IRC log for #devuan on 20200328

00:00.16systemdlete2last time I used qemu was back around 2005 I think.  It was pretty impressive.  I just found vbox easier to use.
00:00.34systemdlete2There are probably many users as lazy as me out there.
00:01.29fsmithredqemu-img -h   (to see supported formats)
00:01.53fsmithredif I can find them
00:02.22fsmithredSupported formats: blkdebug blklogwrites blkreplay blkverify bochs cloop copy-on-read dmg file ftp ftps gluster host_cdrom host_device http https iscsi iser luks nbd nfs null-aio null-co nvme parallels qcow qcow2 qed quorum raw rbd replication sheepdog ssh throttle vdi vhdx vmdk vpc vvfat
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00:19.47meep_____» [16:54:03] <systemdlete2> fsmithred: THere still needs to be an advisory for virtualbox. Otherwise, others may run into the same issues.
00:19.47meep_____» [16:54:17] <fsmithred> virtualbox is not in the repository
00:19.47meep_____» [16:54:35] <fsmithred> I'll expand the section that mentions the changes in su
00:19.47meep_____» [16:54:44] <systemdlete2> again, thousands of users and businesses use virtualbox
00:19.47meep_____you should be able to switch to QEMU no problem. QEMU does everything virtualbox does and more, also without any proprietary binary blobs with native integration into Linux KVM
00:20.56meep_____» [16:56:16] <systemdlete2> can qumu migrate VMs to other machines? idk actually
00:20.56meep_____yes, before i moved to LXC containers i did this
00:21.34furrywolfforcing people to transition to a new program, even if the program has more features, should not be done lightly.  of course, I entirely missed the context of that paste.
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00:22.49fsmithredI don't think the release notes are the right place for guides to third-party software
00:22.55meep_____Furrywolf, virtualbox requires binary blobs to do basic things like usb2.0/3.0 passthrough, and i don't even know if it can access raw block devices yet
00:23.04meep_____And it's owned by Oracle
00:23.28meep_____It would be different if it was open source free software transitioning to something else
00:23.43furrywolfwas it included in the repositories previously?
00:23.53meep_____I don't know
00:23.56fsmithredfree version was in repo
00:24.07meep_____Qemu is really not that hard
00:24.14fsmithredbut there's always been the non-free version from (oracle)
00:24.31furrywolfwill the old version continue to function with everything else upgraded, so existing installs don't break?
00:24.34meep_____Qemu-system-x86_64 -m 4096 -smp 4 -cdrom linux.iso
00:24.49meep_____4 gig, 4 core x86 system in a one-liner
00:25.02meep_____You can add a hard drive in -hda disk.img
00:25.15furrywolfI really, really, really hate "I ran apt-get upgrade and now things don't work".  heh.
00:25.29fsmithredI haven't tried an upgrade of ascii with virtualbox installed
00:25.38meep_____I like to do fancy stuff like virtio or emulated sas to ZFS Zvolumes
00:25.45fsmithredit's actually in ascii-backports
00:26.07viciouspiranhaaqemu is a qt frontend to qemu, check it out
00:26.08specingmeep_____: how do I add an USB stick (file) while the VM is running?
00:26.24meep_____Not sure
00:26.28specingSee, it is hard
00:26.42meep_____There's a command line interface into the running qemu virtual machine
00:26.46onefanglibvirt allows you to be independent of VM type.  It even has a GUI.  It did suck enough for me to go back to qemu command lines and self written scripts.
00:26.49meep_____You may be able to attach it at runtime there
00:27.05furrywolfso far, php and python have been the #1 offenders for upgrades breaking things.  heh.
00:27.06specingmeep_____: there is, I've tried and it did not work
00:27.23meep_____onefang: libvirt is just a redhat abstraction layer. It ends up calling qemu-system-<cpuarch>
00:27.45onefangThus earning their place in my "I hate languages beginning with the letter P" list.
00:28.09onefangI know that.  It also abstracts other VM systems.
00:28.55onefangSo it would make it easier to migrate from vbox to qemu for example.  In theory, never tried that.  I always just stuck with qemu.
00:29.50meep_____You can use qemu-img to convert the virtualbox disk formats to standard one
00:29.54meep_____Word of advice though
00:29.55furrywolfcan't think of any other p languages
00:30.06meep_____Use qcow2 instead of raw img files
00:30.09onefangRuby is an honourary member of that list of P languages, JavaScript is also called Ecmascript, if you add the numeric value of J and E together, you got close enough to P.  B-)
00:30.15furrywolfpascal!  yeah, that was pretty bad too.
