IRC log for #devuan on 20200522

00:01.20*** join/#devuan xcm (
00:14.28*** join/#devuan maggotbrain (
00:23.59*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
00:26.50*** join/#devuan cp- (
00:32.28*** join/#devuan gavlee (~gav@unaffiliated/gavlee)
00:46.58*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
00:49.23*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
01:20.11*** join/#devuan yyyyyy` (
01:45.11*** join/#devuan bgustav (
01:48.32*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
02:02.12*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
02:35.52*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
02:46.41*** join/#devuan merzbird (
02:52.16*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a00:79c0:672:b600:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
03:01.39*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
03:22.41*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
03:33.43*** join/#devuan stiltr (
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03:48.02*** join/#devuan bgustav (
03:54.12*** join/#devuan yyyyyy`` (
04:09.02*** join/#devuan bgustav (
04:15.33*** join/#devuan Irrwahn (
04:16.47*** join/#devuan rrq (~rrq@devuan/developer/rrq)
04:43.52*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:45.11*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
04:47.45*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (
05:05.06*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
05:30.32*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
05:48.34*** join/#devuan xinomilo (~xinomilo@gateway/tor-sasl/xinomilo)
05:59.25*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:249:fe00:214:85ff:feee:bcc5)
06:02.23HumI just installed dwww and my lighttpd doesn't give me access to /dwww though I did restart it. Any hints?
06:08.27*** join/#devuan antenagora (~antenagor@
06:10.55*** join/#devuan Hum (
06:12.49meep_____It's probably missing systemd-accesscontrold
06:20.54meep_____hum make sure that /dwww is owned by the webserver
06:25.00*** join/#devuan rleigh (
06:25.01*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
06:30.46*** join/#devuan b0wman (~b0wman@
06:36.37*** join/#devuan Joril (
06:40.06*** join/#devuan phyre (~phyre___@
06:44.31*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
06:46.28*** join/#devuan silentjet (
06:51.04*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
06:56.18*** join/#devuan master (
06:59.06masterviito whom can I ask a few questions?
07:00.03ShorTiejust ask, i guess
07:06.27*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
07:13.57Hummeep_____: I tried chown -R www-data:www-data dwww/  but it didn't change anything. I run lighttpd-enable-mod for cgi and debian-doc and did a restart
07:14.02Humfor lighttpd
07:14.25meep_____I don't know
07:14.39meep_____Hum, if your still having trouble i'd reccomend the quark webserver
07:15.18HumI like lighttpd. If I want less work I could install apache because it is the default...
07:20.55gnarfacemastervii: just ask the questions to nobody specifically, and patiently await an answer.  irc etiquette can be weird.
07:21.01HumMaybe I should have done a _forced_ reload in firefox earlier. At last I added an alias.url in 90-debian-doc.conf for /dwww => /var/www/dwww
07:21.08Humnow it works
07:40.10*** join/#devuan tierce (~raoulzeca@2a02:578:857c:c01:ca7f:fd8c:e7b9:b99e)
07:40.49*** join/#devuan zatumil (
07:47.38*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
08:11.25*** join/#devuan ruenoak (
08:19.25*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@
08:29.59*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
08:31.21*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
08:37.15*** join/#devuan talbergor (
08:38.07talbergorHi guys! Thanks for a fantastic distro ! :)
08:39.36talbergorone question, how do i intsall multimedia codecs in devuan ? :D
08:46.55*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
08:51.22masterviiI need the most simple programs, where can I add them?
08:52.47ruenoakHey talbergor they way I do it is to add contib and non-free to my sources.list then install the codecs I need from synaptic
09:04.44masterviidebian repository or
09:05.14mastervii]deb beowulf-security main non-free
09:05.30masterviithis is my repository
09:17.27ruenoakmastervii i was answering  tallbergor question
09:18.15ruenoakmastervii what simple programs are you looking for, you could use synaptic to search for them
09:25.55*** join/#devuan silentjet (
09:39.26*** join/#devuan meep_____ (
09:40.20meep_____Sounds painful
09:42.20*** join/#devuan talbergor (
09:42.47talbergorCan i download Deb packages just as normal here or should i be careful?
09:43.08djphcareful of ... what?
09:43.41talbergordon't know, just asking?
09:44.48djphlong as you're using the repos, there's not much to be overly careful about (barring non-free, because that software is not necessarily "free as in speech" [aka "libre"], which may be something you don't want for reasons)
09:45.55talbergorbut i mean, can i download for example discord as a deb package from their website and use?
