IRC log for #devuan on 20200411

00:01.22*** join/#devuan expert975 (
00:07.43*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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01:24.53*** join/#devuan ukine1 (~ukine@
01:51.43*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
02:03.09*** join/#devuan Stacker- (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
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03:00.21*** join/#devuan Stacker- (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
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03:06.18*** join/#devuan ukine (~ukine@
03:07.10*** join/#devuan ukine (~ukine@
03:14.04*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
04:17.50gnarfaceanyone seen or heard of a fix for cpu core "soft-lockups" on suspend?  might be relevant to AMD motherboards and NVidia video cards, particularly more recent ones like the 1060.
04:18.09gnarfacehappening on the ascii backport kernel
04:18.19gnarface(and backport nvidia drivers)
04:18.31gnarfacecan not reliably be reproduced
04:18.49gnarfacebut always happens on suspend (maybe 1/5 times or so by current statistics?)
04:23.09furrywolfmy ascii backport kernel box hangs on suspend about 1/3rd of the time, on an intel laptop with amd video.  lol
04:23.59*** join/#devuan mith_ (
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04:38.01*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:42.56gnarfacehmmm.  thanks for the info, furrywolf.  it looks like beowulf is using about the same kernel version so i doubt upgrading is gonna fix that...
04:43.13gnarfacehmm, although maybe i could just try building something later than 5.x for it...
04:44.14furrywolfsuspend has always been one of the least-reliable things, yet also one of the hardest to troubleshoot...
04:44.22gnarfacei've been avoiding dealing with this for my own machines because i just leave them on but now i'm trying to help a windows refugee get full hardware support back
04:44.43gnarfacesuspend seems to be a sticking point
04:46.25gnarfacefurrywolf: have you looked into any bios-level mitigations, like disabling "c1e" power saving or stuff like that?
04:46.48gnarfaceintel might call it something else
04:46.57furrywolfnot on this box.  I'm not sure it even provides any configurability of such things.
04:47.24gnarfacethere is a corresponding kernel config param for intel boards, i couldn't find the amd equivalent...
04:49.21gnarfacei think i saw someone mention setting intel_idle.max_cstate=7 or something like that (in conjunction with a bug that was supposed to have been fixed since 4.15 or 4.17)
04:51.47furrywolfbbl, wolfy bedtime
05:18.48*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
05:54.06gnarfacegoogle really thinks i am interested in ryzen-specific results about this, but it seems to be happening to everyone
05:54.31gnarface(and this board is actually much older)
06:17.05*** join/#devuan Stacker (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
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07:18.42*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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09:55.40*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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10:45.46*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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11:14.44gnarfacethanks for the beowulf mini live beta iso.  very timely, very useful.
11:29.53*** join/#devuan ukine (~ukine@
11:36.09*** join/#devuan msiism (~msiism@2001:16b8:5773:4000:ee08:6bff:fe1c:ed28)
11:39.19msiismfsmithred: Question on Refracta releases: Is there any particular reason the checksum file for the images has the ".txt" extension? I mean, this is not necessary, is it?
11:40.46msiismI'm asking because I'm working on another project and was wondering how checksum files and signatures are best named and organized.
11:42.04*** join/#devuan rsx (
11:43.04fsmithredmsiism, that's so you can read it online in web browser
11:44.42msiismOh, good to know.
11:45.20msiismfsmithred: Thanks.
11:45.57fsmithredgnarface, maybe intel.pstate?
11:46.27fsmithredI had to mess with that to get rid of some lockups
11:47.10*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@2001:d08:1a02:3bb3:b3bb:556a:440b:c1fd)
11:48.25fsmithredmsiism, the preferred method is to put the checksums in one file and then sign that file with a detached sig
11:50.40msiismYeah, I figured.
11:52.03msiismWith a reasonably modern 'sha256sum', you can then use --ignore-missing to make life easy for yourself.
11:52.45onefangSecurity isn't meant to be convenient.
11:52.49fsmithredwhat are you ignoring?
11:53.40msiismfsmithred: Missing files.
11:54.11msiismfsmithred: So you don't get a barrage of "this and that is missing", when you verify the checksums.
