IRC log for #devuan on 20200606

00:11.48systemdlete2reads the beowulf release notes and thinks, hmmmm...
00:12.10systemdlete2eudev and elogin:  "e" prefix is for... what, emancipated?
00:12.49systemdlete2has not installed official beowulf anywhere yet...
00:15.09gnarfacei thought it was "e" for European but i don't know
00:15.25golinuxAsk gentoo.  We got it from the,
00:16.54systemdlete2likes "emancipated"
00:17.16golinuxE also comes after D
00:17.51golinuxso alphabetically trumps D.  OT here though
00:20.56systemdlete2as in, trumps Donald Trump?
00:22.12yetithey call elogind extreacted from systemd
00:22.23yetimaybe eudev has the same e as elogind
00:27.13phoggeudev came first, so if anything it's the other way around
00:32.04yetihavent touched gentoo since its 1.08 (or so days)
00:36.38systemdlete2My attempt at gentoo from 2003 is still compiling
00:37.09systemdlete2(I chose "everything")
00:37.25syco-u run it on a x386 ? :p
00:37.44systemdlete2yes, but backwards, just for extra intrigue
00:38.18yeti2003 was more like K6-II+@500
00:41.15systemdlete2does beowulf have any better support for wireless than ascii?  I am finding that my asus laptop (cherry trail) loses wireless after a while... sometimes. What I mean is that it is very intermittent.
00:41.52systemdlete2laptop is on ascii atm.  Thinking of upgrading, but won't bother for now if beowulf doesn't bring more relief.
00:48.24golinuxsystemdlete2: Thank you for getting back OT
00:49.30systemdlete2so, inquiring about wireless support in Beowulf is not a support question?
00:49.57systemdlete2Sorry if so.
00:52.01man_in_shacknah you're fine systemdlete2
00:52.10golinuxRe-read what I wrote
00:52.33man_in_shackor rewrite what he read
00:52.36golinuxOT can also mean On Topic
00:52.58systemdlete2So now OT can be used to confuse EVERYONE.
00:53.02systemdlete2Good to know.
00:53.09man_in_shackthere's the problem with using the same acronym for two opposites
00:53.19man_in_shacklike "literally" being used as "figuratively"
00:53.28golinuxAnd this discussion is Off Topic here
00:53.34systemdlete2man_in_shack:  YES!
00:54.01man_in_shackin other grammatical news ...
01:08.32*** join/#devuan tomtastic (~tomtastic@
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01:37.13*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
01:38.53bgstack15i am booting into that latest named iso file.
01:43.58*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
01:47.05bgstack15so I had to enable the non-free repo and install firmware-iwlwifi.
01:47.24bgstack15I can see the iwl4965 module is loaded
01:47.29bgstack15but still no "iwconfig" useful output
01:47.41bgstack15is there something i need to do, without rebooting, because after all this is the live boot?
01:48.20gnarfacehmm. did you add the firmware package after the iwl4965 module was already loaded? if so, i'd try unloading then reloading it
01:48.23golinuxIsn't there a command to start it?
01:48.51syco-in /proc/net/dev ?
01:49.16gnarfacein a fair world all you'd have to do is "/etc/init.d/networking restart" but in practice you have to have carefully setup the network first
01:50.03gnarfacebgstack15: i recall needing both ifconfig and iwconfig
01:50.22bgstack15i think the firmware package provided my iwl4965 module. but sure, i'll reload it
01:50.28gnarfacebgstack15: iwconfig doesn't completely reimplement all the features of ifconfig for wireless devices, it just suppliments a few missing ones
01:51.05gnarfacebgstack15: but you should be able to just ifup the wireless device if your network config is correct
01:51.25bgstack15thank you! the modprobe -r iwl4965 and modprobe iwl4965 did it!
01:51.48gnarfacei'm relieved
01:51.58bgstack15yeah, i'm doing all this in a live setup, to test fsmithred's iso with connman. I'm one of those die-hard wicd guys, but I hear it's gone now...
01:53.33golinuxIt could be resurrected
01:53.38bgstack15So yeah, my quick examination of connman is that it looks just like Network Manager. Which means it's familiar, a little ...too... familiar!
01:53.50bgstack15But it will do!
01:55.37bgstack15But then I have extremely simple use cases, so my opinion has a weight of 0.01 units.
01:55.58bgstack15I'd do /etc/network/interfaces but my users would object...
01:56.52bgstack15but if wicd gets resurrected, I'd probably just stick with that, because who wants to re-tool workflows, amirite?
01:57.38bgstack15Puddletag is another python2(+qt4) project getting resurrected currently.
01:59.33fsmithredbgstack15, I had to remove and reload the module to get it to work
02:00.02fsmithredand yeah, wicd is in experimental, so it might migrate down in time for chimaera
02:00.38fsmithredconnman really doesn't look much like network-manager
02:01.00fsmithredconnman is a simpler interface
02:10.57*** join/#devuan ismail_ (~ismail@
02:15.43nemofsmithred: hmmm
02:15.49nemofsmithred: I decided to look into that forum thread
02:15.54nemosince it's a friday night and the kids are in bed
02:16.09nemofsmithred: I have to say, rolfie's response falls far short of a clear guide for someone like me
02:16.17nemoupdating to 5.5 kernel is easy
02:16.23nemoit's just what else I have to do that's less than clear
02:16.55nemooooh wait. some commands in
02:17.07nemook. I'm going to try to uninstall the amd stuff and try that thread.
02:19.34*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
02:20.06Digitanyone using min browser?  i tried install it manually, but hit errors i'm not competent enough to resolve.  wondering, maybe it's in a nother repo?  maybe experimental?  maybe packagers just havent heard of it yet?
02:21.13*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
02:21.59Digits/a nother/another/
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02:40.59nemofsmithred: so, I'm on 5.5.0-0.bpo.2-amd64 from backports and I copied over the firmware Rolfie recommended...
02:41.07nemofsmithred: aaaaaand no graphics acceleration
02:42.22fsmithredI don't know what to say. I didn't read what you wrote or what rolfie wrote.
02:42.37nemofsmithred: I was reading response to thing you proxied
02:42.40nemohe'd linked to some threads
02:43.12nemoafter clicking on it, it seemed to involve 5.5 kernel from backports, cloning a repo for linux firmware and copying over the amd ones, adding a "4" to grub commandline (dunno what that does) and updating everything
02:43.22nemodmesg reports drm stuff
02:43.34fsmithred4 boots to runlevel 4
02:43.48fsmithredwhich is the same as 2 unless you do something to change it
02:43.53nemofsmithred: well that's the confusing part for me since it seemed debian made no distinction between runlevels
02:44.17fsmithredwas I on that thread?
02:44.42nemoum... the one rolfie linked to? probably not. was just mentioning results since you'd reposted that thing in my name
02:45.00nemoanyway trying to see if anything obvious I missed jumps out. otherwise back to amdgpu-pro I guess
02:45.11nemo[   132.677] (II) UnloadModule: "amdgpu"
02:45.15nemohuh... what is Xorg doing...
