IRC log for #devuan on 20191212

00:14.03*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
00:16.44*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
00:16.44*** join/#devuan onefang (~onefang@devuan/developer/onefang)
00:17.43systemdleteany way to get the devuan installer to switch the screen orientation on my laptop?
00:18.28systemdleteThe 2.1 installer is having some problems it seems.  I had to take the USB hub out of line because it was getting stuck somewhere in the boot up.
00:18.58systemdleteSo now the USB stick is in the one (1) "ONE" USB slot on this $400 piece of garbage.
00:20.09systemdleteI chose the graphical expert install and it boots up to where it should be changing to the graphical interface (I think) and it just hangs there with a blank screen and a tiny cursor in the right bottom corner.
00:21.58*** join/#devuan rdav (~rdav@
00:30.48masonsystemdlete: The text install is quite good, if that helps you get through it. The graphical install is essentially a GUI presenting precisely the same stuff the text mode presents.
00:31.23systemdleteSame problem:  You see, grub doesn't know how to switch the orientation.
00:31.31masonAs for changing it, I don't know if xrandr or similar is in the install environment. The GUI install is running X, but not a full environment.
00:31.43systemdleteI think there is a feature in later versions of grub, but I'm pretty sure this one doesn't have it.
00:31.54systemdletexrandr is a X11 thingy
00:32.16masonAs for changing it, I don't know if xrandr or similar is in the install environment. The GUI install is running X, but not a full environment.
00:32.50systemdleteike I said, xrandr doesn't help at grub boot time.
00:33.24systemdleteiow, this is before the graphical stage begins
00:33.35masonAh, you said you'd gotten through grub. If you chose the expert install, that's about as far as grub gets.
00:33.36systemdleteIt's awkward working with the tablet this way, that's all.
00:34.11systemdletebut that's not the worst part.  It's the hang
00:34.55systemdlete(I always knew there was a reason I prefer to run somewhat older hardware)
00:35.38masonI'm thinking you might find or shim in VESA mode or something, although it'd be very odd for the text mode to simply fail.
00:36.18systemdleteah, now I am getting a complete crash.  Nice.
00:36.22masonAnyway, if you really need to rotate in the context of GRUB, there's this:
00:37.04systemdletex86_configure_nx gives a stack trace
00:37.05masonI'd also maybe search for folks installing on your specific hardware.
00:38.10masonThat sounds like there's some hardware breakage... I'll check back in later.
00:38.40*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (
00:45.37systemdleteIt seems that *sometimes* I get to the graphical installer UI, other times not.  I have no idea what/why this happens.
00:46.23systemdletethe efifb trick does work, but the orientation is lost by the time the X server starts.  Also, I cannot seem to get to a console.
00:46.38systemdleteI do get a screen full of X11 log info, but not a command prompt.
00:47.54systemdleteThis time, I get to a message in the bootup telling me i2c_designware got a timeout while trying to disable the adapter
00:52.15masonsystemdlete: That does sound like bad hardware. That said, how about using the framebuffer rotation with the text installer?
00:52.34*** join/#devuan tom_work (
00:53.18systemdletemason: I'm wondering if I re-install windows, just to see if the thing works as designed (meaning, for WindowsTM)
00:53.52systemdletebtw, this time I DID get a command prompt, but could not get back to the GUI
00:54.24masonsystemdlete: You could try Windows, but you might also try Debian or Ubuntu or something closer to the target.
00:54.39masonBut if I were you I'd ditch the GUI for the install.
00:54.55systemdleteThat sounds sad.
00:55.48masonIt'll probably be largely devoid of emotion. Think of the installers as being like Spock.
00:57.39systemdleteI need to talk to my administrator to get the windows installer.
00:57.47systemdleteBut the problem is, I AM the administrator.
00:57.53systemdleteThere is no one else here.
00:58.14systemdleteI live alone.  With my $400 piece of hardware
00:58.30systemdleteI could use Mr. Spock right now.
00:59.29masonDid you try the text mode installer with framebuffer rotation? Using that doesn't mean you need to have a final system that is text-only.
01:00.37systemdleteI know.  I don't care that much about rotation.
01:00.49systemdleteJust inconvenient.  ANd kind of hard on my neck
01:01.08systemdletewhat's the trick for when it tries to detect the cdrom?
01:01.12systemdleteI forgot.
01:01.50masonI'm not sure what you're referring to... It's been a while since I've needed to think about booting from a CD.
01:03.01systemdleteactually, I think I found it
01:03.13systemdleteI'm not -- it's a USB.  Debian is looking for a USB
01:03.18systemdletethe installer I mean
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01:03.56masonIs it asking for additional drivers? Ideally you can just skip that if so, and address it later.
01:04.33systemdleteno, it is looking for the device with the install image I think
01:05.18systemdleteI haven't installed from a CD in years, either, mason.  But Debian seems to be kind of traditional about this
01:05.26masonThat sounds like your BIOS looking, not the installer, unless I'm confused or you just got a netboot image.
01:06.24systemdleteThere is no BIOS on this laptop, it's EFI only
01:07.19systemdletemason:  One step in the install is where it looks for a CDROM drive. That's the step I was at.
01:07.41masonThe funny bit of course is that when I say "BIOS" you can assume I mean "that software built into your system that offers your preboot environment".
01:07.42systemdleteI just regbooted, and this time it is stuck right after it successfully finds the USB device.
01:10.19masonsystemdlete: You're not quite at this point, but a nifty trick you can do nowadays is to skip the bootloader entirely, if you're using a UEFI box.
01:10.21tom_workmason, BASIC INPUT OUTPUT SYSTEM
01:10.32masontom_work: BUT IT'S NOT WRITTEN IN BASIC
01:10.40systemdleteGO TO LINE 20
01:11.09tom_workmason, Is there a more accurate name for just the part the inits hardware enough enough to load a bootloader?
