IRC log for #devuan on 20200426

04:29.59*** join/#devuan infobot (
04:29.59*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Jessie 1.0 old-stable, ASCII 2.1 stable) | | Conference (2019) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #debianfork
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04:47.00*** join/#devuan sb35 (~sb35@
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07:48.20golinuxWrong channel meep_____   chat on #debianfork
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14:22.16*** join/#devuan GeneralStupid (
14:24.01GeneralStupidHi, yesterday i upgraded to beowulf, since then I have some mail issues... I use dovecot and postfix. The issue i cannot solve is, that dovecot is saving incoming mails twice
14:26.19*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
14:27.04*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
14:27.21gnarfaceGeneralStupid: first thing you should do in a situation like this is check debian's bug tracker to see if it has already been reported as an issue (if so, they might have a temporary fix posted as well, and if not there is a possibility the damage is self-inflicted)
14:28.24*** join/#devuan phyre (~phyre___@
14:29.52GeneralStupidgnarface: does not look like
14:30.54gnarfaceGeneralStupid: the second thing i would do then is verify that those packages are the right versions (distro-mixing or even using of backports in the previous release might have left behind some mismatching versions that escape upgrade)
14:32.46GeneralStupidgnarface: i also checked this. core, sieve and everything else are the same version
14:33.01*** join/#devuan ephemer0l_ (~ephemer0l@pentoo/user/ephemer0l)
14:33.36gnarfaceGeneralStupid: alright, seems like it must be a bug then.  best report it.  anything interesting show up in the logs or does it seem to be functioning correctly other than duplicating stuff?
14:34.05gnarfaceGeneralStupid: is there any possibility custom configs could just be accidentally launching the daemon twice or something?
14:35.59GeneralStupidi just raised the verbosity level.
14:36.51*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
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19:34.15TwistedFatehelp someone, my in-game FPS is limited to 60FPS but i don't have v-sync on.. what could cause this?
19:51.33sixwheeledbeastthe game is set to 60 or it cant get any faster?
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20:21.08TwistedFatesixwheeledbeast: it was force locked to 60 FPS even though the v-sync was off
20:21.19TwistedFateturned out it was an overlay called mangoHUD that caused it
21:13.56*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
21:28.51*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
21:32.04*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
22:22.56*** join/#devuan HeteroChromia420 (
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22:29.39HeteroChromia420hi folks! i'm having issues installing KDE Connect on Devuan Beowulf. seems that one of the dependencies (libpolkit-qt5-1-1) depends on libpam-systemd. is there a way to get this dependency met in some other way?
22:31.03gnarfaceHeteroChromia420: try libpam-elogind
22:32.04*** join/#devuan xcm (
22:32.34*** join/#devuan RhineDevil (~RhineDevi@gateway/tor-sasl/rhinedevil)
22:33.36HeteroChromia420alright, installing libpam-elogind does say that will remove lxsession-logout and package-update-indicator (which are two things i'm relying on this minimal Openbox Session i've set up)
22:34.55gnarfaceHeteroChromia420: i think you'd probably have to alter the package dependencies on those packages
22:35.10gnarfaceHeteroChromia420: i'm not sure if more work than that would have to be done or not
22:35.38HeteroChromia420yikes, that doesn't sound much fun. guess i'm staying without kdeconnect then.
22:35.51HeteroChromia420i can just look at my phone i guess lol
22:37.19*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
22:38.03ullet_just some changes to debian/control or something
22:38.05gnarfaceHeteroChromia420: isn't kdeconnect already in the repos?
22:38.11ullet_but how to get that fixed for other users
22:38.25HeteroChromia420kdeconnect is in the repos, yes
22:38.35RhineDevilI'm having trouble with this config, basically there is a dhcp server listening on vmbr0 but the lxc container packets for dhcp requests sent on broadcast can't be seen by wireshark on neither lxcbr0 or vmbr0, please help
22:38.54RhineDevilmacvlan module is enabled as well
22:38.56HeteroChromia420at least i can grab it straight from apt install kdeconnect without needing a 3rd party repo
22:39.23gnarfaceHeteroChromia420: if the one in the repos is depending on libpam-systemd instead of libpam-elogind that might be a outstanding bug or it might be an issue with your install...
