IRC log for #devuan on 20191211

00:03.01*** join/#devuan jack_rabbit (
00:06.00*** join/#devuan zama (~zama@unaffiliated/stryx/x-3871776)
00:09.10*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
00:20.22*** join/#devuan Nukien (~Nukien@
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01:05.44*** join/#devuan xkr47 (
01:39.05*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
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01:50.25*** join/#devuan FlibberTGibbet (~david@unaffiliated/flibbertgibbet)
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04:06.24*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
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05:06.38*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
06:00.50*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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06:51.26se7en-It seems that the SocksV onion is down for apt
06:52.06se7en-deb tor+http://devuanfwojg73k6r.onion/merged
06:58.45*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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07:48.23*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
08:10.05*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (
08:31.25*** join/#devuan user844842 (user@gateway/vpn/mullvad/user844842)
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10:28.22*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
11:52.48*** join/#devuan rdav__ (
11:58.43*** join/#devuan yann-kaelig (
12:01.07yann-kaeligI'm creating devuan packages from scratch,  by taking example from others packages and debian documentation.
12:02.23fsmithredwhat packages?
12:03.02*** join/#devuan puria (
12:03.28yann-kaeligskarnet packages which are borken by design on debian and 66 frontend.
12:04.14yann-kaeligI'm noob on devuan packaging so it's a first try
12:04.37fsmithredcool. You might want to let folks know on dng mailing list and irc #devuan-dev
12:05.59fsmithredhave you got any packages that work yet?
12:06.16fsmithred(BTW, I think the way you're doing it is pretty much what everyone does.)
12:06.51yann-kaelignot right now, I'm working on the control file for my first package skalibs- and I have a first question
12:07.24fsmithredthe answer may come in seconds, minutes, hours or days
12:09.10yann-kaeligok, well so I have executed dh_make  -f ../skalibs- , then I selected libs and what I notice is in the control file I do not have doc section for the package  > Package: skalibs-doc
12:09.24yann-kaeligdo I missed something, a dh_make  option ?
12:10.07fsmithredwell, I don't have the answer. I just include docs in the main package.
12:10.12*** join/#devuan puria (
12:10.34fsmithredI do know that if you're making several packages from the same source, you need separate sections for each in the control file.
12:11.50fsmithredpaste your control file somewhere (not here) and maybe someone can see what's wrong
12:13.50yann-kaeligI take example on debian package. Also there is something different from my control file, library package has another naming scheme than mine. I suppose it's a chocie from the packager ? but perhaps somethign changed between debina and devuan. On the debina side, it's Package: libskarnet and on mine, dh_make produce skalibsBROKEN. I understand that I have to rename the package name, but well. I will stick with dh_make choice by
12:14.29yann-kaeligI will
12:15.37fsmithredwhere does the 'BROKEN' come from?
12:15.54fsmithredis that dh_make telling you there's a problem?
12:16.36yann-kaeligfrom dh_make after I choiced ' library' >  "make sure you edit debian/control and change the Package: lines from skalibsBROKEN to something else, such as skalibs1 "
12:18.24yann-kaeligperhaps I should start with a single package , test it and after that start to split it in a next pkg release
12:18.54fsmithredthat might work.
12:19.04fsmithredyou say this package is in debian?
12:19.13yann-kaeligyes it is
12:19.54*** join/#devuan wyatt8750 (~wyatt8740@
12:19.58fsmithredthen it should also be in devuan, unless it requires systemd or is still in debian's experimental repo
12:21.02*** join/#devuan puria (
12:21.14fsmithredlibskarnet2.7 in beowulf and 2.9 in ceres
12:21.21fsmithredthey don't work?
12:32.16*** join/#devuan puria (
12:33.25fsmithredyann-kaelig, here's the source repo. Did you clone this?
12:34.08fsmithreddoes it build if you don't change anything?