01:11.11systemdleteREM IGNORE MY LAST REMARK
01:11.36systemdletetom_work: I believe it is generically called firmware
01:11.36tom_workmason, It doesn't mean the language basic but that the IOS is as simple as possible
01:12.00tom_workthen what is seabios, uefi, iboot, peditboot called?
01:12.07masontom_work: Ah, you'd capitalized all of it, so I assume it was all a mass of acronym.
01:12.08tom_workthe pre-boot-boot-loader?
01:12.27systemdletetom_work: "firmware"
01:12.37systemdletefirmware = { EFI, BIOS }
01:12.56tom_workat least in coreboot the cpu,memory, and scisi bus init sections of coreboot are just called sysinit
01:12.57masonBut not all firmware bootstraps the computer. (╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻
01:13.16systemdletetrue that.
01:13.30systemdletee.g., broken firmware
01:13.33tom_workmason, no, EFI and BIOS only run as a payload AFTER the hardware has been bootstrapped
01:13.59tom_workwhy not this: Hardware BootStrap and OS bootstrap
01:14.07tom_workOS bootstrap is sysv/openrc
01:14.17*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
01:35.11tom_workmason, UEFI is convenient in the fact all it is looking for as some files on a vfat filesystem, rather than a specific string of bytes in a very specific location on disk
01:35.25masontom_work: Yeah. I'm generally in favour of it.
01:35.37tom_workbut sometimes that can be rather limiting. your forced to put that vfat filesystem somewhere
01:38.18tom_workthat ties you in to a particular partition table as well
01:38.28masontom_work: But, you can do stuff like RAID it up. And that makes it not terrible.
01:38.35tom_workthere are hardware workarounds I've seen in the enterprise
01:38.45masonSure. PXE boot or similar.
01:39.00tom_worklike Dell EMC offers a small contained device that puts 2 SD cards in RAID1
01:39.17tom_workpresents it to the system bus as a generic SCSI device
01:39.31tom_workor you can have a USB stick hanging out the back of your machine
01:39.47masonMm. I like to avoid hardware RAID where possible. You can do the same thing with software RAID, although then you have to tell the system about two devices as possible sources of bootcode.
01:39.55masonI've never liked the USB stick solution.
01:40.12masonNetbooting is probably the cleanest option if you don't want your ESP on disk.
01:40.23tom_workmason, software raid too as multi block device aware filesystems come into more use
01:40.40tom_workand partition tables at all become not needed
01:41.04masonWell. In this case, you stuff the vfat onto MD-RAID1 with older metadata that lives at the end, and the system is very happy to see two vfat filesystems without knowing about the RAID relationship.
01:41.08masonBut it feels clunky.
01:41.46tom_workI've found it a lot simpler just a reserve a few bytes at the beginning of your disks and write bytecode to them which usually contains a bootloader like grub that can be re-programmed to read any filesystem or partition table, or even netboot
01:41.56tom_workit does
01:42.19tom_workthe cleanest solution I've found is to just put grub2 inside the system rom, but not all computers are compatible with coreboot
01:42.40tom_workbut hey, with that setup you can do full disk encryption without headers
01:42.46masonI didn't know coreboot did that. That's kind of nifty.
01:43.02tom_workalso PGP-signed kernels, modules, and initramfs
01:44.40masonThat also sounds nifty. This makes me want to play with coreboot now.
01:48.45*** join/#devuan ymasson (
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01:59.07*** join/#devuan tom_work (
02:00.04tom_workmason, yes when building a fb firmware image replace the primary payload which is normally seabios or tianocore with just simply grub2
02:00.35tom_workmason, you were probably going to use seabios or tiano to load grub2 anyways so why not skip the middleman and load grub2 directly
02:01.24tom_workyou can actually load a linux kernel directly, but you probably don't want to do that since those get updated a lot
02:04.29masontom_work: That's a step beyond using the EFI stub loader.
02:34.51*** join/#devuan unixman_home_ (~unixman2@unaffiliated/eracc)
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08:56.44*** join/#devuan gnarface (
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09:43.51HurgotronAfter the last update, Tunderbird tells me it's now a nightly build and doesn't really work anymore. I'm a tad confused - what happened here?
09:47.14gnarfacei can think of a few possibilities
09:47.31gnarfaceyou sure it started as the thunderbird from the repo?
09:47.41gnarfacei think the one from their website updates itself by default....
09:48.08gnarfacea recent firefox in ceres might have started doing that too
09:48.21gnarfaceare you on ceres? or have you mixed in other repos perhaps?  backports maybe?
09:48.32Hurgotronthis machine has alwas been Devuan, well the TB started as an Ubuntu one (just the prfile)
09:48.38gnarfacewhich version?
09:48.47HurgotronI'm not used to breaking updates from Debina / Devuan.
09:48.53gnarfaceif it's ceres i'd say operating as expected
09:49.01gnarfaceif it's ascii or beowulf you should probably report it as a bug
09:49.19gnarfacehmm.... disturbing
09:49.24gnarfaceit shouldn't be changing that much
09:49.33gnarfacebut i'd expect a lot of people to have noticed too
09:49.46Hurgotronseems to have jumped from 60 to 68
09:49.58gnarfacecan you think of anything else weird that might have happened to your install where something out of the repo ended up there?  maybe a plugin
09:50.01Hurgotronand I have no time to debug it :P
09:50.24Hurgotronjust an old calendar plugin I think
09:51.16gnarfacei am seeing that thunderbird in ascii-security is 68.2.2
09:51.35gnarfacea big jump from 60.8.0
09:51.44gnarfaceso that could have just changed as part of a security patch
09:52.01gnarfaceseems sloppy for them not to backport it but maybe there is a reason it couldn't be backported
09:52.13gnarfaceit shouldn't be broken
09:52.18Hurgotronfuck security, I have work to do
09:52.24gnarfacecan you elaborate on what exactly is broken?
