IRC log for #devuan on 20200212

00:03.34*** join/#devuan kelsoo2 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
00:20.28*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
00:20.54*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:179d:1cc6:8854:4d5c)
00:23.37*** join/#devuan fleeky (~fleeky@
01:20.36*** join/#devuan chillfan (chillfan@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/d1fb)
01:36.07*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
01:41.59*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
01:44.16*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
01:46.53*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
01:54.15*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
02:17.22*** join/#devuan kelsoo2 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
02:34.50*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
02:36.50*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
02:36.55*** join/#devuan tuxd3v_ (
02:43.22*** join/#devuan Iacob (~yong@
02:47.01*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
03:12.30*** join/#devuan Stacker- (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
03:30.15*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a00:79c0:604:7f00:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
03:36.34*** join/#devuan epony (epony@unaffiliated/epony)
03:38.06*** join/#devuan epony (epony@unaffiliated/epony)
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03:58.47*** join/#devuan ukine (~ukine@
04:00.40*** part/#devuan mason (~mason@redhat/mason)
04:46.04*** join/#devuan hemimaniac (~hemimania@
05:08.19*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:16.05*** join/#devuan agris (
05:16.12agrisare the bug report servers down?
05:16.26agrisDo you want to continue? [Y/n] y
05:16.27agrisRetrieving bug reports... 0%
05:16.33agrisapt hangs trying to download
05:22.26gnarfaceagris: is up for me
05:23.07gnarfaceagris: something might be wrong with some of the access methods still, but i seem to recall them saying the email submission method works
05:24.00agrisapt fails saying it can't contact the bts server
05:24.10agrisnot the mail server
05:24.23gnarfaceyea but i'm saying it might be trying to connect to the wrong one
05:24.46gnarfacei don't know if it's been un-debianized, so you might need to use web/email instead
05:25.10gnarfacei'm running out of ideas about ways to restate that
05:26.44agrisgnarface, I'm not trying to submit a bug. I'm trying to run apt upgrade
05:27.23gnarfaceyou said retrieving bug reports...?
05:27.39gnarfacecheck your /etc/apt/sources.list
05:27.59gnarfacemaybe something is wrong with it, or with one of the repos
05:34.56*** join/#devuan engidea (
05:42.32agrissources look fine
05:47.30agrisit appears if you just let apt try to download for 10 minutes it eventually works
05:53.14*** join/#devuan divansan` (~user@
05:59.29*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
06:19.22*** join/#devuan xcm (
06:27.38*** join/#devuan zama (~zama@unaffiliated/stryx/x-3871776)
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06:31.34*** join/#devuan yeti (
06:43.22*** join/#devuan epony (epony@unaffiliated/epony)
06:45.15agristhat's strange
06:58.19*** join/#devuan KnoP_01 (
07:08.11*** join/#devuan gour (~gour@unaffiliated/gour)
07:16.41agrislooks like nftables is pretty broken on ascii
07:27.09gnarfaceyou're fully upgraded?
07:27.18gnarfacemaybe you'll have better luck with the kernel in ascii-backports
07:30.21*** join/#devuan coucou_bot (~coucou_bo@
07:30.22*** part/#devuan coucou_bot (~coucou_bo@
07:31.39*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
07:33.27*** join/#devuan Joril (~joril@
07:50.06*** join/#devuan DarwinElf (d@fsf/member/darwin)
07:50.18DarwinElfwhere would I put my own initialization scripts on classic Debian/Devuan, and what style is it? (I'm used to SysVInit...)
07:50.49gnarfaceit is sysvinit
07:51.00gnarfaceyou add them to /etc/init.d/
07:52.08gnarfacethe documentation for debian wheezy and earlier should still be relevant
07:54.58*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
07:58.01*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (
07:59.56*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
08:19.24DarwinElfwell that doesn't look familiar.  I use /etc/rc.d
08:20.20DarwinElfthanks.  Then I add them to /etc/init.d/rc.local ?
08:24.50DarwinElfand what happened to /etc/init.d/rc.local_shutdown?
08:35.10gnarfaceDarwinElf: no, you still use /etc/rc.d/ too, but they're just symlinks that point to the scripts in /etc/init.d/ ... it has always worked that way
08:35.27gnarfaceyou could use /etc/rc.local instead if you want
08:36.03gnarfacethat runs at the end, after everything else.  there's a package you need to install first, maybe it adds a /etc/init.d/rc.local...
