IRC log for #devuan on 20200531

00:01.18*** join/#devuan mtnman (
00:01.48mtnmanis there a channel for devuan embedded?
00:02.53*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
00:26.03XenguyI need somebody!
00:26.14gnarfaceif mtnman comes back, he's probably looking for #devuan-arm
00:26.21XenguyNot just anybody!
00:26.23*** join/#devuan beaglebonius (
00:27.44beagleboniushello, i have installed devuan_ascii_2.0.0_armhf_beagleboneblack.img to an sd card and booted the BBB from that card.  how can i gain network access?  neither wicd nor manpages are available on that system....
00:28.50Xenguyoops, try the netinstall instead?
00:30.17beagleboniusi don't think netinstall is available for the beaglebone black, i have only located disk images for it.
00:32.17Xenguygood luck then
00:32.42beagleboniusthank you
00:33.46*** join/#devuan frabbit (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
00:34.08frabbittheres this open firmware package for atheros: firmware-ath9k-htc
00:34.26frabbitin debian:
00:34.54frabbitit contains the open-firmware version:
00:35.20frabbitis it possible to make this packages in devuan too? cant get it throught backports...
00:36.20frabbit*available in devuan ascii
00:36.33frabbitit is available in beowulf:
00:41.59*** join/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
00:42.09frabbit_or can i just download it and install it with dpkg, it has no dependencies, will ist cause problems anyway?
00:42.24frabbit_arg.. disconnected again... >=o
00:46.20Xenguyfrabbit: direct install with dpkg should work fine, just don't mix versions
00:46.54XenguyThere's also 'checkinstall'
00:47.06XenguyI really like that one
00:49.10frabbitXenguy: ok. nah theres no version of that package in ascii.
00:54.56frabbitXenguy: thx =)
00:55.29*** part/#devuan DNied (~zvz@
01:03.20frabbithmm.. can i verify this downloaded packe now somehow?
01:03.26*** join/#devuan rich__ (
01:04.00frabbiti downloaded it over a non https mirror...
01:04.23frabbittheres the debian-archive-kexring here, can i do it with that?
01:04.52frabbit*debian-archive-keyring package
01:05.20frabbitroot itself has no keys when i run "gpg --list-keys" with root
01:10.42frabbiti downloaded the binary btw.
01:17.49*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (
01:19.59*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
01:26.17*** join/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
01:30.37frabbitthe mirrir doesnt offer a .sign or something
01:38.49frabbitwheres that f****** key!
01:40.46MinceRmaybe you can just get gpg to get the key from or or something
01:43.54frabbitMinceR: yeah i thought so but that gpg server thing doesnt work
01:44.16frabbitthere were a talk here or in debianfork yesterday with... ah who was that
01:44.48frabbitMinceR: can i extract the key from the debain keyring package?
01:46.00*** join/#devuan fylgje (
01:46.43MinceRi'm not sure, but probably is often down
01:54.24frabbithm... i cant remember when these keyservers were last working correctly...
01:54.39frabbiti always download keys direct from the developer pages
01:55.50fsmithredadd beowulf main repo, update, apt-get download firmware-ath9k-htc, remove beowulf repo, update again.
01:56.11fsmithredbut you probably should get the source and backport it yourself
01:59.19frabbitfsmithred: sure thats a way i know too. but it must be possible to get the debian package signing key ....
01:59.30frabbitasc sign and so on...
01:59.33fsmithredyou should already have it
01:59.45frabbitin debian-archive-keyring
02:00.09fsmithredyes, debian-archive-keyring
02:00.32frabbitrigth. so how to verify now my downloaded foobar.deb with that key?
02:01.13frabbitdownloaded from an unencrypted offical debian ftp mirror in germany
02:01.49fsmithredI don't know
02:03.38frabbitim searching for about an hour now how to extract that key or use that keyring package but cant find anything...