09:52.55Hurgotronstyle sheets it seems. huge areas are blank with htl like tags in them
09:53.19gnarface"fuck security, I have work to do" < pretty sure this was heard on the last operating day at Chernobyl
09:53.44gnarfaceyou sure it isn't just hiding remote data by default?
09:54.20Hurgotronwell I can just wait until my emplower forces me to install Windows and use outlook, it's be MCUH better I guess
09:54.22gnarfaceon one of those emails that's not loading, look for a "preferences" button in the top right of the email view window, inside a yellow/beige bar that's not there on plain-text emails
09:55.06HurgotronI don't have the full lower "view email" pane
09:55.47gnarfaceso you don't see a beige toolbar that only appears on the emails that are missing content that says something like "To protect your privacy, Thunderbird has blocked remote content in this message."
09:55.51gnarfaceyou don't see that anywhere in the email view?
09:56.04*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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09:56.32gnarfaceif you find it you can click on it, and the first item in the subsequent pulldown should be "Show remote content in this message."
09:56.58gnarfacemaybe you had this feature off by default and the upgrade simply re-enabled it
09:58.08HurgotronI'll look into it when i have time, next year I guess
09:58.22Hurgotronuntil then I'm back to the old tb
09:58.40HurgotronI thought it might have been a known bug,
09:58.44Hurgotronsorry for your time
09:59.18gnarfacei honestly wouldn't know if it's a known bug or not
09:59.53gnarfaceif you ask again in about 6 hours there may be more people around
10:00.25gnarfaceeither way it deserves reporting if it's not just the security defaults
10:00.41gnarfaceyou might just be the first person to notice
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15:35.41AliceQuuxIn search of system beeps for my ThinkPad running ascii...
15:37.51AliceQuuxThe details of ALSA are beyond me, so pointers are welcome.  I've made sure to specify 'audible' beeps in /etc/inputrc, I've tried unloading and reloading the pcspkr module, and I've made sure I'm not trying to do any of this with beeps muted or at 0 volume in alsamixer
15:38.21*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:39.47AliceQuuxBefore I reboot, I did manage to get beeps working briefly, perhaps with certain tweaks to parameters for the snd_hda_intel module, but those were lost on reboot of brain and computer.  snd_hda_intel beep_mode=1 enable=1 index=0 power_save=0 and ... beep_mode=0 ... don't make a difference that I can detect.
15:40.48AliceQuuxThe details at should pretty much match current reality.
15:41.27AliceQuuxPointers much appreciated!
15:46.29gnarfacepulseaudio could be getting in the way maybe?
15:47.44gnarfaceother thoughts... maybe the module isn't loaded, maybe you need audio permission, maybe your WM is shutting it off as a courtesy?
15:47.51AliceQuux'ps -aef |grep pulse' doesn't show anything
15:49.23AliceQuux.mp3 files etc. play OK (via ALSA).  Even root's ping -a commands from console are soundless (and my users are in the audio group), and I did briefly have those beeps working in this window manager (sawfish) on a previous boot
15:49.51errandir1looks like your first soundcard @ PCI 00:03.0 is not recognised by alsa. By default alsa will use the 1st device.
15:49.53AliceQuuxWhich module may not be loaded?
15:51.04errandir1which soundcard do you want to use?
15:52.03AliceQuuxProbably makes sense to use whichever one is producing the mp4 sound etc. happily, yes?  Unless using different ones would let me hear beeps and mp3 audio etc. simultaneously.
15:52.18AliceQuuxIt really doesn't matter as long as everything is audible. :)
15:53.17AliceQuuxWould the problem be with something in asound.conf ?  I tried it with both 'card 1' and 'card 0' for the pcm default and ctl default entry.
15:54.16AliceQuuxAny way to try to force alsa to recognise the other sound card?  Without using deep voodoo.
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15:57.04gnarfaceAliceQuux: try in your ~/.asoundrc specifying "defaults.pcm.!card" "defaults.ctl.!card" and "defaults.pcm.!device"
15:57.21gnarfaceAliceQuux: (or in your asound.conf would work too, in theory)
15:58.02*** join/#devuan EHeM (
15:58.32AliceQuuxSo replace the 'pcm.!default {' line with 'defaults.pcm.!device {' and the equivalent for ctl?, with 'type hw' and 'card 1' lines after each?
15:59.22gnarfaceuh, i didn't look at your existing config, but what i meant was to try a simple 3-line config with just each of those parameters defined with single word or number values
15:59.30gnarfacethe first two would be the same value
15:59.37gnarfacefor example Intel
15:59.48gnarfacethe third one would be a number like 3
16:00.11gnarfacei think the first two could be numbers as well but the words may be easier to remember
16:01.09AliceQuuxSo /etc/asound.conf would consist of just three lines apart from the '}' line?  And the words are just for reference and not used anywhere else?
16:01.10gnarfacejust like this, but you know with the right values:
16:01.27EHeMAppears yet another security update is problematic, this time `git` is missing the update for the main package (but the man pages updated just fine).
16:01.44gnarfaceget the values from "aplay -L" and "aplay -l" .... note that case matters
16:02.02AliceQuuxThat answers my next question, of where 'the right values' come from. :)
16:05.48gnarfacethe module i was thinking of earlier by the way was pcspkr
16:05.51gnarfacedunno if it's relevant though
16:06.03gnarfaceif the card order is the real issue it may not even matter
16:06.36AliceQuuxSo if aplay -l spits out 'card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]' ... 'card 1: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC3232 Analog [ALC3232 Analog]', I would use 'defaults.pcm.!card Intel' and 'Intel' in both other places?
