IRC log for #devuan on 20200131

04:57.34*** join/#devuan infobot (
04:57.34*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Jessie 1.0 old-stable, ASCII 2.1 stable) | | Conference (2019) | Forum | Chanlogs
04:57.34*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
04:59.32*** join/#devuan fluffywolf (~furrywolf@
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12:14.25*** join/#devuan sethmhur (
12:15.14*** part/#devuan Wizzup (
12:16.13sethmhurI'm using the live cd fore accessibility. I can boot to the tty but can't confirm if sound or espeakup is working? How will I load this? I'm using the amd64 live cd on a laptop?
12:23.01*** join/#devuan systemdlete (
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14:01.13*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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14:49.38nemoHum: Cylance as noted
14:50.38nemoHum: the frustrating thing is they clearly are capable of handling different kernels since they deploy a hardcoded set of .ko files for ubuntu.  They just can't be bothered to update their sources.
14:56.58*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (~Besnik@2a02:587:e0e:1900:b66d:40f7:828f:e494)
15:13.55*** join/#devuan MinceR (mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
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16:14.42*** join/#devuan James1138 (
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16:33.01krauserAny idea on when beowulf will be released as the stable version?
16:40.26nemokrauser: fsmithred: said "soon" yesterday and also that it was safe for use, if he wouldn't recommend on servers
16:40.59nemokrauser: I upgraded my work laptop yesterday, and so far my only problem is with an awful crappy 3rd party .deb I am required to support to maintain the company rootkit
16:44.37*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
16:45.08*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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16:50.27masonnemo: FWIW, I'm running Beowulf on servers. All this means is that it works unproblematically for my use cases.
16:53.03*** join/#devuan gnu_srs (~srs@devuan/developer/srs)
16:54.14*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
17:01.29golinuxnemo:  It's the beowulf desktop and GUI stuff that still might have issues
17:02.09*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
17:06.16James1138Question. Although my programming skills are non-existant compared to others on this chat... is there anything guys like me (I do not mean old farts like me) can do to help get the Beowulf ISO out?
17:06.39masonFWIW, we've got Beowulf on three desktop systems here. The only obnoxious glitch so far is that occasionally one of the systems has to switch virtual consoles off of X and back on to wake up.
17:07.19masonJames1138: This stuff would be useful:
17:09.26James1138Thanks Mason, What stuff would need packaging?  Do not want to needlessly duplicate someone's else work.
17:10.18masonJames1138: You could look through here:
17:13.22James1138Mason... how does a person view a list on the bug tracking page? Is there some wildcard like *.*??
17:14.06mason is an example
17:14.39James1138thanx again mason
17:14.50masonHappy to help.
17:15.42James1138will look at that in detail tonight.
17:28.15*** join/#devuan cc___ (~ac@2001:910:1033:1:6a05:caff:fe1c:1627)
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18:16.06xrogaangolinux: actually, beowulf solved some issues on my Desktop.
18:16.42xrogaanxfce+slim+consolekit works pretty well now. Except for the xdg runtime variable not being populated.
18:16.49masonxrogaan: My big push for upgrading to it is that the ASCII vlc didn't work for some of my media.
18:17.17xrogaanGotta go sleep. Cya;
18:20.30*** join/#devuan gnu_srs (
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18:27.29*** join/#devuan Sammy8806 (
18:29.18*** part/#devuan marulo (
18:57.36*** join/#devuan gnu_srs (~srs@devuan/developer/srs)
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19:46.43*** join/#devuan interorw (~invertedn@2601:407:8500:850:1956:f4b2:e3b9:b2da)
19:46.49interorw\o good afternoon
19:49.07interorwso I read about devuan  and excited to try it, have it installed and running on my laptop but trying to add blueman GNU from Synaptic Package Manager and it keeps asking for a cdrom... is there some way I can just force it to download from a repo like normal? not having much luck trying to mount my flash drive as a mountable cdrom it can detect
19:49.48interorwit seems how it would ask to install from cdrom vs the internet/network too
19:50.45interorwit seems odd*
19:53.03*** join/#devuan rleigh (
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19:56.01masoninterorw: You probably still have the cdrom source in /etc/apt/sources.list and need to remove it.
19:56.23masoninterorw: see
19:57.02interorwthat was it thx mason
19:57.31masonhappy to help
20:00.03*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
20:00.29interorwmason maybe is 1 last thing could help me with, initally I was able to search and find blueman thru synaptic package manager now its not showing up at all as an option to download/install or otherwise - i tried removing bluetooth in general to see if i could remove it and add back just 'bluetooth' but after removing ti from Synapic Package Manager its now not showing up in the search results to add it back
20:00.53interorwso I can't find blueman or bluetooth now in Synaptic Package Manger but other things show up, any ideas ?
20:02.12masoninterorw: See about refreshing after you've changed your sources.list. I have an ASCII box that shows a bunch of those packages as being available:
20:02.39masonI don't use Synaptic, but I wouldn't expect it to show you a modified list.
20:04.02interorwhm maybe my source list is missing any type of public mirrors to use
20:04.14interorwi just went with default install so figured it would at least have that by default
20:05.22interorwyup i think thats it don't rly see any listed except an commented ascii security repo
20:05.27interorwweird... not very useful like that lol
20:06.51masoninterorw: will help
20:07.42interorwany idea why these aren't added by default? seems silly to have everyone manually add them lol
20:07.59interorwevery other linux distro i know of / used always has default public repo mirrors
20:12.59masoninterorw: Not sure!
