IRC log for #devuan on 20200430

00:06.48*** join/#devuan xcm (
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00:25.27*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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00:44.36*** join/#devuan jungleprimes (~primenumb@
01:02.30*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
01:06.43ebisuHow do I make ntpd work on Devuan 3?
01:17.53*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (
01:21.46fsmithredapt install ntp
01:22.06fsmithredthen add some time servers to /etc/ntp.conf
01:22.59fsmithred(talking to myself again)
01:23.14masonfsmithred: Sometimes it's the only way to find intelligent conversation.
01:23.14jungleprimesyeah, there has been a bunch of that across the rooms today
01:23.17jungleprimesquick jumpers
01:23.29onefangShould come with some default time servers.
01:23.36fsmithredlike they have somewhere to go? works as a default for me, but having several is better
01:24.37fsmithredI just use ntpdate on most of my systems
01:25.02masonThat can be rough for some services.
01:25.21jungleprimes(the installer sets up ntp in a decent default for home use way)
01:25.28jungleprimesand if you want to make an NTP server
01:25.33jungleprimeseasy enough to edit the config and go
01:27.34jungleprimeschrony is cool
01:27.45jungleprimeshas some nice features on top of NTP
02:06.16*** join/#devuan sb35 (~sb35@
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02:44.32*** join/#devuan xcm (
03:15.39*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
03:25.09xrogaanHuh, I just realized that 7zip for linux is unmaintained and unmaintainable.
03:29.08aaroin linux you use xz for the same level of compression
03:33.36*** join/#devuan Garb0 (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
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05:00.06*** join/#devuan phyre (~phyre___@
05:24.43*** join/#devuan ullet (~ullet@
05:25.24ulletmorning! hi fsmithred i saw you posted beowulf arm images. thanks!
05:26.37ulleti notice there are .dts files from Khadas for the Khadas Vim3.  Is there a way you could include those?  There are some ubuntu and debian images on their site. Could we take the .dts from one of those?
05:27.01*** join/#devuan Garb0_ (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
05:30.48*** join/#devuan Garb0_ (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
05:39.06*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
05:45.54*** join/#devuan KnoP (
06:09.39*** join/#devuan infobot (
06:09.39*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Jessie 1.0 old-stable, ASCII 2.1 stable) | | Conference (2019) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #debianfork
06:09.39*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
06:16.04*** join/#devuan ephemer0l (~ephemer0l@pentoo/user/ephemer0l)
06:16.13xrogaanaaro: it's more about interoperability, how many people know about xz? Hello, a lot of people continue to use Rar.
06:20.26*** join/#devuan silentjet (
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06:55.34*** join/#devuan phyre (~phyre___@
07:41.10*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@2001:d08:1a02:a73e:f342:b6a4:861b:f567)
07:50.43*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
07:52.43*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:179d:1cc6:8854:4d5c)
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08:26.17*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (~Besnik@2a02:587:de04:e300:17cb:29f1:685a:777c)
08:37.49*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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09:47.18*** join/#devuan scramblez (
10:06.10*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
10:13.34scramblezHi all, I'm trying to boot into a qemu qcow2 image and it complains about I/O error for a floppy. After a while "Gave up waiting for root file system device. ... ALERT! /dev/sda1/ does not exist"
10:14.22scramblezI also tried booting it with EFI instead of BIOS and it fails completely
10:22.12*** join/#devuan ymasson (
10:24.13scramblezAh! OK, I added --no-floppy in the kernel line and then it tries to boot, but it can't find /dev/sda1
10:24.25scramblezPerhaps I need to add this in the kernel line too?
10:26.57*** join/#devuan ruenoak (
10:30.52scramblezYes, switching /dev/sda1 to /dev/vda1 solved this problem
10:37.26*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
11:00.27*** join/#devuan ullet (~ullet@
11:05.30*** part/#devuan scramblez (
11:20.07*** join/#devuan ham5urg (
11:22.12ham5urgHas anybody got 3d-kvm in its virtual machine running?
11:26.12ulletvery nice bash script git clone
11:27.29*** join/#devuan xcm (
11:27.50*** join/#devuan Soo_Slow (Soo_Slow@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/sooslow/x-31376162)
11:45.26*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
12:02.29zatumilhow does it look in a 80 columns terminal?