16:07.32AliceQuux(I did plenty of unloading and loading pcspkr after various snd_hda_intel values - plenty sure it's loaded. :) )
16:07.44gnarfacewell there are a lot of possible formats for the values you can provide, i think actually
16:07.49gnarfaceand i don't know them all
16:07.59gnarfacein this case your card name, oddly enough is actually "HDMI"
16:08.06gnarfacedevice is still 3 though
16:08.18gnarfaceassuming you mean to use the HDMI...
16:08.34gnarfacethe other card is called "PCH" (the analog one)
16:08.46AliceQuuxAs long as HDMI works.  I can stuff that in both places, leave the '3' alone, and try again with 'PCH' if that doesn't work.
16:09.19gnarfaceHDMI has a distinct connector, i would think you should know if it is what you're using or not
16:09.23AliceQuuxWhat do I need to unload and load / restart in order for /etc/asound.conf to get read again?  I'd prefer not rebooting if I don't have to.
16:09.32gnarfacejust the programs that were using sound
16:09.40gnarfacethere is no userspace daemon for alsa itself
16:09.57gnarfacenote that your window manager can count as a program that is using sound
16:10.17AliceQuuxGood to know
16:11.58gnarfaceand alsamixer will have different controls for different cards
16:12.15gnarfaceyou can pass a number to alsamixer with -c to select specific cards' controls
16:12.21gnarfacethough HDMI probably just has on and off
16:12.49gnarfaceremember card index numbers start at 0 when passing them to alsamixer too
16:13.02gnarfaceit won't show you multiple cards at once
16:14.00gnarfaceand another thing, above, for card "PCH" that is device 0 showing there
16:14.09gnarfaceremember to change that value too when testing
16:21.10AliceQuuxRestarting my window manager and running ping -a as root from consoles with either configuration of asound.conf yields no joy.  I changed the device '3' to a '0' (on line 3) for PCH also.  Same result.
16:24.01AliceQuuxDo you reckon I should now try specific snd_hda_intel parameters with each of those set-ups?  SUch as beep mode 0 and 1 in case pass-through stuff is involved?
16:24.21AliceQuuxI should mention that I checked that system beeps aren't turned off in BIOS.
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16:30.35gnarfacecould they be turned off in the terminal emulator you're using?
16:30.44gnarfacethat's where i disable mine, in the urxvt shortcut...
16:30.52gnarfacesome stuff would still beep
16:30.53AliceQuuxI currently have params of PCH, PCH, and 0, which work with mplayer, mpg123, etc.  But no system beeps.
16:31.02gnarfacehuh, odd
16:32.30AliceQuuxI used 'xset b on' etc.  What would cause beeps to be muted in xterms and on consoles?
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16:36.26buZzAliceQuux: does your PC even have a beeper?
16:37.20gnarfaceAliceQuux: well urxvt for example has "-vb" which is for "visual bell" which makes the terminal blink instead of play a sound when there is a "beep" signal
16:37.28AliceQuuxSince it's a ThinkPad, there's almost certainly no PC speaker as such.  But I did have beeps working briefly, somehow.
16:37.44buZzoh ok, my thinkpad has a beeper
16:38.29AliceQuuxIt very well might have one.  x250 or 260.
16:38.55*** join/#devuan tierce (~raoulzeca@2a02:a03f:3e08:1400:de1d:3836:f992:ea71)
16:39.42AliceQuuxI don't see any terminal blink when I try to beep (tab-complete, new mail in mutt, ping -a, echoing bell charactger, etc.) (I'm familiar with what it looks like from screen's visual bell etc.)
16:39.45gnarfaceAliceQuux: is it mentioned in dmesg anywhere?
16:44.27AliceQuuxFrom my last four unload/load cycles, dmesg has entries of the form   [86052.889603] input: PC Speaker as /devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input25  through 28.
16:44.47AliceQuuxOr should I be grepping dmesg for something else?
16:44.55gnarfacedunno for sure really
16:45.09gnarfacealso not sure why it would be an input instead of an output... that seems weird
16:45.37gnarfacei guess it says input here too though
16:46.23AliceQuuxDunno at a glance whether this is from before or after I made which changes, but dmesg does have a '[   27.143453] input: HDA Digital PCBeep as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sou' in there
16:46.38AliceQuuxAgain, 'input'.  Hrm.
16:47.47gnarfacethat's probably normal
16:47.52gnarfacesince it looks the same here
16:49.16AliceQuuxWell, that's something anyway.  Wouldn't want things going out through the 'in' hole.
17:01.40*** join/#devuan petzi (
17:01.46AliceQuuxFiguring this out would be easier if fewer of my Web search results were along the lines of 'How do I turn off those annoying beeps?'
17:05.38*** join/#devuan huh53 (
17:07.26huh53why does Devuan use wicd for networking, I think Network Manager is better, it allows you to share your ethernet with other computers and the option is simply not there in wicd
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17:13.29omniohuh53: you can install network-manager if you need it
17:17.38*** join/#devuan dagelf (~quassel@
17:19.07huh53I'll try to do that
17:19.37*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
17:22.24*** join/#devuan nemo (~nemo@hedgewars/dev/nemo)
17:22.34nemoSo.  I'm trying to use the devuan iso as a recovery tool
17:22.38nemoon a machine that seems a bit messed up
17:22.57nemoscreen goes blank once I get past the devuan live CD boot choices if I use standard boot.  hangs completely in boot for failsafe
17:23.04nemobut... I do seem to have ssh up and running
17:23.09nemowhat's the username and password?
17:23.34huh53it's not root and toor?
17:24.43debdogno password
17:25.02nemodebdog: hm. pretty sure ssh will not allow that
17:25.14nemoI will try typing blind into a prompt and hope that I can get to "passwd" :(
17:25.36nemojust booted the iso in virtualbox. it seems the username is "devuan" fwiw
17:26.01debdogdevuan live iso?