02:04.20frabbitthere should be a tool to use the keys in that package when it is not possible to extract them
02:17.40*** join/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
02:33.05frabbiton next install i will change to beowulf
02:45.39*** join/#devuan sb35 (~sb35@
02:46.21*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@
03:10.05*** join/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
03:13.36*** join/#devuan rich__ (~rich@
03:33.57*** join/#devuan golinux_ (
03:33.57*** join/#devuan golinux_ (~golinux@devuan/developer/golinux)
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03:43.39*** join/#devuan beaglebonius (
03:50.22*** join/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
04:01.31*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
04:05.50*** join/#devuan MasterdonX (~masterdon@
04:22.27*** part/#devuan frabbit (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
04:39.56*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:17.23*** join/#devuan tillo (znc@pentoo/developer/tillo)
05:44.09*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
05:48.32*** join/#devuan sb35 (~sb35@
05:49.11*** join/#devuan frabbit (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
05:50.07frabbitgnarface: the WLAN-Stick works with wicd-gtk ive tested it on someone elses computer with devuan and xfce and so on that ive installed for that person.
06:05.38*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
06:24.50*** join/#devuan zatumil (
06:32.24*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
06:50.30*** join/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
07:28.52*** join/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
07:49.54*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
07:50.07*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
08:05.11*** join/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
08:33.19*** join/#devuan phyre (~phyre___@
08:39.43*** join/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
08:44.29*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
08:49.02engideaI have installed devuan3.0 and it is GREAT !! Thank you all (yes, I also have donated some money)
08:49.31engideaIf you use KDE, just install that and not the default desktop, otherwise install fails
08:50.21engideaAlso, at the moment I have to $ pulseaudio --start to get sound working, not a major issue, just telling
08:53.47*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
08:57.20*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
09:13.06*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
09:19.00*** join/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
10:01.20*** join/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
10:01.57*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
10:17.11*** join/#devuan rsx (
10:24.15*** join/#devuan kairu (
10:33.38*** join/#devuan frabbit (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
10:53.45*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
10:59.44*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
11:11.55*** join/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
11:46.13*** join/#devuan frabbit (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
12:05.06*** join/#devuan scaniatrucker (
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12:26.30*** join/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
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14:00.51*** join/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
14:25.52*** join/#devuan asbesto (
14:54.48*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
14:58.25Digitanyone got minbrowser working in devuan?
14:59.04Digiti got from installing its deb, in ceres.  idk, i probably need to upgrade again.
14:59.08*** join/#devuan devuanfree (
14:59.41devuanfreeWhy has devuan beowulf live RC2 in its current name? Becuase it is still sort of a beta version?
15:00.18fsmithreddevuanfree, because it's better to call it RC2 than to say if's done and then find out it's not.
15:00.35fsmithredif I did everything right, those files will be renamed
15:01.00fsmithredlast issue to be fixed was that some kernel modules did not get loaded when booting from optical media
15:01.15devuanfreefsmithred: sorry for the question, but I am not familiar with the terminology.
15:01.26fsmithredso that sound didn't work in the live session, which makes it difficult to test your hardware
15:01.42fsmithredasking questions is fine
15:01.52*** join/#devuan bgustav (~bgustav@
15:01.56frabbitDigit: what is minbrowser?
15:02.08devuanfreefsmithred: so, I know that when I find a beta version it is still not advisable to use it if security is important, but I've never found myself wondering what to do with a RC2 version (whether or not I should use it)
15:02.30fsmithredRC="Release Candidate"
15:02.47frabbit16:58 < fsmithred> last issue to be fixed was that some kernel modules did not get loaded when booting from optical media - oh! =o thats good to know!
15:02.59frabbiti always install an os that way
15:03.01fsmithredwhich means, "We think it's done, but just in case we missed something, we've covered our butts."
15:03.31devuanfreefsmithred: ok, I think I understand better that way.
15:03.33fsmithredfrabbit, yeah, I think wireless was affected by that, too.
15:03.58frabbitfsmithred: ok.. so i shouldnt change now to beowulf
15:04.01fsmithredanother thing to consider is that we are providing mostly debian packages that have not been changed
15:04.14fsmithredso most of the packages have been stable for about a year
15:04.18frabbitthats sad... the plan was to do it in the next time
15:04.29fsmithredour own packages have been ready since the beginning of this year
15:04.51fsmithredbeowulf has been stable in the generic sense for about 5-6 months
15:05.05frabbityeah ive heard that here before
15:05.10fsmithredbut we can't officially release it until all the installation media are bug-free
15:05.19frabbitbut that optical install thing is a problem for me...
