IRC log for #devuan on 20191130

00:03.29*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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03:36.41tuxd3vhello all,
03:37.02tuxd3vI compiled lima and panfrost drivers for sunxi hardware for arm64
03:37.18tuxd3vIf someone needs them, they are here:
03:37.42DonkeyHoteiwrong channel
03:37.52*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
03:38.11tuxd3vyou right
03:51.06*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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07:53.48*** join/#devuan qbmonkey (~SockMonke@2600:6c46:4f80:1c00:20b:97ff:fe94:9aa2)
07:57.19magnus_kHi all, I'm trying to set up devuan ascii on an Intel Nuc 8. Going to upgrade to Beowulf as soon as the base system + internet is working so only minimum install now. I can't get Ethernet to work, wired or wireless. I've set up a DVD image as local repo so I got basic packages available. The only device visible now is lo. Installed firmware-iwlwifi. Does anyone have some hints for me? Best regards.
08:00.04magnus_kI've tried moprobe iw13945 and iwl1496 that I've gahered are necessary but no device is detected.
08:01.32magnus_klspci detects the hardware, Ethernet controller [0200] Intel [8086:15be]
08:02.21magnus_kBut iwconfig lists only lo and iwconfig detects no wireless at all.
08:03.21magnus_kCan anyone help me out I'd appreciate it
08:05.20*** join/#devuan qbmonkey (~SockMonke@2600:6c46:4f80:1c00:20b:97ff:fe94:9aa2)
08:06.03rrqtry rfkill to begin with; might us it to turn on a powered off wifi
08:07.17*** join/#devuan qbmonkey (~SockMonke@2600:6c46:4f80:1c00:20b:97ff:fe94:9aa2)
08:08.06DonkeyHoteimagnus_k: what kernel version do you have?
08:08.50magnus_kThanks, do you know what package does it comes with, command not found when I do rfkill --help
08:10.39magnus_kNevermind, it was rfkill (duh)
08:13.26DonkeyHoteimagnus_k: ^
08:15.13magnus_kOk, but the Wired should still function?
08:15.38magnus_kTried rfkill unblock all
08:16.38magnus_kStill only lo visible
08:17.07DonkeyHoteithe wired has issues, as mentioned at that link
08:18.04golinuxmagnus_k: Do you need non-free firmware?
08:18.36DonkeyHoteiand lspci should show a separate line for "Network controller" and "Ethernet controller"
08:19.07magnus_kI've got non-free firmware installed
08:19.08DonkeyHoteirfkill may hide the former
08:20.15magnus_kAnd I got two lines for Network and Ethernet
08:21.44magnus_kFirmware-misc-nonfree, firmware-iwlwifi, firware-realtek installed
08:27.05DonkeyHoteiand what is the pci id for Network?
08:29.12magnus_kNetwork controller [0280] Intel corp Dev [8086:9df0]
08:36.40magnus_kAny chance an upgrade to Beowulf at this stage could help? I'm planning om running that anyway
08:40.02emdetemagnus_k: check the syslog for failed firmware loads, the name is given and you can check with apt-file which package is needed
08:40.31DonkeyHoteikernel module for wifi is iwlwifi
08:40.38emdetemagnus_k: upgrade will probably introduce a new kernel, that may be a chance as well
08:41.00DonkeyHoteiand that pci id has been supported in iwlwifi since kernel 4.5
08:41.36DonkeyHoteiwired may be more difficult
08:44.42magnus_kI've got some unsupported modules
08:46.16magnus_kThough I cant see what package is needed
08:47.31magnus_kAny idea what to grep for in syslog?
08:50.07*** join/#devuan coagen (~user@unaffiliated/coagen)
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08:56.04magnus_kThe iwl3945 and iwl4965 are loaded
08:56.47magnus_kAny other ideas?
08:58.03magnus_kIf I want to give Beowulf a try, where can I get a DVD iso? I only found stable and oldstable on the download section
09:01.09DonkeyHoteiiwl3945 and iwl4965 are irrelevant to your hardware
09:01.53DonkeyHoteidon't load them
09:02.29magnus_kOk, what modules are relevant?