02:45.27nemooh. oups. still on 1.19? thought I updated that 😃
02:45.30nemolemme try that
02:45.40nemothat could certainly do it
02:46.58gnarfaceyou might need to specify amdgpu in your xorg.conf to keep auto detect from forcing a generic driver on you
02:47.35gnarfaceit seems to gravitate heavily to the modesetting driver even when it isn't the best one
02:47.51gnarfacebut then once modesetting takes over nothing else can unseat it
02:48.26nemook. lemme check the conf
02:48.33nemo(1.20 didn't help btw)
02:49.01gnarfacein the conf you may have to specify the PCI ID for the card
02:49.08gnarfacethough that's rare i've seen it before
02:49.09nemognarface: stuff like that is kinda fun. us attributing mysterious impulses to software. it's FOSS, but there's a limit to how much RTFS we can do 😃
02:49.59fsmithredsleep time here. good luck.
02:50.45nemognarface: /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-amdgpu.conf seems to specify an amdgpu
02:50.51nemognarface: not too familiar with how debian organises config
02:51.04gnarfacenemo: well if that's present then i would think it should be enough
02:51.28nemo/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d# cat 10-amdgpu.conf | paste -sd ''
02:51.28nemoSection "OutputClass"Identifier "AMDgpu"MatchDriver "amdgpu"Driver "amdgpu"EndSection
02:51.37gnarfacenemo: unfortunately i don't have any recent amd video cards here to check it with, my comparative experience is mostly with nouveau on nvidia hardware
02:51.52*** join/#devuan devuan (
02:51.55nemognarface: well... my fallback is simply 1.19 Xorg, ascii xorg-server pin
02:51.59nemoand the amdgpu-pro package
02:52.11nemognarface: I was just trying to give the more foss-y variant an honest effort
02:52.13devuanhello all
02:52.27nemognarface: but the other one was definitely working fine yesterday with Witcher 2 on high everything graphics
02:52.29gnarfacenemo: i was under the impression that either way you need amdgpu-pro unless you want only 2d graphics and no compositing or video accel
02:52.36devuanI am trying to setup alsa
02:52.36nemoOH REALLY
02:52.45nemognarface: grrrr darn debian forum folks
02:52.49nemognarface: so context here
02:53.03gnarfacenemo: again, it's hearsay to me already
02:53.09nemognarface: I post
02:53.18gnarfacenemo: i just heard that from someone else
02:53.26nemognarface: fsmithred here reposts it to forum in case anyone else is ddging for keywords
02:53.30devuanwhat packages do I need to setup alsa sound
02:53.34nemognarface: aaaand rolfie says I totally don't need that stuff
02:53.39devuanon the console I tested with:
02:53.55nemognarface: but you know. I should have been suspicious - I've had a lot of trouble with games and the nouveau driver. witcher for example did not work with it at all
02:54.05devuanspeaker-test -c2 -twav
02:54.10nemognarface: bah. time to restore everything again
02:54.19devuanand I hear, front left...front right
02:54.31devuanbut on desktop, no sound :(
02:54.45nemodevuan: are you using pulseaudio?
02:54.45gnarfacedevuan: alsamixer is what you want
02:54.54gnarfacedevuan: also, pavucontrol if you have pulseaudio (which is likely)
02:55.05nemo(that's an honest question since people have it installed by default and alsa can use it)
02:55.37nemognarface: indeedy. had to play with profiles in pavucontrol to get pulseaudio to play on my speakers and TV hdmi. basically try them one by one until one worked ☺
02:55.53nemognarface: also there's the devuan config issue that was still unfixed in the beowulf rc2 I installed
02:55.58devuanmy card is "sun4i-hdmi"
02:56.05devuanwhen I run alsamixer
02:56.17devuanIt selects that card but sayd that..
02:56.19nemodo you have pulseaudio installed
02:56.46devuan"This sound device does not have any controls"
02:57.20nemognarface: you know though, even if I'd managed to get the FOSS one to kinda work, I *was* looking forward to trying out opencl and I think I really would've needed amdgpu-pro to play with that
02:58.26nemognarface: ah.. here's the answer.
02:58.27nemo[   601.906] (--) AMDGPU(0): Chipset: "Unknown AMD Radeon GPU" (ChipID = 0x731f)
02:58.52nemomaybe I can get a newer xorg driver
02:59.38devuanAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version k5.7.0.
03:00.14nemodevuan: do you have pulseaudio installed?
03:00.32devuannemo, I believe not
03:00.38nemoplease check
03:01.09nemoxserver-xorg-video-amdgpu  is dated 201902 - so definitely would not know about this chip...
03:01.34devuanI only have this:
03:01.38nemoaaaand nothing newer in backports
03:01.41devuanii  libpulse0:armhf                      12.2-4+deb10u1                      armhf        PulseAudio client libraries
03:02.17devuanI am in OpenBox
03:02.44devuanI don't even know what is the default way to control sound in OpenBox
03:02.54devuanits a experiment that I am running :)
03:02.57nemodevuan: aight. I'm regrettably out of practice with alsa personally. sorry. if gnarface has no suggestions, maybe try their channel.
03:03.24nemodevuan: I *will* say be realllly careful on arm playing around with linux sound settings in alsamixer as I learned once
03:03.27*** join/#devuan xcm (
03:03.30nemoI accidentally set my chromebook on fire
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03:03.43nemosorry. I should say my SO's chromebook.
03:04.12nemodevuan: I just wanted to make sure you didn't have 2 sound systems fighting for lock on the card
03:04.41devuancards I only have one, thanks god..
03:04.50devuanbut the controls are not set..
03:05.30devuanI am on Olinuxino Lime2
03:05.45devuanwith the experimental Audio kernel driver
03:06.14devuanbut I listen the woman, with:
03:06.43devuanloud and clear
03:06.59devuanwell 16 bits :D
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03:07.08devuanits not yet 24 bits but..
03:07.35devuandoes any one knows what is the alsa irc chanel?
03:09.14devuanI have a very strange pcm device..
03:09.43devuan00-00: SUN4I-HDMI PCM 1c16000.hdmi-0 : SUN4I-HDMI PCM 1c16000.hdmi-0 : playbac|
03:12.18man_in_shackgotta agree with that last line
03:12.43nemognarface , fsmithred -  I updated 😃
03:12.47nemo(yes, I know he's sleeping)
03:12.52devuanIt should mean the controls are messedup in some way
03:13.47man_in_shackdevuan: can you unplug it, dust the port, and plug it back in?
03:14.03man_in_shackcos that looks like the string isn't properly terminated, which indicates a signal error
03:16.19devuanyeah. I unpluged it, and plugged it back
03:16.27devuannow I am listem noise
03:16.38devuanwithout touching anything else :D
03:16.50nemomoar cleaning
03:18.04man_in_shackdevuan: so the name is more "normal" now?
