IRC log for #devuan on 20200107

00:02.58*** join/#devuan Fersure (Maybe@unaffiliated/fersure)
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02:05.00*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
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02:20.10ukinewhat pure-FOSS driver supporting USB WiFi adapter would you kind folks recommend?
02:30.56*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
02:31.50gnarfaceis there even one?
02:31.55gnarfacei'm not sure ther eis
02:32.03gnarfacenot sure there is*
02:34.18MinceRthe Wi-Pi might qualify, as i could use it in an installation process that lacked firmware for the built-in WiFi adapter...
02:35.00ukinei have the internal one working with iwlwifi, i was just curious.
02:35.47*** join/#devuan Hoshpak_ (
02:37.42ukineit may come down to being the difference in linux security between pre-intel ME machines (Golan series wifi, in my case with a pre-ME laptop), and ME supporting stuff relatively right after the time period of my laptop, in .gov eyes.
02:37.58ukineas they say, curiosity killed the cat XD
02:46.48MinceRcuriosity keeps the cat fed
02:48.25ukinei have reason to allow certain acting that keeps me (externally, at least) on the straight and narrow :]
02:49.53ukinealso, Wi-Pi if broadcom too (like regular Pi's i'm assuming) is gchq-ware
02:50.07ukinethere's no escaping big brother lol
02:51.52ukineamerica's, at least ;)
02:55.07ukinemaybe pinebook does security right. i shouldn't have been so bold with that last line.
02:55.19MinceRits module is rt2800usb, whatever that is
02:55.28MinceRapparently ralink
02:55.30ukinerealtek i'm guessing
02:56.03ukinecool cool :]
02:59.26ukinenot to mention that it's been seeping (in a positive way) into my internal form nicely.
03:00.09ukinetrusting no-one goes against nature…now we're way off topic in this channel so i'll stop.
03:00.29*** join/#devuan Nefertari (~Nefertiti@unaffiliated/nefertiti)
03:02.13ukine<3 man, lots of it. i'm just hyper-reactionary heh.
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05:30.34*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Jessie 1.0 old-stable, ASCII 2.1 stable) | | Conference (2019) | Forum | Chanlogs
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05:34.50*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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14:04.11*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
14:06.51*** join/#devuan Vall (
14:07.00VallHello everyone, long time no see.
14:07.31VallJust dist-upgraded a test VM here from ASCII  to Beowulf.
14:08.03VallWorked without a hitch, except I wasn't able to use the ceres-backports repo...
14:09.34VallMeaning, having the following lines in /etc/apt/sources.list threw an error during `apt-get update`:
14:09.37Vall# apt install --yes dpkg-dev linux-headers-$(uname -r) linux-image-amd64
14:09.51VallI mean:
14:11.34VallAnd the error is:
14:11.59VallE: The repository ' ceres-backports Release' does not have a Release file.
14:12.34VallSo, what am I doing wrong? Or is the ceres-backports repo f*cked?
14:12.38*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
14:13.20Vall(I really want to use the ceres-backports, among other things, for ZFS 0.8.x)
14:14.47fsmithredhi Vall
14:15.13fsmithredwhat you're doing wrong is trying to use ceres-backports. There's no such thing. Ceres is Unstable (sid)
14:15.30VallI knew I was messing up somehow ;-)
14:15.32fsmithredyou should have upgraded to beowulf, which is =buster
14:15.55fsmithredand we don't have anything corresponding to debian testing (bullseye) yet.
14:16.00fsmithredDid you upgrade to ceres?
14:16.11Vallnope, to beowulf
14:16.34fsmithredbeowulf-backports is active as of a couple days ago
14:18.34fsmithredI'm not seeing any zfs in beowulf-backports
14:18.38fsmithredmaybe later
14:21.36VallBut please see here:
14:21.57VallThat was what gave me the impression that a ceres-backports would be available
14:22.56Vallisn't `beowulf-backports` supposed to be used in ASCII systems when one wants packages from Beowulf that had been backported to ASCII?
14:23.05VallThat was the way I always thought about it...
14:24.08Vall(ie, the distro in the sources-list 'backports' referring to the *next* version, not the current one)
14:24.29fsmithredyes, and there's zfs in ascii-backports, so I would expect that whoever did that might backport 0.8 for beowulf.
14:25.18fsmithredthat's what I meant by 'maybe later'
14:25.31fsmithredunless you want to do it.
14:26.44Vallso if someone is running eg Beowulf, he is supposed to have "beowulf-backports" lines in /etc/apt/sources.list, and *not* "ceres-backports" lines?
14:27.25Vall(I ask because I've had "beowulf-backports" lines in my *ASCII* machines since forever, and it always worked)
14:27.58fsmithredyou should have been getting error messages about beowulf-backports until a couple days ago
14:28.19VallSO I supposed the same (ie, "N+1 on the release name for the backports line) would apply to Beowulf too
14:28.20fsmithredwhen running ascii, you can use ascii-backports. It should not be enabled by default.
14:28.36fsmithreduse beowulf-backports with beowulf
14:29.08fsmithredIt means "things that have been backported to work on beowulf."
14:29.20VallOK, so the general rule is to use the same release name (and not the next one) in the backports line, correct?
14:30.24fsmithredand don't use it for everything possible
14:30.35fsmithredbecause that never gets tested
14:30.54VallThanks for setting me straight, fsmithred. I've been making that mistake since forever... :-/
14:31.38fsmithredit's also not a bad idea to pin backports to a lower priority (e.g. 100) in case the repo has it set to the wrong priority, which has happened in the past.