00:30.22meep_____furrywolf: is it?
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00:30.34onefangPerl, PL1.
00:30.35meep_____I've used gddrescue
00:30.38meep_____It's written in pascal
00:30.43furrywolfoh yeah, perl....
00:30.49meep_____onefang: oh no Perl is a fantastic language
00:30.53furrywolf..  pascal still exists?  I thought it died like 30 years ago.
00:30.57meep_____No complaints here about perl
00:31.10meep_____furrywolf: yes. You can get the Lazurus IDE from the ASCII repos
00:31.13furrywolfhave you ever tried reading someone else's perl?  or, for that matter, your own?  :)
00:31.21meep_____furrywolf: yes
00:31.37meep_____Have you ever tried reading someone else's C++?
00:31.52onefangI started off writing APL, I can read line noise.
00:31.55meep_____How many times did you smash your desk
00:32.03furrywolfalthough C is still my favorite language.
00:32.17onefangLua, C, and assembler are mine.
00:32.19meep_____I don't think saying Perl is unreadable has much merit
00:32.28meep_____It comes from SH, Awk, and Sed
00:32.30furrywolfc++ tries to encourage clean programming...  perl does not.
00:32.33meep_____And regular expressions
00:32.42fsmithredyes, I've tried reading perl script written one year prior, and I did not understand it.
00:32.43onefangYou can write unreadable code in any language.
00:32.44meep_____If you understand those your golden
00:33.05furrywolfpython attempts to force you to write readable code
00:33.18meep_____And i despise python for that
00:33.31meep_____It's like the Chasity belt of language syntax
00:33.41meep_____And don't get my wrong i have written a lot of software in python
00:33.41fsmithredthis really isn't the right channel for a discussion of different programming languages
00:33.46furrywolfI started writing my own programming language once...  maybe I should re-start that project one of these days.
00:34.07meep_____I've been writing all my newer stuff in perl
00:34.17rrqplease go to #debianfork
00:34.42furrywolfit's mostly C syntax, but with all the nice things (proper strings, hashes, regexs, etc) as part of the language, everything passed by reference, a built-in rdbms wrapper,...
00:35.02meep_____Built in rdbms?
00:35.05meep_____In perl?
00:35.14meep_____What are you talking about?
00:35.19furrywolf<furrywolf> I started writing my own programming language once...  maybe I should re-start that project one of these days.
00:35.23meep_____I didn't know there was a built in rdbms
00:35.26rrqplease go to #debianfork
00:35.49onefangYeah, my fault, take the language discussion to #debianfork.
00:35.55meep_____Hold on
00:37.37furrywolfnotes onefang is not in #debianfork to continue being part of said discussion
00:38.53onefangI'm a compulsive reader, I try to stay in only a few low traffic channels, or I'll never get anything done.  I'm here coz I'm a Devuan dev, so I need to help support Devuan like the rest of us.
00:41.06meep_____I'm concerned about Devuan
00:41.13meep_____Because I no longer trust Debian
00:41.31meep_____I know how dependent Devuan is on Debian
00:42.00meep_____Also, I want to contribute some software packages. Normally told to go upstream it on Debian instead of working downstream
00:42.32meep_____I don't trust Debian anymore and I really don't want to write anything for systemd integration
00:44.33onefangYou want to contribute software packages that are not in Debian?
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01:34.59systemdleteis it possible to have multiple video ports putting out the same output?  I have a video card with vga and hdmi (and hdi, but I don't use that).  What I want to do is route the video through both vga and hdmi simultaneously to 2 different devices.  Is that possible?
01:35.32systemdlete(there is also onboard vga and hdmi, but I think those are disabled by the bios)
01:35.41systemdletetia for any support on this.
01:36.01onefangMirroring a screen is a thing, so yes it's possible.
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01:46.29systemdletehow do I do that?  Is that in the monitor settings?  And what if one of the displays is routed through a kvm switch?  Will it still work?
01:48.09meep_____» [18:34:59] <systemdlete> is it possible to have multiple video ports putting out the same output? I have a video card with vga and hdmi (and hdi, but I don't use that). What I want to do is route the video through both vga and hdmi simultaneously to 2 different devices. Is that possible?
