IRC log for #devuan on 20200120

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06:08.00*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Jessie 1.0 old-stable, ASCII 2.1 stable) | | Conference (2019) | Forum | Chanlogs
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16:35.45pcpowerhello everyone, i had installed devuan with encrypted / and /home, but unencrypted /boot on another partition. default grub installation failed. How should i now boot the system ? grub-mkconfig in my current os dont really work with this issue.
16:37.42specingdefine "failed"
16:38.40GyrosGeierthat should work
16:41.35pcpoweris just said that installation on my /dev/sd* drive is impossible
16:41.50pcpowerno more information
16:43.22fsmithredlegacy bios or uefi?  And is it gpt partition or dos partition table?
16:43.37pcpowerdos table, legacy bios
16:43.39*** join/#devuan premoboss (~utente@2001:b07:a15:9ecb:21e:90ff:fe45:eb0e)
16:43.46pcpowermaybe this is the issue
16:43.49fsmithredand that error message came from grub?
16:44.04fsmithredduring the installation process?
16:44.08pcpowerfrom interactive grub installer in ascii devuan live cd
16:44.49fsmithredyou were on grub command line?
16:44.56pcpoweri was in live
16:45.08fsmithredyeah, and what did you do while you were there?
16:45.21fsmithredyou used that for the installation?
16:45.25pcpowerand there was some kind of gui interface
16:45.34pcpowerlike grub installer
16:45.35premobosshello, i have a scanner HP scanjet 2200c, it is usb connected and lusb recognize it, but unprivileged user cannot see. if i run xsane by root, all is ok, scanner is recognizer adn works. so, it is just a privilege issue. how to allow not-privileged user to access to the scanner?
16:45.48fsmithreddid you click on the button that says "Copy files" ?
16:46.03pcpowerthere was no more options
16:46.03fsmithredok, that was the right thing to do
16:46.11pcpowerexcept chroot
16:46.24fsmithredand continue without bootloader, which you don't want
16:46.26pcpowerbut i dont really know how to deal with chroot and encrypted partitions
16:46.45pcpoweryes, i just want some kind of config file and kernel in /boot partition
16:46.47fsmithredthere are a few commands you need for setup
16:47.18pcpowerbut now everything is wrong :(
16:47.26fsmithreddid you try to install grub to a partition or to whole device?
16:47.43pcpowerthere was no partion options, only whole device
16:48.06pcpowernonetheless, i now had some file on /boot
16:48.09fsmithredoh, right that was the debconf dialog for the grub package install
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16:49.14fsmithredis the installer still running, or did you already kill it and try to reboot?
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16:49.37pcpoweri'm now in different os
16:49.57pcpowerbut it is powered by linux kernel :)
16:50.17fsmithredon the same computer?
16:50.27fsmithredhow does that one boot?
16:50.39pcpowerfrom my grub bootloader on another drive
16:50.46pcpowera have multiple drives in my pc
16:50.50pcpowerone for current os
16:51.02pcpowerand one for devuan, with /boot , / and /home partitions
16:51.35fsmithredok, so while you're in this other linux, run update-grub (or the equivalent) and the new installation will be added to the boot menu
16:52.27pcpowerthe boot partition on devuan drive contains config-4.9...-amd64; initrd.img-4.9... and vmlinux-4.9...
16:53.21pcpowerthis is the problem
16:53.29fsmithredduring the install, did you get to the part where you change password and user name?
16:53.46fsmithredthen the install is done except for the bootloader
16:53.47pcpoweri fully completed the installation
16:54.05pcpowergrub-mkconfig is not able to find the devuan system
16:54.21pcpowerit only detects the current os
16:54.23fsmithredoh, you'll have to make a manual menuentry because the system is encrypted
16:54.33pcpowerhow should i do it ?
16:54.38fsmithrededit /etc/grub.d/40_custom
16:54.59fsmithredmenuentry 'devuan' {
16:55.51fsmithredset root=(hd1,msdos1)   ### Assuming it's second hard drive and /boot is on first partition
16:56.31fsmithredlinux /vmlinuz-4.9.whatever ro root=/dev/mapper/root_fs
16:56.46fsmithredinitrd /initrd.img-4.9.whatever
16:57.13fsmithredyeah, I guess I should have pasted it. I'm not fully awake right now
16:58.04fsmithreddid I guess the partitions right?