11:54.18fsmithredoh, I always read them to compare
11:54.50msiismI tend to use 'sha256sum -c --ignore-missing <checksum file>'
11:55.07fsmithredyeah, that's easier.
11:56.05msiismonefang: That's debatable. The question is, I think: Convenient for which party? Sure, security should make attacks inconvenient.
11:57.28onefangI was joking around with the usual phrase "trade off between security and convenience".
11:58.49msiismOk, I missed the joke then… :)
11:59.22onefangKnew I should have put a smiley after it.  lol
11:59.32gnarfacefsmithred: yea that's what google told me too, but it's AMD
12:00.17msiismonefang: I was doing some Lisp execises in parallel. So, my focus was kind of limited.
12:03.08yetilooks twice... yay msiism!
12:03.34msiismyeti: Hello. :)
12:05.10msiismyeti: I've had a look at your website recently. Turns out it's pretty stable. ;)
12:05.37yetiI have a website?
12:05.52msiismI think so, yes.
12:06.11yetinah... just some notes... boring stuff for nearly everyone
12:06.29onefangThe most stable web site is the one that doesn't exist.
12:06.57msiismyeti: The colors make up for any such shortcomings.
12:07.05yetiaaah that one
12:07.22yetithat will fade away
12:07.30yetithat was from my life before orgmode
12:07.48msiismI see.
12:07.56msiismBut it should be archived.
12:08.26yetieven worse...
12:09.56yetithe beginings hat a fake CET font
12:12.14yetithat was later thrown to gitlab
12:15.26msiismI see. The gitlab version is an improvement.
12:16.46yetibut it's the dark side too
12:16.58yetimsgithub, googlegitlab
12:18.16msiismYeah, luckly I know somone who runs a server with his own gitlab instance that I can use.
12:18.47msiismAlso (a bit off-topic, but still): The FSF is going to launch a code hosting platform, IIRC.
12:19.20yetiI have gitea @home but still on my main notebook
12:19.39yetitat needs a permanent home on some armish helper
12:19.58yetithen it at least will get a public onion address
12:20.06yetior more
12:20.47yetiand the old pages will probably merge in an org-brain when it gets a stable exporter
12:22.12yetiboring but useful...
12:22.56yetiLP & RR are the way to go
12:25.02msiismbookmarks that
12:25.26yetiThat's only a short bait...
12:25.48yetididn't help un that microcontrollerfirum
12:25.59yetithey want to stay mousepushers
12:26.29yetiand ditch perfectionism
12:26.45*** join/#devuan OldMoss (
12:26.49yetiglue your code together and if time is a problem, add doc later
12:27.08yetiifen if fairli imperfect, it is a seed that'll grow later
12:27.34yeti some git fairly lon menawhile
12:28.22yetiand yield feedback
12:28.35yetimore than the old colourful stuff
12:28.58yetiwhich even repelled some because of the colour
12:29.24yetisoon gets bitten by gl...
12:31.57yetimäään... looking at all the typos... need a caffeine soup,
12:32.39yeti <<< spicing org stuff up with css is not prob
12:33.50yeti <<< a readthedoc like style
12:34.31yetiorg in git + that style might be a substitute for doc in a wiki
12:35.52yetiI think life is easier with orgmode and while I prefer boring layouts now, it can do the opposite too
12:37.56msiismhas yet to try Emacs
12:40.14yetiorg/babel is the interesting part and dired and tramp
12:41.38yetiit keeps scrips, results and doc in one place...
12:41.57yetiwithout it these parts tend to diverge
12:42.07yetilots of uglyness
12:42.44msiism"howardism" – that's my kind of humor, obviously.
12:44.24*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
12:45.48yetisomeday emacs will be my desktop
12:54.22*** join/#devuan inak (
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13:05.46ballballcan anyone tell me what this means?
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21:02.58*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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22:37.16avbox111I wanted to add kernel 5.4.31 (stable long term), but had problems with realtec nic driver (don't work any longer). Sent a kernel bug: Has someone else seen such issues?Translated with (free version)
22:44.29*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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23:14.58*** part/#devuan AndyGB (
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23:52.13*** join/#devuan expert975 (

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