03:19.02devuanI played again with 'speaker-test -c2 -twav'
03:19.18devuanand the noise dissapeared and the woman spoken :D
03:19.25devuana normal behaviour
03:19.31man_in_shackgood news
03:19.33man_in_shacknext time, don't break it
03:19.37devuanbut the chanels are at levels 0:0
03:19.50devuanwith would mean 'mute' or so
03:20.00man_in_shackin theory :P
03:20.55devuan00-00: SUN4I-HDMI PCM 1c16000.hdmi-0 : SUN4I-HDMI PCM 1c16000.hdmi-0 : playback 1
03:21.12man_in_shacklooks better, yes
03:22.17devuanI don't know how to set the sound in OpenBox WM
03:23.37*** join/#devuan bgstack15 (
03:27.37devuanI believe that sound is muted..
03:27.45*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
03:28.16man_in_shackhave you tried muting it?
04:03.23devuanhow can I do that?
04:03.29devuanin the console?
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05:14.14*** join/#devuan frabbit (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
05:14.28frabbitxdm doesnt show up after boot
05:14.37frabbitnothing special in the logs
05:15.05frabbitwhen i sotp it and start it again it does show up
05:15.37frabbitbut thats no solve on taht machine
05:15.47frabbit*not a solution
05:19.08*** join/#devuan m3tti (
05:28.00gnarfacefrabbit: nothing in the Xorg log either?
05:28.34gnarfacefrabbit: you don't have 2 displays connected, do you?
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06:02.02frabbitgnarface: i have
06:03.14frabbitbut the vga gives no signal on tty7 and the laptop screen stays black with frozen undertline cursor in the upper left corner
06:03.35frabbit*underline = _
06:03.59gnarfacefrabbit: hmmm, not sure about that.  i did once have a issue with xdm showing up on the display i didn't expect when it was off
06:04.25gnarfacefrabbit: but in that instance, i wouldn't expect a cursor on the other screen
06:04.33gnarfacejust a plain black screen
06:04.47frabbitwill check the xorg log again but i couldnt find anyzhing in first place. i cleared them and rebooted
06:06.09*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
06:12.35frabbitxorg log is empty and in xdm log nothing special (version etc.)
06:13.04frabbitwhen i restart xdm the same will be posted to xdm.log
06:13.16*** join/#devuan aitor (
06:13.29aitorgood morning
06:13.38frabbiti know that on boot it shows that xdm is started
06:14.02frabbitaitor: good morning =)
06:14.05Guest35977frabbit: i replaced xdm in gnuinos by wdm
06:14.26frabbitchecks out wdm
06:14.52Guest35977anybody knows how to install internet explorer under beowulf? I tried it yesterday, but it was a fiasco
06:15.15frabbitGuest35977: wdmis inactive sinde 2005... o_0
06:15.20frabbit*wdm is
06:15.53Guest35977the most used web browser in the world
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06:16.03frabbitinterent explorer... ok i do better if i dont follow your software suggesstions xD
06:16.10Guest35977the most used... for downloading other web browsers
06:16.32gnarfaceGuest35977: i'd guess you would probably need wine-staging from and maybe some add-on winetricks (check the winehq appdb for hints) but if you have an actual copy of windows it might just be easier to install in a qemu guest
06:16.47frabbityea and google is the most used search engine, facebook the most used "social" medie platform etc. and they all suck! =P
06:18.36Guest35977frabbit: wasn't wdm supposed to be a replacement for xdm? At least, the code seems to be more updated
06:19.13frabbitwith apt u get taht wdm is oldstable now
06:19.43frabbitand xdm too xD
06:20.22frabbitany small dm that is still maintained? (except slim)
06:20.48Guest35977synaptic says: an xdm replament with a WindowMaker look (this is its short description)
06:21.09frabbitdont use synaptic it can cause problems...
06:21.13frabbitjust use apt
06:21.33gnarfacefrabbit: make sure you don't have consolekit and elogind both installed together
06:21.54frabbitgnarface: for getting xdm to wotk otb?
06:22.20gnarfacefrabbit: just check to be sure, or nothing will work right you know
06:22.42gnarfacefrabbit: could be a driver issue for all i know but you don't have anything in the logs... so it suggests a configuration issue of some sort
06:22.50gnarfacefrabbit: something could have gone wrong in the updates
06:22.58Guest35977i wonder why apt-cache overlooks long descriptions... is it an amprolla issue?
06:23.00frabbitok wait a sec... (need always to check such things on that beginer system, cause all the programs brings tons of dependencies with them...)
06:23.37gnarfacefrabbit: it's really easy to just run dpkg -l|grep consolekit
06:24.49frabbitgnarface: no package that contains the phrase consolekit installed there
06:25.00gnarfacefrabbit: dpkg -l |grep login
06:25.07frabbitgnarface: i know how to look for packages...
06:25.27frabbityeah i know
06:25.44gnarfacefrabbit: the issue is that i'm trying to help you debug it, and you'd rather argue with me about whether you should have to or not
06:25.54gnarfacefrabbit: it would take less typing to just answer my questions instead
06:25.59frabbitno consolekit but elogind as i said
06:26.20gnarfaceok, pretty sure from memory that xdm needs the other one
06:26.25gnarfacebut i'll have to boot a machine to check
06:26.55frabbitbut now elogind lets u run startx without set that bit thing
06:27.09Guest35977neither xdm nor wdm allows to root running X from the command line (i'm not talking about gksu or pkexec, but from the command line), and root needs to copy the .Xauthority from the current X's ownership
06:27.13gnarfacefrabbit: wait startx.... i thought you were trying to get xdm working?
06:27.22gnarfacefrabbit: using xdm would preclude using startx...
06:27.26frabbitgnarface: yes
06:27.43frabbiti want xdm to start after boot and thats not happening here
06:28.02frabbitbut i can run startx as non root user without setting that bit thing before
06:28.19frabbitsetuid or what it is called..
06:28.25gnarfacefrabbit: confirmed, xdm it is using consolekit here
06:28.32frabbitgnarface: ok thxä
06:28.43frabbitso good bye xdm xp
06:28.44gnarfacefrabbit: also, add yourself to the "video" group
06:28.49frabbitgnarface: ...
06:28.53Guest35977i'm building an imgage without polkit | dbus | consolekit | elogind
06:29.23Guest35977and replacing sysvinit by runit
06:29.40gnarfacefrabbit: you can have consolekit without policykit, just fyi (just uninstall policykit afterwards)
06:29.50frabbitxdm doesnt work without consolekit, slim cant work with wicd-gtk....
06:29.56Guest35977it works
06:30.06frabbitgnarface: fyi?
06:30.15Guest35977xdm without consolekit, i mean
06:30.22frabbitGuest35977: ok..
06:30.31frabbitdo i have to install ie first?
06:30.32gnarfacefrabbit: "for your information"
06:30.35Guest35977and slim has nothing to do with wicd
06:30.36frabbitxD ;)
06:30.52Guest35977but slim depends on dbus
06:30.54frabbitGuest35977: slim breaks when wicd-gtk is installed here
06:30.57Guest35977both depend on dbus
06:31.13frabbitoften not always ive tested this dozen times...
