IRC log for #devuan on 20200207

00:02.17*** join/#devuan KnoP_01 (
00:04.18*** join/#devuan KnoP (
00:06.41fsmithredgnu_srs, this is the top hit, but it looks different from what I'm using. I think I'm using an older version of this. You just need the one python script.
00:16.34*** join/#devuan Stacker (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
00:19.20*** join/#devuan parazyd (~parazyd@devuan/developer/parazyd)
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00:31.46*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
00:47.13*** join/#devuan gnarface (
00:58.52avbox@fsmithred Looks like elogind does run pulseaudio with root, nut user rights, so sound does not work. Any ideas?
01:01.41fsmithredapt remove pulseaudio?
01:04.20fsmithredavbox, did you edit /etc/pulse/client.conf.d/00-disable-autospawn.conf?
01:04.58avboxfsmithred: I just killed Xorg, then restarted it, now sound is there (/run/user/1000). About removing pulseaudio, sound control panel in Mate does need it if I remember correct.
01:05.23fsmithredok, make sure autospawn isn't disabled
01:06.05avbox@fsmithred I tried this, yes, autospan is not disabled.
01:07.58*** join/#devuan mason (~mason@redhat/mason)
01:10.56avbox@fsmithred: Any ides how to force elogind to use normal user (1000)?
01:11.54fsmithredno. pulseaudio is run as user here
01:12.25fsmithredwhat display manager are you using?
01:13.38avbox@fsmithred Mate 1.22
01:13.55masonavbox: I missed earlier conversation. Are you haveing an issue with PulseAudio?
01:14.40avboxmason, yes since switching from libsystemd (due to installation of falkon web browser) to elogind, sound does not work any more.
01:15.08masonavbox: Did you tweak PulseAudio's systemd-sensitive config? I'll find it, forgetting.
01:16.13masonavbox: /etc/pulse/client.conf.d/00-disable-autospawn.conf
01:17.00avboxfsmithred, no not lightdm, startx is started directly from user (no login) or with login (then it is slim)
01:17.09masonavbox: Another thing to poke is group "audio" membership.
01:17.22masonBetween the two, you should have sound.
01:18.19*** join/#devuan d1fb (059d0d03@
01:18.58avboxmason: normal user is in audio, any more needed?
01:19.03*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@
01:19.15masonavbox: That should do it. Did you check the autospawn setting?
01:19.27fsmithredhe did
01:19.50avboxYes, auotspawn is 00-disable-autospawn.conf => autospawn=no
01:20.10fsmithredthe problem exists whether you start with startx or slim?
01:20.11masonafter setting group membership, you'll want to log that user out and back in to pick up the new group
01:28.48chillfanyeah you want a full log out too, don't just quit the wm, make sure you log back in again
01:29.15*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
01:29.50chillfanthe amount of times I've forgotten that after quitting the wm.. then wondered why my sound is broke
01:30.44*** join/#devuan KnoP_01 (
01:31.09*** join/#devuan onefang (~onefang@devuan/developer/onefang)
01:36.03*** join/#devuan gnarface (
01:44.16avbox@fsmithred No difference between slim or starting directly with startx
01:51.10avbox@fsmithred: Sorry, correction with slim, it works (only channel [Speaker was not set] was wrong). So I have to look there. I need to go to sleep. Thank you for your help.
01:51.31fsmithredgood luck
01:53.00*** join/#devuan Stacker (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
02:32.10*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
03:19.51*** join/#devuan Stacker- (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
03:36.27*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:649:f00:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
04:09.17*** join/#devuan Stacker (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
04:21.10*** join/#devuan Stacker- (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
04:30.08*** join/#devuan d1fb (059d0d03@
04:53.09*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
05:00.09*** join/#devuan proteusguy (
05:12.01*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:33.28*** join/#devuan engidea (
05:35.50hemimaniacheya peeps
05:41.59*** join/#devuan Xenguy_ (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
06:14.22*** join/#devuan engidea (
06:20.16*** join/#devuan Gup (
06:29.59*** join/#devuan gour (~gour@unaffiliated/gour)
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07:33.35*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
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07:39.12*** join/#devuan hkramer_ (~hkramer@2003:a:1319:f500:400b:bb4b:380c:6d1d)
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07:50.50*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@
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09:59.19*** join/#devuan hightower3 (
10:00.23hightower3Centurion_Dan, hey, were you working on ppc64el? Any recent news/state?