09:46.07djphshould be able to.
09:46.48talbergoroki thanks man, i'm quite new to this as you may understand haha
09:47.05talbergorjust curious of what i can't do and can do comparing to normal debian uknow
09:48.19*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
09:48.28djphit's basically identical, just sans-systemd
09:49.53talbergorDo you know a terminal command to easily check which init system i have btw?
09:50.43djphin devuan?  drfault is, IIRC, sysvinit
09:51.33talbergoralright man thanks =)
09:51.51*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@2001:d08:1812:d4f2:7736:4f5e:ce7a:5a4)
09:53.22zatumilreadlink /proc/1/exe
09:53.54masterviigeany or  netbeans webstorm?
10:04.17ruenoakmastervii geany is in the repos  not to sure about netbeans or webstorm
10:05.03masterviino have geany ....
10:06.03Humthe solution was using /dwww/ instead of /dwww
10:06.37masterviiroot@devuan:~# apt search geany
10:06.38masterviiSorting... Done
10:06.38masterviiFull Text Search... Done
10:06.45masterviithis is all
10:07.48*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
10:15.17ruenoakmastervii what version of Devuan are you using
10:15.58ruenoakmastervii Full Text Search... Done
10:16.04ruenoakgeany/testing 1.33-1 amd64
10:16.59onefangGeany is installed on my Devuan ASCII, so it is there.
10:23.31masterviiI want to say that I am very pleased with the speed of the system and I hope it does not change that. it would also be nice to run these programs in repositories
10:24.56gnarfacemastervii: your sources.list is probably incomplete, or you forgot to run "apt-get update"
10:25.54gnarfacemastervii: here is what your beowulf sources.list should look like:
10:26.34gnarfacethat's my guess anyway
10:28.24*** join/#devuan talbergor (
10:28.33talbergorhow do i enable tlp in devuan ?
10:31.00gnarfacetalbergor: probably just "apt-get install tlp"
10:31.26talbergoryes but i have to enable the service right?
10:31.31talbergoror im i wrong :P
10:33.25masterviiruenoak, gnarface
10:33.42masterviithank you for help
10:34.31ruenoakmastervii :)
10:34.45zatumilupdate-rc.d tlp disable|enable
10:36.30talbergorokey so thats the general command for disable enable services ? :)
10:36.35talbergorappriciete it
10:37.36gnarfacetarzeau: i have no idea whether it is enabled by default.  most packaged services do but not all
10:38.09gnarfacetarzeau: check the update-rc.d man page, yea.  (ignore the part about how it says it's deprecated and shouldn't be run by hand)
10:38.19gnarfacetarzeau: ignore that
10:38.30gnarfacetalbergor: ^ these three lines were supposed to be to you
10:39.15talbergorthank you @gnarface
10:40.11gnarfacetalbergor: also check any tlp man page if it exists, and /usr/share/doc/tlp if not
10:40.32gnarfacetalbergor: (if it's not enabled by default, usually instructions are in there)
10:40.50gnarfacesometimes it takes more than just running the init script
10:40.52masterviino have systemctl :D
10:41.36talbergorhaha :)
10:44.38talbergoris the default mirrors in europe?
10:45.37onefang will tell you where the mirrors are located.
10:47.29*** join/#devuan OldMoss (
10:52.09*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
11:01.16*** join/#devuan hippiegunnut (
11:09.35*** join/#devuan silentjet (
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11:35.48*** join/#devuan xinomilo (~xinomilo@gateway/tor-sasl/xinomilo)
11:41.53*** join/#devuan fidomuh (~quassel@2a01:4f8:130:6208::2)
12:19.35*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
12:22.46*** join/#devuan xcm (
12:23.16*** join/#devuan fatalerrors (~fatalerro@
12:23.21*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
13:11.16*** join/#devuan Ryushin (~Ryushin@2001:470:4b:38f:777::8742)
13:18.59*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
13:30.13*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~HumanG33k@
13:32.04*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
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13:33.37*** join/#devuan unixman_home (~unixman2@unaffiliated/eracc)
13:48.35*** join/#devuan morruth (~quassel@
14:18.35*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
14:26.20*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
14:36.48*** join/#devuan xcm (
14:39.21*** join/#devuan rsx (
14:43.06*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
14:45.27*** join/#devuan fylgje (
14:50.29*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
14:57.30*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
15:32.48*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
15:33.52*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
15:34.30*** part/#devuan Joril (
15:35.47*** join/#devuan b0wman (~b0wman@
15:51.22*** join/#devuan tradar (~tradar@gateway/tor-sasl/tradar)
16:05.32*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
16:07.42*** join/#devuan glat-agent2 (uid445120@gateway/web/
16:10.25glat-agent2Your GNU/Linux copy is not genuine. Purchase a license for $99 now.