06:31.33Guest35977wicd has a lot of bugs
06:32.01frabbitGuest35977: maybe i dont use these guishes things for years
06:32.31frabbitlast time i had wicd-gtk installed on my own system was 5 or 6 years ago or something...
06:33.14frabbitgnarface: install cnsolekit, uninstall policykit
06:33.44frabbitwasnt that policykit needed for that mount thing in gui fm?
06:33.50Guest35977i'm going to take a coffee, see you later
06:34.08Guest35977hope to find a wizard for ie :)
06:34.15gnarfacefrabbit: heh, oh yea, probably, nevermind
06:34.24frabbitgnarface: lol xD
06:34.34gnarfacefrabbit: at a certain point, you can't get that type of stuff without making sacrifices
06:34.46gnarfacefrabbit: i prefer the extra typing method, myself.  there's less moving parts
06:35.08gnarfacefrabbit: you could just login at a text prompt and type startx every time
06:35.25frabbitgnarface: and thats only one reason why i try to avoid gui stuff...
06:35.31frabbitgnarface: i know
06:35.39frabbiti do this for years
06:35.52frabbitbut thats a beginner system
06:36.01gnarfacethey don't need it either
06:36.15gnarfacejust add the call to startx in their bash login scripts
06:36.21frabbitand.. well that old lady... run some commands as root yesterday accidentaly.. xD
06:36.31gnarfacedon't even give them the root password...
06:36.47frabbitnah thats no problem she can update the system
06:37.17gnarfacei'm not seeing a good argument against consolekit in your use case here
06:37.17frabbitshe can open a terminal in xfce run su type root passphrase and then run a script i wrote for her to update the system
06:37.41gnarfacealso, that's suicidal if she can't be trusted to remember "startx"
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06:37.48frabbitgnarface: hm? u said i need to deinstall policykit then...
06:38.00frabbitgnarface: she did this first time yesterday
06:38.02gnarfacejust forget about that, you don't need to deinstall anything
06:38.05frabbitstartx thing
06:38.16frabbitok u confusing me
06:38.24gnarfacethe only thing you need to deinstall is elogind
06:38.40gnarfacebecause it's probably what is breaking xdm for you right now
06:39.02frabbitfirst i should make clear if both are installed, then i should install consolekit and remove policykit now i should install consolekit besides policykit...
06:39.31frabbitand that elogind is only needed for run startx as non root?
06:39.52gnarfaceuh... no, startx doesn't require either
06:40.20gnarfaceconsolekit and elogind compete
06:40.54gnarfaceyou need to make sure only one or the other is installed, and it needs to be the right one for the gui.  xdm needs consolekit.  maybe slim needs elogind, i'm not sure.
06:41.11frabbitok ill check
06:41.20gnarfacestartx doesn't require any
06:41.53gnarfacesome drivers might require the suid root wrapper
06:43.31frabbit*errm* apt-get autoremove --purge elogind wants to temove alot of libs and blinken, kio and kollision....
06:43.55*** join/#devuan proteusguy (
06:44.18gnarfacethat's expected.  your only choice is to let it
06:44.20frabbitblinken and kollision are games
06:44.37frabbitlinux is broken xD
06:44.51frabbitcreates #linux-rant
06:45.28gnarfaceanything that is still working in the distro will allow you to reinstall it again after you install consolekit
06:46.02gnarfaceif a game actually got left behind in the release it's probably because the maintainer abandoned it
06:46.16gnarfaceor because you got it from another 3rd party repo to begin with
06:46.16frabbitganerr.. u mean i can reinstall the games after consolekit is installed?
06:46.35frabbitno, no 3rd party stuff here except libdvdcss2
06:46.51gnarfaceif they were from the distro and they weren't obsoleted with this release, they should work still
06:46.57gnarfacei would assume
06:47.03gnarfacebut i don't actually know anything about those games specifically
06:47.15frabbitok =(
06:47.28gnarfaceif you just try to install consolekit instead of remove elogind, what does it say?
06:47.55gnarfacedoes it say it will install consolekit and uninstall elogind, or does it just blindly install consolekit?
06:47.55frabbitkollision is one of her favorite games (good for older people to train concentration and reaction) i wont remove that one
06:48.17frabbitor.. wait
06:48.25gnarfacedoes it keep the games ?
06:48.57frabbitit will install consolekit when i purge elogind
06:49.10frabbitas i said
06:49.19frabbitbut i didnt execute that install
06:50.26gnarfacei see kollision in beowulf
06:50.30gnarfaceyou said this is beowulf, right?
06:52.07gnarfacekollision, sorry i just got it
06:52.10gnarfacethese are kde games
06:52.15gnarfacekde requires elogind
06:52.21frabbitah i see
06:52.22gnarfaceyou're stuck with elogind and you're stuck with kde
06:52.35frabbitshitty de here again xD
06:52.39frabbitgnarface: not ur fault
06:52.51frabbitdevs of the games fault
06:52.55gnarfacethat's the case for pretty much most stuff following this kname convention
06:53.00gnarfacenot just the games
06:53.05gnarfacejust fyi ;)
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09:38.25malade_mentalGlad to hear about the newsletter I received today! Happy third release to all the Devuan contributors!
09:41.44malade_mentalgonna install this quick quick quick!
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10:05.41*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
10:20.38*** join/#devuan crhylove (
10:21.07crhyloveHey all!  How do I get Compiz going in Devuan?
10:21.22crhyloveEverything else seems to be working, although this is a very old version of OBS.  LOL
10:21.29crhyloveBut it works pretty well, so....
10:24.19crhyloveMan is Devuan fast compared to Mint on the same machine....
10:24.26crhyloveHD crashed, so....  Here I am!
10:29.55gnu_srsHi, whit polkit etc packages do I need to get the shutdown/reboot back with beowulf/mate. It worked with ASCII :(
10:35.35frabbitgnu_srs: it works with elogind i think
10:35.47frabbitbut im not sure i forgot ^_^
10:36.30gnu_srsI prefer to use the consolekit version.
10:39.41fsmithredgnu_srs, usually policykit-1-gnome is the missing piece
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10:54.06crhylovehmmmmmm  Got compiz MOSTLY working, but I can't switch workspaces.  Or enable 3d cube.  LOL
10:59.08*** part/#devuan frabbit (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
11:01.41crhyloveOK, Got Desktop Wall to work and am able to switch workspaces....
11:03.47crhyloveFigured it out!  I needed apt install compiz-plugins
11:13.11gnu_srsfsmithred: Thanks but no improvement. I don't have any menu entries for shutdown/reboot??
11:16.01crhyloveGot almost everything working, except transparent desktop on rotate and transparent cube caps.
11:22.24crhyloveGoing for a reboot.... Maybe that will fix it?
11:22.50*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
11:29.59fsmithredgnu_srs, I think maybe there is no fix for that. In Release Notes it says that XFCE and Cinnamon are the only desktops that work with consolekit.
11:38.27*** join/#devuan crhylove (
11:38.57crhyloveWell, got it all working mostly!  Any idea how to get a newer version of OBS?
11:39.06crhyloveCompile from source, or.... ?