22:39.45HeteroChromia420probably, yeah
22:40.21HeteroChromia420i'll see if i can install lxsession-logout and the package update indicator with elogind
22:43.14*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
22:45.03HeteroChromia420alright, i can.
22:45.08HeteroChromia420so that solves that
22:46.10*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
22:48.08stovepipelol i was trying to figure out why my date was 12 hours off, then i noticed the PM
22:48.12stovepipewhen did this madness start
22:48.17gnarfaceHeteroChromia420: if this is a upgrade from Debian, you may have some debian packages still scattered around
22:50.21HeteroChromia420i did a fresh minimal install from the netinstall CD, maybe some of the packages of my openbox session setup script were conflicting with each other? doesn't matter anymore, it's fixed
22:51.11gnarfacehmm, does the openbox setup script pull packages in from elsewhere?
22:51.23gnarfaceyes, the important thing is that it works now
22:51.31HeteroChromia420nope, it just uses apt to get the packages
22:52.10stovepipeis it like that on all linux now? no longer showing proper 24h time?
22:52.43gnarfacestovepipe: i assume it's a setting
22:52.50stovepipeoh i'm sure
22:52.54stovepipeBUT WHY
22:54.21stovepipedefault output on unix should always be 24h
22:55.29HeteroChromia420the only thing i do "get" in that script is apt-fast, but i believe apt-fast only fetches stuff from whatever's located in the apt repos so i don't think that would bring any problem.
22:57.10HeteroChromia420so probably it's a conflict between kdeconnect's and the polkit i was trying to obtain
22:57.29gnarfaceHeteroChromia420: i would try to make sure it's using the system sources not something hardcoded or hidden elsewhere that might be pointing to debian repos
22:57.40stovepipeof course all information is on how to change output on command, and not how to undo this madness
22:57.45stovepipeso fun!
22:59.07stovepipeits also forcing xclock to display incorrectly
22:59.12gnarfacedpkg-reconfigure tzdata?
22:59.57stovepipetimezone is all correct, its just diusplaying AM/PM instead of proper 24h
23:00.07gnarfaceor maybe dpkg-reconfigure locales
23:00.44stovepipenothing in either of those about that
23:01.14gnarfacetry appending this to your /etc/default/locale file: C_TIME=C.UTF-8
23:01.34gnarfaceor wait no, actually run this: update-locale LC_TIME=C.UTF-8
23:01.37gnarfaceshould do the same thing
23:03.37stovepipebut i never had to do that on anything before, everything else i have says LC_TIME="en_US.UTF-8"
23:04.05stovepipeas does this one
23:05.12gnarfaceit has changed recently
23:05.31stovepipesomeone needs to be punished
23:05.39stovepipethis is bad
23:05.54gnarfacei think this is a case of the old way actually being in violation of the standard, despite being what people were used to
23:06.20ullet_will C.UTF-8 not break all my old things?
23:06.33stovepipethis scenario breaks a whole lot of things
23:06.49ullet_never touch a running system
23:08.26HeteroChromia420gnarface: looks like that you were right. apt-fast seems to have debian repos hardcoded. looks like we have a culprit then.
23:08.40gnarfaceHeteroChromia420: good to know
23:08.47*** join/#devuan Garb0 (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
23:09.18stovepipewhy does beowulf installer create 2 efi entries
23:10.24rrqit does?
23:10.38stovepipeit did here
23:10.59rrqafaik the installer creates 0 entries
23:11.32stovepipeon my efi boot m enu there are 2 debian entries, they appear to be identical
23:11.42stovepipethe both boot beowulf
23:12.12stovepipetoo late now anyway i already deleted it
23:13.03rrqisn't that "menu" created b the EFI software itself?
