IRC log for #devuan on 20200329

00:09.57meep_____What man page contains the codes for what each of these %n does?
00:09.57meep_____sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern=/var/crash/%t.%p.%u.%e.core
00:10.17meep_____I knot t is time, p is program name, u is user, and e is PID
00:10.22meep_____But where is the documentation
00:15.03rrqman core
00:15.34meep_____Is there are reason not to enable ulimited size core dumps for everybody on the system?
00:26.31*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
00:38.26bpmedleymeep_____ : Imo, depends on your users.  Will the disk get filled up with tons of core dumps?
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01:12.44meep_____Not any more than i can clean out
01:13.06meep_____It's a extraordinary thing for programs to crash
01:13.09meep_____On my systems
01:13.21meep_____So if it happens I want to know why
01:41.59Hurgotronmeep_____: reproducible issue? Last time I had programs crashing / segfaulting I had bad memory. That took me a LONG time to find out. Been using ECC memory whereever possible since then...
01:47.47meep_____That could explain some crashes
01:48.00meep_____But like i said, not happening often enough
01:48.17meep_____The worst thing is when it happens on a virtual machine container on a server that has ECC
01:48.26meep_____Like the other day
01:48.33meep_____My Prosody server crashed 2 times
01:48.47meep_____By the time i turned on core dumps i has not happened since
01:48.57meep_____To this day the issue has not reproduced
01:49.28meep_____It worries me when I have ECC ram, and an internet facing daemon is segfaulting
02:03.34*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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11:06.38ShorTiewho ever decided to put all that gnome junk with ssh is kinda conceited, imho
11:09.17ShorTiewhy oh why is what i ask ??
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13:49.39cosurgiShorTie: which ssh package depends on gnome junk?
13:59.04sixwheeledbeastaskpass-gnome was split out to remove dependency on GTK
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15:24.06MSIVITALER^3I_Im curious does the devuan project hve any interest in FSF FSDG
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15:38.53fsmithredMSIVITALER^3I_, we've discussed the idea of adding a libre branch to the repo so that people could install that way if they wanted. But that's a long way off. Too much other stuff to do first.
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16:36.59Guest25177MSIVITALER^3I_: *Im curious does the devuan project have any interest in FSF FSDG*
16:37.22Guest25177the answer is: yes.
16:38.19Guest25177there are some devuan derivatives focused to this goal
16:39.30Guest25177today i'm reading some documentation about docker, because i've never used it
16:40.14Guest25177i installed and run "docker images -a" without results
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17:21.17MSIVITALER^3I_ok sounds good. Cheers for fast feedback
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17:45.02Guest58982for example: heads, ethertics and gnuinos... another one gone away?
17:51.30Guest58982maybe dynebolic, in a future
17:55.18golinuxaitor never stays for long . . . :(
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18:47.46meep_____» <sixwheeledbeast> askpass-gnome was split out to remove dependency on GTK
18:47.46meep_____hey, that's actually an issue i'm trying to solve too
18:48.08meep_____sixwheeledbeast: if you find out a solution to revert it back to the gimp toolkit instead of the gnome toolkit please ping me
18:48.21meep_____Or what package is doing that
18:48.25meep_____I think it's pinentry
18:48.27meep_____But i'm not sure
18:49.18sixwheeledbeastyou should be able to check what the packages depend on
18:51.04meep_____The problem is i don't know what the binary is for the gnome popup that asks you for your key
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18:52.00aitorgolinux: i'm here
18:56.05blebin xfce, how do you turn off the xlock/xscreensaver thing which prompts you for a password whenever it wakes up from sleep?
18:56.40blebI have set "disable screen saver" in screensaver preferences, but the lock screen still comes up when waking up.
18:58.40fsmithredbleb, check power manager settings
18:58.51furrywolfyou have to do it in like four places in the power management settings too
18:59.15blebi disabled the xfce power manager in order to get suspend working
18:59.17fsmithredI've never seen it as the default setting
19:00.25fsmithredbleb, did you install xfce from the tasksel menu in the install iso? Or did you install it in pieces?
19:00.37blebfsmithred: the install iso
19:00.48fsmithredok, so nothing should be missing
19:00.56fsmithredassuming you selected a mirror
19:03.03fsmithreddid you log out of desktop after changing power manager settings? That might be necessary. Not sure.
19:03.32fsmithredI would go through all the settings again.
19:04.02fsmithredmeep_____, maybe gnome-keyring or ssh-askpass-gnome
19:04.06blebi can't access the xfce power manager settings without enabling xfce power manager, which causes suspend to stop working
19:04.29blebi think it's caused by /etc/acpi/
19:04.30fsmithredthat's odd.
19:05.08fsmithredI have power manager enabled and can suspend fine
19:05.27fsmithredI do have to select it from the logout menu - does not happen on lid close
19:05.48blebif xscreensaver is running, it runs xscreensaver-command -deactivate which i guess must hook into xlock or something
19:06.17bleband for some reason xscreensaver was running even though it was disabled in xfce settings.  i will try rebooting and see if xscreensaver still runs in the background.
