IRC log for #devuan on 20200503

00:03.58*** join/#devuan plasma41 (~plasma41@
00:05.50systemdleteWhy does runlevel tell me "N 2" when I think I am in multi-user (5?) level?
00:06.05systemdleteThis is the situation immediately after boot.
00:10.03systemdleteI keep forgetting this is rc, not sysvinit
00:11.05masonsystemdlete: Yeah, it's not quite as rigorously segmented as sysv.
00:11.48systemdleteI'm having a long "hang" upon boot.  I see cups and cups-browsed, then it hangs for a few minutes
00:11.49*** join/#devuan sgage (
00:12.05systemdleteFinally, I see dovecot start.  So I am guessing it is dovecot at fault here.
00:12.24sgagemy inittab shows default level is in fact 2
00:12.48systemdleteBut starting dovecot from cmd line after login works instantly, so I am guessing it is dovecot
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00:12.57systemdletesgage: ignore please
00:13.15systemdleteit is correct; I was not
00:14.35systemdletemason:  Any idea about dovecot (or whatever is causing it to pause?)
00:15.33masonsystemdlete: Yeah, pop some echo lines into the scripts around there, and you can see exactly where you're hanging up.
00:15.53masonstart and end of each script, and you'll know right where you are
00:15.57systemdleteFor the moment, I have disabled dovecot, and I am rebooting to see if that's it
00:16.16systemdleteThen I can debug dovecot or the like
00:16.37masonsystemdlete: Ah. Are you using ifupdown? If so, change allow-hotplug to auto.
00:16.48masonsystemdlete: I don't know why it defaults to allow-hotplug, but it's kind of bad.
00:17.09systemdleteOh... right.  Maybe it is waiting on a wireless connection?
00:17.13masonOr maybe it's something else, but that one bites me on just about every install.
00:17.24systemdleteI mean, :(
00:19.35systemdleteI confirm it hangs on dovecot, and probably for the reason you are saying.  Now changing interfaces file...
00:20.29systemdletemason:  My file is already set for 'auto'
00:21.39systemdletegoes off to pollute dovecot startup with tons of traces... 8|
00:21.43masonHm. Then yeah, instrument the start-up scripts and where you're hanging will pop right out.
00:21.54masonWas it definitely dovecot?
00:21.55systemdleteJust dovecot really
00:22.13systemdleterebooted with it disabled, and *snap!* it was back up instantly
00:22.24masonso, if you've narrowed it down that far, you can replace dovecot with something that runs dovecot under strace, for example.
00:22.26systemdletedovecot is def the sticky wicket.
00:23.07masonLike, move the actual binary and put in a shell script with the right name, where the shell script passed its arguments to an strace'd dovecot binary and saves the trace off to some pid-based name.
00:23.44systemdleteset -xv first
00:24.12systemdletethat will help zero in on which part of the script hangs, might not be dovecot itself. It does other setups
00:24.53systemdleteIt's hanging on doveconf, actually
00:25.03systemdlete(that's why I wanted to do xv first)
00:25.28systemdleteAnd then I can try it after login to see if I can replicate that behavior
00:38.50*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
00:39.23tuxd3vhello guys, I need some help to configure my bluethoot headset
00:39.33tuxd3vI installed blueman
00:39.43tuxd3vI already paired the devices
00:39.57tuxd3vfor what I understand blueman needs dbus
00:40.11tuxd3vI should have dbus running by now?
00:41.36tuxd3vit fails to connect: Procoll not availlable???
00:42.05tuxd3vDBUS failed error
00:42.10tuxd3vits what I get
00:45.48tuxd3vblueman.bluez.errors.DBusFailedError:Protocol not availlable
01:05.06*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
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01:25.40systemdletemason: Mystery solved (almost).  strace of doveconf shows it hangs on call to getrandom(... in a VM!   I recall there is a way to fix this, but I don't remember what
01:29.55*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
01:31.14tuxd3vits possible to use Alsa, in Mate Desktop instead of Pulse Audio?