16:11.41masonglat-agent2: It's not $99, it's $100:
16:19.59glat-agent2Your GNU/Linux copy is not genuine. Purchase a license for $99 now.
16:25.56*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
16:34.30*** join/#devuan Hum (
16:43.03bgstack15I wrote a translator script for systemctl which turns the invocation into a real service command. Of course it's gross, but it makes running ipa-client-install (from freeipa) possible without crazy hacks.
16:43.15bgstack15If anybody wants it, let me know.
16:48.24golinuxDidn't Jessie Smith already do something likte that?
16:48.53golinuxAbd isn't it in the repos?
16:53.45Xelraawhy is netsurf not in the repos?
16:53.58Xelraawhat other lightweight graphical browser does it have
16:54.03Xelraasomething lighter than chrome or ff
16:54.35golinuxbgstack15: Converting systemd units to init style shell scripts
16:55.59onefangI was just about to head to bed, but NetSurf is in ASCII at least.  And Dillo, and a few others.  I have them installed.
16:56.27onefangleaves you in golinux's capable hands and nods off.
17:12.43bgstack15Alas, some tools seem to have systemctl commands embedded in them. It's about the interface to the services, not how they're implemented.
17:13.18fsmithredsurf - Simple web browser by suckless community
17:13.39fsmithredXelraa, ^^^
17:14.20fsmithredlinks2 is pretty good. Makes the web look like 1995.
17:16.02FrapeXlol more like BBS
17:18.16FrapeXooo you are right, in X mode it does look like 1995 :P
17:20.55fsmithredkinda refreshing, isn't it?
17:21.37*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
17:23.22*** join/#devuan xcm (
17:25.50Xelraaok I see thats because I use beouwulf
17:26.05fsmithredyeah, I'm in beowulf
17:26.17Xelraadillo will do fine
17:26.21fsmithreddillo is another lig...
17:38.28*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
17:45.41*** join/#devuan merzbird (
17:57.35*** join/#devuan Soo_Slow (Soo_Slow@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/sooslow/x-31376162)
17:57.55*** join/#devuan gavlee_ (~gav@unaffiliated/gavlee)
18:00.51*** join/#devuan xinomilo (~xinomilo@gateway/tor-sasl/xinomilo)
18:10.56*** join/#devuan xinomilo (~xinomilo@gateway/tor-sasl/xinomilo)
18:17.44*** join/#devuan Akuli (
18:25.24*** join/#devuan fleeky (~fleeky@2601:645:4300:6580:315c:801b:2f2e:457f)
18:56.29*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
19:15.05HumIs there a markdown plugin installed in the dokuwiki of friendsofdevuan? I didn't find any hints how to check as user, only as admin.
19:16.25*** join/#devuan merzbird (
19:27.52Hum<markdown>MD text</markdown> didn't work. doesn'T seem to be installed. Could be one of them please installed?
19:45.38*** join/#devuan james1138 (
20:06.27*** join/#devuan merzbird (
20:18.40*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
20:23.21*** join/#devuan tomtastic (~tomtastic@
21:16.01*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
21:17.00*** join/#devuan fleeky (~fleeky@2601:645:4300:6580:315c:801b:2f2e:457f)
21:20.01*** join/#devuan zatumil (
21:22.07*** join/#devuan phyre (~phyre___@
22:18.14*** join/#devuan frabbit (~free_rabb@unaffiliated/free-rabbit/x-8401877)
22:18.43frabbithi. i have a ssd here with windows 7 and want to use the rest space to install devuan wit the partions / /boot /home /temp and /var. all partitions except /boot should be encrypted. anyone has a good guide for that? i only found guides where the whole disk is used or only two partions exists ( /boot and / and / will be encrypted). Problem ist, that the installer wants a passphrase for each partition i
22:18.49frabbitchoose in "Confidure encrypted volumes"
22:18.58frabbiti use the Expert installer
22:21.48frabbitive done it like this: use the biggest free space,  create a 200MB /boot partion as primary and beginning at location.
