IRC log for #devuan on 20200110

00:14.47*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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00:41.03*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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01:30.48*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
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01:34.46tuxd3vVall,  orange pi one, is Allwiner H3 aarch32
01:35.02tuxd3vmali 400MP2
01:36.34tuxd3vthere are already Lima Drivers for it, but I haven't yet been successfull in having a userspace one for Lima, even tought that I already compiled fbturbo, and Lima..
01:36.43tuxd3vit needs more test :)
01:37.08tuxd3vbut you can always resort in the fbdev, has a last option.
01:37.26tuxd3vAnyway with 256MB Ram, that board is more suited for a server :)
01:50.00*** join/#devuan cynicfm (
01:54.33*** join/#devuan DonkeyHotei (ut7NnFnH@april-fools/2014/runnerup/danielg4)
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05:31.33*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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06:26.12*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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07:17.43*** join/#devuan retak (~ite@2a01:c22:cc47:300:f2de:f1ff:feb2:f9aa)
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07:48.31*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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07:58.54*** join/#devuan dabc (~dabc@
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09:12.03*** join/#devuan mrpfilser (clort@gateway/shell/ircnow/x-rhxystntywtqplbr)
09:12.59mrpfilserFirefox Version: 68.4.1esr-1 broken on devuan-arm "Illegal instruction"
09:13.56mrpfilserwhat do. situation crit
09:15.18mrpfilser(gdb) bt
09:15.19mrpfilser#0  0x0000007fb2c6e1f0 in  () at /usr/lib/firefox-esr/
09:18.56mrpfilserhappen with clean/fresh ~/.mozilla/
09:21.36mrpfilserregetting 110647176 Jan  8 22:40  - why does it say jan 8 when i upgraded today
09:24.11mrpfilserforced reinstall did not change /usr/lib/firefox-esr
09:25.16mrpfilseri am confused -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 207840 Jan  8 22:40 /usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr
09:27.32*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:179d:1cc6:8854:4d5c)
09:30.21mrpfilserremoving firefox-esr and reinstalling confirms
09:34.55mrpfilserit will be good for my person to not have a browser for a while
09:45.08*** join/#devuan user844842 (user@gateway/vpn/mullvad/user844842)
09:50.20*** join/#devuan Sigyn (sigyn@freenode/utility-bot/sigyn)
09:50.20*** mode/#devuan [+o Sigyn] by ChanServ
09:54.13mrpfilseri have an idea. can i make a badly behaved application go to sleep, until Xorg sends it an event, then run for 500ms?
09:58.06mrpfilseri'll try building firefox-esr 68.4.1esr-1 with debug symbols
10:08.54*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (
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10:21.48dabcI guess it shows the modification time of the file *before* the package was created; it looks like that's dpkg's kitchen
10:23.09mrpfilseryeah i misunderstood things i guess, the file creation time is the original fiel creation time, not the time on local system
10:24.08dabcI'm inclined to believe it's the modification time, not the creation time
10:38.59*** join/#devuan cehteh (
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11:36.26*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
11:49.56*** join/#devuan Nefertiti (~Nefertiti@unaffiliated/nefertiti)
11:57.15cosurgilast openvpn
12:14.25mrpfilserwho is devuan-arm expert here
12:14.27mrpfilseror even user
12:16.15mrpfilserlibwebkit2gtk-4.0-37-gtk2 lacks .pc file so pkg-config cannot find it
12:17.04mrpfilserah libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev
12:22.36*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
12:26.36*** join/#devuan puria (~puria@
12:38.49*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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12:42.10*** join/#devuan xcm (
12:45.48*** join/#devuan nuhop (~nohup@
12:45.54nuhop: The repository ' beowulf-updates Release' is no longer signed.
12:46.06nuhopwhat is the fix?
