IRC log for #devuan on 20200516

00:05.49*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
00:37.07*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
00:43.29masonXenguy: Half a sec, had to cower in the cellar for a tornado warning.
00:45.12masonXenguy: Anyway, an ironic bit is that there's really no different between a lot of Slackware and Devuan. Both use the Debian base utils directly.
00:47.51Xenguymason: Good to know.  Good luck with the tornado : -)
00:47.59masonXenguy: It's passed now.
00:48.07masonNot even rain any more.
00:48.17masonPower blinked madly but it's gone on east now.
00:48.21XenguyThe Fickle Finger of Fate
00:48.23masonAlright, back to bedtime stories for the girls. o/
00:48.26masonXenguy: Yep!
01:00.06*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
01:01.03*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
01:13.59*** join/#devuan sgage (
01:14.11*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
01:24.26systemdletemason:  I might just have it now.  Yesterday, I modified the lightdm.conf file.  I restored it.  So far, so good...
01:24.35*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
01:24.45systemdleteSorry, I really had made a LOT of changes.  My bad(s).
01:38.31*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (
01:41.15*** join/#devuan mrbitterness (~nice@
02:01.29*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@
02:03.33masonsystemdlete: No worries. Although I'm still stuck on the notion of that resolution change being involved.
02:04.15systemdletewell, there really IS a resolution change.  It's due to the fact that, when switching between console and X, there is a change of resolution.
02:04.35masonAh, effect, not cause?
02:04.35systemdleteI think that is the vbox video drivers simulating the changes.
02:04.44systemdlete(my theory)
02:06.25systemdleteIt's been up for over an hour without incident.
02:06.30systemdletecrosses fingers
02:06.41systemdletecrosses legs, eyes
02:06.52masonI think moving to another virtualization platform is a good idea regardless.
02:07.44systemdleteI'm investigatng it.  Thing is, I have to make friends with new tech before I jump on board.  So I do a lot of reading first, then testing, hopefully remembering to do it in a test environment first...
02:08.10masonI'm the same way. Takes me forever to rely on something new.
02:36.27systemdleteIt's open source... which means, on the one hand, we should expect high quality software in most cases, but on the other hand, sometimes there are limits to what these things can actually do.  And there's always bugs or other problems.  I wouldn't trade open for the world, but I still like to be thorough.
02:37.04systemdleteI mean, just look at all the fun we've had today trying to figure out what I'd done.  In this case it was op error, but I am always finding bugs and reporting them.
02:55.09masonBeing a bug magnet is useful. Makes the world a better place when you report the bugs.
02:59.05*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@
03:10.47*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
03:23.11bgstack15it's not about the openness of the source code; it's about the RTFMness of the admin.
03:23.25bgstack15and completeness of the man pages
03:30.07*** join/#devuan mrbitterness (~nice@
03:33.46systemdleteand the CLARITY of the man pages.  I find many man pages are written very clumsily.
03:34.28systemdleteSorry, but that has been my experience.  And that goes for Unix as well as Linux.  I find the web-based docs and wikis more useful for anything larger than a command line scripting filter.
03:35.20onefangThere's lots of badly written docs out there, no matter what the operating system.
03:37.26systemdleteNo kidding.  But poor writing doesn't end there... anyone read online news?  Some of those writers have no command of English, and most of the work needs an EDITOR badly.
03:38.27golinuxHumans are getting stupider thanks to the machine
03:38.39golinuxIt's going to come bite us
03:38.41systemdleteIf I have to read something 3 times to understand what the writer was trying to say, there is a problem.  I only have this issue with SOME, not all, writing.  So I conclude it is not me.
03:39.33systemdleteanyway, mason:  I agree with you.  My main contribution is submitting bugs.  And I do my best to be clear, concise, and thorough.  I try to remember to include relevant logs and other media.
03:41.10systemdleteUnfortuntely, though, despite my most fervid attempts, I find some tracker overlords do not take lightly to having their software criticised by even the most reproducible bugs and crashes.   I am told by one, recently, that since no one else has a problem with their UI, they won't fix it.  Despite it being confusing.
03:41.19systemdleteOh well.