01:41.20*** join/#devuan unixman_home (
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01:55.59sgagetuxd3v: that's what I'm doing right now. Got some nice music going on Pandora :-)
01:56.57sgageYou may have to install apulse to satisfy some programs, but no-pulseaudio works fine.
02:15.57*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@
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02:59.02systemdleterrq:  I think that was it, but it looks like it has not started in time for dovecot.  Dovecot is still doing its hangy thing on boot
03:00.49systemdleteoh, wait
03:00.54systemdletelooks like it wont start
03:44.20*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
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04:57.12*** join/#devuan Unit193 (ukikie@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.unit193)
05:00.25*** join/#devuan Garb0 (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
05:10.36*** join/#devuan no_9 (~androirc@2600:1:c560:25d4:0:54:710a:c301)
05:11.38no_9I just installed ASCII, can't seem to install kaffeine or KDE... anyone know what's up with that?
05:12.44bpmedleyno_9 : Fresh install?
05:13.07bpmedleyWhat error messages are you getting?
05:14.21no_9I can't install hex chat either, so I have to manually transfer
05:14.34no_9Package KDE standard is not available but is referred to by another package
05:15.08bpmedleyAny network issues?  Can you ping a remote host like
05:15.43no_9I have no problem being online, I tried to get on here or via mibbit but apparently freenode doesn't like mibbit
05:16.24bpmedleyWhat's in /etc/apt/sources.list ?
05:17.02no_9I've already Run apt-get update, apt get upgrade, app gat get dist upgrade
05:17.14bpmedleyBut, what's in the sources.list?
05:17.36no_9The sources list is what was on the web page for Devuan for ascii
05:17.59bpmedleyWhat's your apt-get install command?
05:18.11no_9Its amd64 btw
05:19.32no_9Apt-get install kde then i tried apt-get install kde*
05:20.42bpmedleytry "apt-get install task-kde-desktop"  just guessing
05:22.01no_9Package task KDE desktop has no installation candidate
05:22.12no_9Likewise for KDE desktop
05:22.51no_9Wait that's not right
05:23.04no_9Package task KDE desktop is not available, but is referred to by another package
05:23.33no_9I get that same message for KDE standard
05:24.36no_9I really didn't want to use KDE, I just wanted to use some KDE apps, like kaffeine
05:25.42no_9Does devuan not have its own multimedia Source? Do you have to use a Debian release multimedia source?
05:38.37no_9Something is really not right, I just tried to install midnight Commander and I get package MC has no installation candidate
06:06.32*** join/#devuan Garb0 (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
06:17.56ulletare you encountering unsupported codecs no_9
06:25.17*** join/#devuan Garb0 (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
06:40.00*** join/#devuan infobot (
06:40.00*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Jessie 1.0 old-stable, ASCII 2.1 stable) | | Conference (2019) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #debianfork
06:40.00*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
06:44.49no_9what do you guys do for multimedia?
06:45.05no_9use debian jessie?
06:49.50*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:179d:1cc6:8854:4d5c)
06:55.36ulletdevuan no_9
06:55.55ulletall my media plays fine for me
06:56.09*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
06:57.40no_9well whats your line in /apt/sources.list for multimedia? i couldnt find olne for devuan
06:59.06ulletjust the three beowulf entries no_9
07:00.10no_9link pls?
07:00.40no_9i thought beowulf was a cluster distro
07:01.48no_9if i mix that in w/ 64 bit ascii am i going to break everything to hell?
07:02.31ulletwell to upgrade from ascii to beowulf i switched the ascii lines to beowulf and apt updated / apt upgraded
07:02.36ulletbut there might be issues
07:02.39no_9WAIT a minute theres no multimedia spurces in that
07:03.20ulleti see there's a forum post that mentions and
07:03.53no_9ive just used debian jessie multimedia
07:04.10ulleti don't think devuan has a 'multimedia' repository
07:04.38no_9already got jack qsynth installed and rosegarden is installing...
07:05.15ulletso for nonfree stuff you might want smth like
07:05.16ulletdeb ascii main contrib non-free
07:05.17ulletdeb ascii-security main contrib non-free
07:07.25no_9i got ascii on a usb stick & it uses the swap partition on the hdd
07:08.08no_9i just wanted to see if it installed my faves then i was migratring it to the hard drive
07:08.35ulletwhat's an example of a package that needs multimedia repo?