19:06.46masonThis is where IMHO desktop environments are more trouble than they're worth.
19:06.50blebfsmithred: maybe suspend worked but i had to disable xfce power manager to get suspend on lid close working
19:06.53fsmithredI lock the screen with xscreensaver, but I don't let it run
19:07.10fsmithredoh, that could be
19:09.43blebyeah so xscreensaver is running in the background again after rebooting
19:09.53bleband it's locking again when i open the lid
19:10.48blebso something is starting xscreensaver
19:12.11blebpstree has it branching off from xfce4-session-+-Thunar---2*[{Thunar}]
19:12.44fsmithredlook in Session and Startup, Autostart applications
19:12.51blebah yeah
19:13.02blebScreensaver (Launch screensaver and locker program)
19:13.08blebthat was checked
19:13.15blebi will uncheck it and that should fix it
19:13.18fsmithredthat should help
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19:28.10furrywolfpets the meowing
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19:43.20blebyup all is well
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20:28.52meep_____Does anybody know where I can get an aarch64 laptop?
20:29.20meep_____I type that search term into amazon or ebay and duckduckgo and all i get is garbage X86 desktops
20:29.23meep_____Running windows
20:30.44specingmeep_____: pinebook?
20:30.55specingolimex has a laptop as well
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20:34.16meep_____no not a pinebook
20:34.24meep_____I need something to replace the IBM t/60
20:34.58meep_____something with a real keyboard and built to last at least 6+ years
20:35.13meep_____not something designed to be a macbook clone
20:35.22specingso like another T400?
20:35.41specingget it on ebay
20:35.44meep_____my computers are investments not disposable cheapo plastic products
20:36.20meep_____yeah, sorta like that except not intel based
20:36.28specinggood luck, then
20:37.02meep_____that obscure huh?
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20:37.19meep_____ok where can I learn how to design a replacement motherboard then?
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20:39.02meep_____the closest thing to what i need is the Theombra Systems Haiku evaluation board
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20:39.28specingmeep_____: the hardest part is the case
20:39.46specingyou can take a premade laptop board and create a "real laptop" around it
20:40.03meep_____specing: If I am going to design my own motherboard I'd just re-use surplus IBM T60 parts
20:40.12specingokay then
20:40.16specingStart small
20:40.18meep_____but yeah, I can't use pop in a theombra mobo
20:40.24meep_____into a t60
20:41.01meep_____my biggest complaint about the theombra is that it doesn't have socketed DRAM
20:41.09meep_____it's on the compute module
20:41.24specingUsually that's because the processors themselves don't support more
20:41.28meep_____I don't mind having the CPU on a card, but in the future i might want tochange the ram
20:41.35specingfor ARM you have to take a thunderX if you want e.g. 64GB RAM
20:42.31meep_____I don't see such a limitation for the RK3399
20:42.58specingrk3399 has max 4 gb iirc
20:44.34meep_____are you sure?
20:44.59specingSupport up to 2 ranks (chip selects) for each channel; totally 4GB(max) address space. Maximum address space of one rank in a channel is also 4GB, which is software-configurable 32bits/64bits data width is software programmable
20:46.02meep_____do you know of any other aarch64 cpus with big-little arch and decent hardware offload capabilities?
20:46.42specingActually, that one might be just big
20:46.47specingit's a server cpu line
20:47.02meep_____i don't know if that has what i need
20:47.06meep_____power wise
20:47.18specingsome cpus have configurable TDP
20:47.18meep_____the reason why i wanted big-little was because this is for laptop usage
20:47.20specinglike POWER9
20:47.44meep_____a lot of the time the system is very little usage with momentary spikes
20:48.00meep_____it would begood to turn some cores entirely off except during peak loads
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20:50.21tuxd3v_meep_____, for rk3399 you have already rockpi4, and its supported with devuan :)
20:50.33tuxd3v_but its a sbc
20:51.18specingmeep wants a real laptop
20:51.35tuxd3v_tuxd3v also wants one :)
20:51.59specingforget about it, just stock up on t400
20:52.58meep_____maybe i could deal with 4
20:53.13meep_____but I would be very happy with 8GB DDR4 ECC
20:53.26meep_____4 gigssystem memory
20:53.56specinghaha, ECC in laptop... good luck
20:54.17meep_____I never poweroff it off
20:54.45meep_____i will have very high uptimes
20:55.15meep_____and if I could use aarch64, i wouldn't have to put it on a dock charger every night
20:55.24meep_____*eery other night with fresh cells
20:55.40meep_____and I could passively cool, so no moving parts
20:55.45meep_____no motors to run
20:55.51meep_____no dust to get inside
20:56.15meep_____i already 100% passively cool the workstation I am talking to you on right now
20:56.27meep_____and semi-passively my faster workstation on the other room
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20:57.37Guest81407let me open a parenthesis: i was wrong about the docker's "docker images -a" command above, it lists the *downloaded* images via "docker pull distro:version"
20:58.19meep_____i don't think stockpiling older thinkpad parts is going to work for many more years
20:58.20specingmeep_____: active cooling is fine, as long as it is easy to clean