17:26.07debdogor devuan installer iso?
17:26.20nemoand... having a password would sure be helpful for situations like this
17:26.40nemohm. there must be a password
17:26.48nemoif I type "passwd" in virtualbox it prompts for it
17:26.51nemojust don't know what it is
17:27.03huh53I just used apt-get to install OBS. It installed the very oldest version - 0.0.1, yet OBS is up to version 24. I tried using the directions on the OBS site to build for Debian... should this work? Spoiler: it didn't work
17:27.11debdognever would use that for recovery tasks. there are better options. like systemrexcuecd
17:27.40nemoall I needed was to mount the hardrive to fix a bad file
17:35.33AliceQuuxI'll check back later to see whether any clever soul has had a brainwave re. my non-beeps.
17:39.20huh53still trying to build OBS using instructions from the site
17:39.25huh53CMake 3.10 or higher is required.  You are running version 3.7.2
17:39.42huh53devuan@devuan:/obs-studio/build$ sudo apt install cmakeReading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency tree       Reading state information... Donecmake is already the newest version (3.7.2-1).
17:40.14huh53It says my Cmake is outdated for building OBS
17:40.42huh53but then when I try apt install cmake, it says I am on the latest version
17:42.41huh53catcher 22 in the Rye situation
17:51.56huh53I'm about to break this goddamn thing again I bet
17:56.15debdoghuh53: you either need cmake from Beowulf (3.13.4)  or compile it yourself (into /usr/local) - no clue which option is the safest one
17:58.47nemogolinux: hm. still not letting me in.
17:59.29nemomaybe I just have my machines mixed up, and I did not, in fact, successfully get ssh installed... :)
17:59.56nemo*sigh* yep. that was it. crud
18:01.06*** join/#devuan retak (~ite@2a01:c22:d434:2e00:f2de:f1ff:feb2:f9aa)
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18:03.32huh53I have to install the buggy version of Devuan to get an up to date Cmake?  I don't like beta stuff, Devuan is enough of a headache already
18:04.20nemothat sounds like typical situation in debian.  getting latest version of anything usually means using "unstable"
18:05.09debdoghuh53: devuan Beowulf is only buggy regarding its own packages. cmake would come directly from debian stable and is as buggy as debian stable is.
18:06.30golinuxhuh53: Have you checked ascii backports?
18:09.28debdogyo, looking at buster's cmake dependencies, installing it from Beowulf is not an option. so, you'll need to compile it yourself (not sure about the deps then. backport might even be worse)
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18:19.50huh53Hmmm ... I'll try that, I don't have confidence in compiling stuff   backports provide newer versions of packages already in the testing suite, but linked to stable dependencies. This is useful if you prefer using newer software versions over well-tested stable versions. It is advised to disable backports and only enable to install specific
18:19.51huh53packages.# /etc/apt/sources.listdeb <release codename>-backports maindeb-src <release codename>-backports main
18:22.46huh53I downloaded the cmake using their script, I guess I have to compile it, how do I do that?
18:23.01golinuxhuh53: You cannot think of "testing" and "stable" in devuan because we are not always in sync with debian.
18:24.10golinuxbeowulf is devuan testing but pulls from Buster, Debian stable
18:27.50huh53Why is there such an old version of cmake though?  3.7...when cmake is on 3.15.5 now?  Does Devuan team have to remake cmake so it doesn't use systemd?
18:32.44huh53OK I'm not going to try to compile
18:33.17huh53enabled the backports on sources.list but no difference... do I need to reboot?
18:34.42nemohuh53: apt-get -t ascii-backports install cmake  -  you doing that?
18:35.00*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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18:35.10nemoGet:1 ascii-backports/main amd64 cmake amd64 3.13.2-1~bpo9+1 [3,423 kB]
18:35.16nemo3.13 is not too bad
18:38.44huh53thanks nemo, that worked!
18:39.45huh53I enabled it in sources.list and updated and thought that would do it.  You are a wizard.
18:39.58nemoI agree backports in debian is a bit unintuitive
18:45.17buZzgee, nginx offices just got raided over copyright claims
18:45.45nemorussian company claiming he wrote the stuff as an employee
18:46.13huh53Green hat gophers
18:46.45*** join/#devuan ymasson (
18:46.52buZznemo: which he confirms, but in his spare time
18:46.59huh53Developers listen up
18:47.11buZzalso its kinda weird cause he wasnt a developer at that company
18:47.19huh53There is no distro that offers OBS by default, and a lot of streamers that use this software
18:47.26nemobuZz: did he sign one of those "we get everything you wrote" contracts?
18:47.43buZzthe rumor mill is slow and half russian :P
18:47.44furrywolfheh, we've been talking about that in ##furry for a bit.  news article here:   also see and
18:47.52buZztnx fw
18:48.01huh53The first distro that offers OBS is going to take off big time, by word of mouth by the non technical streamers telling their viewers about the linux distro they use
18:48.07buZznemo: i usually make em remove such statements from contracts i sign
18:48.14*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@
18:48.23buZzhuh53: obs is in devuan and debian already?
18:48.46huh53no, I'm trying to install the latest version
18:48.49huh53it's not working
18:48.58buZzhuh53: debian/devuan is never latest version
18:49.01huh530.0.1 works
18:49.03nemobuZz: one thing I've heard is that if you alter the contract, initial your alterations, sign the whole business... HR won't even bother protesting this.
18:49.04buZzits a fixed version for each release
18:49.15nemobuZz: they don't care, it's just a checkbox for them
18:49.25nemobuZz: I haven't encountered one of those contracts yet fortunately
18:49.30buZzobs-studio/now 1:19.0.2-dmo2+deb9u1 amd64 [installed,local]
18:49.39buZzv19 is in devuan beowulf, huh53
18:49.55buZznext version will get a newer version
18:50.04buZzthis is how debian/devuan releases work
18:50.14buZzif you want 'latest' always, you need arch or gentoo or something
18:50.17buZzand a ton of time
18:50.40huh53Is it a bad idea trying to compile it?  That's what I just tried, I'm not seeing any icons
18:55.36huh53any caveats to the testing version?
