IRC log for #devuan on 20200103

00:02.38*** join/#devuan ukine (~ukine@
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00:16.44*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
00:50.44*** join/#devuan ball37 (480cfa8d@
00:51.09ball37Anyone know why nobody is seeding the devuan_ascii torrent?
00:52.20ball37I guess I'll look for an http link
00:53.13fsmithredfor isos
00:54.13fsmithredball37, here's the mirror list:
00:54.23ball37yeah, I'm downliading a 1G file...
00:54.32ball37Just noting that the torrents don't work
00:54.49fsmithredI think that will be fixed soon
00:55.14fsmithred1G... desktop-live?
00:55.14ball37cool. I'm going to try katoolin on the desktop live and see how that goes (downloads kali set)
00:55.51fsmithredfor which debian suite is it?
00:56.27ball37bulleye I think
00:57.22fsmithredok, be patient
00:57.30fsmithredonly ascii isos now
00:58.07fsmithredwe're in the process of getting beowulf isos ready
00:58.33fsmithredwe don't have a chimaera repo yet to merge bullseye, but that will happen soon
00:58.48ball37ok, so I should wait?
00:59.00fsmithredwell, this is an experiment, right?
00:59.35fsmithredwell, if it's bullseye, you will have to wait
01:00.05fsmithreddo they say which ubuntu they tested it on?
01:00.54ball37well I use bt5 as a router in a vm, which is based on ubuntu Lucid
01:01.08ball37which is really old and doesn't fully support some hardware I have
01:02.06ball37tried back-porting the driver but that didn't work
01:02.42ball37I appreciate all the work BTW
01:03.06fsmithredI just lost sound. I wanted to watch the video.
01:04.02fsmithredthere's a link to a video on the katoolin page
01:04.23*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
01:05.07ball37That audio is just some euroweenie techno
01:07.09fsmithredwell, in this case...
01:07.17fsmithredspeaker wasn't plugged in
01:08.15fsmithredworks now
01:10.12ball37Has anyone tried just deleting systemd from the debian distros?
01:10.28ball37meaning after installing debian
01:10.33fsmithredvivid in the video
01:11.02fsmithredyes, antix uses debian without systemd, but they have a repo of packages that have been scrubbed
01:11.09fsmithredsimilar to what we do
01:11.31fsmithredyou might be able to do it with a very lean system
01:11.36fsmithredbut I'm not sure
01:11.52fsmithredhaven't tried that since jessie
01:11.55ball37all I use is a few konsoles
01:15.19ball37looks like its based on buster
01:16.27fsmithredI've got some beowulf-based Refracta isos you could try
01:17.17*** join/#devuan xcm (
01:21.58fsmithredvivid uses 3.19 kernel - that was jessie
01:22.48ball37antiX looks good if it works, given I run it out of a VM
01:24.08fsmithredI'm gonna try katoolin. Looks like it only takes a few minutes.
01:34.16*** join/#devuan cynicfm (
01:43.58fsmithredball37, it seems to be working. I'm installing stuff.
01:44.17fsmithrednot all the packages are available
01:44.18cynicfmhey, may i ask here what devuaners think about Gentoo????
01:44.48ball37fsmithred are you referring to katoolin on devuan buster?
01:45.20fsmithredon devuan beowulf (actually a refracta live iso in vm)
01:46.49MinceRgentoo is nice but i've seen portage fail already
01:46.50fsmithredlooks like you have to select each tool to install it. The option to install all in a category doesn't work if any of the packages are missing.
01:47.16MinceR(but then again, i've seen APT fuck up as well)
01:47.21cynicfmMinceR: sorry i have used Devuan for some time, but i am new to Gentoo, what do you mean portage fail again?? It has failed you??
01:47.31fsmithredbeyond nice, gentoo is a great distribution, because you can do anything the way you want
01:47.44fsmithredI don't have the patience for it
01:48.17MinceRi had an install of a gentoo-based distro where after a period of not updating portage decided that nothing needed to be upgraded even though the portage tree was updated
01:48.20cynicfmwhat i personally find with distributions like Devuan for exmaple is that they're so good to the point they're boring cuz i don't know how to learn new things when im there ;/
01:48.46MinceRi wish i had access to an OS that was so good as to be boring
01:48.59fsmithredwhen I switched to debian, I considered gentoo for the same reason I switched to debian - very big repo
01:49.11cynicfmwell i have used Hyperbola Gnu/Linux for a while and it is really good, but it's 100% libre...
01:49.12fsmithredand yeah, devuan and debian are boring
01:49.15fsmithredit's a feature
01:49.23MinceRdebian is no longer boring
01:49.42MinceRevery boot and every shutdown is a game of russian roulette
01:50.13fsmithredI remember her the way she was
01:50.18furrywolfheh, this box crashes on hibernate about 1 in 6 times...
01:50.23cynicfmi had that russian roulette when i used Arch Linux
01:50.39furrywolfhowever, I believe it to be the kernel's fault.  :)
01:51.20erhandsoME[m]if you want stablity go for boring
01:51.46cynicfmi want to learn new things
01:52.17cynicfmmaybe gentoo will teach me something...
01:52.28cynicfmanyways sorry i should go on devuan-chat or something
01:53.13cynicfm#debianfork it is, ok thanks :)
01:53.32erhandsoME[m]you don't need to tear your house to do something else
01:54.22cynicfmi am quite new to Linux, i suppose i still learn things for beginner although i still keep trying new distributions, Gentoo is one of them... I have used devuan for about 8 months before this
01:54.55cynicfmis there any way of installing devuan without erasing whole HDD??