22:22.25frabbitfor the rest of the free space i choosed Automatically partition the free space
22:22.45frabbitas /home /var and /tmp
22:23.11*** join/#devuan unixman_home (
22:23.11*** join/#devuan unixman_home (~unixman2@unaffiliated/eracc)
22:23.29frabbitafter that i need to edit the 200MB partion again as /boot and ext4 (is that a bug?)
22:24.11frabbitthen i wrote the changes to disk and configure encrypted volumes
22:24.50frabbitand there i choose all the created partions above (and /) except /boot
22:25.12frabbitbut then it asks for a passphrase for every single partition... o_0
22:25.30gnarfacefrabbit: did you use LVM?  I think this step requires LVM
22:25.50frabbitive never done this manually in the installer, i always used the wwhole disk before and encrypted it
22:26.09frabbitgnarface: hey. =) no but i thought that its maybe what i need
22:26.31frabbitit can group the partions right? so i can just encrypt the group?
22:26.33gnarfaceyea, the thing about encrypting the whole disk... i think that might be required though, but i also think that LVM is somehow key to a lot of encrypted disk setups
22:27.09gnarfaceyea, LVM is about managing partition groups ... sorta.  it defines a layer of "volumes" which are sortof just soft-partitions i guess
22:27.42frabbityeah..i do not really understand what it is (ive red the wikipedia article)
22:27.53frabbitmaybe in the future
22:27.54gnarfacethey can be changed around on the fly without the restrictions normal partitions have in a running system
22:28.18gnarfacehmm, did you read the Devuan release notes?  they might have mentioned this in there, i forget
22:28.28frabbitso do i need to choose configure the LVM first after i partitioning?
22:28.44gnarfacei think first, or at the same time
22:28.53gnarfaceit should be in that same partitioning step of the installer
22:28.55frabbitgnarface: yeah that dynamicll thing is what i understand
22:29.10frabbitfirst? oh...
22:29.19gnarfacewell, it should be clear one way or another
22:29.40gnarfacethe tool should imply a workflow...
22:29.51*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
22:29.57gnarfacebut i also think i remember hearing that leaving /boot unencrypted is also a requirement unless you're using a libreboot bios
22:30.32frabbitso: 1. "Configure LVM" choose the free space there, 2. Configure encrypted volumes and 3. create partions inthe encrypted volumes?
22:31.00frabbitgnarface: yes /boot must be unencrypted, but i wrote that above
22:31.19gnarfacehmmm, yea sounds right, i think.  i've never heard of LVM sharing a disk with a windows partition though, so that will be interesting
22:31.24frabbitno libreboot on this laptop
22:31.58frabbitgnarface: you only know windows and not-encrypted gnu/linux on same disk?
22:32.27gnarfacefrabbit: i haven't really used windows for almost 20 years.  LVM didn't even exist back then
22:32.46frabbitgnarface: oh! =D
22:32.50frabbitthats a long time
22:33.15gnarfaceneither did disk encryption afaik though it might have... it would have been a real chore for a 150MHz chip
22:33.16frabbiti do not really want to use windows.. but i need that for some games... sadly
22:33.42gnarfaceoh?  which games, maybe i can relieve you by telling you you're wrong
22:34.03frabbit=D sure not sorry ;)
22:34.14gnarfacea whole raft of them work as good in Linux now, if you're willing to go through a similar amount of effort with Wine or Steam
22:34.42frabbita lots of adventures that run only under windows (or some with steam or gog under linux but i wont use this services)
22:34.52*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
22:34.55frabbitno wine
22:35.10frabbiti messed arround with taht in the past under ubuntu... wasnt fun
22:35.30frabbiti came from console gaming, i just wnat to put in the game and play
22:35.32gnarfaceit really might be prefrable to dual-booting in some cases now.  and you could still access the windows partition through qemu for non-game stuff like your tax software or whatever else they've bound you to themselves with
22:37.09gnarfacewell, do what you want, but when they brick your windows7 install secretly trying to update it to windows10 behind your back, i'll still be happy to help you free yourself of it for good :)
22:37.33gnarface(at that point the games will also be a lost cause anyway)
22:38.19frabbitso i configure the free space on the disk as lvm but now and i cant choose it for encryption and even not edit it to create partitions...
22:38.59frabbitgnarface: the windows 7 is only for offline gaming ;)
22:39.45frabbiti would never go online with a system that isnt maintained anymore...
22:40.39gnarfacewell, that's smart.  that might save you
22:40.45frabbiti cant even remove the lvm from that free disk space... wtf?! o_0
22:41.23gnarfacehang on
22:41.27frabbitah under configure lvm again
22:41.33gnarfacewhen you make it LVM, you can't choose for it to be encrypted at that step?