12:52.37*** join/#devuan puria (
12:54.07*** join/#devuan puria_ (~puria@
12:54.14*** join/#devuan nuhop (~nuhop@
12:54.58nuhophello devuan
12:55.04nuhopserver no longer signed?
12:55.45*** join/#devuan tradar (~tradar@gateway/tor-sasl/tradar)
12:55.46nuhopwhat is a working beowulf repo?
12:56.24nuhopasking for a friend...
12:58.24nuhopDocScrutinizer51: around?
12:59.25GyrosGeierthe Release itself was never signed
12:59.40GyrosGeierthere is either a Release.gpg next to it, or an InRelease file with an inline signature
13:00.03GyrosGeierso presumably the .gpg file is missing and nobody bothered making an InRelease
13:01.04*** join/#devuan puria__ (
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13:01.20onefanghas a look. is a CNAME for, which all the mirrors get their files from.
13:03.46onefangBeowulf-updates has an InRelease, Release, and Release.gpg files.
13:04.48onefangA few minutes ago, when my mirror checker script checked these things, pkgmaster passed all tests, including checking the signature of Release.
13:05.46nuhoperror disappears changing de to fr in sources list
13:06.26onefangIt's still a CNAME for pkgmaster.
13:06.48nuhop"it's just you" then
13:06.55*** join/#devuan justinsm (
13:06.57nuhopthanks onefang
13:07.40nuhopanyone else getting crashing firefox after jan 8 update?
13:07.50nuhopon aarch64
13:08.39nuhopIllegal instruction
13:09.02onefangI should sleep.  G'night.
13:09.09nuhopcheers onefang
13:18.12fsmithrednuhop, just use - the country codes don't really do what you expect.
13:18.28*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:179d:1cc6:8854:4d5c)
13:19.44nuhopthank you fsmithred
13:28.16*** part/#devuan nuhop (~nuhop@
13:45.45*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
13:47.05*** join/#devuan dabc (~dabc@
14:04.14*** join/#devuan morruth (~quassel@
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15:18.34*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
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15:21.02*** join/#devuan nuhop (~nuhop@
15:21.07nuhopanyone useing devuan-arm
15:23.12*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:29.05*** join/#devuan morruth (~quassel@
15:39.07golinuxnuhop: You could try #devuan-arm channel
15:48.01nuhopwhich low-resource terminal emulator can you recc?  lxterminal is ok, but uses too much cpu
15:48.08nuhopwant 24bit color though
15:50.14cosurgiuses xterm
15:51.00cosurgiwith following invocation
15:51.06cosurgixterm -en UTF-8 -b 0 -bg black -fg darkgray -si -sk -geometry 80x30 -fn "-Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--20-200-75-75-C-100-ISO10646-1" -sl 80000 -j -sb -rightbar -xrm "xterm*metaSendsEscape:true"                             -xrm "xterm*Color3:yellow4"  -xrm "xterm*Color10:green3"  -xrm "xterm*vt100.translations: #override Shift <Key> Insert:  insert-selection(CLIPBOARD, CUT_BUFFER1)" -xrm
15:51.12cosurgi"XTerm*pointerColor:yellow" -xrm "xterm*pointerShape:xterm" -xrm "XTerm*termName:xterm-256color"
15:51.42cosurgiserves me well.
15:52.43Hurgotronjust 256 colors, though.
15:52.56nuhopthis is nice, 14 xterms using only 9MB
15:53.14*** join/#devuan eyalroz (~quassel@2a00:a040:183:6f03:ee08:6bff:fe1b:9b68)
15:53.22nuhoplxtermional is at 60MB
15:54.09cosurginormally I use about 200 xterms ;)
15:54.12nuhopany assistance to hilighting urls in there cosurgi ?
15:54.49eyalrozMy beowulf has a problem with its blue tooth.
15:54.50cosurgihm. no. I think it wasn't there 3 years ago when I crafted that invocation line. I looked for this feature.