09:02.41DonkeyHoteii already told you
09:03.02DonkeyHotei[Sat 2019-11-30 12:40:30 AM PST] <DonkeyHotei> kernel module for wifi is iwlwifi
09:03.22DonkeyHotei[Sat 2019-11-30 12:40:59 AM PST] <DonkeyHotei> and that pci id has been supported in iwlwifi since kernel 4.5
09:04.09magnus_kI'm running 4.9.0-12 so kernel is good
09:04.26DonkeyHoteithe module for wired is e1000e, but you need to compile it out-of-tree
09:05.16DonkeyHoteiand you may need to boot Windows to get that to work
09:05.49magnus_kOk, I'll leave the Wired untill I got a full system running
09:07.34magnus_kBut module iwlwifi, should it not load on boot?
09:08.03magnus_kBoth Wired and wireless work on Windows 10
09:08.49*** join/#devuan arnold_oree (
09:10.26magnus_kThe module iwlwifi is loaded but used by 0
09:12.33magnus_kBut module cfg80211 uses iwlwifi
09:14.43*** join/#devuan sb35 (~sb35@
09:23.21magnus_kNo more ideas on this, anyone?
09:37.21*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
09:51.35*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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10:12.28*** join/#devuan Deknos (~some@unaffiliated/menace)
10:12.30*** part/#devuan Deknos (~some@unaffiliated/menace)
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12:39.31*** join/#devuan magnus_k (~androirc@2a03:8600:10fb:fb02::fb14)
12:43.44magnus_kHi, all. I'm trying to get Devuan ascii going on an Intel Nuc 8 but internet isn't working. No devices exept lo is showing with ifconfig and iwconfig.
12:44.29magnus_kNetwork controller is [8086:9df0] and firmware is installed
12:45.09magnus_kMod lwiwifi doesnt load at boot though
12:46.02magnus_kModprobe works though.
12:46.22magnus_kCan anyone give me some help on this?
12:47.21DonkeyHoteidoes internet work after modprobe works?
12:48.01magnus_kNope, but it loads cfg80212.ko and iwlwifi.ko
12:48.19magnus_kBut Still only lo visible
12:50.00magnus_kDo I need to do anything else after modprobe to activate device?
12:51.11DonkeyHoteithere are no errors in dmesg after the modprobe?
12:53.28magnus_kNo errors for last 15 lines. Does say Intel "Wireless wifi driver for Linux" which is hopefull
12:53.45magnus_kBut still no device visible
12:54.41DonkeyHoteinothing in ifconfig -a?
12:55.11magnus_kNo, only lo
12:55.38magnus_kWhich is weird, there is no Interface to configure
12:55.52magnus_kFirst time for me
12:59.02magnus_kls /sys/class/net shows only lo too
13:01.51magnus_kWait, /etc/Network/interfaces show only auto lo
13:02.04magnus_kIs this the problem?
13:04.39magnus_kDonkeyHotei: I already have the firmware installed
13:06.04DonkeyHoteiif iwlwifi does not load at boot but lspci shows the wifi, something is wrong
13:06.30magnus_kTrying the other packages mentioned
13:08.42magnus_kTrying the last advice by stevepusser in the link you provided
13:09.19*** join/#devuan gekketinus (~gekketinu@2001:1c06:17ca:7000:e9a6:ec66:a4e2:6daa)
13:11.18magnus_kNope, still only lo after reboot and No iwlwifi loaded
13:12.43*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
13:13.35magnus_kDonkeyHotei: could it be that /etc/Network/interfaces needs to be edited, or is the lack of the devices there rather an effect of the problem?
13:13.53DonkeyHoteithe latter
13:14.08magnus_kSuspected as much.
13:17.00magnus_kI'm thinking that my best option might be to try to get the wired to work instead, with module e1000e
13:19.29*** join/#devuan gekketinus (~gekketinu@2001:1c06:17ca:7000:e9a6:ec66:a4e2:6daa)
13:19.44magnus_kI tried to find a Beowulf DVD iso but couldn't, any idea where I can get one?
13:21.28*** join/#devuan coagen_ (
13:26.48*** join/#devuan gekketinus (~gekketinu@2001:1c06:17ca:7000:e9a6:ec66:a4e2:6daa)
13:26.56fsmithredmagnus_k, there aren't any beowulf isos yet except for some of the derivative distros.
