IRC log for #devuan on 20200219

00:23.33*** join/#devuan fleeky (~fleeky@
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02:41.29*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
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03:50.15xrogaanaptitude search ?obsolete:
03:55.08*** join/#devuan tom (
03:55.25tomI get a segfault when programs try to use libgdk in ascii
03:56.00tomx00007fffdad8737c in gdk_display_open () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
03:56.27tomdoes anybody know what this means?
03:56.37tomOnly is this a problem in Devuan
03:56.48tomworks fine in gentoo
03:57.17tomThread 1 "qt5ct" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
04:03.13*** join/#devuan cynicfm (
04:15.29*** join/#devuan ukine1 (~ukine@
04:16.03gnarfacetom: got anything in there from backports or some other repo or version?
04:16.27gnarfacetom: and are you fully updated?
04:16.59tomgnarface, yes I had to backport qt5ct
04:17.20gnarfacetom: i mean, it's obviously broken, but this type of error could be caused by lots of stuff... anything from hardware failure to version mismatch.  if you have anything from outside the repo though (like a backported version of qt5ct) that is the primary suspect
04:17.27tombut i tried both qt5-style-plugins/stable and a backport from beowulf
04:18.09gnarfacetom: perhaps you need to backport some of its dependencies as well.  perhaps it is not stable with all the ascii ones
04:18.09tomgnarface, how else do I tell qt5 to use the gtk2 styles if not qt5ct?
04:18.49gnarfacetom: hell, perhaps it is not stable at all, perhaps you should report the bug, but i'm guessing this is version related
04:19.10tomno qt5-style-plugins is from ascii
04:19.10gnarfaceand for that matter, does it happen with every theme?
04:19.22gnarfacemight be a known bug and a broken theme
04:19.28tomyes, qt5ct segfaults every time i set it to gtk2
04:19.56gnarfacehmm, dunno what to tell you.  it is above my head.  make sure it is not happening on an all beowulf install...
04:20.06gnarfaceif you can
04:21.57*** join/#devuan Inepu (
04:21.59*** join/#devuan fleeky (~fleeky@
04:22.26tombrb i'm going to try editing Trolltech.conf by hand and relogging
04:23.52*** join/#devuan tom (
04:24.06tomhuh. gnarface it seems to work just fine after a relog
04:24.14tomeven my local backport of qt5ct
04:24.18tomthat was weird
04:24.34gnarfacetom: is it possible you had forgotten to relog and/or run "ldconfig" after the initial install of the library?
04:24.41tommy gentoo desktop didn't require a relog tonot crash, just to get existing programs to takeup the new config
04:25.02tomgnarface, I was not aware an ldconfig was needed
04:25.12gnarfacetom: well maybe your gentoo desktop wasn't using the other library anywhere else but this install was...
04:25.22gnarface(like in the window manager itself perhaps)
04:25.42xrogaanoh, wow, buster's version of less is 3 years old.
04:26.28gnarfacetom: an ldconfig is *always* needed when adding, changing, or removing a library, but in a fair world usually the package manager or the package itself is smart enough to take care of it for you... but when building by hand...
04:26.55tomi guess portage did it for me on the other platform
04:27.22gnarfacemost likely
04:29.38gnarfacedon't worry... happens to the best of us
04:29.46tomnow all the qt programs on Devuan ASCII look uniform with all the gtk2 programs
04:31.06tomDevuan should do this by default yes?
04:49.54tomquestion about beowulf
04:50.27tomWill it not have nftables support or will it support both nftables and iptables?
04:50.46tomI have experimented on my gentoo system with nftables and converting over to it
04:51.10tomit's not as good as OpenBSD PacketFilter but it's certainly a welcome improvement to iptales
04:51.25tomhowever ASCII is NOT compatible with nftables yet
04:51.39tomI testing moving to it on ascii
04:51.50tomsystem just did not listen
04:56.06furrywolfbeowulf is similar to the current debian release...  if it's supported in debian, it will be supported in beowulf.  I'm not familiar with nftables myself, so don't know offhand if it is or not.