15:55.41eyalrozIf I try to start blueman-manager, it says the blueman applet needs to be running,
15:55.54eyalrozwhich is already rather problematic IMHO
15:56.22eyalrozand when I try to run blueman-tray, I get "Error calling StartServiceByName for org.blueman.Applet"
15:56.26eyalrozand it dies.
15:57.02nuhopthank you cosurgi - your reward is a little terminal screensaver i wrote
15:57.13cosurginuhop: thank you! :)
15:58.14nuhopi have an uglier C version that's faster, if you like.  xterm renders this with very low cpu use, which is nice.
15:58.19nuhopeyalroz: sorry idk bluetooth
15:58.22Hurgotronnuhop: hilighting urls on click (probably multiple clikcs) should work if you can crft a regex for it. See
15:58.56eyalroznuhop: np; perhaps someone else has experience with this stuff.
16:06.12*** join/#devuan xcm (
16:52.53*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
16:54.20nuhophow do i install autoconf 2.13 in devuan-arm beowulf to work around a 15 year old bug in mozconfig?
16:54.38nuhopapt-cache show autoconf only has 2.69-11
16:55.15nuhopi don't know how to find a specific deb in a repo - this appears to be in debian stretch
17:05.18*** join/#devuan nexgen (~nexgen@
17:05.54Hurgotronnuhop: should be there, according to
17:06.22nuhopwhat is link to .deb pls
17:06.36nuhopfor aarch64
17:06.38nuhopi cannot find it
17:06.48yetiapt-cache show autoconf2.13
17:07.24*** join/#devuan telst4r (
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17:17.06gnarfaceHurgotron, nuhop you should be able to search for package names
17:18.29nuhopi found
17:18.35nuhopwhere is the .deb for aarch64?
17:18.54gnarfacenuhop: unfortunately pkginfo only searches x86 right now, it should be there though
17:19.07nuhopwant screenshot?
17:19.36nuhopi apologize for being unclear
17:19.44gnarfaceme too.  i mean aarch64 packages are in the repo, i can confirm that.
17:19.52nuhopwhere is the url for the deb for aarch autoconf2.13?
17:20.10gnarfacethat i don't know off the top of my head, there are 13 mirrors it should exist on though
17:20.25nuhophow do i find it?
17:20.36gnarfacedo you not have a aarch64 machine booted right now, is that the issue?
17:20.42nuhopi do
17:20.54nuhopcan i get it with apt?
17:21.02gnarfacetry this: apt-get update && apt-cache search ^autoconf
17:21.11gnarfaceexactly like that^
17:21.33nuhopoh!  ^  autoconf2.13 - automatic configure script builder (obsolete version)
17:21.41gnarfaceif you see it, you can get it with "apt-get install [package]" or you can just download it locally without installing with "apt-get download [package]"
17:21.54gnarfaceif you want the source instead it's "apt-get source [package]"
17:22.06nuhopit worked! thank you!
17:22.17gnarfaceyou're welcome
17:22.30gnu_srs1nuhop: Have you searched in
17:23.02gnarfacenuhop: i know sometimes they sneak the version into the package name to distinguish between multiple concurrent versions.  it can get confusing, but apt-cache accepts regexp pattern searches, so that helps if you know a bit of simple grep-style regexp syntax
17:23.07nuhopfirefox-esr is broken on devuan-arm atm
17:23.13nuhopvery good
17:23.31nuhopmaybe best is to wait for a fix
17:23.45gnarfaceARM hardware support is in it's infancy
17:23.52gnarfaceARM hardware itself is still in it's infancy
17:23.57*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
17:23.57gnarfacethere are growing pains
17:24.38gnarfacei've been messing with ARM and ARM64 stuff for a couple years now.  stuff is coming along, but we're nowhere near where DOS was by the mid 90's.
17:25.14Hurgotronamazon seems to switch to ARM wirth their cloud, though.