01:48.09meep_____Yes, it's called mirring
01:48.27systemdleteok, thanks, I'll install it
01:48.39meep_____systemdlete the xfce has a standlone monitor configuration tool
01:48.58meep_____Although you can also diy by editing xorg.conf directly
01:49.48onefangA KVM shouldn't matter.
01:50.03systemdleteapt install mirring does nothing (spelling?
01:50.22meep_____» [18:49:17] <meep_____> Xfce4-display-settings
01:50.42onefangIf I recall correctly, since I've only ever done this long ago by accident, you can even mirror screens at different resolutions, the smaller one will just have bits cut off.
01:56.00MinceRyou can also just use xrandr on the command line
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03:12.39meep_____» [18:50:42] <onefang> If I recall correctly, since I've only ever done this long ago by accident, you can even mirror screens at different resolutions, the smaller one will just have bits cut off.
03:12.39meep_____The proprietary nvidia driver does that with with the framebuffer on boot
03:12.43meep_____Except is uses scaling
03:13.03meep_____So i'll have a 1080p image scaled on a 1600x900 monitor
03:13.10meep_____It looks cool
03:13.29meep_____I wonder if it could offer any usability improvement on lower res screens, at the cost of some blurriness
03:14.58onefangI was just messing with some GUI on top of xrandr, on my VR test box that at the time had it's own monitor, and was sharing my main monitor via my KVM.
03:15.21gnarfaceit should work both ways, you should be able to mirror with scaling or panning
03:15.28gnarface(driver bugs not withstanding)
03:15.47onefangMostly I was just trying to get the left monitor to be on the left, and the right on the right.
03:16.04gnarface(though with nvidia's binary drivers the bug is just usually "doesn't obey xrandr right so you have to use nvidia-settings instead")
03:16.48gnarfaceheh, yea that's something the nvidia driver seems to be particularly bad at parsing when it comes from the xorg.conf for the xrandr command-line
03:17.00gnarfacebut the nvidia-settings thing works usually
03:18.16onefangThis is a nVidia Optimus chip, an evil hybrid between Intel and nVidia graphics chips.  That computer is small, made from laptop parts, but was the cheapest thing I could buy quickly so I could do VR development on when someone hired me to.
03:18.38onefangLater Oculus decided that Optimus was too evil to support.  lol
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04:52.50systemdletexserver-xorg-video-s3 ?
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05:01.41*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Jessie 1.0 old-stable, ASCII 2.1 stable) | | Conference (2019) | Forum | Chanlogs
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05:25.31yetitry the vesa server. that card is a pain as there is only acceleration upto 16bit modes and everything™ expects 32bit today
05:26.27yetithere was a s3 xserver but it kind of is useless now maybe itÄs just no longer built by the deb-src's rules
05:26.56yetiI think I've it in an old thinkpad
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05:29.02yetiok... maybe my priblems were/are specific to the S3 variant in that notebook... take all that with a ton of salt
05:29.33yetiP3M era notebook
05:38.53gnarfacesystemdlete: yea it's gone.  the cirrus logic driver is gone too.
05:39.23systemdletesoooo.  I can chuck the s3 card?
05:39.34systemdlete(I've got more)
05:39.46gnarfacewell, yeti's suggestion to just use the vesa driver is probably worthwhile
05:40.35gnarfaceit's not like the hardware acceleration features are going to be good enough on that card that having support for them is going to buy you any practical improvement in any software currently in the wild
05:40.52gnarfaceit would still be cripplingly slow either way
05:41.03gnarfaceso yea i would just shrug it off
05:41.19gnarfaceor, if you're really bored, get to patching it
05:42.10gnarfacethat card has what, 2MB of video ram?  4?
05:42.31gnarfaceit's fine for virtual terminals
05:42.41plasma41systemdlete: xserver-xorg-video-s3 was removed after Wheezy.
05:43.14systemdleteI'm sure there is a recycler somewhere who would like it.
05:43.40gnarfacei'd take it off your hands for free but it's not worth the shipping cost
05:43.49gnarface(i have a few here too)
05:44.53gnarfaceBSD might still have a real s3 driver integrated properly though, if it ever did.   whatever reasons it was pulled from linux and/or debian wouldn't apply there.
05:46.35systemdleteYour junk pile and my junk pile probably look a lot alike.
05:47.30systemdletethere is a mainboard vga -- is it possible to enable it again?  It seems to shut off when another card is inserted
05:47.58systemdleteswitching to testbox...
