IRC log for #devuan on 20200524

00:00.29gnarfaceeither i'm misdiagnosing the issue, or there's another step
00:01.00gnarfacedid you have xfce4-appmenu-plugin installed too?
00:01.21gnarfaceand this?  xfce4-settings
00:01.26gnarfacei'm just asking as a sanity check
00:01.59frabbitonly settings
00:03.35gnarfacehas anyone here actually done this before?
00:04.00gnarfacei'm sure someone has
00:04.09frabbitxfce4-appmenu-plugin doesnt exist in the repos?
00:04.29gnarfaceoh, i'm looking at ceres, ignore that then
00:04.37frabbitoh ok =)
00:06.06gnarfacewait, were you on ascii or beowulf?
00:06.17gnarfaceon ascii maybe it is xfce4-topmenu-plugin
00:06.52gnarfacetry this: apt-cache search xfce.*menu
00:07.17fsmithreddid you figure it out yet?
00:07.33fsmithredwhisker menu, I mean
00:07.49gnarfacefsmithred: do you know what's going on with this?
00:08.00fsmithredright-click on the panel, select Panel, Add new item,
00:08.07fsmithredthe select Whisker Menu
00:08.16fsmithredit puts a blue icon on the panel that opens the menu
00:09.34fsmithredxfce4-whiskermenu-plugin is all I installed
00:11.06fsmithred^^^ is in ascii, too (I'm in beowulf)
00:15.40frabbitgnarface: ascii
00:17.43frabbitfsmithred: i see done this
00:18.09frabbitbut it is the same menu like the one with the xfce logo in the left corner on the panel...
00:19.18fsmithredhow did you install xfce?
00:20.06frabbitminimal friends of devuan style
00:20.43fsmithredare you using any other xfce panel plugins?
00:20.54frabbitgnarface: ill install xfce4-topmenu-plugin now
00:21.08gnarfacefrabbit: no no, i would not
00:21.23gnarfacefrabbit: if fsmithred says it is the whiskermenu one, he's probably right
00:21.31frabbitoh ok
00:21.40frabbitthe i remove it again
00:21.41gnarfaceare you fully updated?
00:21.44fsmithredgo look at screenshots of whisker menu to see if that's what you want
00:21.50frabbitsure every day
00:24.17frabbitfsmithred: why ive seen that on my computer
00:24.36fsmithredthat's what it looks like
00:24.48frabbitand it doesnt do that what i want: make a dark theme work aon all menus, windows etc.
00:24.54fsmithredI just added it in ascii. Works the same, but looks slightly different.
00:25.00frabbitfsmithred: i know i had installed it =)
00:25.10fsmithredright click on the whisker icon for preferences
00:25.20frabbityeah different look but same function
00:25.27fsmithredand no, that won't give you a dark theme. You need to install a window manager theme
00:26.06frabbityeah i already did...
00:26.24fsmithredyou found a dark theme?
00:26.40frabbitbut these themes i downloaded are not working everywhere
00:26.46frabbitfsmithred: yes
00:26.51frabbitnot only one
00:28.12frabbitatm im looking here:
00:29.11fsmithrednot working everywhere - you mean some apps don't look right but some do?
00:29.46fsmithreda lot of themes don't work with gtk3
00:30.19frabbithmm atm i have numix and the menu is dark, but thunar not, settings not and many others too...
00:30.21fsmithredand even if they do, some of gtk3 is pretty bad
00:30.38frabbitNumix Holo is a flat, slick theme containing:
00:30.40frabbit- A GTK+ 2/3 theme
00:31.10frabbiti remember that on openbox tehres a darktheme
00:32.07frabbitfsmithred: do u have xfce with a dark theme that works?
00:32.48fsmithredI use the devuan themes (darkpurpy or cinnabar)
00:33.01fsmithredeven in openbox
00:33.57fsmithredNightmare and Onyx in openbox
00:34.06fsmithredwith some variations
00:34.42frabbityeah onyx was that i used in the past with openbox
00:35.02frabbitdarkpurpy sounds good where to get this?