20:13.39interorwmm yeah maybe it was just my install that went odd, am hoping everyone elses isn't like that by default at least
20:13.45*** join/#devuan izh_ (~izh_@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
20:13.55interorweither way other than a few oddities like that its an awesome distro looks like
20:20.22*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
20:20.38interorwmason, just curious but on this distro what do you use in place of Synaptic or you just manually install packages as needed?
20:25.28masoninterorw: For Devuan I mostly use apt. I mostly install with debootstrap. fsmithred has turned me onto debugging some issues with aptitude.
20:28.31*** join/#devuan silentjet (
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20:28.59golinuxinterorw: Not all of those source options are needed.   Make sure that your sources.list points to
20:29.42golinuxSynaptic is available in a default desktop install.
20:30.24*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
20:32.15Humis there any simple table with Debian - Devuan Release names?
20:37.44Humgolinux: thx, I didn't find it
20:37.47*** join/#devuan ukine1 (
20:47.22*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
20:48.43filipdevuan_hey devuan was first systemd-free distro i used for 6 months it was good, then migrated to others currently i am using void linux and hyperbola but i consider going back to Devuan though, i am not sure if it's really worth it..
20:48.59filipdevuan_Is downloading the 4GB DVD iso the only option for usb stick installation??
20:49.32*** join/#devuan morruth (~quassel@
20:59.39gnu_srsfilipdevuan_: You can always install Devuan netinst ascii version and upgrade to beowulf.
21:01.25Humfilipdevuan_: Maybe it is not up to date,
21:03.28filipdevuan_so it is mandatory to use beowulf now??
21:05.06*** join/#devuan silentjet (
21:06.47Humfilipdevuan_: It is possible.
21:12.25*** join/#devuan fleeky (
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21:15.04golinuxfilipdevuan_: There are no beowulf isos yet
21:15.46golinuxYou will find the latest documentation at  The wiki may be out-of-date
21:16.22*** join/#devuan fleeky_ (
21:17.12golinuxThere are several links about 1/2 way down this page and also on the index page.
21:20.44filipdevuan_ok tnx
21:21.11filipdevuan_yeah it will be exciting to be using devuan again...
21:22.11golinuxfilipdevuan_: Welcome back to the campfire . . .
21:23.56filipdevuan_yeah :PPP
21:29.04*** join/#devuan fleeky (
21:36.59filipdevuan_ok so netinst will probably use less than 4,4GB???
21:38.03filipdevuan_it's probably more reasonable to download netinst if i have got internet connection
21:39.34golinuxnetinstall only has the base system on the iso.  It pulls everything else from the net.
21:39.52*** join/#devuan fatalerrors (~fatalerro@
21:40.58golinuxIt's maybe 350 MB
21:41.19filipdevuan_but everything it pulls from the net is the same amount of dvd iso???
21:41.46filipdevuan_or there is a list what to choose to get?
21:41.47golinuxDepends what you choose to install
21:41.53filipdevuan_oh, ok great :)
21:45.54*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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23:14.23*** join/#devuan cynicfm (
23:14.40cynicfmHey im having problem with apt get after fresh imstallation
23:15.12cynicfmI unchecked the # in sources list the apt get updare command connects to internet but it jjst wont download anything
23:15.21cynicfmUpdate* pls help
23:15.46cynicfmIt says waiting for headers
23:15.59cynicfm4000B/s network speed
23:16.06cynicfmWont update ;/
23:16.38golinuxAre you using in your sources list?
23:17.03cynicfmYes... The connection speed is very slow though
23:17.09cynicfm2000 bytes per second
23:17.16golinuxhttp or https?
23:18.13*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
23:18.13cynicfmIll wait till it sync with sources list
23:18.16golinuxDisconnect and try again.  It's a round-robin of servers and you might have caught on updating
23:21.25cynicfmWhen i was imstalling devuan by netinst it got stuck in configuring apt as well
23:22.44cynicfmSame stuff net connectiom is very slow
23:22.45golinuxAre you wired?
23:23.01cynicfmI use usb tethering from crapphone
23:23.31cynicfmSmartphone i mean
23:23.32golinuxThat's beyond my scope of experience.  Sorry
23:23.40cynicfmOk no worries
23:23.51cynicfmHmm perhaps i should try wireless instead
23:23.57golinuxI don't have one.  Probably never will.  Refuse to play that game.
23:24.02cynicfmNo idea how to set it up on Debiam though
23:24.21cynicfmYeah i do have one only to be able to use net on laptop
23:24.33cynicfmOk tnx ill try to find solutiom
23:24.43golinuxMe either.  I'm wired all the time.  Very old -fashioned
23:25.26golinuxJust be sure any firmware is installed if needed
23:31.53*** join/#devuan puria (~puria@2a02:a03f:52a0:2000:16ab:c5ff:fef9:5c3b)
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23:46.10cynicfmOk it was something from my side had to reboot crapphone its ok now :)
23:51.43*** join/#devuan puria_ (~puria@2a02:a03f:52a0:2000:16ab:c5ff:fef9:5c3b)
23:54.02*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
23:56.21*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
23:58.09golinuxcynicfm: Happy to hear you worked it out
23:59.16cynicfmI am happy too, you were right about restarting connection

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