05:48.13gnarfacein theory, but check the bios options
05:48.31gnarfacedidn't we go over this already and there were no bios options, though?  or was that someone else?
05:48.36systemdlete2bios -- what I figured, but didn't want to go through all that...
05:48.41plasma41systemdlete: see also
05:48.51systemdlete2someone else, bc I don't recall
05:49.16gnarfacecheck the bios options, and if it's a really old board it might be worth checking for bios updates too
05:49.27gnarface(make sure only to get them from the original manufacturer's site though)
05:49.46systemdlete2I've updated the bios as far as it can go (v17.17)
05:49.51gnarfaceoh good
05:49.52systemdlete2thakns for the reminder
05:50.10systemdlete2not some fake cia front, huh?
05:50.48gnarfaceoh, right, yea like fileshack.  fuck those guys
05:50.50systemdlete2Yeah.  I'm very careful about that.  (you said only get bios updates from orig mfr)
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05:51.38systemdlete2ok, taking the testbox down for bios config...
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05:57.40systemdlete2I enabled internal graphics.  But the system still boots on the same video card (1st pci video card,not the s3)
05:57.52systemdlete2do I need a cold boot?
06:00.35systemdlete2wants to kill himself. (please do not inhibit this impulse)
06:00.44systemdlete2I forgot to move the cable over...
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06:08.38systemdletegnarface:  When I listed the hardware on the testbox, there was no specific info on video.  That is prob why I'm not getting video on that output -- maybe there is no driver for it
06:08.58systemdleteinxi -F does not list it; only the PCI card
06:13.20systemdletehelp me choose which pos card to use:  Trident card dated 1994 or creative card dated 1999 (prob pref, if one can call it much better).
06:13.39systemdleteThere is a junk  shop near me.  The guy has bins full of video cards.
06:13.50systemdleteI'm pretty sure they are dated as well.
06:14.46systemdleteI could be patriotic and buy a new video card online and help keep "fantastic American businesses" like Amazon plenty flush.
06:15.04systemdleteIt would probably cost less than the electricity it is taking to sort this out.
06:16.30systemdletethe rest of the cards here are either gaming cards without a vga port, or agp (no agp slot on this board).
06:17.47systemdleteIn fact, after much reflection (about 3 seconds since realizing this), I will do that.
06:18.04systemdlete[crowd cheers with a collective sigh of relief]
06:19.49onefangI did wake up this morning to 300 messages about this, 302, 314, ...
06:19.52meep_____Where do you buy gpu cards for linux that aren't buggy pieces of shit and requiring special snowflake drivers?
06:20.11systemdleteI might give this creative card a shot.  It's 21 years since mfr, but if it saves me my next order of Buffalo Wild Wings...
06:20.33systemdleteActually, I sort of inherited a lot of it, but some I have collected over the years.
06:20.39systemdlete(trying to remember)
06:21.03systemdleteI used to "shop" at ReCyclePC in Seattle when I lived there back in the 1990s/early 2000s
06:21.25systemdleteThen I lived with a widow whose husband had been into all sorts of electronics (not to mention 48 other hobbies)
06:21.41systemdleteHe made a lot of stuff himself -- you should see some of the adapters he made...
06:21.48onefangAh, so some of this stuff was old unsupported stuff people got rid of twenty years ago.
06:21.51systemdlete(I don't use them.)
06:21.56systemdletenot exactly.
06:22.11systemdleteSome of this stuff was relatively recent when I obtained them.
06:22.34systemdleteThe creative board was relatively new when I got it c. 2005 or so
06:22.50systemdletebut they followed me over the years.
06:22.58systemdleteI tried to make them go away, honest.
06:23.43systemdletePeople sometimes gave me their old computers so I could use them for testing and to play with.
06:23.56onefangTelling a graphics card "Oy, you, you are old enough to drive, time to go and live on your own" doesn't work that well.
06:24.34systemdlete(funny, onefang!)
06:24.58onefangThough if they where old enough to drive, they wouldn't need drivers.
06:25.06systemdleteI mean, I've tried to collect stuff for recycling, then I forget, and when I'd move, I didn't think to toss them
06:26.26systemdlete(we should take this to fork, btw)
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06:46.34systemdleteI don't think this mainboard will let me do it.  BIOS allows internal or pci-e only.  It is silent on plain pci video cards.  And having a pci and a pci-e card would seem simple for linux, but maybe the board gets in the way a bit
06:49.33systemdleteThe option says PRIMARY Graphics Adapter (my emphasis) so I figured maybe there could be a secondary, and so forth.