08:57.59*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
09:11.26gnarfacemay or may not need to install, i should say
09:20.03*** join/#devuan xcm (
09:29.55*** join/#devuan Sigyn (sigyn@freenode/utility-bot/sigyn)
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09:41.49*** join/#devuan MinceR (mincer@2a0a:e5c0:2:2:0:c8ff:fe68:bf4a)
09:41.51*** join/#devuan MinceR (mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
09:42.26*** join/#devuan APic (
10:00.05*** join/#devuan unixman_ (~aunixman@
10:00.45gnu_srs1Hello., I need some help to detect if a process runs inside a container lxc/docker/podman/etc:
10:00.45gnu_srs1Can you check the output of "cat /proc/1/sched  | head -n 1" if you run sysvinit, openrc, runit, s6, systemd or some container?
10:00.52gnu_srs1Thanks :)
10:15.19*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@2001:910:1033:1:e29d:31ff:fe2d:a258)
10:39.59gnarfacegnu_srs1: i think the answer is going to be container-specific, but probably it will NOT report processes of guests IN the container on the host without special tools
10:40.24gnarface(that is sort of the whole point of such containers)
10:42.33*** join/#devuan Ryushin (~Ryushin@2001:470:4134:10::1000)
10:46.46gnu_srs1gnarface: Yes, I know the output is container-specific, that's why I ask.
10:49.11gnarfacewell, you'll have to pick a container first, then check the documentation for it's tools
10:51.16gnu_srs1I was asking for people out there running a container the output of the command: "cat /proc/1/sched  | head -n 1"
10:53.58gnarfaceoh, i see
10:54.41*** join/#devuan xcm (
10:55.12onefangThe qemu that I'm experimenting with right now says "init (1, #threads: 1)", Does that count?
10:55.33gnu_srs1cat /proc/1/sched | head -n 1; bash (5276, #threads: 1)
10:56.10gnu_srs1onefang: Yes, you are not running in a container, right?
10:56.28onefangJust a chrooted qemu.
10:57.54*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
10:58.28gnu_srs1The previous was a container host. For a non-container host you get for example: cat /proc/1/sched  | head -n 1; init (1, #threads: 1)
11:00.47gnu_srs1All this is needed for checking if you should start udevd or not, being in a container you should not.
11:01.15onefangAnd being in qemu I should.
11:02.16*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
11:06.57*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
11:19.39*** join/#devuan earthnative (~nemo@
11:28.44*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
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11:52.57*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
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12:21.29*** join/#devuan sedrosken (~sedrosken@
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12:34.31*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
12:47.20*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
12:55.55*** join/#devuan Ryushin (~Ryushin@2001:470:4134:10::1000)
13:00.33*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
13:08.27*** join/#devuan gour_ (~gour@unaffiliated/gour)
13:43.06*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
13:51.30*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
13:57.14*** join/#devuan Ryushin (~Ryushin@2001:470:4134:10::1000)
14:08.22*** join/#devuan divansan` (~user@
14:27.37sedroskenis there a way to install the OpenCL ICD for AMDGPU-PRO without installing the rest of the stuff? all I wanted was the OpenCL ICD, not all the dkms stuff
14:28.08sedroskenI literally built the open source AMDGPU thing into my custom kernel
14:29.34*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
14:36.05*** join/#devuan ukine1 (~ukine@
14:39.34gnu_srs1Hi again: Anybody running a lxc/docker/podman? container? Please, report the output of: cat /proc/1/sched | head -n 1
15:17.06*** join/#devuan bilbo_b (
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15:24.09*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a00:79c0:604:7f00:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
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15:28.29*** join/#devuan retak (~ite@2a01:c22:d441:2c00:f2de:f1ff:feb2:f9aa)
15:34.25*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
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15:43.17*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:50.04*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
15:50.32*** join/#devuan Ryushin (~Ryushin@2001:470:4134:10::1000)
16:00.06*** join/#devuan Sailor463 (~sailfish@
16:00.59*** join/#devuan rsx (
16:05.05*** join/#devuan Inepu (
16:13.30*** join/#devuan unixman (~aunixman@unaffiliated/eracc)
16:28.42*** join/#devuan xcm (
16:37.47*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:47.51emdeteHi, i installed a Devuan image on a pi zero and wonder where the kernel comes from. There is no package containing it (it's just /boot/kernel.img it seems), version is 4.14.44+ reported by `uname` but i can't find any package with that version number. i want to use dkms to install wireguard, how can i do so?
