IRC log for #devuan on 20191205

00:12.31*** join/#devuan filipdevuan_ (
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06:58.21*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
06:58.58Digitwonders about ungoogled-chromium in devuan... and if the chromium package can be ungoogled, or if need go off-repo to get
06:59.31Digitnew to chromium / ungoogled-chromium, just a curiosity
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07:25.13*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
07:26.24xrogaanwhich is better to backup a disk before resizing: rsync or dd?
07:27.12xrogaanalso, is there a way to start user daemons at the start of a user session?
07:27.29xrogaanwith fluxbox, you can just drop a line in the init file.
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07:31.47gnarfacexrogaan: rsync is faster but dd can also preserve partition structure
07:32.02gnarfaceand filesystems
07:32.12gnarface(whereas rsync will only preserve contents therein)
07:32.30xrogaanno the partition needs to go
07:32.50gnarfacefrankly though from years of experience i recommend tar because you don't want your backup system to be complicated.  you want it linear and based on software that hasn't changed much in 30 years
07:33.05xrogaanI have a very old partition thingy, and I need to make / bigger. To do that I have to remove swap and reduce /home
07:33.33gnarfacewell, you might still want the disk image backup to contain the original partition structure just so you can go back to it in case you hose it somehow trying this
07:33.36xrogaanso, tar the content, resize, untar?
07:33.56gnarfacetar content, resize.
07:34.04gnarfaceyou shouldn't need the backup unless something went wrong
07:34.22xrogaanbut isn't resizing destructive in nature?
07:34.38xrogaanI meant for the /home partition that will get reduced.
07:34.40gnarfaceno, only if you screw it up
07:34.50gnarfacebut there are important caveats you should know if you're asking this
07:35.05xrogaanoh, and I have a weird thing though.
07:35.43xrogaani have an extended partition, containing both swap and /home
07:35.45gnarfaceyou're gonna use gparted to do the resizing?
07:35.55xrogaanmost probably yeah
07:36.06gnarfaceok, it should protect you but had a early history of not doing so
07:36.12gnarfaceso let me tell you how to cover your ass
07:36.20xrogaanwait a second first :)
07:36.38xrogaanI believe I need to remove the extended partition in order to resize /, which is outside of it.
07:36.51gnarfacemaybe, i don't know for sure without seeing it
07:37.09gnarfaceyou DO have to look in the menu of gparted to find the panel where it shows you filesystem support status
07:37.20gnarfacemake sure it includes resize and shrink for the relevant filesystems
07:37.37gnarface(it wasn't always smart enough to stop you if you tried it on a filesystem that wasn't supported)
07:37.46xrogaan12GiB as root isn't nearly enough nowadays.
07:37.54xrogaanWas plenty 10 or so years ago.
07:38.02gnarfacethe second thing you need to know is just to not shrink the partition to smaller than the data inside it.
07:38.10gnarface(it might succeed and truncate your data)
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07:38.45gnarfacethe third thing you need to know is that if the partition is fragmented, it still might not be safe to shrink to the size of the contained data, becasue some of it may be near the end of the filesystem
07:39.06gnarface(that's where the tar then untar trick comes in handy; that's a quick&dirty way to defrag any filesystem from linux)
07:39.21xrogaanisn't ext4 fragmented by default?
07:39.28gnarfacei think that's all you really need to know, but ask questions if anything is vague
07:39.35xrogaanby nature, the filesystem distribute the files all over the disk
07:39.43gnarfaceyes, journaling filesystems are "fragmented by nature" you would say
07:40.06gnarfaceas in, the journal mitigates the cost of fragmentation so it is not a concern.  that's why disk defrag isn't a linux tool that exists
07:40.22gnarfacebut again - tar then untar will do the trick
07:40.38gnarfacegparted is *supposed* to be smart enough to just warn you and refuse, or relocate the data as necessary
07:40.42gnarfacethese days anyway
07:41.03xrogaanbut I still need to remove the extended partition, as shown in the screen shot :)
07:41.05gnarfacebut it's one of those features it has had enough of a history of regressions on that you definitely want to back up your data first to a separate physical disk
07:41.16gnarfaceoh, can you put the screenshot in imgur?
07:41.58gnarfaceactually maybe i can simplify further without that:  you don't need an extended partition at all on the MSDOS partition table format unless you have more than 4 partitions
07:42.06xrogaani don't have a cli tool for imgur
07:42.43xrogaanmaybe i do
07:43.20xrogaanno, I don't
07:44.06gnarfacehow about
07:44.25gnarfacesupposedly it can work with curl
07:46.10gnarfacesome day i'm gonna have to put up my own drop box so that i don't have to have the burden of personally validating the domain of everyone else's favorite one
07:46.11xrogaanwhat's wrong with catbox?