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09:06.54gnarfacesystemdlete: yea the issue is that it's entirely up to the bios whether to support it or not.  if it doesn't do it, it doesn't do it... but note that it is worth checking to see if internal only works when there's no add-on card
09:08.27systemdleteyeah, I thought of running that test.  It means removing the card though.  I am doing some testing on adelie atm; as soon as I can shut it down, I'll remove the card and see.  One thing for sure:  It seems the internal does not work at all if there is a card also
09:08.32gnarfacesystemdlete: as for replacement cards, i dunno anything about the creative labs video cards at all, but the trident ones should be well supported - they're just cheap crap though
09:09.04gnarfacesystemdlete: see if the bios options for the internal video card change when there's no other video card
09:09.27systemdletewell, additional problem is it seems to be limited to just the pci slot(s), and I am not even sure that you can have both pci-e slots with a video card.
09:10.32systemdleteI tried setting the bios to internal with the card still present.  It auto switched to the card though; it was the only port getting output.
09:11.14systemdleteI should have said, limited to just the pci-e slots (there's a pci slot, but it doesn't seem to be covered by the whatever logic they use).
09:12.03systemdletesaddest part is that, after all this work, the board might just go blow up tomorrow.  It is a rather old board, and I've moved it around a bit from case to case.
09:12.12gnarfacesome of the pci slots may be paired with pci-e slots in a way that it's not supported to use both of the pair at once
09:12.33gnarfaceyea i'm also wondering if maybe the onboard video was nvidia and it just burned out...
09:12.41gnarfaceany way to tell?  got the model & vendor name?
09:12.45systemdleteiirc, I bought the board in 2014 or so.
09:13.47gnarfacethe manual, what does it say?
09:14.11systemdleteyeah.  It's the 760GM-P25  (the board is marked 6531 I think, something like that)
09:15.35systemdleteIt's actually the 760GM-P34 (which matches my box it came in).  I may have the wrong manual (for the p25)
09:17.49gnarfacethe bios may also have some setting like "reset hardware configuration data" that you should check when you go in there before you save changes, whenever you change the add-on cards
09:18.38gnarfaceAMD System Drivers for 7xx/8xx/SB7xx/SB8xx Series (except RS690, 740) <
09:18.44gnarfaceAMD System & VGA Drivers
09:19.12gnarfacei'm inferring from this ^ that the onboard video is something by amd
09:19.26gnarfaceso maybe the radeon or amdgpu drivers would recognize it
09:19.41gnarfacebut you need to be able to find it in the output of lspci first
09:19.54systemdleteright, right
09:20.45gnarfaceyou saw this, right?
09:21.00systemdletebeen there many, many times now
09:22.04gnarfaceit's not one of those ones that requires a special "apu" cpu to enable, is it?  it looks too early for that but i'm not sure...
09:22.47systemdleteno, i don't think so.   I used it for years without the video card.
09:23.02gnarfaceoh, so you've seen the onboard video work before
09:23.14systemdleteIf you look at that manual, btw, you will see that there is no video spec in the manual!
09:23.27systemdleteeverything else, yes, but not the videospec
09:23.35gnarfacethat's the other thing that leads me to question whether this is assuming you need a APU...
09:27.30systemdletethanks for all your help and especially the info you offer.
09:27.58systemdleteI'm going to knock off for a while.  It's 2:30am here and I've been pounding at this for at least 8 hours.
09:28.20gnarfacealright, lemme know how the test with no add-on cards works.
09:28.27systemdleteI notice no one makes a dual vga output pci card.  LOL why would they?
09:28.43systemdleteI'm probably the last guy left on the planet who needs one.
09:28.51gnarfacehmm, they certainly must have existed, but i'm sure they were much more rare...
09:29.03systemdletepci-e I meant
09:29.18gnarfaceoh, yea, no it's hard enough to even find dvi ones anymore
09:29.25gnarfaceeverything is going hdmi
09:29.40systemdleteThis much I know:  The card must go in one of the pci-e slots.  The only choices in the bios are internal and pci-e
09:30.18systemdletewould linux recognize the pci card though?   I saw it listed in ixni
09:30.37gnarfacecan you paste your lspci output to
09:30.38systemdleteor, I thought I did
09:30.55gnarfaceideally i'd like to see it with and without the add-on card
09:31.07gnarfacemight not matter though depending on what we see
09:31.34gnarfaceactaully you can just /msg it to me even
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10:08.14xrogaanI don't know if it's related to consolekit, so I'll be switching back to elogind to figure it out, the .xsession-errors file isn't being created or rotated for some reason, and it annoys me so much.