10:14.04GyrosGeierwould also be interested
10:51.30*** join/#devuan cake_ (
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11:28.35*** join/#devuan i686installer (2e722424@
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11:36.01i686installerHi, I want to install devuan on an eeepc with i686. Which iso do choose? This one:, Thanks in advance
11:39.50gnarfacei686installer: no the one that has i386 in the name
11:40.19gnarfacei686installer: (it is actually i686)
11:42.51*** join/#devuan Shentino (~shentino@unaffiliated/shentino)
11:47.08*** join/#devuan bpmedley (~bpm@2601:246:8201:8e0:3815:2409:aee1:5ef4)
11:52.27gnarfacei686installer: you're welcome.  good luck, let me know if you need any help.
12:10.07*** join/#devuan puria[m] (puriamatri@gateway/shell/
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12:10.08*** join/#devuan beatpanic (beatpanicm@gateway/shell/
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12:20.45*** join/#devuan Shentino_ (~shentino@unaffiliated/shentino)
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12:56.50GyrosGeierdoes the eeepc have cmov?
12:59.44rrqGyrosGeier: my "Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270" has cmov
13:04.53nemo  devuan does not seem to be using this key?
13:04.58nemowhere would I find the repo keys?
13:06.01nemoErr:1 beowulf InRelease The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY BB23C00C61FC752C
13:07.00*** join/#devuan gour_ (~gour@unaffiliated/gour)
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13:11.10nemospecing: oh. a hedgewars question. oh well. too late
13:12.25*** join/#devuan parazyd (~parazyd@devuan/developer/parazyd)
13:16.58nemohm. maybe I should just try devuan-baseconf
13:17.05nemopresumably it still works
13:19.23nemonow where to get it..
13:20.29nemoah good it's still on the mirrors
13:20.44nemo   I guess
13:21.13nemodammit. pubkeys still wrong
13:21.21nemoI thought that one added them. guess they changed
13:23.25onefangmerged/pool/DEVUAN/main/d/devuan-keyring/devuan-keyring_2017.10.03_all.deb   Is that what you are looking for?
13:25.25*** join/#devuan HumanGeek (~HumanG33k@
13:25.50nemoah. probably
13:26.30nemosite is out of date I 'spose
13:26.56nemoI wonder if the devuan-baseconf package has any purpose at all or if I should just remove it for tidiness
13:31.32nemohm. well this is worrying
13:31.51nemofiddling with seeing if I can switch a VPS from debian 10 to beowulf
13:32.06nemoapt dist-upgrade  prompts to remove both installed kernels ☺
13:32.43nemoI'm preeeeetty sure that's not a good idea 😉
13:44.02nemohm... everything seems... fine now?
13:47.09nemono suspicious autoremoves, init system seems fine after reboot...
13:47.21nemowhee. I've got something I'm familiar with. huzzah
13:53.15nemo  this was helpful
13:53.20nemoshame it is dead
14:02.33fsmithrednemo, you can remove devuan-baseconf. It serves no purpose.
14:08.13*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
14:09.19*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
14:14.44xrogaanit doesn't?
14:15.13*** join/#devuan d1fb (059d0d03@
14:15.44nemofsmithred: yeah, didn't seem to supply keys, it did provide a pin to prevent systemd, but I guess that's useless these days?
14:16.08fsmithredyeah, you don't need the pin.
14:16.38fsmithredand you don't need to exclude Suggests because they don't get automatically installed
14:17.18fsmithredand the extra list that shows the supposed developer repos is misleading
14:19.47*** join/#devuan d1fb (059d0d03@
14:27.16*** join/#devuan Evil_Bob (~hiltjo@bitreich/member/bob)
14:27.50*** part/#devuan Shentino (~shentino@unaffiliated/shentino)
14:31.54*** join/#devuan James1138 (
14:35.35*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
14:37.06Evil_Bobhi, could anyone explain to me how devuan tracks upstream packages? in particular beowolf/testing in relation to debian? thanks
14:38.51fsmithredbeowulf pulls from buster.
14:39.02chillfanAside from things we have that debian hasn't we pull them in from Debian and make them work in Devuan
14:39.10chillfanhasn't got*
14:39.58chillfanmeaning they shouldn't rely on systemd usually, so are forked to remove it
14:41.11fsmithredusing words like testing or stable can be confusing because we're not on the same schedule as debian
14:41.32fsmithredbuster is stable, beowulf has same versions of software but is still in testing
14:41.46fsmithredactually has the same packages except for a few
14:42.05Evil_Bobok that makes sense now, thank you
14:42.30fsmithredif you use "testing" or "stable" in sources.list, you will surely screw up the system.
14:42.56fsmithredwe just use the codenames
14:43.00Evil_Bobyeah, im using "beowulf" and read the devuan pages
14:43.54chillfanyeah release in beowulf are like "hard releases" rather than symlinking. But anyway these days Debian do not recommend using "stable" or "testing" either since you will upgrade to a new release automatically at the end of a cycle
14:47.53*** join/#devuan retak (~ite@2a01:c22:d40c:6000:f2de:f1ff:feb2:f9aa)
14:48.11masonfsmithred: Well. 'testing' and 'stable' mean Devuan testing and stable. They work. But unless you want to always stay on the local definition of testing, codenames provide more control.