12:43.47*** join/#devuan wyatt8750 (~wyatt8740@
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14:23.47*** join/#devuan onefang (~onefang@devuan/developer/onefang)
14:35.00*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (~Besnik@2a02:587:e02:8100:c336:c03:726f:677f)
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15:32.26*** join/#devuan retak (~ite@2a01:c23:8475:2200:f2de:f1ff:feb2:f9aa)
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16:00.17*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
16:07.42*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
16:49.26*** join/#devuan jack_rabbit (
16:52.59*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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17:47.25*** join/#devuan ymasson (
17:52.30*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
18:07.41*** join/#devuan Menelkir (~terramex@unaffiliated/menelkir)
18:24.37*** join/#devuan tom_work (~tom_work@2603:3004:4d3:60e0:a3e:8eff:feb8:f5c5)
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18:47.21*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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19:26.34yann-kaeligok, very good :) Well. I will share everything as soon as I will have a system bootable with s6 and 66 frontend
19:27.23yann-kaeligtime to take a break, cu later
19:28.49yann-kaeligThe truth is devuan works perfectly with s6 and 66 but there is no package
19:31.41yann-kaeligand debian s6 package can not be used to get a bootable system, that why I need to write them
20:05.18*** join/#devuan Kohlrabi (
20:34.45masonHrm. There is no "steam" package available for Beowulf at present.
20:38.03*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
20:38.13*** join/#devuan tierce (~raoulzeca@2a02:a03f:3c48:3b00:60f0:4071:bbc:ca7a)
20:39.51Humpelstilzchenmy beowulf shows steam
20:40.24masonHumpelstilzchen: I'm moving from to to see if it's just some lag
20:42.26masonHumpelstilzchen: What are you using in your sources.list? Not seeing it either way here.
20:43.18Humpelstilzchenmason: deb beowulf main contrib non-free
20:43.36Humpelstilzchennote the non-free
20:43.42masonHumpelstilzchen: Yep, got that.
20:44.26masonMoving back to deb.devuan as pkgmaster gives me the same results.
20:45.39masonHumpelstilzchen: Did you 'apt update' to refresh? Can you share your 'apt-cache policy steam' on or similar, please?
20:47.47Humpelstilzchen without locale
20:48.46masonHumpelstilzchen: Thank you. I'm a cluebat. I didn't realize the package was i386-only.
20:48.56masonI'll add the arch.
20:50.09masonHumpelstilzchen: We're replacing my oldest kid's computer with a Devuan box, and Steam will be critical there. :P
20:53.52specingmason: replace steam with foss games
20:54.13masonspecing: I try to dabble in both.
20:54.20masonWe're into 0ad lately.
20:54.31*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
20:54.35specingyou can extend this further
20:54.41specingthere are a lot of foss games out there
20:54.52masonSure. Minetest is good, also.
20:55.07masonI'm less zealous about games being free than necessary software.
20:55.27specinggames should be freer than other software
20:55.27Humpelstilzchenlikes warzone
20:55.52specingbecause games are not necessary to function in this world
20:56.01specingso you can impose harsher restrictions on them
20:56.45masonspecing: That's just it. I think thinks we need ought to be free. Games are closer to luxury items, and as such, it's not as harmful if you don't have them.
20:57.05masonBut, yeah, if there's a free software equivalent, that's preferable.
20:57.49specingmason: yes, and hence you can demand FOSS games and refuse to play proprietary ones
20:57.57specingbecause they are luxury items and not needed
20:58.27masonspecing: I could. I won't impose that on my kids until they decide they want to make that moral choice. Also, unrelated, we might want to move this to #debianfork.
20:58.56sixwheeledbeastCan't stop playing Mindustry at the moment.
20:59.34masonsixwheeledbeast: Oh, looks neat. I hadn't ever heard of that previously. Thanks for the reference.
21:00.16sixwheeledbeastIt's very addictive source is available on github
21:00.33sixwheeledbeastVery well designed IMO
21:01.22*** join/#devuan omnio (~omnio@
21:07.25masonsixwheeledbeast: Want to hop over to #debianfork? Be better to discuss it there, and I'd like to do so. (I like the notion that you can use Steam there to easily support the author.)
21:08.47golinuxmason: Thank you for minding the channel
21:09.46masongolinux: Sure, sure.
21:09.54masonAnd hello.
21:10.39masongolinux: I've just seen the Devuan default login screen for the first time. We're using a stock XFCE4 for my daughter's machine, instead of the xdm/openbox I use for my own stuff.