16:53.09*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
16:53.39*** join/#devuan xcm (
16:56.07*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
16:56.21*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
17:00.00*** join/#devuan o01eg (~o01eg@2a02:2698:82b:105e:5a81:75e7:a3d2:53c2)
17:03.18masonemdete: There's #devuan-arm but my general understanding is that we don't have a solid RPi build as yet.
17:07.56*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
17:08.24tuxd3vus and Germany working together..
17:10.54*** join/#devuan james1138 (
17:16.04*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
17:19.18*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
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17:26.27yetiemdete: yip. the kernel was beamed into the image via subspace... or magic... a big problem...
17:27.17yetithe debian image has a packaged kernel but goes suicide on kernel update
17:27.28yetione line un config.txt gets lost
17:28.47yetimaybe we can transfer debian's kernel update method to devuan...
17:29.42yetior transgrade a debian image
17:31.27yetiimaged for pi0,2,3
17:31.37yetithe pi0 image runs on pi1 too
17:32.12yetiuntil the next kernel update ... :-P
17:36.31*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
17:38.03*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
17:45.41emdeteyeti: so bettter i dont touch that ;) but can i get dkms working somehow?
17:46.19yetiI've put using debian and devuan on PIs on hold.
17:48.04emdeteyeti: i decided to use that zero cause its cheap - do you have a better suggestion?
17:48.31emdeteyeti: it's for a school project, so the pupils may break some ;)
17:48.52bsd4mehello! Looking at download sites, I see ascii and jessie. Is it possible to get a beowulf or ceres iso to install with? Must I start with ascii and upgrade?
17:48.59yetithen using everything other than raspian will be a pain
17:49.39yetithey will start googling and will find 99% raspian answers
17:49.42bsd4meThis lenovo ideapad is pretty harsh with anything other than newer kernels :(
17:51.00fsmithredbsd4me, do you need a kernel newer than 4.9?
17:52.55bsd4meAt minimum 4.16, but the newer 5.x work great
17:53.54fsmithredI've got an unofficial devuan desktop-live iso with backports kernel
17:54.02bsd4memain problem, but not only problem, is amd
17:55.03fsmithredI think the amd firmware is installed
17:57.08bsd4mefsmithred: what is the difference between the 10 and the test iso?
17:57.17bsd4meJust curious which to try :)
17:57.49fsmithredunofficial desktop-live is the same as the official desktop-live except for the kernel
17:57.51*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
17:58.13fsmithredthe test-oblx is beowulf with openbox, lxpanel and beowulf-backports kernel
17:58.29fsmithredboth have wireless firmware installed
17:58.41fsmithredthe oblx has almost no apps installed
18:00.39fsmithredthe nodbus builds are truly experimental. No dbus.
18:00.45bsd4meis the oblx with a 5.3 kernel, or does that mean something else?  I'm not good with abbreviations :(
18:00.54fsmithred5.3 kernel
18:01.01fsmithredfrom beowulf-backports
18:01.40bsd4meOk, I'll try that one! Thanks :)    I've used openbox/etc before so no problem there
18:01.55fsmithredthere's a file manager and text editor included.
18:02.03fsmithredProbably links2 browser.
18:02.07fsmithredpretty sure.
18:02.16fsmithredmake the web look like 1995 again!
18:03.29bsd4meIf it will boot, X will start, and my touchpad works, then I'll be happy. I can worry about browser after that :D
18:03.47bsd4medownloading it now
18:06.01bsd4melol, just read the txt file :D
18:07.49MinceRmake the web work on machines made in 1995 again
18:08.00fsmithredthat would be nice
18:08.45emdeteyeti: are you maintaining the pi stuff? in that image a file (/lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.txt) is missing, whom can i tell?
18:11.43yetino... I'm just another nobody with some PIs
18:17.31*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
18:28.24bsd4meok, off to boot oblx. Will report later.
18:34.01*** join/#devuan engidea (
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18:57.58*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
19:13.51*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
19:17.26*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
19:19.36yetithis patch should fix the suicide on kernel update problem of the pi0 image
19:19.51yetibut I dont see new images
19:23.05bsd4mefsmithred: here's dmesg.
19:24.44bsd4meand here's the xorg.log.
19:24.45fsmithredcool, it works?