18:56.44*** join/#devuan tom_work (~tom_work@2603:3004:4d3:60e0:a3e:8eff:feb8:f5c5)
18:57.56buZzi have no idea what 'seeing any icons' refers to
18:58.02buZzdo you have a screenshot showing this?
18:58.55*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
18:58.57huh53Looking for OBS icons
18:59.45nemodebdog: oh ffs.  Devuan can be bothered to maintain an i686 ISO, but not systemrescuecd???
18:59.51nemoyou'd think they'd need it even more
19:00.33huh53PrtScn is not producing screenshot prompt
19:00.34nemodebdog: only ISO I can find with x86 in the name (5.x one in their folders) unfortunately does not boot.  the 6.0.3 does boot, but I get stuck at incompatible kernel
19:01.14MinceRsystemrescuecd has jumped the shark
19:01.51MinceRup to 5.3.2 is based on gentoo and uses openrc (so i use 5.3.2)
19:02.01MinceRsince 6.x.x it's based on arch and uses cancerd
19:02.28nemoat this point in time don't care enormously, just want something simple that boots and gives me a visible screen
19:02.46nemothis old crappy machine seems to have issues with whatever the heck video options debian live CD uses
19:03.02nemoMinceR: unfortunately the machine insists that 5.3.2 was not a bootable media ☹
19:03.30MinceRstrange, even the hp craptop i use at work (which claims it can do legacy boot, but can't) can boot it
19:03.30*** join/#devuan engidea (
19:04.08huh53There is an INSTALL file in /obs-studio/, but when invoked says "For: command not found
19:04.15nemoMinceR: this is a really old sucky system I'm trying to recover
19:04.17debdoghehe, funy screenshot. can I share it?
19:04.27nemoMinceR: I have got to get it on something else. just been so busy ☹
19:04.56debdoghuh53: try "less INSTALL"
19:05.05nemoMinceR: soooo. have to find something else. something with an ultraminimalist boot. ideally just a terminal with no graphics options whatsoever. or maybe someone can tell me how to set that in boot options with the devuan live CD I have here
19:05.23nemoMinceR: as noted, the devuan failsafe booted but with a whole ton of errors after boot and couldn't get to a prompt
19:06.46nemohm. maybe one of the other ISOs
19:07.02nemoI think the install ones let you get to a prompt..
19:07.41nemooooh "minimal-live"
19:07.43nemolet's try that one
19:08.13nemofunny that minimal live is 400 megs
19:08.34huh53OK I guess I will install beowulf, is there any way to get Nvidia drivers to install during the system install?
19:09.34debdogther was a rumor Knoppix moved away from sysd. as an alternative to system(d)rescuecd
19:09.53nemoworth a shot I suppose
19:10.03nemoesp if they have a bare bones boot menu option which seems to be what I need
19:11.15debdogit's been a long time since I've used knoppix but back then it had a tons of boot options, nemo
19:11.32huh53Is there an iso of Beowulf?
19:11.53nemodebdog: checking knoppix forums and there was a recent release but it still seems to be debian buster.
19:12.22debdogit still might be sysd-less, nemo
19:12.48nemoat this point in time I'll pretty much take whatever I can get to actually get me to a command prompt ☺
19:12.54nemoso I'll probably give it a shot anyway
19:13.02nemonext one up is devuan minimal ISO
19:13.09nemobut grabbing knoppix at same time since download is being slow
19:14.49debdogalso, on a live cd for rescueing stuff sysd might not even be that much of an annoyance. as long as one does not have to fiddle with logs and 'services'
19:15.47nemoyeah. I'm really just looking for getting to a prompt right now
19:16.05nemoso I can alter the hard drive without having to remove it
19:19.45huh53Just a hint for developers, if you want your distro to take off... include OBS studio latest version in your distro... a lot of people who stream use this software, and they are going to tell their fans... most streamers are non technical so if they switch to Linux are going to pick one that has OBS installed by default
19:19.45buZzthere is no ISO for beowulf yet
19:19.50buZzits not released yet
19:19.52nemodebdog: hm. no more bootonly or CD versions of knoppix anymore. only dvd.  which is fine, except that the dvd is ginormous
19:20.09buZzhuh53: i use OBS v17 a lot to stream on devuan , works totally fine
19:20.33debdogyah, not ideal for slow connectios, nemo
19:20.37nemonot that particular specialised software is probably the main devuan sticking point ☺
19:20.39huh53I have 0.0.1 version
19:20.45nemodebdog: well that and this damn SSD only has 7 gigs left
19:20.52buZzhuh53: check 'apt search obs-studio'
19:20.53nemodebdog: don't want to clutter it up with more ISOs.
19:21.08buZzyou have a different version, its not 0.0.1 , OBS devs just suck at printing version number or something ;)
19:22.05debdogor an hax-editor
19:22.06buZzyou could fix the sourcecode
19:22.17buZzbut i doubt OBS accepts fixes to older then current version ;)
19:22.52nemodebdog: guess you could try switching to beowulf. people here have been saying it is fairly usable
19:24.02nemoer s/debdog/huh53/
19:24.02debdognemo: have it on one PC and the not-being-able-to-install-wine-packages is a bit of a no-go (yes, compiling it proabably would work anyway)
19:24.04*** join/#devuan jmarinho10 (
19:24.27nemodebdog: oh. why?