15:05.34frabbit17:00 < frabbit> i always install an os that way
15:05.44devuanfreefsmithred: well, a few months ago I downloaded the beta version, but there were still problems with the desktop (it sort of froze with my hardware, but I don't remember right now, it was around 3 months ago)
15:05.45frabbitim not trusting any net install
15:06.10fsmithredfrabbit, you don't need network to install from the live isos
15:06.21fsmithredyou don't need sound to install the desktop-live
15:06.33fsmithredyou might need sound to install the minimal-live if you are blind.
15:06.37frabbitfsmithred: yeah and i burn that isos to a dvd
15:06.54fsmithredyeah, and you can boot that dvd and install the system.
15:06.57frabbiti need braille then
15:06.59fsmithredand all will be fine.
15:07.14fsmithredminimal-live will talk to you if you want.
15:07.18frabbiti can make minimal expert install from live?
15:07.34frabbitand thats what i want
15:07.37fsmithredlive isos install what is on the medium
15:07.40devuanfreefrabbit: if you are using the LIVE version, you usually don't install it, just run it and use it, if you intend to install to your computer use the non-live version, which is complete now
15:07.46fsmithredthen you need installer dvd
15:07.52frabbitdevuanfree: i know thx ;)
15:07.58frabbitfsmithred: correct
15:08.45*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
15:09.36frabbitfsmithred: will it always be that the optical media boot is one of the last thing that will be worked on it? in the future releases i mean?
15:09.47fsmithredI hope not
15:09.55frabbitfsmithred: ok =) me too
15:09.57fsmithredthis problem came to my attention just a couple weeks ago
15:10.16fsmithredI had not made a live CD or DVD in a couple of years
15:10.30fsmithredit's never been a problem in the 10 years I've been making live isos
15:11.05fsmithredand it's a weird problem. Doesn't happen if you boot from usb or if you boot optical media to ram.
15:11.05devuanfreebut is it fixed now?
15:11.24frabbiti thought the last days that im not so helpful for devuan project but asking a lot of questions and stuff.. i cannot code so i thought it would be good to run "testing" to test it out and can help with reporting any bugs (if i find some)
15:11.28fsmithredalso happened occasionally when booting iso in qemu
15:11.46fsmithredI hope you don't find any
15:11.51frabbitfsmithred: =D
15:12.12fsmithredwe want to get this out. And we plan to do a point-release soon. There are some packages already staged for that.
15:12.18frabbitno i mean that could be my way to support devuan, running the latest version etc
15:12.27*** join/#devuan scaniatrucker (
15:12.34fsmithredwe always need people to test stuff
15:12.39frabbitthe optical media boot thing is fixed?
15:12.57frabbit17:08 < devuanfree> but is it fixed now? 17:09 < fsmithred> yeah
15:12.58fsmithredyeah, fixed as in workaround. It works.
15:13.02frabbitoh cool!
15:13.12frabbitthen i will change to beowulf soon
15:13.28fsmithredif you have sufficient ram, I suggest booting to ram anyway.
15:13.43fsmithredit takes a few minutes to boot, but then everything you do after that is fast.
15:13.53fsmithredplenty for an install
15:14.15frabbitso.. boot the expert installer to ram
15:14.17fsmithrednot plenty to browse youtube
15:14.26fsmithrednot possible
15:14.38frabbitno was a joke xD
15:14.39fsmithredboot to ram is for live-isos only
15:14.58frabbityeah but i want that expert installer
15:15.12fsmithredwhat's in expert that you need?
15:15.14frabbitthat thing is working too with optical media right?
15:15.30fsmithredthe optical media problem is only with the live isos
15:15.40frabbitfsmithred: its more about what isnt there that i dont need =D
15:15.44fsmithredand you might not even notice the problem
15:15.46frabbitfsmithred: oh i see
15:18.32devuanfreefsmithred: When a Release Candidate version moves on to Stable Release, is there any indication in its name about which RC version was the final one that did not change (RC1, RC2, RC3, ...) _
15:20.12frabbiti dont understand the question
15:20.46fsmithredI do
15:20.49fsmithredand the answer is no
15:21.01fsmithredwhy would you care about that?
15:21.41devuanfreeIf one were to download RC2 for instance and then, in a few weeks, the stable version is ready, to know that it is the same and it is not necessary to download again
15:22.07frabbitdevuanfree: u can just upgrade
15:22.12fsmithredcheck the sha256sum file for the new one and see if the checksums are the same as the old one
15:22.42fsmithredand yeah, once you get it installed, you don't need to install it again.
