IRC log for #devuan on 20200130

00:22.35*** join/#devuan infobot (
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01:16.42*** join/#devuan epony (epony@unaffiliated/epony)
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02:04.57*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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02:17.32masongolinux: I think we've got a box that matches that description here. No Chromium but that's easy to rectify.
02:17.55masonI might not be able to get to testing until the morning, but if no one else steps up, send me some details of what you want tested.
02:26.34fsmithredmason, if you have chromium in beowulf, go to and highlight some text. Note the color of the highlight. Tell us if it matches the cinnabar theme or if it's blue. Or anything else it might be.
02:26.51masonfsmithred: Ah, I can do that now. Installing.
02:27.21masonMy daughter's workstation uses Cinnabar I believe. It's reddish XFCE anyway.
02:28.05fsmithredit has to be the cinnabar theme
02:28.24fsmithredmake sure it's selected in Appearance and Window Manager in the settings manager
02:28.35fsmithredtwo places
02:28.40masonkk, will do - I see cinnabar packages installed
02:28.42masonwill veirfy
02:29.17fsmithredif it's not, make sure you remember what it's set to or your daughter will get mad at you.
02:30.03fsmithredI'm picturing something like my little pony theme
02:31.12masonUm, cute little animals. But selecting Cinnabar didn't change her background, so that's fine., went to the screen package, highlighted text has a blue background
02:34.49golinuxmason go to settings > appearance and what do you see under theme?
02:37.35masongolinux: Good catch. I had to reset it, and now I see something different but not quite right. It's quite a bit more brown than it ought to be.
02:38.13golinuxI meant the settings in chromium
02:38.41masonOh, is there a separate one? Looking.
02:39.05golinuxChoice is GTK+ or Classic
02:39.39masonYeah, it's set to GTK+, and evidently starts that way since this was a fresh install of Chromium.
02:39.47fsmithredsame here
02:39.55masonSorry for the lag - the machine's at another desk.
02:40.05fsmithredand for me, the only other choice is to go to the google store
02:40.09fsmithredno shit
02:40.24golinuxIs GTK+ iounder "theme" or in the RH box
02:40.26fsmithredif I click on the checkbox, it sends me to a new tab
02:40.39fsmithredok, have to click on the words
02:40.46fsmithredthe checkbox is just bait
02:40.51masonfsmithred: same; golinux: under theme
02:40.57yetithe checkbox is for installing more themes
02:41.25fsmithredand they say pictures are so much better than words
02:41.25yetiprefers a shell and --help
02:41.39golinuxIt needs to say Use Classic in the toggle box which means the GTK+ is being nused
02:41.56golinuxSorry for the typos.
02:42.15fsmithredyeah, that's the default setting
02:42.33golinuxThat works OK here.
02:42.36fsmithredthat's the default non-setting
02:42.37yetiGTK+ was default after installing the both here
02:42.52yeti(chromium on 32 and 64 bit)
02:43.02masongolinux: Yep, that's what I've got here. The colour is a bit too brown to look right to my eye.
02:43.12yetidark red wine
02:43.14fsmithredyes, but as you said, it's hard to interpret with only two themes
02:43.16yetiI like it
02:43.32golinuxYes.  I always read that as the one in the box indicating what was chosen but it is the other way around.
02:43.54yetiits clear when you have 3 or more themes
02:44.32golinuxYeti could you possibly post a screenshot of multiple themes?
02:44.34fsmithreddo I have to do something to apply the new theme?
02:44.54masonWell. One has an action verb, "use classic" - says to me 1) that that means classic isn't currently in use, and 2) the Chromium programmers think like I do, which may not be good
02:44.55golinuxIt need GTK+ evidently which is the default.
02:45.16fsmithrednot here
02:45.23golinuxAm it totally fooled me.
02:45.24fsmithredhow do I get the blue highlight?
02:45.35fsmithreddo I need to restart chromium?
02:45.36golinuxToggle the RH bok
02:45.47fsmithredyeah, that changes the theme setting
02:45.57golinuxNow it will be blue
02:46.04fsmithredno it won't
02:46.16yetirestart chromium
02:46.23yetiafter theme change?
02:46.51yetimodern GUIs make life easier...   *cough²*
02:47.35golinuxSince the default is GTK+ the theme should work properly on a new install.  It might not is a user has fiddled with those settings.
02:47.35fsmithredok, now I can get the blue - after restart
02:47.46masongolinux: Is the brown colour desired/correct?
02:48.19fsmithredoh, I didn't have to restart to get rid of the blue
02:48.26fsmithredmason, yes
02:48.30masonah, kk
02:50.11mrpfilserit's annoying to work on collab projects where people insist on having their opinion FOLLOWED in matters where they are the least expert in the group
02:50.11golinuxIt's the solid color of the text editor.color
02:50.42mrpfilserthis is where having logs is useful
02:50.43xrogaanWho manage the mailing list?
02:50.56xrogaanBeen a while since I sent a message, still hasn't arrived.
02:52.31golinuxmason: Brown does not indicate a color accurately.  #510505 does
02:52.39xrogaanFollowing the ML, I read there was some spamfilter false hit that sometimes happen.
02:52.42*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@
02:53.01masongolinux: Not reddish enough, then.
02:53.28masonI didn't look at the page source to see what it was actually using.