19:24.43buZzyeah wine is properly busted in current beowulf :P
19:24.49debdoguhm, some i386 packages naming issue
19:25.10debdogor something like that, have not yet investigated further
19:25.33nemobleah same issue with devuan minimal ISO - as soon as I get past the non-graphical boot it goes to black. I clearly need to disable any attempt at high resolution anything. but I need a linux ISO that has that as an option
19:26.08debdognemo: booting rescue mode from installer iso does not work?
19:26.41nemohm. haven't tried installer iso yet. worth a shot I suppose. if it gets me to a prompt with mount.ext4 as an option
19:27.00nemothought I'd have better odds with ones intended to offer an environment, and minimal sounded ideal
19:27.39debdogminimal iso prolly supports rescue mode as well
19:28.10debdogthough never used minimal
19:29.03nemodebdog: "std, access, std-toram, access-toram, noprobe"
19:29.10nemono idea what any of those do
19:29.25nemodownloading the 2.1 i386 net inst
19:29.28furrywolfwine being broken is good to know.  I use wine to run an auto shop program.  I guess I shouldn't upgrade to beowulf.
19:29.31*** join/#devuan huhhhh (
19:29.52furrywolfI had to build a lot (about 50) of my own i386 packages to make wine install properly already...
19:30.14furrywolf(newer version of wine than the horribly old version in ascii)
19:30.15debdoguh, that's a lot
19:30.21nemofurrywolf: on the kid's devuan ascii 2.1 machine I was just using the winehq packages...
19:30.24nemoso far no problems
19:30.30nemothe debian ones I mean
19:30.47huhhhhbuZz, pretty sure this is an old old version of OBS, it doesn't even have Dlive listed as server sources... how did you go about installing V17?
19:30.51furrywolfyeah, but I needed a newer wine version - ascii's version wouldn't work.
19:31.01nemofurrywolf: well. that's why I said "winehq" ☺
19:31.14furrywolfnemo:  I'm using newer debian wine packages.  heh.
19:31.24furrywolfprobably would have been easier to build wine from source, though.  heh.
19:31.26nemofurrywolf: sure. but doesn't require compiling then.
19:31.33nemofurrywolf: winehq has their own deb packaging
19:31.43nemoand, seems to work ok in ascii. no surprise dependencies
19:32.03debdogon ascii they work. on beowulf they don't. that's the issue atm
19:32.10buZzhuhhhh: i distupgraded a ascii install to beowulf
19:32.31furrywolfI'm not sure it would have worked here...  a lot of the i386 problems were because I compile my own gtk, and had to thus compile my own i386 gtk too, since debian insists that versions on different archs have to be exactly the same...
19:32.32nemodebdog: sure. I was just noting that furrywolf could have maybe skipped all that compiling
19:32.42buZzascii-backports might have a newer version aswell?
19:32.48nemofurrywolf: ah. could be. dunno
19:32.55huhhhhahh so were you at 0.0.1 before that, or did you install OBS afterwards
19:32.57debdogthought furrywolf was on beowulf, nemo
19:33.00furrywolfI couldn't install debian's i386 gtk version because I wasn't using debian's amd64 gtk...
19:33.22nemodebdog: he's just noting wine is important to him so he won't be switching any time soon
19:33.43huhhhhhow do I distro upgrage ascii?
19:33.47nemoa sentiment I concur with
19:33.59nemoalthough I do wonder if I could just keep using the winehq packages with beowulf...
19:34.04furrywolfI would like to use beowulf for other reasons, and have been thinking of upgrading.
19:34.27debdogwas only half listening. and now he's not listening at all anymore, need to do some other stuff....
19:34.35buZzhuhhhh: check the forum :) maybe
19:34.49furrywolfyeah, I need to do other stuff too.  bbl.
19:35.50*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
19:36.05huhhhhI'm always in a hurry and I don't like to read :-DD
19:36.34buZzhuhhhh: welcome to a operating system that punishes people who dont read
19:38.45nemobuZz: that has been my experience with linux over the past couple of decades yes ☺
19:39.07*** join/#devuan APic (
19:39.13nemodebdog: woot. got to a usable screen with the devuan minimal 2.1 standard by setting vga=771   I guess whatever vga=auto or whatnot was trying was failing with the barely-a-graphics-card on this machine.  big old crash in the intel fb driver regardless, but seems to have gotten past it... only now is hanging just after starting cron. and can't seem to get any keyboard interaction ☹
19:39.30debdogwould like to switch to gentoo but he's too dumb for that
19:39.39nemomaybe I can try vga=771 plus the noprobe
19:39.41huhhhhso what all comes extra in the 4GB install? I installed desktop-live, but this one has 3 GB more!
19:40.05debdognemo: what hardware is that?
19:40.15debdogdang, and I am back to IRC
19:41.32nemodebdog: oh. some machine I got ages ago for $99 thought it'd make a decent server
19:41.35nemowhich it did
19:43.00fsmithredhuhhhh, the 4GB iso is one of the installer isos - not everything on the dvd will be installed
19:43.25fsmithredit uses the debian-installer
19:43.35huhhhh3gb of overhead?
19:43.43nemodebdog: something like the asus ts mini only with only a gig of RAM - it was not intended to have VGA at all. they had plastic backing covering the port on the board that needed cutting away
19:43.50fsmithred3gb of software you can install without a network connection
19:43.54nemodebdog: I usually run it headless unless I screw something up. which I did.
19:43.59huhhhhsince the live is only a little over 1GB
19:44.20nemomaybe I need to find a linux ISO from like 8 years ago
19:44.38fsmithred3gb of the most popular software in case someone wants it
19:44.46huhhhhfsmithred  with OBS :-D
19:44.53fsmithredwhat's OBS?
19:45.04huhhhhopen broadcaster software
19:45.21fsmithredis that for radio or webcast?