00:35.20fsmithredapt install clearlooks-phenix-darkpurpy-theme
00:35.25fsmithredis probably not what you want
00:35.46fsmithredit's the default desktop theme in ascii if you install xfce from the installer isos
00:35.51fsmithredbecause it's not a dark theme
00:36.04frabbiti donnu how that looks
00:36.18fsmithredkinda like
00:36.18*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
00:36.37fsmithreda lot like it - same colors
00:37.47frabbitoh thats not dark then
00:38.04frabbitonly with dark reader addon for firefox
00:39.12*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:637:e600:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
00:39.50fsmithredoh, you might need to add some packages
00:41.17fsmithredpossibly: gtk2-engines gtk3-engines-xfce
00:41.25frabbitnah.. im not in the mood anymore... i rollback my system now
00:41.47frabbitevery gui programm should come with a dark theme
00:42.04frabbitbetter for the eyes, lower energy use...
00:43.04gnarfacefrabbit: you didn't have the engines packages and you bailed out without checking?  ...
00:43.19gnarfacedoesn't seem smart
00:44.22frabbitdunno if i have them but i wasted hours of lifetime again because xfce devs dont think its necessary to ship that desktop thing with in a dark theme by default
00:45.11fsmithredthemes are a major pain in the ass to design as some apps go to gtk3 and some don't
00:45.13frabbitother devs are the same mozilla for example, or gimp, or libreoffice...
00:45.29fsmithredand every minor version of gtk3 is different enough to cause problems
00:45.53frabbitits just about shipping these programms with dark grey instead of light grey windows 95 whatever...
00:46.12frabbitno need for gtk3 or something
00:46.44frabbitlike osm for exmaple, that comes in a dark theme by default
00:47.08fsmithredgeany has some dark themes
00:47.38frabbitgeany what was that again?
00:47.43frabbitimage something?
00:47.59fsmithredtext editor/IDE
00:48.11frabbiti use vim
00:48.20frabbitand for beginners i install leafpad
00:48.48frabbithowever thanks for your help gnarface and fsmithred =)
00:49.16fsmithredgood luck finding a theme you like
00:49.45frabbitdidnt got what i want, but i do not care. i need to do some replicant and windows stuff and im already so tired
00:49.52frabbitfsmithred: =)
00:50.50gnarfacesorry it didn't work how you want it, but i do think you might be giving up too early.  you should revisit this later when you have time.  lots of issues boil down to missing packages, that's always been true for debian too
00:54.02frabbitgnarface: sure. =) as i said im tired.
00:57.01*** join/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
00:57.17*** part/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
01:02.23bengiulfinding the balance between accepting offtopic and rejecting it is hard
01:02.34bengiulbut as long as it's not too many people, it's ok
01:03.16bengiulkind of like immigration :)
01:05.58bengiuldevuan is not just an OS.  It is an example of a movement of a people who reject a bad thing being introduced into their society.
01:06.34onefangIt helps if you listen to those telling you something is off topic, especially the person with channel mod rights before she starts getting shouty at you.
01:07.15bengiulyes we need these hierarchies of decision making to have some kind of order
01:07.25onefangThis is a technical support channel for Devuan.  Everything else is off topic.  Likely including this.  lol
01:07.54bengiuli know. sorry. but the ultimate test is to not interrupt support-chat
01:08.52golinuxNo.  It is to focus on support so those with solutions don't have to wade through useless chatter.
01:09.10*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
01:09.14bengiulemployees in every company chat offtopic, when there is idle time, onefang
01:10.01onefangAnd to not leave hundreds of off topic messages mixed in with hundreds of support messages when I wake up (which I just did), so it's easier to see if there's a support question I should say something about.
01:10.09golinuxAll off topic slows them down and pisses them off because their time providing an OS that you get to use for free is valuable and chat wates it
01:10.22bengiulif anyone is scanning these logs, then any offtopic is a harm
01:10.28bengiulare people scanning these logs for help?