11:46.06*** join/#devuan lich (upu47nhjxa@bitreich/lurker/lich)
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11:47.11fsmithredwhat is OBS?
11:48.09gnarfacescreen recorder
11:48.51gnarfaceit doesn't do anything you can't do with ffmpeg, but it's popular because it is easy to set up
11:49.27climbingturtleversion 25 of obs-studio is possible to get from chimaera-repos
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12:02.48ShorTiebetter to compile it then try to pull it from chimera, imho
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12:06.35gnarfacedid anyone check for it in beowulf-backports?
12:06.53gnarfacethe work may have already been done
12:08.56gnu_srsfsmithred: I have a Debian box running mate with policykit where the System menu has a Shut Down entry!
12:10.05fsmithredgnu_srs, I'm guessing your debian box does not use consolekit
12:10.29gnu_srspolicykit versions: 0.105-26, mate-* versions 1.20.2-1 (same as devuan)
12:11.47fsmithrednot a devuan version of policykit-1?
12:12.41fsmithredrunning beowulf here
12:13.12fsmithredgnu_srs, while I have your attention, I have a question about eudev.
12:13.20gnu_srsYou are probably right: On that box I have elogind 241.3-1+debian1, and no polkit backends at all??
12:13.42fsmithredbetween ascii and jessie, the start command changed from 'udevd -d' to start-something
12:13.58climbingturtlegnarface: I think I checked beowulf-backports :)
12:14.02fsmithredcan you give me any information about that change?
12:14.51fsmithredmy problem is related to booting live-isos - when booting from optical media, I have to stop and start eudev an extra time to get it to recognize all the hardware and load right modules
12:16.24gnu_srsdo you mean:  between ascii and jessie->ascii and beowulf?
12:16.53fsmithredversion in ascii vs. version in beowulf
12:17.10*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
12:19.20gnu_srsI run beowulf on a laptop: ps aux|grep udevd; /sbin/udevd udevd; eudev 3.2.7-6
12:19.39fsmithredif start-stop-daemon --start $NAME --user root --quiet \
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12:20.27fsmithred^^^ that's in beowulf
12:20.32fsmithredin ascii: if udevd --daemon; then
12:20.44gnu_srsRemember: I was not involved in eudev until after 3.2.7-6
12:20.59fsmithredok, I was missing that detail
12:21.24fsmithredso I need to talk to Andreas?
12:21.42gnu_srssee the changelog
12:22.38gnu_srsMainly centurion and katolaZ
12:23.43*** join/#devuan petzi (
12:24.32fsmithredyeah, it looks like you were the first to get 3.2.9. I probably need to look at upstream changelogs
12:25.20fsmithreddo you know anything at all about start-stop-daemon?
12:25.36fsmithredoh, a man page!
12:28.32ShorTieor the commits on the eudev github ??
12:28.32gnu_srsThere is a bug in the eudev script in two places:   mkdir -p $OMITDIR/$NAME;  ln -sf $PIDFILE $OMITDIR/$NAME
12:28.32gnu_srsShould be: mkdir -p $OMITDIR/;  ln -sf $PIDFILE $OMITDIR/$NAME
12:30.31gnu_srsWe should probably fix this bug and create a 3.2.7-7 version before enabling 3.2.9-7~beowulf1 (that does not have that bug)
12:31.08fsmithredoh, that's in the older version?
12:31.25gnu_srsYes, that's why elogind runs as /sbin/udevd udevd
12:31.28fsmithredany idea what that bug would do?
12:31.46gnu_srsRuns udevd twice??
12:32.21fsmithredI'm running eudev a second time to fix a problem
12:32.28fsmithredin beowulf
12:32.38gnu_srsMaybe you can fix that bug in your live ISo to check?
12:32.52fsmithredmight be interesting to see if fixing the bug will cause the problem in ascii isos
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12:35.42gnu_srsfsmithred: Looking ate the bug above reveals that the $PIDFILE variable gets lost.
12:35.55fsmithredoh, that bug is in the beowulf version.
12:36.21fsmithredyeah, there's a leftover pidfile
12:36.37fsmithredok, I need to fix that in the beowulf version, right?
12:36.43gnu_srsAnd PIDFILE="/run/"
12:36.45fsmithredlooking at it now
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13:26.35teknopaulre: the lack of ext4, in expert mode, trying again on different hardware and its repeatable, this server has no wifi issue.  Just Ext2, FAT16, FAT32 or swap are available
13:28.36*** join/#devuan fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
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13:36.34karborsanhello folks
13:38.31karborsancould somone help me?? I would like to wildcard my localhost for development purposes. on MX Linux I used dnsmasq & it was working fine, however it is not working on Devuan 3.0 using the same configurations
13:40.53teknopaulwhat do you mean by  "wildcard my localhost"
13:41.54karborsanI mean to be able to forward abc.localhost:8075 to
13:43.00karborsanthe used the following comands
13:43.02karborsansudo apt-get install dnsmasqecho "address=/localhost/" > /etc/dnsmasq.d/localhost.confecho "prepend domain-name-servers;" >>  /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf/etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart
13:43.33karborsansudo apt-get install dnsmasq
13:43.40karborsanecho "address=/localhost/" > /etc/dnsmasq.d/localhost.conf
13:43.44karborsanecho "prepend domain-name-servers;" >>  /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
13:45.38teknopaulpotentially you need an extra period   echo 'address=/.localhost/'
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13:48.56karborsanstill not working
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13:56.10teknopaulwhats in  /etc/resolv.conf
13:56.19teknopauldevuan does not install resolvconf
13:56.52teknopaulnameserver [real server ip]
13:56.55teknopaulseemed to work for me
13:59.52karborsanso should I change something
14:00.46teknopaulTop trick: I added that to my network's dnsmasq server, and it seems to work across the network
14:01.09teknopaulin /etc/resolv.conf what do you have now
14:01.49teknopaulput nameserver  infromt
14:01.55crashoverridetry nameserver
14:02.01crashoverrideI heard it's really fast.
14:02.35teknopaulI suspect you have setup dnsmasq correctly but not told Linux to use it.
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14:03.29teknopaulSomething other than probably does not have your *.localhost trick setup
14:03.31karborsanwell, thank you guyz. it works fine now
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14:04.59teknopaulnp,   you might want to make sure DNSmasq is a caching DNS too: Linux is always going to hit first
14:05.58teknopaulthanks for the trick, this will save a bunch of junk in my /etc/hosts
14:06.13karborsanthank you all
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14:51.29teknopauldeb cdrom:   is left uncommented in /apt/etc/sources.list after fresh install   please insert the disc labeled  'Devuan GNU/Linux 3.0 (beowulf) amd64 - server 20200526'
14:51.51teknopaulits there commented and uncommented
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15:37.22gnu_srsHi again. Seems like installing elogind (replacing consolekit) in Beowulf also removes slim and installs lightdm. slim+mate+elogind not possible?
15:39.10gnu_srsOn the other hand: installing libpam-elogind (end elogind) does _not_ remove slim??
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16:24.42specingWill "fakeroot debian/rules binary" start rebuilding things if the source package changes?