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16:58.54pcpowerno, but i know the correct numbers :)
17:00.46fsmithredlook at /boot/grub/grub.cfg to check the punctuation. I think I got the braces and quotes right.
17:01.46fsmithred   <- should look something like this
17:02.06fsmithredthen update-grub or grub-mkconfig to add it to the boot menu
17:02.15pcpowermapper in root=/dev/mapper/sd* should be replaced ?
17:02.37fsmithredI expect that it should be /dev/mapper/root_fs
17:02.53fsmithredI don't think you can change that unless you edit the installer script
17:03.08pcpowerbecause i have encrypted root on logical partition
17:03.18fsmithredwith the live installer?
17:03.25pcpowerso maybe it should be like /dev/sdb* like on archwiki ?
17:03.30fsmithredyou used the cli installer?
17:03.34pcpoweryes, on the cli
17:03.55fsmithredyou're the first one I know of to do that (other than myself)
17:04.16fsmithredwhatever you called it and put in /etc/crypttab
17:04.48fsmithredso maybe /dev/mapper/vgname-lvname?
17:05.05pcpowerwith lsblk is looks like normal partitions
17:05.13pcpowersame was with gparted
17:05.44fsmithredyou set the installer config file to no_formate=yes?
17:06.15pcpoweryou mean not to format partiitons ?
17:06.40pcpowerbecause they were formatted during the installation with ext4 filesystem
17:07.00pcpowerbut i dont think this will be a problem
17:07.05GyrosGeierwtf are you doing?
17:07.08fsmithreddepends on what got formatted
17:07.21GyrosGeierbooting a rescue system should be sufficient
17:07.24fsmithredtrying to rescue an install from the live-CD
17:07.26GyrosGeierno need to rerun the installer
17:07.28pcpoweranyway, grub-mkconfig worked great
17:07.59fsmithredif you entered the /dev/mapper name, it should have done the right thing
17:08.00pcpowernow i will try to reboot, thank you very much ;)
17:08.35*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
17:08.40ukine1taking the power back, one user at a time :D
17:08.43fsmithredhe's not rerunning the installer, just adding a boot entry to a linux on another hard drive
17:09.52*** join/#devuan pcpower (~sapphire@
17:09.54ukine1fwiw i don't have the deep understanding that you do but also created a luks install via the curses-ish installer mode
17:10.02pcpowerits me again
17:10.05ukine1just didn't have another linux install
17:10.07pcpowernothing changed :(
17:10.35fsmithredwas it in the boot menu?
17:10.53pcpowerthe boot meny did not changes, everything was like before
17:11.06fsmithredyou ran update-grub before the reboot?
17:11.08ukine1should he have run update-grub?
17:11.28fsmithredyou have to do that to get the new entry in the boot menu
17:12.07fsmithredor drop to grub command line and enter the three commands one at a time,
17:12.26fsmithredthen boot
17:12.28fsmithredand enter
17:12.28pcpowerwhat commands ?
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17:12.36fsmithredset root=...
17:13.01fsmithredcrtl c to drop to grub prompt
17:13.13fsmithredand tab-completion works
17:13.24ukine1he just left..
17:13.55*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
17:13.59yetitell your irc client to colour offline nicks differently
17:14.10yetithat really helps
17:15.58fsmithredI'm using hexchat. It's already a different color, but that only works when I'm looking at the screen and not the keyboard.
17:17.05fsmithredpretty sure the grub screen has instructions for that
17:31.21*** join/#devuan pcpower (~sapphire@
17:31.52pcpowerthe system loads to initrafms, but then fails to mount /root /dev and something else
17:32.09pcpowerit also says that no init foud try init= boot
17:33.45ukine1that may be because you encrypted /
17:34.21ukine1i'm just guessing though, i would try my hardest in your situation to run another install using the guided encrypted partition for encrypting your setup
17:34.50ukine1limiting your modifications in the partitioner to the devuan disk only
17:35.21ukine1*guided encrypted partitioning
17:35.41pcpowerbut / decrypts during the boot, i even have acces to some trivial directories, like /usr or something
17:36.09ukine1that is because you selectively encrypted two things only / and /home
17:36.25ukine1decrypts? did you have to type your passphrase in?