01:10.46golinuxThat's what we've been trying to tell you for days.
01:10.48onefangI just did, coz I just woke up, and there was 200 messages to scan though.
01:11.01bengiulthen i apologise
01:11.19golinuxThank you for understanding
01:11.31bengiulfor me serious log-scanning is in mailing lists
01:12.19golinuxYour point of reference is not the center of the universe
01:12.43onefangI haven't gotten to scanning my morning mailing list backlog yet.
01:12.47onefangdoes so now.
01:12.59golinuxDevuan has multiple channels where users can seek support.
01:13.04bengiulso yes my attempt to resolve the ubuntu->devuan package mess
01:13.20bengiulfroze computer with 12GB used for aptitude
01:13.48bengiulwho was the guy here who could make devuan images
01:13.53bengiulfor ARM boxes
01:13.55golinuxBetter would be "the predicable ubuntu->devuan package mess"
01:14.00bengiuli'd donate a khadas VIM3
01:14.06bengiuli think it would be 130€uro
01:14.24golinuxDid you ever look at the forum link that discusses such a migration?  You never commented on it.
01:14.26bengiuli can send home grown chili peppers too
01:26.46*** join/#devuan bengiul (~bengiul@
01:38.05bgstack15bengiul: that was ShorTie
01:43.48*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
01:50.42bengiulno seriously how strictly close to support chat should we be here?
01:50.58bengiuli don't know
01:51.33bengiulmy aptitude froze at 80 conflicts
01:51.38bengiuland all memory taken
01:52.00bengiulyeh i don't know
01:52.12bengiulbgstack15: have you done a devuan image for a new computer?
01:52.39bengiulthe khadas vim3 is one of the nicest SBC's on the market
01:52.53bengiuland i guess... i'm not helping bringing devuan to it
01:52.56bengiulbut i would like to!
01:54.36bgstack15no, but ShorTie told me he likes to just debootstrap to an SD card for a raspberry pi.
01:55.05bgstack15I think that sounds different than making an image though.
01:55.47bengiulthere was someone here who expressed interest
01:55.56bengiuli am willing to negotiate a deal involving money
01:56.51bengiulto create a khadas vim3 devuan image that is plug-n-play
01:58.08masonbengiul: Have you mutated a Debian image appropriately?
01:58.25masonSeems like the best way to get something that works.
01:58.53masonDevuan is largely Debian, with things that have hard dependencies on systemd addressed various ways.
02:20.18*** join/#devuan Gup (
02:25.37gnarfacebengiul: just out of curiosity, you're not running without swap, are you?
02:25.54bengiulall the free swap i can make
02:26.08gnarfaceas long as you at least have some
02:26.16bengiulyeah it's frozen an hour now
02:26.39bengiuli did it once, and it worked though! lol
02:26.49bengiuli'm typing on a machine i converted from ubuntu to devuan
02:27.14bengiuloh yeah
02:27.26bengiulanyone wants to make a devuan image for nvidia jetson nano
02:27.30bengiuli'll setup the crowdfund
02:29.28bengiulyeah if this takes more time, i'll study how to do a real fitting kernel build, and image
02:29.39bengiuli might be too stupid for that though
02:30.05gnarfacethat is covered by nouveau, right?
02:30.49gnarfaceyou might be able to find patches in their irc channel, there might be a better place though
02:34.12bengiulthis is arm, no nouveau
02:40.33gnarfaceis the jetson tk1/tx1 not arm?
02:41.15gnarfaceam i confused that this is the same?
02:42.41gnarfacei may merely be confused by the fact it has nouveau in the name
02:44.57bengiuli only have the jetson nano
02:45.01bengiulthey shipped ubuntu
02:45.11bengiuli managed to live convert it to devuan
02:45.27gnarfaceseems like a victory
02:45.32bengiuli know it's a silly thing :)
02:45.51bengiulif i were a good helpful person i'd make a devuan image for the jetson nano
02:45.52gnarfacemostly what you need is probably just kernel and u-boot patches that you can apply to the stock debian kernel source package
02:46.00gnarface(and the git u-boot)
02:46.06bengiulbut i'm a very fallen person
02:46.17*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
02:46.29bengiulnot like you guys
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03:10.06bengiulis there a detective agency in the usa that offers an 'old friend serach'?