16:24.58specingI forgot to exclude .git from the source package, and now it's huge and taking up a lot of space
16:25.11specingand the thing takes 3h to build
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16:48.16gnu_srsseems like installing libpam-elogind works with slim. Some dependency makes installation of elogind removing slim and installing lightdm??
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16:55.13fsmithredgnu_srs, I've seen some weird things like that around the whole login/policykit ecosystem.
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17:05.13gnu_srsfsmithred: Any luck with eudev?
17:05.52*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
17:05.55fsmithredI changed it, made an iso, booted. No change. But then I noticed that I only changed it in the start case but not restart.
17:06.01fsmithredplaying with it again now
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17:20.43fsmithredSat Jun  6 17:10:30 2020: [....] Setting up LVM Volume db file to read /run/udev/data/b8:0: No such file or directory
17:21.23fsmithredThere are a couple of places where /run/udev (or its absence) bites me in the ass.
17:22.22fsmithredThat log line is from /var/log/boot
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18:33.45GLAT-agent1Hello. I am selling GNU/Linux licenses. Contact me if you want one ($99 for single computer, $49 for each computer if purchasing for 25 or more machines).
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18:46.45kryptonHi, has someone here migrated to beowulf from ascii?
18:47.20humpelstilzchen[some time ago, yes
18:47.37kryptonI've lost the automatic module loading by udev....
18:48.28kryptonAfter booting, not all the necessary modules are loaded, but when I stop/start ude, they get loaded
18:49.30humpelstilzchen[are the links in rc?.d intact?
18:51.05kryptonYes, looks like it
18:51.44kryptonHmm, but there is no udev-start link in rc5.d
18:52.51kryptonThere is a start link in rcS.d, however.
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18:53.35humpelstilzchen[seems to be normal
18:53.52humpelstilzchen[I also have only rcS.d/S02eudev -> ../init.d/eudev
18:55.12fsmithredkrypton, I have the same problem but ONLY when booting live-DVD
18:55.25fsmithredand not when booting toram
18:55.32kryptonWell, I'm booting from disk
18:55.42fsmithredfirst I've heard of it happening there
18:55.44kryptonFrom my previous ascii install...
18:56.18fsmithredrc5.d shouldn't really matter unless you're using runlevel 5
18:56.27fsmithreddefault is 2
18:57.14fsmithredmy workaround for the live isos was to add a line to /etc/rc.local
18:57.52kryptonWell, in rc2.d there is no udev link, but humpelstilzchen[ does not need one there...
18:58.30fsmithreddon't have that here, either
18:59.23fsmithredyeah, it starts in rcS and that's all
18:59.53humpelstilzchen[makes sense to start in rcS
19:00.25fsmithredone bug was found today, you could try this:
19:00.27fsmithred<gnu_srs> There is a bug in the eudev script in two places:   mkdir -p $OMITDIR/$NAME;  ln -sf $PIDFILE $OMITDIR/$NAME
19:00.27fsmithred<gnu_srs> Should be: mkdir -p $OMITDIR/;  ln -sf $PIDFILE $OMITDIR/$NAME
19:00.32fsmithredin /etc/init.d/eudev
19:00.55fsmithredit's in the start and restart cases
19:01.26kryptonOK, will try that out, I've added a link in rc2 and tried a reboot
19:01.46fsmithredoh, ok. Let me know if that works.
19:02.09kryptonnope, didn't
19:02.52kryptonI'll apply the fix now
19:04.39kryptonI've gonna add /sbin to root's path real soon now...
19:04.46*** join/#devuan izh_ (~izh_@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
19:05.10fsmithredkrypton, echo 'ALWAYS_SET_PATH yes' >> /etc/default/su
19:05.28fsmithredthat will make it act like it used to
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19:06.03kryptonI don't use su, plain old root login
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19:06.29fsmithredthen you should have the sbins in your path
19:06.59*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
19:07.21_abc_Hello. Is there an update command for going from ascii straight to beowulf in one command?
19:07.22kryptonRight you are, fsmithred, my fault
19:07.37_abc_Keeping $HOME mostly untouched I assume.
19:07.41fsmithred_abc_, yeah, gimme a sec
19:08.09_abc_Hi fsmithred .
19:08.25fsmithredit's actually more than one command
19:08.33_abc_Up to 10 is ok :)
19:09.48kryptonbut still only a small number of modules loaded, even after the init script change... Perhaps something in the initramfs is missing? The list of the files in there is a lot shorter than the in the ascii initramfses.
19:10.00fsmithredI'm looking at that now
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19:10.07fsmithredabout to compare to ascii
19:12.43fsmithredbeowulf has all the same udev rules files as ascii plus one more.
19:12.54kryptonHmm.. udevd is now in /usr/sbin in the initram. It was in /sbin before..
19:13.38fsmithredanother thing that changes is in ascii the start command was 'udevd --daemon'
19:13.50fsmithredand in beowulf it uses start-stop-daemon
19:14.28fsmithredwe tried changing it and it did fix the problem, but I don't know if it's a good idea to do that. i.e. comment out 20 lines or so and replace with one line.
19:15.29*** join/#devuan gl4t-ag3nt (uid448245@gateway/web/
19:15.31gl4t-ag3ntI am selling GNU/Linux licenses. $99 for each computer if less than 25 computers, else $49.
19:17.19fsmithredkrypton, here's a discussion with some things we tried:
19:18.10kryptonI think here's something fishy in my filesystem: ls -al /sbin/udev* /usr/sbin/ude* : ls: cannot access '/usr/sbin/ude*': No such file or directory lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     12 Feb  9  2019  /sbin/udevadm -> /bin/udevadm -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 405896 Feb  9  2019  /sbin/udevd
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19:19.50kryptonShouldn't udev be in /usr/sbin in the final install, too?
19:19.59fsmithrednot here
19:20.13fsmithredI have /sbin/udevd
19:20.26fsmithredand /sbin/udevadm is a symlink to /bin/udevadm
19:20.45kryptonOK, same as in my install, same timestamps?
19:21.08fsmithredFeb 9 2019
19:22.12kryptonOK, and binary works, so that should be OK. Must be something with the scripts or the initramfs, I suppose.
19:22.22fsmithredwhat is different about your installation?
19:22.36fsmithredseems like a timing problem
19:22.46fsmithredlike it stops detecting hardware too soon
19:22.52kryptonWell, it's an upgrade from ascii.
19:23.04fsmithredor it gets stupid and forgets what it needs to look for
19:23.32fsmithredI think I've only booted upgrades in a VM
19:23.35fsmithrednot on hardware
19:23.37kryptonAnd the box is a quick 24 core Xenon
19:23.55kryptonSo, timing will be different :-)
19:24.25krypton(2 CPUs, HP Z600)
19:24.49_abc_nice box
19:25.23_abc_Is the kernel built with 24 cpu support? ...
19:25.32kryptonYeah, was a cheap (~300 Euros) buy on ebay, used of course
19:25.34fsmithredpretty sure it is
19:25.39kryptonAll CPUs are there
19:27.52kryptonWell, perhaps the wait during udev start does not work?