17:36.51pcpowerand if i type something wrong, it blocks the computer
17:37.09Leanderare you sure you're not seeing the contents of your initramfs, rather than the contents of your /
17:38.09ukine1if i were you, for your use case, and if the package is still even being maintained…use encfs for your situation and a balls-out devuan install
17:38.26ukine1encfs thrives on the type of use-case you're aiming for
17:38.39ukine1from what you've described to me; the path you're trying to go about
17:38.48ukine1i used to use it to just have an encrypted home
17:38.50pcpowerwhat is encfs
17:39.30ukine1a PAM-compatible directory-as-volume encrypted sub-"real"-fs encryption solution
17:39.55*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
17:40.00pcpoweralso, how can i check if I am not seeng the contents of my initramfs ?
17:40.42*** join/#devuan james1138 (
17:41.48ukine1it's still alive
17:41.59ukine1for your use case i'd highly recommend it
17:42.15Leanderyou can use "mount" to list all mounted file systems, you'll quickly see if you have something like /dev/mapper/something mounted for /
17:42.42pcpowernow reboot :-)
17:42.45ukine1if you can't trust / i.e. the kernel and it's base, /root and /boot you have a fear of possible old-maid situations i'm guessing
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17:45.38ukine1in which case they should be trying all features available; bios pw, bios drive lock...
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17:48.32ukine1still no go? :(
17:48.37pcpowermount displays rootfs mounted on /, which is not normal :(
17:49.04pcpowerbut when i try to mount my real root partition (/dev/sd*) it says that it is busy
17:49.31ukine1i've never done it b/c i know i can trust my current hw, but /boot on a stick (using a trusted usb drive as a "key" or even a usbarmory with keybase something or other-like safety net) is another path
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17:50.13ukine1encfs is the best solution for your use case imo…with your adamancy about encrypting /home (only worrying about home)
17:50.16pcpoweri've done that with gentoo
17:50.20ukine1encfs is super easy to use
17:50.24pcpowerand to be clear it was easer lol
17:50.26ukine1it's win
17:50.35ukine1easier geez
17:50.46LeanderI have a Devuan on an encrypted / on my laptop, but I installed that many years ago and can't remember how I did it
17:50.52pcpowerbut i had some problems with the uclibc
17:51.12ukine1nif you can't trust / i.e. the kernel and it's base, /root and /boot you have a fear of possible old-maid situations i'm guessing
17:51.38pcpowernot that hard
17:51.50ukine1in which case i would recommend you should be trying all features available; bios pw, bios drive lock...
17:52.01pcpowerjust wanted to use the encrypted linux on daily
17:52.17Leanderin case of theft of your laptop, who knows what people could uncover in /tmp or /var ? I feel like /home is really not enough
17:52.27pcpoweri use stationary pc
17:53.59ukine1maybe try to kind of rethink your whole security situation from the ground up? maybe if you went over it in your head again something might click that is causing it to not work?
17:54.42ukine1like an automatic partitioner change that you might have applied then gone back to in the installer?
17:54.54pcpoweri think it would be easer to compile a lightweight linux kernel for my pc, place it on the usb drive market with boot flag, than just force it to decrypt the whole disk, reload the kernel with unencrypted one, then just mount and load all other stuff and use the system
17:55.09*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
17:55.28pcpowerbut it is just the plan, nothing more
17:55.34pcpower* a plan
17:55.36*** join/#devuan ukine (~ukine@
17:56.39pcpowerand all of the stuff with uefi boot and uefi partition because it looks like its easer to setup
17:57.04pcpowerbut anyway its not secure to talk about these things through irc lol
17:57.06*** join/#devuan ukine (~ukine@
17:57.40pcpowerthe three-word agency is already in game lmao
17:59.55pcpowerso quiet
18:00.03pcpowerwhere are you guys ?
18:00.11ukinei'm here. just had an idea:
18:00.22pcpowerwhat kind of idea ?
18:00.54ukinewhy not use an encfs-home containing a directory with kvm machine and another devuan inside that vm?