03:15.12specingit's called the mob
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08:57.04Guest69061i'm looking for a non dbus dependent IRC client messenger, and irssi is the only one i've found
08:57.12Guest69061i'm using it right now
09:00.27Guest69061hoops! And weechat...
09:21.34*** join/#devuan infobot (
09:21.34*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Jessie 1.0 old-stable, ASCII 2.1 stable) | | Conference (2019) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #debianfork
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09:39.30*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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09:54.40bnjfthere's irc clients that require dbus? o.O
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09:55.40aitorhi again
09:55.52aitori've just built hexchat without dbus
09:57.31Guest64903bnjf: yes, most of them depend on it
10:02.57Guest64903and also gksu... i'll replace it by a gtk version of ssh-askpass
10:03.49Guest64903i'll also add it to beowulf as a replacement for the missing gksu
10:04.48Guest64903recently i did a lot of changes in the live-sdk
10:05.22*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:179d:1cc6:8854:4d5c)
10:05.55Guest64903now it's possible to build images of devuan beowulf amd64 under devuan jessie i386, and vice versa
10:06.02*** join/#devuan bgustav (~bgustav@
10:07.48Guest64903because both debian-installer and syslinux are built within a separate minimal environment
10:08.18Guest64903a minimal chrooted environment
10:10.25Guest64903but, if you want to build an amd64 image under i386, you'll need to run an amd64 kernel, otherwise bootstrap'll fail
10:11.39Guest64903need to go
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17:17.59some_alexfsmithred: hi, any update on the missing .asc file?
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18:01.29tiercehello, how can I install lxd on beowulf (if possible) ? thx
18:02.43fylgjemaybe with sudo apt install task-lxde-desktop ?
18:03.57tiercenot lxde … but lxd and lxc containers ^_^
18:06.12fylgjetry to find them with sudo apt search lxc or lxd .. i can see vagrant-lxc
18:06.18bgstack15I have not heard of anybody doing that. It appears upstream really wants snaps (snapd) to be the main way to use lxd, and snapd depends on systemd, iirc.
18:07.41fylgjeufff, i can see lxc and a lot of stuff in Devuan's repositories ... :(
18:07.49bgstack15lxc != lxd
18:08.06bgstack15they're related, but not exactly the same thing.
18:08.30fylgjei can see lxc .. not lxd
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18:08.45bgstack15lxc should be possible, due to sufficiently modern kernel and generic userspace tools. Lxd, I don't expect to be readily available in a Devuan context.
18:08.52fsmithredsome_alex, no. Sorry. I didn't get to talk to the right person. If you happen to have the one for beta3, the checksums are the same. (The beta3 files got renamed to RC.)
18:09.10bgstack15 is a good starting point.
18:09.58bgstack15maybe join #lxcontainers here on freenode and see if any of those guys have lxd running from source
18:11.05bgstack15Try the binary release from
18:11.56*** join/#devuan petris (
18:14.46*** join/#devuan frabbit (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
18:15.09frabbithi. the button layout or whatever is broken here now
18:15.14*** join/#devuan fylgje (
18:15.45frabbitfor example in pavucontrol, i cant see the blue lines to change volume
18:16.16frabbitnearly all is light grey there
18:16.41*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
18:16.42frabbiti changed everythinbg to default appearance and restartet xfce and slim but that doesnt help
18:16.51frabbiti hate this gui shit!
18:17.30frabbithow to get the buttons and stuff back?
18:17.57tiercethanks for the tips bgstack15 and fylgje
18:19.40frabbitfirefox the same: no borders arround areas where you can type in, the name of a bookmark for example when you click on that star
18:20.40frabbiti didnt changed anything today, some of the packages i installed yesterday must changed something and even after my rollback their shitty settings are still here and break everything!