14:31.56fsmithredor just enable it when you want to install something from bpo.
14:32.08Vallseems the easier way to get ZFS 0.8.x on Devuan right now is to compile from source... it can generate .deb files that I can then install manually
14:32.32Vallthanks for the tip re: backport pinning, will set it here
14:32.33fsmithredyeah, download the debianized source package and build it on beowulf
14:32.48fsmithredthat might work easily
14:33.35Vallactually, with zfs we download their standard tar.gz then run `./configure && make && make deb`
14:35.24VallAnother question: the better way to pin BPO is to create a specific file for that under /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/, right?
14:35.28*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
14:36.17fsmithredin /etc/apt/preferences.d/
14:36.30fsmithredyou can have multiple pins in one file
14:36.51fsmithredsee man apt_preferences
14:36.58masonVall: In case you haven't seen it, details about custom package creation are here:
14:37.30Vallthanks mason, I had it already
14:37.48Vallfsmithred ok
14:37.50*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@fsf/member/OmegaPhil)
14:38.04fsmithredPin: *
14:38.16fsmithredPakcage: *
14:38.31fsmithredPin: origin n=beowulf-backports
14:38.37fsmithredPin-Priority: 100
14:39.18fsmithrednope: should be a=beowulf-backport (not n=)
14:40.35fsmithredsecond line should be: Pin: release a=beowulf-backports
14:40.56fsmithredthis is why I need two monitors
14:42.18Vallwould 'Pin: release a=*-backports' work?
14:42.26Vall(ie, wildcard in the release name?
14:42.39VallOK, will set it that way then
14:42.40fsmithredyou don't need buster-backports
14:42.54fsmithredand you don't need ascii-backports anymore
14:43.47fsmithredbut wildcard will cover you for upgrade to chimaera (I hope I spelled that right.)
14:46.37*** join/#devuan Ryushin (~Ryushin@2001:470:4b:38f:777::8642)
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14:49.34Vallyep, my idea with '*-backports' is to set it permanently, including when/if I upgrade to future versions
14:51.37VallOK, done and working
14:51.54Vall(apt-get update gives me no errors)
15:09.37*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
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16:35.57ravencrowgood morning all
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16:43.28golinuxfsmithred: You did spell it correctly
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16:51.07masonIt's certainly a chimerical spelling.
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17:19.54Vallmason: or chimaerical? ;-)
17:20.40masonVall: Very likely, yes.
17:21.52golinuxmason: Check for yourself:
17:23.00masongolinux: I have utter faith that Chimaera is how it's spelled, and it's a chimerical spelling indeed.
17:24.27masongolinux: So, is the plan to stick with minor planets, or is the field open to a range of planets from a range of places?
17:24.30furrywolfwe shouldn't pick names that people will constantly typo and wonder why their apt sources don't work...
17:24.44masongolinux: And... Are those in the solar system, or does that include stuff we've seen further off?
17:25.15masonfurrywolf: Eh, I think it's a fine name. I'm just being difficult with related words that have alternate spellings.
17:25.43golinuxProbably some Brit named it.
17:26.21golinuxMinor planets all the way.  nextime was an astronomer
17:27.01golinuxThere are plenty of names there to choose from.
17:27.20masonAh, they are all from the Solar System:
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17:27.54masonMaybe as we increase our ability to detect exoplanets we can expand outwards. :)
17:28.11golinuxfurrywolf: One must be attentive to details to use Linux.
17:28.31golinuxWe'll all be dead by then so useless to worry about.
17:28.42furrywolfand one must not frustrated with the users joining #devuan to ask why their apt doesn't work.  :)
17:29.16masonfurrywolf: We can point them to it being linked to libelogind0 =cough=
17:30.17golinuxLet's take this to #debianfork
17:30.27golinuxJust realized we're on #devuan
17:30.33masonOh, I mean. I thought we were relinking but of course we're not.
17:44.06*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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17:52.02gnu_srsfsmithred: Is there a need for beowulf-backports, beowulf is not even released yet?
17:52.58masongnu_srs: Yes. It provides things folks might need if running Beowulf.
17:53.17masongnu_srs: Remember that Beowulf == Buster, and there are valid reasons to want Buster backports.
18:07.08fsmithredgnu_srs, yes - new hardware needs newer kernel
18:07.41fsmithredI even made a couple of live-isos with beowulf-backports kernel for that purpose.
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18:26.31gnu_srsI have to add that to sources.list then, working on eudev for beowulf.
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18:38.01fsmithredyou shouldn't need to put eudev in beowulf-backports since beowulf hasn't been released yet. Just put the new version in beowulf if it's ready.
18:38.47fsmithredgnu_srs, ^^^
18:51.17*** join/#devuan gavlee (~gav@unaffiliated/gavlee)
19:03.26gnu_srsfsmithred: I meant upgrading my thest images to beowulf., sorry. The latest eudev is built for unstable for now.
19:04.51fsmithredafter I test slim from unstable, I can test eudev. Maybe 20 minutes.
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19:27.25gnu_srsI have an updated version not yet available. With a lot of eudev.{pre,post},{inst,rm} changes. Testing now.
19:28.43gnu_srsfsmithred: Can I send the debs to you privately until it is built for unstable?
19:29.07fsmithredme at
19:33.31*** join/#devuan LeePen (
19:36.21gnu_srsfsmithred: Mailed them to you.
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20:25.35fsmithredgnu_srs, installs ok, removes libudev1 and boots ok. I didn't install the -dev package.
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