01:55.07MinceRthere are ways
01:55.30cynicfmok cool, thanks ;)
01:55.38cynicfmI'll find out how haha, cheers have a good day
01:55.52MinceRfor example, running it in a VM; installing it on free space alongside the HDD that has an existing OS; installing it on a second(/etc.) SSD/HDD; installing it on a removable storage device
01:56.32cynicfmohh u mean installing it on usbstick??
01:56.50cynicfmlike a live session??
01:57.53specingyou could do the formatting on a dummy usb stick, or somehow skip it and then use ^
01:58.13specingdebian/devuan becomes painful once you want to deviate from the norm
02:00.56fsmithredthere's a wide variety of norms
02:08.31*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
02:10.28fsmithredball37, you still here? Seems to be working. I've installed at least a dozen packages with no complaints, but I'm about to run out of space in this vm.
02:11.15fsmithredI'm just running a live iso.
02:11.50fsmithredif I knew more about these tools I might actually install in a vm and then make a live iso of that
02:12.24fsmithredprobably need to give the mv 20G or more.
02:19.14*** join/#devuan wyatt8740 (~wyatt8740@
02:29.01MinceRcynicfm: yes, that would be one method
02:32.57*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
03:11.40*** join/#devuan asthralios (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
03:42.24fsmithredI'm going to lose my connection for a minute (I hope) brb
03:45.57*** join/#devuan Nefertari (~Nefertiti@unaffiliated/nefertiti)
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03:59.16*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
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11:19.59*** join/#devuan Burek (~Burek@unaffiliated/burekzfinezt)
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12:40.55*** join/#devuan beurs (
13:08.30beurswhat's the default devuan password?
13:09.07onefangFrom memory the default root password for Devuan is toor.
13:09.33beursyep, root - toor
13:10.00onefangNothing wrong with my memo ... what where we talking about?
13:21.55fsmithreddevuan/devuan, root/toor
13:22.26onefangAh, I HAD forgotten something.  lol
13:24.39beursdevuan/devuan doesn't work here
13:27.58fsmithredwhere are you?
13:28.19fsmithredlive isos use the passwords I posted
13:28.42beursyeah okay, not using a live distro
13:28.56fsmithredwhat are you using?
13:28.59beursdisk image
13:29.09fsmithredah, ok. Maybe there's no user?
13:29.17beursno prob, i got root :P
13:29.21fsmithredor luther?
13:29.34*** join/#devuan Akuli (
13:29.39onefangWith root you can solve the other password problem.
13:29.59*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
13:31.58fsmithredball37, too bad you left
13:41.21*** join/#devuan Defender1031 (
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14:51.05*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
15:06.31*** join/#devuan epergny (~user@
15:07.58epergnyis anyone running the latest Devuan on some AMD Ryzen Zen 2 rig? (like a 3700x/3800x/3900x)  Anything particular to do to make it work or does it work out of the box?
15:10.51*** join/#devuan lyubov (
15:11.43gnarfaceepergny: if it doesn't work, installing the kernel from ascii-backports should
15:12.06gnarfaceshouldn't need anything special afaik except just a new enough kernel.  i'm not sure if the stock ascii one is new enough
15:12.26gnarfaceyou can test from a live image to find out though
15:23.37*** join/#devuan rsx (
15:27.37epergnygnarface: ah tyvm, good to know.  Don't have an AMD Ryzen Zen 2 though: asking before buying : )
15:29.26*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
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15:43.57gnarfaceepergny: hang out, it's a slow channel but i know some other people in here do have them.
15:50.36fsmithredepergny, did you try booting the desktop-live? Or any iso?
15:59.10*** join/#devuan HumanGeek (~HumanG33k@
16:00.00fsmithredoh, I finally read to the end. If you end up needing to boot with a newer kernel, I have a live iso with the ascii-backports kernel.
16:00.20fsmithredor maybe there will be beowulf isos by the time you buy it. (betas)
16:00.48*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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16:01.59DonkeyHoteiepergny: for zen2 you need at least a 5.0 kernel
16:03.43fsmithredok, bpo won't be new enough
16:06.58gnarfacebpo isn't up to that yet?
16:07.21gnarfaceoh, i guess not, it is only 4.19
16:07.24fsmithredascii-backports has
16:07.35fsmithredI'm about to check buster-backports
16:07.58furrywolfspeaking of beowulf, is it reasonably safe to upgrade to it yet?  I have two ascii boxes that could use newer non-bpo software.
16:08.15furrywolficewm on this one, xfce on the other.
16:08.53fsmithredceres has 5.4
16:09.29fsmithredI've upgraded xfce and it's not bad
16:09.35gnarfaceepergny: oh, i guess you need a much newer kernel than ascii-backports, but you can get it from ceres or you can build it yourself.  let me know if you need help
16:10.44fsmithredbeowulf with buster-backports kernel should work
16:11.30*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:11.30gnarfacea custom 5.3 kernel build is working fine for me in ascii but that is on aarch64
16:11.50*** join/#devuan telst4r (~Jukka@fsf/member/telst4r)
16:12.06fsmithredfurrywolf, you'll probably get some arguments at the end about elogind. Beat it with a hammer and it will eventually upgrade the last ones.
16:12.25fsmithredapt is afraid to remove lsd0
16:13.56furrywolfI'll start with the xfce box...  it's just used for playing music at work, and breaking is acceptable for that.
16:14.12furrywolfmostly I'm hoping newer x fixes the horrible memory leak that box has
16:14.33*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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21:01.08linearainhi, whats so bad with sytemd that debian had to fork?
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21:07.31Akulilinearain, the answers you get will depend a lot on which devuan user is answering. i guess one big thing is that systemd doesn't follow the "do one thing and do it well" philosophy, and does more things than a traditional init program does
21:07.56golinuxgroans and suggest that <linearain> takes it to #debianfork with <Akuli>
21:08.07linearaini see.
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