam version, you're trying to launch without steam?
12:33.56kreyren installed versions
12:34.05kreyrengnarface, nah it's standalone
12:34.07kreyrenDRM free
12:34.46gnarfacewell steam has some drm free stuff, that still expects certain libs which you'd need to install on your system if you weren't using bundled steam ones...
12:35.03gnarfacei was just checking to make sure this isn't a case like that
12:35.15kreyrencould be this is a torrent version
12:35.31kreyren(i own the game but can't be bothered to use steam)
12:35.33gnarfacealso, steam needs the 32-bit versions of a bunch of things too
12:35.38gnarface(as do many of the games on there)
12:36.14kreyrenSo what do you recommend?
12:36.27gnarfaceit works for me on ceres
12:36.39kreyrenah wait i think the shell script from upstream is wrong
12:37.04gnarfacegreat game too
12:37.29kreyrenno the worst that final boss is going to make me break something
12:38.46gnarfaceso, the real trick is learning to maximize your room hit counts with beam weaponry, but that's offtopic
12:41.29*** join/#devuan morruth (~quassel@
12:42.53kreyrennah the script is working.. by miracle but works
12:46.00*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
12:47.09kreyrengoing to use winehq version then -.-
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17:06.17*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
17:16.16search_socialHello, I am using vttys and when the os wants to print something to console it prints it to whichever vtty I have open. I would like for it to print only to vtty1. I don't see a way to do this is rsyslog.conf and other resources I find on this are for systemd.
17:23.27phoggsearch_social: what does your config look like? I don't do this but I believe you should just have to specify the tty, e.g. /dev/tty1
17:24.51search_socialphogg: rsyslog.conf? It's the default from devuan beowulf 3.0.0 fresh install, it doesn't seem to have anything about dev or tty or console in it
17:32.42phoggsearch_social: are you talking about .emerg messages?
17:33.16search_socialit claims those are sent to all logged in uesrs but i have a root terminal on vtty3 which doesn't receive them when i'm switched to root on vtty2
17:34.46phoggsearch_social: I'm not sure, but if I were you I'd try changing the location on that one to a tty device and just see what happens.
17:38.40search_socialokay i changed that to send it only to a user and restarted rsyslogd but it still sent it to the root terminal i had active and nothing else
17:41.34*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
17:45.03*** join/#devuan Wonka (
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17:49.12search_socialokay "setlogcons 1" on the shell appears to do what i want
18:51.26*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
19:04.18*** join/#devuan armin ( down? works.
19:05.07arminah now is working again, nevermind.
19:06.17*** join/#devuan xcm (
19:08.19Atari-Froscharmin: If you are not sure – ask this website: :-) Status
19:09.34arminIs down right now?
19:09.34arminIt's not just you! is down.
19:09.42arminAtari-Frosch: hah! :D
19:10.22fsmithredOK, so it's you and at least one other person, but not me:
19:10.23arminAtari-Frosch: also hi, i remember talking to you 6 or 7 years ago at RZL about debian.
19:10.43Atari-Froscharmin: possible. I have a poor memory for people.
19:10.48arminyeah it worked here several times and several times didn't.
19:12.49arminok not able to reproduce anymore, downforeveryoneorjustme properly shows green all the time now. weird.
19:13.16Atari-FroschIn German we say: Blinkeranbindung. ;-)
19:14.27*** join/#devuan kreyren (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
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19:23.32divansantanaanyone else have pulseaudio issues on devuan beowulf?
19:24.39divansantanaSeems pulseaudio always gives me trouble on one system or another. Here in beowulf upgrade in kde desktop opening chrome playing audio doesn't work. pavucontrol shows "connecting". It seems like doing a pulseaudio --start on user login would help.
19:24.57divansantanaSuppose I could do that with some kde autostart thing.
19:29.21golinuxdivansantana: Have you read the release notes?  Seems like very few do . . .
19:30.36divansantanaI did up to the point of upgrade te beowulf. I even briefly saw that pulseaudio bit, but completely forgot about it.
19:30.39divansantanalet me check, sorry.
19:31.44golinuxI apologize for the attitude if it's something else . . .
19:34.09divansantanagolinux:no worry at all. Completely understand. Problem sorted. I should have thought to check that.
19:35.10golinuxWell, you have plenty of company . . . LOL!  Enjoy your new beowulf!
19:43.14*** join/#devuan lunario (
19:45.41divansantanagolinux: So happy beowulf is out.  Glad for this important project.  Wife's desktop done.  I still need to upgrade my server, but that has lvm cache and ssds.  Should go ok though.
19:59.39*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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