05:09.38tomI heard a lot about the way Debian handling it pissing off devuaners with breaking iptables, and that that was part of the work going into beowulf before it releases
05:09.43tomso i was justconfirming
05:09.49tomjust something cool i found
05:10.09tomxosview is much more capable of hooking into the kernel that it first appears
05:10.54tomafter using NetBSD for a while (masterpiece of an OS I must say) found out you can do things like represent IRQs and interrupts as LEDS
05:11.41tomit's very interesting
05:13.22tomseeing how the linux kernel optimizes itself in realtime. for example my PS/2 keyboard is always on a very low IRQ (one of the reasons I only buy motherboards with PS/2 or AT or similar keyboard interfaces) and seeing how moving my mouse will generate 1k IRQ/s and then stablize down to ~250/s or so
05:13.41tomand see just how busy the network card keeps the system
05:15.40tomapparently this tool is smart enough to differentiate hypervisor and kernel waits on linux 2.6+
05:15.54tomso you can use this to visualize steal on a virtual machine
05:19.49tomunfortunately Graphics Coproc usage is only supported in IRIX
05:20.16tomI wonder if there is some sysctl or procfs i could pull from in Linux to get that number
05:21.34*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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05:33.17xrogaanhas no idea of what is being talked about
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07:24.21*** join/#devuan gour (~gour@unaffiliated/gour)
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07:48.32*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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15:19.01*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Jessie 1.0 old-stable, ASCII 2.1 stable) | | Conference (2019) | Forum | Chanlogs
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15:27.27*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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16:30.18*** join/#devuan Mike_Y (~Mike@2604:2000:2c44:8d00:d2bf:9cff:fe8d:3d13)
16:30.48Mike_YQuestion: Do you think Whonix will work in backports Virtualbox?
16:31.48Mike_YBefore I reinstall Devuan for 64bit?  Is Devuan running Whonix?
16:34.07*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (
16:48.54*** join/#devuan jathan (
16:57.50*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
16:58.12*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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17:46.31xrogaanone thing I liked about gksudo is that it was able to complete the line using sbin's content. pkexec is just useless.
17:46.47xrogaanyou need to type the full path of the application you want to start
17:46.57xrogaanisn't there a way to get gksu[do] back?
17:47.05xrogaanpkexec feels like a regression.
17:54.11*** join/#devuan Defender1031 (
17:55.12xrogaan$ pkexec synaptic
17:55.12xrogaanCannot run program synaptic: No such file or directory
17:57.54*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
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19:10.22masonSo, I did an in-place upgrade from a newly installed Vanilla ASCII to Beowulf the other day on a VM, and the screen blanked out at some point with the VM frozen. I'll have to try it again, and maybe use a netconsole to get logs, but I'm curious if this is a new thing, as I've done the upgrade before unproblematically.
19:10.53*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
19:23.28*** join/#devuan cyteen__ (
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19:49.48*** join/#devuan Peregrinus_ (~peregrinu@
19:55.40*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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20:09.40*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
20:19.13*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
20:19.50_abc_Hi. Anyone here have a Qualcomm/Atheros QCA9377 wifi adapter working? I am trying to find out what version of kernel supports it, ascii or beowulf ?
20:20.50_abc_This seems to have been around since 2016 and had trouble with older kernel versions
20:20.50fsmithredAR9285 here
20:21.29_abc_ascii is 4.9.0-8-686 and some messages seem to indicate the QCA started working right from 4.8 . Suggest a way to check? Read config perhaps?
20:21.48fsmithredyeah, look in /boot/config&
20:22.05fsmithredtry bpo kernel
20:22.17fsmithredascii-backports has 4.19
20:22.48_abc_/boot/config* has QUALCOMM in it but not specifically QCA9377
20:22.54_abc_fsmithred: and hi
20:23.22fsmithreddoes lspci see it?
20:23.24_abc_Do you have a direct link to the sources online? I'm going to grep them but I do not have the kernel source unpacked on this machine
20:23.34fsmithredI don't
20:23.37*** join/#devuan grayrider (
20:23.41_abc_fsmithred: it's in a laptop I plan to buy :) doing research on drivers beforehead.
20:23.45fsmithredmight be at
20:23.53fsmithredthat's where it's supposed to be
20:24.23_abc_What would the filename be...
20:24.51fsmithreddamn, I don't remember where that stuff is. It's been a few years.