03:41.24systemdleteI can only do what I can do, right?
03:45.52*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
03:47.12man_in_shackyeah i've seen that attitude too on occasion
03:47.34man_in_shackas for online news, really depends on what you're reading
03:48.18systemdletethere are for, example commas but, in the wrong places.
03:48.23man_in_shackmost traditional news companies have fired a huge chunk of editorial staff and journos to increase profit margins
03:48.46systemdleteIt's a good thing, otherwise we would no longer get to enjoy their work.  (not)
03:48.58systemdletebut this is really fork stuff...
03:50.44golinuxsystemdlete: Like after a conjunction.  Drives me crazy
03:51.39systemdleteI had English grammar in 10th grade with the most hated teacher in my HS.  Everyone dreaded taking her class.  But I have to admit, after all that, I *finally* understood grammar.
03:51.40golinuxAnd that you for realizing what channel you weren't on.  LOL!
03:51.56golinuxI got it in the 4th grade.
03:51.58systemdleteTaking a second language helps a bit too, though not so much with punctuation.
03:52.09golinuxLet's put a fork in it
03:52.28systemdleteOh, I had it in 4th grade also.  And again in other grades. But it was that class that finally put a fork in it for me.
03:52.31golinuxthat > thank
03:52.53systemdleteheads to the debianfork channel
03:58.19man_in_shacki prefer debiansplades, personally
03:59.02*** join/#devuan xcm (
04:51.10*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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07:39.49*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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08:41.14*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Jessie 1.0 old-stable, ASCII 2.1 stable) | | Conference (2019) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #debianfork
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08:43.38*** join/#devuan xcm (
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12:36.50*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
12:59.29*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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15:38.48*** join/#devuan OldMoss (~oldmoss@
16:02.50*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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19:26.08*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
19:33.58*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
19:50.21*** join/#devuan rad (
19:52.48radUpgrade to beowulf was almost flawless. The only thing that didn't work was that chromium had no sound. For some reason pulseaudio got reinstalled during the upgrade, I just removed it and got my sound back. I need to change the sample rate of ALSA though because I hear a tiny gap every few seconds.
19:53.10radNow I'm trying to upgrade a raspberry installation to beowulf.
20:01.27*** part/#devuan meep_____ (
20:01.35*** join/#devuan meep_____ (
20:05.22radThe sshd config file in beowulf arm64 seems to be quite different from the one that came with ascii raspi3.
20:06.14gnarfacerad: the ARM images are fairly heavily customized by the volunteers that put them together, while the sshd in the x86/x86_64 images is the stock Debian one
20:07.33gnarfacerad: (there is also a #devuan-arm channel just fyi)
20:08.12radIt "UsePAM yes" instead of "no" like it was. It removes "Uselogin no" and "UsePrivilegeSeparation sandbox". Actually that's all the changes I see. Yeah I thought they'd be customized to allow SSH setup of the raspi without a screen. I'll keep the local version.
20:08.30radoh I'll join that channel and paste my message there. :-) Thank you.
20:10.12radAh can't join it, needs to be identified and can't do it right now. I'll do it after I finish the setup.
20:30.25fsmithredthose changes are in the amd64 sshd_config, too
20:32.24radthe ones I had locally are also in amd64? but somehow are not in arm64 beowulf?
20:51.03*** join/#devuan kairu (
20:59.46*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
21:11.29radxfce on beowuld on a raspi3 seems to work just fine. I'll dump an image of my sd card and then try to install drivers for a 3.5 inch screen and I'll have pocket devuan with me at all times hohoho
21:27.56gnarfacecongrats rad
21:30.48*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
22:10.38*** join/#devuan gattuso (
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22:45.19*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
22:45.21bsd4mefsmithred, I'm trying to run gparted on updated refracta, but get "usr/sbin/gparted: 78: /usr/sbin/gparted: pkexec: not found"
22:46.08buZzmaybe pkexec is not found
22:47.09bsd4mecouldn't locate it, but couldn't find it via apt either
22:49.56debdogpk == policy kit?
22:53.27bsd4meThanks! See it. Now a newbie question. How do I fix that?