22:42.46gnarfacethis looks legit, did you see this?
22:43.32gnarfacethere's actually an ascii-art graph above it of the partition/volume/group topology, maybe that'll clear things up for you
22:44.11frabbitbut this is not for the expert-installer is it?
22:45.00gnarfacei assume it either is or it applies to both
22:45.15gnarfaceall the expert mode installer does is ask extra questions
22:47.15frabbiti cant do that here...
22:47.43frabbitah wait
22:47.47frabbitim stupid
22:47.55frabbitthere are two entries
22:48.19frabbitdidnt saw that in hte first place sorry <=)
22:48.48frabbitin the partion table is now a new entry on the top
22:48.52gnarfaceit's ok, it's not a super intuitive interface
22:49.04gnarfaceyou get used to it's quirks eventually
22:49.11frabbitbut i cant split that into several partitions...
22:50.16gnarfacehmm, should be possible some how
22:50.29gnarfacei don't know if you have to create the volume groups first or not
22:50.50frabbiti did
22:51.14gnarfacevolume groups should group your physical volumes, then you should be able to define your logical volumes as /usr, /home, /var, /tmp whatever
22:52.03gnarfacegoogle said you should be able to then define the logical volumes as either encrypted or not, but this example from debian's wiki seems to put the unencrypted volumes outside the LVM table.
22:52.32gnarfaceit's possible there are feature differences by version though, i am not sure.  did you say this was ascii or beowulf?
22:54.17frabbitits ascci
22:54.28frabbiti need to pay arround here a bit...
22:54.57gnarfacealright, good luck.  it's slow in here right now but keep at it, eventually someone will show up who has done this before
22:56.05gnarfacei vaguely recall something about cryptsetup being important, maybe an environment variable you have to set or something, not sure if that's still an issue but i remember talk about it
22:56.25frabbiti need to create a volume group, the the logical volumes, these are the "partitions" (/var /home etc.) the at configure encrypted volumes i can select them to encrypt
22:56.53frabbithm but i wonder i f it wont be the same then (a passphrase for each partition)
22:57.50gnarfaceyea, they might each need their own passwords at that point.  not sure
22:58.00gnarfaceseems logical that they would though
22:58.27frabbitoh got erros here now o_0
22:58.37frabbitgeez! why is that so messy...
22:58.48gnarfaceis that progress? errors like?
22:59.46frabbiti can encrypt a usb devcie with cryptsetup and create a partition tabel and partitions witj parted... why is that here so much different?
23:00.21gnarfacebecause you're encrypting the whole physical device in that case, a case in which it also does not have to be bootable
23:00.23frabbitgnarface: sorry didnt "Failed to create a filesystem,"
23:00.53frabbityeah that bootable makes the difference but whole divece or not? why does that matter?
23:01.53gnarfacei don't know enough about the actual encryption code to know why, but it's a fundamental limitation.  like the type of limitation based on hard limits of physics and reality, not something marketers can lie their way out of
23:02.31gnarfacealso linked to why the technology doesn't work on individual files
23:03.09gnarfacesomething about the actual drive identifiers being encrypted before mount time, so it happens below the driver level or something like that?
23:03.32gnarface(probably also directly linked to why the government can't break it)
23:06.35frabbitthis installer step should be rewritten...
23:06.56gnarfacehah, i'm sure that's been said before
23:06.59frabbitnow i cant delete the encrypted partion...
23:07.44frabbitand the lvm neither...
23:07.56gnarfaceoh, are you using the graphic expert mode or the text/ncurses expert mode?  some people have found the text version to be more intuitive
23:09.38frabbiti abort and use gparted live for deleting it... man...
23:11.18frabbitcan i install devuan on several partitions wich are all unencrypted and then just use cryptsetup LUKS after installation to encrypt them?
23:11.19gnarfacehow old is that ascii installer?  i know it has been patched once or twice
23:11.29frabbitfrom december
23:11.43gnarfaceif that's something cryptsetup can do normally, should work just fine in Devuan, yes
23:11.58frabbit.. hm dont know
23:12.28frabbitbut i dont think so... as i said normally i encrypt first and then create partions and filesystem
23:13.16gnarfacemy understanding was that you could indeed do this with LUKS and without LVM but in that case the *whole* disk needs to be encrypted.  LVM is the only trick afaik to just encrypt *some* of it
23:13.45frabbitook =(
23:13.59gnarfacei could be wrong though, really
23:14.18gnarfaceyou need to talk to someone who uses this on a laptop
23:14.38gnarfaceand i know they've been here, i just forget who
23:15.46gnarfacei vaguely recall some gotcha about having to set up a CRYPTSETUP environment variable in the grub config or something.  maybe search the forums about it?