07:08.46ulletin debian
07:09.08ulletif i apt-cache search jack i see it
07:09.15ulletyou know apt-cache search?
07:09.27ulletqjackctl also
07:09.33ulletyou know apt-cache search?
07:09.40ulletuse apt-cache search, no_9
07:10.08no_9cant i feel in the dark til i find something?
07:10.48ulletthe assumption that you require a multimedia repo for jack or qjackctl is revealed to be incorrect by running apt-cache search for those packages
07:11.22no_9well i'll try that after this install finishes
07:17.56no_9beowulf is not for clustering? a distro by that name was for that...
07:24.45ulletyeah that was a popular thing around 20 years ago
07:24.59ulletbeowulf is also a name for a devuan distro
07:25.36no_9well whats the most recent stable?
07:25.51no_9i thought it was ascii
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07:26.32ulletstable is ascii
07:26.40ulletnot sure why you'd want that
07:26.52no_9beowu;f is...testing?
07:27.05ulleti thought it was equivalent to 'sid' from debian
07:27.27no_9oh shit--experimental
07:28.01no_9sid was rge kid who broke all his toys maaaaan
07:28.17no_9the kid**
07:28.26ulletfor general home-use i pick beowulf to not have ancient versions of software
07:29.54ulletand since it's the environment i'm used-to, i used it for business too
07:35.34no_9stuff sometimes doesnt work for weeks on sid dood
07:36.08no_9i appreciate the efforts of those who use it
07:36.37ulletk hm
07:37.07ulletdifferent people's usage patterns and preferences expose different problems
07:37.22no_9but you have to have something the equivalent of the old chevy when you got to go somewhere today
07:37.34no_9ie stable
07:38.21no_9always nice to know the beast will actually START
07:59.51*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
08:18.20*** join/#devuan rsx (
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08:30.01_abc_I see ascii and so on has packages so old it lives up to the bad name debian has created for this "feature" of the distribution. Some things are updated (firefox libreoffice) others dangerously not so (irssi and so on). Is there a howto and a "devuan way", perhaps just a checklist, to maintain a package stream repo locally with updated versions of what one needs?
08:32.41Wonka_abc_: you know about ascii-backports?
08:32.59_abc_I do but I think I have it enabled and still does not help? Let me check.
08:33.50Wonka has the four useful lines
08:34.12_abc_Yes it is on and does not help
08:34.24_abc_ascii-backports is on
08:34.50Wonkahm. cannot help further then; I'm running on unstable mostly...
08:37.31_abc_My sources.list looks pretty much like the one in your link, except I also had ascii-contrib on in the past, is commented now, and I also have the sources for all the other four enabled
09:03.52*** join/#devuan phyre (~phyre___@
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09:31.17ejryesterday around this time i asked for advice in here about an fsck error message i get when i boot into devuan. it is related to an external encrypted device i had attached to my system some days ago. I was advised to run fsck on the decrypted device, which i did, but the error message persists (even thoug fsck said the device was clean)
09:31.25ejris there anything else i can do?
09:58.38fsmithredejr, maybe change the frequency of checks using tune2fs
10:04.22ulletwhy did debian switch default user to 1001 instead of 1000 ?
10:04.37ulletcan i mount old drives mapping 1000 to 1001?
10:05.47fsmithredwhere did you get 1001? or how?
10:07.27*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@
10:07.55ulletin crappy debian
10:08.07ulletsorry it's offtopic
10:08.20fsmithrednot really
10:08.21ulletbut maybe others have the issue
10:08.38fsmithredI just checked a buster to beowulf system, and user is 1000
10:08.46fsmithredwho is 1000 on your system?
10:08.54ulletduring mount time, there is probably a way to map uid:gid
10:09.53fsmithredor add your user to the group
10:11.00*** part/#devuan g1 (~g1@
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10:17.34agrisCan a channel operator please privmsg me
10:19.41ulletthere is no 1000 on the system fsmithred
10:20.12agristobypus, Sigyn
10:21.40ulletdebian stretch 9.12
10:46.23*** join/#devuan sgage (
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11:13.32openbsdtai123Is there a small too in devuan to create a bootable usbstick with EFI ?