21:11.20golinuxYou need to install desktop base to get the theming
21:11.32masonOh, I'll do that. I just installed xfce4 to start.
21:11.53golinuxI love the slim design that hellekin did
21:12.22golinuxHe and I did all the desktop graphics and logo
21:12.37masongolinux: Oh, hrm. xfce4 seems to have pulled in lightdm by default.
21:13.07golinuxDefault should be slim
21:13.10masonIt does show Devuan theming... Red swoosh, "software theming, your way" text.
21:13.35masongolinux: Did this change for Beowulf? I did an install straight to Beowulf, via debootstrap.
21:13.47golinuxYeah I did a theme for it but it shouldn't be the default
21:14.48golinuxSpeaking of theming . . . I'm starting to think about chimaera:
21:14.56*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
21:14.56masonMaybe when I install desktop-base it'll do the desired thing.
21:15.15golinuxIt should set everything up from grub to the desktop
21:15.17fsmithredat the moment I can't remember why lightdm gets pulled in
21:15.20masonI like the blue/green feel.
21:15.38masonfsmithred: It would have been with xfce4. I'll look.
21:15.38fsmithredbut if slim is installed, you can run 'dpkg-reconfigure lightdm' to set slim as the default
21:16.51golinuxColor in honor of
21:17.12golinuxHydrolagus trolli
21:17.23masonfsmithred: Unsure why I got it:
21:18.14fsmithredaptitude why lightdm
21:20.45*** join/#devuan rdav__ (
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21:27.07masonOh, I'll try that. I never install aptitude any more, but I will.
21:29.03masonfsmithred: Useful!
21:33.54fsmithredaha! mason 'apt-get --no-install-recommends' FTW
21:39.35golinuxfsmithred: It is fixed in desktop-base, right?
21:42.45masonI'll be installing that soon and I can note what happens.
21:42.51mason0ad was a slow download
21:46.38masongolinux: Ah, xfce4 seems to have pulled in desktop-base already.
21:47.34masonAnyway, manually installing slim, and I'll boot into it.
21:47.40fsmithredgolinux, it's not broken in desktop-base
21:47.53fsmithredxfce4 Recommends light-locker
21:48.05fsmithredlight-locker depends on lightdm
21:48.31fsmithredin the dekstop-live isos, I've got code to remove lightdm before it makes the iso
21:49.41golinuxfsmithred: Clever!
21:50.10fsmithredI don't know what we can do about installer isos
21:50.48golinuxSunny afternoon.  I'm going to wander about outside for a while.
21:51.00golinuxLet's discuss tomorrow.
21:51.54golinuxI'm thinking that Xfce might not suit us for Chimaera which would solve the problem going forward.
21:52.22fsmithredand what instead?
21:52.45fsmithredsends a shipping container of snow to onefang
21:53.56golinuxI'm open to all suggestions . . .
21:54.36golinuxbut that will have to wait till we see the headaches that xfce creates for us
21:55.30golinuxSun is calling me . . . bbl
22:08.55*** join/#devuan ngshli[m] (ngshlimatr@gateway/shell/
22:10.05ngshli[m]do debian packages work on devuan?
22:10.22masonngshli[m]: Most Devuan packages *are* Debian packages.
22:12.06ngshli[m]so i can get them from debian repositories?
22:15.08masonngshli[m]: You don't need to. Point to Devuan repositories, and those packages that aren't modified by Devuan are passed through from the Debian repositories.
22:20.21ngshli[m]is there a list of devuan repositories?
22:20.57ngshli[m]also do i download a specific package?
22:25.05ngshli[m]i'm talking about downloading it from another system
22:26.20masonngshli[m]: There's a lot of information here:
22:33.52*** join/#devuan fred`` (
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23:01.08*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
23:01.10*** join/#devuan DonkeyHotei (tiL6@april-fools/2014/runnerup/danielg4)
23:16.21*** join/#devuan systemdlete (
23:23.03*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
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23:44.25*** join/#devuan tierce (~raoulzeca@2a02:a03f:3e08:1400:de1d:3836:f992:ea71)

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