10:09.35xrogaan(beowulf) based on /etc/X11/Xsession, a xsession-errors file should be created following:
10:09.48xrogaanit is not, and no message gets logged anywhere.
10:11.40xrogaanOh, weird, I just found out that there is a .xsession-errors.log, no idea how it gets created
10:12.30gnarfacersyslogd perhaps?
10:12.56gnarfaceor the X server itself
10:13.02gnarfacedunno though for sure
10:15.33xrogaanslim starts the session this way: login_cmd           exec /bin/bash -login /etc/X11/Xsession %session
10:15.50xrogaanI don't know why there is a .log at the end of the xsession-errors
10:16.15xrogaanI can't find any reference to that file anywhere.
10:16.31gnarfaceyea that's what made it look like a rsyslogd thing to me, but then i remembered the Xorg.0.log ends in .log too...
10:16.41gnarfacebut it's just a guess
10:17.11xrogaanthe rsyslog is minimal here
10:17.15xrogaanrsyslog conf*
10:19.08xrogaanI remember why I don't want to go back to elogind: xfce is crappy under it and we won't get an update to xfce until next debian stable.
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10:19.16xrogaanso if I change, I change of WM too
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10:19.37gnarfacemaybe enlightenment will behave better for you?
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10:35.36xrogaanno, it's a crappy desktop
10:35.59xrogaanthe defaults are so out of my norms that it's just too much work to figure out
10:36.52xrogaanLike the mouse cursor automatically being placed on the button of a message window.
10:45.58gnarfacei admit that's annoying and i turn it off too
10:46.02gnarfacebut there are so many settings...
10:46.06gnarfaceit's very flexible
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15:31.40MSIVITALER^3I_hey there how would one suspenf in openrc would  loginctl suspend work isnt that sytemd command?
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15:32.45gnarfacethere's probably a bunch of ways to do it
15:32.57gnarfacesomething would be tied to acpid probably...
15:33.27MSIVITALER^3I_what would be the easiest with a one line coomand
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15:34.29MSIVITALER^3I_Im pretty green to openrc based systems, but Im glad I switched after a bit of research I dont know how something like systemd come to existence
15:45.44gnarfacei'm sorry i don't know openrc either and i'm not sure it is even the part of the system that handles suspend
15:46.09gnarfacei use sysvinit which really does not
15:46.25gnarfacesuspend would be handled by acpid and your window manager...
15:46.44gnarfacelike, there should be something in the gui to click on
15:46.46gnarfacethere isn't?
15:47.12gnarfaceif you have a suspend button on the keyboard it might work too
15:47.52gnarfacesee if you have a package called pm-utils, and try the pm-suspend script in there
15:47.58gnarfaceif all else fails
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15:53.24MSIVITALER^3I_gnarface:  cheers found answer on acpid arch wiki
15:59.10gnarfaceMSIVITALER^3I_: cool, glad you found it
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16:29.06MSIVITALER^3I_gnarface: thk for the help
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19:01.36meep_____gnarface: doesn't pm-suspend rely on policykit?
19:01.50meep_____How did we suspend before the redhatification?
19:02.06meep_____I remember back when shutdown -P NOW worked
19:02.12meep_____And then i had to change to poweroff
19:02.26meep_____Or shutdown -H NOW before ACPI
19:03.41masonpolicykit? no
19:10.05gordonDrogononce upon a time it was: sync;sync <pull the plug>
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19:29.09gnarfacemeep_____: i have it here without policykit, i can't claim to know if it works right or not though
19:30.27meep_____This is bullshit
19:30.33meep_____It looks like an iphone
19:30.48meep_____Gtk+3 is so bad
19:31.03meep_____Now I have to fork notifyd too
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19:43.16avboxI want to setup a new mail server (smtp/587, imap/143, webmail, spam). What can you recommend? Is there a howto for Devuan?
19:54.15meep_____tom: fixed
20:00.15tuxd3v_meep_____, what is the toolkit used?