14:54.34nemofsmithred: oh. hm. just how extensive is the fork these days? is it a significant number of packages to maintain?
14:54.43fsmithredmason, if you use testing or stable in sources.list you will pull newer packages from debian than from devuan
14:54.46fsmithredright now
14:55.07fsmithredonce beowulf is stable, they'll be the same again
14:55.27*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
14:55.52fsmithredI think I saw a number around 300 for packages we fork. I think half of them are task-language packs
14:56.50Evil_Bobim trying to get video to work (AMD RX480, amdgpu driver), but it has
14:57.28masonfsmithred: I thought Amprolla was doing the right thing with keywords... I'll double-check. Odd.
14:57.32James1138Anyway to purge language packs after install?
14:58.00fsmithredJames1138, remove the locales package
14:58.32fsmithredyou could also run bleachbit to get rid of language files
15:00.06James1138Thanks fsmithred. I give that a try. I looked and thought "I doubt I will need Japanese, Chinese, French...etc"
15:00.44chillfanI think Debian used to have a package for removing locales, not sure what happened to it
15:00.59fsmithredoh yeah - localepurge
15:01.21chillfanyeah that one, they might have removed it since in later releases
15:01.26fsmithredit still exists
15:01.37fsmithredin all suites
15:01.39chillfanah that's handy
15:02.34chillfananyway if you try that (apt install localepurge) it should remove all locales except those you're using
15:02.38fsmithredI should remember that one - I got in trouble once for running that on refracta before a release (to make the iso smaller)
15:02.46fsmithrednon-english users were not happy
15:03.41masonIf you ask for 'stable' you get 'ascii'. If you ask for 'testing' you get 'beowulf'.
15:03.43chillfanhaha yeah I can imagine, I'm sure they simmered down when they realised it was accidental
15:05.10chillfanhow long has refracta been around now? I've never used it but I seem to remember it being around for a while
15:06.10*** join/#devuan humma (gun@gateway/shell/
15:06.34fsmithredmason, yeah it looks like that, but I know people have screwed up their systems.
15:07.34fsmithredchillfan, first releases were lenny, and I took over with squeeze.
15:08.20chillfana lot of history there
15:11.25James1138Wow THANKS chillfan!!
15:12.07chillfanyou're welcome. So localepurge worked out ok?
15:12.22James1138Yes it did.
15:12.26chillfanI need to make a note of it so I don't forget then
15:12.49James1138Ran it from root terminal and worked without a hitch.
15:14.22chillfanit's probably the "cleanest" way to do it
15:14.44chillfanbut you can check if you still have any lang packs and remove them if you do
15:21.53James1138I found that I cannot delete locales because it would also remove "Google Earth".
15:22.55chillfanIf removing locales will remove google earth, I may have to remove mine.. google won't be pleased but that's all to the better
15:23.06fsmithredyeah, that wasn't a very good suggestion
15:23.43*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:29.29GyrosGeierchillfan, you can reduce the number of locales that are available
15:30.02GyrosGeierbut generally a dependency on locales is a bit wrong
15:30.34*** join/#devuan hemimaniac (~hemimania@
15:30.38chillfanyeah, I never install them really.. but sometimes I get garbage output so, probably should install the ones I need
15:31.53GyrosGeierI usually have the locales for the union of all languages that the users on a system speak
15:32.40chillfanah, when I install for others I just let the installer do what it wants
15:33.14GyrosGeierif it's just for me, then I at least have de_DE.UTF-8, en_US.UTF-8 and ja_JP.UTF-8
15:33.43GyrosGeierI believe the C.UTF-8 locale is always built
15:33.59GyrosGeieryou definitely want that one to work
15:34.16chillfanyeah though you can swap it for an iso locale
15:34.38chillfaniso-8859-1 I think, but off the top of my head so could be wrong
15:36.39GyrosGeiereven my Amiga is on ISO 8859-15 these days
15:36.59chillfanWhat are you running on the Amiga?
15:37.21GyrosGeiermight do an m68k port later
15:37.24*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
15:37.35chillfanAh, do they still have releases?
15:37.41GyrosGeierbut only if I'm very bored and find a quieter fan
15:37.48GyrosGeierit's complicated
15:38.06GyrosGeierbasically, bankrupt companies buying the rights to the name from other bankrupt companies
15:38.41chillfanthat would explain some things
15:45.45*** part/#devuan Evil_Bob (~hiltjo@bitreich/member/bob)
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16:02.49*** join/#devuan fluffywolf (~furrywolf@
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16:46.53golinuxhightower3: Looks promising for you:
16:47.24golinuxDan said he was going to email you but guess he forgot to do so.