13:27.51fsmithredalso possible to do a beowulf debootstrap install from the ascii live isos
13:28.20magnus_kHi fsmithred, mojoman here from the old forum 😁
13:29.02magnus_kLong time, No see
13:29.09fsmithredyeah, welcome to devuan
13:29.46fsmithreddo you have very new hardware? Is that the issue?
13:30.21*** join/#devuan gekketinus (~gekketinu@2001:1c06:17ca:7000:e9a6:ec66:a4e2:6daa)
13:30.24magnus_kNo, bought an Intel Nuc 8 i5 yesterday
13:31.24magnus_kThe hardware should be supported as far as my research showed before I bought it
13:31.58magnus_kBut only lo is visible with ifconfig
13:32.47fsmithredI made a desktop-live iso with backports kernel you could try
13:33.13magnus_kOk, why not 😁
13:34.00fsmithredI don't know if the wireless firmware works with the bpo kernel
13:34.19fsmithredyou might need to pull that from beowulf
13:34.33fsmithred(not sure if that would work, either)
13:35.22magnus_kBut  dont have a Beowulf iso to Mount as repo
13:35.58fsmithredfor wireless firmware you could download the deb from debian
13:36.21fsmithredassuming you have some way to transfer the file
13:36.37fsmithredbut try it like it is. It might work.
13:36.50magnus_kYeah, I could use a stick
14:02.04*** join/#devuan gekketinus (~gekketinu@2001:1c06:17ca:7000:e9a6:ec66:a4e2:6daa)
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20:23.33jaromilabout the machine-id patch in ASCII 2.1
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21:28.29xrogaanyeah, found out that sublimeText relies on the machine-id to validate your copy.
21:29.08xrogaanThe fix is to put your license file in read only mode, and not allow sublimetext to change it with the nonsense generated with machineid
21:29.20xrogaanI bought the copy already, fuck off with your verification.
21:34.32specingDon't use closed source software and you wont have these problems
21:38.32xrogaanopensource alternatives are kind of shit though
21:39.28HumDo you need some programs for the weekend? (see animated gifs)  compiles with Devuan and a colorful text browser:
21:47.16specingxrogaan: for me as a programmer, closed source is an insult. Therefore everything not open is automatically inferior
21:47.46specingIt confuses me as to why people with a view similar to mine are so rare
21:54.51*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
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22:07.39DonkeyHoteispecing: all software is shit
22:07.49specingNot true
22:11.52xrogaanBecause I favor usability.
22:15.18sixwheeledbeasthardware and software are both tools. Use the correct tools for the correct jobs and all is right with the world.
22:20.23qbmonkeyOpen Code becomes more important via an internet culture. But it is becoming less relevant, in some ways, due to protected hardware layers. Then open code is only good for the sharing of functionality. But it will no longer respect the user. And the reason no one is doing anything about it, is because our power demands are too high. A more open hardware culture could be promoted, if people would write code to respect computer
22:20.23qbmonkeyresources. But that is hardly ever an industry consideration. And the open code culture is very much driven by industry. Thats why we accepted such high use of things like bloated JS.
22:33.24xrogaanAlso opensource is different than free and open.
22:58.21qbmonkeyYes there is a difference. Free doesn't account for much. But with, at least, open you can decide if you even want to use it. The opensource ideals are more useful to industry. And open code is useful to a user that can use it. The difference comes into play when you involve money and a lessor degree to sharing.
23:24.19pav5088:)  "usability" without regard to openness will see you bent over eventually...
23:29.46pav5088Closed hardware just means we're all limited to the inhouse driver expertise of our hardware vendors of choice, not to mention security.  It's depressing.
23:32.59*** join/#devuan fatalerrors (~fatalerro@
23:45.03qbmonkeyVery depressing. Security, DRM, and vendor lockin. Developing on those systems over the long term, gets you building on a card house.
23:46.08*** join/#devuan nckx (
23:46.11qbmonkeyNot a big issue, for everyone, but I think we are losing "real mode" soon.
23:46.47qbmonkeyNot much of a loss for Linux/BSD/Win/Mac
23:47.57MinceRdosbox still has real mode :>

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