02:53.28golinuxxrogaan: The ML is moderated.  Let me go unmoderate you
02:54.02fsmithredmason, you're arguing with someone who can distinguish between 250,000 colors
02:54.03golinuxmason: It took me weeks to find the right color, on my monitor at least.
02:54.22*** join/#devuan redrick (~rick@
02:54.40golinuxYes, I can see a difference in one increment of the hex code
02:55.09masonThat's fine. It's not the choice I'd have made, but that's the glory of this whole free software thing. :)
02:56.10masonPut another way, golinux, if you care about it more and you're putting in the work, you get to pick the colour. :)
02:57.02golinuxIt looks quite red to me.
02:57.42golinuxI can only vouch for my own perception on this nice Dell monitor
02:59.45yetiI see colours differently with each eye... at one time in spring grass still is brown when snow fades away and with the other eye already green
03:00.02yetiI'll never comment con colours... I promise!
03:00.08fsmithredyeti, I've noticed the same thing
03:00.12fsmithredbut with red
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03:00.42yetiok... I feel less alone then...
03:01.09masonI see different things in each eye in terms of shape, but the colours are usually close enough.
03:01.21fsmithredwhen I look at the cinnabar colors, I see varying degrees of dried blood
03:01.27masonfsmithred: That.
03:01.43onefangWhen I look at dark purpy, I see no purple.
03:01.57fsmithredit can look gray on some screens
03:02.50onefangConsidering the Frankenstein bolts on my main monitor, I'm not expecting great colour fidelity.  lol
03:03.03fsmithredgolinux stuck herself with a pin and watched the blood dry to get the colors right
03:03.07fsmithred^^^ fake news
03:03.15onefangAww, and lol.
03:04.00xrogaangolinux: will you know who I am though? :P
03:04.13masonI can see the appeal of it. I just tend to think of a text-background highlight colour as typically being lighter than the decorations, and this one's darker than the decorations.
03:04.36golinuxmason: It a bloody dark theme!
03:04.51golinuxxrogaan: pm
03:05.49golinuxI need some info from you . . . maybe.  Let me check the DB
03:07.17xrogaansu doesn't make the shell a 'login shell' by default, I might have changed something but I can't remember what. Any idea as to where I should look?
03:07.39fsmithredxrogaan, are you running beowulf?
03:07.58fsmithredthe behavior of su has changed
03:08.01fsmithreduse su -
03:08.03xrogaandamn them all!
03:08.06fsmithredto get root's path
03:08.19xrogaanwhy wouldn't I want root's path? Geez.
03:08.20fsmithredbut then you also get switched to root's home
03:08.40fsmithredI have no idea
03:09.02gnarfaceit's about keeping your current user environment so as not to confuse your programs, but still getting root permission
03:09.04fsmithredother option is to use full path for any command in */sbin
03:09.37fsmithredyeah, I like to keep the user environment when I switch to root
03:09.43gnarfacenot just path, the whole environment
03:09.45golinuxstill doesn't understand this new root access thing.
03:09.54fsmithredchances are really high that I want to do something in the current directory
03:10.01golinuxreally doesn't like change
03:10.06gnarfacewait, what changed?  ... i thought you always had to add "-" to get root's environment?
03:10.31golinuxNope.  Not till beowulf
03:10.33gnarfacehas been doing "su -" the whole time...
03:10.34fsmithredsu moved from shadow package to util linux
03:11.03fsmithredwell, just 'su' will keep you in the current directory and give you root privs but not root's path
03:11.18fsmithredsu - has not changed
03:11.40fsmithredbut in beowulf you no longer keep the user's ability to start graphical programs
03:12.01gnarfaceis that actually due to a change in su?  or is it a change to Xorg?
03:12.24fsmithredI believe it's a change in su
03:12.30gnarfacehmmm, interesting...
03:12.35fsmithredthere's a section about it in buster release notes
03:12.58onefangRoot is new?
03:12.58fsmithredI like to start gparted or synaptic from a root terminal
03:13.07fsmithredlol, what?
03:13.22onefang[13:09:45] *golinux still doesn't understand this new root access thing.
03:13.24fsmithredonly for those coming from 'buntu
03:14.14yetiuses sudo for decades now...
03:14.14onefangsudo passwd
03:14.23onefangThen even Ubuntu can have root.  B-)
03:14.37fsmithredyou'll get banned from the ubuntu forum for posting that
03:14.48fsmithrednot kidding
03:14.55onefangLucky this isn't an Ubuntu forum.
03:16.08onefangBack when I used to use Ubuntu, I'd tend to do that first thing.
03:16.16fsmithredme too
03:16.48onefangThat and apt install mc, which I try to do on any box I use.
03:16.48yetiI see no reason to want ubuntu
03:17.38masonEh? They document that in a ton of places in the Ubuntu world. They wouldn't ban folks for that, would they?
03:17.56fsmithredthey cracked down on root info a few years ago
03:18.10fsmithredmaybe they lightened up since then. I don't know.
03:18.18masonThat's weird.
03:18.35masonThen again, they do some weird things, so, eh. Happy I'm here.
03:18.57onefangI have some test Mint installs, don't think I have any more Ubuntu anywhere.
03:20.17golinux<fsmithred> they cracked down on root info a few years ago
03:20.25golinuxMore than a few years ago.
03:20.54fsmithredthey fly by
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