12:02.56ulletnot so hot
12:03.07ulletalso it uses rather much cpu
12:03.25ulletbut the layout is fantastic for 'at a glance' seeing what network and cpu is doing historically
12:18.20fsmithredullet, when it comes to arm, I am only a messenger. What's a .dts file?
12:21.52fsmithredthe arm images in the installer tree (on are created as part of the installer build. The images on were made by tuxd3v.
12:24.41ullethow could i assist getting Khadas VIM3 supported fsmithred ?
12:25.00ulletit's a reeally zippy little sbc
12:25.18*** join/#devuan ham5urg (
12:25.19fsmithred"supported" is a hazy area when it comes to arm.
12:25.42*** join/#devuan user282069 (
12:26.14fsmithredyou can create an image and share it with others in the arm forum and #devuan-arm channel.
12:27.17*** join/#devuan xinomilo (
12:27.28ulletdoes that irc channel still need to be locked to unregistered freenode users?
12:28.39fsmithredI don't know
12:28.43fsmithredis it locked?
12:29.56*** join/#devuan ham5urg (
12:32.42*** join/#devuan devuan_ (~devuan@
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12:34.35*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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12:45.44*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
12:50.50*** join/#devuan phyre (~phyre___@
12:59.59*** join/#devuan jelly-home (jelly@pdpc/supporter/active/jelly)
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13:34.53*** join/#devuan gnu_srs (~srs@devuan/developer/srs)
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14:49.02*** join/#devuan Akuli (
14:55.38*** part/#devuan ham5urg (
14:59.23*** join/#devuan ham5urg (
14:59.44ham5urgWhat is the purpose of the installed exim4 after a standard installation?
15:00.22fsmithredsend system mail to root or first user
15:01.36ham5urghow to handle such emails in a network? could I configure exim4 to send mails to
15:01.58fsmithredI think so. Should be a simple config.
15:02.02xinomiloif you need system email for simple stuff, there's also much lighter msmtp-mta
15:02.27*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
15:07.23ham5urgxinomilo, exim4 is the default. How to change it?
15:09.02xinomiloapt install msmtp-mta
15:14.32ham5urgI'm looking at Which one is the correct one? I would like to have no local delivery (neither for root) and forward all to an external site.
15:15.03ham5urg'internet site'?
15:17.14xinomilofor exim : "mail sent by smarthost; no local mail" probably
15:43.20*** join/#devuan james1138 (
15:44.55Akulion beowulf, how to 'sudo apt install foo' such that 'foo' becomes the version that it was back in ascii?
15:45.25slvryou can add the ascii repo with a lower priority and specify that you want to use that repo at install time.
15:45.28slvrthen pin the package.
15:45.33slvrer, 'hold'
15:52.18Akulinice to know, turns out that i don't need that after all
15:52.38Akuli'foo' is actually mate-system-monitor, which has the old behaviour as an option in the menu, it's just different by default
15:59.17gnarfaceham5urg: be smart.  be cautious.  don't send your root mail to google.
16:00.16gnarfaceham5urg: (the official advise is never to send it off the system, but i know that may be impractical in some cases, just make sure you never send it to a server that you or your corporate entity doesn't fully own)
16:01.50ham5urggnarface, no, emails are going to my email server, my domain for which I pay for.
16:02.05*** join/#devuan filipdevuan_ (~devuan@
16:02.31*** join/#devuan xcm (
16:06.46*** part/#devuan Joril (
16:17.20*** join/#devuan banisterfiend (~textual@ruby/staff/banisterfiend)
16:36.51*** join/#devuan blizzow (
16:46.16LucasRamage[m]So does devuan aim to support arbitray packages not available upstream?
16:47.39LucasRamage[m]Perhaps my question should go to #devuan-dev instead
16:48.19gnarfacepossibly.  there is ascii-proposed, and beowulf-proposed
16:48.34*** join/#devuan xcm (
16:48.52gnarfacebut for the most part they try to push fixes upstream and recommend new packages come in that way too
16:56.16*** join/#devuan bjb (
17:00.49*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
17:41.48*** join/#devuan ejr (
17:42.17ejrhi. why would username not be allowed to do e.g. sudo ifconfig when username is aprt of the sudo group?