19:28.52kryptonHm, uses udevadm settle...
19:29.37ShorTiethat don't work all the time, imho
19:30.19ShorTiean extra sleep is needed sometimes
19:31.15kryptonDo you have a suggestion for the time of the sleep, ShorTie?
19:31.52ShorTiei use 4
19:32.27kryptonOK, I'll use 10 to be sure for the next reboot :-)
19:33.17ShorTiei'd stick it at the end of start
19:35.48kryptonI tried it in the if-section of the settle - that did not work
19:36.41kryptonTrying your suggestion now
19:36.41ShorTiejust above ;;
19:36.52ShorTieso it's the last thing
19:37.07kryptonYeah, maybe it runs into the timeout
19:37.59kryptonStill no go :-(
19:38.16kryptonlsmod | wc 35     125    1339
19:39.29krypton/etc/init.d/eudev stop && /etc/init.d/eudev start && lsmod | wc: 78     274    3293
19:40.49kryptonBut I could see from the bootup sequence that the script executed the sleep.
19:42.42fsmithredwe tried adding sleep in a couple places
19:42.43kryptonHmmm... There's a warning in dmesg now: random: udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
19:43.42kryptonJust after udevd[224]: starting version 3.2.7
19:47.08*** join/#devuan blkmanta (
19:48.18kryptonurandom gets inititalised way later than udev starts (udev: 02, urandom: 11)
19:48.37kryptonI'll try pushing it before udev
19:51.28kryptonEh, that looks strange:
19:51.30kryptonRun /init as init process
19:51.35kryptonudevd[224]: starting version 3.2.7
19:51.41kryptonrandom: udevd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
19:51.52kryptonudevd[225]: starting eudev-3.2.7
19:52.02kryptonin that order in the dmesg
19:52.58fsmithredthat's how mine starts
19:56.47fsmithredkrypton, did you initially install ascii with a desktop from the installer iso?
19:57.00fsmithredor did you start minimal and build up?
19:57.14kryptonfsmithred: from a minimal
19:58.13fsmithredI guess I should upgrade my laptop. So far, to test each change I have to make a new live-iso and then burn it to dvd.
19:58.37*** join/#devuan izh_ (~izh_@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
19:59.05kryptonAs long as you use rewritable DVDs ;-)
19:59.17fsmithreddon't have any rw
20:00.04kryptonWait, shouldn't be /dev mounted before udev starts?
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20:00.33fsmithredor does udev create /dev? There's no /dev in the initramfs
20:02.00*** join/#devuan izh_ (~izh_@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
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20:04.15fsmithredearly in the init script there are some tests for what udev needs
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20:05.44fsmithredand there's a comment about the time between mounting new /dev and running udevadm trigger.
20:05.51fsmithredwhich I don't fully understand
20:09.02fsmithredkrypton, did you try this fix?
20:09.39kryptonno, but I'll try
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20:14.05kryptonHey, fsmithred, that did the trick!
20:14.40fsmithredyeah, it would be nice to know if cutting out all that other code will cause trouble
20:14.53kryptonlsmod | wc:      78     274    3293
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20:15.15fsmithredlsmod |grep snd
20:15.40kryptonlsmod | grep snd
20:15.42kryptonsnd_hda_codec_realtek   122880  1
20:15.44kryptonsnd_hda_codec_generic    86016  1 snd_hda_codec_realtek
20:15.46kryptonsnd_hda_codec_hdmi     57344  1
20:15.46fsmithredI get around 140 when everything loads correctly, around 80-90 when it screwed up
20:15.48kryptonsnd_hda_intel          49152  0
20:15.50kryptonsnd_hda_codec         151552  4 snd_hda_codec_generic,snd_hda_codec_hdmi,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec_realtek
20:15.52kryptonsnd_hda_core           94208  5 snd_hda_codec_generic,snd_hda_codec_hdmi,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_hda_codec_realtek
20:15.54kryptonsnd_hwdep              16384  1 snd_hda_codec
20:15.56kryptonsnd_pcm               114688  4 snd_hda_codec_hdmi,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_hda_core
20:15.58kryptonsnd_timer              36864  1 snd_pcm
20:16.00kryptonsnd                    94208  8 snd_hda_codec_generic,snd_hda_codec_hdmi,snd_hwdep,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_hda_codec_realtek,snd_timer,snd_pcm
20:16.02kryptonsoundcore              16384  1 snd
20:16.42fsmithredyou're still here?  I thought for sure you would get bounced.
20:16.55kryptonNo I'm here
20:17.07fsmithredsnd were among the missing in my tests. Also wireless.
20:17.25kryptonI was missing my radeon DRM
20:18.04kryptonBut it's all there now, even coretemp, kvm, i7core_edac pcc_cpufreq, etc.
20:18.14kryptonWas all missing before
20:18.41fsmithredI've been fighting with this for a couple weeks
20:18.53fsmithredstill don't really know what the problem is
20:19.04kryptonBooting is different now as well, as the fbdev is now used as expected.
20:22.18kryptonWell, I still have the urandom warnings in my dmesg as well.
20:23.27kryptonBut later on udev gets started twice again:
20:23.37kryptonrandom: crng init done
20:23.39krypton[    7.373001] random: 3 urandom warning(s) missed due to ratelimiting
20:23.41krypton[    7.861093] udevd[617]: starting version 3.2.7
20:23.43krypton[    8.052203] udevd[617]: specified group 'kvm' unknown
20:23.45krypton[    8.278318] udevd[618]: starting eudev-3.2.7
20:24.03kryptonAnd after that all modules are inserted
20:24.36fsmithredI have urandom warnings in ascii, too
20:25.17kryptonYes, me too
20:25.33kryptonSo, that's probably a red herring
20:28.52kryptonstart-stop-daemon has been upgraded as well
20:29.01krypton-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 44200 Jun  3  2019 /sbin/start-stop-daemon
20:29.16kryptonon ascii it's smaller
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20:35.46kryptonI think that start-stop-daemon is just wrong in that eudev script. udev is started before already and will not be started again by start-stop-daemon --start.
20:36.34kryptonI don't understand why udev is already started, though ;-)
20:36.53fsmithredhow do you know it's started?
20:37.09kryptonBecause I have that line in dmesg:
20:37.23krypton[    2.195982] udevd[224]: starting version 3.2.7
20:37.38kryptonAnd later:
20:37.46krypton[    7.861093] udevd[617]: starting version 3.2.7
20:37.52krypton[    8.278318] udevd[618]: starting eudev-3.2.7
20:38.00kryptonSo it gets started 3 times.