19:45.57buZzvideostreaming of webcams and screencaptures
19:46.08buZzto twitch/youtube/own rtmp servers
19:46.11huhhhhone of the most pita software to install in Linux, used by every streamer with millions of followers, who if they gave a shout out to a distro that comes with it, that distro could be the #1 distro just by that
19:46.36buZzdevuan comes with it
19:46.39huhhhhlike imagine if Pewdiepie swittch to Linux, and mentions the distro
19:47.01fsmithredwell, if you were doing broadcast radio, you could deal with rivendell, which is another major PITA to install
19:47.14huhhhhOBS is for internet streaming
19:47.25huhhhhand screen recording
19:47.32buZzfsmithred: some ppl at our hackerspace use liquid soap for audio queueing
19:47.37buZzsometimes even mixed with MPD
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19:47.53buZzbut with liquid soap they can easily do commercial breaks etc
19:47.54fsmithredyeah, I haven't played with liquid soap
19:48.56fsmithredI'm not finding obs in devuan
19:50.21huhhhhbuZz, you're saying it is installed on the 4GB?
19:50.30fsmithredcontrib or non-free?
19:50.31buZz'the 4GB' ? what
19:50.42buZzoh that might be it fsmithred
19:50.42fsmithredhuhhhh, he's saying it's in the repository
19:50.50buZzjust pulling the debian one upstream?
19:50.55buZzobs-studio/now 1:19.0.2-dmo2+deb9u1 amd64 [installed,local]
19:50.57huhhhh4GB distro
19:51.01fsmithredwe don't know if it's in the dvd, but I'll bet it isn't
19:52.40fsmithredyeah, the obs website shows that it's in debian repo, therefore it's in devuan too.
19:52.49huhhhhobs-studio/now 20191212-1 amd64 [installed,local]
19:53.38fsmithredso you already installed it?
19:54.28huhhhhnow it's
19:54.30huhhhhobs-studio/stable,now 0.15.4+dfsg1-1+b1 amd64 [installed]
19:55.17*** join/#devuan Guest52516 (
19:56.12fsmithredyeah, that's the version in ascii
19:58.08huhhhhIt is an ancient version, doesn't have dlive in the server list yet.
19:58.20*** part/#devuan Guest52516 (
19:59.37buZzhuhhhh: see, its v15
20:00.38nemodebdog: netinst rescue mode did the trick.  set vga super low for good measure
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20:00.44nemofinally got a mount point to the filesystem
20:00.53nemoaaand fixed my stupidity
20:00.55nemoand booted
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20:01.39nemobasically rebooted the server with /boot/bootimage being a symlink to the image for some reason. I have no idea how I managed to do that
20:11.17nemowelp. guess I'm gonna setup irssi on the server again...
20:11.25nemoand shop for some more cheap computing
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21:04.10tom_workWhat is a good graphical mariadb and/or postgres GUI without featureitis and only implements the basic of what the CLI implements?
21:04.46tom_workI normally use emma but it seems to have trouble keeping up with large datasets
21:11.03masontom_work: I only ever use the stock CLIs or custom CLI tools.
21:11.03*** join/#devuan firas (~firas@
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21:11.19masontom_work: What's the goal with a GUI for the purpose?
21:13.04*** join/#devuan firas (~firas@unaffiliated/firas)
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21:18.28tom_workmason, it's quicker to click on a tab to swap between SORT 'col' DESC, SORT 'col' ASC, view null values as a specific color like cyan, and get an overview of the schema in a specific tag
21:18.43tom_workotherwise I'm still writing and interacting with the RDBMS with raw SQL
21:19.14tom_workit's more convenience for testing this in a development or maintenance environment
21:20.57masontom_work: kk, reasonable - I was just curious. If you find one I'd like to give it a try.
21:21.48tom_workmason, I use emma currently
21:21.52tom_workand works fantastic
21:22.28masonum, paste-o
21:22.36masonI'll give Emma a try. Thank you.
21:22.40tom_workonly problem is when your handling 90,000,0+ rows the GUI freezes up for a few seconds, and it seems to need to be restarted to work properly if your SQL TCP connection dies
21:22.49tom_workmason, It's on the Devuan ASCII repos
21:23.20masonCool. (Although FWIW I only use Beowulf lately.)
21:23.43tom_workidk if the same version is in beowulf
21:24.02tom_workbut it's python2 code so you can easily jus extract it from an old package and run it if that's the case
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22:37.15*** join/#devuan HUHHH (
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22:49.17systemdlete2Mom, may I have a cookie?
22:49.23systemdlete2polkit-agent-helper-1: error response to PolicyKit daemon: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: No session for cookie
22:49.34systemdlete2PolicyKit is hungry for a cookie.
22:50.07systemdlete2Log file:  Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:4300:73536 (system bus name :1.29, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent,
22:50.36systemdlete2This is when I launch gufw from a regular user.  It works fine if I run gufw from root command prompt though (of course...)
22:51.04systemdlete2If I run gufw from the menus, it quietly fails; I do not see hide nor hair of it.
22:51.49systemdlete2If I run gufw from regular user command line, it fails when I enter root password (which I confirm is correct, and have tried multiple times) with the error in the log.
22:52.17systemdlete2Googling reveals this is kind of a widespread problem
22:53.01systemdlete2This is my ascii VM
22:53.10systemdlete2afaik, it has all of the updates
22:54.29systemdlete2This is actually a minor nuisance, since I can always launch gufw from the root command line.  But it is a bug of some sort.
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23:20.49systemdlete2So research is telling me that there really is an xfce4-polkit package but maybe we don't have it in the repo.
23:21.23EHeMSECURITY: Once again security updates appear to have broken, this time while most packages from src:git got their updates, git is missing.
23:21.45systemdlete2It's also telling me it might be time to switch to a different desktop to avoid this headache.  OTOH, I like xfce (and always have) and this is -- as I said -- a minor nuisance.  Not many other issues I can think of.
23:43.46*** join/#devuan huhhh (

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