17:25.56gnarfacecross-compiler breakages... unportable x86 optimizations... it's a mess across the board.  but it's coming.  ARM hardware is superior in runtime costs by every metric.  the industry will catch up slowly, whether Intel likes it or not.
17:27.19gnarfaceit will be a slower transition than the one from i386 to amd64 because of so many foreign architectural concepts
17:27.48gnarfacebut it could change dramatically too if someone makes a ARM system with a BIOS
17:27.50nuhopi know a guy who managed to build palemoon for armv7
17:27.55nuhopso it is possible
17:33.02gnarfaceyea as far as i can tell the cross-compilers for amd64 to arm64 are broken on jessie, ascii and beowulf, but work on ceres last i checked
17:33.36gnarface(gcc version 7.something or later, i think is the key)
17:33.44nuhopyeah last i built palemoon it needed 8GB RAM so..
17:33.48nuhopthis might not work
17:34.05gnarfaceoh! i got a trick for that i heard but haven't tried yet
17:34.14gnarfacesomeone said use zram i think?
17:34.17gnarfacelemme make sure that's the right name...
17:34.50nuhopzram is fun yeh
17:35.45gnarfaceseveral people told me they managed to effectively turn 2GB of ram on a swapless pinebook into 6GB of ram with 1GB of swap using zram and zswap trickery that was good enough to fool firefox, so that might help you for palemoon too
17:36.22gnarfaceanything that compresses well
17:36.28gnarfaceso web browsing should take a big boost from it
17:36.32gnarfacevideo editing may not
17:36.49gnarfaceit's not something i've tested myself
17:37.28nuhopthx for the tip
17:37.34*** join/#devuan James1138 (
17:38.08gnarfaceno problem, if you try it let me know how it works out.  i'm highly skeptical but this information was corroborated by multiple sources
17:39.16gnarfacethere might have been some important key about getting the hardware AES encryption circuit working but i'm not sure if that was directly related to the zram/zswap setup or something else they were doing
17:39.36gnarfacemaybe that was just for using disk encryption on the built-in eMMC
17:42.44*** join/#devuan rsx (
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19:53.35*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
19:54.50eyalrozgnarface: Did you happen to notice my bluetooth question earlier?
20:02.19gnarfaceeyalroz: i think so but i didn't have an answer
20:04.02gnarfaceeyalroz: i have not got bluetooth working anywhere yet
20:04.39*** join/#devuan James1138 (
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20:11.22eyalrozgnarface: Hmm. Oh well.
20:16.02*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (
20:21.49gnarfaceeyalroz: my only advice is check for driver issues with your hardware
20:21.58gnarfacethat's what is stifling me, it seems
20:22.27eyalrozgnarface: I'm getting the error even when no Bluetooth hardware is plugged in.
20:23.17eyalrozI mean, it could be something with my motherboard, but I don't remember it being Bluetooth-capable.
20:24.33*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:179d:1cc6:8854:4d5c)
20:25.18fsmithredeyalroz, did you try setting bluetooth (or blueman?) in your desktop autostart apps?
20:26.08*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
20:26.12fsmithredIn xfce, I get the panel applet if I enable it in autostart
20:31.08gnarfaceeyalroz: yea maybe that's unrelated to my issues
20:31.36eyalrozfsmithred: I haven't tried that, no
20:32.15fsmithredI'm confused by what you last said. Does the computer have bluetooth or not?
20:32.21eyalrozfsmithred: Well, preffed that on, now I just need to restart X (so probably later)
20:32.43eyalrozfsmithred: I have a bluetooth dongle I want to plug in.