18:21.45frabbitthe packages atm are the same that therer where on this computer before i installed the packages gnarface and fsmithred suggested me
18:21.55frabbitand before that i didnt had that problem
18:24.24frabbitisnt a clean and 100% rollback possible on gnu linux or what is the problem.
18:27.16fylgje¿Did you play with Xfce themes? ... i think you can see them in Configurarion/Appearence
18:29.26*** join/#devuan filipdevuan_ (~filip@
18:34.52frabbitfylgje: yeah i had problems here yesterday... but i rolled back the list of installed backages after testing some stuff. but it seems that some configs from the packages i installed to test are still there and cause problems now. weird cause my rollback script normally removes nearly all configs...
18:35.04frabbitdesktop gui stuff is a mess....
18:39.11frabbitthis menu plugin shit broke it
18:43.07frabbitim so angry, it tooks always alot of my lifetime to kick out the bloated shit of stock installations of distributions,so i decided to install it minimal and build on that and i get stuck every two steps...
18:43.09fsmithredfrabbit, O
18:43.29frabbitsince when devs give a damn shit of KISS principe?
18:43.32fsmithredI've seen PA blank until starting some audio application, then it connects
18:43.53frabbitfsmithred: it blank here all the time =(
18:44.55frabbitsoe otehr weird things happend too: some checkboxes in firefox are tiny as hell now...
18:45.00frabbit*some other
18:45.18frabbiti need to bring this computer back to its owner in a few minutes...
18:45.23fsmithredwhat theme are you using?
18:46.35frabbitdoesnt matter i tried several, always with restart xfce and slim after changing and its always the same
18:46.44frabbittried the default one first
18:47.02fsmithredwhich default?
18:47.10fsmithredxfce default or devuan default?
18:47.12frabbitalso did a reboot
18:47.26fsmithredwhat color?
18:47.36fsmithredpurple, red or blue?
18:48.09frabbitand Default in window appaerance
18:48.18frabbitits grey
18:48.19fsmithredyeah, xfce default
18:48.25frabbitlight grey
18:48.31frabbitwindows95 grey...
18:55.12golinuxfrabbit: On beowulf the default Xfce desktop should look like this:
18:56.20frabbitgolinux: i didnt installed the default stock thing i installed xfce the minimla way as it is described on frineds of devuan wiki
18:56.50frabbiton ascii 2.1
18:56.57frabbitits light grey
18:57.09golinuxfriends of devuan wiki is no longer in use.  You should have used the documentation on the website.
18:58.10frabbiterr.. what?
18:58.22frabbitwhat do u mean no longer in use?
18:58.31golinuxFor beowulf here:
18:58.58frabbitfanboy is the same description
18:59.13frabbitsame packages for minimal xfce
18:59.20golinuxIt has been pretty much abandoned.  There are hopes of a new wiki soon.  FoD is no longer linked to on
18:59.24frabbitso that doesnt matter here
18:59.48frabbitthat is a xfce dev problem here
18:59.58golinuxI have no idea if he upgraded FoD for ascii 2.1
19:00.01frabbitsoftware build that it runs not out of the box
19:00.23frabbitnot with xfce or what "desktop-manager" ever...
19:00.51some_alexfsmithred: oh indeed they are! beta3 is what I downloaded the previous time. I thought RC is a newer release after beta3 :)
19:02.13fsmithredwe cheated
19:02.41frabbitfsmithred: any solution? tip?
19:03.49some_alexfsmithred: btw when is beowulf expected to become the new stable? I suppose it's soon since you have RC image
19:04.10fsmithredI believe there will be RC2 soon, and that should be all fixed
19:04.37some_alexdo you have a readmap posted somewhere?
19:04.52fsmithredfrabbit, if you only have a few minutes, I don't know the best solution.
