IRC log for #devuan on 20200421

04:36.50*** join/#devuan infobot (
04:36.50*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Jessie 1.0 old-stable, ASCII 2.1 stable) | | Conference (2019) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #debianfork
04:36.50*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
05:18.51*** join/#devuan blizzow (
06:03.34*** join/#devuan Unit193 (ukikie@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.unit193)
06:04.53*** join/#devuan pandakekok9 (~pandakeko@wikimedia-commons/pandakekok9)
06:16.19*** join/#devuan phyre (~phyre___@
06:16.22*** join/#devuan blottoman (
06:17.03*** join/#devuan silentjet (
06:27.21*** join/#devuan Joril (
06:35.19*** join/#devuan Vajb (~Vajb@2001:999:60:5fe7:8ad6:9f43:167f:216)
06:36.11VajbHey. I solved my bluetooth issue by disabling usb power saving.
06:36.14*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
06:37.32ulleti used to solve my bluetooth issues by blacklisting bluetooth ;)
06:38.02ulletbut that's interesting Vajb can you tell me how you disable usb power saving
06:38.15ulletcause i have unstable usb networking - maybe that causes it
06:38.44Vajb:D kinda breaks usability if you blacklist it
06:39.12VajbHold on, I'll find a link for instruction I used
06:40.51gnarfacedisabling usb powersaving also fixes a problem with a logitech webcam i have here
06:41.47gnarface(if it goes to sleep, it's missing some of the uvcdynctrl features when it wakes up)
06:45.24ulletoh i just see IBM released a 'thinkpad' the size of an OpenPandora in .. 1997 - with chicklet thumb keys! - x86!
06:46.57ulletsorry wrong chan
06:47.04Vajb these are two one liners I used
06:47.15ulletthanks Vajb
06:50.10VajbMy issue was that bluetooth game controller became unresponsive all of a sudden while gaming
06:51.29VajbBlueman went unresponsive as well and
06:51.37*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
06:52.19VajbSometimes it was fixable by disabling and enabling btusb module, sometimes reboot
06:53.47VajbBut yesterday I tried to just remove my bluetooth dongle for awhile and when I plugged it back it just worked, so I figured that maybe it has something to do with power saving.
06:54.04*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@2001:d08:2100:62cf:574c:2307:6b59:748b)
06:54.52VajbNo issues with bluetooth since then.
06:59.49ulletTHANK YOU Vajb! :D
06:59.57ulletsolved my usb-networking issue!
07:02.52VajbGreat news!
07:04.45ulletthis is pretty big for me
07:05.13ulleti have several devices that i couldn't hook up to usb-network
07:05.24ulletnow i can try distcc with them (might not really be fast over usbnet)
07:11.35VajbWas big for me too, because I love to play old snes games :)
07:12.51ulletVajb: hey you want devuan on a phone  man
07:13.10ulleti just got snes emulator to 60fps, 30-70% cpu use
07:13.19ulletit's happy
07:14.28ulletoh man this will be so great
07:14.31VajbNot at the moment, but thanks.
07:15.47ullethas hdmi-out and it even works :D
07:15.54VajbI used to play snes games with my old N900, but it is even more fun to have two player games with sound on laptop
07:16.07ulletah very good!  this is drnoksnes too
07:16.09ulletjust small tweaks
07:16.35ulletwe are reviving maemo with devuan
07:16.40ulletthe phoenix rises..
07:16.48VajbOh I forgot drnoksnes and fiddled old zsnes to my devuan laptop
07:17.02ulletdrnoksnes is for arm, n900 specifically
07:17.24VajbIm not sure if I ever used drnoksnes with sounds
07:17.45ulletsound is rock solid on my build
07:18.16VajbYes, I've been thinking of installing devuan on my N900, but haven't got time
07:18.42ulletoki well maemo-leste isn't really a replacement for classic maemo yet
07:18.55VajbAnd with this latest development on enjoyability I think I have even less time :D
07:19.47VajbThere was snes emulator in devuan repos too, hmm higan maybe
07:20.03VajbBut didn't get sounds right with it
07:20.16VajbThey were always clipping
07:20.47VajbBy clipping I mean that it had constant micropauses no matter what I tried
07:21.23ulletthank you i had not tried higan
07:21.50VajbMaybe it was just my laptop being old and powerless, but zsnes works as expected
07:22.22VajbStarted playing Chrono Trigger last nite, seems to be epic...
07:22.29ulletzsnes was very low cpu use even 20 years ago
07:22.39VajbNever played it before
07:23.02VajbHehe had some issues with install too
07:23.34VajbI have Amd64 processor and it refused to install ofcourse
07:23.58VajbBut thank god im persistent and can google fast :D
07:26.49golinuxPlease take OT to #debianfork
07:29.13VajbOk, I'm sorry about that mess up there. Just wanted to give a hint and got carried away.
07:29.30ullethigan getting 8-12 fps atm
07:31.32ulletmostly around 9 FPS with SNES, about 9-10 with Sega Genesis
07:53.14*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
08:07.52*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)

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