20:32.44fsmithredyou should get an icon in the panel
20:32.48fsmithredah, ok
20:34.15*** join/#devuan eyalroz (~quassel@2a00:a040:183:6f03:ee08:6bff:fe1b:9b68)
20:34.51eyalrozfsmithred: Ok, so - not much luck, I don't have the icon;
20:34.57eyalrozbut I do have a different error:
20:35.06eyalrozgi.repository.GLib.Error: g-dbus-error-quark: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Rejected send message, 2 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.244" (uid=1000 pid=19132 comm="/usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/blueman-applet ") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager" member="GetManagedObjects" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination=":1.5" (uid=0 pid=2059 comm="/usr/sbin/bluetoothd "
20:36.26fsmithredaccess denied? You need to be in a special group? Or maybe need to policykit stuff?
20:37.49fsmithredmaybe netdev group. Just a guess.
20:43.58eyalrozfsmithred: I don't know.
20:44.17eyalrozfsmithred: Actually, I'm _in_ netdev
20:44.23fsmithredI'm about to look at /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d/blueman-rules
20:44.54fsmithredAllow users in sudo or netdev group to use blueman feature requiring root without authentication
20:45.41fsmithredyou have policykit-1 installed?
20:45.42gnarfacei think i was using dialout for bluetooth
20:45.48gnarfaceback before it broke (pre kernel 3.1)
20:45.58gnarfacethe dialout group to be clear
20:46.05fsmithredback when there were still dials
20:46.34eyalrozfsmithred: I have that rule (altough it's blueman.rules)
20:46.54fsmithredyes on the filename
20:47.00fsmithredmy error
20:47.15eyalrozand policykit-1 is indeed installed
20:47.25fsmithredit says if you're in sudo or netdev "return polkit.Result.YES;"
20:47.34fsmithredmaybe policykit-1-gnome also
20:47.41fsmithredwhat desktop are you using?
20:53.10*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
20:57.03eyalrozfsmithred: Cinnamon
20:57.54eyalrozI wonder if that rule even triggers. If I knew the syntax I'd add some kind of log message, and restart the daemon so as to check.
21:04.56*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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21:05.55fsmithredgood idea. I don't know how to do that.
21:05.58*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
21:06.03fsmithredright now I'm testing bluetooth in beowulf
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21:06.23fsmithredseems to be running. I'm about to try to connect a device.
21:06.25morla_hey, is the an unofficial beowulf image?
21:06.49morla_or rather, an iso i can install beowulf from?
21:08.16_abc_Hello. Upgrading ff esr from 60 to 68 now, the package moved recently? The 68?
21:08.28*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
21:15.47fsmithred_abc_, 68 is in -security,
21:16.33fsmithredmorla_, you can do a debootstrap of beowulf from the ascii live isos
21:16.58fsmithredor you could install one of the derivative distros that have beowulf isos
21:18.29fsmithredeyalroz, looks like blueman runs, but I don't know how to get it to see my android tablet.
21:19.15_abc_fsmithred: it was there before too, but I had a stale link in aptitude, had to update package list to get the new one. Thus asking if it moved/was bumped/upgraded recently.
21:21.43eyalrozmorla_: Official. AFAICR.
21:22.38fsmithred_abc_, yesterday or day before it got bumped from 68.3 to 68.4
21:22.50eyalrozmorla_: But remember beowulf has not yet been finally released.
21:28.28*** join/#devuan rdav (
21:44.50morla_ok, thanks. i was looking for sumpin i could just throw my previous preseed at...
21:45.25morla_ill just wait and fix other stuff in the mean time :)
21:57.17*** join/#devuan nexgen (~nexgen@
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22:14.08_abc_How can i look in the beowulf packages to see what version of scad is available? I am not on beowulf.
22:16.32*** join/#devuan firas (~firas@unaffiliated/firas)
22:19.19fsmithred_abc_, is at 2019.05 beowulf at 2019.01 and ascii at 2015.03 . I'm on ascii and I feel like I'm the past century. Some sunny day I'll upgrade. Soon.
22:26.14fsmithredI'm on beowulf now and it's good
22:26.46_abc_I totally believe you but there is so much to break here if I fumble the upgrade I don't know where to start talking about it so I won't.