17:42.29ejrbecause i have this issue on my fresh beowulf install
17:42.48MinceRprobably because the line in sudoers that allows sudo group to use sudo is commented
17:42.53MinceRedit it with visudo
17:42.59ejri did that
17:43.12bgstack15you can check what commands your user is allowed to run: sudo -l
17:43.17bgstack15that's lowercase L as in Lima
17:43.45bgstack15perhaps the sudoers group has some limitations on what it can run. I've also seen people get confused when sudo asks for a password.
17:43.58ejrahhh! i think i had a type on my visudo entry ._.
17:44.03ejrALL;ALL instead of ALL:ALL
17:44.06ejrthat's probably it...
17:44.14bgstack15If you want to omit the password query, you need to modify your sudoers line with: NOPASSWD: /bin/command
17:44.21bgstack15That would do it too
17:44.28MinceRanother possible reason is if the user logged in before they were added to the sudo group :>
17:44.41bgstack15ooh, good thinking
17:45.50ejrthanks for the hint with sudo -l bkstack15, if not for that I would not have seen the typo spelled out so clearly anytime soon. lol
17:46.23gnarfacehey ejr did you get the xorg issue solved?  after you left it was mentioned you should try the xorg-server-legacy package, which should add the suid root wrapper for xorg (after further thinking on it, i recalled that it was probably a different driver that could be run without it)
17:46.53ejrgnarface: no, i didnt. I did a fresh install this afternoon (and am setting it up right now).
17:46.57ejrBut thanks for asking :)
17:48.11gnarfaceejr: on some platforms, xorg will select the modesetting (aka KMS) driver for Intel video chips by default, which in recent versions can be run fully in user mode.  but i noticed from your logs you're using the actual Intel one by name.  i forgot to ask if you got that by adding it to a custom xorg.conf or if it is passing over the modsetting driver for you all on it's own
17:48.50gnarfaceejr: with the xorg-server-legacy package installed, it should work for every user in the "video" group
17:49.08ejrwell, i never set up any intel driver manually afaicr
17:49.27gnarfaceok, noted.  that's not important here i was just curious wtf it's doing
17:50.17gnarfacerunning it with the suid-root wrapper wouldn't be as secure as just running it as a bare user, but it looks like there's ultimately no way around that if you want any sort of hardware acceleration capabilities
17:50.56gnarfaceit does make me wonder if you'd be able to tell it to load the modesetting driver instead and get it to work as your own user but i can't be sure it's worth the effort even to test that
17:51.47gnarfaceif it's picking the Intel one by default it probably has a good reason
17:51.49ejrwhen i have set up my system, i might try if you'd like me to
17:52.16gnarfacewell, just make sure the xorg-server-legacy package and being in the "video" group is enough first.
17:52.56gnarfacetesting the modesetting driver for this isn't a high value task
17:52.59ejrok, i will get back to you later on this for sure
17:53.15ejr(need to get finished with my config first so that i'm set for work)
17:54.21fsmithredyou also need to add 'needs_root_rights=yes' to /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
18:09.01gnarfacefsmithred: doesn't it do that automatically?
18:09.44gnarfacemine is working here and i don't have that in there
18:09.52gnarfaceit has this instead: allowed_users=console
18:10.08gnarfaceand a comment to use "dpkg-reconfigure x11-common" if you want the file regenerated
18:10.30*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
18:10.41fsmithredIf I can remember which VM I used to test that, I'll try it without the line.
18:10.43gnarfacei guess i can't be sure i didn't make that change myself, this system has crossed a lot of upgrades
18:11.06*** join/#devuan freemangordon (~ivo@
18:11.07fsmithredwhat I said to do is what we have in ascii release notes
18:11.23gnarfaceah, so it might have simply changed since then
18:11.34gnarfacesince this is ceres here
18:13.13fsmithrednot working here without the line. This is ceres.
18:13.19fsmithreddo you have elogind installed?
18:17.34gnarfacei don't have a graphical login either though
18:17.39gnarfacei just run startx
18:17.54gnarfaceand i am in the "video" group
18:18.13*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
18:21.25fsmithredI'm in video group here
18:23.24*** join/#devuan izh_ (~izh_@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
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19:46.58Guest48151*i don't have a graphical login either though*, gnarface
19:47.16Guest48151gnarface: did you know about ly?
20:07.04*** join/#devuan denis__ (~izh_@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
20:07.14gnarfaceheh, i did not know about that.  that's cute
20:08.20furrywolf"pecifically designed not to depend on logind. You should be able to make it work easily with a better init"  sounds like we have common opinions.  :)
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.