07:46.31gnarface... even though that is objectively making the problem worse
07:47.06gnarfacei don't know what's wrong with catbox, maybe nothing.  the point is just that i'm not in the mood to risk it right now.  it's nothing personal; things have been weird.
07:47.22xrogaanwant me to xdcc the file to you?
07:47.44gnarfacemaybe you can just copy&paste the fdisk view of the data to me in a /msg?  i'd have to poke a hole in my firewall for xdcc
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07:49.10xrogaanIt's just a png, wget it and it should be fine.
07:49.15gnarfaceif you have 4 or fewer partitions, or 5 partitions but one of them is the extended partition, you can seriously just omit it though
07:49.28gnarfacethe only complication is then they'll renumber
07:49.52gnarfacebut if you're resizing them the UUIDs change anyway, so if you're mounting by UUID you have to edit your fstab either way to clean up after this
07:52.24xrogaantermbin isn't too weird for you?
07:52.34gnarfacecome on why does everyone have to test my resolve on this?
07:52.44gnarfacei'm really not trying to be difficult
07:52.57gnarfacejust paste me what fdisk says instead in /msg
07:53.07gnarfaceit's plain text and should still carry the necessary data
07:53.43gnarfaceopen the disk with fdisk, (fdisk [device]) then just hit the "p" key to print the partition table
07:53.57xrogaanI'm still puzzled as to why you prefer imgur over anything else
07:54.51gnarfacenothing specific other than that it's widely enough known that it is a bigger liability for them to hack me than for me to get hacked by them
07:55.08xrogaanwhat are you, the CIA?
07:55.29gnarfaceyou know it's funny, i've been accused of that before
07:55.41gnarfaceusually by employers who are trying to pull a fast one
07:55.59gnarfacebut no, i just notice things
07:56.40gnarfaceincidentally, the /msg you sent me stopped short of the actual partition table data
07:56.51xrogaanyeah, because flooding is bad
07:56.53gnarfacethe last line i got was "Device     Boot     Start       End   Sectors   Size Id Type"
07:57.06gnarfaceyou got a flood protect warning from sending me a /msg?
07:57.26gnarfacei thought they weren't enforcing that in private communications, i've never had anyone complain about that before
07:57.43gnarfacei don't mind if you flood my /msg
07:57.44xrogaanah, no, because / is a command
07:57.57gnarfacejust add a whitespace before it
07:57.58xrogaan/dev < dev not recognized
07:58.13gnarfaceit will choke on "/dev" but it will pass " /dev"
07:58.57xrogaanYou know what, it's fine. I'll delete he extended partition and untar the backup.
07:59.24gnarfacei *think* i've already told you everything you need to know
07:59.30gnarfacei just don't have any idea how well you read it
07:59.39gnarfacethat's really why i asked to see the screenshot in the first place
07:59.46gnarfacei was just trying to double-check your work
07:59.55gnarfaceyou know, before you make a mess
08:00.07gnarfaceresizing partitions can get messy
08:00.14xrogaanyou can still see it, you chose not to because of patterns. Thanks anyway :)
08:00.30gnarfacehey you're the one who can't send a /msg ...
08:00.55gnarfacethere's only so far past the mid point i'm willing to go
08:01.25xrogaanI spent more time trying to send the list of partitions than reading your recommendations, which were useful btw.
08:02.14gnarfaceas long as you made the backup first then you'll be fine either way
08:03.07gnarfaceoh, and ext* filesystems resize really slow.  don't panic if it is taking a long time (many hours)
08:08.07xrogaanwell, I can bypass that with a delete and recreate
08:08.35xrogaananyhow, for the next people trying to test your resolve, you might want to come armed of a list of pastebin/file hosts
08:09.30xrogaanAnd if you're willing, there are some software I'd like to try in order to get around the hosting issue.
08:09.39xrogaanMight not be to your taste because of your firewall though.
08:09.45gnarfacewhat software?
08:10.07xrogaan ?
08:10.37gnarfaceit's in the repo
08:10.43gnarfacebased on python apparently
08:10.53gnarfacewhat's it got over ssh tunnels?
08:11.06xrogaanyou setup a wormhole code, then send a file to that code.
08:11.06gnarfacea GUI or something?
08:11.13xrogaancli mostly
08:11.21gnarfacedoes it rely on a hub server or is it p2p?
08:13.10xrogaanyou might be able to setup your own relay though
08:13.13gnarfacehmm, they're not using cookies, that's something to their credit...
08:13.20xrogaanor I could just mail you the damn png
08:13.24gnarfaceugh, websockets
08:13.33gnarfacei have distrust of that
08:13.58xrogaanthere is also that ipfs thing
08:14.01gnarfaceheh, yea you could have just emailed it to me but oddly enough that's the part where everyone else tends to back out
08:14.05xrogaaninterplanetary file system
08:15.14xrogaanNo, I backed out when you asked me to reformat the output of fdisk to be irc friendly. That's just stupid. I could also use a pastebin of your choice, so long as it supports pastebinit
08:15.34gnarfacei really didn't think it would choke on the paste of that
08:16.30gnarfacelemme test something....
