IRC log for #devuan on 20200403

00:00.34gnarfaceok, so 2007 is not exactly yesterday.  i think if you put a good couple weeks into learning this process to the point your comfortable repeating it without assistance, you'll be happy again.  as happy as you were with MS-DOS, maybe more.
00:01.18gnarfaceand we can help you here if you're patient
00:01.39gnarfacenothing you've mentioned seems like a tall order
00:01.47gnarfaceSamba won't be fun to configure but you'll live
00:01.59SkaFanguess best would me linux from scatch... but just for stoage... overkill
00:02.27SkaFanim happy with samba now the way i set it up
00:03.01gnarfacewell, if you want "linux from scratch" like control without the effort level, you can do a minimal install by just not selecting anything at the "tasksel" stage of the installer (or just using debootstrap instead)
00:03.32SkaFanim going with minimal-install all the time
00:04.29SkaFanat least here at home... got some servers runing, there i use debian for virtualbox and on vbox still ubuntu
00:05.38SkaFanbut only becose virtualmin wont work on devuan... im just to lazy to do all the web setup and user by hand
00:07.08SkaFanbtw.. kernel compiles now... guess i just missed some packages i needed
00:08.49*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
00:09.54gnarfacewell, i'm glad you got it figured out.  enjoy your Devuan
00:10.49SkaFanonly until i get into new problems LOL
00:14.28SkaFankernel compiling just stoped... ran out of HDD space
00:14.39SkaFanomg 9GB.. crazy
00:18.49TenkawaSkaFan: which kernel you trying to compile?
00:19.07gnarface9GB does seem like a bit much.  i think mine take like 2-3GB?
00:19.12Tenkawanoe of mine are anywhere near that big
00:19.49SkaFanit just needed the space while compiling
00:20.10Tenkawathats what I mean too
00:20.21Tenkawathats still not right
00:20.33*** join/#devuan Centurion-Dan2 (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
00:20.58gnarfaceSkaFan: you building for multiple architectures at once maybe, or something like that?
00:21.00Tenkawaunless you have a file based swap and its running your fs out
00:21.22gnarfaceoh, yea expanding swap file could be an issue too
00:21.50gnarfaceor if you mean 9GB for the whole system, including a heavy desktop like KDE, plus build deps for all of it, maybe...
00:21.52SkaFani tried on ubuntu some while ago... i needed lot of space there too
00:21.55Tenkawamy curent 5.5.13 build only takes up 2843M
00:22.05gnarfaceyea that sounds more reasonable^
00:22.23Tenkawacounts up how many modules in that build
00:22.27gnarfacei think the OpenBSD kernel build uses a similar amount of space
00:22.31SkaFanit creaded me a 4GB+ deb file i even did not needed
00:22.40SkaFansome debug stuff
00:22.43gnarfacehaha 4gb deb
00:23.28SkaFanmy 1st linux try was on 14 3,5" disks LOL
00:23.38gnarfacethat package should be a couple dozen MB at the most.  something with your build process is whack.
00:23.42SkaFantry copy 4GB form floppy...
00:23.55Tenkawathat was with 6514 modules btw
00:24.16SkaFanna the real kernel deb was ok... it was just the debug stuff
00:24.17TenkawaSkaFan: yep.. good ole slackware
00:24.51SkaFandont know that is was... just a big hanbook SysV or somethink and some disks
00:25.06SkaFandidnt even got it to work...
00:25.27SkaFanyou needed a PhD. for installing Linux at that time
00:25.31Tenkawaslackware.. the ultimate linux on floppy
00:26.00Tenkawa(back then)
00:26.39SkaFanwas in the time when you had 3 different CD-ROM controllers on your sound blaster
00:27.12Tenkawasound blaster??? that wasnt even around yet... adlib ftw
00:27.13*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
00:27.38SkaFanhmm was a gamer i was lucky with SB pro then...
00:28.18Tenkawastarted a bit earlier
00:28.27SkaFanremeber... it was bevor the internet... so no really help if you could not get it to work on your own
00:29.37SkaFanmy 1st PC was a 286... 40MB HDD... MB not GB
00:29.49Tenkawatrs-80.. 1979
00:30.02SkaFanMS DOS 3.3 could only make use of 30MB per partition
00:30.25SkaFandamm was i lukcy then i could created another drive D with 7MB
00:31.22*** join/#devuan fleeky (~fleeky@
00:31.46SkaFanare you guys using devuan on desktops?
00:32.01Tenkawadefine desktop
00:32.27SkaFanworking everyday PC
00:32.37Tenkawathis one
00:33.03SkaFani just cant get some hardware to run... so desktop is still windows...
00:33.04Tenkawa16 core nvidia hp laptop
00:34.09Tenkawaall of the hardware rus great
00:34.26Tenkawawhat are you having problems with?
00:34.32SkaFanfingerprint reader wont work under Linux here and the Logitech G19 LED Display... could it never ever get to work i way i wanted
00:35.43Tenkawathe g19 can definitely be done
00:36.07SkaFanits an AuthenTec reader... it can read fingerprints but seems like it cant compare it if you want to login
00:36.09Tenkawafingerprint reader I'd have to know more details on its hardware
00:38.17Tenkawalooks like there's been some debian movement that could be migrated
00:38.39SkaFanas far as i could understand the bug reports they chnaged a chip in it and oyu would have needed to run a patch and compile it on your own
00:39.01Tenkawathat happens a lot
00:39.33SkaFanwell that is what keeps me from chaning to linux on the desktop
00:39.56SkaFanthe servers i run work all headless... no problem there
00:40.17SkaFanbut as soon as i use a window desktop enviroment...