22:27.08_abc_Proabably beo will go onto a new laptop next month. We'll see.
22:27.14fsmithredI didn't upgrade. I made a new install on a separate drive
22:27.28_abc_Partition you mean?
22:27.31fsmithredwas running jessie on the main box
22:27.39fsmithredanother partition on another drive
22:27.57_abc_Yes. Except on a laptop that is close to 10 yo there is no room for such things.
22:28.21fsmithredwell only one at a time
22:29.01fsmithredI usually do it this way so I can boot back into the old system if I need to
22:30.52_abc_Yes, I intend to use the refracta external usb multi boot thing for testing and later install as alternate system etc. Step by step.
22:31.35_abc_When I go buy laptops I have a refracta generated usb stick with me and I boot it on what I am interested, with permission, to see that the hw is detected.
22:31.51fsmithredthey let you do that???
22:32.00_abc_Yes. Why not.
22:32.06_abc_I am a serious client :)
22:32.10fsmithredbest buy wouldn't let me do it
22:32.14fsmithredoh, if they know you...
22:32.24_abc_I do not live in America. .ro here...
22:32.29fsmithredthey wouldn't even let me do it with an official ubuntu CD
22:32.36James1138Some are afraid of uploading virus or spyware.
22:33.04_abc_fsmithred: 70-80% of laptops on display in shops here run "Infinite OS" which is a bastardized version of ubuntu or mint.
22:33.19fsmithredwow, nice
22:33.38_abc_Since they come without Windows for cost reasons they have to run something. much for America being "advanced"....  <smirk>
22:34.16_abc_Well it is advanced...
22:34.26_abc_Just not clear in what direction <cough>
22:34.43_abc_I once upon a time wanted to move to the usa, but life and some bastards came in between.
22:35.20James1138I mean <abc> here in the America - we are stuck with Windows on just about everything we buy unless we go into a Apple store...  <sigh>
22:36.47_abc_I know. But you can buy a router and it runs bastardized pirated debranded linux + busybox. Or an android phone ...
22:37.50_abc_Lately more serious things started running linux. Cisco routers, PBXes from Nortel/Avaya, phones (some of these used to run VxWorks).
22:38.19James1138...or like us "enlighten" ones - wipe, reformat/re-partition hard drive and install Linux.  <SMILE>
22:38.35_abc_Aha enlightened not illuminated. I get it <wink>
22:42.24*** join/#devuan mason (~mason@redhat/mason)
22:46.22_abc_So those laptops which already run Inifinite OS I no longer need to check since the Inf can be played with and it's clear sound, video, wifi etc work.
22:47.05_abc_Sorry Endless. This
22:48.22_abc_I have no idea why the choose to put that particular flavor of linux on shop display machines but they do. They have been doing this for 5-6 years or longer.
22:54.52_abc_Has anyone shoehorned devuan, any version, onto a Chromebook?
22:56.21James1138Endless OS is based on Debian for stability - but more streamlined (read stripped down) than full Debian install.
22:57.15_abc_Yes it feels quite sparse. glxgears is not on usually and I need it to check fps speed and gpu in the shop display units :)
22:57.38_abc_But they claim to roll out updates every month or so.
23:01.17_abc_Didn't know this exists, nice to know
23:02.50_abc_Of course endless is off topic here and systemd infested. Sorry about that. I'm done with it, just expanded on the is-in-display-shop-machines idea.
23:04.45James1138I used to use Devuan (Debian minus systemd) but use AntiX (also minus systemd) since it is based on Buster/10 while Devuan is still based on Stretch/9.
23:05.15golinuxThis has gotten a bit OT guys
23:05.51James1138sorry - moving back to topic
23:05.56golinuxChitchat should be on #debianfork
23:06.01_abc_yes, I am done with it. Sorry.
23:28.27*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
23:51.04*** join/#devuan rdav (

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