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20:01.37meep_____avbox: OpenSMTPd, Dovecot, Spamassisin, and SquirrelMail
20:02.37meep_____tuxd3v_: I reverted the GTK+3 version back to gtk2
20:02.43avboxmeep_____: SquirrelMail, is there any further development'
20:02.58meep_____I don't use webamil
20:03.16meep_____I have programs for email, like mutt and claws-mail
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20:32.48masongordonDrogon: Sometime trace the origin of "sync; sync" - I did recently and I was surprised.
20:37.29furrywolfsync sync...  that's the new york prison where they stick dirty write caches, right?  :P
20:38.12gordonDrogonheh... my first unix was v6 on a pdp11 - it was just the "done thing" ...
20:45.25masongordonDrogon: I still do it reflexively, but evidently it hasn't actually been a thing for decades.
20:45.56gordonDrogonI know... old habits though.
20:46.45gordonDrogonarguably the start of bloat - why write a shutdown/reboot when you can 'wall' everyone, sync;sync, then flip the run switch :)
20:53.38expert975That's how I poweroff my raspberrypi: sync and unplug :)
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21:00.50aitormeep_____: good job
21:01.51meep_____» [13:46:45] <gordonDrogon> arguably the start of bloat - why write a shutdown/reboot when you can 'wall' everyone, sync;sync, then flip the run switch :)
21:01.51meep_____to allow the daemons to stop
21:02.12meep_____Your forgetting a few steps
21:02.18ukinei was taught after unmounting/disk ops to do it 3 count 'em 3 times
21:02.18meep_____Yes you wall
21:02.48meep_____Wall, stop daemons gracefully, remount disks read-only, sync, then halt
21:02.58meep_____Then ask acpi to turn off the power
21:11.27gordonDrogonthe 2nd sync supposedly blocked until the first one was done, but I never did a 3rd. as for daemons... the small, lonely pdp11 only ran lpd that I recall, but memory isn't what it was ..
21:12.56meep_____I don't think the second sync is needed
21:12.58meep_____Is it?
21:14.57meep_____As far as i know that's like people who press the off button on their light switches because they have ocd or something
21:15.04meep_____And want to really make sure it's off
21:15.15meep_____*light switches 5 times
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23:04.33Guest72323g4570n: i'm in #devuan-mx
23:05.26golinuxGuest72323: There is also now #devuan-es
23:05.28g4570nhola Guest72323 estamos en #devuan-es :)
23:05.43golinuxg4570n: Ha! Beat you!
23:06.36g4570ngolinux: xD
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23:30.35fsmithredhow do I figure out why it takes half a minute for the system to respond when I give the root password?
23:30.43fsmithredin a terminal on the desktop.
23:31.08fsmithredOnly happens in the i386, not the amd64. Both VMs.
23:32.22rrq1) tcpdump of external interface, 2) "top -d 0.2"
23:32.52rrqfor a VM it might be the host's file system as well
23:32.58Guest72323golinux: don't neglect yur garden
23:33.47rrqand the VM might sit in the swap
23:35.34meep_____Guest72323, "You're"
23:37.05Guest72323nope: your...
23:37.28Guest72323*your* garden
23:37.51Guest72323instead of *yur*
23:37.58Guest72323bye :)
23:40.03*** join/#devuan firas (~firas@
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23:40.30meep_____Muh garden
23:40.32Guest72323running away from here!
23:41.33Guest72323aitor fled #devuan
23:47.45fsmithredtakes about 30 seconds for the desktop to come up after the login screen
23:47.52fsmithredeverything else seems to work normal speed
23:49.06koollmanfsmithred: 30s might be some dns request and timeout, or some other network related thing
23:49.27fsmithredwhy would dns be involved?
23:49.39fsmithredit might
23:50.06fsmithredI should get out of my chair and use the keyboard that's attached to that computer instead of doing it over vnc
23:51.18koollmanI don't know your setup. but 30s is a really typical network timeout :)
23:51.37fsmithredthat didn't help
23:51.39koollmanmaybe it's trying to log the hostname of the remote access, and that takes 30s to fail
23:51.53fsmithredlocal login is the same
23:51.59koollmanor you have something in your pam setup that takes 30s to fail, too
23:52.31fsmithredmaybe. Two nearly identical installs, only the i386 has the problem.
23:52.51fsmithredI'll make a live iso and put it on usb to see if it's the same.
23:58.41meep_____Netbsd might be better for that kind of hardware
23:59.58golinuxmissed greeting aitor. Was in the garden!

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