23:13.41stovepipeefibootmgr also sees it
23:15.07stovepipemaybe i installed twice and dont remember, would that cause that?
23:15.24stovepipetoo late to investigate now anyway i should have brought it up earlier
23:15.33rrqthe boot loading would have been installed by grub-efi (something)
23:15.58rrq... assuming you use grub
23:16.04stovepipestill had artix and old devuan skidmarks in there, cleaned that all up
23:16.19stovepipewell yeah grub is on there, but i dont really use it
23:16.42stovepipei just use the onboard boot menu
23:17.13stovepipefreebsd devuan and windows
23:19.13rrqyou may have noted that the beta2 netinstall iso, like the beta, is not fully adapted to the idea of "offline net install" ...
23:19.58stovepipeheh what even is that
23:20.26stovepipei saw someone mention that before
23:20.46stovepipei would assume that if youre offline, a netinstall isnt possible anyway
23:20.52stovepipeso ?
23:21.54rrqyeah, it seems to be a common thing, to use netinstall for getting a "minimal system"
23:22.20stovepipei didnt notice any beta2 at all btw
23:22.26stovepipei dont think
23:22.36stovepipeused the march 13 spin
23:23.09stovepipei did notice when i was compiling i was getting time errors
23:23.29stovepipebuilding something now before i try that change
23:23.49stovepipeit was complaining about inconsistent time or something
23:24.23stovepipeoh of course now its not doing it
23:25.11rrqthat might have been due to the installer not propagating locale setting properly...
23:25.20stovepipei had already fixed that though
23:25.23stovepipeits the first thing i did
23:25.37stovepipei think...
23:25.45*** join/#devuan sgage (
23:25.51stovepipealready went through that in my testing before
23:26.06stovepipei guess i'll just accept that i didnt
23:26.08*** join/#devuan HeteroChromia420 (
23:27.15stovepipethis time fiasco is going to break countless scripts and things that expect 24 time
23:27.34sgagestovepipe: re: the two Debian entries - one invokes shimx64 and the other invokes grubx64
23:27.40stovepipejust another thing to remember i guess
23:27.57sgagetry efibootmgr -v and you can see exactly what is going on.
23:28.10stovepipeheh i already deleted it
23:28.38stovepipeit would be nice if they were labelled differently
23:29.18stovepipewonder which one i ended up with
23:29.43stovepipeSHIMX64 apparently
23:30.12stovepipeis that going to bite me later
23:31.30sgagedon't know if it'll bite you later. I didn't like seeing 2, and always deleted
23:31.45sgagethe second one, and nothing bad ever happened. :)
23:31.47stovepipei see something about secure boot workaround
23:32.50sgageYes, shimx64 satisfies secure boot, and requires a signed kernel to boot.
23:33.05sgagedebian kernels are all signed now
23:33.21sgageso you can use secure boot if you want to.
23:33.28stovepipei dont heh
23:33.29*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
23:33.41stovepipeso if i build a custom kernel it wont boot now?
23:34.09sgagethat's a good question. there are ways to register keys and all,
23:34.23stovepipei'm too old to remember all these little silly things!
23:34.26sgagebut i'd be lying if i said i understood it
23:34.34stovepipei dont like knowing things will bite me later
23:35.06stovepipebut yeah those entries should be labelled differently
23:35.27stovepipeand also should say devuan and not debian heh
23:35.33stovepipethats a bit depressing
23:35.38sgagejust delete the shim* packages if you don't want anything to do with SB
23:35.57sgageI agree, should be labelled
23:36.17stovepipebut what would that do to the shim efi entry, which is now the only one i have :)
23:36.29stovepipei think i'll just leave it alone now
23:37.01sgagei think the other comes back with update-grub. try it and see.