15:23.15fsmithredif you want to use the live iso as a live system, I highly recommend that you make your own live iso.
15:23.34fsmithredmodified for your use case
15:24.14fsmithredinstall system in vm, configure the way you want, run refractasnapshot, use the live-iso you just made.
15:25.47frabbitfsmithred: ive done that once =)
15:25.55frabbitworks fine
15:26.01devuanfreevm? Last time I tried to install virtualbox it was not possible. Is it removed perpetually?
15:26.27Digitfrabbit: a low distractions web browser.  i learned of it from
15:28.04frabbitDigit: hmm.. looks like chrom stuff... what is it based on?
15:28.19fsmithreddevuanfree, I think ascii-backports has virtualbox
15:28.27*** join/#devuan Woodi (
15:28.49fsmithredand you can always use the oracle version
15:28.59fsmithredascii=stretch, beowulf=buster
15:29.14fsmithredor use qemu instead
15:29.41fsmithredor install on a spare partition instead of a vm
15:30.30devuanfreeI see, well, I have to go now. I will think about this, thank you very much for your help. See you soon.
15:30.32frabbitDigit: and it looks to me like these webbroser for mobile phones
15:32.04fsmithredthere's a chromium-sandbox package. Is there a minbrowser-sandbox package?
15:34.20fsmithredDigit, ls -l /usr/lib/min/chrome-sandbox
15:35.58Digit-rwsr-xr-x 1 501 staff 6259104 May 15 17:53 /usr/lib/min/chrome-sandbox*   # o_O
15:36.59frabbitDigit: theres a wtf?! emot in our output? cool! =D
15:37.28Digitn_n noh.  i just added that.  the 501 and staff being novel to me.
15:37.46Digitbut no minbrowser-sanbox in there.
15:38.36frabbitDigit: ;P
15:39.26*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
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15:51.49*** join/#devuan Akuli (
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15:59.00fsmithredthat looks right
16:00.10fsmithredI mean that looks like 4755. Not sure about the 501 staff
16:00.39fsmithred501 is first user id in those rpm-based distros
16:01.07fsmithredor second?
16:01.56fsmithredand it shows as a number because there's no user with that ID on your system.
16:02.34*** part/#devuan frabbit (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
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16:58.55*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
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17:47.04*** join/#devuan gavlee (~gav@unaffiliated/gavlee)
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18:44.18engideaanother small issue coming up with devuan3.0 is when using sddm, currently when installed the theme is quite "roough", it would be nicer to install the sddm-theme-breeze
18:45.39*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
18:51.32golinuxengidea: The only theming provided by Devuan is for the default Xfce desktop.  Any other theming, you are on your own.
18:56.55*** join/#devuan Wafficus (~Wafficus@2601:483:4600:296::9faa)
18:57.29WafficusHi there, question about Devuan. Is the "netinstall" similar to the Debian "netinstall" installer?
18:58.00WafficusI ask because I recently redid my laptop and desktop for Debian minimum stable but found out how much systemd sucks, and I see that Devuan looks like a good alternative
19:04.22*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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19:23.58LordVadercould you guys pleas give me an advice? I'm usign devuan beowulf (upgraded from ascii) on my | arm board and I want to compile native GCC there. The build ends up like this:               |
19:24.31LordVaderExactly the same invocation of configure on my pc box with u19.10 ends up flawlessly with a fresh GCC
19:26.38LordVaderwhat's the direction to move?
19:32.54*** join/#devuan mcr (
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19:39.45golinuxLordVader: Might be better to ask that question on #devuan-arm
19:46.02LordVaderok thanks
19:51.57*** join/#devuan LordVader (~lvd@
19:57.25*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
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20:14.16lvdanother funny thing just found: in my 32bit 686 virtual machine, which is also beowulf upgraded from ascii, there is no g++ (only gcc)! Weird bug... :)
20:15.57fsmithredlvd, did you install build-essential?
20:16.42lvdprobably no, but now I see, there are two different packets, one is for gcc, other for g++
20:16.46lvdsorry for noise :)
20:17.12fsmithredand there is build-essential which is a metapackage that gives you both of those and a few other things
20:17.58*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
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