22:53.45debdoghehe, good question :)
22:54.25bsd4meGuess, I'll not use it for a while
22:54.55bsd4menormally use cfdisk anyway
23:00.52fsmithredtrying to start gparted from menu?
23:01.11fsmithredand when you say updated refracta, do you mean refracta10-beta3?
23:01.41fsmithredbsd4me, ^^^
23:02.35bsd4meugh, let me check. Been installed for few months...forget :)
23:02.47fsmithredwhich kernel?
23:02.55fsmithred4.9 or 4.19?
23:02.57bsd4metried starting from menu and cli
23:03.16fsmithredgparted-pkexec should start it from terminal
23:03.42fsmithredif you're user
23:03.44bsd4menope. Thats where I got the error
23:04.30bsd4meLinux refracta 5.3.0-0.bpo.2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.3.9-2~bpo10+1 (2019-11-13) x86_64 GNU/Linux
23:04.57*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
23:05.00fsmithredthis system I'm running doesn't have gparted-pkexec either
23:05.24fsmithredwas installed back in december and it's refracta beowulf, but I dont' recall how I got here.
23:05.37fsmithredanyway, just su and run gparted
23:06.14bsd4mesorry, how do I open display?  Never had to do that
23:06.38fsmithredthere's a little black rectangle in the top panel, next to the apps menu
23:07.30bsd4meoh, ok. I was looking for something like gksu
23:07.52fsmithredare you already on a desktop?
23:07.55bsd4meGuess I can logout, then login as root
23:08.10fsmithredjust open a terminal, become root and start gparted
23:08.41bsd4me(gpartedbin:20859): Gtk-WARNING **: 15:08:28.090: cannot open display:
23:09.26fsmithredecho "ALWAYS_SET_PATH yes" >> /etc/default/su
23:09.42fsmithredthen log out of root and su again
23:10.43fsmithredyou're doing su, not 'su -' right?
23:11.09bsd4meno. su -
23:11.22fsmithredthat won't work. Don't bother with the echo.
23:11.23bsd4mewhat I used
23:11.28fsmithredjust exit and then su
23:11.48fsmithredso you keep user's environment
23:11.53bsd4meGot it! Thanks :)
23:13.00fsmithredand contrary to what I may have said weeks or months ago, which you probably didn't hear, copying user's .Xuathority to /root does still work
23:13.10fsmithred(or maybe it works again)
23:13.28fsmithredand I didn't spell that right
23:13.35bsd4meMissed that and will do that!
23:14.33fsmithredin the new refracta beowulf isos, gparted does start from the menu
23:15.18bsd4me:)   oh, with new isos, will there be a newer kernel? Just curious
23:15.36fsmithredno, there will be an older kernel
23:15.41fsmithredlol, older than yours
23:15.50bsd4meok, np
23:15.50fsmithredstock beowulf 4.19-whatever
23:16.11fsmithredunless it turns out the new kernel fixes a particular issue that's bugging me
23:16.13bsd4melol, this is the kernel that came with the iso I downloaded
23:16.22bsd4meok. Understand that.
23:16.29fsmithredwtf backports iso did I make??
23:17.24bsd4meNo idea. Got it from a site you told me to try, since older kernels don't work on this lenova ideapad 320
23:17.53fsmithredthis has openbox instead of xfce?
23:18.12bsd4meWell, they work, but need a bunch of additions/switches
23:18.31fsmithredok, I know which one it is
23:19.09fsmithredyou might need to add policykit-1-gnome to get gparted-pkexec
23:19.19bsd4meBeen working great for me
23:20.06fsmithredI'm not sure how much other crap that will pull in
23:21.12bsd4meabout a dozen or so. Removes libsystemd()
23:21.29fsmithredreplaces it with libelogind0?
23:24.00fsmithredI just booted the iso I think you used
23:24.08*** join/#devuan TheCreeper (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)
23:24.25fsmithredit's pretty lean - no elogind, consolekit or policykit.
23:24.47bsd4meyes, lean for sure, but working fine for me.
23:28.13*** join/#devuan rypervenche (~rypervenc@unaffiliated/rypervenche)
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23:55.15*** join/#devuan TheCreeper (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)

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