18:01.17ukinejust an idea. not what you were originally gunning for but objectively more secure
18:01.35james1138Self erase after entering wrong password a number of times -
18:02.41pcpoweri was just kidding about gentoo, to be clear
18:02.56ukineluckily i don't need something like that, i have some pretty secure passwords
18:03.01ukineheh XD
18:03.14pcpowerbut i thought that devuan installation will be easer
18:03.24ukineif we're out of topic now however let's move to #debianfork
18:03.29ukineit definitely is?
18:03.46pcpowerdebianfork is some kind of out-of theme talking, right ?
18:03.57pcpowerok, lets go
18:04.15ukinei'm there
18:07.16*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
18:08.43fsmithredpcpower, you can't mount the partition, you have to mount the logical volume: /dev/mapper/whatever
18:08.53james1138A tip for Devuan users who use Alsa instead of PulseAudio but found XFCE does not provide a convenient Alsa volume control for its panel (default is Pulse Audio volume control). Called XFCE4-Mixer - it works even on current versions with virtually zero tweaking.
18:09.51fsmithredjames1138, xfce4-mixer is discontinued. You won't find it in beowulf.
18:12.41james1138Fsmithred: it is not in "Stretch" either - but I just went to the link that I posted, then downloaded and installed without issue. I am using it now on Devuan 2.1 w/XFCE desktop.
18:14.15fsmithreddid you get the jessie version?
18:15.25james1138Yes I did. The page also shows any dependencies in case a person has to manually install (I did not have too)...
18:15.48fsmithredgood to know.
18:15.59fsmithredI use volumeicon-alsa
18:16.04james1138Anytime I can help.
18:17.45james1138I had trouble getting volumeicon-alsa to appear on the panel.
18:19.54fsmithredadd it to the startup applications
18:20.24fsmithred(put a .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart/
18:21.02james1138For me - easier to just use xfce4-mixer and add to panel like other applets.
18:21.32fsmithredyou can also add it through the settings manager
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18:21.50fsmithredstore that info for beowulf - you may need it then.
18:25.04james1138~/.config/autostart/Thanks for the tip - again I tried all that and found it easier for me to install and use xfce4-mixer. I just right-click on panel, go to "panel preferences" and click on "items" tab. Just like other applets - just add. No need to touch the desktop file nor enter
18:27.15fsmithredfor volumeicon-alsa, you need to go to Settings, Session and Startup, Application Autostart
18:27.20fsmithredand add it there
18:27.57james1138<grin> pass - I am good.
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20:14.59grin[m]and his highlighter thinks that's great
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21:30.24john_on beowulf pulse audio is not able to be installed because it relies on libpulse0 12 only but beowulf has libpulse0 13
21:32.09masonjohn_: If it's any immediate help, you don't actually need PulseAudio for Firefox in De*an.
21:32.37john_i do need it for discord to play nice with other applications
21:32.54john_as apulse don't like plug and discord fights for mic with some of my other applications
21:33.20masonAh. Hrm.
21:33.25golinuxI believe that pulseaudio is a dependency in Xfce on Beowulf.
21:33.41golinuxWhich could be a factor too.
21:33.45furrywolfsounds like we need to put more work into apulse.
21:33.50furrywolfbbl, work
21:34.07golinuxfurrywolf: Have at it, please . . .
21:35.46masongolinux: Random update, I've got generic netbooting going with NFS root, and I'll be moving on to the self-contained netboot installer next. (All with Beowulf FWIW.)
21:43.08golinuxmason: Most excellent!
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23:03.50premobosshello, i guess i can find help here: i hame a videoclip an i must slide it into several pieces. I say, i have videoclip of 10 minutes and i gave to split into 6 pieces of 2,2,1,1,3,1 minutes. THere are some tool that can do y? at least, a pogram to cut form time xx:xx:xx till yy:yy:yy then i can do a script to slide out the pieces i need.
23:04.10masonpremoboss: vlc, ffmpeg, maybe even handbrake
23:04.20premobossmason, thanks.
23:04.21masonbbl, dinner
23:04.36premobossbbl? means?
23:04.42djph"be back later"
23:04.46premobossah, be bac later?
23:04.52premobossok thanks and bye
23:34.44*** join/#devuan Kaporn (~gaetane@
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23:43.32*** join/#devuan xcm (
23:53.10*** part/#devuan Kaporn (~gaetane@

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