19:25.40bsd4mewell, it booted but I had to crtl-c during booting. It couldn't initialize loopX sdX
19:26.23bsd4medidn't recognize wireless at all. Not even usb dongle
19:26.43fsmithredenable contrib and non-free in sources.list, apt update, apt install firmware-amd-graphics
19:27.02bsd4meok, can do that :)
19:29.48bsd4meI'll try to get output of the not initializing loop and sdX lines. Seems like related to dbus???
19:30.59*** part/#devuan mason (~mason@redhat/mason)
19:36.55*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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19:50.37*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
19:53.56bsd4mefsmithred: here is a pic of what I was talking about during booting.
19:54.40bsd4meamd-graphics installed and didn't help starting X
19:55.04*** join/#devuan xcm (
19:55.09fsmithredshould have already been installed
19:55.09bsd4meI'm going to be busy for a while now, but will still be connected here.
19:55.14bsd4meyes :)
19:55.15fsmithredI booted the iso and I see it
19:55.21fsmithredI can't see that paste
19:55.30bsd4melet me check
19:57.29bsd4meoh, ok
19:58.01*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
19:58.08bsd4meobviously I'm able to ctlr-c out of it and continue booting.
19:58.20fsmithredmaybe add 'nomodeset' to boot command
19:58.51fsmithredis it waiting for a network connection?
20:00.10bsd4meno, just goes through a very long list of sd(a-?)
20:00.39fsmithreddoes it say something about waiting for udev?
20:00.48fsmithredand 'not found in database'
20:00.57bsd4menot found in database
20:01.27fsmithredok, I haven't figured out how to predict when that will happen
20:01.39bsd4menot initiazlized in udev database
20:01.44fsmithredI get it sometimes when chrooting to install grub
20:01.58fsmithredand the fix there is to bind-mount run/udev to the chroot
20:02.16bsd4medoesn't seem to hurt when I ctlr-c out  of it
20:02.18fsmithredotherwise it takes a few minutes
20:02.21fsmithredyeah, that too
20:03.55*** join/#devuan petzi (
20:03.57james1138Sorry about the delay. Bsd4me: maybe these will help you with Lenovo support on Devuan -
20:06.03bsd4meI have to delete a partition to install it, so trying to make sure I can boot and get X running before installing the iso :)
20:06.34bsd4mejames1138: ?   what is this referring to?
20:06.45bsd4memaybe somebody else?
20:07.53james1138Bsd4me - you wrote earlier "lenovo ideapad is pretty harsh with anything other than newer kernels"
20:08.15bsd4meah, ok :)  thanks!
20:08.59james1138sure thing
20:10.10bsd4melol, I really have a very strong dislike for this laptop!  Just got it brand new at a very good price, and I needed something right then :/
20:11.52james1138Sorry all for now being strict Devuan - just giving Bsd4me just one my tip (being a fellow Lenovo user). Bsd4me: check out the website devoted to Linux on Lenovo -
20:12.12james1138"I meant one last typ"
20:12.27bsd4mewill do. Thanks! :)
20:13.35bsd4meI have lenovo ideapad 320-15ast, but bought it for $280 iirc
20:18.01*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
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20:23.18DarwinElfcan't one get an aptitude package, etc.?
20:29.26DarwinElfotherwise I'm not sure how to find packages & dependencies, and it seems it'd be very laborious.  Debian already had aptitude several years ago so I'm quite surprised why it doesn't seem available...
20:34.11fsmithredDarwinElf, 'apt install aptitude'
20:34.23fsmithredmaybe add --no-install-recommends
20:35.12DarwinElfwhat's '--no-install-recommends?'
20:35.50fsmithredit excludes extra packages that are recommended but not required for whateer you're installing
20:36.06fsmithredsome people use it to avoid cruft
20:36.52fsmithredanything that's in debian should be in devuan with the exception of systemd and a few things that go with it
20:37.14DarwinElfwell it still said 'Package aptitude is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source'
20:37.34fsmithredor something in your sources.list needs to be adjusted
20:37.56DarwinElfi didn't change it from default
20:38.39fsmithredapt update
20:39.01*** join/#devuan Akuli (
20:39.04fsmithred  <-- examples
20:39.15DarwinElfwell I did then changed it back; so that's what I need to do (apt update; ) have aptitude now :)
21:04.47*** join/#devuan xcm (
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21:10.36DarwinElfi have a virtual private server (VPS) I followed instructions to convert from Debian 9 to Devuan but not sure what version it actually is.  I'm trying to compile ZNC 1.7.4 and it keeps saying 'c++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)'... maybe because the server doesn't have a lot of memory resources?  Isn't there a way to run it with less memory?