19:04.59fylgjei think beowulf is stable ... i'm using  Devuan GNU/Linux 4 (chimaera/ceres)
19:05.03frabbitfsmithred:  can u tell please
19:05.16fsmithred"roadmap" suggests that we're not flying by the seat of our pants
19:06.20fylgjeworks nice, does not make my machine reboot ( iMac9,1 ), Xfce and Enlightenment
19:07.10fsmithredfrabbit, I do a minimal install and add xfce for my Refracta isos. I know it can work.
19:07.17fylgjekernel 5.6.0-1-amd64 , and the most stable Linux i used for a very long time
19:07.18fsmithredbut I don't know exactly what you did.
19:07.46some_alexfsmithred: we are? o_O
19:08.02fsmithredgot a link for the install guide you used?
19:08.15fsmithredpretty much, some_alex
19:08.32frabbitfsmithred: and it worked here but yesterday i had problems enable a drak design and gnarface and you told me to install some packeges to test arround. i purged them and today after boot i have this shit here.
19:08.56some_alexfsmithred: oh, why is this the case? What can one do to improve the situation?
19:09.10frabbitfsmithred: i didnt changed anything else, i instalel dtehse packages you guys suggest, purged them and thats it
19:09.28fsmithredand now PA doesn't work and FF looks weird?
19:09.33fsmithredany other symptoms?
19:09.47frabbitfor example other windows too
19:10.05fsmithredtry a different desktop theme
19:10.33frabbiti did
19:10.38frabbitas i wrote above
19:10.50*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (
19:11.03fsmithredand you set that as the theme in two places? Appearance and Window Manager Settings
19:11.21frabbiti have default now here that worked BEFORE i installed and purged teh packages you and gnarface suggested, so it should work again does it?
19:11.29*** join/#devuan mith_ (~Mithrandi@
19:11.30frabbitfsmithred: yes
19:11.37frabbitefault and Raleigh
19:12.26frabbitthis desktop stuff should be blacklisted from all distribuitons...
19:12.46*** join/#devuan xcm (
19:12.47frabbitpeople use dwm!1!
19:13.14fsmithredgot a link to the guide you followed?
19:13.27frabbitfor xfce minimal?
19:14.02frabbitits the same proceder like fanboy wiki
19:14.11frabbitand it worked since yesterday
19:14.55fsmithredis xfconf installed? It's not in the list.
19:14.57frabbitthese packages top menu whisker something must have broke something in some configs that doesnt changed back to default after i did rollback...
19:15.25fsmithredto get default, you can delete your user configs
19:15.34fsmithredrm -r ~/.config/xfce4
19:15.44fsmithredthen log out and log in
19:15.53frabbitxconf is here
19:15.56fsmithredor: rm -r ~/.config
19:16.01frabbitok ill try that
19:16.02fsmithredto get rid of all user configs
19:16.04*** join/#devuan petris (
19:16.26frabbitrm -r ~/.config o_0 hell no!
19:16.43frabbitwhy should i remove ALL configs?
19:16.45fsmithredwell, it depends on how many apps you've messed with their settings
19:17.10fsmithreddon't have to do that, but sometimes that's the way to go
19:17.13fsmithrednot now
19:17.18fsmithredI don't think
19:17.36frabbitwnat to stroke a "shiny fancy you really need that crap" gui dev
19:17.52FrapeXYou could also just move the existing .config dir to see if the issue is resolved. If not, restore it.
19:17.58fsmithredbig difference there
19:18.37fsmithredyeah, there's always the cautious approach: mv
19:18.41frabbityeah choke
19:18.54frabbitFrapeX: yep do this now
19:19.04fsmithredstroke/strike works, too
19:21.35frabbitok pavucontrol is still broken...
19:23.02*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
19:23.05frabbitfirefox is ok again... geez
19:23.27frabbiti only removed xfce conf
19:23.29fsmithredwhy do you need PA?
19:23.48fsmithredfirefox configs would be in .mozilla
19:23.55fsmithrednot in .config
19:24.09FrapeXand there is also .local dir.