20:38.19fsmithredsame here
20:38.47fsmithredtwice at around 3 seconds and once at 17
20:38.49kryptonOnly after the last of the starts all modules load up
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20:41.46fsmithredsame here except in the live-dvd not all the modules load
20:42.05kryptonI just go back to the start-stop script to see if the timing is different
20:42.48fsmithred[   38.892669] udevd[765]: starting eudev-3.2.7
20:42.48fsmithred[   44.132388] udevd[765]: cleanup idle workers
20:42.48fsmithred[   44.132452] udevd[765]: Validate module index
20:42.48fsmithred[   44.132554] udevd[1395]: Unload module index
20:43.16fsmithred[   44.132823] udevd[765]: worker [1395] exited
20:43.16fsmithred[   44.153090] udevd[765]: seq 2521 queued, 'add' 'module'
20:43.16fsmithred[   44.153317] udevd[765]: seq 2521 forked new worker [1569]
20:43.16fsmithred[   44.153478] udevd[1569]: seq 2521 running
20:43.26kryptonThe first line here is:
20:43.33krypton[    2.192779] udevd[224]: starting version 3.2.7
20:43.51fsmithred[   44.153529] udevd[1569]: no db file to read /run/udev/data/+module:sunrpc: No such file or directory
20:43.52kryptonThen the warnings about urandom and then:
20:44.00fsmithredI'm running in debug mode
20:44.06krypton[    7.932107] udevd[619]: starting version 3.2.7
20:44.08krypton[    8.092937] udevd[619]: specified group 'kvm' unknown
20:44.09fsmithredset it in /etc/udev/udev.conf
20:44.10krypton[    8.308626] udevd[619]: starting eudev-3.2.7
20:44.49kryptonLooks the same to me as in the non-working case.
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20:46.29kryptonOK, rebooting with debug now, non-working case
20:47.42fsmithredneed coffee - back in 10-15 min
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20:48.47kryptonI'll just check the debug output, then I'll go to bed...
20:49.21Guest902there is a mistake in the packaging of runit in debian, i guess...
20:51.18Guest902the location of the services is arbitrary: it can be /service, /etc/service, /etc/sv...
20:51.30*** join/#devuan miojo (~miojo@
20:52.01Guest902Artix (base on arch), for example, uses /etc/runit/sv
20:53.26Guest902The folder "/etc/runit/runsvdir" should contain symlinks to those services you want to use
20:54.33kryptonDuring the last startup of udevd, the lines after startup are the same, including:
20:54.42krypton[    7.857477] udevd[616]: Failed to symlink /proc/kcore to /dev/core: File exists
20:54.45Guest902you can define a lot of services in, say /etc/sv/, and use only a few of them creating only a few of symlinks at /etc/runit/runsvdir
20:54.58kryptonuntil: [    7.884542] udevd[616]: header size             80 bytes
20:55.00krypton[    8.274786] udevd[617]: starting eudev-3.2.7
20:55.46kryptonAfter that, udev goes different ways. In the OK case the next line from udev is:
20:55.54krypton[   12.858428] udevd[819]: starting '/etc/console-setup/'
20:56.18kryptonAnd output is switched to the frame buffer
20:57.22kryptonWhere in the fail case, the next line is:
20:57.25krypton[   14.078079] udevd[616]: cleanup idle workers
20:59.33Guest902Sorry krypton: i'll finish with the issue concerning to runit...
21:00.10Guest902But first i rectify: the symolinks are located in /etc/runit/runsvdir/default
21:01.57Guest902in the packaging of debian, the *whole* /etc/runit/runsvdir/default point to /etc/service, as you can see in debian/runit-init.links, but the folder used for the services is /etc/sv
21:01.58kryptonGuest902: fsmithred and me were debugging the udevd failures in beowulf, but I'm tired now anyway
21:02.34Guest902krypton: i know, i read it before
21:03.02kryptonOK, bye
21:03.53Guest902i'll build my own packages of runit, and i'll share an image of gnuinos using it as init system tomorrow
21:04.00Guest902krypton: bye :)
21:04.02*** join/#devuan n0a110w (~n0a110w@unaffiliated/n0a110w)
21:07.11fsmithredGuest902, how much do you need to do for runit to work?
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21:07.41Guest902hi fsmithred
21:07.48fsmithreddoes it just work out of the box if you install it and remove sysvinit?
21:08.10Guest902this is my goal
21:11.49Guest902aside of the required changes in the grub meny entry
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21:17.03fsmithredwhat changes in grub entry?
21:18.08Guest902sorry: /sbin/runit-init has been renamed to /sbin/init
21:18.58Guest902and also changes in the list of the allowed init systems: runit is missing
21:19.30fsmithredwhere is that list?
21:20.52Guest902fsmithred: download the sources for grub and have a look at the following quilt patch: "mkconfig_other_inits.patch"
21:21.29fsmithredyou do know that beowulf point-release will have runit as a choice in the installer?
21:21.29Guest902line nº28:
21:21.31Guest902+SUPPORTED_INITS="sysvinit:/lib/sysvinit/init systemd:/lib/systemd/systemd upstart:/sbin/upstart"
21:21.58Guest902i didn't know
21:22.45Guest902then, you'll need to retouch the patch above
21:24.23fsmithredstuff for the point release is/will be in beowulf-proposed-updates
21:27.47Guest902i'm also enabling services for the virtual tty's, so that they can work with runit, leaving the tty7 (and subsequents) for the Xsession
21:28.42Guest902time to dinner, see you tomorrow
21:30.39devuanShorTie, til now I have this list of packages:
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21:34.27crhyloveHow do I get an updated version of OBS-studio in Devuan?
21:34.39crhyloveEverything is working great, but .1 is pretty old and seems a tad buggy.
21:34.42*** join/#devuan absinthe (~absinthe@unaffiliated/absinthe)
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21:38.41crhyloveAlso is there a way to add an android device on the local network as a secondary webcam?
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21:58.47sixwheeledbeastThey have instructions on how to build the latest version for debian via there git on the website.
22:00.04sixwheeledbeastobs can act a bit odd sometimes, it's mostly resolved by being persistent with it.
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22:04.22crhylovesixwheeledbeast, Yeah, I've been a long time OBS user.
22:04.38crhyloveThis version the chroma key seems to work better...  But maybe I will build the newer one.
22:04.49crhyloveAny chance a newer one can get added to the repos before beowulf?
22:05.40sixwheeledbeastthat's all down to debian and the package maintainers
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22:07.36sixwheeledbeastbullseye and sid have the latest release from what i can tell.
22:08.13crhyloveWould be great to steal a couple of small items from Mint for Devuan.
22:08.21crhyloveSome of the Mate Config items....
22:08.30crhyloveBut man, Devuan is running great for me!
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22:11.38gnu_srsfsmithred:,krypton: I did also see from dmesg that udevd is started 3 times, see The first two shouldn't. Where does this come from?
22:11.59fsmithredI don't know
22:12.33fsmithredkrypton is booting an upgraded installed system (ascii to beowulf) and I'm booting a live-dvd
22:13.39fsmithredand if I boot to ram the problem doesn't happen (whole squashfs gets read into ram)
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22:52.40ShorTieThinkz, that sounds funky
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23:31.45sauron-need help. searched in internet but couldnt find the answer. i need to delete (not just hide them, actually delete those lines from the file) except the last line
23:34.29sauron-for example: grep 'tree' story . now from that result delete ALL (not hide) except the last one
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