20:26.04fsmithredsomething net something drivers
20:26.54fsmithredtry debian wiki for that model number
20:27.03_abc_ath10k-firmware is the package which should contain the driver for this
20:27.24fsmithredsounds right. Mine is older and is using ath9k
20:27.53fsmithredyou want to try a live iso with newer kernel and wireless firmware installed?
20:28.29*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:29.30_abc_have you got /usr/lib/firmware/ath10k/QCA9377/hw1.0/firmware-5.bin ?
20:29.31fsmithredoh, nm. They won't let you do that in a store.
20:29.55_abc_fsmithred: I can try it in the store, I told you about this here some time ago.
20:30.27_abc_/usr/lib/firmware is missing here.
20:30.40fsmithredsame here
20:30.56fsmithredtry /lib/firmware
20:31.03_abc_sudo apt-get install ath10k-firmware -> E: Unable to locate package ath10k-firmware
20:31.27fsmithredfor one thing they all start with firmware-
20:31.42fsmithredif it's not already in the kernel
20:31.52_abc_ls /lib/firmware/ath10k/QCA9377/hw1.0/firmware-5.bin exists
20:31.53fsmithredI don't have it installed, but the wireless works
20:32.05fsmithredlsmod |grep ath
20:32.10_abc_this is ascii on 4.9
20:32.23_abc_fsmithred: that does not help since the module is not on this machine
20:32.39_abc_I just try to infer if there is support in ascii:: there is
20:32.49_abc_beowulf should also have it, perhaps newer version
20:32.56_abc_are you on beowulf fsmithred ?
20:33.20_abc_What's under /lib/firmware/ath10k/QCA9377/ ?
20:33.22fsmithredI have /lib/firmware but no ath in it
20:33.38*** join/#devuan morruth (~quassel@
20:33.49_abc_What's the ath10k firmware package called
20:34.00fsmithredshould be firmware-atheros
20:34.07_abc_yes, correct per dlocate
20:34.15_abc_So you likely do not have that installed?
20:34.26fsmithreddidn't need it
20:34.37_abc_Mystery elucidated.
20:34.53_abc_Anyone else on reading this care to comment on their /lib/firmware/ath10k/QCA9377/* ?
20:35.09*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
20:35.13fsmithredI can't modprobe ath10k
20:35.47_abc_I don't think you need to modprobe it, pulling in the package should install it
20:35.55_abc_You said you are on ath9 I think?
20:36.13fsmithredwas just checking to see if it was there
20:36.21_abc_ this thread has references showing the firmware is from 2013
20:36.42fsmithredI'm booting up a beowulf live-iso to see if it has it
20:36.48*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:36.52_abc_So there's already version 6 fw for that
20:36.58_abc_fsmithred: oh, nice
20:37.12_abc_They also say 4.9 kernel should work with fw 5 and 4.19 with 6
20:38.05_abc_which distribution is the "pre compiled" arch again? manjaro?
20:40.58fsmithredI have firmware-5.bin and firmware-6.bin
20:41.07_abc_great. Thanks, I'm set.
20:41.12fsmithredfirmware-atheros is installed here
20:41.25_abc_So was it in a different location?
20:41.42_abc_You could not find it before. Or are you talking about the booted iso?
20:43.52_abc_fsmithred: anything new re: refractausb ?
20:44.06_abc_I'm about to config a new usb stick in the multi boot refracta way.
20:45.16fsmithredI think 2.4.2 is the newest one out there
20:45.41fsmithredI just built a newer one but haven't tested it yet, and the only change is the stuff for patch-initrd which you probably aren't using
20:49.23*** join/#devuan izh_ (~izh_@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
20:55.13_abc_I am not sure what I have. Probably 2 years old. What I have.
20:55.22_abc_Do you have a link to the d/l repo?
20:56.18_abc_I have readme for 2.3.6 and the real r2u 2.4.1.deb
20:56.22_abc_brb food
21:17.26*** join/#devuan hemimaniac (~hemi@
21:21.42_abc_re. Thanks fsmithred
21:23.13_abc_Any changes from the help files from 2.3.6?
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21:50.54fsmithred_abc_, I don't think so. Changelogs are copied to the page where that .deb came from.
21:58.17_abc_ok, thanks fsmithred
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