00:40.26Tenkawais a dev geek.. its what he enjoys , compile compile compile
00:41.22SkaFanwell why dont you come around and fix my desktop... ill make you some coffee and cold cheese pizza LOL
00:42.01Tenkawayou guys not under lockdown?
00:42.16SkaFanwe can still go to work
00:42.17Tenkawawe are majorly
00:42.38Tenkawashopping and medical is about iit here
00:42.46SkaFanif you can find toilet paper... all people going crazy
00:43.04SkaFanwhere r u form? im from Lower-Saxony, Germany
00:43.11Tenkawajob has to be like food service and critical employees
00:43.17Tenkawaohio usa
00:43.37SkaFanwork is still going
00:43.44golinuxThis is getting really OT.  Would be better to take it to #debianfork
00:44.11Unit193Ohio. \o/
00:44.21SkaFanwhat? you cant chat in a chat?
00:44.40golinuxNP.  It's easy to get carried away in a support channel with social stuff.
00:45.02golinuxSkaFan: The BS channel is #debianfork.  LOL!
00:45.23golinuxHave fun there!
00:45.35Tenkawagolinux: to be fair the topic should really reflect that
00:45.55Tenkawaor chanserv message
00:46.37golinuxI have no admin access on irc
00:47.18TenkawaI'm just saying...
00:47.48golinuxso can't change the header.  The purpose of various channels is noted elsewhere like the website
00:47.59golinuxI don't disagree
00:48.53Tenkawaits also not listed either
00:49.17golinuxWhat isn't?
00:49.20TenkawaChannel rules link should be in the toopic
00:49.29Tenkawathat link you just posted
00:49.36golinuxYou are beating a dead horse
00:49.54TenkawaWell... its still relevant apparently
00:50.06golinuxI don't understand that last bit.
01:09.42*** join/#devuan Centurion-Dan2 (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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04:29.18tuxd3vtponaf, 15
04:30.19tponafmorning! :)
04:30.24tponaf"it is really hard to not touch ones face when im constantly facepalming from watching the news" <- :)
04:30.36golinuxAlmost midnight
04:30.59golinuxEnough silliness.  I'm OT!
04:31.13yetisilly? me?
04:31.29yetijust a typo
04:31.42yetiwould it be
04:32.08yeti113\355 = 355/113 ~ pi
04:33.20yeti$ dv -e '8k 355 113 / f'
04:33.22yetish: 1: dv: not found
04:33.30yeti$ dc -e '8k 355 113 / f'
04:33.38yeti$ dc -e '8k 22 7 / f'
04:33.58yetithe better one even is easier to remember
04:47.39*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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10:01.27al3xusHi. Is it all right with the dng mailing-list? The last message seems to be of 2020-04-01 09:07 +200... And that sounds strange...
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11:06.43tponafmy new switches are small enough to fit :)
11:10.22debdogwhat does it turn NO?
11:10.47djphyeah, I didn't see anything new this morning al3xus
11:14.29al3xusdjph: no messages for over 48 hours...  (and I have sent one about 1-2 hours ago...)
11:15.11djphhm thought I saw some stuff come through yesterday
11:18.16al3xusnewest msgs:
11:18.41al3xusthe last one is of 2020-04-01 09:07 ...
11:24.40*** join/#devuan sb35 (~sb35@
11:28.22ShorTietrying making a 'testing' message, this is a test, only a test to see if workin
11:32.07*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (~Besnik@2a02:587:e1f:4d00:bca3:1727:8ded:9abe)
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12:55.15ejris there a way to permanently sed LID status to disabled in /proc/acpi/wakeup? when I do echo disabled>/proc/acpi/wakeup it only sets it for a session
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13:08.41ErRandircould put it in /etc/rc.local
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13:15.20ejryou mean the line 'echo LID>/proc/acpi/wakeup'? (it's actually echo LID, not actually disabled as I wrote above)
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13:53.40ErRandiryes, that line. Or whatever you need doing at boot time
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14:06.20ejrok, thanks
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15:14.52meep_____tponaf: why is there so much rf shielding in yourr phone?
15:15.39meep_____What does the switch do
15:15.46meep_____Ground ant
15:15.58tponafbridges or cuts connect to + on battery
15:18.01*** join/#devuan markoong (~masrk@
15:23.46golinuxWhat does phone shielding have to do with Devuan support?
15:24.04golinux#debianfork would be better.
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16:18.16*** mode/#devuan [+o MinceR] by ChanServ
16:18.26*** topic/#devuan by MinceR -> Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Jessie 1.0 old-stable, ASCII 2.1 stable) | | Conference (2019) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #debianfork
16:18.31*** mode/#devuan [-o MinceR] by MinceR
16:18.34masonMinceR: You rock. Thank you.
16:19.07masongolinux: ^ \o/
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16:25.43golinuxMinceR: My hero!!
16:25.53golinuxThanks for doing that
16:26.03furrywolfhero worship is offtopic.  :P
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18:42.26Atari-FroschThere is no chance of getting Devuan for the PowerPC architecture, right? Asking for a friend, who is looking for an alternative for Debian.
18:43.24*** part/#devuan retak (~ite@2a01:c23:8458:f800:f2de:f1ff:feb2:f9aa)
18:48.46golinuxAtari-Frosch: There is a PowerPC mini.iso
18:49.27golinuxI need to find the url
18:49.42Atari-FroschKnowing that it is there I can go find it myself, thank you.
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18:54.08Atari-Froschgolinux: I'll pass that through to him :-)
19:00.26golinuxHope it works out
19:06.15fsmithredAtari-Frosch, replace <ARCH> with ppc64el
19:07.33Atari-Froschfsmithred: Thank you. :-)
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