16:47.30*** join/#devuan rsx (
16:48.44hightower3apart from the inconvenience of posting private mails to mailing lists... yes, looks promising :)
16:54.43*** join/#devuan jathan (
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19:25.25nemofsmithred: hm. 300 is definitely way more than I thought :/  I do hope the changes aren't huge
19:25.38nemodon't want you guys to get overwhelmed
19:26.37fsmithredas I said, most of those get done with the task-*-desktop packages. It's just a matter of getting the dependencies right.
19:27.06fsmithredwe hope we don't get overwhelmed, too
19:30.23nemoyeah, don't know enough about debian to totally understand first or 2nd time you explained, but sounds like it's semi-automated trivial changes usually
19:33.52*** join/#devuan James1138 (
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19:55.35*** join/#devuan chillfan (059d0d03@
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20:36.24flrnI might have triggered a configuration bug (ascii netinstall to beowulf installation) with connman
20:38.11*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
20:38.31flrnwhen eth0 is configured in /etc/network/interfaces and not blacklisted in /etc/connman/main.conf, with a mounted cifs share, the shutdoen stalls for 3 minutes
20:40.18flrneth0 is already down by connman, cifs can't unmount
20:40.56flrnI am /quite/ shure, that I didn't edit /etc/network/interfaces manually.
20:47.18xrogaanoh, I don't know about connman at all.
20:47.35xrogaanmy config is set in the files, no need for tools.
20:49.59flrnyes, that's how I keep it with desktop configurations. more for the record resp. to prepare a bug report
20:51.53flrnhoping for confirmation, so I won't have to reproduce it
20:53.14flrnI mean confirmation, that in a default LXqt installation the installations default interface is not blacklisted in connman's conf
20:54.02flrnresp. that the connman config coexists with the /etc/network/interfaces entry
20:55.37flrnfrom the shutdown log:
20:55.58flrn[ OK ] Stopping Connection Manager:.
20:56.07flrn[ OK ] ...
20:56.17flrn[info] Hardware Clock upated to...
20:56.23flrn3 minutes break
20:56.32flrn[ timestamp ] CIFS VFS: Server donkey.lan has not respondet in 180 seconds. Reconnecting...
20:56.37chillfanhm what is connman? I seem to have forgotten
20:56.46flrn[....] Deconfiguring network interfaces...Removed stale PID file
20:57.15flrnthe default connection manager coming with the LXqt desktop
20:57.29flrnnot sure if it was present in ascii
20:57.35chillfanhave you checked
20:57.35flrnin beowulf it is
20:58.03*** join/#devuan izh_ (~izh_@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
20:58.13flrnno, but I should have stumbled on it when troubleshooting
20:59.12flrnyes, before I caught the shutdown log
21:00.38*** join/#devuan d1fb (059d0d03@
21:07.48flrnno related connman bugs in
21:09.14*** part/#devuan filpAM (~filipe@
21:14.15James1138flrn: have you considered a updated version of connman?
21:16.14flrnI don't use connman, just have it by the default LXqt installation.
21:18.13flrnAnd will keep it (disabled, with eth0 blacklisted in its config) for occasional use with VPN, WiFi or testing ofono
21:19.08tom-mediapcIs there a gtk2 version of apt I can install?
21:19.23tom-mediapcor i mean synaptic
21:25.28chillfanah you mean it's changed to gtk3?
21:32.44*** join/#devuan filipdevuan_ (
21:34.19golinuxSynaptic has been infected with gtk3 since ascii.
21:35.47chillfanah, well I always used to find gtk2 was resource heavy until hardware made big improvements.. now we need to swap it for gtk3 so we can feel the burn of bad performance again
21:37.45fsmithredflrn, that's weird that /etc/network/interfaces has eth0 listed in lxqt. I'm looking at it now.
21:40.20chillfangtk2 and gtk3 are both ugly. qt is not but you get the kitchen sink with it, any package that wants qt wants about 200 qt deps, instead of being sensible about it
21:41.31*** join/#devuan bilbo_b (
21:41.59chillfanwell, with gtk2 you can improve its looks but yeah
21:43.53fsmithredand eth0 is not blacklisted in /etc/connman/main.conf. Nothing is blacklisted. Just commented examples.
21:57.55fsmithredI can't test with cifs, but mounted nfs does not delay shutdown (unless the delay is getting lost in the delay caused by encrypted root). But I do see that the network is unreachable before it tries to unmount root.
22:00.09*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
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