21:11.05*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
21:11.40DarwinElfyeah; I viewed htop and it took all the 128MB RAM and maybe swap space...
21:11.56DarwinElfshould I ask in #znc?
21:12.01m3ttiis distcc an option?
21:12.15DarwinElfsure... but I've never setup that over a WAN...
21:13.19*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
21:13.24DarwinElfif I could let distcc use my PC for that, it'd be great, as I have 8x4GHz and 64GB RAM... just didn't think I'd need a more powerful VPS
21:13.37m3ttioh shit than you would need a vpn i guess :D
21:13.56m3ttior what about compile a package and ship the package to the server
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21:14.01m3ttialso an option
21:14.20m3ttibut i've never set up a deb package
21:14.54*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
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21:15.30DarwinElfmaybe, but I don't have Devuan on a more powerful system... I usually use *BSD Unix or Slackware GNU/Linux... but I'm not even making it a package, just installing it... it probably has a 'make uninstall' but if not, I'm not sure I care.  I'd make it a .deb if it's not too difficult...
21:16.13DarwinElfi guess I can install Devuan in an emulator/virtual-machine on this PC and it'll be powerful enough... but not sure what my version is considered.  lsb_release -a says Devuan 9...
21:16.17m3ttisetup a changeroot with devuan or a vm and try to build a package or even in a virtual environment
21:16.37m3ttidevuan 9 is basically ascii i guess
21:17.52DarwinElfi'm not sure I've ran an OS in a chroot before but that sounds more interesting... I've installed an OS just to compile stuff, maybe that's all I'd need to do (not 'mount --bind' /dev,/proc,/sys?)
21:17.56bsd4mefsmithred: rebooted with nomodeset added to grub, then did apt update and apt install firmware-amd-graphics, and then apt reinstall firmware-amd-graphics. Still couldn't get X.
21:18.42fsmithredI don't know what the issue is. I'm not that good with diagnosing xorg problems
21:19.00bsd4meok, thanks for all your help anyway :)
21:19.59bsd4meIf I could log in X, I'd then see if james site would help.
21:22.37DarwinElfok, are there instructions somewhere for installing a Devuan chroot within some other POSIX-based (at this time GNU/Linux) OS?
21:25.04*** join/#devuan m3tti (
21:28.53fsmithredbsd4me, links2 will work in console
21:29.51bsd4meoh yeah, forgot :D  Thanks
21:30.14fsmithredit'll be fast, too
21:33.31*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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21:41.16DarwinElfyes, exactly: I need to learn how to make a chroot of Devuan
21:57.22*** join/#devuan James1138 (
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22:14.41bsd4meoff to install refracta via console. bbl
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22:43.52gnarfaceDarwinElf: it isn't fundamentally different from a debian chroot but you will need the devuan version of debootstrap
22:44.13gnarface(unless debian has finally patched theirs, but i suspect they have not)
22:49.03*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
22:49.49DarwinElfok, well I've never done that.  I stopped using Debian around 2002 and switched back to older POSIX-based OSes
22:50.50DarwinElfok, I installed debootstrap
22:54.58*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
22:58.17gnarfaceDarwinElf: well, yes, basically you run the debootstrap comand, then you run 3 (optionally 4) bind mount commands, then you chroot in
23:02.32DarwinElfi don't need all that; just building software (as I said earlier) that doesn't use that... only need the OS, not the bind mounts...
23:03.30gnarfaceoh, well then you can skip them
23:04.18gnarfacei don't actually know for sure that you don't need them, but you might be right
23:04.21tuxd3vwhat confuses me is  that they indeed provide a kernel address to load, and they even specify a initrd address too,
23:04.27tuxd3vbut they forgot about fdt_addr_r
23:04.55DarwinElfi know for sure; it's ZNC; nothing kernel-based
23:04.57tuxd3vsorry all, wrong chanel :S
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23:24.48gnu_srs1Hi again: Anybody running a lxc/docker/podman? container? Please, report the output of: cat /proc/1/sched | head -n 1
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23:37.07tuxd3vhello, maybe I deleted the package, what is the default calculator that comes in devuan xfce desktop?
23:43.23gnarfacedunno but i like galculator
23:43.52specingforget about these, run octave-cli in a drop-down terminal
23:44.00specingbest calculator ever
23:44.31gnarfacehmm, noted
23:46.51*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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