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20:59.02meep_____specing: but for laptop workloads active cooling is completely exccessive
20:59.06specingmeep_____: I don't think we'll get any real laptop running fully libre software anytime soon
20:59.25specingmeep_____: I guess we have different ideas about what laptop workloads are
20:59.38meep_____the only reason laptops need active cooling is either because they build them too thin for stupid marketing reasons or they run X86
20:59.53specingone of my T400 has been at 95'C for the past 20 hours with 6k rpm fan and another one blowing over the whole laptop
21:00.24specings/x86/have actually some performance/
21:00.50specingall the ARMs you can buy in various devkits are a joke, performance wise
21:01.03specingsure, some of them manage to outperform a 2008 intel these days
21:01.04meep_____but arm isn't isn't
21:01.09meep_____you get get decent arm cpus
21:01.12specingBut you can't get a Cavium cpu
21:01.14specingyou can't
21:01.34meep_____the SBCs are more or less toys for schools or eval boards
21:02.05specingthere is just no real market for high-perf arm
21:02.17meep_____I'm not looking for high-perf arm
21:02.46meep_____i'm looking for better than what intel could do 10 years ago but in a power effiecent package suitable for a battery power budget
21:03.42meep_____I still use the Core2 Duo 1Ghz as a baseline cpu for testing if the software I use and develop should be reworked or not
21:04.09meep_____it said software can't perform at least somewhat comfortable to use on that machine, then I need to look elsewhere
21:04.52meep_____but going forward, I would appreciate a machine running the same efficient software, but with more headroom and better multitasking ability
21:05.23meep_____i only use open source software, so it's literally for me just a matter of obtaining a C cross compiler
21:06.02meep_____I do crazy high-perf workloads on the worstation
21:06.36meep_____or SSH into the workstation (or wiregaurd vpn) with X11 forwarding for doing compute heavy tasks
21:06.37specing> meep_____ | I still use the Core2 Duo 1Ghz
21:06.42specinguse cgroups cpu share limiter
21:07.44meep_____specing: why do you say a cavium cpu is unobtainable?
21:07.55specingtry to obtain it
21:08.24golinux(meep_____ and specing go down the rabbit hole)
21:08.25meep_____you have experience with this?
21:09.05specingmeep_____: no, but I tried looking it up online and couldn't find anything purchaseable/affordable
21:09.16specingwoo, devkit only $27995
21:15.47meep_____then lets go back to the rockchip if nothing else
21:18.36specingit sucks
21:18.47meep_____I've already tried contacting broadcom
21:18.51specingin 2020 I expect new equipment to support at least 32GB ram
21:19.07meep_____They refused to sell me a chip because I'm not a large corporation
21:19.13specingno doubt
21:19.37specingUntil they can do 32GB I'm just going to keep buying 2008 laptops
21:19.47specingsince they can't do anything better
21:19.49meep_____speccy, rockchip and cavium can't be only only vendors out there
21:19.57specingand in 2024 I'll upgrade my requirements to 64GB
21:20.04specingThey aren't
21:20.45meep_____that would be very nice if running 32gb of ram didn't use power power than accessing thessd
21:21.06meep_____you could keep your entire os + software in the memory cache
21:21.15meep_____*use more power than
21:22.06meep_____well maybe i should contact rockchip again
21:22.22meep_____I've heard they may be coming out with some more chips
21:22.51meep_____unless, please anybody else speak up if you know of a cpu vendor that will sell to me
21:23.24meep_____/whois speccing
21:23.56specingyou want just the CPU?
21:24.08meep_____specing: yes
21:24.16meep_____and documentation
21:25.00meep_____and also if there are some classes i can take on motherboard design
21:25.09meep_____I already know the basics of using KiCAD
21:25.21meep_____and I've used it to design control circuits for farm automation
21:25.44meep_____that I just plug into the expansion port of any old aarch64 SBC
21:26.00meep_____speak i2c and ttls serial to communicate with my boards
21:27.14meep_____I want to learn so I can take this to the next step, which would be designing my own computers instead of custom PLCs
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21:40.10meep_____Oh wow
21:40.25meep_____Ppc but low power
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21:57.28meep_____If i was to do this
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21:57.44meep_____I could probably keep the cost down by doing system-modules like theombra does
21:57.54meep_____With socketed ram
21:58.13meep_____That way I could put most of the super high speed stuff on a very small PCB
21:58.29meep_____Socket that into a lower density mainboard
21:58.39meep_____Like how the pentiums used to ship
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22:19.08masonmeep_____: FWIW, #debianfork is a better place for this. Most of us are in there.
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22:21.59specingmeep meep
22:22.13specingThat's the sounds everybody makes when golinux shows up in here
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22:43.05PalaverHey guys, is devuan completly without systemd dependencies?
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22:55.47golinuxspecing: Time to meep . . .
22:56.38specingmeep meep the tyrant is here meep meep
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