IRC log for #devuan on 20191207

00:08.06*** join/#devuan tierce (~raoulzeca@2a02:a03f:3e08:1400:de1d:3836:f992:ea71)
00:26.14*** join/#devuan rdav (
01:15.41*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
01:20.45*** join/#devuan Unit193 (ukikie@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.unit193)
02:03.19*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
02:04.33XenguySo I installed Ascii on a laptop a few days ago, and there was no Net connection, and I chose 'Do not config network right now', or some such option...
02:05.32XenguyI've never tried that before, and going forward after the base system is installed turns out to be a bit hard, network-wise...
02:06.31XenguyI also noticed that with a default/base install, if you try doing 'man interfaces', it is missing (not sure if any man pages are installed with the base install; this man page wasn't)
02:08.24XenguyAll I can figure is that if I was in that base install state with no network config, I'd need to first modify /etc/network/interfaces (w/e file it is), and configure it for a wired connection, then install MATE and wicd would manage the wireless.
02:09.02XenguyBut with no man page available, I'd need to have another networked PC to look that up online, which is not the most elegant situation
02:11.02XenguySo, an inconvenient use case, there you have it
02:13.00specingXenguy: it helps to know a few invocations of ifconfig/iproute2
02:13.33Xenguyspecing: What, just ifup eth0, or ...?
02:14.05specingifup is the interfaces machinery
02:14.27specingI don't use distro network scripts, it is a waste of time
02:14.32XenguyWell just spit it out, unless suspense is you object
02:15.19XenguyMr. Godot, what are you waiting for?
02:15.19specingip addr add dev eth0; ip link set eth0 up; ip route default via
02:15.44XenguyWell you're a better man than me
02:16.27XenguyFor me, it would be easier to memorize the line I needed in /etc/network/interfaces, to get a wired connection...
02:16.38specingwhen you're done, dump shell history in a new init script and forger about /etc/network/interfaces
02:16.41XenguyThen I'd bootstrap to wireless via the GUI
02:17.02XenguyWell, you sound like an emacs guy
02:17.11Xenguypivots and ducks...
02:17.33specingI use what is best, sometimes that is emacs
02:17.41Xenguyhaha, I knew it
02:17.43specingsometimes it is vim, sometimes a full IDE
02:18.00XenguyI've messed with Spacemacs, that's about it
02:18.33XenguyBut as an olde friend once said:  Some folks minds are just double(not single)spaced
02:18.56XenguySo your solution is best for you, and mine best for me
02:19.29XenguyWe work with what works for us
02:19.47XenguyA great thing about linux is it offers so many roads to Rome
02:19.53XenguyI love that
02:20.07XenguyIf one thing fails, there's always another way
02:20.39XenguyI remember the little Perl I learned being like that too
02:21.03Xenguy"There's more than one way to do it"
02:22.29XenguyHuh, resilience and versatility, and there ya have (at) it
02:33.29Xenguyiface eth0 inet dhcp
02:33.56Xenguy^^ I think that's the line I need in /etc/network/interfaces
02:35.18tuxd3vXenguy if you want dhcp, then yes
02:35.28tuxd3vbut you also need adhcp client
02:35.45tuxd3vadhcp -> dhcp
02:36.17tuxd3vcertify yourself that the name of the interface is eth0
02:43.15XenguyMost routers 'just do' DHCP, yes?
02:44.51Xenguyyeti: yippieyippie : -)
02:47.47yetidhcp is a good 1st guess
02:48.49yetiwhen the router can be reached and the address range is known, changing to a static address is no big deal
02:49.19yetithe other way round, you'd need to collect all the details manually or with a differend system
02:50.35yeti  yipyip<ip
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21:07.31*** join/#devuan sml (~sml@
21:07.35smlhi guys
21:07.53smlits possible to install docker in devuan?
21:08.08smlim trying to install in ascii but i cannot found docker-ce
21:32.35*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (
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21:56.49*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
21:58.17_abc_What's a popular radio internet listener for devuan? I am miffed that the app RadioDroid exists on android, distributed by, open source and all, which does this well, and has an impressive out of the box station list, and there is nothing for linux desktop like it. Technically, compiling an app for droid is compiling it for linux, Java notwithstanding. Suggestions for a desktop internet radio
21:59.58yetifor known urls I use mplayer and at to automagicaly switch streams, for exploring the rest of the world
22:01.23_abc_lol garden tld used for radio
22:01.56Wonka.oO( 302 )
22:06.16_abc_yeti: what do the +- buttons on the left do. They do nothing here.
22:06.48onefangVLC works for me, but I only listen to very few stations.
22:06.50_abc_Also changing location is not possible. I am stuck in my city.
22:07.09yeti+-   zoom
22:07.18_abc_does nothing here
22:07.25yeticheck for scriptblockers or other cops
22:07.56_abc_location did change in strange ways
22:08.03_abc_I'm in .ro
22:08.55onefangUsing a VPN or proxy?  I''m in .au, but my VPN is in .nl, so I get a lot of Dutch advertising.  lol
22:09.04_abc_no proxy
22:10.30_abc_How do you change location?!
22:11.34_abc_yeti: should i be seeing a map? I see a black background...
22:11.50_abc_I hope the bozos did not use a google api for the map. Openstreetmaps is allowed, google not.
22:12.35onefangGoogle has sometimes gotten confused and put me in .ru.
22:13.27yetiI see stations as green dots on a darker blue background because I block google
22:13.43yetiif I allow google, there is a map
22:13.45_abc_I don't see the dots
22:14.00_abc_yeti: of course. Bozos. Openstreetmap is available and free.
22:14.15furrywolfin all fairness, openstreetmap is fucking worthless.
22:14.20yetiit's a fight with scripblockers and co
22:14.35_abc_I use only that. Gooshit does not even give you street numbers or a size scale in the map.
22:14.45yetiso I mostly use it without the world view below the stations
22:15.03furrywolfI looked at them when pondering a GIS project, and their data is so utterly incomplete and incorrect that using them is worse than not having a map at all.
22:15.03yetiguessing the cities is easy enough only seeing the stations
22:15.08onefangopenstreetmap works for me, but it's crowd sourced, you need a decent crowd in your area of interest.
22:15.13_abc_Just so they can sell you something, you have to type in where you want to go, and immediately gets you tagged with targeted ads.
22:15.30_abc_onefang: that is true. It is okay where I am in Eastern Europe.
22:16.06*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
22:22.24_abc_So radio garden is unusable here due to no map.
22:28.05_abc_Is kradio worthless?
22:29.22*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
22:29.56_abc_kradio is in the normal devuan channels, it is present on ascii which is what I am running now
22:54.16*** join/#devuan Inepu (
22:58.56_abc_This seems to work as finder unrelated to linux, cross platform etc
23:10.50*** join/#devuan maggotbrain (
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