11:13.45openbsdtai123(too=> tool)
11:31.48ErRandirullet: the 1st UID used can be adjusted in /etc/adduser.conf
11:33.05ulletthat's curious. because it shows FIRST_UID=1000 and GID as well
11:33.23ulletmaybe the vendor added a hidden user >_<
11:33.53ulletthanks ErRandir
11:34.27ErRandiror maybe they added a temp uid for the install and removed that later
11:39.15*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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11:54.49fsmithredopenbsdtai123, use dd or cat. The isos are already efi-bootable except for the minimal-live isos and the i386 desktop-live
12:05.46openbsdtai123thank you. I did cat of efi... I would like to mod it to boot slack and devuan using EFI (I know efi :( helas). I will try cat and then to add a partition.
12:08.29*** join/#devuan gordonDrogon (
12:09.10fsmithredyou want multi-boot with live systems, or installer isos?
12:09.24fsmithredif just live systems, you can use refracta2usb (not in repo)
12:10.02openbsdtai123I saw that elilo could eventually do this...
12:10.48fsmithredI've never used elilo
12:13.37*** join/#devuan silentjet (
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12:28.27fsmithredfor multi-boot usb, you're better off making a fat32 partition instead of imaging the isohybrid file. With the amd64 isohybrids, you can't make a second partition.
12:29.44*** join/#devuan banisterfiend (~textual@ruby/staff/banisterfiend)
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12:33.10ShorTiejustice ??
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13:12.59ulletfor great justice
13:15.21MinceRthere is no justice. there is just us.
13:40.36ham5urgI wanted to install a devuan lxc container inside a devuan machine. But no template is available. Has anybody got it run?
13:41.16ullettell the lxc folks to make one?
13:42.20*** join/#devuan silentjet (
13:46.52zatumilmaybe you can find a devuan dockerfile and use this in your lxc etc ...
13:49.41fsmithredham5urg, maybe this:
13:51.31fsmithredoh, if you use that, don't use the mirror he used. Use instead.
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19:46.02systemdleteSo it looks like beowulf has trouble launching doveconf during boot, but not after boot.  I cannot get haveged to work, unless I run it from the command line.  But it doesn't seem to matter since it doesn't run at boot anyway.
19:46.28systemdleteA lot of people use dovecot, so it is helpful to attend to this.
19:47.10systemdleteAgain, putting an strace on doveconf during boot shows it hangs on getrandom()
19:48.02systemdleteThis is running as guest VM under vbox 6.1
19:52.45fsmithredlooks like haveged runs here
19:53.00fsmithreddoes it start after dovecot?
20:12.23systemdleteThat's my theory.  I don't see where it is starting or failing to start in the boot. I may have missed it though.
20:12.35systemdleteThe log files show that audit is DENYing it to start
20:12.58systemdletebeowulf-vm kernel: [  949.375612] audit: type=1400 audit(1588475434.092:46): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mknod" profile="/usr/sbin/haveged" name="/run/" pid=4122 comm="haveged" requested_mask="c" denied_mask="c" fsuid=0 ouid=0
20:13.13systemdleteI did not explicitly install apparmor, though.
20:13.37systemdleteI find it interesting that it works for YOU fsmithred.  Do you have apparmor installed?
20:14.16fsmithredI guess so - I see apparmor messages
20:14.26fsmithredhang on.. (I don't have dovecot)
20:14.40fsmithredyeah, I do
20:14.43fsmithredhave apparmor
20:15.02fsmithredI had to mess with haveged in my refracta live isos
20:15.06fsmithredno dovecot
20:15.20fsmithredis there an /etc/init.d/dovecot?
20:15.29systemdletecan you install it (please) just to see if you get the hang also?  (yes, there is an init for it)
20:15.49fsmithredlook at /etc/rc2.d/
20:16.06fsmithredwhich comes first, haveged or dovecot?