08:16.51gnarfaceDisk /dev/sdb: 931.5 GiB, 1000204886016 bytes, 1953525168 sectors
08:16.51gnarfaceUnits: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
08:16.51gnarfaceSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
08:16.51gnarfaceI/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
08:16.54gnarfaceDisklabel type: dos
08:16.56gnarfaceDisk identifier: 0x0f56d2ac
08:16.58gnarfaceDevice     Boot Start        End    Sectors   Size Id Type
08:17.04gnarfacehmmm, they do break lines i see
08:17.31gnarfaceyea, sorry about that
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09:29.53gnarfacefor the benefit of anyone else who was wondering, i did verify that gparted can do that.  it can copy a logical partition out of the extended partition
09:30.16gnarfaceyou do have to make space first, but it works
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13:36.54nemowhat kernel is beowulf going to use on release?
13:39.01gnarfaceit'll be the same kernel as debian is using, i assume
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15:04.23ham5urgI'm using devuan and trying to install an USV, APC Smart 750 (750smt)
15:05.03ham5urglsusb is fine and showing    Bus 001 Device 008: ID 051d:0003 American Power Conversion UPS
15:05.32ham5urgBut I got an error from apcuspd like:
15:05.50ham5urgCommunications with UPS lost
15:05.52masonham5urg: I always have to change the config on every install. How are you specifying the line?
15:06.27masonham5urg: In particular, what's your UPSCABLE set to?
15:07.05masonham5urg: Here, I have UPSCABLE usb, then further down, UPSTYPE usb, and DEVICE without anything after it - empty.
15:07.12ham5urgI did not change a lot, as apcusvd.conf is preconfigured for USB.
15:07.23ham5urgUPSCABLE usb
15:08.06ham5urgok, device has /dev/ttys0
15:08.10ham5urgI will change that
15:08.11masonclear that out
15:08.17masonand UPSTYPE ?
15:10.29ham5urgit was DEVICE
15:10.38ham5urgmason, you are right
15:11.25masonham5urg: Good. Glad it's working.
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15:59.17tuxd3vfsmithred, hello, does you are experiencing any problems bootstraping in [ host ]  Ascii to create [ target ] Beowulf rootfs ?
16:00.33yann-kaeligHi. Anyone else has an issue with gpg --gen-key and devuan ascii 2.0.vdi .  Look like it's stuck during the prime generation
16:01.39*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
16:01.41tuxd3ventropy problem?
16:04.56yann-kaeligno idea. I'm waiting but this is now more than 5 minutes
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16:30.43fsmithredtuxd3v, I haven't done a manual debootstrap lately, but I have build beowulf isos with live-sdk, which uses debootstrap
16:31.10fsmithredin ascii host
16:33.37tuxd3vfsmithred, thanks a lot
16:33.46fsmithredwhat problems you having?
16:34.16tuxd3vYour isos are created in same host for same target arch, I believe?
16:34.37tuxd3vI having problems Cross-debootstraping
16:34.38fsmithredhost is amd64, and I build that and i386
16:34.58tuxd3vI am in host x86_64
16:35.09tuxd3vand I build for severam ARM targets
16:35.26tuxd3vbut in ascii all plays nice
16:35.46fsmithredI think arm might be trickier. At least i386 will run on 64-bit hardware
16:36.03tuxd3vwhen in host ascii and trying to Cross-debootstrap to arm.. it gives me several errors related with qemu
16:36.07tuxd3vand Glibc
16:36.31tuxd3vI will have to finda option for it..
16:36.51tuxd3vAnyway, thans a lot, with that, I already eliminated some variables...
16:36.55fsmithredI don't know enough to help
16:37.23tuxd3vI mean reduced the number of locations were problems could be
16:37.40tuxd3vI already helped! thanks a lot!
16:38.04tuxd3vI -> you
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19:44.22amnt24Why does Beowulf have an older version of openvpn (2.3.10-1 vs 2.4.0-6) than Ascii?
19:55.18*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
19:59.59golinuxamnt24: Because beowulf hasn't been officially released yet.  Still much to do
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21:14.00rhYtestHas anybody here successfully run any version of ProxMox on Devuan?
21:17.31rhYtestThere are instructions for building on Wheezy, would that theoretically work for Devuan?
21:18.18*** join/#devuan rypervenche (~rypervenc@unaffiliated/rypervenche)
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21:19.43rhYtestAnd odd follow up question:  Is there still development of refracta?  And which version of that should I use atm, or should I not?
21:34.59fsmithredyes, refracta is still alive
21:35.19fsmithredthere are 9.1 isos (ascii)
21:35.32fsmithredand there are some preliminary no-X beowulf isos
21:35.53fsmithredrhYtest, ^^^
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