23:37.22rrqmight need grub-install ?
23:37.48sgageif not, try sudo grub-install --recheck --no-floppy --force as rrq suggested.
23:38.02stovepipemaybe i will just for sanity
23:38.02sgagefollowed by update-grub
23:38.33sgageyes, you can just have nothing to do with SB if that's what you want
23:38.39rrq.. and maybe rename the current menu entry first so it's easier to delete
23:38.46sgageThat's how I do it.
23:38.49rrqthe right one
23:40.11sgageefibootmgr -v will help you sort it out.
23:41.31sgageefibootmgr is very handy if you run lots of different distros and such,
23:41.33stovepipewhat i should do is rename it so it says devuan
23:41.42sgageyou can
23:42.13stovepipei already put it all back the way it was, but now i'm motivated to do that
23:42.17*** join/#devuan Garb0 (~Garb0@unaffiliated/garb0)
23:43.04sgagebefore you run update-grub, edit the ID line in os-release to change debian to devuan, and you'll be good.
23:44.10stovepipeno editing grub.cfg?
23:45.09sgageno need to edit grub.cfg
23:45.15stovepipeok i see
23:45.31stovepipei havent been using linux much in years, i'm still in an old grub state of mind
23:45.37sgageupdate-grub takes its cues from /etc/os-release
23:46.00sgageah, yes, old grub was very different.
23:46.15sgageyou really don't want to mess with grub.cfg these days
23:46.39stovepipeso i basically have avoided it entirely and end up knowing nothing about grub
23:47.02sgagedo what you need in /etc/defaults/grub
23:48.25sgagelots of things that weren't broken have been fixed :-/
23:49.00stovepipeheh now i have 2 debian and one devuan entries
23:49.26stovepipeand the one devuan is shim
23:50.19stovepipewhat happened there
23:50.51sgagedid you remove the shim packages? did you reinstall grub?
23:50.58stovepipedidnt touch anything else
23:51.17stovepipei changed os-release like you said and ran grub again
23:51.31stovepipebefore i changed os-release it was still creating the same 2 debian entries
23:51.43stovepipethis time it just created one shim devuan entry
23:52.09stovepipehois there a limit to the number of boot entries
23:53.24sgagei just changed os-release to debian, ran grub-install, and have one devuan entry
23:53.25*** join/#devuan AliceWndr (79ed9586@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
23:53.47stovepipethen i deleted both debian entries, but when i rebooted one was still there
23:53.53sgagepointing to grubx64. i deleted all the shim packages beforehand
23:53.57*** join/#devuan Pali_ (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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23:54.38sgagedelete the shim packages, and reinstall grub as per the line I gave above
23:55.01sgagethen update-grub. the debian entries will be leftover, and you should
23:55.07stovepipebut why isnt it creating 2 like it did before
23:55.27stovepipei just tried to delete the other debian entry (grub) and it came back again
23:55.31sgagehave one devuan entry pointing to grubx64
23:55.53stovepiperight now i have one debian grub and one devuan shim
23:55.56sgagei am not quite sure what you have tried, and the order in which you tried them
23:56.15stovepipeefibootmgr -b 6 -B
23:56.20stovepipeis the debian grub entry
23:56.27stovepipeit seems to be refusing to remove it
23:56.49stovepipei wanted to see if it would create 2 devuan entries like it was before i renamed it
23:56.57stovepipewithout touching any shim stuff
23:57.31sgageI don't know what your goal is - i thought you wanted to get rid of SB stuff?
23:57.35stovepipejust out of curiosity
23:58.05stovepipemostly just observing behavior right now
23:59.00stovepipeok, deleted again, ran grub-install, efibootmgr -v shows one devuan shim entry at #1
23:59.28stovepipewhy isnt it creating 2 like it was before i renamed it to devuan
23:59.37stovepipethat seems odd
23:59.46stovepipeand the debian entry appeared again!

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