20:16.46systemdleteBoth are S03
20:17.23fsmithredthey're probably alphabetical when the numbers are the same
20:17.26systemdleteBut even if I twiddled with the ordering a bit (assign S02 to haveged, e.g)
20:17.49systemdletehaveged does not start, period, when I run "service haveged start" from the command line AFTER boot
20:18.08systemdleteI mean, happy to try it, if you think that gives us more info
20:18.32fsmithredI think haveged runs and stops
20:18.33systemdletemaybe safer to change dovecot to S04*
20:18.43fsmithredI see a message at 29 seconds into boot
20:18.43systemdletebut it does not launch a daemon
20:18.48fsmithredbut it's not running now
20:19.09systemdleterun "service haveged status"
20:19.17systemdletedoes it say running?
20:19.35systemdletealso, ps -ef |grep haveged
20:19.43fsmithrednot running, and not in ps output
20:20.04fsmithredlemme see what it does in live session
20:20.08systemdleteSo at least you and I are getting the same results for haveged, which is comforting
20:20.29systemdlete(my install of beowulf is not too screwed up)
20:21.51systemdletefsmithred:  There is a -F option to haveged that does work, at least at the command line, bare of the service scripts
20:22.01systemdleteI can't seem to get that option to work with the service scripts
20:22.30systemdletethe problem is that the service scripts need the service (haveged) to fork itself off
20:22.30fsmithredoh, haveged is running in live session
20:23.05fsmithredbecause I started it - had to make a live-config script to run it so ssh host keys could be generated at boot
20:23.18systemdleteSo then the start-stop daemon would have to be set to do that instead.  But it might work for me.
20:23.32systemdleteIs that the problem -- missing keys?
20:23.44systemdleteI get it
20:24.11fsmithredI have to generate new keys every time the live session boots...
20:24.22fsmithredotherwise, everyone who uses that iso has the same host keys
20:24.23systemdleteright, right  -- I spoke too soon
20:24.42systemdletebtw, is this in a VM or on HW
20:25.47systemdletefsmithred?  VM or not?
20:25.59fsmithredlive session is in VM
20:26.05fsmithrednon-live is on hardware
20:26.19fsmithredthat's this system I'm currently using
20:26.36systemdleteso we might be comparing apples and oranges
20:27.04systemdlete(I'm not sure how haveged works -- does it access randomizing hw if available? idk)
20:27.04fsmithredwe're comparing haveged in two different environments
20:27.10fsmithredneither am I
20:27.22fsmithredI just know it needs to run before those keys get made
20:27.32systemdleteand before dovecot
20:27.48fsmithredcat /etc/default/haveged
20:27.55systemdleteright, did that already
20:28.26systemdleteI have not modified it.  Still says  Daemon args are -w 1024
20:28.41systemdleteI tried adding that -F option but then the service doesn't background itself
20:29.16systemdletebut I can get haveged to run directly from shell with -F, otherwise it exits and takes any children with it, apparently
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20:29.46systemdleteI think there is an option to start-stop that will do that, though
20:29.56fsmithredmaybe hack the do_start script to leave you some output in a file
20:30.17fsmithredin /etc/init.d/haveged
20:30.26systemdleteoh, you mean the function?
20:30.40systemdleteI can do that.
20:30.55systemdleteI was going to hack it a bit anyway, just to see if I could get the silly thing to work at all
20:31.12fsmithredlooks like it starts it twice - once with --test and once wit DAEMON_ARGS
20:31.20systemdlete(I don't care -- I'm not really using beowulf VM for anything anyway)
20:31.30systemdleteYes.  Not sure why, but it does do that.
20:31.38systemdleteI think the first time is to get some info
20:32.08systemdleteI've been toying with haveged for a day now
20:32.29systemdletenot like it matters.  I'm not going anywhere today...