19:24.22frabbitfsmithred: i dont need it the person that this computer belongs to need it. bt that isnt the point here
19:24.40FrapeXjust add a new user, and try with that
19:24.45frabbiti know as i said i removed ONLY xconf dir and now firefox is okay afain...
19:25.01fsmithredfor me, that IS the point. I get rid of PA because it doesn't work for me most of the time.
19:25.21fsmithredso it was a theme issue affecting firefox
19:25.45FrapeXdoesnt firefox require PA these days?
19:25.50frabbitpa worked before without problems!
19:25.56fsmithredfirefox-esr does not need PA
19:26.08fsmithredregular ff from mozilla does, and tor-browser does
19:26.29frabbitFrapeX: a create a new user same here....
19:26.32FrapeXremoves PA
19:27.24frabbitpa is good for beginners to handle different input and output devices with only one programm
19:27.24*** join/#devuan sacioz (~sacioz@
19:27.32frabbiteasy to understand and to use
19:28.05frabbiton my laptop i have only alsa
19:28.37frabbitalsamixer, possibilty to configure microphone in mumbel, audacity etc. thats all i need
19:28.47FrapeXI agree.
19:32.08*** part/#devuan sacioz (~sacioz@
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19:54.47frabbitgreat "service slim stop" always fail
19:55.03frabbitand when u change back th tty7 devuan freezes
19:57.01frabbitso i need to do a hard power off with the possibility to loose data. awesome...
19:57.16frabbitwhat a great day..
20:03.34frabbitit even fails to restart slim...
20:03.49frabbitbut then it switches to tty7...
20:06.01fsmithredwhy are you stopping slim?
20:06.03*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:179d:1cc6:8854:4d5c)
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20:07.23frabbitfsmithred: because gnarface said yesterday that it could be possible that some desktop thing are loaded by slim
20:07.33frabbitdoesnt matter just to be safe i do this
20:07.40frabbiti have pa here back
20:08.06fsmithredslim restart has not worked for me in the last few releases
20:08.12frabbitand what the hack is that: i installed xfwm4-themes and gtk2-engine-xfce
20:08.15fsmithredI think it worked back in squeeze
20:08.41fsmithredgtk2-engines gtk3-engines-xfce ?
20:08.44frabbitbut now the clue: i did already tested these images to bring it back and it doesnt worked! i even rebooted!
20:09.09frabbitwhat is that?
20:09.14frabbitthats totally weird
20:09.20frabbittotally shit
20:09.26fsmithredhelps some of the themes work better
20:09.45fsmithredthere's another one just for the murrine themes
20:09.51frabbityeah but it wasnt there on minimal install and pavucontrol wasnt broken there
20:10.11frabbitexhausting shit these gui things...
20:10.26frabbitand not transparent what it is doing and why
20:11.26frabbitfirefox is fixed too
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22:23.18some_alexis there any information on the load that devuan mirrors are faced with?
22:47.48some_alexgolinux: I don't really understand how these tests are relevant to my question. I'm intrested in, e.g., how many times a day a mirror is accessed, how many bytes per day is downloaded from it, etc.
22:48.38*** join/#devuan frabbit_ (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
22:51.06golinuxThose are the only mirror stats afaik.  It is onefang's baby do maybe ping him.
22:51.16golinuxdo >so
22:52.45golinuxI would think that the stats you want would only be available to each individual mirror
22:53.34golinuxBut then I don't know that much about how his script works.
23:10.11some_alexgolinux: I see, thanks
23:11.31*** join/#devuan mith_ (~Mithrandi@
23:12.30some_alexonefang: hi, any chance there are stats for mirrors like how often they are accessed and how much data is downloaded? Do you measure these things on your mirror perhaps?
23:14.00*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
23:14.59some_alexalso, how much downtime can mirrors afford? and is devuan currently in need of new mirrors?
23:16.33golinuxNew mirrors are always welcome.
23:26.51some_alexgolinux: working on the storage problem here at the moment :)
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