23:16.19*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
23:16.26frabbiti cant delete the encrypted partion with gparted!
23:16.34frabbitholy shit
23:16.42frabbitdo i have to dd that now?
23:17.04gnarfacehahah, i dunno.  mabye lol
23:17.19frabbityou need to choose deactivate first
23:17.33frabbitweird... that thing isnt mounted or something.. o_0
23:17.43frabbitnormally do not use gparted
23:18.00gnarfaceyea, it would have to be able to decrypt it before mounting it, i understand that much
23:18.19gnarfaceand while it's mounted... the encryption is of basically no protection
23:18.19frabbitweird gnome stuff
23:18.35frabbitfrom deleting you mean? yes
23:18.42gnarfacefrom anything really
23:18.51frabbitok from being read
23:18.56gnarfacethe primary use case for this technology is computers that are powered off
23:19.14frabbitah that you mean
23:19.23frabbitsorry i didnt read corrctly
23:20.01frabbiti start the installe r again...
23:22.45frabbitwe need an entry here: "Guided - use the larest continuous free space and set up encrypted LVM"
23:23.19frabbiti try now wit only one partition
23:25.36frabbitdo i need set "Bootable flag: On" for /boot? i saw a video where the guy leave it at off...
23:26.50HurgotronI usually set it, but I think modern bootloaders don't care.
23:26.54frabbit(probably he forgot for his videotorial but i thin i remember ive done this the first time i set up a suse manually, but that was 5 yeasr ago)
23:27.05frabbitHurgotron: i see thx =)
23:29.07frabbitok ive set up no three partiions: /boot, / and swap, the two last are encrypted now.. lets see if asks for the two passphrases at boot...
23:29.58frabbiti use the same passphrase for both partitions
23:33.01Hurgotronfrabbit: You should be able change the config later so that stuff not necessary at boot time gets mounted using a keyfile (in /etc)
23:33.28HurgotronPersonally, I use encrypted LVM.
23:35.09*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
23:36.29gnarfaceHurgotron: he was trying that with the ascii installer and couldn't figure out how to get it to work.  i have never tried it, could you lend some insight to the scrollback conversation?
23:37.04Hurgotronoh, there's more scrollback than I thought. hangon
23:41.08frabbitsomeone in #replicant told me: "you can create a partition for /boot and another for the encrypted volume, that way you only need one password,  inside the encrypted volume create a lvm devices with all the partitions you want. I used to have my laptop with debian that way"
23:42.32HurgotronThat sounds quit right.
23:42.45*** join/#devuan blottoman (
23:45.23HurgotronYou use the encrypted volume as a physical volume for LVM. You create a volume group, and inside that volume group logical volumes. These get used like partitions. / and swap and maybe more.
23:46.19frabbitHurgotron: yeah sounds logic to me... ive tried to lvm first and then encryption (tired, sad frabbit here)
23:46.29gnarfacesorry, frabbit
23:46.32frabbitwill try this now
23:46.37frabbitGnhm? why?
23:47.01frabbitgnarface: why?
23:47.23HurgotronI should write that up some day, if only for myself. In my case, I have RAID-1 on the lowest level... so LVM on top of cryptfs on top of RAID-1.
23:49.50HurgotronI was migrating from Ubuntu a few days ago. Somehow I got confused and managed to overwrite LUKS header of my big fat data array with a partition table. Total data loss (OK I had backups).
23:50.23HurgotronI should have had a backup of the LUKS header, though :P
23:51.05fsmithredwhere is that?
23:51.07frabbitHurgotron: oh! =o
23:51.38fsmithredI have already had to find and use the backup files for lvm
23:51.55fsmithrednot fun, but nice that it's possible
23:53.33Hurgotronbackup files for lvm I did have...
23:54.01Hurgotronfsmithred: man cryptsetup, luksHeaderBackup
23:54.10gnarfacefrabbit: i led you down the wrong path at first, sorry
23:54.53frabbitgnarface: you led me nowhere wrong. i didint know and you didnt know for sure.
23:55.29frabbitgnarface: everything is fine you helped me alot already in the past and probably many other people here too! =)
23:55.57Hurgotrongnarface is definetely extremely helpful, indeed.
23:56.40frabbityeah definetely

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