20:33.13fsmithredman start-stop-daemon explains what the return values mean
20:33.36systemdleteThat's rare in *nix
20:33.46systemdlete(sarcasm only)
20:33.50fsmithredlol, yeah
20:34.37systemdletethe service script seems to return 0 always
20:35.08systemdleteI've also tried running haveged exactly like the script, and it also returns 0
20:35.23systemdleteAt least, I've never seen it return non-zero yet
20:35.41systemdleteI put a set -xv to see how haveged and start-stop are being called
20:35.49systemdleteSo I could test it directly from shell
20:36.20systemdleteAnd I also looked for I/O redirection, etc.  (there was none, but I always check anyway)
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20:39.06systemdletestart-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /var/run/ --exec /usr/sbin/haveged -- -w 1024 -v32 -F
20:39.19systemdletebut take the -F away and there is nothing!
20:39.57systemdleteguess what fsmithred -- my theory works!
20:40.30systemdleteIf I run the start-stop daemon with -b (background the target) and pass -F to haveged, the service script finally works !!!
20:40.52systemdleteIt's stupid, clumsy, and ridiculous, but it works
20:41.07systemdleteit's no way to run a country, but...
20:42.00fsmithredso you can change the command in the init script
20:42.11fsmithredor maybe in /etc/default
20:42.19fsmithredthat would be cleaner
20:43.03systemdletewell, I can change the options to haveged, and I've done that yesterday when fooling with this
20:43.35fsmithredyeah, you can't use the -b that way - wrong command
20:43.38systemdletebut there is no similar option for the script itself
20:44.04systemdletethis would be a...
20:44.05fsmithredhack the init script and watch out for any upgrades to haveged
20:44.36systemdletehopefully upgrade will fix this to begin with
20:44.51systemdletemaybe a new version of haveged that works more like one would expect
20:45.03fsmithredcheck for bug reports in debian
20:45.08systemdletewill do
20:45.15systemdleteor is it the haveged project?
20:45.30fsmithredstart with debian - someone else may have reported it
20:45.41systemdletewhat is the meaning of the name?
20:45.47fsmithredand if you file, they'll let you know if it needs to go upstream
20:46.07fsmithredhavege is some algorithm, I think
20:46.13systemdleteah, ok
20:47.05systemdleteHAVEGE (HArdware Volatile Entropy Gathering and Expansion) algorithum
20:47.22systemdlete(love that "u" in the last word there)
20:50.45systemdleteso it appears they know about this
20:51.27systemdletehas something to do with switching to sysvinit from... uh... err...
20:51.32systemdleteburps on himself
20:51.35systemdleteexcuse me
20:52.06systemdletethe trail of damage never ends
20:52.58systemdletefor now, I will hack the script.  I'm not going to bother with /etc/default at all.  if the problem gets fixed, I'd rather make a clean break
20:56.34systemdleteBut... while I can get it to start now, it fails to quit when I run stop
20:56.53systemdleteapparently, status_of_proc does not work for this case
21:02.35fsmithredI run it without any options in the live-config script
21:02.54systemdlete"it" -- haveged or start-stop
21:03.09fsmithredyou could just put a line in /etc/rc.local
21:03.49systemdleteI probably don't  need to worry about stopping it.  And, if I need to, can always do killall or other manual op for now...
21:04.21systemdletewhen you say YOU run it etc, is this a custom ISO you are using?
21:04.55systemdleteI think my solution will suffice for the moment.
21:05.13fsmithredyeah, I don't think you want it to stop
21:05.16systemdletealthough, I don't plan on using dovecot anyway, which is how this ball started rolling in the first place
21:05.50systemdleteIn my actual beowulf environment, on real hw, upgrading from ascii, someday, then yes.
21:05.59systemdletethat is the only reason I am testing dovecot
21:06.32systemdleteI suppose I might want to test dovecot a little just to see if THAT works... lol
21:07.02fsmithredgood idea
21:09.50systemdleteI see I need to force haveged to run before dovecot.  I should be able to rename it from S3haveged to S3_haveged
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21:10.49systemdletedot, dash, equals might work
21:11.00systemdleteoh wait
21:11.12systemdleteunderscore comes before lowercase, so that should work
21:11.29systemdleteok, man gotta plan
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22:42.00ShorTiehow do i add this ??  gpg -v --recv-keys 0x94532124541922FB
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